A happy, abandoned colt

by MJsDragon

First published

Anon gets turned into a colt

Anon gets turned into a colt that has no home and no friends or family, but he is happy. The reason he is happy he could do anything he please. And also he could make friends on the way. He could get stronger who knows?

How I live

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I Anon have gotten a new body, a new place, and a new life. I couldn't been more than grateful. I don't really know how or why I got here. But I do remember waking up in the forest looking at my hands...hooves and having what I think is called a panic attack.

After I had my panic attack I quickly questioned if this was a dream. Like any person that dreams weird things you would obviously look at the nearest thing, which in my case was a tree and run straight to it to see if you could feel pain. Long story short trees are a lot pointier than they seem. After I'd calm down and realized that I was hungry, how?

Well my stomach decided to be a siren and alert me of its hungreness. So the next thing I did was walk around the forest and try to find something to eat. Unfortunately I did realize that the forest is a very dangerous place because on multiple occasions i was chased by wooden wolves, a weird lion that had wings on it's back and had a scorpion tail. But fortunately I did get out the forest and I found a field.

A field with lots and lots of bright red apples. I swear those things could drag you in by just the sheer brightness I was like a moth attracted to bright light. I looked around to see if anyone was there but there wasn't I think? I couldn't see cuz the amounts of sheer trees.

I went to one of the trees and tried to climb it and I realized about my new body that it is not very good at climbing, because I fell right away on my head. I got up and tried to see if there was another way to get the Apple. I did notice that the tree looked a lot softer than the trees from the forest, because that makes sense. I did what a logical person would do I backed up.

And I charged at the tree with my head. Which intern caused one apple to drop on my head. I was starting to see a pattern with my head. But hey I got the apple.

I grabbed the apple and I bit into it. Holy shit the apple was amazing! It was like the apple was heaven itself, the sweetness was so great. The apple was already my favorite fruit but this apple in particular made all doubts in my mind disappear in an instant.

After devouring the apple I looked around and found a farm. I didn't go near the farm I actually bolted the other way around. Why? Well because I saw an orange horse kick a tree and all the apples fell down!

I wasn't trying to mess with those legs. I charge full speed to a tree and I only got one apple down. The orange horse though managed to kick all the apple's down in one kick. After I bolted the opposite way and ran for a few minutes I found a town.

I was going to the town until I realized that it was a small town. People or in this case horses who live in small towns know everyone. So it would be weird if a random horse child would appear out of nowhere, could cause a lot of attention. I decided that I had to sneak around and find out how these horses live.

So there I went going to the town. After a little while I saw some train tracks. And decided to follow them Left. After a couple of minutes I saw one of the greatest things I think I'll ever see in my entire life.

A WHOLE GINGERBREAD HOUSE!!! I had to get over there. So I speed walked over there and quickly arrived. I didn't care if anyone saw me I just had to get there.

I then stood right next to it, looked around. Got a tiny bit closer. This might be dumb of me but I just had to make sure. And then I bit it.

Solid house, not a gingerbread house at all. I let go of the house, and begin to walk away. I was embarrassed my face turned bright red. I was lucky enough to keep my long hair, it made it much more easier to hide my face.

I decided to walk in a random direction. I didn't really care where I was going or who saw me I just needed to get away from that gingerbread house. A little while later I found a School or schoolhouse I couldn't figure it out what it was. Suddenly I heard a bell and said Bell came from the school and I saw horse children running outside playing.

Then I realized something. I'm a horse child technically, and if a random adult horse find me they would probably think I'm skipping school. Yeah I need to get out of here. I then started running, running as fast as I could, where I don't know?

All I knew is that I ran all the way back to the farm. I was still like 20, 30 ft away but still near the farm. So I had two options play it safe and go around the farm back to the edge of the forest. Or say fuck it and go through the field in front of the farm.

As I was walking through the field I grew hungry again. I guess running throughout the town made me hungry. I was going to sacrifice my brain cells for an apple until I heard a voice. "And what do you think your doing?"

I froze in fear, fear had struck me at that point. I turned around slowly only to see a old horse sitting on a rocking chair. I sighed, "umm well I uhh was going to hit my head on the tree?" I mean am not lying.

"No need to lie you ain't fooling me." Shit. Well the truth never hurts, and she doesn't seem to be mad. "I was going to steal one of your apples so i could eat it." I said with genuine shame.

Well that's new. "Why dont you pay for it?" The green horse said with a raised eyebrow. "Well I can't pay for it." I said a bit embarrassed.

"Do you have strong legs?" The green horse said surprisingly. I was taken aback but answered anyways. "Uhh yeah I think so."

I mean my legs carried you from certain death and place to place in the town. "Buck the tree." "Wha- umm what did you say?" She didn't ask you what you think heard right?

"You know like kick the tree so you could work for your own apples." "Oh, oh ok." I sighed in relief. I walked up to a random tree and did nothing.

I didn't know how to kick a tree if am using my limbs to stand up. Then I remembered the orange horse. The orange horse turned around, raised her back legs up, and then kicked. So I turned around, raised my back legs up, and fell on my face.

"Hehe looks like you never did this a day in your life." got up and tried again, same result. This happened for a couple of minutes. This wasn't even about the apple anymore I just wanted to do it right.

I finally was able to balance, so then I kicked the tree, nothing fell...then I fell on my face again. This also happened but a tiny bit longer. I was trying to get a single apple but I couldn't I hit as hard as I can, nothing would fall, I would fall on my face rinse and repeat. I was angry, angry that I couldn't do it, angry that I couldn't even get a single apple down from a tree.

I turned around, raised my back legs, and kicked as hard as I could with my anger helping me. And I fell but then I felt something hit the back of my head and roll off. I got up looked around and saw it a red apple on the ground. "Haha I did it hey miss look what I."

I saw the green horse sleeping. Guess I tooked to long. "Thank you miss." I said before taking the apple with my teeth and going to the edge of the forest.

It's been two weeks ever since that day. I found out about new things the green horse is actually a pony. And so is everyone else I also learned that the town is named Ponyville, which is dumb. Also that green ponys name is Granny Smith.

Two more things Granny Smith has three ponys with her named Appleboom, Applejack, and Big Mac. And lastly when could clouds turn pink and pour out chocolate milk. I mean am not complaining.

Tasty and fun choas

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I was in awe at the sight I was seeing. Outside the small cave I found near the edge of the forest. I was seeing what would make a child jealous. I was seeing what am thinking is cotton candy clouds and what seems to be chocolate milk.

I went outside and looked around making sure there was no wood wolf's or lions with scorpion tail. Just to be safe. I ran under one of the clouds, looked up and opened my mouth. Just as I hoped, it was chocolate milk.

After a few seconds I collected enough chocolate milk to fill my mouth. I swallowed, and the taste...was so good I thought it would rival or even surpass the apple at the farm. I then realized my tail started to wag back and forth. Well looks like that answered my question.

I walk out of the cloud and shaked like a dog to get the chocolate milk off me. Then I walked to Ponyville to see what is going on over there. After a few minutes of walking I saw weird thing first there were bunch of bunnies with long legs. After that I saw bulls wearing tutus and dancing around.

And then the sun and moon decided to switch places with each other scaring the shit out of me. They shortly switch back. And lastly there was a long road of soap. Now I know I did dumb things but I needed to try this.

I ran and jumped, landing on the soapy road and speeding through. As I was racing down the road I saw floating houses and parts of the ground were different color, hell even some floating pies. I'm going to have to catch one of those pies later.

Suddenly out of nowhere I saw a weird snake like creature passing through laughing about how harmony is dead or something. Must be the crazy one in the town. And the crazy creature to. Then I saw a tree, it was a big tree to...Holy shit I'm heading straight to it!!!

'Get off the road dumbass!' I thought to myself. I tried to grab the ground that wasn't soap. But I couldn't I was going too fast.

The tree was coming faster. Could I survive the impact? Probably not, I was eating only apples for two weeks. I could barely drink the water without getting chased by those monsters.

At this point I could see my ribs. My body was probably very fragile and weak. The only part of my body that wasn't skinny was my back legs. I mean it's a tree, just a bigger one.

And if I die here I can't see Granny Smith anymore. Granny Smith was probably the only friend I ever had in this world. What would she think if one of her friends die. No that's not gonna happen!

First I tried to balance on my hooves but I couldn't, the road was to slippery, then I fell on my stomach. Big ass tree 35 feet away. I then tried to spread my legs. Big ass tree 30 feet away.

I brought all my legs inward, and it was a success. Big ass tree 25 feet away. "OK this part is going to be hard." I said to myself.

I turned my body so it would face away from the tree. I turned my head to see how far the tree was. Big ass tree 15 feet away. I could barely lift my legs without almost falling. But I still lifted them either way.

Big ass tree 10 feet away. 'I only have one chance, better make it count.' I thought as I closed my eyes. Big ass tree 5 feet away. "Look out! Here comes Tom!" THUD!!!

I heard a voice but I didn't care. All I cared for was being alive. As if it was on instinct my legs kicked as hard as they could, filled with the fear of death, and adrenaline. My legs connected to the tree.

But it didn't feel like a tree. I open my eyes to see a boulder, or what were the remains of a boulder. I also realize that I stopped. And I fell on my side, my back legs were hurting like hell. I guess the adrenaline ran out.

I was whining in pain I was about to cry until I heard a soft voice. A soft voice that would make me pissed. "Awww, look at the baby who's about to cry." The voice was a mocking voice, like if the voice didn't just see you break an entire boulder.

I opened my eyes to see a flying grey pony smirking. Left to her was a normal pony with a cowboy hat that was also grey. And the one on the right was also a normal looking pony which was grey and with the poofiest hair I had ever seen. And finally I look up to the right to see the most normal pony I seen all day.

She was purple, had a horn, her hair was dark pink and dark blue striped hair. And she looked shocked. I looked back at the grey flying pony. "Hey, how about you kick a boulder to pieces and see how you like it, whore!"

I said almost screaming in pain, the pain almost got to me there. The grey flying pony was taken aback. She then quickly came back with a response that would make me confused. "Aww look at him making up new words, Applejack do you know what whore means?"

I was confused were they stupid or do they even know what a curse word is. "Of course I do, I know every word in all of Equestria." The one named Applejack said. Wait why does the name seem familiar?

Suddenly I was hit on the back of my head and my body went flying. I was three or four feet away from were I was originally at. "Rarity how could you do that to a colt!" I looked at my attacker who was supposedly Rarity.

"Twilight how could I not after what it did to Tom, poor Tom." Then Rarity started crying saying how I ruined 'Toms' beauty. I then realized that that Tom was the boulder I smashed. What the Hell is wrong with this town!

We got a flying pony who's laughing at a childs pain. Then we got Rarity who cares more for a boulder than an actual ponys life. What's next, they are somehow the heros in this world. 'If that's true then in the future I'll have powers that can destroy the universe.'

Then I heard a males voice."Well well well I see you found the elements of harmony. How terrifying." I looked up to see the same snake like creature I saw on the soapy road. But I couldn't care less.

I was on the ground of a few minutes as they talked, but I didn't want to hear what they were saying. I was in too much pain to even care. Suddenly I hear some weird wind noise then I looked up to see the ponies flying then I saw a bright light illumate around them. 'So they are the world's heros thats bullshit.'

I thought in my head before I blacked out.

A massive headache, ooo a pie

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I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm on a bed. I tried to get out the bed but I couldn't because my head was assaulted by a headache. I rubbed my head with my hoof. "Ah my heeead, ohhh why does it hurt so much?"

I said out loud. "Oh your awake!" A voice said. I looked over the bed to see a... you know what I'm in to much pain for this bullshit.

A purple and green body appears on the side of the bed I currently reside in. Said body has a purple head and main body and tail also having a green underbelly and spikes that went to his head all the way to his tail. It also had green eyes, and lastly...weird green fin like thingies. "Who and what are you?" I said while still rubbing my head trying to make the pain go away.

The creature puff its chest and said "My name is Spike the dragon!" Dragon? I looked at at this so called Spike and...well I could kinda see him as a dragon. He then passed me a glass of water.

Wonder how he got that? Anyways I gulped all the water in seconds. Barely drinking water for two weeks made me more thirsty than I thought. "Wow you where really thirsty. Want me to get you more water?"

"Yes please." I said to Spike, it seems like the water was helping me fight the headache. Spike went downstairs to get me more water. But how did I get here?

Think Anon think what happened? Ohhh I remember that Rarity bitch hit me on the back of my head. No wonder why I have a massive headache. My stomach made stomach noise.

I was Hangry. Hungry and angry combined. My headache got a lot better so I again tried to get off the bed. My back legs made contact to the floor.

It was like a bolt of lightning that hit my nervous system. I fell on the floor screaming in pain. Spike quickly came back upstairs. "What happened, are you ok!"

"No, no I am not ok Spike!" I said holding my back legs with my hooves. "My legs hurt so much!" Spike helped me get back on the bed.

After spike helped me get back on the bed he gave me another glass of water. I drank the water. "Hey Spike can you catch me a pie?" "What?" Spike asked confused.

"You know the pies that are outside, floating." "Uhh, I don't think that's the thing you should be concerned about." "Spike my boi, look at my ribs...you can see them." Spike eyes grew wide, to the size of plates.

Why was he surprised, did he not see my ribs? And how did I get here in the first place?!?! Did he bring me here, but I didn't see him near the situation. And how did he not notice my ribs when he was dragging me.

So many questions so many that were left unanswered. This amount of thinking caused my headache to come back full swing. I looked back up to see Spike running down the stairs talking about he was going to make food for me. But I didn't really care.

I looked out the window to see a pie floating by. I got off the bed ignoring the pain. I walked to the window then open said window to catch the pies floating by. "Gotcha."

I said as I caught the pie. I brought the pie inside the house, or tree? I couldn't tell because of the inside. I tossed the pie on the bed and walked to the bed.

I got back on the bed and looked at the pie. My mouth was watering at this point. I was imagining what it would taste like. If the chocolate milk surpassed the apples then what could this be like?

I grabbed the pie out of the pan and shove it in my mouth. I swallowed...Holy Shit...It was mediocre. I was kinda disappointed I mean the chocolate milk was very good. Ohh the cotton candy clouds didn't get those yet.

I mean the pie though it was like the disappointment of the family that was produced by this chaos. Kinda sad really. Suddenly, without your knowledge you started to float. I mean come on really how did someone mess this up that badly? Like the new Kung fu panda movie!

I mean even though I didn't watch it but I heard it was ass. 'And al- wait why am I floating?' I thought as I started to float to the ceiling. Somehow I went through the ceiling and went out the tree.

I breathe in. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Holy shit holy shit holy shit! How did this happen why is this happening?!

My heart is racing. I looked around to see what I could get ahold of so I could try to stay as close to the ground as possible. I tried to get ahold of some branches but they broke. "Shit!"

I dropped the stick and tried to swim down. Results, unaffected. Thankfully I stopped... somehow? I looked around and saw that I was around like an invisible barrier stopping me from getting higher.

I was still as... well I guess a stick? I then slowly got back to standing. Wait my legs don't hurt anymore... had to been the pie. 'Also dang I'm standing on basically nothing...upside-down!' Well from what happened today am barely even surprised.

That's when I spotted my 3rd to last goal of the day. I saw a the cotton candy cloud that I was so looking forward to devour. I walked to the cloud while still being upside down.

I went out to grab it, but it was out of reach. "Dammit, so close too." I then walked underneath the cloud and jumped a tiny bit. I reached out on of my hooves to get ahold on it and. Success, mission accomplished.

It then turned night because why the hell not?I brought the cloud down...up to me so it be easier for me to eat it. I tried to bring my hoof back to my mouth but it was stuck.

And for some reason the cloud could or didn't want to move anymore...because fuck me. So I then brought my mouth to the cloud and *CHOMP!* I took a massive bite out of the cloud. The taste...was...amazing I couldn't even describe the it!

Then the sun went back to its original place. Even the sun thought that the cloud was good. I wanted to take another bite but I decided to save it for later.

I decided to take it take to my cave, as I was walking away I forgot that the cloud didn't want to move anymore like it had a mind of its own or something. I pulled my hoof harder, didn't move. I then walked away from the cloud as far as possible to get away from said cloud. But the cloud kept bringing me back.

This happened for five to maybe ten minutes. At this point I walked at least 40 feet away. "Come on... just a bit...further." I said while gripping the invisible barrier. I then heard a popping noise.

I looked behind me and saw that the cloud disappeared. "Fuuuuuuuuu-." I then was sent flying at top speeds. I didn't even scream I was to tired. After like two or three minutes of flying I saw something that I may never forget until I die.

There was a hot air balloon, said air balloon had a orange pony with a cowboy hat and a lasso in her mouth...which was tied around a speeding pony who was flying away. The pony who was trying to fly away had another rope tied around her which had purple... wait a damm minute that's fucking Rarity!!!

Finally there was a purple pony with a horn that had a very familiar face...hold the fuck on these are the same ponies who where at the tree but they all had colors now? And the one being chased was grey but she wasn't there.

Okay what the actual FUCK is going on. Wait and why am I speeding over to the... oh shit ama hit the hot air balloon. As if it was on que my head collided with the air balloon "woah!" "Ahhhh!" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" "Hold on girls!"

I heard so many voices but it didn't matter we were all going down. All I saw is that the grey pony got free from her ropes and flew off. That's the last thing I saw before I was surrounded by darkness.

A repeating nightmare or dream

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Darkness surrounded me. I could still feel the grass underneath my body. The darkness was above me. But it felt nice, like a soft blanket.

That's when I realized...I was under the balloon part of said air balloon. I crawled out of the balloon. Then my eyes were assaulted by the sun as I made it out of the ballon. I got up and looked behind me to see the ponies I saw earlier.

They were all on the ground. They most likely got knocked out by the impact of the fall. I went to them to get a closer look at them. Now that I saw them I realized I missed some things about them.

Number one Twilight...if I remembered correctly. Twilight was the one with a horn, purple coat, had dark pink and blue striped hair and tail, and finally she had a weird butt tattoo.

I looked who was next to her and found a orange pony. Said orange pony was, if I remember, was Applejack...wait orange pony with a cowboy hat. And has a name Applejack. She seems so familiar... OH SHIT THATS GRANNY SMITHS GRANDDAUGHTER!!!

'Well I really hope Granny Smith doesn't find out about this.' She also had a butt tattoo, and had a golden like pony tail for her hair and tail. The third one had a pink coat, pink hair, and pink tail.

The pony who was next to her had wings, had a yellow coat and light pink hair and tail. She had a butt tattoo of pink butterflys. She also looks very familiar too.

Wait a damm minute she's the same pony who laughed at my pain. How could she be so different now? I mean she's yellow instead of grey. Now that I see all of them...they all have color.

'OK if your grey your an asshole...got it' I thought to myself. I looked at a white pony...Rarity. Rarity was a pony with a horn with a purple curly hair and tail. She had diamonds as her butt tattoo.

Last and not least. There was a normal pink pony. Her hair and tail was a darker pink than her coat, speaking of her hair and tail, it was so puffy. The butt tattoo was three balloons

She looked so...adorable. I reached my hoof to her hair and it was so fucking puffy. I reached around her hair and it felt like cotton candy. I laid down next to her.

Then I placed my face on her chest fluff...she was so warm. I almost fell asleep right there and then. I quickly moved my head away. I tried to shake the sleep away, the move was unaffected.

I yawned I got on my stomach and leaned my body to the pink pony, then I closed my eyes to prepare for the first good comfortable sleep I had in over two weeks.

There was fire, screaming ponies, and maybe even some blood here and there. Chaos everywhere the fire was bright with the night sky. The fire was on houses and reach to 20 to 30 feet in the sky. The screaming ponies where getting shot with magic by something or someone. The ponies flesh and bones would be exposed after getting hit.

It didn't matter who got shot, if it was adults or kids it didn't matter for the thing that was shooting. I then heard the familiar child like laughter. I looked up at the thing I see every time I sleep.

The thing was sitting on a floating black like coal chair. The backing of said chair was taller then the pony sitting in the chair. The very top was like branches going all over the place.

I couldn't see the pony, but I could see three things from the pony. The first was its eyes, it was a dark purple that could shatter any soul it came across. The second was its teeth its teeth was very sharp, and was metal like.

Lastly it had a very large wingspan of at least 30 feet. The color of said wings where yellow, purple, blue, and black it was like liquid. It was also eating something...probably a leg of a pony that's the same size of it.

Suddenly it flew up with its massive wings and started chasing some ponies. It caught a pony and started to rip its stomach out and eating it. The screaming of the pony was sad, no one would help the pony.

It then looked at me. I sighed I knew what was about to happen. It started to fly to me at high speeds and before I could see its face I was teleported to somewhere else. The green grass and bright blue sky was beautiful.

Mountains where everywhere some were big and small. Then a dragon crashed into a mountain. The dragon had black spikes, a yellow underbelly, and pink main body with a long tail. The dragon roared, I covered my ears trying not to go deaf.

Then I saw a pony with six rainbow circles orbiting said pony. The pony then rushed over to the dragon striking the dragons face in response the dragon tried to bite the pony. The pony got away from the dragons mouth.

The pony then kicked the dragons belly sending the dragon deeper into the mountain. The dragon again tried to bite the pony...well if the dragon could make contact. The ponys rainbow protected said pony from getting eaten.

Suddenly the pony made a rainbow explosion causing the dragon to be sent flying and making me cover my eyes. I opened my eyes to see a pink and white figure. "Oh um Twilight, darling he's awake!"

Said the white figure. "HellowhatsyournamemynameisPinkiePieandthisismyfriendRarityohIneedtogiveyouawelcometoponyvilepartyandyoushouldeatalottherebecauseyourribsareshowingareyouokaretourparentsfeedingyouheyletsgiveyousomefoodaftermeandmyfriendswinagainstabigmeanie!" My ears was assaulted by her words.

I couldn't hear a single word from her all I heard was party, feeding, and Pinkie. "Pinkie? You said that's your name?" "Yuuupppp!" Pinkie said as she nodded her head at a very scary speed.

Well she gave me her name might as well do the same. "My name is Anon nice to meet you Pinkie...and your Rarity right?" I said getting up. Rarity was taken aback wondering how I know her name.

"Darling how do you know my name I don't believe we ever meet before?" "Oh well your the same pony who kicked the back of my head!" Before I could go off on her there was a pink spark that came out of nowhere.

Twilight came out of said spark and looked around. She found me and went down to her stomach, probably to look non-threatening. "Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle." She started with. There and then you and Twilight started to have a conversation, and I found out about the situation.

The last thing she talked about is about my parents and what I was eating. Let's just say I weasel my ass out of that conversation. I still need to get my get back on Rarity.