• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 19,728 Views, 2,472 Comments

An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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82 - This Is Our Big Night

Extended Holiday
Ch 82: This Is Our Big Night
Act 10

Grif looked himself over in the mirror one last time, making some last casual adjustments to his outfit. ‘Twas the night of the fall formal, and being that formal was in the name, formal was how the group intended to go. Grif was currently dressed in a silver cuffed dress shirt with a black tie. A deep emerald-green vest and black suit jacket covered the shirt and complimented the coloring nicely. He had managed to acquire a silver tie clip with a small chunk of jade in the center as well as a silver chain wallet instead of a watch. He wore his same black leather belt with the silver clip. His throwing daggers had been hidden inside the vest. He smiled, looking himself over as he adjusted his silver cufflinks. “You don’t think we’re being too ostentatious, do you?” he asked, turning to face his friends.

“I do not think so,” Pensword answered as he walked down the stairs. “Are you sure you are okay with this? I know this was your and Lunar Fang’s idea, but this feels… wrong,” he said as he strode into the main living room. Twilight was with the girls getting ready at Rarity’s, and that left the boys to fend for themselves and choose what they wanted to wear for the dance. Grif took in his friend’s appearance with a cool and critical eye. Pensword had dressed in full black dress slacks, a set of thick brown leather boots that went up to the knees, and a stunning bright red jacket. The missing hat to complete the ensemble was resting over his heart as he held it, looking nervously to his friend.

“I think it looks rather good on you,” Grif said. “You make a very respectable mountie, my friend.”

Pensword cleared his throat. “Well, thank you. I will try my best to honor the uniform.” He shook his head. “I still want to know what you are having Lunar Fang dress as.”

“And where would the fun be in that?” Vital Spark asked as he descended the stairs. A sleek navy suit with black lining made a stark contrast to his pale white skin and luminous blond hair. Pinned to his lapel, a metal sun crossed by a four pointed star rested. Its colors had been carefully buffed and polished into the metalwork itself, leaving the star a bright silver while the sun shone the tarnished orange-bronze of twilight. In the very center of the piece, a tiny diamond glittered alone, flashing with Vital Spark’s smile. Beneath the suit, Vital wore a respectable white shirt complemented by a red silk tie crossed by silver stripes. “I don’t know if this quite fits me, but I learned a long time ago to trust a certain fashionista’s fashion sense thanks to you boys, so I’ll stick with it. Who knows, maybe I can show up Blueblood while we’re here.”

“Blueblood is not a student at CHS,” Pensword responded. “I think he has already graduated.”

“Thank goodness for that. It’s bad enough having to deal with the blowhard in Equestria.”

“I just wish I could bring my epée,” Grif said. “I feel stark naked without a sword right now.”

“Sometimes even the great Hammer Strike, or Shawn, can’t change rules,” Pensword said, shaking his head sadly. “I miss my wing blades and weapons as well.” He smiled. “After tonight’s over though, we should be back to our old bodies and where we belong.”

“...Yeah.” Vital sighed.

A whistle broke their attention as Hammer Strike walked into the room, a cane in hand as he passed it to Grif. “There. Have fun.”

“Huh?” Grif asked, taking it in hand. The cane had a silver eagle’s head with two black stones for eyes and a long black shaft. “Is this what I think it is?”

“You act so glum without something on you, and I guess the hidden knives and daggers aren’t enough.” Hammer Strike leaned against one of the walls and crossed his arms. “So there. Something a bit more ... classy.”

“You’re awesome, Hammer Strike!” Grif smiled as he twisted the head. With a subtle click, it slid away, revealing a large double-bladed shortsword. A small curved blade also flipped out the side of the sheath near the bottom. “Cool!”

“Any other hidden weapons, anyone?” Hammer Strike asked.

“I don’t think it would work with my outfit. Besides, I can just tackle them out windows or pin them to the ground. Well, if you have a deaf wolf, I could use that.”

“Hmm… actually, give me a second. I’ll be right back.” Vital rushed up the stairs again, his footfalls echoing as he stomped up the wood and across the upper floor before rushing back down. A hasty hand retracted from his pocket. “There. Now I’m ready.”

“Right. Now… where are we going to meet the girls? Did I hear right they are renting a limo?” Pensword asked.

“Why did they need to rent a limo?” Grif asked.

“Prom mentality?” Vital suggested.

“I may or may not have given them the money for it, just so they can have the satisfaction of ordering it,” Hammer Strike commented.

“Makes sense, but... wait, does that mean the limo is coming here to pick us up and then we go to the school?”

“Yep, but I’ll be meeting you there later. I’m going to finish some things around here first.”

“It’s a good thing you had that crate of stuff we’re taking with us when you brought the truck,” Grif noted. “We won’t have to worry about running around getting everything at the last minute.”

“Yeah, and I have to re-sort things in that crate so we don’t bring anything … over the top.”

“So… can I still gift Luna that spacecraft model?” Pensword asked.

“As long as you warn her to not try something based off that idea, because I’m sure explosions are something that we don’t want…”

“And when are explosions not something we deal with? You do realize that Luna is going to modernize the military with or without us.” Pensword sighed and raised his hands at the legendary blank stare. “However, I shall pass the warning along.”

“I’d prefer we don’t accelerate it at that abnormal of a rate.”

“Understood,” Pensword answered. “However, remember, we did have the concept of a moon rocket from a few authors like H.G. Wells and Jules Verne.”

“Yes, but after enough mistakes and deaths, we finally realized we shouldn’t try it yet. And I’d prefer we try to help skip certain steps of a process.”

“True, true… still, it would be tough anyways. This design is for a bipedal. We are quadrupeds. A major retooling would be required.”

“And hopefully we can leave enough information behind to keep them from making terrible mistakes,” Hammer Strike said meaningfully, effectively cutting off any further discussion on the matter. A honk came from outside. “And there is your ride. You all had better get going.”

“See you later tonight,” Pensword said, turning to leave.

“Lets hope it will be in a peaceful setting,” Grif said as he headed out the door, saluting sharply with the cane sword.

“See you later, Hammer Strike. Let’s pray things go well tonight.” Vital smiled as he closed the door behind him.

The limo drive proved a simple affair and went off without a hitch. It helped knowing that this particular limo had all of the amenities, including security and extra reinforcement on its frame. The ten friends arrived in plenty of style as the limo pulled up the drive to the school. First the girls got out, then the boys. Pensword offered a hand to Lunar Fang, who had chosen to wear A flowing black dress shimmering with sequins. It puffed at her shoulders with a modest cut over her chest. A set of dark blue fingerless gloves fit perfectly over her hands as she batted her eyelashes at Pensword. Her hair had been let down behind her, flowing with the dress to add that sense of refined elegance only a true lady could pull off. The pleats in her dress flowed off her waist and spun with silvery grey designs like moon-touched clouds in a darkened sky. The sparkling fabric that had been sown in added to the effect, making tiny stars and novas spin and twirl with her every movement. A pair of silver star-shaped earrings completed the ensemble.

Pensword smiled and kissed his lover. “You look beautiful, my little Thestral,” he whispered.

“You have to say that.” She giggled, running a hand under his chin.

“It does not make it any less true.” He smirked. “Though I like your tail doing that better than your hand.”

“Unfortunately, that's not an option right now.” She sighed.

“But it will be once this night is done,” Pensword pointed out.

Lunar Fang giggled. She could guess what her husband had in mind, and she very much liked the idea. The friends all walked up the steps, Twilight trailing just behind. As the rest of the friends entered, Flash Sentry rolled up in his sports car. Grif poked his head out the door to investigate, much to Twilight’s embarrassment. “Well, seems someone either saved up money for the wrong thing, or he has rich parents.”

“Grif!” Twilight whispered harshly.

“I calls ‘em like I sees ‘em.” Grif shrugged.

“Well, go and talk to him.” Pensword pushed her in the back as he, too peeked out from the doors. “You only live once.”

“Pensword, not you, too. Could you two please get out of here? I’m trying to have a moment.” She turned and waved as Flash made his way up the stairs. “Go!” she whispered from the side of her mouth. Suddenly the two felt a distinct yank from behind.

“Come on, you two. A lady deserves her privacy,” Lunar Fang said as she pulled them along just in time for the pair to watch as Flash Sentry smashed his face against the main entrance. The pair spasmed, struggling to contain their laughter until they’d turned around a corner. Then they let loose.

“Well, I did learn from others,” Pensword said after finally catching his breath. “How long would it have taken for us to get together without the assistance of outside meddling ?” he teased as he wormed his way expertly out of Lunar Fang’s grasp. “Come on. Let’s make tonight a fun one. I don’t want to be fighting when we go back to Equestria. Lunar Fang’s scowl lightened despite her efforts, and a faint blush rose in her cheeks. As he had hoped, the usage of contractions had calmed her down. Extending a reconciliatory arm, he escorted her through the halls towards the sound of music and voices. The laughter brought back memories of non-pastel colored humans grinning and smiling together as they invited him onto the dance floor.

“Um… everything okay?” Vital asked as he eyed Grif, who was still being casually held by Lunar Fang as they approached the gym doors.

“I can feel it again,” Grif said as he expertly removed himself from Lunar Fang’s grasp. “The abyss. We’re standing on the edge.”

“‘By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes,’” Vital said just as dubiously. “You’re right. We’ll need to be ready for anything.” He casually fingered his pocket.

“Well, as long as it is not Third Gryphon War bad, I think we will do fine,” Pensword countered, ignoring the sudden glare from Vital. “Look, no blood, no war, no weapons to speak of. The worst that could happen is a broken bone. Therefore, we’ll do fine by comparison.”

“And there goes our slim chance that everything will go off just fine. Thank you, Pensword.” Vital groaned. “I’m going to grab some punch.”

“You’re welcome,” Pensword replied happily. “I know Murphy is going to show up, so I say it to remind us to be on our guard.”

Vital halted. “Careful, Pensword. We already get visited by Death enough as it is. I’d rather not have Murphy or his sister, Yphrum, join in.” With that said, Vital dropped into the sea of students and began to navigate towards the punch bowl. “Not even five minutes in and already I need a drink.” He sighed. “This is going to be a long night.”

Pensword smiled and gestured to the floor. “May I have this dance, my lady? Might as well enjoy the night till the calling of the princess.”

Lunar Fang smiled coyly, curtsied, and nodded. “I’d be delighted.”

WIth that, Pensword took off in an old fashioned dance that somehow was able to fit the modern music, despite the singer’s instruction to “jump up and down.” Naturally, the whole gym cheered as Flash Sentry entered with Twilight holding his arm. The last member of the band had arrived. Now the real fun could begin.

Sunset growled as she observed the scene. There was no way she could win the crown now, and stealing it still wasn’t an option. She could try to get it from Twilight after the ceremony, but how could she get anywhere near her with that brutish Gryphon or the stupid Bats always close by? She needed something to get them out of the picture.

She muttered darkly to herself. If she had gotten the crown in the first place, there wouldn’t be a need to form a plan. Why did that stupid Dragon have to wake up? Sunset took a breath to calm her thoughts as she looked at the crowd. She could see Twilight’s little dog being held by one of the girls at all times. The beginnings of an idea began to nibble at the edge of her mind. Twilight would probably be willing to do anything to save him. Of course, she wouldn’t actually hurt him. She wasn’t a monster after all. But maybe if she got her outside…. She intended to use the portal into Equestria as well, but Twilight didn’t know that. If she threatened the portal right after returning the little mutt, she could play to Twilight’s fear of being stuck in this world. Yes. It was starting to come together. But she still needed to deal with those stupid guards of hers. And it was such a good plan, too.

Sunset harrumphed from her seat as she glowered into the crowd. The students made sure to keep a wide birth, as if a rain cloud would appear above her at any minute and start to pour. A flash of white caught her gaze and she saw Vital Spark pouring himself a drink. He sighed heavily and took a swig. Wait a minute. Snips and Snails had reported the kid had a kind heart. That dirty old bird had called it bleeding if she recalled correctly. Yes. She could use that. But she’d have to get it just right.

Vital Spark sighed from his place by the fizzy cider. Refreshing though it was, it wasn’t quite doing it to cut off the heat from his dress suit. “And this is why I stopped going to dances,” he said to himself, shaking his head as he loosened his tie and undid a button. He’d already had a nice dance with Octavia, who was kind enough to accept his invitation since he didn’t know many of the other girls yet, and it felt awkward to ask. Now he just wanted the chance to cool off. He casually made his way over to the gym’s exit doors, one of which had been propped open with a spare crate. Slipping outside, he sighed in relief as he mopped his sweaty brow and took another swig of cider.

“Enjoying the night?” Sunset asked as she slipped from the shadows, hands casually resting behind her back.

“Not really. I’m guessing you’re either here to warn me to tell the others to back off, or else to try something drastic?”

“Well, you have pushed me to drastic measures,” she said. “You three really should have expected this.”

“So what’s it going to be? A gun? A knife? Just how far are you willing to go to get what you want?”

“Come now, Vital Spark.” Without warning, she pounced him, stuffing a cloth in front of his nose and mouth and holding it there. “I’m not a monster.”

Vital Spark had seen enough movies in his life on Earth to know what Sunset was doing. He struggled not to breathe, but some of the fumes had already entered his mouth and nostrils. He shoved Sunset back, forcing her to the ground as he backed away coughing. Everything felt like it was spinning, and he couldn’t quite find his balance. Suddenly he felt two heavy objects smash into him, knocking the air out of him and pinning him to the ground. The blurred faces of Snips and Snails sneered over him as Sunset walked up, her fiery hair darkened as she glared down at him. Her anger had stripped away her beauty. She wasn’t a shimmer; she was a fury. The last thing he felt was the brush of the cloth against his chin as he slipped into unconsciousness.

“No, thank you,” Grif said, turning down another offer to dance as he observed the room. The Fall Formal was in full swing, and everything was going well. Far too well for his liking. The coronation would be any moment, and Sunset still hadn’t made her final gambit. “Now where is Vital?” he wondered to himself as he scanned the room.

Pensword and Lunar Fang walked over after the last song ended. Pensword took on a stance like a guard for the Stage. He smirked as Flash Sentry had gotten in on the act at the last minute to be her knightly escort up the stairs. Lunar Fang stood at the adjacent staircase to complete the setup. The school enjoyed the act immensely. Certain adults appeared nervous as they took in the serious expression of the two guards, but Principal Celestia showed no worry or concern while she walked up to the mike, and that put them at ease.

“Here we go,” Pensword whispered. They all took a collective breath as the ceremony started.

“We made sure Vital had his GPS activated, right?” Grif whispered as he edged up to Pensword.

“Yes. Along with making sure he had some cologne on, so we can smell him out if needed.”

Grif took out his phone and activated the tracking app, typing in Vital Spark’s number. “Pensword, I think we may have a problem.”

“What is it?” Pensword’s expression had grow grim.

“Well–” Grif held up his phone “–here’s us. Here are the confines of the gym. That's the schoolyard. Where is Omni’s phone?”

“... On the school grounds.” Pensword’s expression grew more serious. “Should I stay here and you take a look at the school yard?”

“Not quite,” Grif said. “That's the janitor's supply room.”

“Then you go. The two of us can hold down the fort here.”

“You realize this is classic divide and conquer, right? She’ll make her move as soon as she figures it’s safe.”

“Yes, and she is facing two vets from the Third Gryphon War. Do you want to keep Vital in a closet till the crown is on her head, or do we grab him now?” The crowd erupted into cheering, and Vinyl started playing background music, much to the annoyance of Celestia as she continued her speech.

Grif’s hands passed his belt so casually it took a trained eye to see the glint of metal as he passed a knife to Pensword. “Get this in Lunar Fangs hands. Tell her to be ready to use it if necessary.” His eyes narrowed. “I’ve got a friend to save.”

“Right. We’ll see you later,” Pensword answered as the music began to fade and Celestia resumed with her usual gravity. “Go save him.”

“Vital! Vital, can you hear me?” Grif shouted for the third time. He was running out of options quickly. The door had been locked. He had attempted to pick the lock; however, the nature of the metal in his knives had only made problems worse as the tumblers sheared instead of moving. He had thrown himself repeatedly at the door, but it was too sturdy to give from the pressure. “Vital!” he called again.

The first thing Vital Spark experienced was taste. It was like someone had dumped liquid copper down his throat. He smacked his lips a few times. Then came the pain. It started of as a dull pressure, then it burrowed deeper and deeper until the pain was throbbing like a sledgehammer striking his skull. He groaned. “What?” he mumbled.

“Vital, are you okay?” Grif shouted again.

Oh, that pounding. It hurt so much. Where was it coming from? What he wouldn’t give for some ibuprofen right now. He slowly sat up. Where was he? It was dark. The thumping of his heart was so loud. He could hear the blood rushing through his veins to his head and back again like static. He started. “Sunset,” he said as the memory of the struggle returned. She’d drugged him. She’d actually drugged him.

“Vital? Answer me!” Grif shouted.

Vital rubbed his throbbing temples. Had he heard something? It was so hard to say. At least he wasn’t lying in the sun when he woke. That was a plus. He needed to get up and act. Do something. But he felt too sick to his stomach to do much of anything just yet. Nausea clawed at his throat and stomach as he struggled to maintain control, hissing through his teeth. “Just how much did she use on me?” he asked himself as he struggled to maintain control. He couldn’t help but gag a few times, though.

“Vital, if you’re in there, keep away from the door.” It was Grif’s voice, but it was warped, filled with anger. A wail that reminded Vital of a malevolent spirit clawing it’s way from hell sounded throughout the room, then another, and another. There was a cracking sound followed by something very heavy smashing against a surface farther away. Vital’s vision cleared long enough for him to make out Grif standing at the doorway, his eyes black with rage as the wind tunneled around his shoulders and down his arms, covering his hands in wicked-looking talons. “Vital? Are you okay?”

“Sunset,” he said first. “Water,” second. Then he coughed as he struggled not to throw up. Grif quickly grabbed Vital Spark and pulled him up as the white teen blinked owlishly, his eyes shut against the sudden light. “Augh. I think I’d take the concussion to this.”

Grif carefully set Vital down before leaving. A few moments later, he returned with a water bottle. “Here. Drink.”

“Vital did so greedily, first rinsing his mouth out and spitting down the drain in the closet, then by swallowing it down. “And I thought I was over needing a water bottle all the time.” He smiled weakly.

“She’s going to pay for this,” Grif growled as he pulled Vital’s free arm around his back and raised him to his feet. “This crosses the line.”

“Grif … how did you do that anyways? I thought we couldn’t use magic in this place.”

“This world is thriving,” Grif said, looking tired as he supported his friend on the way towards the gym. “They have optimal resources, healthy ecosystems, and little pollution. They may not have the mana that Equestria has, but the planet has enough life force that we can use a little of it.” He winced. “Just a little.”

“You hurt yourself,” Vital accused.

“I just ripped a three inch aluminum door off its hinges and threw it a hundred feet, so I may be just a bit winded, but there’s no time to stop. We need to get back to the others.”

“How long was I out?”

“The coronation was just starting when I left. When did she get you?”

“A … a few dances in. I left because I was getting too hot. I almost fended her off, but then Snips and Snails ganged up on me.”

“Come on. Let's see what happened in our absence,” Grif said as he hauled Vital’s weight.

They arrived in the back of the crowd as Principal Celestia placed the crown on Twilight’s head. Grif noticed, but was too far away to act as two familiar hooligans in a pair of top hats approached Fluttershy and snagged Spike. The dog tried to escape, and nearly succeeded until Snails helped restrain him completely as they snuck out the doors into the school’s halls. Spike barely managed a cry for help before they disappeared. Pensword immediately took off after them.

“Come back with that dog!” he yelled, making it a practical reenactment from a chasing montage. Give the two a pair of black capes and curly handlebar mustaches and it would have been perfect. As it was, the display still would have proved relatively entertaining were it not for the fact that Spike was currently being held hostage, and this was not a cheesy cartoon where nobody could really be permanently hurt. Twilight and the others took chase as well, spreading confusion and verbal mayhem as the situation spiraled right into what Grif and the others had anticipated.

“Here we go,” Grif said.

“We need to find Sunset. That’s where this’ll go down,” Vital said, pulling himself away from Grif. “And stop taking my weight. I should be taking yours.”

“My friend, I’ve dragged a Minotaur across a battlefield with an arrow sticking from my hip. This is nothing.”

“Let’s keep it that way then. Come on. We need to stop this before it gets any worse.” Vital looked back at the crowd. “I seriously can’t believe they didn’t notice Snips and Snails creeping up and taking Spike. Can anybody just dress up in a top hat, run up, and do what they want without getting caught?”

“Conversion of ninjutsu. Too many people in one place thins out their competency.”

“Seriously?” Vital raised a skeptical brow as they raced after the pair, following Twilight and the others on their heels.

“You already got on Murphy’s bad side. You really want to push this?” Grif asked.

“Screw Murphy. This is serious!”

Grif slapped Vital. “Never question Murphy.”

“Look, we’ll pursue this later. For now, follow those freshmen!”

The chase scene was long and drawn out, jumping from classroom to classroom and in and out of doors. At one point, Snips and Snails were racing back and forth with two of them in the halls at once running from door to door as they were followed by the other girls and Pensword.

“... This is getting ridiculous. Now they’re taking from Scooby Doo!” Vital exclaimed.

“Just shut up and catch them,” Grif said.

“How? I can’t even tell which is the real one.”

“Just run into the doors!” Pensword shouted as he ran by. “That is what I am doing. We should arrive at the right door sooner or later.”

Vital rolled his eyes and shrugged. “When in rome …” He lunged into one of the doors and entered the montage.

Eventually, they found themselves bursting through the school's front doors. Sunset Shimmer stood in her usual purple shirt, skirt, and leather jacket. Using both hands, she held a sledgehammer to the statue.

“That’s close enough,” Sunset said as Twilight approached. Snips and Snails waited obediently behind her, one holding on to their hostage, the other sneering at their adversaries.

“Twilight–!” Spike could say little more as Snails closed a hand over his muzzle while Snips worked to restrain the rest of his body.

“Don’t hurt him!” Twilight yelled

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m not a monster, Twilight,” Sunset remarked. Holding the sledgehammer high, she looked back to Snips and Snails. “Let him go.” The two of them did as they were bid. Spike ran into Twilight’s arms as she knelt to embrace him. Sunset glared. “You don’t belong here. Give me the crown and you can go back to Equestria tonight.” She lifted the sledgehammer threateningly. “Or keep it and never go home!”

Twilight gasped.

“Psst. Vital, wouldn’t the hammer just fly into the portal?” Grif whispered.

“Depends on if iron’s a factor in this world,” Vital whispered back.

“Well, that is a steel sledgehammer,” Pensword whispered. “So it should just go through; however, I fear what Luna would do if it hit her.” A savage grin sprung on his face. The shadows hid it well.

“I don’t think we want an interdimensional war here, Pensword. Besides, let’s not forget what might happen if she destroyed the supports around the portal,” Vital said.

“Tic toc, Twilight. We haven’t got all night. The portal will be closing in nearly an hour. So … what’s your answer?” Sunset demanded.

Twilight removed her crown, looked to it as the gem glittered in the moonlight, the glared defiantly back at Sunset. “No.”

What?” Sunset yelled. “Equestria! Your friends! Lost to you forever! Don’t you see what I’m about to do to the portal?”

Twilight rose to her feet after placing Spike down. Her friends stood firmly behind her. “Yes. But I’ve also seen what you’ve been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my element of harmony. This place might not if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. But you are not getting this crown!” Twilight placed her crown resolutely back on her head.

“Fine. You win.” Sunset straightened and casually dropped the sledgehammer to the ground with a thump. Snips and Snails recoiled, narrowly escaping getting their toes crushed.

Rainbow rushed up next to Twilight. “You…. are…. so… awesome!” she squeaked.

“I can’t believe you were gonna do that for us,” Applejack said as Rarity came up next to her, clasping her arm in excitement.

“It’s no wonder you’re a real live princess,” the fashionista said.

Over by the statue, Sunset had been crossing her arms over her shoulders in defeat. She growled at the remark, pulling her hands away and clenching them into fists near her chest. Her irises shrank to pinpricks, then flared in anger. “Yeah, she’s so very special.” Her eyes narrowed and she charged, tackling twilight with her arm extended. Twilight toppled, but so, too, did the crown as it bounced across the stone pavement and out of Sunset’s reach.

Twilight reached for the crown, only to be taken in a choke hold by Sunset. Then Sunset crawled over Twilight, pushing the girl’s face into the stone as she scrambled to race ahead. Twilight grabbed her boot at the last second, barely keeping Sunset back from the crown as she reached as far as she could with lust in her eyes, her tongue extended in effort. At the last moment, Spike jumped on Sunset’s head, neatly plowing her face into the ground and easily taking up the crown in his mouth before dashing away.

“Grab him, you fools!” Sunset shouted to Snips and Snails. The instant the pair moved, Grif charged. He managed to catch Snails, but Snips, being shorter, narrowly avoided him.

Pensword went after Snips only to have a flailing leg kick his mountie hat off. Snips turned around in surprise. Pensword was down holding a hand over a rapidly blackening eye. Seeing this, Lunar Fang growled and savagely tackled the portly boy. The pair proceeded to roll around on the ground trading punches. Sunset shoved past them all in a headlong sprint for the crown. Spike was cornered at the door and Sunset approached with malevolent glee.

“Spike! Over here!” Vital Spark yelled. The puppy threw the crown for all he was worth. Vital caught hold of it. The moment it entered his hands, the headache was gone. He smiled. “Now that’s more like it.” Sunset charged him like a freight train. “Wuh-oh. Rainbow! Catch!” he shouted, tossing the crown with surprising accuracy. What followed was a surprisingly ridiculous game of keepaway as the crown leapt from one person to the next, ricocheting back and forth from all the girls until it reached Twilight. As the crowd bore down on her, she panicked, tossing the crown behind her into the waiting Sunset’s hands. The bully’s breathing was ragged, ranging somewhere between gasping, sobbing, and hiccuping.

“I’ll take that!” she said, chuckling cruelly.

“Sunset, please, no! Think what you’re doing!” Vital shouted, his voice strained, eyes bulging.

Sunset paid him no heed, continuing in her sobbing gasp. “At last! More power than I could ever imagine.” The moment the crown touched her head, it began pulsing with a dark energy that made Grif, Pensword, and Vital Spark’s spines run cold. Vital Spark clung to his head, cringing in pain. The dark energy from the crown grew until it consumed Sunset, washing over her like a wave of dark fire as it arced skywards in an angry pillar. Whether from pain or excitement, tears streamed down her face only to evaporate into steam instantly. Her skin turned a bloody red as her eyes became black with glowing neon teal irises. Her fingers became tipped in long claws not unlike the talons of a crow, and her hair proceeded to take on a shape like hellfire. Two large bat wings sprouted from her back, followed by a ragged looking Pony’s tail, which also licked like flames. Her tears ceased as she cackled maliciously. The group gasped in shock and horror at the new Sunset as she thrust out her arms, sending twin beams of dark magic at Snips and Snails. The magic encased them momentarily before vanishing to reveal both boys transformed into sinister demonic forms. Grif found himself suddenly being pushed back by Snails’ new demonic strength.

“This is going to be so cool!” Snips cheered. Lunar Fang groaned as she was also forced to give ground against the small demon.

Sunset heard the startled gasps of the students still inside the school as they stood inside the entrance. She proceeded to stick out her hand as it pulsed with dark magic and grasp it into a fist, causing the entire front of the school to be torn off and compacted before it was thrown away. “I’ve had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along!” She let out a loud growl before smiling evilly. “But let’s let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now… and you will be loyal to me!” In an instant a beam of green light shot from her hand and hit the first of the students. A green ring formed over his head and vanished before several more beams proceeded to shoot from him and bounce to the other students. Everyone effected let out low entranced moans. An instant later, magic began encasing them before vanishing to reveal numerous lesser demons.

“Pensword, I think I know what her plan is now,” Grif said as he barely blocked one of Snails’ punches with his cane sword.

“What is it?” Pensword asked as he replaced his mountie hat. “I really…” he paused with a smile as he took off the hat and banged it over the head of one of the students. Miraculously, the demon fell unconscious while the hat remained completely intact. Next, he used it to deflect a magic beam. “Hah!” he cried, his outfit still spotless and in complete order.

“Get them to the portal,” Sunset tried to order Snips and Snails, not fully aware they were currently engaged.

“She wants to use this teenage demon army to invade Equestria!” Grif shouted, ducking another punch. He saw Lunar Fang take a kick to the side, but was unable to get to her. “Winds damnit, Hammer Strike, where are you?”

A ring of blue fire surrounded the statue, blocking any access to the portal. In the distance, Hammer Strike walked up towards the group wearing his blue and gold overcoat. He sighed to himself as he shook his hand, extinguishing it. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic was killer.” He looked up at the group, only to pause as he saw the now turned students. “I swear, it’s only been two hours at best.”

“Sunset works fast and efficiently, I’ll give you that,” Pensword answered as he knocked another student away. “Sorry. Excuse me. Coming Through. Thank you,” he said to each dazed demon after promptly smashing it with his hat.

“Now to deal with a thorn in my side!” Sunset said, her eyes locking on Twilight. She charged two large spheres of magic in her hands and combined them to send a massive beam towards the object of her unholy hatred.

There was a sudden blaze of white light and a thunderous crash. When the smoke cleared, Twilight stood unharmed. Vital Spark stood calmly in front of her, his hand outstretched and head bowed. There, in his palm, the pentagram blazed. “First you steal that which is not rightfully yours. Then you resort to blackmail, trickery, and deceit. You kidnapped not once, but twice, one of those targets being me. You invoke the power of the element of magic and twist it with your hate, causing it to shriek in pain, and probably committed all sorts of unspeakable acts before I even met you. And you know what the funny thing is? Even after all of that, I was willing to forgive you. To give you the benefit of the doubt. A chance to change.” His head snapped up, his eyes hard as tears poured down his cheeks. But there is one thing I cannot and will not forgive. You stole these people’s free will. And that? That makes me one pissed off Unicorn.”

“Oh shut up.” Sunset sneered sending another blast at him, followed by another and yet another. Vital stood his ground, but the force from the onslaught drove him back, causing him to slide over the pavement. The seal began to dim, its red fire flickering. Vital’s eyes had been closed as he concentrated on maintaining the barrier as long as he could, but the seal was weakening, and so was he. He could feel his reserves of energy fading.

“Twilight, I hope you have a plan here, because I think I’ve only got enough juice left here for one more shot.”

“Vital Spark, get away! It’s me she wants. I’m not going to let one of my friends get vaporized,” Twilight said.

“And you think I would either?” Vital smirked. “We’re all behind you, Twilight, and we’ll all protect you. That’s what friends do.”

Pensword grunted in agreement as he elbowed another Demon. “He’s right.” Despite the rough and tumble of the battle, his uniform was somehow still perfectly immaculate with his stiff mountie hat still on his head. He was the picture of the noble general for all of three seconds until a demon snuck up from behind and yanked him back by the collar and into the fray.

“Though if you could find a deus ex machina, it would be appreciated,” Grif grunted as he struggled onwards, continuing to grapple with Snails and two demonic reinforcements. Despite his skills and training, his breathing was growing heavy, and his movements were beginning to slow.

“No help is coming for any of you!” Sunset said as she rained down more blasts at Vital Spark’s ward. With the sound of shattering glass, it broke. The star’s light died completely, and Vital Spark was driven to his knees. Sunset laughed. “Now that that’s dealt with,” Sunset growled, charging up the largest blast yet. A massive construct of magical energy the size of a beach ball crackled over her head with dark lighting. “It’s time to deal with Twilight Sparkle.”

Much to her credit, Twilight stepped up in front of her friends to stare the demoness down. “You won’t succeed, Sunset Shimmer. Harmony will prevail, and I will find a way to stop you. You’re not going to use my friends like this.”

Sunset let her magic disperse. Much like every villain before her, she felt the instinctive urge to gloat over those she felt were inferior. “Oh, please. What exactly do you think that you’re going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing.” Sunset’s hair flared like water on a grease fire as she hovered over the brave purple girl.

“She has us!” a familiar voice proclaimed. Rainbow Dash stood at the head of the five friends. Even Fluttershy was glaring, practically brimming with bravery. Rarity glowered with determination as Pinkie planted her hands on her hips and Applejack adjusted her stetson in true rodeo fashion. Twilight grinned back at them, glad of their support as Sunset bore her teeth like a dog and growled. Then, surprisingly, Sunset laughed.

“Aww, gee. The gang really is all back together again.” She laughed again, wiping a tear from her eye. Then the moment was past, and her eyes lost all color save the angry corrupted teal. She gathered the magic once more. “Now step aside. Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already.” She raised her hands above her head, growing the ball of malevolent energy once more. “She needs to be dealt with.” With those words said, she launched the sphere she had charged with all her hatred, loathing, malice, and envy at Twilight. A maniacal grin of triumph shone on her face as she watched, waiting for the screams that were surely to come. There was a bright flash of red light and Sunset laughed wickedly to the skies. At last, her most hated foe was dead and gone. No one would stand in her way. No one would take her crown.

Or so she thought.

As the smoke cleared, Sunset Shimmer gawked, her laughter cut off in sheer astonishment. “What?”

The five friends huddled protectively over Twilight, each bound shoulder to shoulder. A familiar purple aura had surrounded all six of them. As each opened their eyes, they found themselves wide-eyed with shock. They were alive. Still clasping one another’s hands, they stared at each other and smiled. Twilight grinned with excitement and stepped out of the circle. Her friends continued to hold each other’s hands as she pointed triumphantly at Sunset Shimmer. “The magic contained in my element was able to unite with those that helped create it!” Suddenly the crown glowed a brilliant violet as a stream of pure magic flowed out of its gem, surrounded by a white corona. The beam touched the six girls and they slowly rose from the ground as a nearly blinding white light flooded from them. Twilight’s voice still echoed out as the magic flowed within each of them, altering their appearance.

Applejack’s ears adjusted, popping out on top of her head as her stetson adjusted to fit. Then her hair grew out, braiding itself into an intricately tied ponytail that reached practically down to her ankles. Her clothing had been highlighted by apples at various locations including the hem of her dress and the tops of her boots.

“Honesty,” Twilight’s voice echoed.

The rest of the friends soon followed suit, each changing one after the other as Twilight named their respective elements.

“Kindness. Laughter. Generosity. Loyalty! Magic.” Much like her friends, Twilight experienced her own transformation, grinning all the while as the magic from her crown streamed onto her forehead.

The effects seemed to stretch elsewhere as well as Grif dodged snails’ punch, appearing behind the demon with blinding speed. The wind whistled behind him as he landed blow after blow. Lunar Fang, likewise, seemed to gain strength as her eyes slitted. She flipped Snips over her shoulder, twisting the demon's hand behind his back. Pensword was surprised to find he was experiencing a second wind. He grinned as he tore through the crowds, not so fast as Grif, but he seemed to practically dance as he dodged the demons’ attacks, letting them hit one another instead. Vital Spark breathed a sigh of relief as he got shakily to his feet and smiled. On a random whim, he whipped his fist backwards in an effort to impersonate a certain baboon he’d once seen a long time ago on television. Much to his surprise, he made contact. Turning, he found a familiar gold demon with blue highlights clutching his face as he curled on the ground. Vital’s hands flung to cover his mouth. “Oh my gosh. Flash, are you alright? I’m so sorry.” A series of groans and murmurings were all he got in return. “Oh … right. You’re being mind controlled right now.” He turned to face the bright light emanating from the five friends. Hey, Twilight, mind hurrying it up? I think these students need to get back to normal.”

Twilight apparently couldn’t hear him over the rush of her own magic. “Together with the crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine. But it is a power you don’t have the ability to control. The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!” Twilight took Rarity and Rainbow Dash’s hands in her own as the rest followed suit, uniting their powers together as they rose still higher until they formed the shape of a heart with their arms. The instant they did so, the positive energy they exuded manifested in the form of two rainbow halves spiraling around in a double helix until they finally merged as they struck the brooding clouds overhead. The resulting white light flared before a fully formed rainbow struck downwards on the raging she-demon.

Sunset recoiled, raising her hands above her head as if to defend herself. The rainbow struck at the base of her feet and began to circle her, much as it had a certain Nightmare only a few years ago. “What ... is … happening?” she cried as a virtual tornado of color rose to surround and obscure her. A series of what could only be described as colored fireworks blasted out from the top of the spout in a brilliant display.

Twilight continued her monologue as her eyes glowed a pure white. “Here, and in Equestria, it is the only only magic that can truly unite us all.” The colors surged around the girls before firing on a demonic Flash Sentry, who had only just gotten back to his feet. The rainbow struck him, creating a miniature version of the same tornado that held Sunset shimmer, even as an aura-like circle surrounded that, dispelling the mind control. The counterspell of harmony rapidly spread, returning every student back to normal before striking Snips and Snails, who had both been backed into a corner by Grif and Lunar Fang. With one final flash of light, Twilight and her friends settled onto the ground once more, their new Pony features still visible as they lay prone on the ground.

What few students had remained inside the school building filed their way to the giant opening, while the others who had been outside either rubbed their heads or helped others to rise before congregating with their fellows. Twilight’s friends raised their heads dizzily while Twilight still lay unconscious. A quick lick from Spike soon fixed that, and Twilight opened her arms to embrace the dog as the other five moved to join in.

Snails had attempted to run in the confusion, only for Grif to catch him by the collar of his shirt. “Not happening,” Grif said firmly. Lunar Fang, likewise, kept Snips in place.

Twilight turned in surprise. Everyone did as they gawked at the massive crater that had formed in the middle of the intersection between the four walkways leading from the school to the street and the two paths around the school itself. Smoke still rose from the hole as Twilight’s shadow fell across it and the now pathetic-looking Sunset Shimmer. She had been reduced to a mere girl once again, her hair bedraggled, and her body weak as she slowly began to pull herself up. The true Princess’s voice was stern.

“You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you’ve showed everyone who you really are.” Twilight motioned somewhat sadly to her side, where the whole of the school strode up to see the former bully. “You’ve shown them what is in your heart.”

“Sunset Shimmer,” Grif handed Snails to Vital Spark before making his way to the crater. “As a mercenary in Equestria, I have the unique authority to take custody of you outside Equestria’s borders. Therefore, in the name of the crowns of Equestria, I hereby arrest you for your crimes against Equestria, the Crystal Empire, and Canterlot High School.”

Sunset’s eyes grew wide as what was happening fully dawned on her. “I–I throw myself at Celestia’s mercy.”

Grif pulled her up and shoved her out of the crater. “Cute, but until I transfer your custody, you are a prisoner of the Bladefeather clan. You will henceforth, upon our return, be transferred into the custody of the only crown who can judge you fairly and without bias. In short, you will be transferred into the custody of the prison keeper for the Lunar house until a trial can be arranged.” He produced a plastic pull tie cuff from his suit and proceeded to cuff her hands together. “As your crimes include both treason to the crown and manipulation through dark magic, you do not have the right to be provided an Equestrian legal aid. You will present your case to Princess Luna directly. When you are found guilty, if the princess decides to show you mercy, you will be sent to the Badlands with the Equestrian Foreign Legion to fight for your right to pardon against the Changeling threat there.”

“And if she doesn’t decide mercy?” Sunset asked. The cocky smirk had been blown away by the TNT that was Grif Bladefeather. Her frame began to shake as Grif pulled her next to Pensword and Hammer Strike. Her normally healthy skin paled to a pasty yellow.

“As you already know, the law is hard coded from before the reign of Discord. You have committed both treason and used black magic. Should you be found guilty, the headsman's axe awaits you.” This revelation was followed by a series of collective gasps by all the non-Equestrians within earshot. Pensword did not seem fazed as he folded his arms and glared at Sunset Shimmer.

“Is ... is that true, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked in horror.

Twilight looked sadly at Sunset, even pityingly. “I’m afraid it is, Fluttershy. Equestria hasn’t had to enforce the law in centuries … but it still stands.” She hung her head.

“But that's ... that's – why, that’s simply not right!” Rarity said. “Surely there must be something? Her actions were horrible, yes, but she hardly deserves to die for it!”

“The last Unicorn who succeeded in casting dark magic and escaping justice was able to enslave an entire nation for nearly a thousand years,” Twilight said abysmally. “As much as I want to change things, I can’t. The law won’t let me. Not for this.”

“I sure hope not,” Pensword muttered darkly. “She was planning a full scale invasion to usurp her own mentor.” He stepped forward, eyes narrowing. “I fought Sombra, and frankly… I am very, very happy you did not get as far as he did. Pray to Faust you find mercy, because I won’t give any.”

“So part of the reason she has to die is because you don’t want her taking the chance to use dark magic again, right?” Applejack asked. “So why not… why not make her stay here?”

“After what she did the first time?” Grif scoffed.

“She is a national threat, and I am sworn to protect my nation from enemies of any kind, as well as threats to the princesses themselves. If she did it the first time, I am not letting her stay here. She could rebuild, learn, and get a second chance at her plans. I will not let another Gryphon Empire happen, nor another Reich. This ends here and now,” Pensword declared hotly.

“Hold up there, cowboy. Now I’m not sayin’ you just let her go. But Granny always taught us that the good book says ‘love thy enemy.’ It seems to me that Sunset here took a dark path, and it led her to a bad place. When you all go back to your home, and that portal closes, and the crown’s safely on the other side, it’ll take all the magic away with it, won’t it?” Applejack eyed them. “So then, if I got this right, that gives the five of us plenty of time to show her where she went wrong, right? Sort of like a… a… gosh darn it, what's the term?”

“Correctional therapy,” Rarity said.

“That's it! Correctional therapy. If y’all come back when the portal opens and she’s still nasty, then y’all can take her back with you,” Applejack offered.

“Sunset may have pissed me off, guys, but Applejack does have a point. She doesn’t have any magic left, and now that the rest of the school knows the truth, she doesn’t have any power or influence either. It could work,” Vital said.

“No. Absolutely–”

“I accept,” Twilight said, effectively cutting Pensword off. “If we can find an alternative that doesn’t kill Sunset, and might even make her a better person, who am I to deny it?” She straightened herself up. “Sunset Shimmer, as the only standing Princess here, I hereby give this ruling. You are to be banished to this world on a temporary basis, during which time, you will have the chance to learn about real magic from Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. I will leave you in their custody, and that of Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. They will determine what punishment is suitable for your crimes, and enforce the ruling. When next we return, if you’ve truly shown progress, then mercy will be granted, and you will receive a lighter trial from all four princesses, in which your time here and the things you’ve learned will be taken into account. Should you show true change, these charges will most likely be dropped, and you will be able to remain in Equestria should that be your wish. The choice is ultimately yours.”

“Now hold on a moment, Twilight. Mercy’s all well and good, but she’s in my custody, and I think you’re going just a bit soft on her,” Grif said, still holding the pull tie connecting Sunset’s hands.

“Primary priority is getting the element back,” Hammer Strike started as he looked over the group. “She is simply a child, naive and brewing over the temper tantrum she’s been having for the last three years.”

“You can’t be serious.” Grif looked at hammerstrike in shock.

“Grif, I honestly don’t care what happens to her. Twilight made her call, and I just don’t care enough to make any argument against her, or for her. I just want to go home.” Hammer Strike’s voice was flat. “Just let her suffer here, and see if she can get her life back in order.”

Grif glared as he reluctantly moved to Sunset’s back and pulled out a dagger. As he did so, he whispered in her ear. “You so much as sneeze out of line and I’ll barrel through that portal with a hanky and a dagger, you hear me?” With that said, he cut the tie with a snap.

Sunset proceeded to rub her wrists, tears streaming down her face. Relief, fear, humiliation, and pride warred for dominance within her. She looked humbly towards the five girls with large puffy eyes, moved by the sincerity they had put forth in saving her life; however, it was important to note that guilt had yet to make an appearance within her warring feelings as she walked quietly towards them.

Celestia bent to the ground, picking up the crown that had started it all. Somehow, it still remained untouched by the dirt and grime that surrounded it. She turned to Twilight with measured, smooth strides. “A true princess in any world leads, not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. And a truly great leader knows most of all when to employ mercy. We have all seen you’re capable of just that, and I hope you can see it, too, Princess Twilight.” Twilight kneeled before her as Celestia placed the crown gently on her head.

Grif didn’t bother staying to watch as he approached the portal. “Well, I think Twilight can handle it from here. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had enough of vacation. I’m heading home.”

“So… I am to watch Twilight, with only Lunar Fang with me during a high school dance after this … well,” he waved his hand around the entire courtyard, “this!”

“Well, at least it isn’t all that bad,” Spike said as the hippie teen next to him looked down and gawked.

“Did that dog just talk?” He asked in utter shock

“Dude, after all this, the talking dog is what’s unbelievable?” Spike deadpanned.

“On second thought, I think Twilight is in good wings at the moment,” Pensword said, sweatdropping as he looked on.

Grif chuckled as he got on his hands and knees. “What? I’m not falling over when I get to the other side,” he said. “Allons-y! Onward and upward!” And with that, he charged headfirst into the portal.

“Hammer Strike, where are the items?” Pensword asked, looking frantically for the things he was hoping to bring back to Equestria.

“Put them through a while ago. Don’t expect much.”

“I only expect the two books. Anything else is just a nice bonus.” He looked to Lunar Fang. “When we get back, I promise you one cloud dance.” With that, the two of them followed Grif’s example and walked through the portal.

“Guess that just leaves us, huh, Shawn?” Vital Spark said as he looked back at the crowd. “I think I’ll have a quick talk with Sunset before we go. I’m pretty sure we can trust Twilight now that everyone knows her secret.”

Hammer Strike looked to a watch on his wrist. “If I’m right, you got some time, but we need to keep things moving.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick. I just have a few things I want to say to her before I go.”

Hammer Strike shrugged.

“I’ll take that as an okay.” Vital Spark smiled wanly as he turned to approach Sunset Shimmer, who had been put to work on the rubble that had been strewn about when she’d wrenched the main entrance out of the front of the school. Snips and Snails were working with the wheelbarrow and mortar. Vital nodded respectfully to Principal Celestia, then continued past. “Got a minute to talk, Sunset?”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said, somewhat relieved and somewhat sad.

“Better than the alternative,” Vital said as he dusted off a boulder to sit down. “Care to join me?” he asked, patting the space beside him.

“I’d figure you’d be the last person who’d want to speak to me,” Sunset said, sitting next to him. She rolled her eyes. “Let’s get this over with.”

“And there’s your problem. You assume too much and don’t take time to consider all the perspectives. I’m not here to yell at you, Sunset, though I am going to tell you how I feel about what you chose to do tonight, and the consequences it nearly had. Tell me, how much do you know about the elements of harmony?”

What followed was a lengthy discussion in which Vital Spark was able to explain about the power of harmony and how it most likely existed in multiple forms throughout the known universe. He then proceeded to tell her at some length just how painful her choice had been for him because of his unique magical field, and lastly, he told her a little about his past and the importance of free will to his culture and his religious background. What had been meant to be a short conversation soon stretched to nearly a full hour. Vital sighed.

“Look, basically, what it comes down to is this. I’m really upset. Part of me really wants to hate you, and I seriously hate that part of myself. I want to forgive you, but that’s going to take time before it can happen, and it’ll likely take even longer before I’m willing to trust you. I guess what I’m trying to say is I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you really do change. I’ve been there myself. It’s worth it in the end if you do.” Vital Spark stood up and dusted his pants off. “I’d probably better get going. Hammer Strike’s starting to look a little anxious over there. I’ll see you in about three years or so. Until then, please, at least try. You might even find you like what they have to teach you. So-long, Sunset.”

“Wait.” Sunset stood up and grabbed Vital’s hand. “I know it may not mean a lot coming from me, but thank you. For the dance.” In a surprisingly out of character move, Sunset quickly leaned forward to peck Vital on the cheek before she turned to head back to Snips and Snails.

Vital Spark stared after her, dumbstruck. “What … just happened?”

“You got a kiss on the cheek,” Hammer Strike replied in his usual flat tone as he approached. “We’re running thin on time, so if you’re done, we need to go.”

“Yeah. I’m finished. I’m just … really confused.” Vital shook his head as he approached the statue. “Guess I’ll see you on the other side. Oh, and brace yourself. Pinkie will probably have streamers and a welcome home cake at the ready for each of us. You know how much she loves cake.” Vital turned one last time to face the school and saluted before passing through the base of the statue and out of sight.

Hammer Strike looked towards Twilight, who was still chatting amongst the group. “Twilight, we’re running out of time.”

“I know, I know. I’m coming. Just … just a minute.” She proceeded to hug her friends, last of all Flash. She blushed violently as she did so. “Thanks for the dance. It was a lot of fun.” She smiled contentedly.

“No problem,” he answered, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, good luck, and ... you won’t hold it against me for going all zombie demon on you and your friends?” he asked with a nervous chuckle.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She giggled, then turned, her ponytail swinging dramatically behind her. She ran to the statue and turned back one last time to wave. “Alright, Hammer Strike. I’m ready.”

The pair passed through the mirror and out of sight just as four familiar stars finished converging on the moon. A dim glow passed in the skies, and they were gone. Mere seconds afterwards, Pinkie Pie rushed the portal, only to smash comedically into the statue, causing everyone to laugh, relieved for the world to be back to normal for a change. All was well at Equestria High.

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