• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,240 Views, 28,002 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 40: Talking Tough

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 40:

“Ooh… ah… aye…” Dash cringed as she walked into the mess hall. She groaned when she nearly bumped into the back of the line as soon as she was through the door. The place was packed to the brim. She and the recruits were slightly delayed due to their first element training session going long, but also being in the gym furthest from the mess hall.

To top it off, she had a slight pain in her right shoulder from a very light burn. Needless to say, she had a feeling she wasn’t going to be very good with fire.

The training didn’t go very smoothly. It wasn’t that great for any of them really. It was only their first session though… Dash was sure it would get easier with practice. She had handled wind and water on many different occasions as part of Ponyville’s weather team, but fire? That were new to her. She didn't get a chance to work with lightning, but that was fine because fire was a disaster.

The way Blaze had described it was ‘treat it like wind, only you can touch it.’ Handling wind with one’s hooves instead of wings sounded simple… but fire was wild. Wind didn’t bounce and flare around… it flowed. Basically, Blaze’s explanation was shit… as Silver actually said right after Dash burned herself.

Silver then proceeded to give one of the best explanations Dash had ever heard in her life.

“The number one thing to remember about the elements is that they are outside of us! Unicorns conjure their magic and then manipulate it. WE, as pegasi, cannot conjure, we can only manipulate. You must treat the elements like untamed beasts. Learn their properties, how they react to you and your movements… and from there learn how to tame them and bend them to your will! It’s easy to make a gust of wind with your wings… it’s easy to light something on fire with a match… it’s easy to fill a bucket with water… it sure as hell ain’t easy to get struck by lightning… but it’s easy to find a thunderstorm! The elements are outside of us… you have to FORCE them to be a part of you!”

And then Blaze’s mane caught fire again.

Dash chuckled as she recalled Silver putting out Blaze’s mane by smacking her upside the head… somehow putting out the flame in the process. Squad two wasn’t quite the straight up comedy show squad three was… but Dash felt like she was going to have fun working with them. Now if only they were always around with Silver… they seemed to absorb a good portion of his yelling, or at least Blaze did. It was a nice breather for the recruits.

Dash finally got her tray of food. A good ten minutes… that was the longest she had ever waited to get food, and it was more than enough incentive to never be late to the mess hall. It was far from over though. Dash stepped up to the aisle between all the tables and glanced back and forth.

Wonderbolts… Wonderbolts EVERYWHERE.

Some were in uniform, most weren’t. Dash was certain some of the current recruit squads were around, but there was no way she could tell in this sea of ponies. It looked like there were barely any seats open. In fact, Dash had yet to spot an open seat. She also didn’t want to sit down with a bunch of ponies she didn’t know.

Dash froze as she eyed the left side of the mess hall.

Duh… of course she could find her group… they only had a massive griffon sitting with them…

Matteo stuck out like a black sheep amongst all of them. He was also a tower compared to everypony in the—

“Yikes!” Dash yelped as something ran right into her cheek. She tilted slightly and her glass of water began to tip on her tray.

“Ah!” A voice came from above her. A large, light blue hoof reached down and stopped her glass from falling. “Ah jeez, sorry…”

Dash looked to her right and stared directly into light blue fur. It took a second for her to realize she was looking at a pony’s chest. Her ears flopped down and she looked up to see the huge stallion she had seen help rescue Rivet from Fleetfoot, as well as in the gym with the large green mare Storm had mentioned.

This was the first time Dash had seen him up close and good lord… he sure was a big pony. He wasn’t quite as big as Matteo, but he was definitely at least the size of Big Macintosh.

“You okay?” he asked. Dash blinked, not sure what to say. Her attention shifted as the light brown pony she saw help Rivet stepped up beside him. The stallion with the scars on his nose and the interesting black wing tips.

“You really need to watch where you’re going dude…” he chuckled while nudging the light blue stallion in the side. Dash glanced back and forth between them. They were both big ponies. The brown stallion wasn’t quite as tall… and didn’t look like he spent twenty-five hours a day in the gym like the blue one… but he was also much taller than Dash. He looked to be the same size as Squall.

“I know, I know…” the blue pony sighed as the two started walking again before Dash could say anything.

“At least she didn’t get stuffed between your pecs like Shine did yesterday…” the brown pony snickered as he stole a quick glance back at Dash.

“That one was on purpose,” the blue pony stated as they turned the corner towards the exit.


“No really! It was!” They kept going as they neared the exit.

“You’re full of shit!” The brown pony let loose a few laughs. The blue pony was cracking a smirk too. “So you want me to go to Autumn and tell her you’re stuffing little mares into your chest muscles for the hell of it?”

“HEY!” The blue pony thrust his hooves at the other, the smirks remaining.

“You wanna go?!” the brown pony taunted back.

“Bring it!” The blue pony yelled as they grappled right in front of the exit. The brown pony was instantly pushed against the door. The door was forced open and the two tumbled out over each other, apparently scrapping as they fell out of the mess hall.

“O…kay then…” Dash shrugged as she relocated Matteo and began weaving through the tables. She was meeting some strange ponies lately. Most of the Wonderbolts were pretty generic looking. They varied in shape, size, style, and gender… but these three… she had met three ponies that were different. This was the second time she had seen the large, muscular light blue stallion, and the sly looking light brown stallion with the scars and black wing tips. Earlier that day she had met a pony that she wasn’t sure actually existed or not… he was literally invisible against the walls of the compound.

Dash began to wonder if there was a connection. She hadn’t seen them together yet… but maybe they were just another squad. Dash had met her share of interesting Wonderbolt squads. For some reason though, Dash felt like they stood out. Two big stallions and an ‘invisible’ one, but they had a different air about them. For some reason… they didn’t seem like Wonderbolts.

She dismissed the thought for the time being as she reached the table with Matteo. He was sitting down beside Little Star and there were two seats open across from them. There was no sign of Thunderlane or Twister, but they were probably somewhere in the sea of ponies in the mess hall. Godspeed to Thunderlane if he was stuck alone with Twister.

Dash smiled and sat down across from Matteo. She received a nod as a greeting from Matteo as usual, but as soon as she sat down, Little Star hopped up on the table in alarm.

“Sweetie!” she gasped as she stared at Dash. Dash blinked and looked directly at Star. Dash was still getting used to the way Star called her by pet names you’d give your children. Star was older than them all by a lot, but she wasn’t old enough to be their mother. It seemed more like a way for her to constantly remind them she was, in fact, not a filly.

“What?” Dash blinked as Star took a few steps over the table towards Dash.

“What happened to your shoulder?!” Star asked while leaning over Dash’s tray to get a closer look.

“Oh, it’s just a small burn. Mostly just singed my fur…” Dash trailed off and edged slightly away as Little Star tried to look closely at it.

Matteo paid no attention and kept eating. He blinked and looked up as Squall walked behind the two mares with a tray. He eyed the spot beside Dash, scowled, and moved on.

“Did you get anything put on it?” Star asked.

“I went to the trainer right after, it’s fine really,” Dash lifted an eyebrow while glancing at Matteo. He was just eating. She was on her own.

“Did you wash it off? You might want to get it covered,” Star continued to mother the hell out of Dash. Matteo looked up again. Squall made a pass by every other table nearby. There were no seats open. He approached the open seat beside Dash and stared at it. He glanced at Little Star and Dash, glared, scoffed, and moved on again. Matteo cocked an eyebrow as he watched Squall pass them by a second time, shook his head and kept eating.

“This could get infected!” Star hopped up, her little wings fluttering with the small motions, creating a low humming buzz as she lifted up into the air in front of Dash’s face. “You should—”

“STAR!” Dash grabbed Star by the shoulders. Star held still in Dash’s grip, but her wings kept going. “I already took care of it… it’s nothing. Okay?” she said sternly, but not without a small chuckle. “I’m perfectly fine. It was just a small burn.”

“Okay…” Star pouted as Dash released her. She floated back over to her seat and lowered herself down. Dash watched her with curiosity. She hadn’t noticed before, but she wasn’t actually sitting on the seat. She was hovering in place using her specialized wing fluttering technique as she ate. It kept her steady and afloat as she ate her food.

It looked like Star did this all the time. She kept the motion going non-stop without breaking a sweat. She had probably conditioned herself to do this because… really, if she had sat down, her face would have barely been over the table. She seemed to have adapted quite well to her small size.

It was also rather hilarious to see her side by side with Matteo. He’d probably punt her across the mess hall by accident if he decided to stretch his wings out.

“Squall,” Matteo suddenly said. Dash blinked and jumped slightly as she heard the sound of hoofs striking the floor and skidding. Dash glanced behind her and saw Squall behind her, holding a tray and glaring up at Matteo. “There are no other seats open…” Matteo pointed at the spot beside Dash. “Just sit down.”

Squall looked at Dash, then Star, and then back at Matteo.

“Whatever…” he grumbled, placed his tray down, sat in the seat, and looked nowhere else but directly at his tray as he began eating. Dash just rolled her eyes and shook her head. She stole a couple glances up at him, but he showed no signs of conversing, so she didn’t bother trying. Instead she turned back to Little Star.

“So… Star… we’re bunkmates, but I have yet to ask, where are you from?” She asked out of curiosity. Star looked up as she swallowed some rice.

“Right here in Canterlot… a good mile or two west of the castle,” she smiled and dug her face back into her rice.

“Whoa, you’re right at home then, huh?” Dash nodded while thinking it over. Star pulled her head back up, chewing rice with bits of it stuck to her face. She swallowed and shook her head.

“Actually I moved here two years ago… I was born and raised in Whinneyapolis,” she replied while licking at stray pieces of rice around her mouth.

“Whinneyapolis?!” Dash exclaimed. “That’s… really far away!”

“Yep!” Star winked. “Two days by train.”

“Yeah… really far…” Dash thought aloud. “Heh… I can barely stand the train from Ponyville to Canterlot…” Dash chuckled.

“You’re from Ponyville?” Star suddenly asked. Dash nodded. “Oh my goodness, that’s where they make Zap Apple Jam, right?!” she smiled very wide and her eyes got all starry. Dash lifted an eyebrow and chuckled.

“You betcha!”

“Oh Celestia, I loooooooooooooooooooooove that stuff…” Star sank down and landed in her seat. Dash almost lost sight of her as the little mare hugged herself while gushing. Dash smirked.

“One of my best friends is part of the family that makes it,” Dash said very casually. In the moment that Dash blinked, Star had zipped up and directly into Dash’s face, squishing Dash’s cheeks together with her little hooves.


Beside them Squall grimaced and shifted uncomfortably. Matteo caught the motion in his peripheral vision. It was very subtle… but Matteo’s eyes were quite sharp.

“Something tells me you like Zap Apple Jam…” Dash chuckled as Star realized she was invading personal space and backed off.

“Oh, I’d kill for it!” she said while happily licking her lips, imagining the taste.

“Ponyville isn’t very far, I’m sure we’ll have a chance at some point, I can show you the whole orchard,” Dash suggested as Star hovered back to her food.

“I’ll be your friend forever if you do that,” Star said very seriously.

Dash liked Little Star. She was a little too motherly, but she was pleasant and fun. One little bundle of joy… and a bat out of hell if you pissed her off. They were going to get along just fine.

Squall on the other hoof…

Dash glanced to her right. Squall was still staring directly at his plate. The big guy hadn’t said a word since he sat down. Dash felt it was incredibly pointless, but she decided to try since she and Star were on the subject.

“So… what’s your story?” she asked. Squall flinched and couched as some food went down the wrong pipe. He pounded his chest with his hoof before taking a swig of water.

“What?” he asked while only slightly looking at Dash.

“Where are you from?” Dash moved forward, hoping to get something besides a ‘whatever’ out of him. He looked away from her, then back. Dash blinked, then tipped her head down slightly, kept her eyes on him, and rotated her hoof, encouraging him to say something. Squall’s eyes darted from his food, to barely looking at Dash, and then back. He scowled, but only a little as if annoyed, but…

“Fillydelphia…” he actually replied. It was quiet and more grumbling than actual speech, but Dash could make it out.

This was strange. Dash wasn’t quite sure how to feel. In her first few interactions with Squall, he came off as a complete asshole. He had yet to smile and was always brooding. However, the exchange they just had showed something Dash wasn’t expecting. He answered the question, but it took him a moment to speak. It looked like he was hesitating or that he didn’t know what to say… or even how handle being spoken to.

“I see,” Dash nodded. “So Squall… tell us about yourself,” Dash tried to go further.

“No,” he replied simply and went back to his food. Dash flattened her ears down. Matteo snorted and released a chuckle. Squall’s eyes shot up and glared at Matteo. “What’s so funny?!” Squall lashed out while snarling.

“Heh… nothing. Nothing at all,” a small smirk cracked on the edge of Matteo’s beak as he kept eating.

Dash looked between the two of them. Squall kept glaring at Matteo, but Matteo didn’t even take notice. She decided to avoid the testosterone for the moment and turned back to Little Star.

“Hey Star, I’m actually a little curious…” Dash trailed off.

“Mmhmm?” Star replied with a piece of broccoli shoved in her mouth. Dash recalled their first few encounters with Silver and his methods of intimidation. Something had stood out to her.

“You held yourself solid with Silver in your face…. I mean if you’re just a badass that’s cool too, but have you tried out before?” Dash asked.

“This is my eighth try,” Star said the instant she finished her broccoli.

“EIGHTH?!” Dash’s ears stood up.

“Yeah, this is the first time I’ve gotten this far, I’m pretty excited!” she spoke causally.

“That’s… wow… eight?” Dash could barely wrap her head around it. “You’ve been trying for eight years… that’s dedication,” she thought out loud.

“Why thanks dear,” Star smiled warmly. “Took a while, but it finally paid off! If I become a Wonderbolt, my career won’t be very long, but hey… how many pegasi get to say they used to be a Wonderbolt?” she shrugged and winked.

Yeah, Dash definitely liked Little Star. Now if only she could figure out Broody McSourpuss sitting next to her.

“This your first time trying out Squall?” Dash asked. Squall flinched heavily again. That was twice now. It was almost as if he didn’t expect anypony to talk to him. He glanced at Dash, but said nothing before going back to his food. “You could… talk to us, you know…” Dash narrowed her eyes at him.

“Whatever…” he replied monotonously.

“Honey…” Star spoke up, making Squall flinch again. “You’ve gotta drop this attitude… you’re stuck with us for a month at the least, so you better get used to us.”

“Whatever…” he repeated in the same tone. Dash huffed and shrugged.

“What’s the deal with you anyway? Like Star said, you’re stuck with us. We’re just trying to be friendly…” Dash was slowly losing her patience with Squall. Squall suddenly pounded the table with his right hoof and snarled at Dash.

“I don’t need friends!” he shouted. Dash and Star both flinched in surprise, but Matteo only stared directly at him. Star hovered up high enough for Squall to her put her hooves on her hips.

“Look buster… you do realize that Wonderbolts work in squads, right?” she pointed out.

“Whatever!” Squall was getting visibly pissed, but Star didn’t stand down.

“A squad! As in a team! As in others you have to work together with! Get along with! There’s no avoiding it… there’s no I in team!” she pointed at him.

“Feh!” Squall scoffed and looked off to the right. “But there’s definitely a U in cun—”

Dash was in the process of standing up to yell at him, but before she even pushed her hooves to the floor Star had zipped across the table and was pressing her nose as hard as she could against his with the most terrifying rage filled glare Dash had EVER seen in her life.





Dash had forgotten all about the taboo word Squall had fallen just short of calling Star. She was actually a little frightened, and most of the mess hall had turned to look. Squall however, was somehow holding his glare, firing it right back into hers as she continued to yell at him.

I DON’T KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE, BUT YOU’RE NOTHING BUT Ayipe—!!” she squeaked as she was yanked back.

“Enough,” said Matteo as he pulled her away from Squall. He had a full grip on her with one set of talons, holding her from the back and almost completely wrapped around her body. She kicked, flailed, and buzzed her wings as he easily pulled her back and set her down in her seat. Dash could only see the top of her head over the edge of the table as she began to grumble fume, and swear. “Yelling and screaming solves nothing,” Matteo shook his head as Star continued to rant to herself.

“Damn, little, annoying…” Squall grumbled. Matteo fixed his eyes on him.

“As for you…” he began, narrowing his golden eyes into a glare. “That’s no way to speak to a lady. You should apologize,” he scolded Squall. Squall’s eyes snapped to Matteo.

“WHAT?!” he snorted in amusement.

“You heard me,” Matteo narrowed his eyes further. Squall’s scowl deepened as well.

“To hell with that!” he snapped.

“You can quit the tough talking too,” Matteo added.

“Huh?!” Squall shifted, leaned forward, and slammed a hoof flat against the table. Dash shifted back slightly, but Matteo didn’t budge an inch.

“I’m hardly intimidated,” Matteo stated as he bared a single talon and began tapping it against the table.

“I’m warning you, fat ass! Don’t make me come over there!” Squall stood up and flared his wings out.

“Save your breath,” Matteo scoffed. “You’re transparent… and all I see is a coward.”

“What?!” Squall bared his teeth. Matteo shook his head.

“You act tough… but you’re a coward,” Matteo stopped tapping his talon on the table and balled his talons into a fist. “A coward that hides behind glares, scowls, and empty threats,” Matteo continued. Dash glanced between the two of them and cautiously inched herself away.

“Sh… shut up…” Squall stammered as his arms began to shake with anger.

“You have a loud bark… but all dogs can bark… very few can actually bite.”

“SHUT UP!!!!!” Squall yelled out, attracting glances from all around again.

“There's is no need to fear a dog with no bite,” Matteo looked back down to his food.

“I’LL SHOW YOU BITE!” Squall suddenly clambered up onto the table and threw himself at Matteo. He pulled back and aimed a right hook right for Matteo’s face. Without looking, Matteo reached up and caught the hoof with his left talons. He glanced at Squall…

“Now do you see wh—” before he could finish, Squall flapped his wings down hard twisting his arm free of Matteo, and spinning his body directly into a kick. His back hoof struck Matteo right in the eye. “ARGH!” Matteo grunted. Dash and Little Star immediately backed away from the table.

“NO BITE, HUH?!” Squall taunted, satisfied for all of a second before Matteo reached both arms up and grabbed Squall’s leg.

“No bite!” Matteo clarified as he swung Squall around effortlessly and slammed him down against the table.

“AHH!!” Squall grunted as the trays, dishes and glasses all bounced and spilled everywhere. Squall’s eyes snapped open to see Matteo holding him down with his left arm while pulling back the right to throw a crushing strike. Squall managed to rip himself free the moment Matteo brought all of his strength down. He missed Squall, but struck the table and broke it CLEANLY in half down the middle with a loud crash. Squall tumbled down to the floor with the two halves of the table and all the food on them. He got to his hooves, but as soon as he was up—

“WHOA! WHOA!” A voice from behind Squall called out as he was put in a full nelson. Dash picked her head up from the floor, she took cover when food and dishes were sent everywhere by Matteo’s strike. Storm Front had flown in and put Squall in a full nelson, several Wonderbolts had flown over and were restraining Matteo with Lightning Streak in front of him and holding out his hooves.

“COOL IT BIG GUY!” Lightning yelled in his face as Matteo tried to rip free from the seven Wonderbolts holding him back.

“Settle down!” Storm yelled at Squall as he struggled to hold him back. Squall was bigger than Storm by a little, but Storm managed to hold him back.

“Let go of me, wuss!” Squall spat as he tried to shake free.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Storm yelled back. “He just broke a damn table in half and you still want to fight him?!?!”


Everything froze. Neither Matteo nor Squall budged another inch.

Silver Lining stomped over to the commotion as every pony in his path quickly moved aside.

“Let them go,” he ordered. All the Wonderbolts moved away from Matteo quickly and Storm let Squall down. The two stood perfectly still as Silver walked between them. “Well, well, well… So Happy and Wide Load decided to fight in MY mess hall…” he folded his ears back and growled. “Both of you up against the wall!” he made a head motion over to the wall next to the doors. “NOW!”

Both Matteo and Squall quickly moved to the wall and stood attention. Silver looked around and saw both Dash and Little Star closest to the table.

“Skittles! Short Stack! Both of you up against the wall too!” He ordered. Dash’s eyes widened. What?! But she didn’t do anything! She was about to retort, but Silver was glaring directly at her as Little Star had already made her way over. Dash quickly remembered who was talking to and quickly lined up against the wall. Dash stood on the left end with Star beside her. To the right of Star stood Squall, and on the right end Matteo.

Silver stomped up to them and right up to Squall and Matteo. Dash kept her eyes forward, but could see Silver pace back and forth in front of the two of them, not in front of her or Star.

“We haven’t even started combat training yet… and I already have two shit eaters who are at each other’s throats…” he began as he stood sideways to them. “You have anger? Good. “You have rage? Even better…” he sharply turned to them. “BUT LET’S GET ONE GODDAMN THING CLEAR RIGHT NOW!” he yelled right into squalls face. He quickly shifted to Matteo. “The only place you’re allowed to fight another Wonderbolt… IS IN THE BATTLE DOME!” he shifted back to Squall. “If I catch you two fighting anywhere else I will PERSONALLY skin you both alive and make you into a pair of fancy rugs!” He pulled back and stood a foot away from them.

“Now then…” he continued. “Which one of you started it?” he asked quietly. Neither of them answered. “Well? Who threw the first punch?” he began pacing back and forth in front of them. Again, neither of them answered. Matteo glanced down at Squall. Squall was scowling, but also shaking very, VERY subtly. He was afraid of Silver and trying very hard not to show it. He couldn't fool Matteo. Silver turned and glared at both of them. “Anypony gonna speak up?!” Silver snarled at them. “Don’t make me ask the ladies over here… it’ll be twice the pain if I have to get the truth from them!” Silver barked into Squall’s face. Matteo stole another glance at Squall… and shook his head. Squall wasn't going to come forward.

“Sir, I did sir!” Matteo spoke up. Squall flinched really hard and his eyes widened. He glanced up at Matteo as Silver moved all of his focus over.

“Well… no shit?” Silver hovered up and nearly pressed his nose to Matteo’s beak. “Looks like you’re working off all the calories I’m sure you just consumed! Two hundred wing-ups! You better bet I’m gonna stand here and count them all!” he ordered.

“Sir, yes sir!” Matteo replied and got down to do wing-ups. Silver turned to the rest of them.

“One hour till combat training! Now get the hell out of my face!” he yelled. Dash exhaled and started walking beside Squall. She looked over her shoulder at Matteo as he started the wing-ups, and then looked up to Squall. Squall was looking back at Matteo as well.

Matteo was staring directly at Squall… and smirking. He mouthed the word:


Dash jumped slightly as Squall flinched so hard his joints cracked. Squall turned and hurried out of the mess hall quickly. Dash watched him leave, contemplating what she just witnessed. As Matteo had just so skillfully deduced, there was more to Squall than what appeared on the surface.

Fire Streak looked left and right as he entered the lobby. Did he lose her? He was sure he saw Misty come this way. His ears stood up as he saw a light blue tail disappear up the stairs.

“Ah!” Fire quickly trotted after her.

Why was he following her? He kept feeling like an idiot. Every time she talked to Storm Front, he wanted to stand up and pull her away. Obviously, he never would though. That wouldn’t be very proper. Also, who was he to decide who Misty… communicated with?

Fire sighed as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked up to make sure Misty wasn’t lingering. Who was he kidding? His idiotic twin brother was completely right. He was jealous. Nopony could communicate with Misty like he could. It was something special the two of them shared and she relied on him for so much. That was… until Storm Front showed up.

Fire had absolutely no reason to dislike Storm Front. He was simply a friendly pony who also knew sign language. The only reason he was put off was because Misty had found another she could fully ‘speak’ to… maybe even better than she could with him. Storm was incredibly fast with the signs.

He was over thinking it. Misty didn’t suddenly think less of him. He just had to—

Fire froze and stepped back before he could turn the corner into the left hallway of the third floor. Did he… see that correctly?

He carefully pressed himself to the wall and peered around the corner.

Misty Fly was standing before Discord?! In front of Soarin’s room?

Fire looked closer. Discord had two fingers pressed to Misty’s forehead with a faint glow of chaos magic surrounding his hand.

Art by: mlplover789

“So we have an agreement?” Discord spoke. Misty nodded. “I can only interfere with pony lives so much, I trust you can get Rainbow Dash up here?” he asked. “I know tomorrow is a ‘free day’ for them. That will be our best bet.” Misty nodded again.

Fire was so confused. Misty could hear him? That… was impossible… unless…

“You can convince Silver if you need to?” Discord continued questioning. Misty replied with a wink. “Heh, good answer.”

Fire suddenly remembered. During the Shadowbolt incident, Discord had mentioned that something with no trace can only be seen by the blind and heard by the deaf… But that would mean Discord could use magic similar to the Shadowbolt crystals? Or… were the crystals… chaos magic? Whatever it was, Fire didn’t really care at the moment. What the hell was Misty doing with Discord? It sounded like they were planning something.

“I’m counting on you then. Soarin needs her if he is to fully regain control. This is for the good of both of them. Now run along, I have things to attend to,” Discord finished and removed his fingers from Misty’s forehead. Misty nodded and Discord disappeared into thin air.

Fire stared for a moment before quietly stepping out. Misty was staring straight at Soarin’s door. He slowly approached her. He moved slightly out to her side as he closed in. He flinched when her eyes snapped to him.

Before he could make any signs to her, she grabbed him by the arm and looked back and forth. There was nopony else in the hallway. She quickly turned and yanked Fire along towards her and Surprise’s room.

“Wha?!” Fire yelped as he was dragged. He couldn’t say anything to get her attention for obvious reasons, so he was at her mercy. She pulled him right into her room and closed the door behind them. She grabbed Fire and put him up against the wall.

Fire had no idea what was going on… but Misty was being a little rough…

No… No, Fire… don’t think like that.

Misty got right up in his face and tapped her hoof against his chest. She was so close to him. Fire couldn’t hold it back. He was blushing.

But why was Misty glaring at him?

She took a step back and began making signals. Fire didn’t pay attention to any of them. He blinked, and realized he had completely missed Misty’s signs. He shook his head out and looked directly at her. She repeated her signs, tapping her hoof to her chest first before bringing a wing forward, putting one feather up and curling it down. She pointed to him, placed her left hoof atop her right in front of her and slowly lifted it to her face.

“I need your help.” Her signs read.

Fire tipped his head to the side. He put his front hooves up and brought them together in front of him before spreading them out with a slight shrug.

“With what?” his signs replied.

Misty began making multiple signs at a high speed. Fire watched them closely, making sure not to lose track. She was going faster than she usually did, probably because she was used to doing so with Storm Front. Misty seemed to realize this halfway through and slowed down. For some reason… this felt shameful to Fire.

Misty relayed everything she was talking to Discord about. Apparently Discord needed Rainbow Dash to help Soarin… and he wanted Misty to do whatever she needed to either sneak her away tomorrow or convince Silver she was needed elsewhere. After that, she needed Fire to translate everything she wanted to say to Soarin and Dash so she could get through to them. She ended by asking if she could count on him.

Fire paused… thought… and simply nodded. Misty smiled and reached over, giving him a very tight hug. Fire’s eyes widened as she did, forgetting to return the hug for a few second before reaching up and returning the hug half-heartedly. Misty released him, gave him another warm smile before opening her door. The two left, but Fire turned towards his room. Misty turned and watched him go the opposite direction. She tapped her hoof twice.

Fire stopped and turned to look at her. She tipped her head in confusion. Fire quickly put on a fake smile and pointed to his room. Misty made a head motion that would have been accompanied with an ‘oh, okay’ if she could speak and continued towards the stairs.

Fire entered his room and closed the door behind him. He really didn’t have any reason to be in his room… he just… was disappointed. Misty Fly dragged him to her room, threw him against a wall, got real close to him… and then explained what she needed him to do to help Soarin and Dash…

Why was he wishing it had ended a little differently?

He sighed and sat down on the floor beside his bed.

Well… at least he could help another mare and stallion with their love… it’s not like he was going to get any.

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:


eh... i had time... so i did it... but i'm tired as hell now >_<

Looks Like Squall ain't quite as badass as he plays himself up to be eh? Leave it to Matteo to expose his lack of true warrior spirit.

Discord and Misty working together to help Soarin and Dash?! Well... i'f im gonna trust anyone to get those two stubborn silly ponies back together, it would be the silent guardian angel and... the god of chaos i guess? xD

Who were those two silly ponies walking through the mess hall? That sly guy with the fun wing tips and the muscle head who forgets to look where he's going? I swear i have no idea who these ponies are :trolololestia:


Dunno when the next one will be out... could be anywhere between friday and monday, depends on many things.

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for Reading!

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