• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2014
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Leonard Church

I feel I must remind you, that it is an undeniable, and may I say a fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.

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The best Red vs. Blue analysis I have ever seen.

I was listening to this song, when I came across a guy who has his head so far up his ass that he managed to find wisdom (and a pot of gold). He commented:

"On Jeff Williams's Song: Red vs. Blue
In my opinion, Red vs. Blue has changed over the years; what started out as two armies in a box canyon, who only fought because command told them too, has evolved into something larger over the seasons, it makes itself known throughout this song (if you can look deep enough), and whether this is a valid analysis, or the ramblings of a madman is up to you. But I’ll try my best to prove my addiction has not been in vain.

As you listen to the song, think of what has happened over the course of the show (in it’s entirety), try to find similarities between the words and the plot, then find how deep the similarities go.

Tell me why you're here, you could walk away right now.
-Why are you here? Why don’t you leave? This brings up the same response as for why the flag is so important. “Because, it’s the flag.”
No-one would stop you, you're free to choose your own way.
-You could just get up and leave, join the reds, join the blues, it doesn't matter. Command said to do it, but why do you have to listen?
Don't be afraid, either choice you make is alright...
-Again, it doesn't matter.
Questions remain, they will linger on like memories.
-These questions stay with you, always coming back (like Church and Tex, hint hint).
Were you right to... Give your life to...
Someone else to run it for you?
-Have you made the right call? In the words of York: “We’re the good-guys, right?” How do you know what’s the right thing to do? Or even if you’re doing the right thing?
Do you wish you... Kept your life to...
Be somebody?
-What could you have done with your life if you weren't wasting it in a pointless fight in the middle of a box canyon?

Good to conquer evil,
-Again, who’s the good-guys? Or are you neither good, nor bad, but two groups with opposing goals (season 10’s opening).
Lies to fight the truth,
-Which are you getting? The lies, or the truth?
Are any of us only saints or sinners,
Or is it always red vs blue?
-Here’s where the Metaphysical fuckery begins, these lines are unique, where the first line means the second, and the second means the first. “Are any of us only saints or sinners,” translates to: are there truly only two options? “Or is it always red vs blue?” Or is it really two sets of people, being fed similar lies, from the same source, receiving “orders” to “kill the blues/red,” or “do better.” Command controls their entire lives, but who controls Command?

Tell me why you're here, do you even know yourself?
-Do you?
Do you belong here? You don't fit anywhere else...
-You’re just a group of low intelligent misfits stuck in a backwater canyon where no one would ever find you, or even look for you.
Don't feel betrayed, only we can wipe the slate clean,
-When you finally realize this, how you’re just a simulation trooper to test the real deal, how are you going to react? Command would just kill you or send you to another hell-hole. Only your fellow troopers, both reds and blues, will stick up for you and have your back.
Does it even matter? It only matters that we're here...
-Does it matter? Are you okay with giving up any chance of happiness for this lie? Or will you find something better out of it by befriending (or friendenacompanioning) them?

Were you right to... Give your life to...
Someone else to (run it for you?)
Do you wish you... Kept your life too...?
-Having read/heard/realized all of this, the song loops, much like the story, but this time it leaves out an option, you have to actively chose to be somebody, and to find an end to this simulation.

Good to conquer evil,
Lies to fight the truth,
Are any of us only saints or sinners,
Or is it always... Red vs Blue?
-When you go to command, if you can look deep enough, you can find that you weren’t the only ones who were lied to, tricked, used as pawns, and generally abused by someone above them. Project Freelancer never were the good guys, as we learn through the next few seasons with CT, Wash, York, Carolina, Tex, and everyone else, the Director used everyone, he lied to his agents about what was going on, that the insurrectionists were the enemy, and even turned on his own men when they tried to break away and make him pay for his crimes (i.e. C.T.), the Director and the Counselor played a game of capture the flag, with two opposing teams, who don’t even know what’s truly going on; the only difference between the Blood Gulch Battles and these ones, is the size of the pay checks, the armies, the battleground, and the lies.

The only way to look at this show as a whole, is to ask this question: “Are any of us only saints or sinners, or is it always Red vs. Blue?”

p.s. Red Team All The Way"

What. The. Fuck