• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


You gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.


My first AU fanfic. · 9:23pm Nov 21st, 2023

I won't lie, I've been extremely nervous about this fic. This is my first real alternate universe fic. It was really tricky and fun writing this fic. In fact, I did quite a bit of research into World War I and replaying of Valkyria Chronicles to help capture everything right for this fic. Putting my college degree to use.

Depending on how y'all respond to this fic, I might explore this AU a little more with different battlefronts with the Young Six. May already be working on a few ideas.


New fic and what's on the horizon · 6:15pm Aug 9th, 2023

I just posted my newest oneshot fic, 'The Chain'. I had been sitting on this idea since last year and I had finished it much earlier in the year, but I commissioned a friend for the fanfic poster. They had some real life stuff happen so I just figured I would wait. As you can see from the artwork, it was easily worth the wait.

Hope y'all enjoy the shenanigans that I keep putting Gallus and Smolder in. 'The Chain' was a fun fic to write and I'm stoked to finally publish it.

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BabsCon · 11:46pm Apr 5th, 2023

I’m going to be at BabsCon this weekend. Not really have any real plans, other than helping friends vend, wandering around, and hanging out.

If you happen to see someone with a Yona itabag, that’ll be me.


Starlight centric fic + upcoming attractions · 8:53pm Mar 17th, 2023

I’ve been wanting to write something about Starlight for a while, and I finally got inspired enough to put pen to paper to write ‘A Sort of Homecoming’. I had fun with this fic, so keep your eyes peeled with upcoming chapters.

In other news, I swear I’m still working on that giant Yona and Sandbar fic. It doesn’t help I keep getting other ideas I also want to write. Speaking of which a new oneshot is almost done.

Report Closer-To-The-Sun · 164 views ·

Everfree Northwest · 5:44am Aug 25th, 2022

I’ll be at Everfree Northwest this weekend, working in the electronic gaming room. If any of y’all are there, feel free to say hi.

Polishing up a fic right now, a sequel that is very dumb and fun. Also, might have something else planned later. And I swear, I am working on that giant YonaBar fic.


Fic sequel and new ideas · 5:43pm Mar 30th, 2022

So as promised, I uploaded a sequel to ‘I Owe You One’. It would have been up sooner if only I didn’t keep second guessing myself on all of it, from the dialogue to the title itself (which is a great song, by the way). I hope y’all enjoy ‘Softly’.

Also, more ideas have been brewing in my mind. Oddly enough, one is a sequel and one is new. We’ll see what happens. And yes, I’m still working on that giant YonaBar fic. Over halfway done!

Anyway, back to my 9 to 5.


Recovery · 2:07am Mar 13th, 2022

Good news, I’m well on my way to recovering. My fingers have healed and are doing much better, so typing is no longer a burden. Which means I can get back to that massive fic. But what’s this, another stupid idea to write? Why, you bet! While at work, I got an idea for a small follow-up for “I Owe You One”, so if you like Gallus and Ocellus together, you’re in luck. I’ll write that one up reeeeeeaalllly soon.


Mini-Break from Writing Due to Injury · 5:21pm Feb 26th, 2022

So, I just moved up to Seattle and started my new job. I enjoy it and every once in a while I can write up some stuff for the new (giant) fanfic I'm working on later in the evening. However, this week I stupidly injured my left hand at work (a heavy-duty staple going through two fingers). Yeah, aren't I brilliant.

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Report Closer-To-The-Sun · 132 views ·

Recently moved, working on my massive fic, and a couple questions about my works · 12:42am Feb 14th, 2022

So I just moved up to Seattle and, in time, will resume working on my massive fic that has been (as of now) two years in the making. I won’t lie, this is a fic I’ve been having fun writing.

In other news, I have a question for my followers: what do you think is my best fanfic? Where do my strengths lie? What character do you like seeing me write? What genres do you like to see from me? What do you think is my magnum opus?

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Holiday fanfic, ‘The Gift That Keeps Giving’ · 10:13pm Dec 13th, 2021

It’s been a while since I did a non-spooky holiday fic. I might not be a fan of this time of year, but I actually enjoyed writing this. Sandbar and Ocellus are pretty adorable.

Pre-read and edited by the awesome Striving for Harmony. Thanks again dude.