Writing Progress

Asylum Chapter 28
Updated Aug 29, 2019
Writing: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
Editing: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮


Please · 11:35pm Jul 23rd, 2021

Please get vaccinated. That is all.

-Derek (aka DoD)

I might have something to share at the end of the month. Maybe.

Report Daemon of Decay · 1,147 views ·

State Propaganda

Comments ( 332 )
  • Viewing 328 - 332 of 332

Stop ignoring your fans

He should do the bare minimum and tell his fans if Asylum is cancelled.

I think he'll be just fine. I'm also curious how stories like Asylum would've ended. But that doesn't mean anything bad should happen to someone for writing in the first place

Daemon wrote and submitted his stories for free and for fun. And each person can take it or leave it but what he does is his business, and I'm personally glad Daemon shared his creativity at all 🙂

And as a Christian, I think God understands whatever Daemon chooses to do too, he loves us.

Edit: Why are you downvoting me? I’m right!

The deepest circle of hell is reserved for people who don't finish their stories. Don't do it for us; Finish Asylum for the sake of your immortal soul.

  • Viewing 328 - 332 of 332
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