• Published 30th Jun 2023
  • 2,653 Views, 456 Comments

The Royal Fillies REDUX - blazikenking

Cadence and Shining Armor have a couple of fillies. Alicorn fillies.

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Hearth's Warming Trip, Part 1

Skyla trudged through the sparkling sand. For days, weeks, or even longer, she'd been lost in the middle of the desert. She'd gotten used to her dry throat and empty belly, but there was nothing she could do about her exhaustion.

"I can't. . ." Without even a gasp, she flopped over onto her back, the clear sky taking up her vision. "I give up."

Suddenly, a familiar orange face appeared before her. "Skyla."

"Inova!" Skyla suddenly had a burst of energy and leapt up to hug her sister. "It's been forever since I saw you!"

"Skyla, math started five minutes ago. Get out of the sandbox."

Mom and dad laughed at my story of what happened after recess on Friday. We were waiting for a train and had to pass the time somehow.

"That's not what happened!" Skyla retorted.

Dad managed to catch his breath first. "We know, sweetie. Inova was just telling a dramatic version of it."

A moment later, there was a loud whistle, and the train arrived in front of us. Mom had to use her magic to keep Skyla from running up to it while I sat still and adjusted my red scarf. Skyla had a purple one, dad's was blue, mom's was pink, and all of them had gold trim. They were gifts from Aunt Celestia, who we were going to meet. For some reason, my red scarf made me feel a bit heroic.

Once the ponies on the train got off, we got on, and I couldn't help but feel nervous. The Crystal Empire and its barrier were familiar, and it was where home was. Mom and dad said we would be back in two weeks, with plenty of time for New Year's. I was also feeling excited about seeing somewhere new, despite being nervous.

The conductor checked the tickets, the train whistle blew, and we began moving. Skyla clung to dad in surprise, but I wasn't bothered by it.

"We're almost at the barrier, girls," mom said shortly after the train began moving. "Once we cross it, the air will get colder in here."

I watched the barrier get closer and closer, and I couldn't help but tense up and close my eyes as we approached it. It looked like we were going straight at a wall, and I did not want to go splat against it.

I opened my eyes when I felt a sharp chill go through my raised wings. "Kkkkkk. . ."

Mom was quick to pull me against her side with one of her wings. "Are you okay, Inova?"

I stopped chattering after a few seconds of her warmth. "Cold wings. . ."

"Just stay right here with me until you feel better."

I looked across the car and saw dad relaxing while Skyla was watching the snow go by outside. She didn't seem bothered by the cold, but her wings were folded against her body. When I looked out the window on my side, I saw snow going by as well. Between mom's warmth, the rhythm of the train, and recovering from the surprise of the sudden chill, I couldn't resist closing my eyes and falling asleep.

"Inova, wake up," mom gently said. "We're almost at Canterlot."

"Hm?" I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. The train hadn't changed a bit. "We are?"

"You slept through nearly the whole ride." She lifted her wing from me and I felt the chilly air against my fur and feathers, but it wasn't as bad as when we left the Empire. "I'll be right back. I need to use the little filly's room."

As she went towards one end of the car, I looked at dad and Skyla. As far as I could tell, they were in the same positions as before. I looked out my window and saw snow covered trees going past us. They were pretty.

When mom came out of the restroom at the end of the car, I felt the need to do the same. Thankfully, nopony else was waiting, so I was in very quickly. I was out less quickly, but I made it back to mom before the train started slowing down.

"Dad, are those guard ponies?" Skyla asked as we approached the station. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of white stallions in gold armor up ahead.

"Yes, and they're waiting for us," dad said.

"Did we do something wrong?"

"Nope. We're royalty, and this is what they do when royalty arrives here. They will escort and guard us on our way to the castle. I used to be the captain of the guard here, you know."


"Yes. I actually have some business with these stallions."

"You do?" Mom asked.

"Very important business."

We finally arrived and got off the train. I counted thirteen guards, and dad went to the one with armor that was more decorated than the others. "Captain Glaive."

The unicorn stallion saluted. "Present, Prince Armor."

"Did you get my message?"

"Yes sir. All the preparations are done and we are ready to mobilize on your command."

Dad's order had a feel of authority to it. "Move out!"

We followed him and the captain while the other twelve guards walked around us. Being guarded like that while walking through town felt weird, since that never happened at home. It was also weird for me to see dad acting so serious. Mom, on the other hoof, seemed incredibly relaxed about it, if a little confused.

If there was one thing I didn't like, it was not being able to see where we were going.

Finally, there was a change. The twelve identical guards took up positions against a building while dad and Captain Glaive went inside, followed by mom, Skyla, and me.

"Girls, this is one of the most important places in Canterlot outside of the castle itself," dad said. "Welcome to Pony Joe's."

"It smells so good!" Skyla happily said. The air smelled sweet, and I started to have some suspicions that dad wasn't really being serious.

"So this is the family?" A tan earth pony stallion asked from behind a counter in the middle of the diner. "The pictures don't do them justice."

"Thanks, Joe," dad proudly said.

"You, on the other hoof. . ." Dad and Joe shared a laugh at the words, and it felt like I was missing something about the conversation. "So, what'll the fillies have for their first time here?"

"A lesson in patience. Captain, give him the order."

Glaive floated a bag of bits and a scroll onto the counter. Joe opened and read the scroll, then checked the bag of bits. "Coming right up."

"Mommy, what's going on?" Skyla asked as Joe went to work.

"Girls, there will be times where you can't get what you want immediately, even as royalty," mom explained. "Hold still and let him finish what he's doing. Once he's done with the order he's working on, it will be our turn."

"Can I look around?" I asked.

Mom considered it for a moment. "I suppose I can let you two wander around a bit, as long as you don't leave, don't bother the Captain or Joe, and don't go behind the counter."

While Skyla ran around to quickly look at the random decorations on the walls, I walked more slowly. There was one picture that caught my interest. It showed eight mares and a small dragon. Six of the mares had very nice dresses on that had been through something rough while the other two each had a horn and wings, all of them had big smiles on, and there was a pile of pastries in the middle of them. The dragon looked happy being with them, like they were all friends. I wanted to ask Joe about it, but mom said not to bother him while he was working.

"And there's the last of it," Joe said as he put the order on the counter. "Twenty-six donuts and thirteen hot drinks for the noble guards. Shining, what'll it be for the family?"

"A raspberry jelly filled eclair for Cadence, a zebra striped donut for me, and for each of the fillies, a plain donut with pink icing."

Joe looked at dad with a serious look. "Pink icing? You're really starting them with pink icing?"

"Extra sprinkles too!"

Joe made an audible gasp. "You madlad! Starting them off with pink icing AND extra sprinkles? If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were crazier than Pinkie Pie."

Dad put some bits on the counter. "And hot chocolates for each of us as well."

Joe shook his head and sighed. "Your funeral, pal." He and dad shared another laugh before going to work on the order.

"Mommy, what just happened?" Skyla asked.

I listened in for the answer. "Your dad and Joe were being overly dramatic about ordering donuts and hot chocolate. I don't know when that started being a thing, but it is. To be honest, I find it amusing to watch."

"Can I try?"

"No, not yet."

I raised a hoof. "Can I try?"

"No, Inova, you can't try either."

"But why?" Skyla and I asked at the same time.

"Because you just met him for the first time. That, and he would just leave you confused."

I accepted the answer and sat with mom and Skyla as we waited. Thankfully, we didn't have to wait for long before the pastries and steaming drinks were ready. Dad levitated all of it to a table and we joined him.

The donut was warm in my hooves and the icing was sticky, like it was freshly made. I took a bite of it and it tasted really good. By the time I was halfway done with my donut, Skyla's was gone and I saw her looking at mine. To keep her from getting it, I scarfed it down like she would have.

Dad was quick to clean off my hooves with a levitated napkin, followed by Skyla's. "We don't want to leave with sticky hooves, right?"

"Yes, dad," Skyla and I said. I was glad he did that. Last time I had something gooey and tasty on my hooves, it was icing from mine and Skyla's birthday cake and she almost ate my hooves. At least it felt that way.

Mom cast a spell on our hot chocolates and levitated them over to us. "I made them a bit cooler for you to drink."

I went after mine almost immediately. The kind at home was delicious and so was Pony Joe's. It was impossible to decide which was better, but both were good. The colder air of Canterlot made it more enjoyable than normal for some reason.

Once Skyla and I finished our drinks, it was time to move out again. The guards flanked us and we started the walk to the castle.

I had to sit down on the floor just to look upwards enough to see the face of the mare mom called Aunt Celestia. She was taller than mom, and her mane was constantly moving. "Hello, Inova," she said with a very warm and comforting voice. "You look adorable with that scarf."

"Thanks." I adjusted the very comfortable item with a hoof and then realized something. "I saw you at Pony Joe's."

"Hm?" Her confusion was brief before she realized what I meant and fondly smiled. "Oh, that picture. That was after a Grand Galloping Gala quite some years ago. Almost everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. Spike missed nearly all of it, we caught up to him at Joe's, and we laughed about everything."

"What happened?"

"I don't think you're quite ready for that story yet. Maybe when you reach the age Twilight was when she was there. While your parents chase down your sister, let's go to the entertainment room. You'll get to see everyone else from that picture there."

She started walking, and I had to go at a trot to try and keep up with her long strides. I also had to be careful. If I went too fast, my legs would get tangled up and I'd fall to the floor. That was never fun, and it was why I never raced anypony at school.

After a few minutes of walking (and Celestia stopping a couple times to let me catch up), we arrived at the entertainment room. Everyone else from the picture was there, and my family had somehow beaten Celestia and me. Four of the mares from the picture, the white, yellow, pink, and lavender ones, were sitting around Skyla. The orange and light blue ones came over towards us, the latter hovering with her wings.

"Cadence was right," the orange mare noted when she saw me. "Inova really is smaller than Skyla."

"Eh, not by much," the blue one said before landing and going into introductions. "So, I'm Rainbow Dash, and this is Applejack."

"Uh, hi?" I warily said as Celestia left.

"As the head overseer of the Wonderbolts, I'd be happy to teach you everything you need to know about flying and keeping you in shape for flight."

Applejack bonked Rainbow's head. "Yer goin' too fast for her, sugarcube. She hasn't even had a proper flight class in school yet."

"Alright, I'm sorry. Can't blame a mare for getting excited about her passion."

"Flight class?" I asked. "Why?"

My question got confused looks from the mares. "You have wings, Inova," Applejack bluntly said.

I looked back past my scarf and saw the wings on my back, which made me remember the chill I felt in them on the train. "Oh, right." I turned back to them.

Rainbow had a question. "Have you made any friends in school?"


There was a purple flash and the lavender mare was suddenly there. "No friends? Inova, you need friends. I know it sounds sappy and cheesy-"

"Cheesy?" Skyla eagerly shouted from the middle of the other group.

"-but you can't just stay with your studies and books. There will be things you can't do alone, and having friends will make things easier."

I decided to walk away from the conversation and sit in front of the fire in the fireplace. Nopony in my classes seemed like they would be a good friend for me, but I was alright with that.

As the evening wore on, I kept to myself and read books from around the entertainment room. Of all the ponies, I liked Fluttershy the most since she was willing to just sit in silence with me. Everypony else wanted to talk and ask questions, which I wasn't really in the mood to answer.

Shortly after a very nice dinner, dad took me to a small office. Aunt Luna was there. "Hello, Inova. How are you tonight?"

"Tired," I answered. After everything that had happened that day, I just wanted to go to bed and sleep, but I had no idea where my bed was in the castle, so I couldn't go to sleep.

"I understand, so we'll make this fast. Shining, if you would."

Dad levitated a small box off of the desk and put the contents on the floor between him and me. There was a quill, a bit, and a toy wagon. "Pick one to keep."

I gave them some thought. "The quill. . . There's plenty of those. Bits are alright. I already have lots of toys. . . I'm tired." I walked over the options, closed my eyes, and leaned against dad.

He tried to push me back. "Inova, just pick one."

"I choose sleep." I pushed back with all the power I could muster. When that didn't work, I wrapped my forelegs around his and pulled, which didn't work either. I decided to climb instead. He didn't move much, letting me easily lay down on his back and close my eyes.

"Maybe this was a bad time for the test," Aunt Luna said in a softened voice.

"Skyla had the energy for it," dad said, his voice lowered as well. "She chose everything, though."

"It could also be that this test is overrated. There is more to life and ponies than intelligence, money, and fun, after all. There's nothing in it about health, compassion, or experiences. I shall write an article about these results."

"Sounds good. I'd better get a blanket and some pillows so I can be Inova's bed."

"Don't you mean to put her in bed?"

"If I try to levitate her off, she'll just clamp down on me. Cadence tried it once." I remembered the moment. I did not like being levitated.

"I see. Good night, Shining, Inova."

"Good night, Luna."

"G'night," I tiredly said from my spot on dad's back.