• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago



A couple years after moving out of the Crystal Empire castle to live alongside and more like their subjects, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor decide that they are ready to have a foal. They got twin alicorn fillies, and couldn't be happier (they tried).

One of these fillies is Skyla, and aside from being an alicorn, is pretty much normal. The other one is Inova, a (literally) reborn human.

Now has a redux version.

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 345 )

Drew this just for linking it to you, also good opening.

very nice stuff

The story is new to my perspective with many other examples of HIE are introduced into this world. Newer perspective, hope to see more.

5929899 Just hit that Fave star and you'll get to see more as it comes. Unless you've already done that and I somehow missed the notification, in which case this reply serves little purpose other than letting you know that I have read your comment and appreciate your interest.


then make them faster!

5954999 Your suggestion has been suggested to the suggestible suggestors suggesting suggestions somewhat sluggishly. Seriously.

5955021 Your notice of snowfyre comment has been noticed by the noticers and will be prosecuted as per regulations. ~notice

IV= needles and we all dislike that

5956108 I'm sending your air guitar over the mindwaves now. You should recieve it as soon as you read this message.

5956784 two for two so far

making it hard to find the ref but I know it has something to do with the crying

Good chapter, a bit short though.

5980086 It's taken me days to work out how your profile PIC relates to your name and now I feel like an idiot:applejackunsure:

5981924 it cool most don't get it anyway I just did it because I liked the idea

5980086 You know wrong. Think of the prize.

5985885 nope, guest it will be a mystery

Is it too late to submit my oc?

You still have time to figure out the 11 months/not 11 months deal. Just send me your answer via PM, and if you're right, you'll get your OC inserted somewhere.

And let it be known that food can be delicious or disgusting depending on many factors, such as the color and pattern of the lights that hover a few hundred feet over the sign of your nearest McDonalds. Be sure to get an accurate reading, or you may eat something that winds up giving you a fourth lung without giving the third one.

nice one, Kamen rider Bravo would like a word with you. go

...man those kids were blowing through their alphabets in one day.

6276549 Now who said that it stuck? They'll be going over it again a few times until everypony knows it, upper case, lower case, and in order.

Also, I have no idea how these kinds of classes work because I don't remember everything from my days in kindergarten and I highly doubt I'd be allowed to observe a class, partially due to that being weird (especially for guys), being in a time crunch, and school not yet having started.

And perhaps things are just done differently in Equestria. It is, after all, a whole other world.

Side note: you can get your OC in the story. Details the Professional Logue and Edumication author's notes

alot better than when I was in kindergarten, we stuck to one letter a week to keep it steady.

as for OC in the story, I'd rather keep my characters out of these things. no offense, had some disappointing results in the past.

6276978 No offense taken. Just a bit of disappointment. You're free to try to figure it out though. And if you do figure it out, I can still reward you with imaginary bits (which can be spent absolutely nowhere).

And if you do figure it out, I have no way to stop you from telling other readers.

Also, I never said how involved the OC would be. Depending on the character's design and creator's wishes, they could be either a recurring character or possibly just a one-off. I'd also share the chapter ahead of time to see if it's to the character's creator's standards.

6277089 again thanks for the offer but i'm still going to sit this one out. i'd rather just read whatever you can cook up.

Interesting slice of life fic which i am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

6367514 Thanks. Holiday Vacation Part 2 will be out very soon, so you'll get to see that. I just need to find my writing drive and fast.

While it was a nice chapter, there really isn't any conflict. While there is some detail, it doesn't feel like there is alot of action going on because the dialogue is pretty flat and predictable to where it seems every pony is like a robot. I really wanted to learn more of Inova's faults (which sounds sparse now because she's a princess anyway) and how she deals with it from day to day instead of a paper thin party. No offense, the story started off good but it's starting to wane in some departments. Keep on trucking though.

6383476 I will keep trucking, just like Optimus Prime. Also, I'm not too good at scenes with lots of characters. My experience with holiday gatherings is also a bit skewed, as I often participate only where I have to and then go to my tablet or computer with and/or after the food.

Also keep in mind that Inova used to be a human, so she has quite a head start mentally on lots of things, as will become evident in school (along with a major flaw of hers. That's in the next chapter though). She's also just a little over 2.5 years old on the holiday trip. If I were to try any other defenses, they would probably come off as excuses, such as the fact that I have no proofreader, time crunches often come up, and I'm still relatively new to writing.

Say, would you like to be a proofreader for me? I think I could use one.

6384416 I would, but I'm terrible at grammar myself so I don't know what good I would do. Sorry.

6387832 My grammar and spelling is impeccable. Nobody has pointed out any spelling or punctuation errors yet, and I pride myself on that fact.

What I really need is someone to point out what needs to be done differently to keep things interesting, and avoid robotic characters (except, perhaps, for actual robotic characters). I think you could do that.

6392305 true, but my schedule is not really good for this month actually

6410246 That's alright. If you want to be my proofreader, I can wait until your schedule is more free.

interesting to see how her past life is being a influence by melding with her new self. I am kinda glad it is a true reincarnation as it makes it a lot more interesting. Hilarious that Cadence and Shining believe they have a twilight 2.0 with their daughter xD

Skyla should eat every pony's lunches when they're not looking.

6480295 Except Inova's really bad at magic. Not helping her is the fact that her natural magic levels are low, even by regular pony standards. There's also the fact that she regularly forgets that she even has a horn. It's kind of like grabbing something awkwardly with only one hand because you forgot about the other one being there to make things easier.

Also, do you want the next chapter to be one at home or school?

6480339 I am aware, i meant in the sense of being anti social xD but I would vote school to see how the two sisters interact with all the other foals. I wonder if the gluttony of skyla is a sparkle family trait lol

6480315 I like that idea. It won't be used in the next chapter though.

Pretty decent and lengthy chapter.

reminds me of when you were writing Technia

6540223 Your first POV seems better written than the third POV

6541262 I guess that's more of an indication of a writing strength of mine than anything. I do find it easier to (metaphorically) take the driver's seat and write from a character's own perspective.

6541695 as to me, where I have a more Third POV where I like being the observer.

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