The Pony Guard: Friendship Games

by MXCDarkHorse2020

First published

The Lion Guard travel to Canterlot High to help Sunset as they prepare for the upcoming Friendship Games meeting new faces and new discoveries.

It is time for the upcoming Friendship Games against their long time rivals, Crystal Prep Academy. But, when the Magic Mirror in Equestria begins acting strangely and traps Kion and Twilight at Canterlot High, the rest of the Lion Guard come on over in an effort to figure out what happened. Along the way, they meet up with Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms, who are also struggling to understand how the magical "pony-ups" work.

As if preparing for the games and trying to launch the investigation isn't enough, their discovery has come to them discover that the two curious also investigating the magic mystery happen to be both... Twilight Sparkle and Kion's alternate human forms.

In the battle of competition, who will win? Or will whatever strange magic flowing around will cause more problems and uncover something that might be too powerful and sinister for both the new Twilight and Kion to handle?

* Note (This takes place after Season 6 Episode 10 Undercover Kinyonga)


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Sometime after the whole drama in the Pride Lands went down, Sunset felt emotionally well enough to finally return to Canterlot High. She had just gathered her belongings and was making her way to the portal in the castle library where Twilight and Kion were there to see her off.

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” Kion asked.

Sunset confidently assured the prince she is. “Yes, I’m sure.” She held onto the package that her Christmas and apology gift inside. “It might seem difficult at first, but it should be doable. That is assuming it isn’t bait to lure me into a trap.”

“I’m sure it isn’t.” Twilight said feeling very certain about that. “At this point considering that the anonymous leaks and content continued to go on even after you left, they had to have realized that they were wrong to accuse you like that.”

“No kidding.”

“But…” She chimed in and added with. “...I would hold off on displaying any sort of grudge against them even if justified because doing so will only further make yourself unhappy. And for someone who’s done that herself I can tell you that doing so nearly lead to me committing the same mistakes enemies who’ve been in your shoes have done.” She then imparted this last bit of advice for her. “And what you can do instead can make a difference for the better. Sometimes all you can do is stay strong. Remember who you are. And find your family.”

“I will.” She promised before hugging her friends especially Twilight. “Thanks. I’ll write back when this is all over.”

“Look forward to it!”

“Take care!”

With a new resolve she turned and walked up straight through the portal.

With a bright flash of light, Sunset then once again found herself on her own two feet wearing the same clothes she wore when she first came here after stepping foot right back towards the entrance towards Canterlot High. One look at her surroundings gave her the indication that enough time has passed since the holidays but not enough for what was told was coming to pass by.

Upon arriving she is greeted by friends who at this point heard what happened to her by now.

“Sunset!” Bunga happily greeted first with a hug. “So glad you’re back!”

“Yeah, we really missed you!” Beshte added feeling very relieved while holding back tears himself.

“Yeah! We were really starting to get worried if you would come back or not!” Ono added feeling relieved himself. “I was beginning to wonder if I had to find a new study buddy for the upcoming semester exams.”

“Semester exams?” Sunset returned with a blank glance and arched eyebrow.

“Yeah, but it wouldn’t be fun studying without you, not because I need your intelligence…” Ono nervously laughed upon realizing what he is saying. “ know what I mean.”

Sunset very understanding, was quick to take his word for it.

Fuli then approached Sunset feeling very apologetic of what happened to her. “We heard what happened and to think this had to occur just after our families wanted us to come visit them a week before the whole holiday break happened. I only wish we were around to help you out before it all started.”

“You couldn’t have known.” Sunset assured to dissuade Fuli from feeling guility about all of this. “And even if you were there it wouldn’t have made a difference. At least in regards to those who doubted me.”

“Well we can tell you right now that we don’t.” Bunga firmly assured while patting her on the back. “And we’re here to help you get through this.”

“Would you all happen to know where the other girls are?” Sunset asked.

“At their usual get together whenever school isn’t in session.” Fuli answered. “The most common diner for high school students to catch up with one another.”

“Then that’s where I’m headed.” Sunset then said as she made her way over there with the others following after her to make sure nothing else bad happens to her.

Once she arrived at the place, she took a moment to take a deep breath and process Twilight’s advice at the front door before opening it. There inside is all the girls sitting on a table waiting for her. Before laying eyes on her they were looking on despondent and guilty as they drank their drinks where not even a root beer float was enough to bring a happy smile to Pinkie’s face.

“Sunset…” Rainbow Dash began feeling the most guilty of the group. “’re back.”

“Yes I am.”

“Don’t suppose you’re here to forgive us?” Applejack asked hoping that’s why she is here.

“That depends…” Hearing that worried the girls as she pulled out something from her bag. Her journal. “...if you truly are my friends, then look at this and answer this question. I’ve been telling Twilight and Kion everything that’s happened, and they reminded me. You’re more than friends, you’re my family. Ask yourself, would the Sunset Shimmer you know...the real Sunset Shimmer, the person I am now...would she do this?”

The girls read the journal and since they had time to dwell on the consequences of their rash behavior towards Sunset gave her the expected answer from a true friend.

“No.” Fluttershy answered on behalf of the group. “She wouldn’t.”

“You wouldn’t, darling.” Rarity clarified. “And we’re really sorry we ever doubted you along with making you feel alone like that.”

“It was wrong what we did, and we can’t take it back. We know.” Applejack added as she took off her head in shame. “We’re all ashamed after learning that you weren’t Anon-a-Miss. You didn’t deserve all of that and we regret what we said that day.”

“And we’ll all understand if you don’t want to be friends with us anymore.” Rainbow added as she voiced her guilt being one of the quickest to judge against her. “That is of course if this is the way it’s going to be.”

“And if it is, we’ll be fine with it, because we know we deserved it for hurting you so badly and we were horrible friends back there.” Pinkie added while on the verge of tears herself.

Sunset after pondering and taking their apologetic words to heart and remembering Twilight’s advice and past situation, moved to voice what she thinks of what they said to her. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary…” The girls look on in worry until she added. “...because I’m ready to put all of this Anon-a-Miss drama behind us.”



“Aww!” Pinkie was the first to hug Sunset like a bawling child after being forgiven by her parents with the rest of the girls following suit.

Beshte himself upon watching nearly cried himself. “Aw. I love a happy ending.”

“Me too!” Sunset returned as she too agreed with that this is indeed a happy ending.

“And since there is still time left in the winter season…” Pinkie then said next. “...there is time for us to get together to celebrate this occasion. And what better way to do it than a “Welcome Back! We’re sorry! Christmas party with the Apple Family along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo!”

“Nothing better.” Sunset replied which endeared Pinkie feeling like she arranged everything just right.

“And believe us, we talked it over and after the girls took responsibility for their actions that led up to this, we made sure that they plan to give you a personal apology when we get there.”

“Sounds good, and I’ll try to make sure that I won’t be too hard on the girls. After all, who am I to hold onto grudges and make someone else feel the same way?”

“Not you!”

“Not anymore!”

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack answered feeling greatly relieved and better now that they talked things out and all is forgiven…

...all while a pair of red eyes wearing a black sweater looks on with disdain and contempt, particularly and the red and yellow haired girl receiving much needed forgiveness before disappearing into the cover of darkness.

A First Glimpse with New Strangers and a New Mystery

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A First Glimpse with New Strangers and a New Mystery

On a bright and sunny day, Sunset Shimmer now wearing the new outfit she was gifted ran by the streets as fast as she could as fast as her own two legs can carry her. A con of being a human, otherwise time and distance would fly by faster. Even after reformation patience was something she was still learning to master. Her boots constantly hit against the ground with every step, fallen leaves floating around her as she passed by them as she tried to get there as fast as she could. Seconds later, she arrived. She smiled as she appeared in front of the stone statue of the majestic horse. She saw more of her friends arrive by the small stairs leading up to the school entrance. She panted as she came to a stop.

"I got your text, Rainbow Dash! Did something come through the portal? Is Equestrian magic on the loose? Did Kion and Twilight come back with a problem that only we can solve?!"

"Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world in cake?!" Pinkie returned as she held two cupcakes in her hands, before placing them both in her mouth and swallowed them whole in just one gulp.

“Nope! Nor was it the cookie monster!” Bunga stated before happily munching on a box of cookies.

"Um, not exactly." Rainbow returned, revealing that she was the one who sent the emergency call to all of her companions. Only, it wasn't what any of them were expecting.

“What is it?” Beshte asked before seeing what the big deal is. “Um...whatever this is, “Whatever it is, there clearly isn’t any danger around us.” Beshte commented while looking around to see what sparked the group’s immediate summons. “Are you sure this is an emergency.”

“Yeah, I’m confused too.” Bunga commented while scratching his head as he eyed the item in question.

"Uh, I don't understand." Ono spoke clearly confused. “Because clearly the only thing I’m seeing as a skirt wearing girl with tall boots holding a guitar like a baby and with one string broken.” Rainbow scowled at him for that remark.

Applejack knowing what it’s really about spoke up to clarify on her behalf looking clearly annoyed. “Well, Sunset, Ono, I was just tellin' Rainbow Dash here that a broken guitar string doesn't really qualify as an emergency."

"It totally does!" Rainbow Dash said in defense, holding her electric guitar close to her chest like she is about to cry.

“Seriously?!” Fuli returned rather irritated like that’s one of the most absorb emergency calls she has ever heard. “You call us all over here for us to find your urgent matter is all because of one broken guitar string?!”

Rarity, rolled her eyes in response in full agreement with Fuli’s assessment on the matter. "Really, Rainbow Dash! I was in the middle of sewing a very complex appliqué on my latest frock." She said while adjusting the cuisine pin on her wrist and the roll of measuring tape around her neck.

The other girl, Fluttershy, held her pet bunny closer, "And I was just about to tuck everyone in for the night at the shelter. Now we'll have to start stories all over again."

"Why would you send all of us an emergency text for a guitar string?" Sunset asked in annoyance.

Rainbow gestured to three thirteen-year-old girls sitting on the stairs; Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who all waved and smiled. "Well, I was going to pony up and show our fans some awesome guitar licks, but I kinda need all six strings to do it. Got any extra?"

Everyone, but Rainbow Dash, all groaned in annoyance. Sunset Shimmer rummaged through her backpack and pulled out an extra guitar string. Thanks to her equal skill of playing guitar along with her past experience from her ex-boyfriend Flash Sentry. At the very least they are on good terms, despite not having any romantic interest in him. And they have both come to accept that a romantic relationship was never meant to be, nor can it work out if they tried to start over again.

She handed her friend the extra string, "Here. But everyone finished practicing for the day. I'm pretty sure all the music rooms are locked."

"No problem. The acoustics in the hallway are perfect for power chords." Rainbow flashed them a bright shinny smiled as she strung on her instrument, making Sunset smiled but shake her head. "C'mon! Let's go!"

"You comin', Sunset?" Applejack asked once all the others walked inside.

"I'll catch up in a bit." Sunset Shimmer sat down on the stairs and pulled out a her journal. Opening the book and taking out a pen she began writing on the blank pages, sending a message to her friends.

"Dear Princess Twilight and Prince Kion, how's life treating you? Any cool new magic spells? It's been pretty quiet here at CHS since the Battle of the Bands. Though me and the girls recently started up training for our new jobs at the agency Special Agent Askari has assigned us. At least I’ve been able to keep my fighting skills with and without magic sharp. I've gotten pretty good, though it's hard when you try to keep the whole magic stuff a secret from anybody who doesn't go to CHS. We still pony up when we play music, which Rainbow Dash just loves to show off. But I still can't quite grasp what it's all about. I would love to hear what you think about it when you get a sec. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."

Meanwhile, back in Equestria, more specifically the Friendship castle, Twilight Sparkle with Kion for company heard vibrating coming from one of the shelves of her library. Levitating the book the princess opened it and smiled when she received a message from her dear old friend who she hadn’t seen in a little while since the whole incident with Scar and Starlight. She then levitated a quill and wrote a response.

"Dear Sunset Shimmer, things are going pretty good back in Equestria. Recently my castle has gotten a magical map that summons us to any place in Equestria to solve a friendship problem. So far, I haven't been on many of those missions with the sole exception of when first encountering Starlight along with the one friendship mission where two bickering families were fighting for something they didn’t even remember. Silly isn’t it. Anyways, ever since our near brush with death, friendship has blossomed like a fully grown garden in the meadows. Starlight herself by the way, has taken up the mantle ever since you went back to CHS and much like me it is a slow and steady progress for her redemption. As her current teacher, I’ve been making sure she stay’s up to speed on her current friendship lessons. Kion himself has been doing better since being stung by Sumu the scorpion and so has his father, though everyone is still on edge for whatever Scar plans to do next. With him there is just no way of being completely sure of what he’s planning yet no matter what he knows what we are doing even when we don’t think about it. Probably because it is one of things that can’t easily be explained, which the same can be said in regards to our friends ponying up when you play. But I’m sure we’ll figure it out sooner or later. We always do no matter how long it takes. So that said since we caught you on a free day, how about we come on over so we can keep talking face to face? And don’t worry we’re not needed on patrol today, we made sure of that thanks to Ono. And I hope you’re thinking yes because we’re on our way over now."

Sunset smiled at the response, and as soon as those words appeared on her journal, both Twilight and Kion appeared right before her very eyes which in return had her smile become even brighter with giddy delight at seeing her old friends once again. Both wearing the same attire they both wore since their last visit.

“Like we said! Right over in an instant.” Kion stated with a friendly smile while Twilight continued to hold her journey in her own hands.

Instantly, Sunset rushed over to hug them. “Perfect timing! And it’s so great to see you both again!”

“You too!”

“We never stopped thinking about you, Sunset.”

“Always great to hear. So now that you’re both here, I suppose now would be a good time to tell you of my recent experience as a federal agent.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Give us the details.”

“Well for starters, we haven’t been on any cases alongside Askari and his team since we’re still part-time field agents still in training. But they sure are helping us get up to speed so that whenever something arises we’ll be ready by then.”

“That’s still great progress, Sunset.”

“And who knows maybe you’ll get to solve your first case sooner than you or Askari think.” Kion grinned somewhat nervously with a forced chuckle at the name. “Askari nor Scar.” She then clarified.

“Right, right. Sorry.” Kion apologized. “It’s pretty hard after being used to dealing with the man’s evil self back home. Our home.”

“I hear you, Kion.” Sunset acknowledged why it’s such a tough thing to grapple with. “It’s quite a contrast to see him as a benevolent leader even while being tough, stern, and a bit of hard butt instead of the Satan like demon from the pits Tartarus and the darkness of the Outlands.” Both Kion and Twilight snickered in response at the first part. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“Just cracking up at your description of the contrast between the two Scar’s.”

“Oh...right.” She realized.

While the three chatted a bus stopped in front of the school. Not one of them thought too much of it, figuring it was most likely dropping off a student or somebody who needed to walk by the high school to get to where they needed to go. At least up until Twilight herself noticed something very peculiar and familiar with who stepped off of the bus. But, because of her obliviousness, the stranger who exited the vehicle walked on over towards the school. The first one, unquestionably a girl, wore a light blue hoodie that covered her entire head and wore a pair of black sunglasses, long purple jeans and sneakers. The second one, wore a bright red hoodie, black sunglasses and matching jeans and sneakers.

The female carried some strange remote control-like object in her hands. Turning the nob on the side, the contraption beeped, the radar signaling that there was some very strong energy around this place while the male stranger followed after her. The female stopped in front of the horse statue, moving her device up and down in front of the large pedestal…which happened to be the portal to Equestria.

“Well at least he’s on the right side of the law in this universe, otherwise then we’re looking at a recipe for disaster.” Sunset then said as Twilight found herself distracted by what the two were doing. “Right, Twilight? Twilight?!”

“Um...excuse me.” Twilight spoke up to get their attention. “Can we help you two with something?"

Suddenly she sees the two hooded strangers. “Hey! What are you two doing?!" Sunset called out to them as she is quick to draw her sword and charge at them.

The strangers turned around when they heard Twilight and Sunset calling out to her. At the same time, the reaction caused something in the mirror to react with a strange energy around it. The one wearing the purple hoodie then ran off as she fast as she could with the latter sticking back to stand his ground before quickly stopping the sword from making contact with either of them by whipping two dual swords to grab it while mid lunge. He then knocked and sent the sword right out of Sunset's hand causing it to stick and land in the nearby wall before he moved to perform a spinning kick to knock her off of her feet and tumble backwards with her friends quick to help her up to her feet. With a twirl of his swords, he then sheathed them before retreating with Twilight, Sunset, and Kion all running after them.

"Wait! Stop!" Kion ordered of them, but the strangers did not comply. They ran across the street with the one with the red hoodie making a big leap over the car himself to play catch up with the other. The pursers had to stop due to a car coming his way and had to real himself back with both Twilight and Sunset quick to grab onto Kion to keep him from falling forward and crashing into it.

The strangers then came to a sliding halt and immediately jumped into the next bus that came by, heading in the opposite direction from where the one that just dropped them off was going. By then Kion, Sunset, and Twilight all arrived too late as the bus had already carried them off to who knows where.

"Who was that?"

“And what were they doing with the portal?”

Both Sunset and Kion asked as they watched on as the bus drives off into the horizon with the only thing that the former caught the stranger who was quick to fend her off and knocked her down in a brief sword fight onto the ground had glaring red eyes. Upon seeing those eyes had sparked something inside of Sunset as if she has since those eyes before, only not as fierce with a deathly gaze inside of them. To Sunset, it was like the answer is there, but she can't figure out what or who that guy was, yet the movements on how he fought seemed so familiar somehow.

“I don’t know.” Twilight replied as they made their way back to the statue so they can witness what their tampering around did to the portal. It created a strange rippling and glowing purple energy, that seemed to strongly react to her touch as if it is preventing them from crossing over to the other world. “But whatever it is, it seems our brief stay will last up until we solve this case and there’s no backing out of this one.”

Meanwhile, once they knew were out of trouble, the strangers removed her hoods revealing their faces. Despite her bun and glasses her face…the female stranger looked exactly like Twilight herself. And at the same time, the male stranger looked exactly like Kion… with the top of his head covered by his red hoodie.

Strange minds things alike, yet with what happens next bound to change their lives forever.

Returning to Canterlot High with Double Greetings

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Returning to Canterlot High with Double Greetings

In the Ponyville Castle, Bunga continued curiously tapping his finger onto the surface of the mirror, which was still glowing purple and releasing light purple lightning strikes which still did not harm anything or anyone. However, as time was passing, they were slowly becoming brighter and vibrant. Bunga continued to play around with it by putting his paw in and out of the portal continuously. Right up until Applejack lassoed the honey badger away from it to get him to stop.

"Whoa! Hey! What did you do that for?!"

"Because you kept constantly fooling around with it! And now is not the time for playing around with something we shouldn’t be meddling with!" The country pony returned in annoyance as she and the rest of the Pony Guard and Lion Guard have gathered to communicate with their leaders on the opposite end. They can hear their voices but they too can’t The whole crew was gathered inside Twilight's castle not long after she had called them about what was happening.

"It's been like this ever since we just stepped through here.” Kion told everyone from the Canterlot High side of the fence. “And now we can’t get through.”

“Rainbow! Wait! Don’t…” Twilight then said in sudden alarm when Rainbow Dash tried rushing towards it head on to try to break the barrier, but just like with Twilight, once she made contact with it…


..., it created a force field which shocked her upon impact and caused her to fall backwards onto the floor. “ into it.” Twilight then finished while both Kion and Sunset could only shake their heads in dismay in response.

“Wow!” Rainbow remarked while rubbing her head in pain feeling woozy already. “That hurt even more than I though it would.”

“But wait…” Fuli spoke up trying to make sense of it. “ kept you, Kion, and Rainbow from passing through, but didn’t keep Bunga out too…” She then decided to give a try by carefully and cautiously placing a paw on the mirror and much to her own surprise she found it first paw that it didn’t affect her. “...what?! And me too?”

“Huh?” Ono then moved to try touching it himself and ended up getting the same reaction as Fuli and Bunga. “That’s odd. It’s like it’ll let only non-ponies to go through.”

“But if that’s the case then why didn’t it let me go back through here?” Kion asked from the other side.

“I don’t know. Maybe there’s some kind of magic inside of you that gives you the same effect as Twilight and the others?” Ono replied completely unsure himself.

“Because I’m part alicorn?”

“Could be.”

“But just how exactly did this happen?” Rarity asked in concern.

“Someway somehow these two strangers that just recently came by here did something to meddle with it’s magic.” Twilight explained. “We couldn’t get a glimpse of their faces since they managed to run off and escape before we could identify them but it was definitely them or mainly the girl herself who’s touch caused this to happen.”

“You don’t suppose it was someone who snuck through here without us noticing them.” Fluttershy asked.

“No, because only us knows about it and I have alarm spells in place whenever we’re absent from the castle.”

“So that rules out somebody from the school.” Kion added. “Otherwise we along with Sunset would have recognized them.”

“Don’t suppose it was one of our enemies?” Spike asked. “From here or there?”

“I highly doubt so. Even if Scar knew about this, it wouldn’t be in his interest to cause a scene without thinking things through. And he’s more low profile with his plans and schemes these days.” Twilight answered.

“Okay, great.” Ono sighed in relief briefly before remembering. “But what about the first group of Evil Lions from the Pride Lands Past? Don’t suppose they’re back in spirit?”

“Unless someone discovered a resurrection spell which this world doesn’t have, they’re not coming back.” Twilight quickly assured.

“Okay, but that still doesn’t explain who our mystery portal fiddlers are.” Fuli replied still very concerned and wary about them. “And unless we know who they are and what they are doing, we’re never going to know for sure what’s really going on.”

“Or do we?” Pinkie said very ominously.


“Do we?” She repeated in the same tone.

“Absolutely not.”

“Aw, you’re no fun.” Pinkie then pouted.

"So what now?" Rarity asked, "Since we can’t go through the portal and only Fuli, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga can, it only makes sense that they come over to help you both solve this mystery?”

"Maybe it doesn’t have to be that way.” Rainbow attempted to suggest otherwise. “Maybe this mysterious magic has passed through already…” ZAP! “Ow!” She rubbed her flank in pain. “Never mind. Strike that last statement.” ZAP! “Ow! Seriously?!”

“As much as I hate saying this, but it seems like it’s our only option at this point.” Fuli said with a look of resignation before adopting a more serious ready to get down to business stance. “All right. Let’s get this over with.” She adopted a ready to run stance. “Ready?”

“Ready!” The others replied adopting the same stance.

Before any of them could go on ahead. “Wait!” Fuli quickly spoke before turning to the hippo. “Beshte, you go first.”

“Good call, Fuli.” Beshte proceeded to move forward ahead of them while both Kion and Twilight wisely get a safe distance from the portal on the other end.

“Don’t worry, Kion, Twilight. We’re coming!” Ono assured before steeling his nerves to be ready to cross over.

“Ready?” Everyone nodded at Fuli’s question. “Go!”

“Twende Kiboko!”


“Zuka Zama!”


One by one, first Beshte, then Fuli, then Bunga, and then Ono all ran inside the portal all ready to join their friends on the other side all while the others can only watch from the other side with nothing else they can do but pray that they can succeed like dealing with any other mission while on patrol.

Just then Pinkie had another random question. “So, why exactly did Beshte go first through the portal, exactly?” She asked the others who look on wondering why she is thinking that. “Oh, right. Because Beshte’s big and it’s to avoid him accidentally crushing the others when they land on the other side.”


“Though we could have done without the overly detailed explanation, darling.”

Both Applejack and Rarity returned with annoyed expressions considering she knows the whole team dynamic very well.

“Uh-huh.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and resisted the urge to throw up at the very thought of broken bones.

“Oh.” She nervously giggled upon realizing. “Right.”

Seconds later on the other side, one by one the rest of the Lion Guard came screaming out of the portal, landing on the hard ground, all landing on top of one another the same order they came through.





“Ugh…” Fuli groaned as she was the first to pull apart from the dog pile. “...well that happened.”

“Yep.” Ono replied equally annoyed.

Just then both Kion and Twilight rushed over to help assist them up on their feet.


“Are you all okay?!”

“Yeah, Kion.” Beshte assured while standing up and stretching his back. “We just had a rough landing is all.”

“Well that’s good.”

“Yeah, but now that that’s over with we’re here…” Bunga happily stated before looking at their friends new appearances. “...and everyone is looking great as humans.”



“Why do you say that…”

The others asked in confusion.

“Well if you take a look at each other along with the nearby mirror, you’ll see what Bunga’s talking about.” Twilight explained as the others proceed to do so.

When they all did, they all looked on in surprise with what happened to them, from African animals to ordinary humans.


“What the…?”

“What is this?”

The three all asked as they processed that they are all standing on two legs, have hands, and have new clothes to go with their new appearances.

Beshte himself was now wearing a light gray T-shirt, with a gray jacket, matching gray jeans and matching white and blue sneakers. In addition he’s as big as a football player but only fitter with the same gray skin as his hippo form, with the same blue eyes and short black hair.

“Poa! So this is what being a human is like! And boy, do I look great!”

“Just try not to get too attached to it Beshte.” Fuli returned hoping that won’t be the case before taking her turn in processing her own appearance. She herself was wearing black jeans, a white tank top, with a yellow and brown cheetah colored athletic jacket, and yellow and black running shoes. Much like Beshte, she retained the same yellow colored skin and green eyes. “No matter how cool these outfits are.”

“No kidding.” Ono returned while managing to get a look at himself. “These aren't half bad.” He himself was wearing a white sleeved shirt with an orange stripe in the center, blue jeans, and white cap with an orange stripe in the round center.

“Yeah, I know. It takes some time getting used to these changes. Along with becoming human.” Twilight explained. “And that’s because there aren’t ponies around along with animals, at least not roaming freely in these parts of town, these transformations are to help us blend in more here.”

“Makes sense.” Fuli accepted that without question before turning their attention to the building in front of them. “And this is Canterlot High School that you both have been talking about?”

“It is.” Kion nodded. “Want to see what’s really like?”

“Heck, yeah!”

“Then let’s go on ahead in!”

“But first…” Twilight then said as she moved back towards the portal when she see and hear the voices of her pony friends once more. “...girls!”

“Yes, Twilight?” All of them asked in unison with perked up ears upon hearing her voice.

“Just wanted to let you all know we’re all okay.”

Everyone inside all sighed in relief, upon hearing that.

"Anything we can do to help out from the outside for the time being?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. Keep watch on the portal in case something else happens while we meet up with Sunset.”

“Sure thing, Twilight.” Applejack vowed.

“You can count on us, darling.” Rarity also vowed.

“Please be careful.” Fluttershy pleaded already feeling the anxiety from great worry over her friends.

“We will.” Turning her head back to the others, now trying to sound optimistic about things going forward. “Okay, now let’s go on the tour and meet up with Sunset.”

Once inside both Twilight and Kion led the way for her friends as they walked through the hallways of the school, which are completely vacant with not a single other student around occupying them. Through the tour, the group of visitors found themselves fascinated by what they were seeing. One of them being the trophy case, filled with decor, medals, pictures, and trophies.

“Wow!” Fuli was the first to voice her amazement at what they were seeing. “Well decorated for a simple high school.”

“Given that Canterlot is one of the richest cities in this world much like our world. It’s a given.” Twilight replied as it’s nothing new to her.

For Fuli, she was fascinated by the sight of the school’s athletic accomplishments. For Ono, the knowledge accomplishments. For Bunga, it was the posters featuring the various bands from the earlier Battle of the Bands competition from both Kion and Twilight’s last visit. For Beshte, just seeing of what the school itself is like is a wonder in his eyes.

“At least Canterlot High is still standing so far.” Ono commented with slight relief.

“Thankfully.” Kion returned equally relieved.

Just then Fuli sniffed something that had her sporting an odd expression. “Phew! What is that smell?”

“That is the smell of growing up.”

“It happens when a human becomes a teenager with a changing body. Something that’ll happen when you five reach that phase in life.”

The two leaders of the Guard explained.


“Good to know!”

Both Fuli and Ono replied seeing that as a satisfactory answer.

At the same time, Bunga sniffed the air and took it with great pleasure with a heavy sigh. “I’m already looking forward to it.” The others returned frowns of disgust before scooting away from him to avoid pursing this topic any further.

“Anyways…” Beshte then said changing the subject already. “...where is everyone.”

“Normally, everyone would be in class at this hour.” Kion replied.

“But because from what I hear is a big announcement and pep rally going on today…” Twilight added as they all manage to hear the sounds of many students from the gymnasium. “...they’re all over at the gym right now.”

The group all moved to make their way over there, but before entering, Twilight and Kion both stopped their four accompanying friends from setting a foot inside.

“Just a minute.”

“Put these on.” Twilight handed them sunglasses and sweaters for them to wear. “This so we don’t alarm the whole school should they happen to see double of you all.”

“You mean…” Ono asked.


“Our alternate us’s are in there.”

Both Kion and Bunga replied.

“Which means you’re little reunion with other you is going have to be put on hold until everyone else is gone.” Twilight added much to the pouting boy’s disappointment.


“It’ll be worth the wait, I promise, Bunga.” Kion assured which cheered him up enough to comply with his and Twilight’s instructions to properly disguise themselves and find a corner for them to avoid being spotted by the other students and principals who are both making their way up to the microphone stand on stage. And upon seeing them, had the three look on quite amazed to see the great resemblance of them along with their other counterparts who are along with most of the girls including Sunset are sitting on the highest part of the bleachers.



“Talk about an uncanny resemblance.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Twilight nodded before raising a finger over her mouth to gesture to them be quiet since they have arrived just in time for the announcement. “But for now, shh.”

"Good morning, students." the principal, Celestia, spoke to the students who still looked far from excited. "As I am sure you all know, in two weeks, Canterlot High School will be hosting our fellow students from Crystal Prep Academy as we join together in the spirit of excellence, sportsmanship, and fidelity to compete in the Friendship Games."

Unenthusiastic cheering and flat applause filled the room, much to The Lion and Pony Guard’s surprise including the latter’s human self's leaving them all to wonder why no one is actually looking forward to them.

"Since the games only happen every four years, I'm sure you're all curious as to what goes on."

"You mean other than us losing?!" Flash called out much to Ono and Fuli’s amusement as they both cracked a smile upon hearing that remark.

“Well that’s one way of putting it.”

“No kidding.”

Principal Celestia looked on in annoyance while her sister arched an eyebrow at him for what he just said. But the former was not about to let their spirits drop just yet. "And that is exactly why I've asked Rainbow Dash to come up and give you all a little, um... context."

Said girl had already made her way on stage and proudly took the mic from the stand to speak to her fellow classmates with the same charisma and confidence as her pony counterpart. "Thank you, Principal Celestia." She cleared her throat before continuing. "I know a lot of you might think there's no way we can beat a fancy school like Crystal Prep at anything."

"Unless it's a "losing to Crystal Prep" competition!" Human Pinkie Pie called out, "'Cause we're really good at that!"
“Apparently.” Both Bunga’s whispered under their breath. “Phew.” They jokingly said while mockingly and acting like he is wiping the sweat away from his forehead before wisely shutting up to avoid seeing the glares from his friends.

Rainbow Dash groaned before continuing on with her speech. "And I know that CHS has never won the Friendship Games even once."

Rarity sighed. "Oh, dear. I hope this speech isn't meant to be motivational." she said to Sunset Shimmer. However, she found herself seeing that is indeed motivational like Rainbow said it would be.

"Crystal Prep students are super athletic, super smart, and super motivated. But there's one thing they aren't. They aren't Wondercolts!"

Band drums began to play as the curtain behind Rainbow rose up, revealing the school's marching band playing an upbeat musical sound, where Rainbow Dash moved to sing an uplifting song to lift their spirits up.

We've fought magic more than once

And come out on top


Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash;

There's other schools, but none can make those claims


Na, na-na-na-na, oh

Rainbow Dash;

Together we are Canterlot

Come and cheer our name


Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash;

This will be our year to win these games

The Lion and Pony Guard smiled as the song played on.

"All right. I see what you’re doing.” Fuli said already feeling impressed as they all watched human Rainbow Dash march across the gym with the band behind her.

Rainbow Dash and chorus;

We'll always be Wondercolts forever

And now our time has finally arrived

'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive

Among the audience, Vinyl Scratch added her own upbeat music to the number, using her portable D.J table to do so. Even while away from a large one she always has it whenever the situation calls for it.

Rainbow Dash tapped her foot, wearing a marching band captain's hat as the band members showed images of their fast foes; the demon Sunset Shimmer, the Sirens, and the first band of Evil Lions from the Pride Lands Past. This was intentional for Rainbow to want to remind them of all they had accomplished thus far and how they can use to motivate themselves. She was not about to let her school think any less of themselves.

Rainbow Dash;

We're not the school we were before



Rainbow Dash;

Yeah, we're different now


Oh, oh


Hey, hey!

Rainbow Dash;

We overcame the obstacles we faced


Overcame the obstacles we faced

Hearing the truth and wisdom in Rainbow Dash’s words sparked the motivation the students needed. After all, the competition has even started yet. And no matter what, they always have a chance.

Rainbow Dash;

We're Canterlot united



Rainbow Dash;

We'll never bow


Oh, oh


Hey, hey!

Rainbow Dash;

So get ready to see us in first place

The band members began tossing pony ears and pony tails to the students, who all gained the courage and confidence to dance and sing along with the same equal pride as Rainbow Dash.


We'll always be Wondercolts forever

(Three! Two! One! Go!)

And now our time has finally arrived

(Our time is now!)

'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive

At the end of the day, it is we who survive

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united forever

The Lion and Pony Guard sang along and clapped their hands along with the students as Rainbow Dash march alongside the band towards the stage.

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united forever

Rainbow Dash:

We'll always be Wondercotls forever

(Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together)

And now our time has finally arrived

(Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united forever)

Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

(Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together)

Suddenly, something began to happen. Rainbow Dash's body was glowing, astonishing everyone but even it didn’t the song itself from going on. Pony ears emerged from Rainbow's head and her hair grew longer, looking like a tail, and a pair of blue beautiful feathered wings emerged from her back too as she had just unleashed her magic.

And you know, at the end of the day

It is we who survive

At the end of the day, it is we who survive!

Once the song came to a close, students cheered like they never cheered before. Thanks to Rainbow Dash, every student had regained the boost they need to regain their confidence, winning spirits, and the courage with the drive to try to win. Rainbow Dash waved at her fellow classmates from above the stage and slowly descended, as her pony attributes disappeared as soon just as they appeared.

“Way to go, Rainbow Dash!”

“And great work stepping up to leadership there!”

She gasped when she heard and recognized those two voices. And sure enough when she spun around and saw who she thought she heard, she smiled happily as she wasted no time in giving them a great big reunion hug.

“Twilight! Kion! You’re both back!"

“Of course we are!”

“Who are we, if we didn’t live up to our promise to do what we said we would?”

“Not me! And you both timed it just right.” She then took notice of the three additional friends accompanying Bunga.

“We sure did!” Bunga happily waved.

“Oh my gosh!” Rainbow Dash’s smile grew wider upon seeing them. “Not to mention you brought the whole crew together!”

“We sure did!”

“And I’m guessing by now you know are names and who we are, do you?” Fuli then asked with a knowing smile.

“Absolutely, Fuli! Along with you too, Beshte, Ono, and of course Bunga who I’ve already seen come by and visit twice alongside Twilight and Kion.”



Both Beshte and Ono greeted casually.

"Yep! You did! I was there!" Bunga proudly stated.

“Don’t I know it!” Rainbow returned with an affectionate hair ruffle to his head while wrapping an arm around his neck.

“Rainbow Dash, that was amazing!" Fluttershy said as she and the others walked up towards their friend. However, they gasped in delight once they saw their old friends.

"Kion! Twilight!"

The two friends were immediately swarmed and hugged them both to the point they had to take turns just so they can get equal friendly love.

“It’s so good to see you both, again!” Beshte happily greeted.

“You too, Beshte!” Kion happily returned to which the other Beshte that journeyed with him here had to resist the urge to say anything due to being in the presence of their mirror world self’s.

“Glad we can both take the time to see you all again as well.” Twilight happily added. “And judging from how things look around here it seems the party for what’s coming next has just begun.”

“It sure has!” Pinkie happily stated as she threw her hands up as she jumped up and somehow made confetti appear all over them.

Just then, Beshte, Ono, and Fuli all ended up reacting and gasping in shock upon seeing each other for the very first time with their mirror self’s who likewise just happened to make eye contact with them.




They all stated as their reactions mirrored their respective counterpart’s exactly down to form while the others watch on wondering how big of a shock it is and whether or not it is too much for them. Fortunately for them, they didn’t really lose their minds once the shock wore off as their expressions turn to look on at each other as they marvel and examine each other’s appearances.

“You’re me from the human world!”

“And you’re me from the pony world!”


Both Ono’s exclaimed to one another.

“Huh?” Pride Lands Fuli remarked with an arched eyebrow. “So is this what you like wear every day?”

“Yep. And I can take it you like your own outfit as well?” Human Fuli returned with the same arched eyebrow.

“Yep.” Pride Lands Fuli smiled proudly while posing. “At least it’s not a pink skirt.”

“I know right, Rarity just recently told us of how she made Rainbow and Applejack join the skirt wearing club.”

“Hey!” Rainbow returned feeling offended and embarrassed as Rarity took smugly smiled at them once more with crossed arms. “I wasn’t give a choice in the matter and neither was Applejack.”

“Yeah! And no one here is judging us for wearing them.” Applejack crossed his legs and arms as she sighed somewhat irritated at the joking around at their expense. “You wind up pulling a prank the wrong girl one time, and there’s always someone seeking to get a rise out of us. Isn’t there?”

“Oh, yeah!” Both Fuli’s continued to laugh as they shared a high five together.


“Nice jacket!” Pride Lands Beshte complimented.

“Same to you too!” Human Beshte also complimented.

“You part of the football team?”

“I will be next fall. And when that happens coach says I’ll get to be the next team quarterback! Isn’t that great?”

“It sure is!”

As for the two Bunga’s they wasted no time in moving and facing each other in perfect sync before high fiving each other and then shared a friendly hug together!”

“So, I take you’re all hyped for these upcoming Friendship Games?” Twilight then asked.

“Oh, yeah!

“We are now!”

Both Rainbow and Applejack happily replied.

“Even I think we can win!” Fluttershy added already looking forward to them.

“I feel like my school pride is at an all time high!” Rarity added with eager glee.

“Speaking of things at an all time high…” Ono spoke up with a skeptical question in mind. “ did Rainbow Dash manage to pony up without playing her guitar?” He moved his fingers around to gesture himself playing a guitar.

“I don’t know. And quite honestly, it’s the first time that’s happened.” Applejack honestly answered.

"I don't know." Rainbow said before smiling proudly, "It's probably because I'm so awesome!"

“Yes, Rainbow Dash. You are awesome…” Sunset complimented before putting her mind into thought. “...but there's gotta be more to it than that, right? It just seems so random."

“Sure sounds like it.” Kion replied finding it equally random himself.

"Well, it would be nice if you girls could get a handle on it." Vice Principal Luna said to them as she appeared behind them. "We'd like to keep magic as far away from the Friendship Games as possible. We don't want to be accused of cheating." The huge group of friends all looked on in startled shock upon seeing her. “And that includes exact look-likes from another world.”

“Does this mean we’re already in trouble?” Human Bunga asked.

“Because we just met each other.” Pride Lands Bunga added.

“No, since the games have not started yet. I’m telling you all know so that you know what to expect by then.”

“Oh, of course, Vice Principal Luna.” Twilight quickly assured. “We understand completely.”

"Besides, we don't need magic to defeat those hoity-toity Crystal Preppers." Rarity added completely sure that’ll be the case.

"Still, the Friendship Games are serious business. We don't want any surprises. Especially the kind that could cause us to forfeit."

“And we’ll make sure of it, I guarantee it.” Kion further assured.

Vice Principal Luna nodded in approval before turning to Sunset. “Sunset Shimmer. Since you came here from a world of magic alongside both your friends Kion and Twilight. Perhaps you can work with them to get to the bottom of our magical development.”

Sunset smiled as she vowed to put her foot forward in the matter. "We'll do our best."

"Good. And welcome back, Twilight Sparkle. You too, Kion.”


“Good to see you too.”

Luna smiled before leaving.

"So, if I may ask what’s up with these upcoming Friendship Games?" Pride Lands Beshte then asked. "Because up until Rainbow Dash’s speech nobody seemed to be looking forward to them."

"And what's Crystal Prep?" Pride Lands Ono also asked. “Because it sounds like the Crystal Empire back where we’re from.”

“No kidding.” Pride Lands Fuli rolled her eyes in agreement at the various similarities around them. “So many parallels in this world.”

“Yep.” Both Kion and Twilight returned sharing and acknowledging that’s so very true.

Applejack moved first to start explaining. "The Crystal Prep Shadowbolts are our biggest rivals."

Rarity nodded her head in agreement. "I wouldn't be surprised if those strangers in front of the portal were really students from Crystal Prep, coming over here to play a prank."

"Really? What makes you think that?" Kion curiously asked as both he and Twilight were all ears on this mysterious strangers.

Rainbow explained while showcasing an old yearbook she was carrying, "Because even though they beat us in everything – soccer, tennis, golf – they still have to gloat!" She showed Twilight, Kion, and Bunga from the Equestria and Pride Lands world the image of the horse statue, wearing a rainbow afro wig, funny glasses and clown pants.

“Whoa!” Pride Lands Bunga chuckled. “Talk about getting the school ready for a circus.”

“I know right!” Other Bunga laughed in agreement.

“Though it’s pretty hard to believe the event itself is called the Friendship Games if it’s that one sided and mean-spirited.” Pride Lands Fuli added finding it really hard to understand how the name makes sense.

“Even though it’s an attempt to encourage friendly competition with other schools, it’s still kinda hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything." Human Fuli explained.

Rarity scoffed in response. "That's putting it mildly, darling. They're still revamping the playing field in preparation."

"So, what are the events?" Pride Lands Beshte asked.

"Good question.” Rainbow replied. “Because actually don't know what the events will be. It could be anything."

Pinkie Pie then pulled out both a cake and pie form her bouncy pink hair, "Pie eating? Cake eating?" She then shoved them down her throat while splattering her face into them with some splatters getting on the other’s faces. "Pie-cake eating?!"

“Oh-ho-ho! Those both sound good!” Human Bunga commented already feeling hungry.

“Are you kidding?!” His Pride Lands counterpart looked on like he is talking crazy. “They’re more than good! They’re great!”

“Oh, yeah!”

"Anything?!" Rarity widen her eyes looking on like she is in for so many surprises to come. "How will I ever pick the right outfit?!"

"They won't even let us see what they're doin' to the field." Applejack said while she and the others removed the frosting off of their clothes and hair.

"You think they'd at least tell competitors what they're competing in." Pride Lands Ono commented feeling it very puzzling.

“You would think.” His human counterpart returned feeling his frustration already. “And believe me this is news to me to. And it also doesn’t help that Crystal Prep has the money to buy out all the best coaches that could have helped train us for the games too.”

“It sure doesn’t.” Pride Lands Fuli frowned while placing a hand on her hip. “And it certainly helps me see why you all hate them.”

“I know right.” Her human counterpart returned doing the same posture feeling the same way. “It’s like the only thing riches help them out with is helping grow their over-sized egos. At the rate they’re going at, one of them is bound to become the next Heisenberg.”

“Really?” Pride Lands Ono returned very curious himself about what she’s talking about.

“Really.” His human counterpart returned very sure it’ll happen. “And the thing about him was even a high paying job as a chemistry teacher wasn’t enough to curb his own pride and ego from becoming a notorious drug lord who created the infamous Sky Blue Meth. And it was that same greed filled pride and ego that brought him down two years of self hidden secrecy.”


“But still…” Pride Lands Beshte then said hopeful there is something they can do to help them out there. “...there’s got to be a way to prepare for these games. Maybe we can help.”

“Yeah!” Pride Lands Bunga agreed. “With our training, we could definitely help you guys out, no charge!”

"You can at least train us.” Sunset replied before reminding them of what they were just told by the vice principal. “But as for the duplicates from the Pride Lands, no offense, but they need to stand by on the sidelines to avoid the double confusion and the risk of disqualification for cheating.”


“Of course.”

Both Pride Lands Fuli and Ono replied expecting that but still disappointed none of the less that only one of them along with Beshte and Bunga can compete.

“So…” Pride Lands Bunga then said. “...let’s have everyone train together, then only use our doubles to take our place in case one of us gets hurt.”

“Yeah! That’s a great idea!” Other Bunga quickly agreed liking the idea already.

“We’ll take that into consideration.” Sunset relented upon seeing that it can be useful to an extent.

“But…” Kion raised a finger to warn them of the catch. “...only, should it come down to that.”

“And by that we mean keep it to an absolute minimum.” Twilight sternly added. “Only when it is absolutely necessary. Is that clear?”

“Yes.” Both Bunga’s answered in defeated unison.

“Good.” Twilight replied upon seeing they have an understanding. “Because last thing we need is others seeing the two of us compete in the exact same event.”

“Yeah. Then everyone is sure to start asking question. Including some that are not meant to be answered.” Sunstet added.

“No kidding.” Kion also said in agreement. “So in the meantime while the rest of you get started on prepping for the games, Twilight, Sunset, and I will go figure out how Rainbow Dash managed to pony up during the assembly.”

“Sounds good to me.” Human Fuli said already agreeing with the plan.

“Well said.” Her cheetah counterpart complimented before she and the others waved the research party off as they split away from the group.

"Seems like they got everything under control." Pinkie Pie commented.

“Oh, believe me. They sure do.” Human Ono said in agreement before realizing along with his egret counterpart.

“Wait! Count me in on the research!” Other Ono yelled after them before pursing them.

Two Broken Souls in Crystal Prep

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Two Broken Souls in Crystal Prep

Sometime later, Kion, Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, and Ono from the Pride Lands were already at the library, in hopes of discovering some way of figuring out how the magic here works. Hopefully, there are discoveries of magic in this world that could help them figure it out from there.

Thanks to their past experience along with sleeping inside the library for one night during their first visit, helped narrowed down their search. But sadly, upon reading said books, gave them very useless information about what they are looking for. Said books gave inaccurate, overly exaggerated, and dismissive theories and discoveries about magic.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Twilight stated in frustration as she slammed the book down on the table. “To think for the first time in my life I’ve been introduced to books where there’s useless information written on them.”

“I know!” Ono stated in agreement before tossing the book aside like trash in the air and across the library…


...due to said book breaking the window it flew through.

“Hapana!” Ono groaned in dismay that happened. “Of all times to get all muscly it had to be now!”

“It’s okay, Ono.” Kion assured his friend to get him to calm down. “You were just stressed is all.” He then proceeded to toss the book aside. “But yeah, these books are all telling us that magic is a joke to them.”

“Not to mention, not everything is all candy, apples, diamonds, rainbows, and butterflies.” Sunset commented in agreement before quickly adding. “No offense to our friends here. But still, none of these books are going to tell us what we need to know.”

“Can’t argue with you there.” Twilight admitted as she stood up from her chair. “So that leaves us back to Plan A. Finding out our mystery couple. And I don’t mean romantically speaking.”

“Who knows.” Ono shrugged. “Everyone has different types and interests of love these days. And I’ve seen Lyra and Bon Bon show that kind of interest in each other.”

“Well that’s nice.” Twilight sweetly replied.

“Pretty sweet if you ask me.” Kion added fully supportive of their relationship.

“Well if they do become something more, let them know that they have my support.” Sunset sincerely said before focusing back on the strange visitors that passed by quickly earlier. “But enough said, I do recall that the bus that they took just so happened to be heading towards Crsytal Prep.”

“Okay.” Twilight accepted it as a lead itself. “So that’s a start.”

"That’s true, but that doesn’t explain of how a simple touch managed to disruptively effect the portal.” Ono pointed out.

“Maybe if that simple touch is from having inner magic inside of her she doesn’t quite realize just yet.” Kion suggested as a potential theory.

“Maybe.” Sunset replied. “Any idea of how to go on about this?”

“Only from personal experience.” Kion replied. “Like it when it came to me when I first discovered the power of the Roar…”

“...along with our combined teamwork and magic building up to us discovering our own inner magic in order to defeat Nightmare Moon which allowed us to kick start a new beginning for the Lion Guard and the Pony Guard...” Twilight added.

“Which later spread here when both Twilight and Kion’s crowns were brought here.” Ono added while avoiding getting into the details as far as Sunset’s past sins are concerned.

“So that means the mirror had a strong reaction to the couple’s energy that resulted in this block?” Sunset asked hoping for more to go on more than what they have.

“I don’t for sure. But possibly.” Twilight replied personally wishing what Sunset’s wishing for too.

Sunset sighed in response. “Great. So that just leaves the spoke next, "Okay, there's one theory about the mirror, but that still doesn't explain why the girls pony up now when they're not playing music."

“Other than strong passionate energy, I honestly don’t know.” Twilight again apologized. “Sorry, Sunset. We’re doing the best we can in cracking this case.” Upon seeing that Sunset is feeling extra pressure inside she moved to place a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll solve it even if it takes us two weeks.”

“Twilight’s right, Sunset.” Kion said while backing the princess up. “We just need to be patient about it.” He then added somewhat frustrated himself. “Even if does take us longer than we hope.”

“That I have no doubt you will…” Came from a certain voice they haven’t heard since the Battle for the Bands. “...for as long as you all make sure you put together solid evidence in your findings.”

The group of four suddenly caught off guard turned their attention to the sound of the voice standing right behind them. Said voice belonged to none of than the lead agent himself, Askari, accompanied by his trio of hyena look alike agents.

“Agent Askari!“ Sunset spoke up first upon seeing him.

“Along with Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed.” Ono then said next.



The former two greeted casually with the latter laughing like crazy for a few seconds.

“Wow!” Kion exclaimed. “This sure is a quite a surprise.”

“It is isn’t it.” Askari chuckled. “I like to make a habit out of that everywhere I go.”

“I have no doubt that’s true.”

“Trust me when we tell you it’s so very true.” Shenzi said to back her boss up on that claim.

“Just if you ever start working in the office, be wary of what you say, because he has very great listening ears. And by that we mean he has ears like a hawk.”

Ed laughed in agreement as Twilight moved to speak next.

“So, Agent Askari. What brings you here today? Because if it’s about whatever magic is going on here, we’re working on getting a handle on it.”

“Or are you here to get us up to speed on our training and or wanting our help in solving your latest case?” Sunset also asked.

“All of the above.” Askari answered before moving to explain. “It has been brought to our attention that there is more reports of strange magic coming from here and we got a tip that a couple of strangers from Crystal Prep has been lurking around these parts of town.”

“The reason we say that is because there have been a few traffic complaints due to a very brief chase into the streets.” Shenzi added. “The drivers involved say you three were involved, no?”

“Uh, yes.” Kion answered feeling unsure of whether or not they are in trouble again.

“In addition we also heard that both this school along with Crystal Prep are planning on having your special Friendship Games two weeks from now.”

“Uh-huh.” Ono replied somewhat nervously. “Are you going somewhere with this?”

“Yes.” Askari replied. “Because we were just dropping by to inform both Celestia and Luna that the Ambassador is coming to see the upcoming Friendship Games.”

“The Ambassador?” Everyone all asked in unison while clearly confused of who said person is.

“Yes. The Ambassador himself who strives for world peace. A.K.A. Mufusa, my brother.

“Your brother?!”

“Oh, yes.”

“Hard to believe given their appearances, but believe it or not it’s true, and they are blood.”

Both Shenzi and Banzai chimed in.

“And I have personally vowed that my agency will solely protect him at all costs. Even with anything magic related.”

“Whoa!” Ono suddenly got in between his friends and the head agent. “You’re not saying that we pose a threat to your brother, are you?”

Askari once more chuckled in amusement before patting him on the shoulder. “Calm down, Ono. We’re not here to arrest you and bring you for questioning.”

“That why are you really here?”

“Like I said. To help crack the case along with seeking your help in ensuring security for the upcoming Games go through without problems.”

“Oh, okay. Hapana.” Ono nervously laughed before passing out from the sudden stress while being quickly caught by both Twilight and Kion.

“Is your friend all right?”

“Oh, yeah. He just gets nervous and stressed at times under pressure.” Kion replied.

“He’ll be fine. No problem. He just needs to time to unwind and calm down from the sudden shock.” Twilight added.

“Oh. Well, I’ll make sure I apologize to him when he comes too.” Getting back down to business. “Anyways, now that you’re up to date on why I’m here, I would like for you three to pass this down to your friends, because I will need their help as well when they’re not participating in these Games. And in regards to our unidentified visitors from earlier, my men will take care of keeping watch on them along with identifying them. Once they do, we’ll get their statement and decide whether or not if they pose a threat to Canterlot High.”

“I’m sure pressing charges wouldn’t be necessary.” Twilight quickly assured.

“Yeah!” Kion agreed. “For all we know they just seemed very curious and didn’t seem to fully understand what they were doing.”

“Dully noted.” Askari relented upon their request before preparing to lead his men away just when Ono started to regain consciousness. “Good luck with the training along with your upcoming training for becoming agents next week. Oh, and before I forget. Here...” He quickly added before tossing him the book Ono tossed through the window earlier. “Make sure that gets back to it’s proper shelf. Please and thanks. Do that along with what I ask and we’ll let the charges for destruction of private property slide.” Ono passed out once more to act like he was still out up until the agents finally leave.

“Oh, Hapana.”

“I heard that.”

“Dang it.”

Elsewhere inside a school at Crystal Prep, the school bell rang where a young girl exited her classroom, holding her books closely to her chest and looking rather nervously.

“Is the coast clear?” The young boy peering the doorway asked as he looked around the hallways while shifting his eyes.

“Yes. It is.”

The young boy proceeded to follow after her as they both moved to leave the classroom while trying their best not to bump into anyone else.

The young girl appeared to be average height, thin, with a familiar violet skin, purple eyes and midnight purple and blue hair with a pair of purple and pink streaks on her sharply straight bang and across her bun. She wore a small star beret on the left side of her hair and wore the school uniform. A light blue long sleeve shirt with a dark purple vest, dark blue tie and plaid purple skirt. She wore long indigo stockings that reached just below her knees and plain dark blue shoes with a blue-diamond-like button decorated with a bow. She also wore a pair of black glasses.

The young boy himself appeared to be about the same height as the girl accompanying him, same build, golden yellow skin, but with a small tuft of black hair on his head enough to look like a buzz-cut, and red eyes. He too wore the school uniform consisting of the same shirt, shoes, and tie as the girl next to her only it was long and reached down to his dark blue belt with a bright blue belt buckle to hold his dark blue pants, and a purple dress jacket.

The girl was the human version of Twilight Sparkle, straight A student, honor role, science fair champion since grade school, and no doubt poised to graduate with valedictorian honors. And the boy himself was the human version of Kion. While he wasn’t a perfectionist like Twilight, he still got As and Bs in school, and is an ace when it comes to sports, with cross country running and boxing being his favorites.

Both students were humble and innocent…along with insecure and awkward with little self-esteem...and with everyone at school not seeing then as friends despite knowing who they are.

Twilight gulped as she looked on at the long hallway filled with male and female students, all wearing the same uniforms. Crystal Prep Academy itself lived up to the credit and hype as one would describe it would be from the crystal walls just like the Crystal Empire palace. Both Twilight and Kion unlike many students felt so out of place here. The only good thing that came out of it for the former was she greatly excelled especially in science, math and literature. While the latter, excelled mostly at sports, both students are not very social.

The former would look on nervously, squeak when she spoke and bump into pretty much anybody she met, even if it was by accident. No matter how hard she tried to avoid it, it was her true calling even though said atmosphere is filled with condescending and indifferent snobs. Not that she would ever have the courage to do so. The latter however, while a bit timid, wasn’t afraid to show his anger at times to the point he would lose control over it whenever stress gets the better of him, especially when dealing others who are being mean to him along with Twilight.

None of the less, with all the courage she could master, Twilight walked ahead, already starting to bump into people. "Excuse me. Sorry."

“Excuse me. Thank you.” Kion said while steadying his breath and narrowing his eyes at every student that gives them dirty looks.

Twilight managed to dodge a few students coming her way, only to get bumped into another student, who bumped into Twilight first but she made certain it was she who apologized and not her.

“Excuse me.” Kion barked at the student giving her a dirty look. “Apologize to her.”

“Excuse me?!”

“You heard me.”

“Or what?!” He dared to say as the two get into a brief stare down only to be broken up when Twilight tugged him by the arm and pulled him away.

“It’s okay, Kion. Let’s go.”

Kion reluctantly followed after his friend but not without giving everyone who briefly stopped to watch the tense scene with an “I got my eye on you.” gesture to them. Even while making their dislike of the boy very clear, none of them dared to try to pick a fight with him.

The two then made her way towards a private room in the school, one from which they spent most of their time there. With Kion being around mainly so he can be by her side, being her only friend. Inside was a small little laboratory with beakers, science notes, telescopes, computers, math equations, the works. In addition on a wall stood a board with an assortment of pictures pined up on it, with arrows and notes all around. The pictures contained rainbows, strange creatures, and broken red stones. In the center was an image of Canterlot High.

For weeks now, Twilight Sparkle was running her own personal investigation on the very strange phenomenon events going on at that particular school, and her research points towards the strange energy coming from these rainbow lights that she had seen beforehand. She was determined to discover what it is, and how it worked. Though she finds that she needs to take a more cautious and careful approach due to nearly being caught of doing experiments by three students who happened to see her doing so. Both she and Kion had a close call the other day when three students caught her in the act of doing experiments around the school.

Kion on the other hand was also equally curious ever since she shared her discoveries with him. But at the same time, he only wishes that nothing bad happens to her and that they don’t get into any trouble because of it. Especially considering that of how much he really cares for her. Without her, he too would have lived life without friends and without hair. Though on his work area, he does have a personal bulletin board with pictures and papers of the ongoing phenomenon events that happened at the school. Particularly, his lion counterpart from another world, the pony counterpart of Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer. Among his research collection has stories where Sunset is being praised for her recent heroism along with the story of her disappearance and reappearance from Canterlot High during winter break.

Inside the room there rested a small dog, purple fur with green ears, eyes and a green belly. He slept soundly on a chair until his ear perked up, hearing somebody approaching. He recognized those footsteps as he panted happily in response. He loved who came into the room, and they likewise returned it in kind like dear best friends. He ran up to the door, his tail wagging, until the door itself accidentally hit him and he flew across the room because of the impact.

Twilight entered and sat on the chair, calling out for him. "Spike? Spike?!"

“Are you okay?!” Kion urgently asked upon seeing the little puppy poking his head out from the trashcan he fell into, completely unfazed as he ran up towards his owner, barking happily. “Never mind. I’ll take that as a yes.”

"There you are." Twilight greeted with a giggle. The puppy jumped into her arms and licked her face with so much love. Twilight petted his head, smiling at receiving these affectionate gestures before he moved to do the same to Kion.

"Okay, okay! I get it! All is forgiven." Spike then happily rested on Twilight’s lap as she opened up a drawer near her desk, taking out a strange rounded object. "Last night's field test confirmed it, Spike. With this device, I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Canterlot High."

Spike started to growl at the picture of the school that was on the board due to not liking what is going on there one bit. Especially if it has potential to hurt his best friend. He calmed down once Twilight petted his head lovingly.

"I know you didn't like me going over there, but I just couldn't wait." She pushed her chair on wheels, sliding towards a second desk where her computer was and picked several papers up from her desk, all neatly stacked.

"And soon, I'll have all the time I need. All of Crystal Prep is gonna be there for the Friendship Games. I just hope all that "rivalry" nonsense doesn't get in the way of my research." She added while rolling her eyes, "If I can collect enough data on these EMF frequencies, I should be able to extrapolate the wavelength forms to determine their origin. That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program!" During her excitement she nearly tumbled backwards before being quickly caught and saved by her friend. "Whoa!" Upon seeing she was saved she breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Kion happily returned. Though his smile faded into a look of crestfallen sadness. “Sure must seem nice that you have your path figured out even with all things considered.”

Realizing why her friend is being sad now, Twilight quickly tried to reassure him this changes nothing for their bond. “It’ll be okay, Kion, Really. I’m sure if I can ensure that you also get credit for your help in these discoveries, my entrance into Everton will also be extended to you to.”

“I know.” Kion acknowledged even though he didn’t feel fully satisfied with the path they are currently on as evident by the disheartened sigh he released.

Just then a knock on the door was heard and a young lady walked in. She was a stunning older woman with light pink skin, purple eyes and pink, gold and purple colored hair. She wore a blue shirt with a dark blue jacket with a matching skirt, golden necklace, and wore golden high heel shoes and a broach consisting of a crystal heart with golden symbols on the side. She was Dean Cadance, and a close personal friend of both Twilight and Kion. Given her relationship with the students, it comes with the gift of friendship, but Twilight and Kion for her was very special and she wanted nothing more but the very best for them, like a big sister looking out for her younger siblings.

She smiled once she saw the two, though she still had to adopt a firm stance when she caught sight of the girl’s loving puppy. "Twilight, you know the rules against pets."

"Well, Spike isn't a pet, Dean Cadance." Twilight said while holding Spike in her arms, "He's the focus of my research project. Human-canine cohabitation: effects and implications."

"If you say so." Cadance removed one of the dog hairs from Twilight's shoulder, "But Principal Cinch is highly allergic, so I suggest you put on a clean shirt."

"Why?" Twilight asked as she placed Spike back down on the ground.

"Because she wants to see you. Both you and Kion."

Kion groaned in response. “Principal Cinch! What I did do this time?! Because if it’s about the last guy that I got into a fight with, he had it coming!”

Cadance was quick to calm him down. “Don’t worry. You’re not going to be suspended nor expelled. As long as you don’t give her justified reason to, you have nothing to worry about as far as she’s concerned.”

Twilight on the other hand thinks this means good news for her. "Ooh! Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!"

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Cadance said, placing a hand on her student's shoulder, "Are you sure that's what you really want?

"Why wouldn't it be?” Twilight replied without changing her exited demeanor along with seeing nothing wrong with it. “A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects? What a dream come true!"

"But there aren't any classrooms with other students. You'll be doing everything on your own."

"That is why it's called an "independent study program"."

"I just don't want you to miss out on anything. That's all. Being around other people isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself much like your friend Kion here."

"I guess."

“Yeah…” Kion couldn’t help but admit himself.

Deep down Twilight briefly acknowledges the truth in Cadance’s words, even if she really doesn’t want to admit it. In her case it doesn’t help that she’s practically treated as the unpopular, clumsy, awkward girl looked down upon and could never reach their high expectation even when she wanted to.

“Meet me in Principal Cinch's office in a few minutes?" Cadance asked before leaving. Twilight nodded her head and the Dean closed the door after her.

"What's she so worried about?" Twilight asked both her dog and friend, with the former already playing with one of his toys before proceeding to change shirts just like the dean requested of them. "Everton is exactly what I need right now. It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep."

“No. It’s more of the fact that what she is saying is she just doesn’t feel a lifetime of studying in solitude is what will truly make you happy is all.”

“But...of course it is.”

“Is it, really? Because if you ask me even with promised admission to this dream place of yours, I just feel that the answer is truly no because I just don’t feel this is what will make me happy. And I think you know it too.”

Twilight didn’t really say anything in response as they both changed shirts before they both proceeded to make their way to the principal's office all while the former sings herself.

I've walked through all these halls before

I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh

There's nothin' in this school that I don't know

As she continued her way ahead of her friend, she was looked down upon by every student she encountered thus validating her argument. She traced her fingers across the glass cases which contained academic trophies with her name on them from science, math, spelling bees, all of the great intelligence achievements. Alongside them, are Kion’s athletic achievement trophies and awards. But still, none of these accomplishments and victories felt satisfying to either of them.

In every class, my grade's the best

The highest score on every test

I think that means it's time for me to go

I know there's more that's out there

And I just haven't found it yet

I know there's more that's out there

Another me I haven't met

This school is full of people

But still I don't belong

They only dream of winning

Look at me like something's wrong

Maybe I'm better off alone

Will I find what I'm lookin' for

If I just do it on my own?

She walked up the stairs towards the principal's office, as she personally voices out her wishes of what she is truly seeking in life where Kion himself takes a turn in singing himself to provide comfort to the poor girl.

I know there's more that's out there

Something to fill this hole inside

I know there's more that's out there

And I'm not afraid to try

There's only so much this school can offer

And I'm not saying that it's wrong

But I know there's more that's out there

'Cause I've been searching all along

Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls

So much to learn, I can't see it all

Then both Kion and Twilight sang together.

There's somethin' out there callin' me

And it's a mystery that I can't wait to see

'Cause I know there's more that's out there

Another place, another way

And I know there's more that's out there

And I'll find out someday!

I'll find out someday...

After finishing her singing, she opened the door to the principal's office, making a creaking noise as she did with Kion following in after her. The office itself was quite large for a school principal herself. And amazingly it fits her personality to the T. The room itself was dark in atmosphere with the only light source being two lanterns above the ceiling. Twilight saw Dean Cadance beside her and gestured her and Kion to take their seats in front of the principal's desk. The chair where they sat was turned away from the principal with her back turned, making her look unnerving and intimidating. It was pretty clear at first glance that this woman was at least strict and commanded respect. The door closed and Twilight saw a young man standing behind it. He was tall and muscular with white skin and blue hair with lighter and darker streaks across it.

"Shining Armor? Why is my brother here?"

"As an alumni, Principal Cinch thought he could provide some unique perspective." Cadance explained.

"Perspective on what?"

"Why, the Friendship Games, of course.", The chair finally turned around, revealing herself as Principal Cinch. A middle aged woman with dark hair consisting of light and dark shades of purple. Her skin was light blue and wore a standard principal outfit. Consisting of a dark crystal blue jacket and matching skirt, crystal blue sleeved dress shirt, pink leggings, and white pearl earrings, along with a pair of dark red glasses. She also has pale purple eyes, red lips, and dark blue heels. She stood up from her chair, towering over the young girl, making her quiver while the boy sitting beside her placed a comforting and protective hand on her shoulder. "You competed in the games, did you not, Shining Armor?"

Shining Armor slightly jolted in response due to briefly being distracted and blushing in Dean Cadance’s direction for her beauty. Much like the other world they had known each other for years to the point they’re in a romantic relationship together. The only difference being is that it hasn’t blossomed into a married life yet.. The young man cleared his throat before replying.

"I did."

"And you happen to recall who won?"

"Ha ha, Crystal Prep did. We always win." He proudly stated.

"We always win." Cinch repeated to Twilight with emphasis, as if to remind her of the obvious.

“Okay.” Kion accepted that response while slightly annoyed at the need to make that point across again. “We got it the first time.”

"Why'd you ask to see me?" Twilight nervously asked.

"And me?" Kion also asked rather wary wondering what she is up to this time.

Principal Cinch walked towards her trophy case, polishing one of the golden trophies her school had won for her. To her no matter what others said, no matter the truth given it’s her school and her students, these victories were hers.
"Twilight, Kion, I'll be honest. It doesn't matter to some whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses. But, the important thing is we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation." Placing the trophy back she towered over her students. "And it is that reputation... my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you've done here. And you've done quite a lot, haven't you, both?"

"I dunno. I guess."

“Quite some.”

The two admitted.

"Oh, don't be modest, you two." Cinch replied with a smile, though it was more cold than warm as she sat back down on her chair. "Twilight, you're the best student this school has ever seen. What I can't understand is why my best student wouldn't want to compete."

"In the Friendship Games?"

Seeing her struggle, Shinning Armor chimed in to help her see why she should. "Look, Twily, I know it's not really your thing, but representing the school is kind of a big deal. Plus, they could really use your help."

Even though he wasn't a student here anymore, he had the time of his life at this very school. To him it felt necessary to keep up the reputation the school has built.

Principal Cinch took out a piece of paper from her desk and adjusted her glasses, "It seems Canterlot High is undergoing something of a renaissance. Test scores are up, grades, even athletics are on the rise. You see, they are developing somewhat of a reputation. This can not happen!"

Seeing this pressure placed on the poor girl, Kion spoke up in her defense addressing the head of the school with a firm but polite approach, despite having his heart race with his anger boiling up inside. “With all due respect, Principal Cinch. While she is very gifted for her intelligence achievements, she isn’t very talented at athletic achievements. Not to mention everyone else outside of this very room hate her. To subject her to this could bring more harm than good, especially if it comes down to the wire and worst case scenario.”

Twilight briefly smiled at her friend before speaking up herself. “He’s right Principal Cinch, I can't possibly participate in the games. My work here is very—"

"Ah, yes. Your work. Cadance, could you and Shining Armor find my contact sheet for the Everton Independent Study program?"

"Of course." The two walked out of the room to do what they were asked, leaving both Kion and Twilight alone with the principal, who showcased her a folder, placing it in front of her.

"I understand you've applied. You see, one of the advantages of having a reputation is a certain amount of influence in such things. So, let me offer you a deal."

“What kind of deal?” Kion asked with a suspicious frown at her cold smile as she slid the folder in front of Twilight.

"In return for contributing your agile mind to these games, I will use my influence to guarantee your application is approved."

“And if she doesn’t?” Kion warily asked as Twilight reached out to grab the folder, which contained her application papers. Only once she reached for them Cinch pulled them back towards herself.

"Though, I suppose I could also have it..denied.” She then turned to Kion with a folder, containing the handful of black marks he got on his permanent record. “And as for you, Kion. Since you have a bit of a reputation for getting into a few scuffles with my fellow students, I can do the same to you as well. In return for contributing your athletic prowess to these games, I will use my influence to guarantee you go into whatever college you want to go with a clean slate. If not, this will follow you everywhere you go and whatever you want to pursue in life might not happen. What do you think I should do?"

While Kion looked on with gritted teeth with his fists clenching in anger, Twilight looked on in meek defeat like their minds were already made up without their input on the matter. They were both placed in an unwinnable situation, and if they don’t comply, their reputations alone with be forever stained with that solely to haunt them for the rest of their days.

“Fine. We’ll compete.” Kion relented mostly for Twilight’s sake.

Cinch smiled in approval. “Wise decision, Kion. That’s what I love to hear from you, one of my most promising students.” Kion still frowned in disgust knowing that’s only because it serves her needs and wants. But even still he had no choice unless he wanted to guarantee his friend’s depression and despair, which he doesn’t have the heart to truly do. And nevertheless it means having to face someone who he really doesn't want to see again. But at the same time, maybe just maybe since things have changed since then it could be an opportunity to settle the score with said person. Maybe even...permanently if said opportunity comes up.

Prepping for the Games and Crystal Prep's Arrival

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Prepping for the Games and Crystal Prep's Arrival

During the following two weeks, the training for the upcoming The Friendship Games went underway. Since Kion and Twilight couldn’t return to their home until then, they moved to live with their friends who very so generously offered them a room for to recuperate until then.

Bunga got to alternate between spending the nights with his other Bunga along with Pinkie Pie since they get along very well together. At the same time, Twilight alternated between Sunset and Rarity, while Kion alternated between Sunset and Applejack.

During the daytime, when school is not in session is training time in order to prep up for the games and that includes getting up early in the morning to prepare for them.

Outside of the Lion and Pony Guard in this world, the other students chosen to represent the school for the games are Bon Bon, Lyra Heartstrings, Sanderwood, Micro Chips, Derpy and Flash Sentry. Though tired and weary from having to get up early, they were all more than willing to go through with it if it means gearing up for a chance to win these games.

From what they have been informed and learned is that the competition is devised into two events. The Academy Decathlon where their focus relies on mastery of chemistry, home economics and everything in between. The next competition is the Tricross Relay, which will include motocross, archery and short track.

On the dawn of day one, everyone in attendance were all awaken from their drowsy state when Twilight blew her air horn directed up towards the ceiling. Standing by her side at the center of the gym, were the others from the Pride Lands all wearing CHS caps and whistles around their necks, with Ono and Fuli both carrying clipboards in their hands.

Once everyone was awake, Twilight addressed to everyone speaking in an upbeat yet authoritative tone of voice.

“All right everyone, rise and shine! Because starting today up until the next two weeks we are going to be training for these upcoming games even if we have work hard through the day to get it right. So as this moment I am in charge of each and every one of you, do I make myself clear!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I can’t hear you!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Yes, sir, ma’am, sir!” Pinkie herself stated.

“Kion.” Twilight said to him to allow him to give his turn in speaking to the group.

“All those who are talented in Academy Decathlon activities that include chemistry and home economics report to the east side and all others who are talented in Tri-cross activities that include motocross, archery, and short track report to the west side of the gym.”

“Get ready, because today is the day we start preparing to show those Crystal Prep kids of what we’re made of!” Twilight spoke again. “Starting now!” With a blow of her whistle, the training montage began.

I'll Make an Wondercolt Out of You

First up is chemistry, which none of the students had any trouble with. Next up is baking and as the students did so, The trainers Twilight, Kion, and the rest of the Pony Guard from the Pride Lands all watched and observed them in action. Flash and Bon Bon proved to have trouble with it to which Pride Lands Bunga moved to jot it down on his clipboard. That way it can serve as pointers of to improve upon it next time around and ensure everybody at the top of their game before going up against Crystal Prep.

The next was constructing a bird house, which many struggled, aside from Rarity, Fluttershy, Fuli, Bunga, and Applejack. Pride Lands Beshte took notice and wrote it down on her clipboard which sparked a little worry in the others upon seeing it. But it was part of the learning process.

The next test was a spelling bee competition, to which Twilight and Pride Lands Ono both took lead on given that they are both great spellers and can easily teach them a thing or two on how to master it.

Then Kion and Fuli observed the students while they ran laps. Inspecting them closely they both wrote on their clipboards of the notes they needed to take. Though the students still weren't sure what their approach is, but still trusted it none of the less.

On day two, they tried again with Bunga showing Flash and Bon Bon how to properly bake. It took some time, especially with both himself and his human counterpart unable to resist eating some of the ingredients. But none of the less their time with Pinkie sure helped them improve and show them of how to master creative cooking.

Both Twilight and Ono managed to figure out a way to help the others kids with spelling. Twilight had them do sit ups while spelling the words she picked for them while Ono watches over with the words on flashcards so he can see if they are spelling them correctly. For each word they spelled incorrectly they did more push ups. It took a while before the students realized how much it is helping them to the point they can tackle hard words without breaking a sweat.

Kion and Fuli then both taught Sandlewood, Micro Chips, Lyra and Derpy to build a birdhouse. Since the former is good with tools and given the latter’s past experience at Winter Wrap Up they each managed to make out in minutes. They both showed the boys how to do it properly and after a few several attempts they managed to accomplish a decent and well constructed house. Fuli looked on with a proud smirk seeing that they are mastering it.

Next, Twilight had the students learn roller skating, which was no different from ice skating she learned how to do doing her spare time with Pinkie Pie. As crazy as some of her ideas may be she knew how to skate and they sure came in handy when she mustered to courage to learn how. She even managed to teach Rarity of how to effectively skate along with good form to boot.

Meanwhile, Fuli instructed the kids in motocross, thanks to quick lessons from other Fuli while Ono instructed in archery where Applejack, other Ono, other Bunga, and Fluttershy showed great natural skill in the sport. All while both Twilight and Kion looked on proudly. So far, these kids were becoming stronger, faster and more confident in themselves. They were now hungry and determined than ever to win these games.

While this was happening and during their spare time, they spotted Askari and his men observing them from behind the bushes. Upon spotting them Askari gave a thumbs up at their work in progress. Clearly they have learned from past experience. In addition, he gave the two along with Sunset the rundown on their research of magic and what they believe works out the math behind the magicical logistics here in this world. Judging from their expressions, they have yet to fully understand it, but they are sure they will figure it out in due time and at least understand it partially.

Before long, most of the students, even the nerdy Micro Chips and clumsy Derpy, were roller skating with ease. By the time the two weeks has passed every student has shown great improvement. They were ready for the Friendship Games!

Spike growled as he pulled harder and harder on Twilight's jacket while she packed her things. "Ugh! Come on, Spike! I was always gonna go to Canterlot High for the Friendship Games. Ich!" She gave one final yank, releasing her jacket form his teeth, "The only difference now is that I have to compete. Besides, it's not like Principal Cinch gave me much of a choice."

“She sure didn’t!” Kion remarked with flat out contempt for the lady. “And how she hasn’t been arrested for blackmailing us, I’ll never know other than not enough eyes are turning in her direction."

Spike whimpered sadly until Twilight petted his head and scratched his chin, "I know, Spike. I don't like it either. I probably won't be able to collect anywhere near as much data as I thought." She picked up her round device and thought for a moment. Then she smiled when she saw some kind of advantage out of this. "But maybe I can still get some." She tied a string around the object and hung it around her neck. The poor puppy whimpered once more. "Spike, I wouldn't leave without you." She happily placed Spike inside her backpack before zipping it up, "Just remember to be quiet. And try not to shed."

“And I’ll try to keep my temper under control.” Kion then said like he is trying to make a promise to his best friend while secretly packing what seems to be weapons and tools he feels he'll need at his disposal.

Once they made it outside, both Kion and Twilight spotted the two busses that would take the students to Canterlot High. However, Twilight wasn't so sure which buss she was suppose to get on due to how identical they are. Regardless since they have to compete they need the bus where her teammates were going to be. She approached the first bus, where she saw Dean Cadance inspecting on her clipboard.

"Dean Cadance, I'm not really sure where to go."

"One second, Twilight." Cadance said, briefly heading towards the second buss to check on something.

"You could try the end of the line!" One of the Crystal Prep girls said, sourly. She had light yellow skin with freckles, pink hair tied into a ponytail and light streaks. Her eyes were purple and narrowed at Twilight earning herself a glare from her friend Kion for that remark.

"What did you say?" Twilight asked while adjusting her glasses.

The girl, named Sour Sweet, spoke in a sarcastic sweet tone, "Just that someone smart as you should definitely go first."

"I…I didn't mean to. I was just asking."

“Sour Sweet! She didn’t mean to. She was just a little confused, okay.” Kion firmly and politely said in her defense.

Dean Cadance arrived once more, smiling at the young girl and boy. "This is the right bus, Twilight. Go ahead. You too, Kion."

"But… I didn't mean to cut in front." Twilight innocently apologized.

"Ugh, well it's too late now." Sour Sweet said bitterly under her breath.

“I heard that!” Kion returned.


The embarrassed girl walked up the stairs and into the bus followed by her only friend, only to be surprised when one of her classmates, Indigo Zap, started shouting; "Are we gonna win?!?!"

"I…I don't know." Twilight said unsure herself.

Indigo Zap was a tomboy girl with spiky blue hair with various streaks in different shades of blue, yellow eyes and wore googles on her head, along with several ear piercings. She is coming fueled with the same determination and loyalty as Rainbow Dash. Only, Indigo's loyalties were not for her teammates…but to herself.

She shouted again in response. "Wrong answer!! Try again! Are we gonna win?!?!"

“Yes we are, Indigo Zap!” Kion stated to her while getting in between her and Twilight. “Just quit giving the poor girl a hard time. I’m sure she gets it by now. Okay?!”

"Yeah...Um...I guess? I-It's just...I mean...I heard that CHS is doing well now. With their reputation. And, I mean, it's not better than ours, of course. But we can't let them do it, you know? Win, I mean? Right?"

The other students rolled their eyes in annoyance clearly seeing that she has the least energy and competitive drive inside of her. All wondering why she was chosen to be a part of their team. All of feeling it’s only because she’s the most prized student getting special treatment.

"You're gonna have to take a seat!" The bus driver instructed of the two.

“And we will.” Kion assured before following after her friend.

Twilight walked down the bus, looking for a place to sit, but every student only slid to the empty seat, not wanting her to join them. Twilight then tried to take a seat next to Suri, but she placed her bag on the empty seat. The only one available was at the far back, opposite another student with light purple skin and mint colored hair with plum colored eyes and wore a pair of glasses. Her hair was styled into two long ponytails that stuck out from the back of her head with an odd bun tracing on the back of her head.

Twilight smiled politely at her as she tried to greet her. "Hi, Sugarcoat."

"That was a really bad speech." The girl returned, rather bluntly, "You should consider not speaking in public."

“And maybe you should consider taking kindness classes.” Kion assertively fired back. “You probably could learn a thing or two from them.”


With that bitter brief exchange over with, Kion then moved to sit beside Twilight as the bus’s engine started before making it’s way to Canterlot High.

Twilight then unzipped her backpack and smiled at her only other friend. "Well, Spike, aside from Kion, at least I've got you with me."

Spike whimpered softly when the girl next to Twilight started banging her head, listening to the rock heavy metal music from her headphones. Her skin was pink with yellow green hair, medium shades of dark and bright streaks, and had blue eye shadow. Her name was Lemon Zest, well known for her love of music and high energy.

"Dude, you have gotta hear this!!" She shouted while placing her headphones onto Twilight's head. The poor girl could feel her teeth vibrating from the loud sounds of the music. If her ears were sensitive enough she could go deaf because of it.

“Thanks for sharing.” Kion kindly returned while relieved that she had the decency to not be mean to them for once. He then moved to adjust the volume of her headphones to a reasonable volume so Twilight can comfortably hear the music. He then sighed in dismay. “This is going to be a long trip.”

And not only that, he also felt this was the perfect time to mentally prepare himself for what’s to come, knowing that he’ll be returning to a sight of old memories and familiar faces.

The Rainbooms with spare time on their hands along with their friends stopped by their practice room where the Pony Guard themselves moved to take a crack at the latest song they were working on. And when it happened the Rainbooms were in for an astonishing surprise when Princess Twilight and Prince Kion took lead.

Dance magic!

Once you have it

Let your body move, step into the music

Dance magic

And it's electric

Let your body move to the music

Sunset's jaw literally dropped at seeing them playing their instruments…with pony features.

Sure they have seen them play instruments but not their alternate self's along with actually showing pony features themselves. Both Beshte and Bunga sported the ears while Fuli and Ono both sported ears and wings. And Kion himself with ears and majestic alicorn wings much like Twilight. All of them sporting long hair and manes like they would when they were ponies.

Dance magic!


Once you have it

(Once you have it!)

Let your body move, step into the music

Dance magic

And it's electric

Let your body move to the music


Once the song ended, their pony features disappeared just as they magically appeared when they started.

“Wow!” Other Bunga remarked in awe. “You were amazing!”

“This is quite something.” Other Fuli remarked feeling very impressed.

“Indeed.” Rarity said with great admiration towards them.

“But how?!” Sunset asked still jaw dropped stunned before Applejack moved to close it for her to help her recompose herself.

“To be honest, we really don’t know.” Kion replied.

“We just gave a go to see if we can replicate, and then one thing led to another which led to this all happening.” Twilight then added.

“Pony ups!” Pride Lands Bunga proudly stated with thumbs up.

"But how?" Sunset asked. "How is this all possible?!"

“Like I told you, if I knew I would tell you.” Twilight repeated. “Though I may have an idea how it works here.”

Sunset's eyes looked on very hopeful for whatever she has to say next. "Really? Like what?"

"That magic in this world works differently than in Equestria. Same magic but it has adapted differently into this place with how it does depending on when tested."

"Just like back home." Pride Lands Ono chimed in. "With given of how similar magic works with different ways it works it allows things to blend in a little more. Like Equestria’s winter weather shared inside the Pride Lands allowed cooler weather for them during the dry season along with ponies getting wings and ears. Temporarily of course. Maybe that's why it's so hard to understand it here since it's starting to become its own."

"But is there a way to control it?" Sunset asked hopefully.

"That part we still haven't figured it out yet." Fuli regretfully informed. “Sorry.”

Hearing this wasn’t good enough for Sunset to feel at ease. The games were starting tomorrow and they couldn't afford to have magic running like crazy during them. "We have to keep trying. We're supposed to keep magic out of the Friendship Games, remember?"

"Easier said than done, darling." Rarity said while inspecting her reflection in her mirror, "Like they say, magic in Equestria works differently. And…"

"This isn't Equestria." Sunset lowered her head, gripping her left arm in despair.

Human Fuli placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, we're getting there. At least it’s progress."

"And while you work on keeping the magic out of the games, I've been working on what to put in!" Rarity giggled, which concerned Applejack.

"Rarity, what'd you go an' do?"

To answer her question, Rarity pulled out several clothing ranks, all filled with an assortment of costumes and uniforms for practically all events.

"Well, I have a lot of time on my hands, so I made a few options for uniforms!" Rarity managed to, somehow, get Rainbow Dash into a track-racer's outfit.

"You really didn't have to do that." Rainbow said.

"I know."

"No. You really didn't have to." Applejack arched an eyebrow while looking at the uniforms, they were ones for baking, track racing, archery, even bird building with bird-like patterns. Some just didn't look fitting for the sports competition either. But, Rarity was just too excited to even notice.

"I know!" She giggled adorably while the others look on knowing full well of what’s going to happen next.

Outside, the two buses from Crystal Prep arrived. The students exited the vehicles and Principal Cinch walked out as well. Her eyes narrowed in disgust at the school. Disgust that nothing of interest in her eyes has changed since her last visit here. Disgust that the school is still bright and sunny all around. Especially towards Principal Celestia, who in her mind got lucky to be put in charge of this school. Not to mention her sunny and cheerful demeanor heavily clashes with her own personality which is the opposite of feeling young and vibrant like her. Ironically, they used to see eye to eye with Cinch once having that same personality as Celestia up until it wasn’t the case when the former decided to grow up her own way.

Principal Celestia smiled at the woman, despite her cold expression. "It's good to see you again, Principal Cinch."

"Yes, it is." The woman replied, equally cold. None the less, Celestia did her best to be as warm and welcoming as she could be.

"Well, we are certainly looking forward for the games to begin. Vice Principal Luna can help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around. There have been quite a few changes since your last visit."

"Oh, yes, Principal Celestia. I'm sure that would be fascinating. Hm."

While the two principals were being formal with one another, the vice principal and the dean greeted one another in a friendly hug given that they are both old friends with one another.

"Oh, it's always such a pleasure to see you, Dean Cadance. Even if it means another defeat." She said the last part rather sadly.

"Thank you, Vice Principal Luna, but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time."

Twilight poked her head out from the bus, seeing the school for herself with Kion doing the same seconds later. To Twilight, this was her chance to collect the data she needed to get. And as for Kion, he looked on with disdainful eyes as his memories started to come back to him with a sense of dread inside.

The moment they stepped off of the bus was the moment, Kion decided to do everything in his power to protect her friend from harm, starting with Indigo Zap, who came running straight out of the bus.

"Comin' through!" She yelled while causing Twilight fell backwards into another student, Sunny Flare.

Said girl is everything but true to her name. The girl with blue skin, super short hair, colored purple with pink streaks, and rose colored eyes, sneered at the girl with glasses in response.


"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to." Twilight nervously fiddled with the loose strands of her hair and Sunny just walked away, not bothering to say sorry or even at least helping her up off the floor leaving Kion to help her up but not without tossing a random orange he found on the ground right at her along with the previous girl who shoved her way by.


Twilight then groaned, only for Sour Sweet to suddenly get in the way, "Oh, sorry. Why don't you go ahead?"

Sour Sweet's widened like that of a puppy dog as she prepared to speak sweetly to Twilight falsely so before being cut off by Kion who quickly got in between then.

“Sour Sweet!” He sharply warned against saying anything else to his friend.

“Fine.” She bitterly moved to leave her alone but not without glaring right back at her defender. “Since you are such a sweetie...!” She said mockingly with pretend sweetness. “…I am watching you!" she said the last part very sourly before walking away, keeping her hawk eyes onto her while Kion fiercely looked on back with fiery daggers in his eyes in return.

Lemon Zest walked out, dancing to her incredibly loud music, followed by Sugarcoat, "You are kinda being a doormat right now." The former said to Twilight, incredibly blunt, like before.

“And you’re still being rude and need to get a move on. Now!” Kion angrily ordered of her while glaring at the other girl into intimidated silence before running off while leaving behind a few drops on the ground.

The sound of beeping caught Twilight's attention and she looked down around the device around her neck. The circular lip started to glow, creating a moving star-like symbol on it. One of the corners of the device started to beep purple, aiming directly at the high school like a compass. Twilight smiled, the energy was coming from inside, no question about that. Quietly, both Twilight and Kion snuck away from her classmates and headed up towards the stairs of the school, with the former not taking her eyes off of the device she held, keeping a close eye as to where the energy was coming from while the latter kept watch in case those who caught them the other day saw them again.

Lyra and Bon Bon walked out and spotted the two. Bon Bon waved, "Hi, Twilight." She greeted before gasping and happily greeting with the same wave but with more happiness. “Hi, Kion!”

“Good to see you again!” Lyra equally happy also greeted.

“Oh!” Kion recognized them and smiled at them in return. “Hi, Bon Bon. Hi Lyra.”

Twilight however did not return the greeting as she moved to continue on into the school leaving both Lyra and Bon Bon looking at one another in confusion.

“Sorry about that.” Kion apologized. “She’s just really not used to this kind of greeting.”


“I would think she should have, considering we just saw her earlier.”

Now it was Kion’s turn to feel confused himself, mildly so. “Really?!”


“Okay, well. Nice seeing you both again, we’ll catch you later.” Kion waved after them before quickly playing catch up to Twilight.

Once inside, Twilight keep her gaze onto the device, but was taken off guard when another student walked up to her and said; "Hey, Twilight! Hey, Kion!"

Both the boy and the girl turned around, seeing the girl with green hair waving at her happily and kindly. To Kion, she definitely recognized them, while Twilight looked on clearly confused and caught off guard.

None the less she continued her research while Kion is the only one returning the greeting.


And that continued with every turn, every hallway, every student they walked across, all greeting them kindly.

"Hi, Twilight. Hi, Kion."

"Hi, Twilight. Hi, Kion."

"Hey, you, lookin' good. Both of you."

“Hi! Hello! Thanks!” Kion returned just as friendly as always.

This was becoming stranger and stranger to Twilight. "Um, hi." she managed to say, only to receive more hellos as she continued to walk. She was so distracted she nearly forgot about the energy source she was researching.

"Hey, what's happenin'?"

"Really nice to see you."

"Twilight, Kion, how ya both doin'?"

"Twilight, Kion, yo!"

"Hi. Hello. Um, good."

“Hello. Hello. Doing just fine, thanks.”

Overwhelmed by her impossibly sudden popularity, Twilight didn't see the next person she bumped into. Bumping into people was a rather rare skill of hers. Her glasses fell off of her face and landed on the floor.

The person she had bumped into was yet another student who recognized her. And he was more than happy to see her, even if it resulted in some nasty exchanges between the two.

"Twilight? I almost didn't recognize you." The young man helped Twilight up like a gentlemen before Kion could come to her aid, but she couldn't properly thank him since she couldn't really see him clearly without her glasses. Luckily for her, Kion moved to pick them up and hand them to her.

"When did you start wearin' glasses?"

"Um, like, since forever." Twilight replied, still uncertain about what's going on.

“And believe me when I tell you that’s true.” Kion added while placing a protective hand on the girl’s shoulder.

"Oh, so how long are you both here for?"

"Just for the Friendship Games." Twilight answered as she put on her glasses so she can see who is she is talking to. There they got to gaze into each other’s eyes briefly.

It was there the moment he saw them he knew. This wasn't the same Twilight Sparkle, she looked just like her, yes, but her eyes…looked different compared to what he saw earlier. It was then he realized that he is seeing a completely different version of her.

Twilight herself met and seen a lot of boys before but this guy…he was more handsome than any guy she ever met in Crystal Prep. And for once her eyes on him and not her computers and papers.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else." The boy apologized politely.

Twilight could barely speak out of sheer nervousness while Kion watches on wary and cautiously with even more narrowed eyes at him. "I…Um…"

The boy gave her his hand to shake, "I'm Flash Sentry."

Shyly but with more confidence, she shook his hand in return. "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"I know." He replied before looking on shock with she looked at him in confusion. “I mean, I only know because I met a similar girl with the same name.”

“You don’t say.” Kion returned in bewilderment with each and every time of hearing those identical words.

Though before anything else can happen between them the moment really was disrupted when Twilight's device started to beep around her neck. The circle surface stared to glow a strange purple, and a star-like symbol appeared to alert her that strange energy nearby.

"Uh, I gotta go." Twilight quickly ran off ahead, while Kion followed after her.

“Sorry about that. We’ll talk later, okay?” He said before running off.

Twilight then placed Spike back into her backpack before running off, still feeling too embarrassed by her outburst to look back.

Flash looked on as she ran off. "Uh, okay. Bye?…Aw." he sighed sadly and face palmed himself in disappointment with his poor choice words. He got some comforting sympathy from Derpy, who patted his back in reassurance.

Still, it was crystal clear that this girl was not the pony Twilight, nor was it the lion Kion. Though at the very least he would have liked to get to really catch up and get to know the identical duo.

While trying to catch up to Twilight, Kion barely had time to stop himself before he stopped himself from running into a girl. Said girl herself had to swiftly dodge with grace to avoid the boy crashing into her.

"Whoa! Sorry!"

"It's all right! No harm done! Just try to watch where you're going." The girl returned as she neatly brushed her hair back into place along with the accumlated dust on her suit jacket and skirt.

"Will do."

But before Kion could continue after his friend, the girl just so happened to recognize him after a double take. "Wait! Kion! Is that you?!"

"Uh, yeah." The boy returned though a little more feeling off-guard than annoyed. "Should be a no brainer at this point."

"I know but..." Said girl moved to look at the boy in the eye. "'s been a while since we last saw each other."

"Have we met before? Are you sure you're not looking for another boy with the same name?"

"Positive. That is if you are who i think you are despite having different colored hair."

"Maybe I did in the past, but now it's the color you are seeing now."

"I see." Seeing that this is possibly not the Kion she met last time had her deciding it was best to move things along. "Well, feel free to talk me when you have your memories all sorted out. I'll be around."

"We'll see."

The two went their separate ways leaving both the boy and girl very confused with their latest interaction.

Elsewhere, Rarity was going back and forth, putting on the finishing touches on each of the girls' uniforms. Rainbow Dash was wearing what resembles a London police uniform, Fluttershy was wearing hockey gear, Pinkie Pie wore a cowgirl-like outfit, and Sunset Shimmer wore some kind of mechanics body suit and a wielding mask.

Rarity adjusted Applejack red jersey as the latter had a voice of concern with what she is doing right now. “Uh, Rarity, these outfits are great, but why would you put so much time and effort into clothes not all of us might even wear? You're gonna exhaust yourself before the games even start."

"Oh, pff. Kch. Fff Ts! Don't be silly, darling! Putting effort into clothes is what I live for, and spending time with my friends fills me with energy!"

The girl's body began to glow as bright as a star and pony ears appeared on her head, followed by a long hair/tail extension as she stroked one final pose. The girls looked on in amazement at the transformation, especially Twilight who begins to try to spot the connection of her transformation. As if it sparks when someone’s true passion is tapped into.

"And magic, too, I guess." Sunset Shimmer said before shielding her face from the brightness with the welding mask.

At the same time the device on Human Twilight’s necklace continued its beeping, the corners kept on moving with a single purple glow. Like a compass with a pointed arrow, the glow directed Twilight to where the energy was coming from. Suddenly, the single glow caused the capsule to open up, its insides glowing a bright purple. Twilight was fascinated by this reaction while Kion looked on equally amazed yet concerned of what will happen next.

Inside the rehearsal room, Twilight felt a sudden sensation when she heard a voice from nearby. A whisper of some sorts along with heavy breathing accompanying it.

“You feel that?” Twilight asked Kion who got a good hear and feel of what’s happening.

“I do.”

At the same time, Rarity was feeling very strange herself, like her energy was being drained somehow leaking it’s way out of her body and out of the room. Something that both Twilight and Kion inside the room picked up on as the magic made it’s way inside the other Twilight’s device.

Rarity slowly descended down, suddenly looking like she hadn't slept in days as evident by her poor posture and dark circles under her eyes as her pony features disappeared.

"Actually, Applejack, now that you mention it, I suppose I could use a tiny break." She ended up fainting and Applejack caught her, gently placing her down on the floor.

"I told you."

With suspicion arising, Twilight and Kion made their way towards the door to find out what had caused Rarity to pass out like that. But just when they moved to open the door, the door itself opened first. And when that happened, nobody could believe their eyes of what they are seeing, especially both Kion and Twilight.

“What in the Pride Lands?!”

“What in Equestria?!”

There all eyes are all focused as there both Twilight’s and both Kion’s stood, foot to foot, face to face for the first time.



“Whoa! Drama!” Bunga said in awe as he and the other Bunga fetched themselves some popcorn to munch on while this scene takes place in front of them.

“This ought to be good.” Other Bunga said as they watch the scene unfold.

All of the Rainbooms along with the Pony Guard both parties standing to separate sides of the room to avoid further confusion all looked on as they see and tell apart both Twilight’s and both Kion’s. Mainly the human version of Twilight has glasses, and the human version of Kion has short black hair.

“Is that really you, Twilight.” Pony Twilight said to her human counterpart.

"Uh, yes?" Human Twilight greeted with uncertainty just like with everyone else as Kion continued to place a protective hand on her.

“And you’re Kion?” Lion Kion said to his human counterpart.

“Uh, yeah.” Kion returned like it should be obvious at this point as evident by his annoyed and irritated tone of voice. “Always has been.”

"Well, I'll be." Applejack said in amazement.

Even with the kindness and friendly gestures, Human Twilight still felt so uneasy around everyone expect for Human Kion standing in front of her who is in full protective mode.

Rarity cringed at Human Twilight's appearance, "Darling, those glasses. What are you wearing? It's so…severe."

"My uniform?"

"Your uniform for what?" Fluttershy asked.

"For…Crystal Prep. But why does everyone at this school know who I am?"

"Did you just say "Crystal Prep"?" Rainbow asked, seeing more and more of the contrasts between the two Twilight’s.

Twilight's backpack unzipped and Spike came out barking. The girls recognized him as well.


"You know my dog's name, too?" Human Twilight said with a gasp. “Guess I'm not the only one to smuggle her pet into school."

Seeing how awkward this girl was feeling, Human Fuli cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "I’m sorry about all of this. I guess we’ve had a lot of parallel experiences together and it’s not every day you see eye to eye with someone else identical.”

“Yeah.” Human Beshte added in gentle agreement. “There’s nothing here to be afraid.

“Yeah!” Human Bunga agreed. “You’re with friends now!”

"Oookay. Thanks.”

In addition, Human Kion noticed someone that especially made his eyes widen with unbridled rage and shock upon seeing her. And said person was Sunset Shimmer who looked on in complete shock as memories came flowing back through her mind at the same time Human Kion’s did.


“Kion!” Sunset gasped as she felt her hair stand up in fright along with seeing his intimidating and angry expression.

But before that could be explored, the sound of Celestia's voice caught their attention. The doubles from Equestria all quickly ducked out of sight hiding in nearby areas where the two principals won’t see them as the former was showing that latter the school and stopped by the music room.

"And our music program has especially taken off." Celestia explained, only to gasp once she saw the violet skinned girl along with the golden skinned boy. "Twilight? Kion?"

Human Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance. "This is getting ridiculous!"

“Hello, Principal Celestia. Good to see you.” Kion them said calmly while angrily frowning upon noticing Principal Cinch again.

While that exchange happened Spike managed to quickly jump back into Twilight's bag without the older woman knowing.

"I must apologize for the curiosity of my prized students." Principal Cinch said, placing a hand on Twilight's shoulder, subtly showcasing this girl was her property while Kion stepped aside when Cinch tried to do the same to him.

"Your students?" Celestia asked in disbelief, and confusion.

"The smart ones are always curious. And as for the brawny ones, well, they're probably wanting to pick a fight with
someone they have a beef with.“ Kion fierce and scowling eyes directed at Sunset’s scared and petrified soul proved her point that much. “I'll return them to check in with the rest of her classmates."

The cold hearted principal then led the shy girl and frowning boy away, leaving Celestia baffled, "I didn't know Twilight had a twin sister along with Kion having a twin brother too."

"They don't!" Pinkie Pie stated. "That Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world since the Twilight from the pony world doesn't go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses and the same can be said for the Kion with black hair which is clearly different than the Kion who has red hair."
Celestia opened her mouth to say something, but quickly realized there really wasn't anything else she needed to know.

"Never mind."

Once she was gone, the girl all turned to the Pony Guard from the Pride Lands along with their Twilight and Kion.

"So, that was the actual Twilight from our world?" Applejack asked, still very shocked. “Along with the actual Kion?!”

“Apparently.” Human Ono said still looking on in disbelief himself. “And talk about a Freaky Friday.”

“Literally, too.” Other Ono returned feeling the same way.

"Definitely the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life." Princess Twilight commented unable to say otherwise herself.

"No kidding." Prince Kion said in agreement.

“Deja vu.” Both Fuli’s said in unison.

“Gesundheit.” Both Bunga’s returned much to their annoyance.

New Discoveries and New Revelations

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New Discoveries and New Revelations

"I can't believe our world's Twilight goes to Crystal Prep!" Rarity said, pretty much speaking what everyone is thinking right now. The whole group walked down the hallways, still in a state of disbelief at knowing that there was another Twilight and Kion in this world. And they were nothing like the Twilight and Kion they knew.

"So does this mean Twilight' and Kion, or the other Twilight and Kion, is gonna play against us?" Human Bunga asked, not even believing what he just said.

“Sure looks like it.” Other Bunga replied still baffled himself.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and scoffed at the idea. "She'd never do that!"

"Our Twilight and Kion wouldn't." Fuli stated. “In fact, they’re right here.” She gestured to them who are still stunned into frozen shock.

As for the Twilight they know very well along with Kion and Sunset. Their minds are having a very hard time processing all of this to the point they are shocked and completely stunned.

The former two are left wondering what could have happened to them. What caused them to turn out to be sad reflections of themselves. At the same time Sunset has sudden dread and chills up her spine after seeing that identical boy with the other Twilight. In her mind she is thinking. “He has gotten stronger.”

“Twilight? Kion? Sunset?”

“You three okay?”

Both Beshte’s asked in concern upon seeing they haven’t moved a muscle since the principals swung by.



Both Sunset and Kion returned while Twilight was more honest with her answer.

“Still mind-blown.”

“About seeing other Twilight and Kion?” Pride Lands Fuli asked.


“How about you Sunset?” Human Fuli asked. “Did seeing them spark any bad memories of some sort!”

"Our Twilight is still in Equestria and that girl is nothing like her! And the same goes for Kion as well!" Sunset suddenly snapped angrily when the shock wore off, before quickly stopping herself after realizing what she just said and sighed. “Sorry. I...I can’t explain but dealing with all of this seeing double trouble."

“And that’s understandable, Sunset.” Human Fuli returned to assure she is already forgiven for her outburst.
“It does take time and patience to get fully used it to. Though easier said then done given that the Twilight and Kion we saw were the opposite of what we are seeing now.” Other Fuli added as patience is something she struggled with early on.

“And believe me when I tell you that I am really trying to control my anger more and be more patient. It’s just…” She struggled of how to voice her current concerns. “...something about seeing them just really troubles me along with wanting to uncover this mystery of better controlling the magic here.”

"Darling, I'm sure you along with Kion and Twilight are doing the best you can in cracking this case. And I’m sure Agent Askari and his men are also on the case." Rarity said in her best efforts to assure her friend that no one is deeming her a disgrace and disappointment. “But we shouldn't expect Kion and Twilight to solve everything that's going on. Especially if it's something as minor as a few random pony-ups."

"But they aren't minor!" Sunset stated otherwise. "Magic came into this world when I stole Twilight's crown. It's taken a lot for me to earn everyone's trust." the poor girl leaned her back against a locker, a piece of her hair slowly falling down on the side of her face, "If we have to forfeit the games because I can't think of a way to keep it under control…"

"Oh, Sunset, I'm sure you'll be able to figure things out." Fluttershy kindly said to keep her from thinking that way.

“She’s right.” Kion agreed with that fully. “After all it was you of all people who helped everyone understand what was going on with the Sirens?"

"Along with singing by our side that allowed us to overpower them along with the Original Evil Lions of the Pride Lands Past.” Twilight added.

“True.” Sunset acknowledged. “But it was you two who figured out who those lions were along with figuring out what we really needed in order to defeat them.”

Rarity removed the single strand of hair from Sunset's face as she refused to let her continue downplaying her own achievements since reforming. "Don't you remember, darling? What we needed to defeat them was you."

Twilight then added as she leaned down to her eye level with her hands on his hips and jeans. “And we wouldn’t have figured that out had you not helped see the bigger picture here. All because we were too focused in trying to solve one problem to fully see what was really going on around us.”

And by doing what you did you you actually managed to save us too, Sunset.” Kion further said. “And you know what?”


“It’s thanks to what you said to us back that really helped carry us to victory that day.”

“Not everyone has all of the answers. Not even me or Kion.” Twilight then said next. “We’ll get through this as long as we work together on this.”

Hearing these words, especially from both Kion and Twilight helped restore Sunset’s confidence and her smile. She then decided to take their advice to heart thinking that maybe she should try taking things easier.

"All right." Sunset was then brought in for huge group hug from both parties all while cheering her on to further encourage her spirit.

After that touching moment, Pride Lands Fuli took the lead, "Come on, everyone. We have time for one more round of practice before the games." The others followed after her with Human Fuli walking beside her as they all walked towards the gym. She turned around, seeing Twilight, Kion, and Sunset didn’t follow suit were left behind.

"You three coming?" Human Fuli asked upon seeing this.

"We'll catch up in a bit. We’re going to go talk to Askari." Twilight said while leading the way. Both Fuli’s nodded their heads before returning to the others.

Once out of sight and in a new hallway, said man they are looking for just happened to be right around the corner much to the sudden surprise of the trio. “Yes. You called.”

“We did.” Twilight answered first as the moment passed through quickly to her like it was only for a split second. “About the ongoing case here. Have you noticed that there is another me and Kion, here?”

“Funny that you mentioned it because I was about to ask you the same thing. Along with sharing what I know about them.” He presented a couple of personal files with their information. “And as you can tell, these are indeed your human counterparts in the flesh. Both students at Crystal Prep, one is super smart, and the other is super strong and athletic. And if you know yourselves very well you know who’s who.”



“In addition, while Twilight was at Crystal Prep her whole life, Kion had just transferred there from another school over two years ago.”

“From where exactly?” Kion asked curiously as Sunset looked on trying to steel herself from showing any nervous hints to everyone around her.

“Canterlot High.”

“You mean… he used to go to school here?!”

“As in Canterlot High, here?!”

“Oh, yes.” Askari nodded before turning his head towards Sunset knowing full well of what she is thinking. “And as I recall, this happened shortly after one of the previous Fall Formals. Two years prior to both you two came along.”

“What do you mean by that? What are you talking about?” Sunset tried to side step from the conversation to no avail as the federal agent made it clear that there is no point in hiding it anymore.

“Come on, Sunset Shimmer. Isn’t it obvious? Did you think the other Kion wouldn't recognize the girl who pulled that particular cruel prank that made him bald and move to transfer back there in the first place? A.K.A my own grand nephew.”

Both Twilight and Kion had to literally piece it together while trading with one another as they are both taken aback by this revelation.


“Cruel prank...”

“Kid left bald because of it...”

“Transferred here and away from Canterlot High...”

“Because the mean girl...”

“Was me.” Sunset confessed in conceded defeat much to the other’s shock.


“You inflicted that pain and misery on other Kion?!”

“I’m afraid so.”

Now it was Pride Lands Kion’s turn to express his absolute horror and anger at Sunset. “How could you do that?! You ruined that young boy’s life!”

“Yes I did. And it was wrong. I know. It wasn’t until now did I realize the consequences of how I traumatized him back then. I was a really different person back then. Really!” Sunset pleaded of his angry friend.

“I believe you, Sunset.” Twilight calmly returned while taking matters in her own hands by restraining Kion from going any further. “I believe that you understand and see the errors of your ways. But what’s done is done. But…” She then said with a shimmer of hope for her.


“I believe you can still make it up to him. As long as you show him that you truly mean it when you find time to apologize for what happened back then.”

“You really think that’ll work?” She asked worried whether it will or not.


“While normally I would view that as a sign of weakness, I do make an exception on some rare cases as far as friends are concerned for rule number six.” Askari said while offering his input on the matter. “Though it may take time before he’s ready to accept it. So my advice here, give it some time and don’t do anything rash along with trying to sucker punch him again. Otherwise, it’ll be game over and a violation of rule number forty-two.”

“Wow.” Sunset remarked in amazement. “You sure have quite a set of rules to follow outside of work.”

Askari simply shrugged. “You’d be surprised of how much grief I was spared by creating and following them. Even aside from breaking one or two here and there.” He then said. “In the meantime, there is also the matter of the portal I have yet to share with you three. In fact, my men are waiting outside keeping an eye on it right now.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“What have you uncovered about it?”

Both Sunset and Twilight asked as they all made their way towards where it is.

“It’s quite a discovery, that’s for sure.”

After hearing of his explanation, the trio found themselves pleased with his research. But at the same time it just so happens that both other Twilight and Kion just so happened to be nearby the portal again.

There, the other Twilight felt her device making noise as it detected magic and started glowing again. She followed the glowing arrow towards the statue of the majestic horse. She looked at it curiously, wondering why her device suddenly stopped right on the spot. The object's lid popped open and the orb within started to glow, much to her astonishment.

At the same time, Sunset moved to lift a hand on the mirror who just so happened to be on the other side of the statue, opposite of other Twilight. The moment she placed her hand on the device’s magic counter reacted causing her hand to get stuck when red colored magic appeared on it.

“Hey! Let go!" She tried real hard, but it was no use, it was like she was getting stuck and nothing else has happened.

Both Twilight and Askari quickly rushed over to come to her assistance, while Kion was quick to spot other Twilight on the other side.

“Hey! Stop!”

He tried to rush over to get her to stop the device that is causing this, only to be intercepted by his human counterpart who growled as fiercely as him along with cracking his knuckles ready to fight if he takes another step closer.

“Not a step closer!”

“But whatever she is carrying is causing magic here to be meddled with. We need to stop it!”

He tried to side step out of the way only to get his arm grabbed, twisted and tossed aside into the nearby trash can.

From the other side of the portal, Spike and the ponies all took notice and watched with worry with what was happening to the mirror. And judging from the way it was turning from purple to blue, it was not a good sign.

“Oh, no.”

“What is happening?!”

“Can’t be good, darling.”

Fluttershy, Spike, and Rarity frighteningly expressed.

On the other side Sunset struggled to pull herself free even with Twilight and Askari’s best efforts to keep anything else from happening to her.

At the same time, Human Twilight's device opened up and began absorbing the energy from the pedestal. The energy was separated into two rolls of colors, one was yellow and red like fire and the other was blue and white. The energies merged together, sinking its way into the device. It was so powerful that she couldn't contain it.

The mirror's magic was increasing, lightning flashed all across the room, hitting everything in sight, causing everyone to duck to avoid getting hit by the portal’s crazy magic.

“Duck and cover, everypony!” Rarity commanded to everyone while dragging Pinkie down too.

The struggle continued until Askari quickly pulled out a taser from his utility belt and shot’s it electrifying energy right at it. Said voltage from the taser proved powerful enough to force whatever magic is trapping Sunset free but not without shocking her. At the same time, it caused other Twilight to stumble backwards and close the device forcibly.

Sunset groaned while rubbing her head with her hair now shocked and standing up straight looking like fiery flames rising. A sight that had Kion narrowing his eyes at, while Twilight who managed to witness this looked on in worry. She began to wonder if the energy her device is collecting is actually causing this much like with Rarity earlier. A sight that sparks a calculating interest in Human Kion's mind upon seeing this.

Sunset was helped to her feet by Twilight while Askari moved to assist Pride Lands Kion out of the trash can he got stuck in. managed to keep at least some balance as she stood before her eyes landed on alternate Twilight, who looked on equally confused and shocked.

"What did you do?!" Sunset angrily demanded of her just when Human Kion stood in front of her ready to fight her. But before she could answer and before the situation could escalate, Dean Cadance called their names.

"Twilight, you have to check in with the others. You too, Kion."

Not wanting any more trouble, and not understanding the situation at all, Twilight ran off towards her other classmates with Kion following after her but not without returning a glare and “I got my eye on you.” gesture at her forcing her to back off.

“Are you okay?” Askari asked both Kion and Sunset who both nodded in response.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” Kion replied as he brushed off the garbage that got stuck to his clothes. “Aside from getting my butt kicked by my other me.”


Sunset didn’t respond as she quickly place a hand on the portal again, only she did feel anything magical happen along with hearing any voices like before. “The portal? WHERE'S THE PORTAL?!?!!?"

Once the crazy magic had died down, after many, many books fell off the shelves, the ponies and little dragon all shook their bodies, recovering from the impact.

“Twilight? Twilight?! TWILIGHT?!!!” Spike cried in frantic worry begging to hear her voice as he touched nothing but glass.

It was clear for both sides that the portal was gone. There was no way for any of them to get home or travel dimensions now. Sunset herself could only collapse on her knees and place her hands on her face in dismay with what had just happened.

“Sunset?” Twilight voiced with worry more for her than the portal itself.

“I’m so sorry, Twilight! I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Sunset.” Twilight assured.

“Actually, you’re right.” Kion agreed but not the way one good soul would expect as evident by his cold cool tone of voice. “It is.”

“Kion!” Twilight scolded.

“But it is!” He defensively asserted. “If she hadn’t been such a cruel bully to my other self, none of this would have happened!”

“You don’t know that!” Twilight defensively stated. “If anything it still could have happened even if it never happened!”

“Oh, like you’re one to talk for someone who’s also made similar mistakes if not worse!”

“Kion!” Twilight calmly but sternly warned to make her anger known to him. “Don’t do this!” But Kion wasn’t backing down.

“Oh, too late for that sister!”

Thankfully, Askari quickly spoke up sharply to get the increasing tension to stop. “Enough! All of you! Regardless of what happened in the past, we all need to put a pin in it. Now, since we don’t exactly have solid answers on this mysterious magic, we can’t bring her in for questioning along with other Kion.”

“Why not?!” Kion demanded.

“Because considering that Principal Cinch is practically a women all about manipulating the press to her advantage. The press would be critical of our agency for arresting a seemingly innocent girl and boy and the school’s star students over something that this deemed crazy talk in this world.”

“What?! You don’t mean to tell me you don’t believe in magic?!”

“No.” Askari shook his head. “But no one else including the public knows and even if they did, it could cause a mass worldwide panic that could create chaos, chaos that could leave many people checked into mental hospitals and other hospitals as a result of war for which we are unprepared for.”

“That’s true.” Twilight admitted. “And coming from a pony who once thought everyone in Ponyville was crazy, there’s no way it’ll look good for us if we try to take up even with the school board.”

“So then I guess it means we got to continue being quiet about it.” Sunset then said figuring that’s what they need to do next in a defeated tone of voice.


Kion groaned in anger before finding himself intercepted by Askari before he could even think about turning to give Sunset another piece of his mind. “Kion, calm down.” He firmly ordered. “We will solve this case even if it takes a little longer than expected, I don’t want this turning into an international incident.”

Kion relented before storming off in frustration not even bothering to look at both Twilight and Sunset right now. With the former looking on in disappointment the latter looked on very guilty of how her past sins are really biting her in the butt. And it is coming down hard on her.

Later at the gym, the school held a welcome party for the students at Crystal Prep. It was a simple gathering, meant to have the two schools get along. Flash met up with his friends and teammates, Lyra and Bon Bon, and were attempting to make small talk with some of the students. The three smiled at one of their competitors, Sour Sweet, who smiled back. Maybe the games would go along more smoothly, if these students were so nice and friendly. Hopefully things have changed for the better since the last four years. It didn’t last long due to Sour Sweet, living up to her name, crumpled the paper cup she was holding and stomped it down with her foot. The three CHS students narrowed their eyes at the gesture but remained silent. They tried to be nice but it was clear to see these kids were not interested in returning it in kind. All they cared about was winning and bringing home the trophy. It was actually quite sad considering unlike them, at least CHS students had fun on their competitions, win or lose.

The Lion and Pony Guard all walked into the gym. Rarity had designed the girls and boys some lovely outfits for the occasion. Sunset's was a pink shirt with short rounded sleeves and a matching skirt with a black transparent lace underneath and matching shoes. Her skirt and shirt had imprints of her cutie mark on them.

Applejack wore a country outfit consisting of a white shirt, brown country jacket, a brown belt with a green-yellow apple buckle, long dark brown leggings and ankle length country boots with green laces around the ankles.

Rainbow Dash wore a blue jacket with a high white collar with red and yellow stripes, a green shirt and a blue skirt with yellow strikes on the side and blue sneakers.

Rarity wore a blue dress with a dark blue ribbon and divided skirt, one side with ruffles the other decorated with diamond prints and a ruffled buckling and sleeves.

Fluttershy's was green with butterfly prints and matching shoes and Pinkie Pie wore a blue outfit with a blue tie, a darker blue shirt over blue leggings that reached a few inches bellow her knees and pink high heel shoes with balloon buttons on them, as well as balloons on her skirt.

Twilight herself wore a sparkling purple dress with a small pink stripe on her chest and with white and pink stars decorated on the bottom of the skirt, and purple sneakers.

As for the Lion Guard (sans Kion who decided not to show up) along with their counterparts wore similar outfits for a presentable and formal appearance. Much like in the other world, the boys wore stylish suits.

Beshte wore a silver suit with a white shirt and blue tie, and wore black dress shoes. Bunga wore a dark blue suit with a black shirt, matching shoes, and a bright blue tie. Ono himself wore a chocolate brown suit, same colored shirt, and a black tie with matching shoes. Fuli herself, she dressed elegantly like the girls by wearing a white sleeved dress shirt with a matching jacket and slippers, and a golden pair of yellow dress pants.

And as for their human counterparts they wore similar but inverted colors on their suits to avoid looking exactly like them. Human Beshte’s shirt was black and his tie’s blue similar to Pride Lands Bunga. Bunga’s was black with a white shirt and cool blue colored tie. Fuli’s happened to be a sparkling white jacket with matching shirt and slippers along with a golden yellow pants.

The Lion Guard (sans Kion) along with the Twilight they know and love, all stood near a corner, keeping an eye on anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. Though not without difficultly, as the discussion of what happened earlier at the portal along with the discovery that alternate Kion just so happened to be one Sunset’s victims back when she mean and ambitious has surfaced up among them. But thankfully, their concern is more directed at Pride Lands Kion who didn’t show up due to being super mad at Sunset for what she did back then.

“So this world’s Kion happened to be the poor boy who got so viciously humiliated by Sunset back then?” Pride Lands Fuli was the first to ask upon being caught up with the princess's discovery.

“I’m afraid so, Rarity.” Twilight returned with no denying what happened back then.

“And that’s why Kion got so mad and refused to partake in this wonderful party?” Pride Lands Bunga also asked. “Because he really has no idea on what he is missing out on.”

“By missing out, you mean watching the Crystal Prep girls not wanting to extend their hand in friendship?” Pride Lands Ono asked with an look that shows them of said students being rude and condescending towards everyone around them and not just alternate Twilight and Kion.

“I rest my mouth.” Pride Lands Bunga then proceeded to munch on his snacks while trying really hard not to mess up his suit knowing full well what Rarity will do if he gets so much as a single stain on it.

“Anyways…” Twilight continued. “...that’s why Kion wouldn’t join us here right now. He’s still sitting around in the library in order to avoid being around Sunset. And because magic is not something that’s very common knowledge around this world, Askari can’t warrant an investigation and legal action without coming across as crazy and unhinged and incurring major backlash against his agency.”

“Like watching a crazy lady trying to prove talking animals are real.” Pride Lands Bunga chimed in with a laugh. “Yeah, I can see why people here would assume magic is crazy talk.”

“Yeah it sure would.” Pride Lands Fuli said unable to find a counter argument knowing full well of hard it was for Twilight and Kion to get their crowns back from Sunset during their first visit here.

“So what now?” Pride Lands Beshte then asked what can they do now. “Think maybe we should talk to the principals and get them to postpone the games so this whole magic mystery is resolved?”

“I already tried that. Though I had to reword it as a potential threat lurking around the school to avoid arousing suspicion with the opposing team.” Twilight shook her head. “Again much like why we can’t bring the suspects in for questioning, Principal Cinch wouldn’t allow it unless her school comes with another victory under their belt. So it’s either we continue on like nothing has happened or have all of the hard work leading up to these games be all for nothing.”

“That stinks!” Pride Lands Bunga remarked in annoyance.

“Are we sure we’re not talking about Bunga stinks?” Pride Lands Ono asked while awkwardly stepping aside to avoid being behind the boy himself.

“Hey! I’m behaving myself right now!” Just then his stomach rumbled. “Uh, I’ll be right back!” He quickly ran off to the nearest bathroom before he explodes and soils himself.

Pride Lands Fuli then said while rolling her eyes annoyed of how Pride Lands Bunga brought that on himself. “So it’s either forfeit and have the arrogant and unfriendly students rub it in our faces, or risk looking like cuckoo birds in front of everyone.”



“I’m sure we can still continue forward.” Pride Lands Beshte optimistically voiced hoping things will work out for the better. “Maybe this whole magic thing is being kept under control.” Unfortunately for him, he is instantly proven wrong when they just so happened to spot other Twilight looking at her glowing device. “Although I could be wrong, too.”

“Quite so.” Came from another voice that got their attention.

“And what makes you say that?!” Bunga asked back like it is another blasphemous statement.

“Oh I believe that’s because given that Crystal Prep has won every time these games happens it’s shouldn’t be a surprise at this point.” Said person happened to indigo purple colored in skin, light amber eyes, with silver hair styled and combed backwards. He also wore a dark blue tuxedo with a orange bow tie and light orange shirt, and a bright crystal blue cape.

Accompanying him are a certain pair of con artists wearing similar white and blue striped shirts with matching black bow ties, white pants. Both with yellow skin, green eyes, and red hair with one of them sporting a mustache. And both looking on equally smug and sure of themselves.

“Oh, no.” Twilight groaned with closed eyes knowing who his associates are.

“Flim and Flam.” Applejack scowled.


“That’s us.”

“And you!” Pride Lands Bunga then said dramatically with a shocked gasp before asking casually and confused. “Who are you exactly?”

“Oh, where are my manners. I have yet to introduce myself to you all. I’m Gladmane, head of the biggest resort in Las Vegas, and head coach and sponsor of the Crystal Prep team for these upcoming Friendship Games.”

“Okay?” Pride Lands Fuli returned not sure if she cares or should care about him now. “So you’re the one who took up Crystal Prep after promising you would train the students at Canterlot."

"Well what can I say?” Gladmane shrugged like it was no big deal. “They offered me more money, and when someone makes you a bigger offer you take it.”

“Even if it involves breaking a promise?”

“My dear, I can assure you I meant no hard feelings towards you all. It was just more fitting to take up something that was more beneficial to me and my business.” Flim moved to try to explain their reasons.

“More money means more benefits. It’s okay if you don’t understand right away.” Flam added.

“Like I care?”

“But still, not very nice and fair considering you made a promise. And a promise is something that should be kept no matter what.” Pride Lands Beshte then stated with a frown towards him who smiled like it was no big deal.

“Look I understand you’re upset and I don’t blame you but from the looks of it you all managed to find new coaches for your team in no time, no value.

“Even though it’s all volunteer work outside of what they were going to pay me.”

“Yeah!” Pride Lands Ono stated still not pleased. “No thanks to you! And at least unlike you we never turn our backs on those who need help no matter what it pays.”

“Yeah!” Pride Lands Bunga then righteously stated. “I mean who’s side are you on?!”

“On the winner’s side, my dear boy.” Gladmane simply replied. “Winners always stay on top no matter what.”

“It was there Fuli from the Pride Lands stepped up towards him once more with her say in the matter. “Then you’d better because we’re ready to show you and the school of yours of what we’re really capable of. More than any of the past competitions can say compared to this time around.”

“Oh, really? We’ll see about that.”

“Oh, I think you’ll be surprised once you see what really happens.” Pride Lands Bunga then bravely said. “Especially the part where we kick your butts for the very first time in school history.”

“Not to mention even with statistics and previous track records, there is always a first time for everything.” Ono then added next.

“Especially when more promising athletes with big brains have been gearing up for this ever since it was first announced.” Beshte then added with crossed arms. “So if I were you I’d quit talking big before it even begins because things are not always as they seem.”

“And right now, you’re looking at someone who actually can back it up unlike someone who’s only doing this just to prove he is worth something.” Twilight then said stated next to which had the Flim Flam brothers flinch and gasp in response.

Gladmane could only look on in response towards someone actually said that to him along with facing him with her against his imposing glare. “My! My! My! What a daring and bold soul you have there young lady. Hope you can back them up as well.”

“You can count on that.”

“Hmm.” Gladmane then proceeded to walk away from the group without another word. The coaches then smiled and high fived each other for making that statement clear. This year is going to be their year.

At the same time, Sunset caught sight of the alternative Twilight and Kion, where the former is apparently searching for something, looking down at the device around her neck while the latter follows after her now wearing a black business suit and shoes, with a yellow dress shirt and red tie to go with it for the party itself. She was so invested in her search she kept bumping into pretty much anything, like balloons and her fellow students. She collided with Indigo Zap, causing her to drop her drink, and she nervously walked away from the angry tomboy who’s anger likewise dropped when Kion came by giving her a dirty look in response..

The rest of the Pony Guard saw what she was doing while under her bodyguard’s watchful eye, already aware of what happened to the portal and that she had did something that tampered with the portal’s magic.

"What in tarnation is she up to?" Applejack asked.

"Leave this to me." Sunset walked up to the alternate version of her friend, who was still searching for something. With the Rainbooms behind her she spoke up and got her attention. "Twilight, what have you been up to?" She asked sternly even with Kion’s fierce scowl directed at her as he positioned himself in between the two girls.

"Me? Oh, I was just—"

"Who wants to know?!" Indigo Zap immediately appeared and pointed an accusing finger at Sunset Shimmer, sounding like she was all that, which in her own mind's eyes she was.

"Um, we do." Rainbow Dash retorted with a cocky smile while forcing Indigo to back off. The two instantly got into a glare down with each other.

Applejack came in between the two, placing a hand on Indigo's shoulder and her arm around Rainbow Dash to get them to ease up before it could escalate. "Alright, everyone. Let's not get too competitive before the games start."

"The games aren't really competitive since we've never lost." Sugarcoat then said.

"That's not a very nice thing to say." Fluttershy bravely returned.

Sunny Flare flicked her wrist, swaying her hips confidently, "Sorry, dearie, but these games aren't about being nice."

"Well, you might use a little tact." Rarity suggested with a flip of her hair. Even though the games had not even started, already everyone was getting heated with each other.
Intimidated by the tense exchanges, Human Twilight slowly backed away, only to bump into a certain pink haired girl. So far, she was the first one to greet her with a smile, aside from Flash Sentry.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" She offered her hand to the shy girl.

"Oh, hi. I'm Twilight." Her hair and glasses fell from place after Pinkie's incredibly strong handshake.

"I know. You look just like my friend. Her name is Twilight too."

"That's…weird." Twilight said while placing her hair back into a bun once more.

"What's that?" Pinkie asked, pointing at the pendent around Twilight's neck.

"It's sort of a spectrometer. I built it to track EM frequencies, but it can also contain anomalies." She explained…to which Pinkie only tilted her head slightly while still smiling. A given since Pinkie’s not someone who speaks science terminology. "It measures things." she paraphrased.

"Like the party?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't look like much of a party to me." Human Twilight gestured to the entire room, where even with music playing, nobody was really having any actual fun or getting along with one another.

"I know. Something is definitely missing." Pinkie thought for a moment before suddenly dragging the human Twilight by the arm, "Come on!"


While Human Twilight was being forcibly dragged aside, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna appeared on stage. The older sister spoke to the students through the microphone. "Hello, everyone! I'd like to take this opportunity to greet all of our students at Crystal Prep Academy and welcome them to CHS."

Human Twilight struggled as she helped Pinkie Pie push what appeared to be some kind of large presents with are ribbons. "What in the world is in these things?"

"Party cannons, of course!"

Human Twilight arched an eyebrow trying to understand why she has and need party cannons.

Principal Celestia continued her speech, addressing to the eighteen students who would represent their school. "And lastly, I would like to recognize the eighteen students that CHS has elected to compete. I don't think we could have chosen a better group to represent the excellence, sportsmanship, and friendship the games stand for." The Lion and Pony Guard in this world who account for most of the representatives, smiled humbly and awkwardly at everyone. "And I especially want to thank our coaches, for being such strong but encouraging mentors, for helping make preparing for these games all possible." Thankfully due to their disguises, the group of five all were able to smile and wave to everyone around them.

Pinkie Pie began working her own form of magic on the party. First, she replaced the boring party snacks with deliciously colorful cupcakes, much to the surprise of many students, she shut down the main lights, darkening the gym, which gave enough light for the grand disco ball which she somehow managed to place up on the ceiling, along with various colorful streamers. She appeared upside-down to Vinyl Scratch and handed her a CD before disappearing. Vinyl wasted no time and placed the track and the entire stadium filled with the most upbeat tech music they had ever heard. Students of Crystal Prep smiled as did the CHS students and it was there they finally found something in common they could all enjoy.

The Lion and Pony Guard all figured out immediately who was the mastermind behind all of this. Their Pinkie Pie was always able to bring folks together with her parties and her cheerful and enjoyable attitude, proving that this world's Pinkie Pie was no different something that Human Kion himself remembered fondly of briefly. He heard stories about how much of a party thrower she is during his time here, but never actually saw them until now.

"Wow!" Human Kion commented on sincere astonishment as he broke off his stare down with Sunset to do so. "Great job, Pinkie Pie!" He greeted with a friendly smile.

"Thank you!" Pinkie happily returned while waving her hand from the opposite side of gym before rushing back over to Human Twilight.

"Sunset..." Human Kion then said with his smile now forced as he turned to face her before walking off ahead still sounding as friendly . "...Can I see you outside in the hallway for a moment?"

"Of course, Kion." Sunset forced herself to smile likewise for everyone watching around them before following after him towards the nearby door. There Kion kindly opened the door for her still sporting a friendly smile...before dropping the smile back into it's usual frown before slamming it shut behind him after she made it outside. And judging from the look on his face which no one else took notice of, it wasn't going to be pretty.

After that had happened, it didn't take long for students from both schools to start talking with one another, with no sarcastic, rude, mean, snide comments and remarks towards one another. Students both Wondercolts and Shadowbolts alike simply being friendly, sharing the snacks and dancing to the same music. Right now is a time to have fun, so why not put all of that competitiveness aside for now and enjoy what’s being presented right in front of them.

Pinkie Pie then tossed away the two giant presents, revealing her party cannons. Twilight looked on understandably surprised and concerned since cannons are not usually a good thing to have around.

"Um, are you sure this is a good idea?"


The two canons exploded with confetti, streamers and more, decorating the entire gym, landing on the walls and falling all around the students. Twilight was pushed away by the impact of the cannons, but none the less she was impressed with how quickly this party came together with her previous concerns having quickly vanished. The Lion and Pony Guard got down on the dance floor while their visiting counterparts danced on the sidelines. Fuli with Ono, Beshte with Bunga (when he just returned to the party), all danced alongside the students. Despite what was happening, at least they could enjoy a few moments of joy. Besides, how could they not be happy seeing so much harmony in one room? This was enough to lift up their spirits and have hope they could get back home.

Pinkie Pie felt so happy seeing so many smiles. Smiles were what she lived more. Her heart bursted with joy and happiness as her body started to glow a bright pink. Pony ears grew on her head and her hair extended, looking like a tail while her entire body levitated upwards.

"Ooh, floaty!"

Twilight's device began glowing and buzzing once more, and this time it did not only beep and glow, but was even levitating on its own. Something that not even Twilight didn't program for it to do that. It was like a hungry dog searching for food. And it was hungry again. The lid opened once more and pink energy began sinking into it.

Pinkie Pie suddenly didn't feel too well when it happened to the point she felt exhausted afterwards. Her body lowered down and her pony features disappeared. She felt so out of it she leaned against the wall, practically faint to avoid passing out on the ground.

"Oh. I am party pooped."

Meanwhile, even though she didn't have her pony ears anymore, Twilight and the others could hear that noise again. The princess pony turned and caught sight of the same glowing purple and pink aura moving from near the bleachers.

Once it had the energy, Twilight's device released some kind of small little lightning underneath the bleachers. She looked through and gasped when she saw a small little purple speck suddenly expand to reveal some kind of portal-like rift, showcasing some strange looking forest unlike anything she had ever seen. It looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. Twilight had no idea what was going on, all she knew was that she didn't understand this. She quickly closed her device and the portal closed, disappearing once and for all.


Twilight jolted up when she heard one of the coaches speak to her. She just so happened to be her pony self who is accompanied by Pride Lands Fuli who are both looking right at her. Both girls looked on with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow as the purple star on the girl’s pendant disappeared when the object shut itself off. They heard Pinkie sigh due being deflated and drained of her energy and magic just like Rarity did before. If looks could kill she would be dead by now. But considering that it isn’t in their blood, a stern talking to is still in order.

“That’s quite a discovery you’re making, huh?”

“Uh, yeah.” She innocently replied.

“It’s not too much trouble even when it just so happens to draining every one of our friends of their magic?”

“Well, well...I...I...I…” She stammered unable to proper answer the question herself.

Just then the sound of thumping on a microphone causing the lights to turn back on and the party to come to a sudden halt. The music stopped and all eyes fell onto the stage, where Principal Cinch stood.

"I'd like to thank Principal Celestia for her unconventional welcome." She spoke. "It's been four years since the last Friendship Games, but it feels as though nothing has changed. Canterlot High continues to pick its competitors in a popularity contest and Crystal Prep continues to field its top eighteen students."

While she spoke, her students stopped what they were doing, and returned to form by mingling with their own kind. The harmony they once had was now gone because of this woman's cold words.

"It is a comfort to know that even after so many years of losses, your school remains to committed to its ideals, however misguided they may be. I wish you all the best of luck, regardless of the inevitable outcome."

This brief distraction gave Twilight the time she needed to escape from her other self along with Fuli. They need quickly rushed towards the still woozy Pinkie Pie and helped her towards her friends.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie." Applejack apologized. "I thought your party additions were really swell."

“Me too.” Human Fuli said in agreement.

"Definitely broke the ice." Fluttershy added.

“It actually got everyone getting along with each other for once.” Human Ono noted.

"Yes. If only that Principal Cinch hadn't frozen it again." Rarity said, feeling disappointed herself.

“No kidding!” Bunga stated now furious with that lady for ruining the fun. "If only that mean old lady hadn't opened her mouth like that."

"Yeah, she's awful." Pinkie Pie remarked still sounding tired to the bone.

"Pinkie, what happened to you?" Beshte asked with concern as Ono placed a thermometer in her mouth to make sure she isn’t sick.

“Because you don’t look too good.” Bunga added equally concerned..

"I dunno. Everyone started having fun after other Twilight and I fired the party cannons and I ponied up. But then the magic just drained right out of me."

"Wait, what do you mean "drained out of you"?" Pride Lands Ono curiously asked.

"The same way it drained out of Rarity." Princess Twilight explained, "It happened shortly afterwards and it just so happened when other Twilight was there at the exact same time."

"Hey. Where is that other Twilight?" Human Ono asked as he darted his eyes looking around the gym.

"Oh. She's right…" Pinkie looked around as well, not seeing where the girl was, "Uh, well, she was right here."
Unbeknownst to them, Human Twilight silently made her way towards the exit, not wanting to deal with any of them. What she didn't know was that there was somebody watching her.

Said someone happened to be the trio of agents from Askari’s team who proceeded to follow after her through the hallway.

“Hey! You! Crystal Prep Girl!” Banzai called out after her just when she felt like she just escaped. “Now hang out just a minute! We just want to talk with you!”

Shenzi was quick to place a calming hand on his teammates shoulder before taking action. “I’ll handle this.” She then proceeded to pull out a weapon from her utility belt that allowed her to grapple her amulet away from her and out of arm’s reach.

“Hey! Give that back!” Twilight demanded before cowering in their presence. “Please.”

“Of course, dearie.” Shenzi assured gently but still maintained her hold on the amulet. “Now before you freak out or anything I just want to assure you that you’re not under arrest.”

“Then why are you all surrounding me with creepy grins, especially that guy’s.” She gestured to Ed who looked on like he is completely nuts.

“It’s just a particular bad habit of ours.” Banzai answered before turning to his psychotic friend. “Hey, Ed!” When he laughed like crazy he slapped him on the back of the head. “You’re creeping the girl out.” Ed then proceeded to stop baring the teeth along with the laughing.

“Sorry about the intimidating and forced welcome, Twilight…” Shenzi apologized while handing her the amulet back. “...we just happen to have a little too much fun on the job that we’re still trying to rein in. Comes from many fights we’ve tackled as cops taking down dangerous criminals along the way.” Wanting to move this forward she then said. “But enough said about that, again you’re not under arrest nor in any trouble. We just want to talk to you and ask you a few questions just to get to know you better.”


“Yes, really. So…” She then began. “’re Crystal Prep’s star student?”


“Straight A’s in all your classes?” Banzai asked.


“That’s quite an achievement, Twilight.” Shenzi sincerely complimented. “You should feel proud of yourself.”

“Yes. I should.” Thought the forced smile did little to show that she really is.


“But I’m not.”

“Why’s that?” Banzai asked.

“Because everyone at Crystal Prep hates me.”



“But what Dean Cadance or your brother Shining Armor? Surely they still care about you.” Shenzi pointed out.

“They do, but with their current jobs and responsibilities in life they hardly have any time to help me when I need it.”

“Not even your parents?” Banzai asked.

“No. I don’t have them anymore. They died in a freakish car accident when were young.”

“Oh. Sorry to hear that.” Banzai apologetically returned for reopening that wound.

“It’s okay. But that’s nothing compared to what Principal Cinch does behind closed doors.”

“What do you mean that?”

“Like she does a lot of shady tactics?” Shenzi asked.

“Well…” She seemed very reluctant to along with fiddling with her fingers until Shenzi moved to kindly brush her hair.

“Sorry but you look you’re having a bad hair day, sweetie.” Each calming stroke of her left the girl feeling more comfortable and at ease with something she should have been given. “Anyways, go on.”

“She isn’t exactly the paragon of fairness and order.” The trio looked on like it’s no surprise given the vibe she presents. “She doesn’t value students like they are indiviudal human beings worth living life to their fullest, she sees all their accomplishments as something that only boost herself as someone who only deserves recognition, not above blackmailing students into doing her bidding. Like me.”

“How so?” Shenzi asked intrigued along with her comrades.

“She forced my hand in the matter by using said connections from the school’s reputation to either give me the stamp of approval to go to a place I’ve trying to get into for some time, or the stamp of rejection should I refuse to partake in thes Friendship Games. Naturally, given that I don’t have a spine nor anything else to back myself up with I had no choice. And neither did Kion for she did the same to him using his history of trouble whether when provoked or defending me against him to force him to compete too.”

“Wow! I’m sorry to hear that. I really am.” Banzai apologized.

By then Shenzi had just got done brushing her hair which is briefly styled into a ponytail. “And there we go. All nice and neat.” She then hands Twilight a mirror. “Take a look.”

“Whoa!” For Twilight this is quite a remarkable improvement from what she’s used to doing with her hair. “It’s nice! Great, actually!”

“That is of course my suggestion for what you should wear your hair like if you are up for change for the better.” Shenzi said. “And as for your predicament that’s too bad to hear and see that you are not being treated fairly with no one other than Kion by your side.”

“I know. Though I do owe Kion for all he’s done for me. Always standing up for me along with always protecting me. No matter what he was always by my side trying to help me get through the day without any problems. In return, I helped him regain his hair after creating a formula that restores hair growth for even for the baldest of the bald and helped keep him out of trouble with the principal.”

“Aww. That’s really nice.”

“Yeah. Sure must be the big brother you always wished you had by your side all the time.”

“In a way he is even if he can be aggressively protective at times which I don’t blame him for.” Twilight then sighed. “Though deep down even while pursing an independent study program I can’t help but wonder if it really is the right call in life. It’s like all signs are pointing that someway somehow everything here is what I really need.”

“Maybe that’s because it is telling you exactly that.” Shenzi said. “From what I’ve seen the people here treat you better than the people at Crsytal Prep.”

“Not to mention you have a lot more freedom and color all around you.” Banzai added. “If you ask me I think you’d better better off with friends like them.” He gestured to the Mane Cast who are talking and wondering what had just happened.

Ed since much like his hyena counterpart couldn’t say anything but still moved to hand her a portrait of them of the previous Fall Formal along with the picture of them all together being praised for their heroism during the Battle of the Bands. Without words, the act itself allowed Twilight to get his message.

“Think about it. And decide for yourself of what you truly want in life. A life of independence with loneliness or independence with freedom and happiness.” Shenzi advised.

“Anything else you want to ask me?”

“Nope.” Shenzi shook her head. “I think you answered everything we need to know.”

“Yeah! Thank you very much, Twilight.” Banzai thanked before he and the others took their leave.

Once they were out of her sight when ducking a nearby corner in the hallway, Ed pulled out the tape recorder and pressed the stop button to indicate that they have been recording every word spoken during their conversation with the girl.

“Wow. Fluttershy was right. Treat them with kindness every once in a while and they feel less pressured about confessing.”

“Yeah! But um… she really is a nice kid who deserves better.”

“Don’t I know it?” Shenzi returned to acknowledge that. “And I’m sure our boss will feel the same way too. Wouldn’t you say so, Ed?”

Ed nodded in full agreement with that statement.

“Now let’s go before any of them sees us.” Shenzi then said before leading the other two out of here and just right when the two parties from both worlds moved to leave the party last with the upcoming Games next to come.

Elsewhere in the opposite side of the school, in the hallways, is where Human Kion and Sunset have excused themselves in so they can have their little and personal confrontation in private. And there, Kion laid down his terms for her as they came across the half lit and dark section of the hallways where she previously confronted the Dazzlings and Twilight before.

"Okay, Sunset. For starters, excuse me for pulling you aside from a party like that. I know now how much it means for your new friend Pinkie there. Second and most importantly, please tell me..." Kion calmly began while still looking on with narrowed eyes while still not raising his voice. "...what has you so interested in hassling my friend over?"

"Because of that amulet she is carrying around?!" Sunset sternly returned. "It is stealing and sucking the magic of my friends. And it seems to me that you don't care about what she is really doing to them."

"Actually I do care. For her and the power that amulet might possess, because she is doing nothing more than an innocent and curious scientific discovery. While she doesn't mean to do what she is doing since she really and I mean really doesn't have firm control over it. So that said it was all an accidental discovery. Hopefully that should satisfy your needs."

"Not quite yet." Sunset returned still not down nor backing off. "Because regardless if it was an accident you and your friend need to find a way to return that magic you stole before it endangers everyone around us. The Friendship Games itself depends on stability and sanity being maintained around her at this very time."

Human Kion himself dismissed it as an empty threat as he moved to circle around her. "Absolutely not! Like I said neither of us how it works, and even if, key word if we didn't, we still won't. And do you know why? Because I don't take orders nor answer to no one that are irrelevant to me, especially from the very girl..." He moved to point to his newly colored hair where there is a visible X shaped scar on the top of his head. "...who shaved my head bald for everyone else at this very school to see all in the name of securing being the royally crowned princess of Fall Formal. A title I had no ill intent of outshining you over at any point during my initial via for the crown. So that being said you are in no position to give orders, Sunset Shimmer."

"But..." Sunset stammered a little as she tries to smooth things over after being stung with another painful guilty reminder of her former self. "...that was all in the past. And I'm sorry for what I did back then. I'm not saying I'm sorry. I'm really truly am sorry."

"Are you?" Kion returned unconvinced. "Because you wasted no time in confronting me over it even after knowing who I am when we first met when no one else was watching us. Nor did you try to make amends with me within the two to three years I spent at Crystal Prep. All while dealing with a mean old lady who doesn't really value any of my accomplishments and achievements even when pursing an honest and sincere education." The more he speaks the more his rising anger and sadness is made vocal to her. "So that being said, you actually expect me to listen to you of all people. Please." Sunset could only look on in shame and horror more and more with every words spoken as she is just conveyed of how much pain and misery she ended up causing him since they last saw each other. "That being said, I'm willing to make you a deal if you're interested." He then said as he returned to his calm and cool tone of voice.

"What kind of deal?" She returned now feeling unsure of what the exact terms are going to be.

"It's simple. You fall in line and steer clear of my friend Twilight, and no harm will come towards you. But..." He raised a finger to warn her of the catch. "...if you fail to do so even in the heat of the moment, expect the worst to come your way..." He then ominously warned as he pulled out his dual swords hidden inside his suit jacket's pockets. "...whether it is death or something even worse..."

"Like what?"

"Whatever deep dark secrets you have or had on your phone."

"My phone?" Sunset was now confused and taken aback in shock by that statement as she felt around her pockets only to find they are all empty.

"Yes, Sunset." He confirmed as he presented said phone which displayed everything he is describing without looking at it. "Each and every personal, private, confidential, and embarrassing, secret ever since you came here from your first act as a mere bully to your latest walk of shame as the framed perpetrator of Anon-A-Miss. An idea that only the Cutie Mark Crusaders could have only pursed and obtained with the right push and motivation. Yeah." He confirmed as the dots are connecting more and more with every passing word and second with flashbacks of the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting sensitive intel of the girls flashing through on their phones and computers. In addition, Kion while wearing his black sweater at the time snuck in and out of the house at night, to search Sunset's phone while she was dead asleep before copying it onto his phone so he can send to the Cutie Mark Crusaders for them to use as ammo. "Believe it or not, it's true. And I was there to witness it all. All with you none of the wiser to what was really happening up until now and yet even still you still have returned back here and still being friends with everyone here."

"You mean you are..."

"The real Anon-A-Miss. So heed this warning very carefully because your very future depends on it..." He said as he dangled the phone out of Sunset's reach when she tried to nab it back. "Think about it, Sunset. What do you think I should do? What do you think you should do? And if you're smart, you know what the answer is. If not, don't say I didn't warn you with whatever comes your way next." He then narrowly cut close (enough to cut off a lock of hair along with the skin on the top of her forehead to Sunset after her latest attempt to snatch her phone back. He then followed it up with a square punch to her right eye and then nose causing her to fall to the ground and on her butt before finding herself held at sword point with one of the blades aimed directly at her neck. "Do we have an understanding now? Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Kion. Understood. You cut it straight to the point." She fearfully returned as she swallowed a large lump down her throat as blood drips from the cut on her head and her punched nose (which thankfully isn't broken).

"Lovely." Kion said with a dark smile before proceeding to sheath his swords and place them deep inside his suit jacket before tossing Sunset her phone back which landed on her stomach due to the frightened girl now paralyzed and quaking with fear. In addition the back of her hair was now standing up because of her being in a frightened state of mind. "Good talk, Sunset. I am glad we had this discussion together." Kion then pleasantly said before turning around and making his leave feeling greatly satisfied he made his point very sharply clear before walking off with the poor and frightened girl still trembling in terror with what she just endured and what her past behavior has just created. A new dangerous enemy that will seriously and even fatally harm her if she so much as dares to challenge him.

The Games Part One

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The Games Part One:

"Good morning, students. I'm sure you're all thrilled to start the first day of the Friendship Games. Our competitors will face off in every aspect of the CHS curriculum, culminating in the elimination equation finale."

Today is the day. The day where the Friendship Games are set to begin had finally arrived. Where the CHS students are engaging in one last practice session. Where eighteen students including the Lion and Pony Guard are all preparing before their first challenge. During which is all supervised by thee Pride Landers along with their Twilight who are all looking very pleased to see how far they have progressed since day one. All but one who still is standing to the side in the shadows with crossed arms and a resentful expression constantly directed at Sunset to which she mostly ignores.

“He’s still mad?” Twilight asked as she nursed Sunset's injuries she incurred from her last encounter from Human Kion. Ever since she learned of what happened, Twilight devoted time in helping Sunset recover from them and has managed to help her black eye and bruised nose heal along with ensuring that the bleeding from the cuts were completely stopped. Come the day of the games, the wounds are slightly visible but only with trained eyes if one could see through the makeup used to cover where Human Kion struck her.


“Have you tried to talk to him?”

“I did! But he keeps giving me the look along with the mad growl every time I try. And the same goes to the other Kion too only that he is threatening death against me if I do anything to other Twilight.”

“Right.” Twilight sadly acknowledged this. “Figures.”

“I mean what else can I do?”

“At this point, nothing until he is ready to listen.”

“But when?”

“As soon as the Friendship Games are over at least.”

“Easier said than done.”

“I know. I know.” Twilight wished she could say something else but with all things considered there’s not much that can actually be done. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to be not be helpful. I’m just having a tough time figuring out myself of how to fix this along with the magic problem here. It’s like trying to be in two places at once.”

“I know what you mean.” Sunset acknowledged. “Even though we’re supposed to be excited with what’s to come today I just can’t help but this shake this pressurizing feeling off of my back. It’s like something bad is about happen with who knows when it will happen if we don’t solve this.”

“No question about that. At least Askari along with his agents are providing extra security for these games today and me and the others not competing will be joining him in making sure these games go on without any trouble.”

“Yeah, what would we do without him?”

“Probably sitting behind bars after being charged for our past crimes.” Twilight returned with a slight chuckle to which Sunset returned trying to find it funny herself.

“Yeah, there is that.”

Feeling better for now, Twilight prepared to turn to the competitors ready to compete.“For now, let’s try to focus on these games. You’re with me?”

“As always.” Sunset returned with a confident smile.

Returning her attention back to the competitors, Twilight addressed to the students feeling very happy and confident in each and every one of them. "Okay, great practice everybody. Today’s the day, and I just want you all to let you all know of how much I feel great about our chances this year. The day we make history for Canterlot High. That said…" She then added as everyone is all ear’s. “...try not to be discouraged if by chance we don’t. Because considering of how much you trained and worked hard for this along with the best effort I have no doubt you will deliver today, is a win itself. And you Wondercolts have spirit and determination to do it. So are ready for this?!”

The students all cheered triumphantly before they all dispersed so they can cool down and get ready for when the games actually begin in a few hours. All of them going into these games feeling that winning drive this year with no disappointment for whatever happens next.

While the students were preparing, Ono himself took the time to get himself adjusted to a new phone so he can record the games with it. During his personal investment and being nearly spaced out he nearly bumped into the girl with glasses.

“Whoa!” Ono gasped while instinctively dodging her. “Oh, hey Twilight.”

“Oh! Excuse me. Sorry I—didn’t mean to nearly bump into there.”

“No worries.” Ono assured with a raised and forgiving hand. “I wasn’t completely paying attention to my surroundings either, amazingly enough.” He said the last bit to himself as if he was mentally berating himself. “Anyways. Hello Twilight, nice to meet you. Again.”

“Um, thanks.” Twilight awkwardly returned. “Good to meet you two. Again.”

“It’s okay. I’m friendly.” He quickly assured in return. “I’m guessing it’s not the same compared to what happens in Crystal Prep, is it?”


“And no one is exactly friendly to you there as well?”

“Not even close. Expect for Dean Cadance, Spike, and Kion.”

“Why is that?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m super smart or just someone who deserves it for a reason.”

“Hmm. Hardly sounds like there is actually a good reason to be given the cold shoulder like that.” Ono noted.

“Hardly.” She admitted. “But it doesn’t matter since it’s very likely that I am not going to be able to go Everton anymore.”

“Everton? What’s that?”

"It's a school I applied to for their Independent Study program. It's always been my dream to go. And if I don't help Crystal Prep win then Principal Cinch will see to it my application is denied."

“What?!” Ono exclaimed in understandable shock. “She’s blackmailing you into competing in these games?!”

“Yes. If that’s what it’s called.”

“Because it is, Twilight.” Ono firmly stated just nothing but appalled more at her principal. “You shouldn’t allow her to be getting away with this and you shouldn’t let her treat you like that.”

“But how? How can I stand up to her and still be able to go to Everton?”

“Hard to say, because at times like this, it seems like you have to wonder what you really want.”

“What are you saying? That I should give up going to Everton in favor of standing up to her.”

“With all honesty Twilight, that is up to you to decide but if it were up to me, it would be more worth it to stand up for what I believe is right, and what you should feel is right, because there are times where some things in life are just really not worth it. Especially if it means denying yourself of what you really need. And by that I mean really, really, really, need.”

Twilight could only look on in silence as she honestly doesn’t know how to answer that question due to taking his words to heart. "Well...the more I think about it…I..."

Suddenly, Ono's body suddenly started to glow and her body listed up into the air. His hair grew longer and a pair of wings emerged from his back along with a pair of pony ears. Both were left astonished seeing this transformation, before things went downhill from there.

Without warning, Twilight's device suddenly opened up, revealing the glowing orb within, changing various colors before sucking up Ono’s magical energy leaving him to strain and struggle as it happened.

Meanwhile, on the playing field, both Kion and Twilight managed to hear the sound again before making their way towards the source.

Ono landed on his knees, feeling unbelievably weak, his pony features were now gone and Twilight's device closed back up again. Mortified, she quickly ran from the scene, shouting back, "I'm sorry!"

Ono could barely stand up when other Kion and Twilight arrived.

"Ono! What happened?!”

“Was the Twilight with glasses behind this?!”

“Affirmative.” The Guard’s Keenest of Sight weakly replied before passing out due to being so drained of energy from what had just happened.

Kion growled and gritted his teeth in anger. First Rarity, then the portal and her magic, then Pinkie Pie, and now Ono. This was now getting more and more serious with every passing minute and for Kion, it’s evidence he feels is enough to make his case against her.

Beshte handed his tired friend a glass of water along with a sports drink to boost his energy as he sat on desk in the music room, slowly regaining his strength. "It was so strange. One minute, I’m giving her advice, then suddenly I'm sprouting pony wings and a tail that get suddenly sucked up inside that amulet she’s carrying."

"Just like with Pinkie and Rarity earlier.” Fuli recalled.

“Hmm. I’m really seeing a trend here. I mean it’s like every friend of our inner circle she comes across, whatever magic inside of them gets absorbed by that magical doo-hickey of her’s.” He then defended. “Well it’s true.”

“Too true!” Kion stated in anger. “And to think she’s resorting to stealing all of our magic just to win these games!”

“But that’s not true!” Ono spoke up with a raised finger to disagree with the immediate accusation. “It was an accident!”

“An accident she did on purpose!”

“Are you sure about that?” Beshte asked.

“Of course I’m sure! Why wouldn’t I be?!”

“Because she looks like someone you means no harm intentionally.”

“That’s true.” Bunga also said in agreement. “Plus she looks completely timid and nervous to the bone. I mean, does that meek Fluttershy like girl have a big enough brain to mask herself and enough firepower inside of her to keep us from thinking she is actually an evil power hungry sorceresses?”

“Looks can be deceiving, Bunga.” Kion remarked with the memory of Princess Twilight’s betrayal still stinging inside of him along with a mean glare. “Surely you of all people would know a thing or two about that.”

“Kion…” Twilight then calmly said to her distressed friend who is clearly not thinking straight while brushing aside his hurtful words. “...she is not the person you think she is. She’s not the kind of girl who’s capable of threatening this world and our world without realizing what she is really doing. If anything you don’t know full well of what’s going on in her life and why she is really doing what she is doing."

“But you saw what she did! You were there.”

“Yes I was. But up to this point I’ve seen enough to know she is nothing like what you think she is. So until further notice. You are not going near her without a clear head. Is that clear?”


“Is that clear, Kion?” She repeated more sternly than before.

Kion looked on with gritted teeth before relenting. “Yes.”

Sensing why Kion is really upset had Twilight move to give him a big hug to help his anger diminish. “It’ll be okay, Kion. We’ll get through this together, I promise you.”

“I certainly hope so.” Kion said sadly.

“Of course we will!” His Bunga was quick to assert it’ll definitely will while rushing over to his side. “We always pull through in tough situations like this.”

“That’s true. We do.” Beshte then said next with a big bright smile.

“So for now…” Fuli then added with a friendly nudge and smile. “...let’s focus on these upcoming friendship games, shall we?”

“Okay. Let’s.” Kion then said after calming down for now.

“Good call.” Askari then suddenly said as he appeared from the doorway much to their surprise while several of his men search the room for any potential security threats. “Because the ambassador is just a half hour away from arriving, so since you’re all not competing, now’s the time to get ready.”

“We’re on it, Askari.” Twilight assured before they all proceeded to leave the room so they can follow after him and do so.

A half hour later, as informed the ambassador himself had arrived riding a fancy black limousine pulled up towards the front of the school. When the vehicle came to a come stop, the passenger side door opened courtesy of the person himself inside opening it. It was the man himself who stepped out of the car when he set foot on the sidewalk leading up the school entrance himself. The Founder of the school Fuli, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga from this world went to, was setting foot onto school grounds and moved to walk his way towards the entrance with agents lined up on the side of the pathway.

He is a muscular man with golden yellow skin much like his lion counterpart, complete with short and big red hair and matching eyes. He wore a dark gray suit, white shirt, red and yellow tie, black dress shoes. He carried forward towards the entrance with a stoic expression just passing by the agents like it’s nothing new to him who all stood by like soldiers greeting their superior.

Following after him just so happens to be his assistant who bears a great resemblance to Zazu from the other world. He himself wore a bright blue suit with a white shirt, orange tie, and dark blue shoes as he made his way up towards the school by his boss’s side.

He then made his way inside the school where he is greeted by the principals with the head agent leading the security measures being the first to greet him. When the two were face to face they prepared for a formal greeting.



The two returned with little to no emotion indicating they are not close.

But that was before Mufusa pulled him in a for great big hug to which Askari reciprocated with big warm smiles.

“Still the best agent a brother could ask for.”

“Funny, I could say the same about you as one of the best ambassador's the world has put forward along with his best assistant.”

“Well the pleasure is all mine, Agent Askari.” Zazu returned with a friendly handshake to the man.

“Good to see you again.”

“You too.”

When they broke up from the hug, Askari moved to introduce him to the principals in charge of the schools competing in the games. “Mufusa, allow me to present the principal and vice principal of this very establishment, Celestia and Luna. Along with Crystal Prep’s principal and dean, Cinch and Cadance.”



Both Celestia and Luna warmly greeted as the two shared handshakes with both Mufusa and Zazu.

Cinch however looked on with disinterest and disdain compared to Cadance’s friendly and happy expression as she moved to greet him herself.

“On behalf of both schools it is a great honor for you to join us today as we oversee this competition meant to encourage friendship and sportsmanship. And I sure hope you will find what you see to be quite an experience for you to enjoy.”

“Depends if I like what I see.” He then looks around and sees the décor and trophies in one of the nearby halls. “But I’m sure others will talk more about it if I put in a good word for this school.”

“Really?” Cinch spoke up sounding intrigued. “And what if you don’t?”

“Then I just continue on with my business.” He replied without hesitation or batting a glance at her much to the woman’s irritation as evident by the scowl she shot behind his back. “So, are we ready to see how these games play out.”



“Ready when you are.”

Celestia, Cadance, and Askari all replied.

“Then proceed.”

In short time, the students have all gathered as they all prepared to get the games underway, as they all lined up with their respective teams while the heads of both schools along with the lead agent along with the ambassador himself stood in the center of the school.

"Welcome to the first event, the Academic Decathlon!" Cadance radiantly smiled as she looks on at the room of students from both schools. While the two principals were smiling happily and in a friendly manner, Principal Cinch and her students just glared at their opponents with disdain and disgust. Especially their Kion with Sunset while standing beside Twilight as always something that Mufusa himself took brief notice of along with Askari. Both briefly looked at each other with great concern before focusing their attention back on the announcement.

The Lion and Pony Guard in this world stood beside Celestia and Luna while Gladmane stood by with the Shadowbolt where their Kion and Twilight stood beside. If Kion could voice exactly what he thinks of them, he would personally vow that each and every one of them is going down, starting with Sunset Shimmer herself.

"You'll be scored on chemistry, home-ec and everything in between. But remember, only the six students from each team with the most points will move on to event number 2. Good luck!"

And so, the games began!


Ho! We're gonna take you down

Ho! We're gonna take you down!

Take you down!

(Ho! We're gonna take you down!)

Take you down!

(Down, down, down)

The first event was chemistry. This was an easy challenge, since most CHS students were great skilled at this. With the sole exception of Derpy who managed to make one beaker explode in her face. Literally.


(Oh oh!)

We're here to take you out

(Aw aw!) We're here to take you out (Aw aw!)

Take you out!

(We're here take you out!)

Take you out!

The next event was baking where Bunga gave Flash and Bon Bon one final pep talk before the event. They were more than ready for this.


We're not about to let you win, so get out of our way

Think you got us beat, but we're here to stay

United strong, yeah, we'll take you down

You're not so tough, now you're in our town

Ono recorded the whole event, the CPA kids were well trained and focus, that much was certain. Gladmane smiled smugly at the coaches, who only rolled their eyes. Suri Pomel and Upper Crust were paired up for the baking competition. They baked and decorated an elaborate Shadowbolts cake, with the emblem and everything.

Pinkie Pie was working her baking magic skills on her and Fluttershy's cake. It also helps that she was the best baker in school.

Flash Sentry and Bon Bon had baked a gorgeous cake, decorated with a Pegasus on the side. Bon Bon added the sprinkles and smaller details. It was a first price cake for sure. Bunga looked on proudly to the point he was about to cry, they used their creativity flawlessly just as he knew they would.

All of the times we lost before

Not about to give up, we're only bringin' it more

We can smell your fear, we can see your sweat

Hope you didn't spend money 'cause you're losin' this bet!

The judging began, the two principals, ambassador, and Dean inspected the cakes. Applejack and Rarity's combined the best of their talents; detail and quality.

Shadowbolts', Neon Lights and Jet Set's cake was…far from impressive. Flash and Bon Bon's cake was truly eye catching, and delicious. The two high fived one another at their accomplishment.

Upper Crust and Suri smiled smugly at their cake, which was just as stunning, perfectly detailed and delicious. But the one cake that ruled them all was Pinkie's and Fluttershy's, which was tall and lovely decorated with buttercream rosettes. But once Pinkie cut it in half…a Mona Lisa imaged made entirely out of frosting shocked the judges.

Gladmane looked on jaw dropped while The Lion and Pony Guard high fived in victory. A win for CHS!

Bunga high fived and hugged Flash and Bon Bon, feeling tears of joy inside. At the same time Principal Cinch looked on with a frown. Suri and Upper Crust were left feeling terrified and ashamed they had disappointed her like their self esteem was taken down a peg and had literally eaten humble pie.

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Wondercolts!

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Wondercolts!

Princess Twilight took notice of this, felt sympathy for them for what their principal was putting them through. To make them feel better, she caught their cake, which nearly fell due to Suri's nervousness at seeing their aggravated principal, and took a finger full of frosting, complimenting the taste, much to their surprise.

Cinch rolled her eyes and walked off in a huff and the princess gave the two a thumbs up for their remarkable effort which helped them feel much better than before.

The next competition was bird building.


Talk a little too much for a school that never wins

Maybe you should just stop 'fore you even begin

We are Crystal Prep High and we have a reputation

Every little moment is about our education

The CHS students placed all of their efforts into their bird houses, which were all done beautifully. But the one that stood out the most as Sandlewood's and Micro Chips's. It combined the best of their abilities, natural resources and technology, mainly in structure. It was practically an advanced styled structure made entirely out of wood. However, Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap's tree house was two stories high, with flames and a perfectly symmetrical structure. It wasn't as imaginative as Sandlewood's and Micro Chips, but both were so good so it was a tie. Which still didn’t settle well with the Shadowbolts.

Put your ear to the ground

Listen to that sound

You're a house of cards

And it's about to fall down (fall down)

About to fall down (fall down), hit the ground

Beshte none of the less still gave the two boys a proud pat on the back. However, the Shadowbolts still stung about it that they pushed the birdhouse off the table. Thankfully, Applejack caught it and she and Fluttershy each placed a hand on the boys' shoulders, showing that they were a team through and through much to their astonishment.

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Shadowbolts!

You've got nothin' on us

Na, na, na-na-na, na

Let's go, Shadowbolts!

The following event was the spelling Bee. The Wondercolts were more than ready. The six students with the highest scores were the Rainbooms, and Ono watched proudly as they managed to spell nearly every single word right. But even with their training, one by one, each Wondercolt and Shadowbolt lost. However, that didn't diminish Ono’s opinion for the students. They all did an excellent job, even better than they thought they would, it was an accomplishment enough for him to see.


Pressure's on, now we're gonna beat you

Step aside, it's time that we defeat you

Crystal Prep yourself 'cause you're about to go

Down, down, down, down


Pressure's on, you know we're gonna take you

Just give up before we have to break you

Canter-not-a-lot, you're about to go

Down, down, down, down

The two students who managed to hold up through the spelling Bee were Sunset Shimmer…and (Human) Twilight Sparkle. The Wondercolts and their Lion and Pony Guard friends cheered her on, while the Shadowbolts practically yelled at Twilight not to mess it up to which the other Twilight looked on with crossed arms and a frown for their behavior towards her.


Take it up to the top

'Cause we know we can win


Maybe you should just stop

'Cause we've seen you give in


We believe in ourselves

And we've got what it takes


And we're not gonna stop!

Sunset was now face to face with the person who’s been stealing magic from her friends. No matter how innocent she looked, she was not about to let her get away with what she had done. Even if it was an accident she still hurt her friends and could have possibly stranded the Lion and Pony Guard from the Pride Lands and Equestria here. No matter what, not even under Kion’s hateful glare who is in no postion to stand by her side at this stage of the game, she was determined to uncover her reasons for doing so.


I can't wait 'til this is all over

There's so much more that's going on

Sunset Shimmer;

And before these games are over

I'll find out just what she's done

Their competition was to solve a math equation. Both teams watched in anticipation as the two braniacs went head to head. Ono was looking on focused along with recording the whole thing, while Bunga was bitting on his nails nervously while sweating with Beshte’s comfort to help him keep it under control to an extent. Kion, Fuli, and Kyoga all looked on in anticipation while Gladmane was looking on sweating and clasping his hands together as the hands on the clock continued to move.

Both girls were sweating while their brains were working and pushing themselves to the max with things were really heating up now.


Can she do it? Will she make it?

Who will win it? Who will take it?

Can she do it? Who will take it?

Did she win it? Did she make it?

Who's the winner? Who's the reject?

How did she answer?

Principal Cinch studied both blackboards and came to her conclusion. "Incorrect!" She said. Her finger pointing at…Sunset Shimmer.

The girl looked down with guilt as a flash of a camera went off. Photo Finish had just taken a photo, earning herself glares from others for the ill timed moment.

Bunga nearly passed out, exhausted from the anxiety and was caught by his best friend who was always standing behind him. Vice Principal Luna stood up from where she sat alongside Cadance, Celestia, and Mufusa.

"That means the winner of the Friendship Games' first event is Twilight Sparkle and Crystal Prep!" The Vice Principal declared.

"Congratulations, girls! Crystal Prep is up on 1-0, on the first event of the day." Mufusa complimented as he along with Celestia, Luna, Askari, Zazu, along the boys and girls from the Lion and Pony Guard both worlds present all applauding her.

Twilight smiled with glee that she did it. She won! She actually won an event for her school! Too bad her classmates expect for Kion didn’t give her praise near and far for pulling this off only giving weak applause and disinterested sighs. Something that Twilight herself expected, given that she is always treated as a loser no matter what she does.

The Lion and Pony Guard came rushing onto the stage, embracing Sunset Shimmer.

Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around her friend being the first to commend her for her effort. "That was awesome!"

"Truly amazing!" Rarity complimented.

"Un-Bunga-veilable!" Bunga cheered.

"But we didn't win!" Sunset returned, rather surprised upon receiving this shower of compliments.

"That was as close to winnin' Canterlot's ever been." Applejack also complimented.

"Too bad it wasn’t enough." Gladmane said to them while smiling smugly alongside the Flim Flam brothers.

“What a pity.” Flam added mockingly.

"And such a shame.” Flim also added with a cocky laugh.

“I wouldn’t be so cocky, you guys.” Pride Lands Ono returned with crossed arms and an arched an eyebrow, "Keep in mind that this school has won two events thus far."

"And you’re point being, my good man?”

“Because one of them was a tie."

The Flim Flam brother returned still with their grins not fading in the slightest.

“Which means that your team didn't win either." Pride Lands Fuli returned with a smirk that doesn’t reek of arrogance.

"So on the contrary, the game’s not over yet.” Ono added.

“Not by a long shot.” Fuli then said next.

“We’ll see about that.” Gladmane returned still not fazed in the slightest. “Though that said, if you want I could make you six an offer?”

“What kind of offer?” Fuli then suspiciously asked.

“A simple one, my dear. If you all quit and help Crystal Prep win, I’ll cut you all each a slice of the pie they got me.”



Hearing that sparked interest and licked lips from Pride Lands Bunga. “Sweet!”

Before Bunga could have a say in the matter, Fuli quickly stopped him from speaking along with Ono by clasping his mouth shut.

“No! Not sweet!”

“They’re trying to bait you!”

“Oh! Aw!” Bunga then said in disappointment after coming to realize the trick. “How very sneaky of you, sir. Nice try.”

“Very well. But you don’t know what you’re missing out on.” Gladmane returned while presenting a wad of money to show what he really means.

“Actually, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.” Twiligth then said with a mischievous grin.

“What do you mean, young lady?”

“I mean that Canterlot High actually managed to make our pay more worthwhile then yours.”

Gladmane couldn’t help but humor her. “Oh is that right?”

“Oh, I’m serious. In fact the whole payout is right here in this pie.” She presented said pastry and dropped it onto the floor and then kicked it towards him as it stays unharmed neatly. “Go on. Pick it up.”

Gladmane looked on in confusion before looking back at her with a smile as Bunga realized what she is about to do and quicky stepped aside. “Certainly. Uh, would you mind sparing me a little spoon so I can dig this out.”

“Of course.” She then turned to Bunga looking equally mischievously as he had just returned with a spoon himself. A certain big red spoon with a lit fuse on it.

“Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Gladmane chuckled as he clearly sees what they are trying to do. “And I have to say it is a very amateurish attempt on your part.” He proceeded to dig the lit fuse into the pie putting it out and then scooped up all of the pie filling and nothing else. “And as you can see here, being someone who also knows the tricks and trades of the con business certainly has it’s advantages.” He then smugly added while tossing up the big red item like it’s a ball. “Wait?! WHAT?!” He then said upon realizing there was also another fuse lit on the item on the other end which he didn’t see until now.


When the smoke cleared up, Gladmane stood where he stands, only with his face and suit sporting burnt and scorch marks all over it along with his silver hair that is now standing up from the shock of the blow up.

“Wow! I’m sure do like pie.” He then said before passing out and collapsing onto the ground much to everyone’s amusement and laughter.

Both Twilight and Bunga shook their heads in amusement before high fiving each other as both the equally shocked Flim Flam brothers proceeding to lift the man away from the stage to try to help him recover in time for the next event.

Dean Cadance walked up to the stage to announce who would be going onto the final event. "After a careful tally of the points, we'd like to present the students moving on to the Friendship Games' second event."

The remaining students from Crystal Prep were Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Kion (since he is a master of the physical competition) While they all looked on smugly at the crowd, with the sole exception of Kion who looks on angry as always with blood boiling determination, the Rainbooms cheered in a group hug alongside their Pony Guard friends and Lion Guard friends from the other side.

Human Twilight Sparkle sadly watched as the opposing team celebrated getting into the second event. To her it was strange, this school was so different from Crystal Prep. Everyone seemed to care and look out for each other, win or lose. She was especially amazed when the coaches including her alternate self, showing kindness to some of the Shadowbolts after they lost. And from the looks of the scar on her face, she sure must have had an even bigger hardship she endured in the past to receive that mark and still maintain her friendly demeanor. She had seen kindness being displayed before, but only when it occurs between people who deserved it receive kindness.

But then, her mind went back to Flash Sentry, who was kind to her from the start as said musician appeared before her.

"Congratulations! You were really great!"

"Oh, thanks." she replied shyly, "You're not upset?"

"Why would I be upset?"

"Well, it's just--" she was interrupted when her device started humming again. For a moment she felt torn. Should she keep talking to Flash or follow the energy? After what happened earlier with one of the coaches, was it even worth it? Still, even if she did stay and talk there was no way her device would give her a chance to.

"I'm sorry, can we talk latter?" she sadly turned away, looking down at her device so she wouldn't have to see Flash's disappointment.

"Okay, then. Aw." the boy sighed sadly. It was strange, one minute they're hanging out, enjoying each other's company, and now she was avoiding him.

Twilight went to where her device led her, and as suspected…it led her back to the seven girls and four boys who would compete against her Kion and her school. They appeared to be talking about something but she didn't get a chance to hear the whole conversation. As the group was about to leave Fluttershy however decided to stray away from them as she went off to a more private part of the school. Specifically where Human Twilight herself is now.

Fluttershy hid behind the bushes with the Pride Lands Beshte for company and opened her backpack, revealing a cute kitty cat inside, who purred as she nuzzled against her face. She heard a rustling from the bushes and saw Twilight peaking her head. Both Fluttershy and Beshte greeted her with a kind smile in response while Beshte did the same thing as well.

"Do you wanna give her a treat?"

“It’s okay. We won’t bite.”

Twilight was uncertain at first feeling wary of strangers. But considering that they both are looking to be genuinely friendly, she came to decide that maybe just maybe it won’t hurt. The girl with glasses smiled as she sat beside her companions.

"Guess I'm not the only one to smuggle her pet into school.”

Fluttershy giggled, "Not just one." she unzipped her backpack, revealing she also carried a hamster, a bunny, a cat, and a bird inside leaving Twilight so impressed by so many animals she managed to stuff inside of it.
"Oh, wow. All I have is Spike." She unzipped her backpack and the adorable little puppy stuck his head out, panting happily. Fluttershy gently took him into her arms.

"It really is uncanny. Does he talk?"

"Um, not that I know of.”

"Congratulations on winning, by the way." Fluttershy said while tickling Spike's tummy and allowing her bird to land on her finger. "Though, it didn't seem like anyone on your team was very excited about it."

"No one at my school gets excited about anything they didn't do themselves."

"That sounds awful."

“That’s not very fair.” Beshte commented. “You deserve some applause for your achievements.”

“I do...from only one friend.”



“But even still…” Beshte then said feeling something more should be done about it. “...they should at least show you some respect and recognition every now and then. After all you’re incredibly smart and talented and you deserve more credit than what you’re getting.”

“I don’t know if I would say that.”

“Well you should.” Beshte then stated. “You have the right to stand up for yourself and tell them you deserve some respect for who you are and what you do for them.”

“I don’t know. That sounds kind of mean.”

“No it isn’t.” Fluttershy said otherwise with a firm shake of her head. “And from someone who knows what it like to be in your shoes, it’s something you have to learn to do on your own.”

“But how?”

“It’s easy. You just got to be firm and stand your ground.”

“Also don’t back down or be mean about it. Because otherwise you’ll come across as someone even worse than the students being mean to you.” Beshte added.

“Okay.” Twilight still couldn't quite grasp the right balance on it. “I guess.”

Seeing that Twilight is still emotionally fragile, Fluttershy moved to give her a remedy to help her feel better before trying. “Here. Hold this."

Twilight looked on in confusion at the fuzzy white rabbinate Fluttershy held in front of her before proceeding to take it hesitantly. "Um, why?"

"Holding a bunny always makes me feel better."

"Well, that's ridiculous. But…" The cute little bunny smiled and nuzzled his head against her cheek. The warmth and softness of his fur tickled her skin, making her smile. "Ooh. It actually kind of works."

Indeed, Fluttershy was right, petting a bunny really does make a person feel better. Yet, Twilight still couldn’t help but wonder why was she doing this? She was on the opposing team, who was she showing her any act of kindness at all?

"I'm on the other team and you just lost. Why are you being so nice to me? Both of you?"

"You looked like you needed it."

“And there is nothing wrong with giving kindness to other’s every now and then. It’s just a matter of knowing when someone truly needs it, like with you just now.” Beshte added.

Twilight gasped once both Fluttershy and Beshte's bodies started to glow and rise up into the air. The former released the bunny and watched in awe as the girl's hair grew longer and a set of wings emerged on her back, followed by a pair of pony ears on her head just like with Pinkie Pie earlier. The boy grew himself longer hair and pony ears at the exact same time.


Her device suddenly levitated, the lid glowed once more before opening. The magical yellow colored energy was suddenly being absorbed into the spear, and both Fluttershy and Beshte could feel her magic fading.

Small specks of lightning came shooting out of the spear, creating various wormhole-like openings through space, glowing with purple outlines. A strange rabbit creature with antlers jumped out, making Spike growl at it. He barked and followed the creature into the other dimension.


Twilight watched as the dog jumped from portal to portal before suddenly being stroked by the yellow energy coming out of the glowing girl with wings.

Spike then landed in Fluttershy's arms after feeling the magic’s effect.

"Spike!" Twilight forcibly closed the device and a disoriented Fluttershy managed to hand the dog over to his owner before passing out and losing her pony features in the process with a weaken Beshte still mustering his strength to catch the latter.

Twilight then held her beloved pet close to her heart as she worryingly asked. "Spike, are you okay?"

"…Um, I think so."………

"Daaaah!!!" Twilight and Spike both screamed upon seeing and hearing that he could actual talk!

Twilight’s mind was blown to the point she really freaked out over it, first two girls started glowing, then the portals through space, and now her dog was talking. Her first reaction to being overwhelmed with these startling discoveries is drop Spike and run away.

"Twilight, wait!" Spike ran after his friend in hopes of explaining what happened.

Fluttershy sighed in exhaustion and waved, "Bye."

Just after the two had left, the rest of the Lion Guard led by both Kion and Twilight had arrived on the scene having just caught a glimpse of what had just happened and both looking shocked with the results.

Human Twilight continued to run down the hallways of the school desperately trying to convince herself that what she just heard was just her hearing things, only to be confirmed voice to voice that this is all indeed real as her dog continued to call after her.

"Twilight, come on! Wait for me!" Spike pleaded and panted as he chased after her.

The girl stopped at a wall, turning around to face the puppy, who panted in exhaustion once he caught up to her. Twilight slide towards the lockers, taking in repetitive deep breaths to calm herself down. Though her heart was still pounding and her brain struggled to process what just happened.

"Why did you run away like that?" Spike asked.

"Um, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the glowing girl, or the hole in space. Or my talking dog!"

"Yeah. Weird, right?"

By then the shock had worn off to the point the discovery is now just strange. By this point he didn't seem that different from how he was before. He was still as happy and playful as ever, only now he could speak with actual words. Looking into her eyes she knew he was still her Spike. The Spike she always knew and loved causing her to realize that she had overreacted, especially after all he seemed to be taking this all in stride. She squatted down and held his head.

"Are you okay? How do you feel? What happened? Where did you go?"

Spike licked her nose to calm her down, "Hey, one question at a time! This is pretty new to me, too."


"All I know is I chased that pointy rabbit through the glowy thing then I was somewhere else. Next thing I knew, I was back in that nice girl's arms and I could talk! I don't really understand why I couldn't before. I mean, it's so easy."


The two heard the voice of Principal Cinch approaching from a corner of the hallway. Twilight quickly opened a locker and told Spike to jump inside it. "Quick! Hide in here!"

The dog immediately complied and hid himself right before Twilight closed the door and was now face to face with her principal with Kion accompanying her.

"Who are you talking to?" She asked, rather suspiciously.

"Um, myself. It's a nervous habit. Were you looking for me?"

"Indeed I was." She paced back and forth in front of her student, almost like a lion circling around its pray. "Quite a coincidence that the CHS students moving on to the next event are the same nice girls who were so interested in you, don't you think?"

"I'm not sure."

Kion looked on very suspicious of her intent here. “What are you suggesting?”

"I’m suggesting your friend, Kion, that perhaps you should get to know them after all."

"But I thought you didn't want me to." Twilight brought up.

"Let's just say I'm covering my bases." Cinch smiled while placing her hands on Twilight's shoulders, "Who knows? Perhaps they will reveal to you the secret to Canterlot High's newfound success."

“Or maybe that might cause more trouble than what it’s worth!” Kion returned with a frown. “I mean come on! We already have a winning team with me backing the athletic competition. There’s really no need to resort to any of this!” He insisted as he protested the very idea.

The girl also knew exactly what this woman was implying and what she really wants from her. But, deep down she doesn’t really want to stoop to that level. Sure she acknowledges Crystal Prep ongoing winning streak, but resorting to using dirty means, just didn’t suit well with her.

"I dunno. Spying feels kind of…wrong. I mean I understand the need to win here but resorting to something like that sounds more like cheating to me. And if others caught on to this, wouldn’t that tarnish your credibility as a principal?"

Cinch frowned in response even when informed of the consequences of doing so. She then proceeded to adjust her glasses before leaving but not without saying. “Well, it's your decision, Twilight. It's not as if your application hangs in the balance." She briefly stopped to firmly remind her. "On second thought, yes, it does. And the same can be said to you too Kion, in regards to your permanent record."

“Ooh! I’m so scared!” Kion sarcastically returned while glaring at the women who likewise looked on equally angry for his defiance towards her before leaving them alone for now. “Grr! I can’t believe her!”

“But you always say that.”

“I know! But this, wanting us to stoop to needlessly spying on the competition never mind the fact we already have a winning team ready to compete with me to lead the way for the other half of the games really takes the cake on how despicable she is!”

“No kidding!” Spike agreed as he popped out of the locker he was hiding in much to Kion’s sudden shock. “"Man, she's awful. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know, Spike. I don't know."

“Me neither!” Kion stated with his eyes and words more focused on Spike than Twilight at the moment after getting briefly bugged eyed about it from the sudden shock that actually happened. “Just what am I hearing out of you?!”

“Me?” Spike returned like it was nothing out of the ordinary. “Nothing other that what you normally say to every human around you. And as for me you ask, that’s thanks to the magic Twilight’s been gathering and messing around with.”

“What?” Kion returned even more confused before turning to the poor girl who is now sitting down near the lockers, while Spike sat beside her. “Twilight?” He then said with his previous anger diminishing for the moment as he sees his friend in a state of despair due to being so torn with her predicament. “It’ll be okay.” He tried to say in comfort. “Twilight?”

Not only is it wrong and needless, that’s nothing compared to how upset the people that have showed her great kindness would be when the truth comes out. Especially her princess pony counterpart and her Lion Guard friends. It was at this point she is beginning to realize that maybe just maybe she really is doing something wrong without realizing it in her pursuit of searching for this mysterious energy flowing around her. And the same can be said in regards to her pursuit of wanting to go to Everton. Is it really worth it now?

“What should I do, Kion?!” She cried as her dog affectionately rubbed his head on her cheek.

Seeing that painful anguish of his friend was more than enough for Kion to decide enough is enough when he moved to hug his friend. “Just leave to me, Twilight. I’ll take care of this.” He calmly declared with narrowed eyes and determined to himself ready to fix this mess as he eyed the amulet she held in her hands. “Whatever it takes, I promise you that Cinch is not ruining our lives anymore. I’ll make sure of that.”

Unbeknownst to the two, Askari's trio of agents, are all peering from the corner unnoticed as they had just recorded every word that was just said with their principal just a minute ago and all were looking on as disgusted and furious as evident by the growling expressions on their faces before they all slowly backed away.

"The nerve of that son of a..." Banzai began before being cut off by his partner.

"Shh!" She shushed. "I know, but this is also a high school not our federal office." She reminded before pointing towards the camera Ed has in his hands. "You'd get all of that, Ed?" Ed nodded yes in response to confirm he did. "Great. Now's let's go!" The three agents all proceeded to quietly make their way away from the three as they continue gathering up what they need for their current case.

The Games Part Two

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The Games Part Two

After the incident, both Fluttershy and Beshte explained the entire situation to her friends as they all walked down the hallways together.

"All I did was hand Twilight a bunny. Then we ponied up." Fluttershy then said next.

"I just don't get it." Sunset then commented. "Rarity's magic came out when she made us outfits. Pinkie's when she fixed the party, Ono when he talked to Twilight, then Beshte when he talked to Twilight and now Fluttershy."

"Makes sense.” Princess Twilight commented.

Beshte continued explaining what had happened, "And then Twilight's pendant just pulled the magic right out of us. It took me a little while just to regain my strength.”

“I know.” Fluttershy said as she recalled how painful and draining it was. “I couldn't even stand up."

"Like me at the party!" Pinkie said.

"Or me right before we met Twilight!" said Rarity.

"Or me after I spoke to her." Ono said.

"She was with each of you when that happened." Twilight concluded.

"So she really is stealing magic like Kion said?" Sunset asked.

Applejack shook her head with uncertainty, "I dunno. She doesn't seem like the magic-stealin' type."

"Yeah, but she had something to do with closing the portal.” Kion brought up. “If her pendant can pull in magic, maybe it stole the portal, too."

"Highly doubtful.” Fuli said while shaking her head. “If that were true then the portal itself would be completely gone. There’s something else more to it that.”

"Good point.” Kion then said next. “Along with that device she is carrying with her and how she makes it work. How is she doing all of this?”

“Good question, Kion.” Twilight returned unable to answer that herself. “I wish I knew myself.”

“Great.” Sunset sarcastically returned. “I don’t suppose you have anything else helpful that we can use?”

“Not until I were to somehow get a hold of that amulet she’s carrying.” Twilight regretfully replied. “But I can say this…”


“The key connection is that magic here while different does react and allow us to pony up whenever we are acting passionate when we act our true and most powerful nature to our elements. So in short, just stay true to who you are even during the toughest times and be extra careful with what you do next because that might very well decide what goes down next.”

“I’ll try.” Sunset replied to make sure of it but can’t find it in herself to completely make a promise on it. “I just wish I can be sure about that.”

Pinkie Pie then popped up from behind her and Twilight, hugging them both along with Kion, "Which is too bad, because Twilight knows everything about magic--" she reappeared behind Rainbow and Ono, "--and portals--" she reappeared from inside a locker, "--and magical portals--" she reappeared once again from the ventilation system, throwing confetti, "--and portable magics!"

She walked out the door that lead to the playing field outside but tripped and fell on her face. Rainbow walked up and helped her stand back up. "And what she meant say was, I’m sure it’ll make sense soon. But for now, let's just focus on beating the Shadowbolts. And as long as this event puts me in a playing field, I don't think we've got anything to worry about."

"Oh, it puts you on a playin' field, alright." Applejack pointed towards the field, the scene made Pinkie gasp loudly while everyone else looks in with wide eyes trying to process the playing field they are seeing before their eyes.

The entire field had been entirely rearranged just for the events, complete with a track race road, archery field and various dirt hills were risen upwards and various ramps for the motocross race.

“Wow!” Bunga commented being the first to express amazement at the sight. “This is so Un-Bunga-veilably perfect!”

“You said it!” Other Bunga said sharing the same excitement as he and the other duplicates appeared beside them.

“For once, I agree.” Fuli commented liking what she is seeing in front of her.

“Glad you feel that way.” Her human self said feeling equally satisifed and looking forward to this.

Sunset and Kion both blinked before the former asked. "Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?"

"A little, but I’ll think we’ll manage.” Human Beshte said completely sure this will work out just fine.

Applejack kicked one of the mountains with her boot, testing their stability, which was very firm. "I don't suppose you've made motocross outfits." She then said to Rarity.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous…Of course I did!" Right off the back, Rarity pulled off four beautiful motocross costumes, one for Rainbow Dash, one for Sunset Shimmer, one for Human Bunga, and one for Human Fuli who could only sigh as it is expected at this point.

“Of course you did.”

“Would you have expected anything else?” Rarity asked knowing her full well that she really does like her outfit.

“Nope. Couldn’t have asked for anything better.”

On the other side of the field, Principal Cinch was having a strict and harsh word with her six remaining students in light of what happened in the previous competition. Because of their failure to win back there, she is making it perfectly clear she won’t tolerate it anymore and wants anyone to disappoint her again.

"You will race in pairs. Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat will handle the motocross."

"Yes!" Indigo pounded her fist in victory.

"Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare have requested the short track. Since archery is a standard requirement at our school, any of you should be able to do it. Kion and Sour Sweet will start us off."

"Well, that's just marvelous!" Sour Sweet said very sweetly, right before shifting to her sour attitude, "If you wanna lose before we even start!"

“Trust me, Miss Sour attitude. It’s not going to be that case.” Kion bitterly returned.

Cinch briefly gave a dark smile to showcase her approval of his must win attitude. “That’s what I like to here.” She then said before frowning once more. “Given that Twilight won the last event single-handedly, now it is time for her along with Kion to step up and pull his weight here, which I have every confidence that he will be able to pull it off. Won't you?" She asked while looking directly at Twilight for the answer she is expecting.

Poor Twilight was left stunned into unable to speak up leaving her only friend to back her up once more.

“Yes. I will.” Kion bravely returned with a fierce glare of hatred in her defense to which she brushed it off dismissing it as an empty threat.

"Good. Now get yourselves ready. And don't disappoint me again. Because if you do, this will go on each of your permanent records. Is that clear?"

For once, each of the Shadowbolts demonstrated genuine fear, frustration, and uneasiness, mirroring Twilight and Kion's. Like them, the cold hearted principal had their futures wrapped around her finger. Every grade, every academic accomplishment they ever made at Crystal Prep was carefully and strictly monitored by Principal Cinch. She made it her business to see to it that each and every single one of her students had a good reputation. Thus, she would have a good reputation. After all, her reputation was all she really had.

Once she left, the Shadowbolts noticed one of the opposing team's coaches appear. He was the Lion Guard’s Bravest from the Pride Lands. “Hey, girls!”

“What are you doing here?" Sugarcoat asked bitterly while crossing her arms, trying to mask from the emotional pain she received from Cinch.

"Me? Nothing other than retrieving roller skates for my fellow athletes.” He said, demonstrating the skates in his hands, "Though I do gotta say you sure have a mean old lady you’re kissing up to.”

"Hey! She just so happens to be our principal!" Sunny Flare exclaimed in defense. "And all of this you’re seeing is just to ensure we come out like winners we’re supposed to be.”

"Really? Because from what I saw and heard, from blackmailing and threatening your academic futures, sure doesn’t sound like positive principal material to me."

"Even if that’s true, why are you bothering to tell us that?" Sugarcoat asked. "We’re not on the same team."

"True, but what’s to to stop me from be friendly to people who deserve it?”

Sugarcoat blinked before saying. "Said woman in charge of our school."

"So, big deal. If she just so happens to behind me I’ll turn around and tell her off for being a mean old lady who sees you all as nothing but pawns to serve for her own selfish goals. And as for you all, you can take a stand and just tell her you’re all not going to continue being jerks just because she says so. You’re all better than that. Really."

For a moment, the Shadowbolts looked at one another in surprise like he was talking wise words for once. But even still, they couldn’t find it in themselves to defy and disappoint their principal along with taking his advice to heart due to him supporting the opposing team. For all they know it could just be a ploy to caught them off guard so they could lose. But even still, he still returned a sincere smile towards them.

"Well, anyways. Gotta to go!" He waved them off before setting out. As he walked behind the bleachers, Bunga’s body began to glow and rise up. A pair of pony ears appeared on his head. "Un-Bunga-veilable!”

And again like before, Twilight's pendent opened up and absorbed his magic. The device dragged Twilight with great force, but she managed to remain firm as the device slowly closed and Bunga passed out. He felt so drained and fatigued he needed help standing up. Luckily, Beshte was passing by and caught him.

"Oh no! Not you too Little B!"

“I’m afraid so.” He regretfully said, rather deliriously. "Please tell me that Kion is around to see this nor hear about it."

"Sorry." Beshte likewise stepped aside to see the still furious leader of the Lion Guard behind him. If Bunga himself had energy, he’d feel intimidated right now.

"Sorry Kion. It just happened without warning. I had no way of knowing she was going to be lurking around in the stands. Honest."

“I know, Bunga. I know. It’s not your fault.” Kion returned without raising his voice but still looking on like fire is still burning inside of him as he caught a glance at Human Twilight herself who he truly blames for what happened.

“Easy, Kion.” Bunga pleaded of him not to go tearing her a new one right away. “She didn’t do it on purpose.”

“Yeah, it was an accident.” Beshte backed his friend up while insisting that he doesn’t go through with it.

”Yeah! What he said! And please don’t! Remember what other Twilight said.”

Kion reluctantly took a calming sigh before relenting to his friend’s pleas. “Fine.” He then turned away and left the confused and intrigued girl be for now all while the two boys breath a sigh of relief that a potential big regret was narrowly averted.

“Yeah, no question someway somehow this is going to be ugly.” Bunga commented.

“Yep.” Beshte nodded. “Hopefully that won’t happen. Uh, maybe.”

Even still the uncertainty is still there, as the bottled up emotions is already rising to the max at this point. And there is no way of knowing when the cork will bust open.

Principal Cinch took her seat on the judges table next to Dean Cadance to her left, with Luna, Celestia, and Mufusa to her right. Cadance rose up and adjusted the microphone.

"Welcome, everyone to the Friendship Games Tricross Relay! In this event, our qualified competitors will face off in archery, speed skating, and finally, motocross."

Fluttershy and Applejack adjusted their great, now wearing beautiful archery outfits Rarity had made for them, while Kion and Twilight adjusted their bows who likewise are both wearing athletic clothing for the event. The former had on a red T-shirt and black sweat pants on while the latter had on a purple dress and dark purple tights on. Even while completely stressed and filled with rage the former he managed to keep his cool with focused eyes and firm stance.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie stood opposite Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest in the speed-race starting line. Next to it was a light that would go green and buzz, signaling their call to start racing around the track.

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer adjusted their helmets while on their bikes, opposite Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap.

Princess Twilight along with the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard stood near the bleachers, sending cheers, waves and thumbs up to their team before returning to their posts per Askari’s instructions as he seriously looked on for any potential threats around them while Ono records the whole thing through his phone.

"So if the competitors are ready…" Cadance blew an air horn, which caused the three principals along with the ambassador to cover their ears. The game began with the archery course. First up were Kion and Fluttershy. The two competitors needed to jump over stacks of hay and shoot arrows at the moving targets. Fluttershy did something not many of her classmates thought she would do. She did a somersault and flipped over the stacks of hay like a martial artist expert. This shocked the boy on the flip side of the field, as he was not expecting this from her.

Pride Lands Fuli smiled proudly while shouting out to her. “Yeah! Way to go, Fluttershy!”

"Each competitor must hit a bullseye before their teammates can start the next leg of the relay." Cadance explained next.

Still, Kion got over it very quickly before clearing the course with quick effective ease to the point he was over there as quick as Fuli when she’s bringing her A game much to Sour Sweet’s sudden surprise along with the rest of the audience. Kion managed to make it over the mud pit, cleanly without tripping over the hurdles. Not a drop of mud on his nice clean shoes.

Once at where he is set to shoot his bow and arrow, he wasted no time in making it count as one quick hit at the target notched him a perfect bullseye on the first try earning him wild applause from the crowd. At the same time his teammates and opponents looked on like that was the best lucky shot they have ever seen. A perfect bullseye that quick and that fast.

Fluttershy however upon arriving at where Kion is standing was rather nervous and kept dropping the arrows every time she tried picking one up. Fuli and Ono motioned to her to keep cool and focus on the target.

“Deep breaths and eyes on the prize.”

“The very center of the target.”

Fluttershy did as she was told as took her time to mentally prepare herself. before she took in a deep breath and rephrase what her coach said to her during practices. "Deep breath and eyes on the prize."

"…eye on the…" in one hit, Fluttershy hit the target straight on the dot. "Bullseye!" Fluttershy gave her team a thumbs up as the crowd cheered for her accomplishment.

Fuli looked on proudly with a smile to match while Ono pumped his fist into the air triumphantly.

“Way to go, Fluttershy!”

“Right on target!”

Gladmane looked on bitterly yet is wise enough not to try to cross her along with her friends. And knowing Flim and Flim they at least are smart enough to get the message only when presented to them.

Now it was Applejack and Twilight's turn to jump over the hays, swing across and hit a bullseye. Since Kion was so quick with his shot, Twilight got a head start on Applejack. The meek girl ran up and tried to jump over the stacks, but the poor girl tripped and landed hard on her face, making her teammates (sans Kion) to growl in anger.

“Come on! You got this Twilight! Keep pushing forward!” Kion encouragingly called out to her which did the trick to get her moving. She then swung herself over the mudpit, her foot touching the tip of where Kion stood. Even with costly and timely mistakes, Kion remained patient with her as she then managed to make it across without trouble.

By then Applejack was able to catch up and was ready to go by shooting her bow and arrow. A.J herself shot one arrow, but missed the bullseye but still got friendly support from Fluttershy as she still clapped for her.

A second later, Twilight took the bow and arrow and readied to shoot, but her first arrow didn't even hit the target but the wall instead. Kion could only look on hoping she can pull through in time while she is finding herself overwhelmed by the constant bullying and peer pressure from her teammates who are all looking on demanding that she doesn’t disappoint them.

On the sidelines, both their alternate counterparts looked on with sympathy for them especially Kion. Here she was, trying her hardest, and with her only friend to back her up but her teammate didn't show any support or offered assistance. She just growled angrily as if she would rather do the whole thing herself than have Twilight with her.

Applejack took in a deep breath and recalled Ono's teachings while the keen sighted coach watched on. She took a deep breath and studied the movement of the target after getting a keen sighted calculation as it circled around. She waited for the right moment and…

"Bullseye!" Ono shouted once the arrow hit its target perfectly.

The bell dinged, turning the red light green and Rarity and Pinkie Pie skated down the track, leaving Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare behind. If Twilight can’t hit the target then they can’t go. And it was going to spell trouble if Cinch doesn’t see immediate improvement right away.

"And Canterlot is off to an early lead!" Cadance narrated through the microphone as the two girls skated as fast as they could with the goal here to be the first duo to complete five laps.

Fuli looked on hoping that Rarity had taken her teachings to heart and amazingly, she did just that. She bended her knees in the perfect formation, and using the strength in her legs, pushed ahead receptively as if she was pushing the waters to get to the shore. Pinkie Pie used the exact same skill and the girls were speeding and racing around the track like they are riding race cars on the track.

Poor Twilight couldn't stop her knees from buckling in great anxiety even with Kion’s point to point guidance. Every arrow she fired didn't hit the target at all. Only the wall. To make matters worse for Crystal Prep, Rarity and Pinkie skated right pass Sour Sweet, who growled in anger once more.

"Well, that's just fantastic!"

Fluttershy and Applejack watched sadly as the poor Twilight continued to put up with her teammate's abuse. She was trying, but no one else was giving her the encouragement and help she needed leaving Kion barely keeping himself together to try to coach her through it though feeling his tactics are a bit rushed at this point.

"I'm sure glad I don't go to Crystal Prep." Fluttershy said to her friend while tugging her hair.

Applejack commented in agreement. "You said it."

"Whee!" Pinkie Pie spun around with glee as she and Rarity made it past the first of the eight rounds around the track much to Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare’s increasing aggravation at Twilight continuing to be on track to costing them the game.

From the zoom in on the phone, Ono felt pity for the young girl. "Geez, one would think for a magic stealer her teammates would show more support than what they are doing right now."

“Their Twilight is not doing too good out there.” Beshte also commented.

"I know." Bunga said also feeling pity for her. "The poor kid's trying her hardest but her teammates can't cut her some slack."

"Yeah! They make the grumpiest animals saints compared to them.” Fuli also said with disgust towards the whole situation.

Kion was the only one who didn't say anything. Once he put his anger towards her aside, he began seeing her in a different light. Something to what he could relate to her along with his other me who is struggling himself to keep himself from snapping at everyone around them. “Maybe...” He thought in his mind, he’s being too hard on them along with Sunset. He was just so upset of the idea of not being able to return home and save his home from Scar that he didn’t consider that both her and his other self had feelings too. “Maybe…” He thought there really is more to this than he thought.

"If CPA can't hit another bullseye soon, they'll be out of this race." Cadance announced. So far, the Wondercolts had scored two points, while the Shadowbolts remained with zero.

Twilight tried and tried, but she just couldn't get it right. Her whole future was depending on this event, and if she failed she would loose everything. The very idea brought tears to her eyes, making it even harder for her to see where the target would be.

"You're really bad at this!" Sugarcoat shouted from where she and the motocross racers stood. Sunset and Rainbow narrowed their eyes at her. It wouldn't kill her to be a bit more supportive.

"Oh, like you can do it any better?!” Other Kion angrily yelled back at her much to everyone’s surprise. He just looked not backing down in order to keep the girl from continuing to heckle her. She was left intimidated and stunned from the shout. “Unless you’re planning on supporting your team, shut it!” After processing the shock, his friends quickly understood why he said what was said. After all Kion may be quick to accuse and have bit of a temper at times, but cruel and heartless like her principal is something he is not deep down inside.

And he wasn't the only done annoyed by the situation. Applejack groaned in frustration, "Ugh! I can't take anymore!" She handed Fluttershy her bow and walked on over to the opposing side, standing beside Twilight, speaking in a comforting voice which was rare for her to hear at this point.

“What in Canterlot?” Human Kion looked on trying to understand what he is seeing what Applejack took over in helping her out.

"Ya hafta stop aimin' at the target."

"That makes perfect sense! Don't aim at the target! Thanks so much!" Sour Sweet said from the stands with her trademark sweet sarcasm.

Applejack just ignored her and continued helping the poor girl, "Look, my coach taught me that ya hafta stop aimin' at where the target is an' aim at where the target's gonna be."

"Yeah! Definitely take advice from a person you're competing against!!!"

Applejack rolled her eyes in annoyance and ignored Sour Sweet's ongoing rude and words and condescending attitude. "Do you wanna hit the bullseye or not?"

Twilight didn't know why this girl was doing this, but at this point she has no choice. She blinked once, wiping away her tears in the process, and nodded her head. Applejack smiled and place her hand on Twilight's shoulder, giving her a sense of calmness and security.

"Then trust me. Take a deep breath."

Twilight did as she instructed and relaxed, listening to Applejack's instructions.

"And let the arrow go…riiiiight….now!"

Crystal Prep, Canterlot High and Principal Cinch all watched with anticipation as the arrow went flying…right into the target!

The bell dinged and turned green, allowing Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare to skate. From the sidelines, everyone from the Lion and Pony Guard (from both worlds) jumped up and cheered happily for Twilight's accomplishing win. Even if it was on the opposing team thus surprising their sponsors and coaches wondering why they are cheering for someone on the opposing team.

Spike wagged his tail and jumped into Twilight's arms. "Yeah! That's my girl!"

Kion looked on completely shocked that actually happened. While he was barely keeping himself from letting his stress get the better of him, Applejack just managed to do what he struggled with doing just now. Even after all that has happened.

“That worked. That actually worked.” Human Kion spoke up just clearly at a loss for words right now. “And you helped her. Even knowing what this will mean for your team.”

“Yep. I did. She really needed it the big time help and so did you since you were clearly stressing out just earlier.”

“Yes. I was." He uttered with literally nothing else to say other than. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

Twilight's heart swelled up with such joy, not only because she didn't lose…but because somebody was kind enough to take the time and show her the right way to shoot. Just like everyone else she met at CHS.

Applejack raised her hand to high five her comrade, but was surprised when instead, Twilight gave her a hug out great gratitude. She was just feeling so relieved and wonderful right now. Applejack smiled and patted her on the back in return.

"See? I was tellin' ya the truth."

And at that very moment that very honesty caused her body to magically glow, grow pony ears and her hair to expand in length just like before. Though Twilight can only have time to look on in horror since she knows what’s going to happen next when somebody transforms. At that is her device immediately activates and take away someone’s magic whether the one yielding it wants to or not.

She tried to keep her device to take away what this nice girl had, but it was too strong ever for her to control. The lip flew open and Applejack already had her powers drained from it.


"I don't know!"

Applejack's pony traits disappeared and she fell to the ground, exhausted. Other Twilight and Kion along with the rest of the Lion Guard happened to witness this from afar.

"Oh no!"

Twilight quickly closed the device but accidentally tripped and the object flew right out from the string around her neck, landing on the ground and opening up on its own. The energy released a purple colored ring around her, creating another vortex on the ground. From within, emerged what appeared to be some kind of growing plant-like creature.

Twilight gasped in horror, asking herself; "What have I done?"

Rarity and Pinkie Pie were ahead of Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare, already their team had five points, while Crystal Prep only had four, which was pretty close.

"Canterlot has only two laps to go!" Cadance narrated. "But it looks like Crystal Prep is making up for lost time!"

Both Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare were then able to skate pass Rarity and Pinkie Pie, earning their school five more points. Now the scored is tied.

In their rush, Sunny Flare did not notice the device in her way and kicked it. Twilight quickly ran towards it where Twilight and the Lion Guard from the Pride Lands did the same.

"Lion Guard! Let’s go!” Princess Twilight declared as she wasted no time in taking lead of the situation. “We have to help them!"

“But what about the competition and all of these people!”

Kion simply joined Twilight in running ahead. “There are lives in danger here. We have to save them even if it all doesn’t work out for us!”

“Well said! Huwezi!” Fuli was the first of the others to agree before sprinting ahead towards the first person in danger of being in harm’s way.

As the six ran out into the field, Gladmane along with Flim and Flam were left baffled by what they are seeing.

"Hey, what do you think you’re doing!”

“You’re not allowed on the field when the competition is ongoing.”

“Or your team will get disqualified.”

“SHUT UP!” They all shouted back at them who all were shocked into silence in response.

Human Twilight tried to reach for her device, but was stopped when one of the gigantic moving plants blocked her path. She now could only duck in cover when one of the plants came right at her, ready to grab and crush her to death. If there ever was a time for her feel confused and terrified out of her mind, it would be now.

“Twilight!” Human Kion tried to rush over and save her only to be whacked aside into the stands his body leaving an imprint through the stands from the impact. Thankfully, she was pushed out of the way by a blur of yellow and brown seizing and pulling her before that could happen.

"Come on!" Rarity then extended her leg for Pinkie Pie to grab. They were now fast behind the two Shadowbolts but they weren’t done there. Pinkie grabbed her friend's leg and Rarity swung her with all of her might, giving the pink girl more speed through the boost. She slightly crunched down, closed her fists and outstretched her arms behind her, looking like a speedy ninja as she skated down the track. She bypassed Lemon and Sunny and won her school another point. The Wondercolts and other CHS students cheered for their friends, winning them the race. Even Cadance and Mufusa were impressed with what they saw.

"What a finish!" She exclaimed joyfully, though Principal Cinch did not feel the same way. The green lights beside the motocross team lit up and the four revved up their engines, ridding down the ramps and up the dirt piled hills.

Human Twilight was literally quivering in paralyzed fright when she realized that feminine and strong arms protectively shielding her. Her eyes widened in surprise at seeing the green eyed coach of the opposing team.

"You saved me?"

"Uh, yeah." Fuli playfully returned like it is nothing new with a friendly smile. Suddenly she noticed something come here way before quickly pulling out a pocket knife from her utility belt and using it to slash the vine that tried to attack them. She then extended it to the length of sword before unleashing it’s sharp blade on the plants that tried to come at her with her pony features popping up as it happened. “Just stand by here, then we’ll talk, okay?”

“Okay.” She returned like she didn’t have any other choice before her savior rushed back into battle.

However, while the race continued, various other portals began appearing around the field. Two appeared near the ramps as more of the vines began to crossover. Another portal opened right in the middle of the path, blocking the racers who were speeding up more and more. Rainbow Dash caught sight of it, hard not to, and maneuvered pass the arc-formation of the plant. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Mufusa, and Cinch observed the whole thing and were all equally astonished to see such a strange, if not supernatural, occurrence happen right in the middle of the relay.

Askari upon seeing this was quick to get over his shock so he could rely orders to his other agents. “Secure the principals, vice principal, the ambassador, and the guests to safety!” He ordered of half of his agents before turning to the other half including the guests from the other dimension. “The rest of you help keep those out of control plants at bay and keep them from inflicting any harm on everyone here!” The agents all nodded before doing as they were told.

Just then Rainbow Dash leaped over the ramp, flying across the sky on her bike, feeling the wind on her rainbow-colored hair.


Sunset Shimmer revved up her bike, now neck in neck with Sugarcoat until she spotted the large plant. Its giant-jaw-like mouth opening wide to take a large bite out of whatever was in its reach. It was just as Sunset feared would happen. The magic was going crazy and was aiming right at her opponent. She was able to dodge the plants attempted attack and was able to press forward, but her opponent Sunset didn’t have the same luck as she ended up causing her ride to trip and she ended up falling off her bike.

The crowd gasped as Indigo Zap zoomed upwards onto the vine and flew over its head, thus angering it even more. Indigo managed to land right in front of Rainbow Dash and Sugarcoat was now neck in neck with them. However, another one of the plants came at them, crashing into Sugarcoat and taking her bike, with her hanging onto it. The girl screamed in terror until it found itself screaming and coughing in pain due to a sudden repellent spray getting right in it’s face and lungs. Sugarcoat turned and was left astonished when it came from both Bunga and Ono who were both given a toss up from their good friend Beshte. Rainbow Dash saw Sunset down on the ground and quickly turned her bike around, ignoring the race.

Sugarcoat released the bike and was safely caught by Beshte. "Go! Take cover!" He ordered to which the normally snobbish girl obeyed without hesitation or resistance.

Sunset watched in horror as the plant monster was about to eat her whole, until a hand reached out and grabbed her just in time once the plant's mouth hit the ground. Sunset sighed in relief, hugging her rescuer.

"Dash, you saved me!"

"I wasn't about to let my friend become plant food."

Rainbow slowly stopped her bike once her body started to glow in a magical blue aura. She removed her helmet and her pony ears appeared, latter her pony tail and finally her wings. As beautiful as the sight was, Cinch was very skeptical wondering where and how they are doing this.

Even Celestia and Askari didn’t have the answers to any of this with the latter himself employing his combat skills and weapons to fend and fight off the plants that were swarming around the field like crazy. He was quick to draw his sword to stop the plants from coiling itself around the students along with using his pepper spray and taser to blast off the ones that tried to attack quicker. Especially the ones that tried to lung at Mufusa and grab Zazu after taking out the guards escorting them to safety. Both returned a look of sincere gratitude towards Askari for it.

“Impeccable timing, Agent Askari.” Zazu complimented as Askari nodded in response before turning his attention back to the fight in front of him before seeing to it that his boss is out of harm's way.

"We can still win this!" Rainbow said before flying ahead to join in on the battle. While she flew, Sunset drove on her bike, since hers was already torn apart by the plants.

Just then Ono appeared before the five at the judges table with urgent words to tell them because of the chaos that is going on around them. “Ma’am’s! Sir! We need to halt this race before someone gets hurt, now!”

“Absolutely not.” Cinch stated with crossed arms to indicate her refusal to allow this.

“There are lives on the line! And my friends along with some others family are among them! Cinch, you must reconsider!”

“Why would I allow this forfeit to happen just because you say so?”

“Because I’m speaking the truth! Giving you a reality check of what will happen if we keep this going on!”

“A very much needed reality check that I agree on.” Celestia said with a nod of respect towards the young man for making the right call. “We must put an end to this. Come on, Luna.” They proceeded to run off ahead to help with ensure everyone’s safety before anything else can happen.

“What?! But this race is so close from being finished they can manage.” Cinch said still standing by her refusal to call it off.

“But too close to comfort. And if this is the way it’s going to be then you leave me no choice.” Ono retorted before making a grab for the microphone, only for her to move to try and pull it back away from him.

“Give that back! What part of no do you not understand?!

“I understood the no part, like there is no way is race should continue to happen when it means endangering every student here including yours.”

“You don’t know that!”

“I do!”

“Oh, so your precious reputation is important than the well-being of other’s?”

Cinch refused to answer as she continued playing tug of war with the young man trying to call off the race through the microphone.

As the two fought, Human Twilight watched as Fuli, Beshte, Bunga, and her other me hit the plants as much as they can with their combat abilities and weapons. She then spotted her device close by and attempted to sneak towards it in order to retrieve it, in hopes of being able to close and put a stop to all of this. She didn't get the chance once one of the plants wrapped itself around the ankle. Fortunately for her, her princess self was quick to come to her rescue by slashing the plant’s grasp of her off, before carrying her in oner arm before proceeding to use her taser in zapping them away with her other free hand.

Indigo Zap fell into a crater, falling off of her bike as one of the plants aimed at her. Luckily for her, Rainbow Dash flew down and came to rescue by luring the creature away from her. Sunset revved the bike, picking up more speed as she flew over the ramps into the air. The crowd cheered at her successful jump and Indigo Zap managed to drive out of the crater. The plant came up from behind the two bikers but Rainbow Dash ramped herself into the creature, causing it to slam right into the ground. Rainbow placed her foot onto the unmoving creature, smiling in victory.

“Come on! Give it!” Ono finally managed to win the battle for the mic by shoving Cinch down to the ground. He didn’t care of the consequences that will follow for doing so if that meant getting to warn the students through the microphone. But by then the race had already finished where Sunset Shimmer crossed the finish line first by a split second, earning a win for her school.

“All right! Way to roll Sunset Shimmer!” Ono shouted with joy.

Cinch however growled in response…and then punched him right in the face.

“Ow! Hapana! My beak!” He yelled while grabbing his nose in pain.

Cadance was quick to check up on him while equally shocked she did that. “Are you okay?”

“Affirmative.” Ono grunted in pain before attempting to lunge at the principal for what she had done. But he has held back by Cadance, who knew that at this point it’s not worth getting in hot water over. But even still it didn’t change the outcome of this race, Canterlot still won and Crystal Prep was losing fast.

Cadance took the mic and spoke to the students. "Attention, students, please proceed to the gym."

Ono narrowed his eyes at the woman for what she did. “Consider yourself lucky I already have more important things to deal with than a mean old lady who should be fired at this point.” He then stormed off with his dislike of the woman greatly increased after that altercation.

After the whole race was over, the princess kneeled down to grab onto the amulet before simply closing it with a single hand which made all of the vortexes that had formed to disappear, along with the plants. Everyone else sighed in relief now that the fight was over. She then turned her eyes towards her human counterpart before gently placing her down and handing her back the amulet.

Human Twilight could only look on fearing the worst as she is face to face with the very girl who represents authority from where she is from and helped clean up the mess she accidentally made. She expected the worst as she lowered her head in shame in the face of her. But instead, she found herself with a hand placed on her chin as the princess got her to look at her in the eyes, but with a soft and caring expression.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yes. And...You’’re not mad?” She returned still nervous as heck in the face of her princess self.

“No. The only thing I recommend is getting a lock for your amulet, because it seems to have a mind of it’s own.”

“I’m beginning to realize it.”

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Human Bunga, Beshte, Fuli, and Ono all gathered together, to make sure every single one of their inner group was okay.

"Is everybody all right?" Applejack asked.

“What happened?” Human Fuli asked.

Rainbow Dash flew down, her feathers ruffling with excitement. "Better than all right! We won!"

"Yeah, we won, but somebody could've been seriously hurt." Sunset stated as she removed her helmet but not feeling the pleasure of winning like anyone would. "The magic is going haywire and I have no idea how to fix it!"

They all spun around to see their alternate self's along with both Twilight together with the one with the scar placing her hands on the other’s shoulders while the girl with glasses explained everything to the others.

"Um, excuse me, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school. I didn't know that it was magic it works."

"That's okay. Neither do we." Rainbow assured as she approached her. But once she did, Twilight's device began activating once more.

"Oh, no! Oh, no no no! Not again!"

Against her own power, the device opened and began absorbing the magic out of Rainbow Dash along with Fuli. And before anyone knew it, it instantly drained them in very little time before leaving the girls drained of their pony magic thus making their previous pony features disappear.

"I'm sorry! It just started absorbing energy on its own! But I'm not sure how!"

"What do you mean you don't know how?!" Sunset began to forcibly close the object only for it to shoot some kind of energy beam up into the sky, creating yet another rift. Only instead of plants appearing, it was a beautiful star filled sky with a full moon, one that belongs to a certain group of Pride Landers.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Human Kion stated as appeared and rushed over onto the scene along with Pride Lands Ono. “What in Canterlot is that?!”

At the same time, Principal Cinch, still having her hair rather messed up from her earlier scuffle, hid behind the bleachers as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. It was there she was beginning to realize that is in fact all real.

"It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear!" Human Twilight explained, while still struggling to close the contraption, "I don't know how that works either."

At this point, Sunset Shimmer had reached her breaking point with her patience running out, the fire was now burning red inside of her. "Is there anything you do know?! Like how to get our magic back?! Or how to fix the portal to Equestria?!"


“Now Sunset, I'm sure she didn’t mean to cause any of this to happen.” Kion from the Pride Lands insisted in an attempt to get her to calm down.

“Yeah!” Other Kion stated and fired back at the equally furious Sunset. “So leave her alone!”

But even still she did not listen to either Kion at this point. "You're supposed to be so smart, but did you ever think you shouldn't be messing around with things you don't understand?!" Angrily, Sunset closed the contraption which in return caused the portal to close as well.

"But I wanna understand!" Twilight insisted.

"But you don't! And worst of all, you put the lives of my friends in danger!"

Just seeing the anger in her eyes, the hurt tone in her voice and the obvious internal struggle of her wanting to punch a wall was enough to make Twilight cry. Even she didn’t mean to, but still ending up causing this chain reaction that led to a near catastrophe to occur. Her voice cracked and tears formed in her eyes, making her vision blurry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." The poor girl ran off, crying while her loyal dog followed her.

"Twilight, wait!"

And for her other friend, he did not take it well as he wasted no time in looking on at Sunset with equally angry eyes and fury. And before she could do anything beyond saying anything…


From a super packed punch to the face from the boy before finding herself tackled and pinned to the ground and then repeatedly punching her in the face relentlessly. When it was pretty clear that Kion’s human self is not stopping until she was dead, Princess Twilight quickly moved to restrain and pull him away from Sunset before he could choke her to death catching Askari’s attention in the process.

“No! No! Let go! Let go!” He yelled while struggling and failing to break free from other Twilight’s grip.

“Stand back, Twilight!” Askari ordered before quickly pulling out his taser to use it against him.

Twilight seeing this instinctively pulled herself away in time before tasering Kion. After the shock wore off, Kion collapsed onto his knees left completely shocked and paralyzed from the attack. At the same time his other Kion, looked on completely shocked and horrified himself, paralyzed at the very sight that very frightened him.

“Enough!” Askari shouted before pulling the weakened boy up off of his feet. “Sorry for the tazing…” He briefly said apologetically while handing Sunset an ice pack for her bruises before resuming his firm tone. “...but that was uncalled for! Both of you!” He stated to both Kion and Sunset before turning to the former again with his anger now rising. “While I understand your frustration and pain, fighting and trying to kill someone is not the answer, especially when said girl has changed herself for the better from the former arrogant bully she was back then.” He then turned to the latter. “And you! Yes, we know what happened back there and who caused it, but making another poor and innocent girl cry like you just did before?! That’s not like you! You two should be ashamed of yourselves!” Speaking now calmer now. “That said Kion, you’re coming with me to speak to Dean Cadance about this incident, immediately. And as for you Sunset, I’ll decide your punishment later. But until then, I suggest you think to yourself of why you deserve to be an agent and why you wish to apologize to Twilight for what you just did along with Kion for what you did to him in the past. And if you need to write it down, then get to it.”

With that he escorted Kion away who is left defeated but still fuming in anger, Sunset looked on while face palming herself in great remorse for what she just said and did, even more so when Rainbow and Princess Twilight placed their hands on her shoulders

Principal Cinch watched the scene with interest, wanting to learn more of the supernatural phenomenons happening here. But she was not about to let that get in the way of the games. Just then Principal Celestia cleared her throat to get the woman's attention. "You can't possibly call that a fair race."

"Principal Cinch, we all saw what happened. You can't think CHS had some kind of advantage."

"Can't I? Even without your trained attack plants, your students have wings! Not to mention, one of your coaches assaulted me!"

"Well in all fairness, you did keep the microphone out of his reach when he was trying to help protect the students." Cadance defended, "And with all honesty, I don’t blame him for doing so."

"Dean Cadance, do I need to start reconsidering your position here at Crsytal Prep?" Cinch warned her. "Or should I hand you your pink slip now?"

"That won’t be necessary.” The young Dean replied with narrowed eyes still not backing down nor submitting to her authority this time around.

"Well, the race certainly had some...extenuating circumstances." Celestia then said trying to find a proper resolution to the matter. "Perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie."

"A tie?" Principal Cinch was disgusted at the very proposal and idea. "Was this your strategy all along? To force us into accepting you as equals? I think not. The games will continue and Crystal Prep will prevail despite your antics and whatever performance-enhancing regimen your students are on."

With her nose held up high, she walked away as the Rainbooms and The Lion Guard from both realms glared in her direction. Especially Ono and Kion for what she just did. Sunset Shimmer approached her principal with Twilight and Kion by her side, bowing her head in regret.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop all this from happening."

"It's not your fault, Sunset." Celestia said kindly.

“And there was no way of knowing that any of this would happen.” Twilight added in the same tone as no one around her holds her accountable for what happened both past and present.

"But even still…” Sunset said refusing to see it that way. ...I should know how to control the magic I brought here. But I don't. I let everyone down. And now Principal Cinch thinks we're cheating."

"It doesn't matter what Principal Cinch thinks."

"But it does. The students here at CHS don't just wanna win. They wanna beat Crystal Prep. It isn't gonna count if the other side doesn't really think they lost. Crystal Prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there's magic around. And that magic is only around...because of me."

Twilight and Kion could only look on with pity as they see Sunset wall off downcast with herself for what has happened.

“Twilight…” Kion spoke up sounding very remorseful himself as he turned to face her. “...I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He said before throwing himself and wrapping his arms around her while crying himself. Overwhelmed with emotion of what just happened along with his recent regrets.

“I know you are.” Twilight kindly returned while patting him on the head with one hand and wrapping his body around with her other hand.

Final Battle

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Final Battle

Both schools sat opposite one another on the bleachers just on the doorstep of Canterlot High for the final event to determine the winner of the games. The Rainbooms were preparing themselves for the event, well mostly Rainbow Dash and Bunga, while the others just felt tired. And it wasn't because of the magic. They were tired of this whole rivalry, all this dispute and fighting among each other. It was all getting too much for them emotionally.

Kion especially. At first, he thought this would be like the Equestrian Games where ponies and Pride Landers would be able to get along and play each other wishing nothing but the best of luck towards one another even while competing against each other. But sadly, the more and more these games go on and the more he sees Crystal Prep and especially their principal first hand the more he feels dismay and dissatisfaction around him.

There is also the fact, then when he saw other Twilight, much like Sunset came forward seeing her as another power hungry villain who needed to be taken down. In addition when he found out that Sunset ruined other Kion’s life, he felt so filled with rage, he briefly forgot that Sunset is now a changed woman who clearly regrets what she did back then. But now that he is seeing things clearly, he doesn’t see that in both girls anymore. Especially after seeing Sunset, who’s bruises she endured from her earlier scuffle partially healed, crossing her arms with regret along with the miserable girl on the opposite side of the stands standing by her Kion and the rest of Crystal Prep. Sunset herself could hardly look at the new dagger Askari gifted her so she'll have a means to protect herself in case a repeat incident occurs.

Dean Cadance adjusted the mic to speak, "Since the score's tied, the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games."

Luna showcased both teams individual flags, each with a symbol of their team, "Somewhere on campus, a pennant from each school has been hidden. The first team to find their school's flag and bring it back wins."

"And as soon as our teams are ready, we'll begin."

Fluttershy looked aside still not feeling the competitive fire as her speedy and feisty friends., "I don't feel like playing these games anymore."

“Me neither.” Human Beshte said in agreement.

"We have to play!”

“This is the last event!"

Both Rainbow and Bunga reminded.

Rarity scoffed in exhaustion as she replied. "It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening."

“Along with all of the controversy surrounding us after the last event.” Human Ono added.

"And I feel awful about what I said to Twilight." Sunset added in a guilt-filled tone of voice as the princess herself is currently placing a hand of sympathy on her shoulder with the other hand on the bruises she just incurred. “Along with what I did to Kion back then.”

"Especially since Twilight obviously didn't mean to do all the stuff she did and Kion is obviously standing up for himself and her." Fluttershy chimed in. "They’re both actually really nice especially when you get to really know them."

Poor Sunset face palmed herself, feeling worse for what she had said. All eyes, all glaring at Fluttershy, had her realizing that it wasn't really helping improve things.

To reassure everyone, the Kion from the Pride Lands spoke up, "Okay, everyone. Let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters. And who knows we might actually still win this fair and square."

“Kion’s right." Applejack said. "Then you two can go over and apologize."

Deep down Sunset didn't want to wait, as the guilt was already surfacing up to the point she couldn’t keep it in any longer, but was able to push it aside for now knowing her friends were right, she would get her chance to apologize.

Back with the Shadowbolts, Principal Cinch came up with another game plan. One that would guarantee her team a solid win. As she spoke, Twilight spotted Spike hiding behind the bushes. She silently told him to remain hidden knowing full well of what would happen to him if Principal Cinch saw him now and discovered he could talk.

"I know I'm asking you to beat a team that isn't playing fair, but Canterlot High must be made to understand that even with magic at their disposal, beating Crystal Prep is simply not an option."

"What if they grow wings again?" Suguarcoat asked.

"Or shoot rocks and fire stuff?" Indigo asked.

"A fair question. Though I believe we can now fight fire with fire." Principal Cinch adjusted her glasses as she approached Twilight Sparkle, making the poor girl quiver in fear with her only friend standing protectively by her side. "I've seen what your device can do, Twilight. Containing magical energy is fine, but have you considered releasing it?"

"But I don't even understand how it works."

“And that’s something we can’t risk at this point in the game.” Kion added.

"But you'd like to. And since our opponents have already used it to stay competitive, I see no reason why we shouldn't do the same."

“But that’s still cheating and would make us no better than the other team.”

"And I still don't think we would--"

"Unless, of course, you have no interest in Everton. Though, honestly, I think there's more knowledge packed in that little device than any independent study program could offer. And the same can be said to you too, Kion. Since you don't seem to care what happens with your life going forward. Then perhaps, whatever you really want in life isn't really your calling."

What did she mean by that, Twilight wondered. The very idea of releasing such power, she knew it was risky. Incredibly risky. Yet, Cinch was still holding the cards to her future to the point she is more torn than ever what’s the right thing to do here.

Principal Cinch:

I realize that you've always been an outcast

It's not everyone at school who likes to think

To find a student that's like you

I've had one or maybe two

But the good ones disappear before I blink


(Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh)

Principal Cinch;

Now, I understand you have your reservations


It's hard to have a brain as large as yours


But if we don't win these games

Well, I think I've made it plain

What will happen if we have the losing scores!

Twilight was still conflicted. Her principal really wanted her to do this, but was it right? Her words, the chants of the students, were all encouraging her to do this. Her body trembled as she held the device close, as if frightened one of them would take it from her by force if not for Kion by her side.

Kion himself looked on even more enraged and disgusted than ever with Cinch and everyone on their team. Even while telling them common sense and giving them a reality check that cheating is still cheating, they are still blinded by their desire to win. It was there inside, the gloves are now starting to come off with everything he has been through. And it seems now destiny is calling on him to act and play out his cards. Mainly the amulet Twilight has in her hands.


(Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh)

Unleash the magic, unleash the magic

If we lose, then you're to blame

(ah, ah-ah-ah)

They all have used it, maybe abused it


So then why can't we do the same?

(Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh)

Principal Cinch:

Call it power, call it magic

If we lose, it will be tragic

More important is the knowledge we'll have lost


A chance like this won't come again

You'll regret not giving in

Isn't understanding magic worth the cost?


(Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh)

Unleash the magic, unleash the magic

We're not friends here after all

Our only interest in this business


Is seeing Canterlot High School fall

(Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh)

The device that contained all the magic began to glow a stunningly beautiful bright purple color with red and yellow mixed into it that practically entranced Twilight. What she had come to learn about magic was indeed amazing, and powerful, it made her curious, she desired to learn more. So she could become smarter, so she could get into Everton. She came to realize that she is here for one purpose only after all, so why should that change now? And she shouldn’t allow it all to stop her from getting what she really wants in life.

At the same time, Kion himself was at a breaking point from everything that has happened to him at this point up to including what happened during these very games along with what Sunset Shimmer put him through. Even though Dean Cadance had Kion sit out the last event as a precaution so he doesn’t get into another fight today, he still felt it was a punishment itself. And now he’s just about had with everyone who has dared to cross him and his friend.

Principal Cinch:

What I'm suggesting is very simple

And since it's win-win on all scores

We only want to learn about the

Magic that you have stored

And as for me and all the others

We only want what we deserve

That our school will clinch the win

And my...

Principal Cinch and students;

...legacy will endure

The more they thought about it the device seemed to glow brighter, as if reacting to their thoughts and desires. The more they surfaced, the more their consciousness's voice slowly faded in favor of hearing the repetitive words from the Shadowbolts.

For Twilight since she is still learning herself, she thought maybe if she did release it she, in return, would release her own potential. She would better understand, she would gain more knowledge herself.

At the same time Kion himself was now deciding he’s had enough of everything and was ready to untap his true potential of what he is truly capable of and holding back all of those years of built up trauma and repressed anger.

"Very well. Let's do this." Kion stated as cold as Principal Cinch's words any day.

With a hesitant look on her face along with a fed up expression on her friend’s face, both Twilight and Kion stepped forward, the pendant glowing brighter and brighter with every step and every chant. Spike ran out of the bushes and followed after them knowing full well of what bad things will happen from this grave mistake.


Unleash the magic, unleash the magic

If we lose, then it's a crime

But we can win it if you begin it


It's up to you to not fail this time

Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Twilight and Kion:

Imagine all I'll learn by setting it free

And how much I can acheive after finally cutting loose

"If both teams are ready…" Vice Principal Luna announced via the microphone as the Pony and Lion Guard (both human and Pride Lands) all spotted them making their way forward. Twilight herself reluctantly pressing forward while Kion looks more than ready with his determined frown.

Both Prince Kion and Princess Twilight could only watch on in horror seeing and knowing full well of what’s about to happen next.


Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Unleash the magic, free the magic now


Now winning these games depends on me


And now that the gloves are off it is time to show everyone what we really are capable of

Sunset saw what Twilight was about to do once she placed her finger on the lid in order to open her device. Spike ran as fast as he could to reach her in an attempt to stop this.


Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Unleash the magic, free the magic now


And what doors might open if I try to use it

Dean Cadance approached the mic and rose up her hand, "…the last event of the Friendship Games begins…"


Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Unleash the magic, free the magic now


But the magic's really what I want to see


Especially now that this is something I want to see myself

Something that I now truly want like never before

And now I am ready to see this through

As she slowly opened the lid, the purple, yellow, and red lights increasing as she did, Sunset along with other Kion and Twilight all reacted and ran up to try and stop her, all the while Principal Cinch watched on with wicked glee.


Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Spike jumped up an a desperate attempt to stop her, "Twilight, no!!"


Unleash the magic, free the magic now

Unleash the magic, free the magic…

Cadance, Luna, Prince Kion, Princess Twilight:



But it was too late, Twilight had done what she was asked to by her pears…

She had released the magic.

Only, the outcome was not what anybody had anticipated…

Once the case was opened the orb within unleashed a powerful beam that forced everyone down to their knees from its impact. Twilight and Kion both stood their ground, stretching out their arms as the magic the former had released reacted to exactly what they are was feeling inside.

The device that once held it fell to the ground with a clang. Twilight and Kion's body began to rise up. The former’s hair becoming loose and her glasses falling off as the spear lifted her upwards and becoming increasingly terrified with what was happening to her. She was now realizing too late that she made a huge mistake by listening to the Shadowbolts. The latter looked on and around without fear before calmly placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder to assure her that everything is all okay despite sporting a dark smile as everything is starting to go his way for once.

Principal Cinch and her students slowly backed away in fear, realizing this power was stronger than they thought. Too strong. The sight made the Shadowbolts realize that these two students they’ve pushed around one too many times. The spear grew larger and larger, slowly engulfing Twilight and Kion. All while the girl’s beloved Spike could do was watch in despair.



Both their counterparts cried out in terror with what they are seeing yet unable to do anything about it.

Human Twilight looked at her principal and classmates who all pressured her into doing this. She looked on pleading to help her as she struggled to remover her hand from the magic now attached to her and Kion.


But it was too late for they were now completely trapped within the spear. The former made her choice to listen to Cinch, she obeyed her orders, she gave into her temptation and her own personal desires while the latter gave into his anger and desire for revenge.

In an effort to pursue something good…it ended up having the opposite effect. And now, the Shadowbolts were facing the consequences for their selfishness and pride. And it would be all because the innocent yet misguided Twilight Sparkle of this world along with her pressured and stressed friend Kion who is now full in to go down this dark path ready to deliver payback to all of his enemies both past and present.

The Rainbooms, The Lion Guard (from both realms), Spike, and Princess Twilight all watched with great sorrow as the poor girl and boy succumbed to the power of the magic the former had unknowingly stolen. From within, both Twilight and Kion could feel her bodies, their hearts, their souls, and their minds change.

Twilight’s skin became a sinister shade of purple, gloves appeared on her arms, long boots with glowing shoes and wings on the ankles, along with a long tail-like skirt with a star shaped belt around her waist, a sleeveless dress of dark purple colors and her now matching hair was now floating upwards, now painted black and dark purple. She felt a burning pain on her back when two black wings grew out from behind. Finally, a glowing horn grew from her forehead. A very dangerously sharp horn that is also twisted to match her new mindset.

Kion’s skin became a sinister shade of reddish orange, with his gloves and boots colored black, along with matching pants, fire shaped belt, and a sleeveless shirt. His transformation had him grow a red and black colored tail along with matching wings and hair with yellow streaks in them. In addition his skin and clothes all are covered with sharp spikes as he grunted in pain when they grew along with the wings Twilight had gained.

The moment Twilight opened her eyes, two rings of fire appeared around them glowing light blue to match. And the moment she processed what had happened, she could see everything so clearly. She now understood this magic and what it could do and is now loving it.

And so did Kion, as he sported a very vicious and evil looking grin with his teeth and ambitions now bared. His eyes now red in color with with black flames and pupils in the very center. For he now has the power he has long desired to achieve as burning anger was now fully unlocked.

No longer did Twilight feel any compassion, nor humility or kindness, or even love. She only cared about what she wanted now. And what she wanted was magic. She wanted to know it, to understand it. And the best part about is that she no longer has anything holding her back.

And as for Kion, no longer did he have any of his positive traits, no longer showing compassion, loyalty, kindness, or even humility and care for others. He only cared for what he wants to. And that’s to take charge of the situation, he wanted power to get it, power that’ll allow him to be the one to deliver retribution as payback for all of the misfortune he suffered.

The students and faculty were terrified of the sight before them, no question the CHS students were given flashbacks to when Sunset Shimmer became a demon entity herself. Not to mention it sparks frightful memories of the Lion Guard along with Twilight given her past as Midnight Sparkle in her realm. For them it was really looking at her past self in a mirror.

None the less, these new creature appeared with handsome and beautiful looks even though they are both now psychotic demons. While both looked content with their new forms, deep down they are not. Spike whimpered at seeing his best friend become such a creature while Twilight, Kion, and Sunset stood protectively in front of their friends.

The female creature laughed evilly as she hovered over them all like the goddess she prided herself to be. "Ha, ha, ha, ha! You were right! I didn't understand magic before, but I do now!"

“So do I!” The male creature declared as he sniffed and relished the air and everything around his body. “Because now I am just loving the smell of fear!” As soon as he said those words, he had fiery powers forming black flames that formed into two darkly colored double edged swords in his hands to which he twirled and had them form sparks when they clash together.

“As much as I have enjoyed the fun and games you all had with me. I think we all now have reached the end now you and everyone and around us.”

Twilight's bright blue horn began to glow brightly, the aura shifting down from the horn, to the flames around her eyes, right down to her hands. With a wide, eager, and wicked smile, Twilight shot a powerful ray of magic directly at the Canterlot High statue, where the portal once stood.

Kion’s eyes widened when the new monstrous Twilight Sparkle created a portal of her own, only this one looked more like it was a tear on a piece of fabric. The children and faculty could feel the ground beneath them shake as the clouds above drew in, darkening the night sky even more. But that wasn't all she had done.

The Lion Guard with Twilight all gasping once they saw where the portal led to. From within, they all spotted a familiar crystal-rainbow castle that sparkled in the light. From its front door, seven ponies and a dragon emerged, horrified to see the tear in their dimension before their very eyes as the skies around them became dark as well. The ponies saw their friends.

"Twilight!" Spike called out, extending a claw to her friend.

"Spike! Stay back!"

Nobody watching from above could understand what was happening, all they knew was that a portal had suddenly appeared and now even their home began to quack. The ground of Canterlot High began to crack and the wicked Twilight shot another beam directly at the Lion and Pony Guard. They all jumped out of the way just as another portal appeared on the ground. One that led to Cloudsdale.

Twilight and Kion rolled down on the ground, landing near the portal where her friends back home were. "Twilight! Kion! What's going on?!" Spike urgently asked.

"Well it’s a long story short…” Twilight awkwardly began before rapidly explaining in brief full detail. “...but the short version is after helping the students here compete against a rival school for these games going on, this world's version of me along with Kion both went crazy with dark magic and now they’re on a world destroying rampage, including ours."

“Really?” Both Twilight and Kion nodded. “Okay. That explains a lot.”

The students ran as far away from the scene as they could, but the monstrous Twilight would not allow it. She was having so much fun creating new portals, each one leading to a different location in Equestria; Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehattan, the Crystal Empire, Appleloosa, Giffronstone. Only, it didn't stop there. Twilight even managed to open portals that led to another world that was as close to Equestria.

Beshte gasped at the new portal that formed. "Oh, no!”

“Hapana! The Pride Lands!” Ono exclaimed in horror.

Sunny Flare then spotted her principal slowly making a break for it, "Hey! Where are you going?!"

"Anywhere to avoid! And I suggest you do the same!" Cinch said before running.

But she didn’t get far before being frozen in place by the magic of one of the students she greatly antagonized. Kion. “And I suggest you stick around, Cinch. Because this monster has a great big score to settle with you.” He then proceeded to lung at her with his swords in his hands.

Terrified, Cinch managed to dodge his dodge his attacks only for him to slash a folder containing his permanent record and every document in it, the nearby rails leading up the stairs, the double doors.before finally connecting with an upper cut to the forehead. Along with another one that cut her hair and knocked the glasses off of her face and knocked her off of her feet.

After finishing her off with a massive fire blast that scorched her body, he then proceeded to cut off Gladmane along with his two brother cronies with a magical barrier of flames. “What’s the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?” The Flim Flam brothers found themselves feeling a sudden urge leak out of them while Gladmane tried to put up a brave front.

“Hey! Leave us out of this!”

“Yeah! We didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Hmm. I should.” Kion said while entertaining the idea a little before deciding. “But I’m not on account of your heckling and trying to bribe the other team out of their valuable coaches who helped make these games interesting.” And before any of them could get another word out he proceeded to blast them all with fiery dark magic that scorched them up as well. When he turned to Gladmane who just froze in fear on the spot. He simply scoffed and turned his back from him…

...but not without doing the same to him as well.

At the same time, Twilight looked on with delight as she observed the new worlds that awaited her. Specifically the worlds where both the Lion and Pony Guard from Equestria and the Pride Lands came from. Seeing this, her princess counterpart quickly unleashed the power of her taser to zap her before she could do anything to any of her pony friends.

“Stop! You can’t do this!”

“Why not?! There's a whole other world right there, and it's just filled with magic!" She said with wicked glee as she created yet another portal, nearly harming Vice Principal Luna and Cadance as she did.

"But you're destroying this world to get it!" Sunset chimed in.

"So what? There's more magic there, and I want to understand it all!"

"At what cost?! How much causing pain and suffering around you is worth it?” Twilight asked her insane counterpart.

That question itself got to her as if she sees that her other me has been there before and understands what magic truly means and that maybe she should consider listening to her…

...before finding her princess counterpart having to duck and dodge when other Kion came flying by trying to throw down with her after catching a glimpse of her tasing her friend.

She was then forced on the defense as Demon Kion unleashed fire balls and swung his swords right at her. Thankfully, it didn’t last long when she used one his previous attacks as a tactful dodge so she can rebound and perform a spinning kick that sent the demon flying backwards and crashing into the front of the school.

Unfortunately, that very impact combined with Twilight’s most recent tear through the fabric of dimensions created a crater in the very center of the ground around the students. Down below, the students could see a clear sky, and Ponyville just down below. Bit by bit, more and more pieces of the ground broke, causing more and more students to nearly fall.

The ground beneath Beshte began to give way forcing other Kion, Fuli, Ono, and Bunga all together to pull him back. Sunset was tossed to the side to where she spotted the device that contained all of the magic Twilight had stolen.

Applejack quickly took one student that was about to him by the arm and tried to pull him back up. "Don't let go!" she cried out as she maintained her grip on him.

The rest of the Rainbooms along with the human versions of the Lion Guard, as well as other students, and Askari’s agents, all did all they could to keep the other students from falling from what would definitely be a fatal fall if they fell and hit the ground.

Human Fuli saw the Shadowbolts, fearfully standing by the sidelines, unsure what do about all of this madness around them. "Girls! Help us, please!”

The very pleas from someone they’d least expect it to hear from were enough for them to make up their minds and do something their cowardly principal won’t do. They ran into the thick of danger to answer to the call.

Bunga struggled to hold onto Rainbow Dash while Rarity held onto two students, while holding onto the ledge with one hand. "Hang on!" he shouted.

"Obviously!" Rarity screamed as her fingers slowly gave way and she would soon meet her demise.

"We got you!" Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest caught the girl's hand just in time and helped them all back to safety.

Sunset held the device in her hands, when suddenly a corner of it started to glow as the rest of her friends along with the agents all moved to help save the other students from falling down the portal. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed all worked together to help the Pride Lands Lion Guard pull Beshte to safety. Askari moved to assist Rainbow and Ono in saving two more students alongside the other Shadowbolts.

Just then the shaking of their surroundings, caused the ponies from Equestria to stumble and lose their balance to the point they ended up falling over the edge into their world. Seeing this sparked gasps from their friends from that dimension especially their Twilight and Kion. If it weren’t for Demon Twilight intercepting them and keeping them on their toes they would have been able to rush over to help them.

Fortunately for them, Agent Askari was quick to rush towards the crater to do something about it. Using a grappling hook to latch onto the edge of the portal and leaping along the breaking pieces falling down from the sky he was to pull it off. He was able to quickly catch each and every one by spreading his arms out to catch the ponies transformed into humans, along with Spike who turned into a dog like the other Spike grabbing onto the back of his neck. He then was able to flip over and safely land on the other side of the crater.

At the same time, the ones rescued couldn’t help but have a hard time processing both becoming human along with the fact that this world’s version of Scar of all people actually moved to save them.

“Um, girls…” Fluttershy first spoke.

“...did we just….” Rarity then said then.

“...get saved by Scar of all people…” Rainbow said next.

“...and turn into…” Applejack added.

“...humans?!” Pinkie finished while waggling her fingers.

“Yep.” Spike confirmed as he gets to see his dog sized body once more.

“And for the record that’s my nickname.” Askari corrected leaving the group taken aback by seeing this opposite self of the guy they are used to seeing. “Only used by my fellow associates here. And you’re all welcome.”

Just then Kion emerged from the building he crashed through by flying through the exact way he went through due to the shape of the hole in the building he made when he crashed. He then proceeded to eye the very former bully that tormented him back during his last appearance here. Now he feels it’s time to settle this once and for all.

He then flew over and used his dark magical powers on his swords to create a ring of fire around them along with Princess Twilight, Prince Kion, along with Demon Twilight. Said flames brushed everyone else near within it’s perimeter aside in order to ensure they would all not interfere with the battles that were about to go down. It was there the alicorns from the other world along with Sunset realized that it is all coming down to this as both demons moved to face them side by side.

“I’ve enjoyed the fun and games, Sunset Shimmer.” Kion said as he glared at the cornered girl now at his mercy who is now looking on in fear and regret of how this is what it’s now coming down to. “But I think we’ve reached the end now you and I.” He twirled and clashed with swords once more causing them to spark once more. “So what’s it going to be? You gonna take the coward’s way out? Run away to and hide behind your precious prince and princess from the other world?” He clashed his swords once more. “Or are you gonna fight?” He tosses a sword over to her feet, one that he managed to pickpocket from her while she was distracted.

“Pick it up!” Kion demanded as he twirled and clashed his swords again. Sunset herself looked on between the amulet, the presented sword, along with the fiercely eagerly and viciously smiling demon wanting to fight and take her down in a final blaze of glory. She wasn’t sure if she had what it takes to fight her past demons. “Go on! Pick it up!”

As Sunset hesitated of what to do next, closing her eyes as she had flashbacks playing in her mind, she is quickly comforted by her friends both Twilight and Kion standing by her. They both placed assuring hands on their shoulders as they helped her process the bad memories with other Kion play out before going forward through the events from being a former bully, to reformed friend who helped out big time in the Battle of the Bands, to a hero who helped them protect the Pride Lands and is now here with a chance to prove herself she has done a complete turnaround since then.

Just then they noticed and watched something spectacular happened. One by one, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, and Ono all gained a magical aura around them. Sunset herself didn't understand how this possible, especially after it was previously taken from them?

As Sunset gazed at the sudden colorful auras that emitted from her friends' selflessness, kindness, humility and integrity, and all while the device continued to glow as well. Her eyes shimmered as the very light presented to her, gave her the newfound courage and confidence she needs as a single tear fell from her eyes.

“What’s the matter?” Demon Kion taunted. “Lives flashing before your eyes?”

“No.” Sunset looked up bravely. “Just one. I’m done running, Kion.” She then faced Demon Twilight. “And this isn't the way, Twilight! I know you feel powerful right now, like you can have everything you want! I've been where you are, I've made the same mistake you're making! I put on a crown and, just like you, I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained! I thought it could get me everything I wanted!"

"Oh, you're wrong." Twilight replied with a confident smile. "Unlike you, I can have everything I want!"

"No, you can't. Even with all that magic and power, you'll still be alone!

"She's right!" The princess then spoke up next. "True magic comes from honesty! Loyalty! Laughter! Generosity! Kindness!"

“Not only that…” Prince Kion spoke up with more to add on that. “Fierceness! Speed! Strength! Bravery! Keen Sight!”

As they spoke the words, each of her friends' aura rose up and was transported into the device, which opened up. However, they were not the only ones. Even the glows from each and everyone from the Lion Guard crew from both worlds reacted as well.

The large group of friends willingly hovered beside Sunset Shimmer, all willingly sharing their own magic with her as the device rose Sunset, both the alicorn prince and princess upwards, the wings causing their hair to dance against it.

"I understand you, Twilight, Kion and I want to show you both the most important magic of all…"

Sunset closed the container and threw it against the ground, causing it to explode and create another spear of magical energy. But unlike the one Twilight released, which had selfish intentions, this one was entirely from selfless desires. The energy not only engulfed Sunset Shimmer, Prince Kion, and Princess Twilight, but also the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard from both worlds. The three gain their ears and wings once more, but they also gained more than that.

Much like Kion and Twilight from before, Sunset has discovered what she was meant to do. Her clothes began to change, her shoes were golden with flames and wings, along with a stunning white dress with symbols of her cutie mark on her arms and finger-less white gloves. The dress was short in the front but long in the back, giving the depiction of a bird's tail. On her forehead, grew a long glowing horn. She also grew wings too, but not just alicorn wings, but of the creature Sunset symbolized the most.

A Phoenix!

Just like the mythical fire bird, Sunset Shimmer rose up from her own ashes and was now reborn into a creature more stunning than anything ever seen. The magic Twilight Sparkle had stolen transformed her desires into her own self, into her own flesh, that was why she became a monster. But Sunset Shimmer had the magic not taken, but given and shared alongside her loved ones, bringing her inner spirit out into the open to fight this battle as she summoned her sword. She floated before the wicked Twilight and Kion alongside the Lion and Pony Guard leaders from the other realm, ready to engage in the fight they want.

At the same time both the Prince and Princess of Friendship managed to obtain powerful forms themselves as not only they got the ears and wings to go with their appearance but new outfits perfectly fitted for battle. For Kion himself, he sports a fitting golden yellow bodysuit with red boots, gloves, and a big red image of a roaring lion much like his Mark of the Guard on his chest. For Twilight herself, she sported a sparkling purple and pink sleeveless battle dress with a bright pink star on the chest along with dark purple leggings, finger less gloves and shoes fit for running in.

"…the Magic of Friendship!"

“So go ahead!”

“Bring it!”

The three all bravely and courageously declared.

Demon Twilight growled while Demon Kion just laughed it off with a broad and amused chuckle.

“Don’t worry, Twilight. We got this! And besides, this is going to be fun!”

Demon Kion led the charge as set his sights on Sunset, the very person who started this whole conflict. Sunset herself with her sword in her hand moved to charge at him likewise. The two flew up and clashed blades mid air before landing on the opposite side of the flame surrounding arena. The phoenix had to watch her surroundings behind her to avoid getting singed by the flames before taking another charge back to resume the aerial battle.

Demon Twilight on the other hand simply mustered up the most powerful blast her fury fueled magic can unleash from both hands. Both the princess and prince only needed one hand each to counter and match it. It took several seconds before the alicorns magic overwhelmed and dominated the demon’s forcing backwards and causing her to fly backwards from the impact.

Both Prince Kion and Princess Twilight split up to cover more ground as they gained up the demon Twilight. Said demon was quick to recover as she unleashed wild fiery dark magic fueled blasts at the two who were both quick and agile enough to be able to effortlessly dodge each and every one of them. Angered by this defiant display of resistance, she twirled around in quicker speed with hopes she can break up the offensive momentum the two have against her.

Watching on from the other side of the flames cast around to them to prevent them from interfering with the duel, their friends all watched on with great anticipation, proud smiles at seeing how well they are holding their own. With the magic her friends shared with them, they were able to close off all of the portals to the Pride Lands and Equestria.

At the same time Sunset and Kion continued traded blades as each of them were able to dodge the occasional flames tossed at one another. Then Kion was able to swing a series of attacks to force Sunset on the defense before finally managing to get to pin the girl down onto the ground with the latter nearly having her head cut off by the former’s sword as she mustered her strength to keep it from happening. But Sunset was quick to break free from the pin and was to blast the fiery demon away with a golden blast of magic followed by a spinning karate kick to knock him back.

“Okay. All right.” Demon Kion nodded seeing she is not going down as easy as she thought while twirling his swords once more. “Want to do this the hard way, huh?” He then proceeded to combine his dual swords into one large double-bladed staff much to the surprised concern and shock of Sunset seeing this.

Sure enough that concern is validated when using the power of dark magic and increased speed he was able to twirl it around with the first clash forcing Sunset backwards. Then the next clash forced Sunset on the defensive as he took a series of swings that she barely dodged with the skin on her arms, feet, horn, the fabric on her dress, until she was knocked backwards onto the ground while dropping her sword from the impact of the hit.

At the same time Demon Twilight managed to finally connect a hit as she roared in rage while firing off a double handed hit on the two when they came side by side together to which caught the other demon’s attention as he simply shook his head before focusing his attention on finishing Sunset off.

“Too bad! Good help is so hard to find these days, isn’t it, Sunset Shimmer?”

Everyone watching on from the other side of the flames look on in horror and worry as both demons go in for the final and fatal blow. Simultaneously both demons raised their arms with the former reading his staff and the latter ready for another combined attack. Then when they aimed and fired their weapons…

...they all managed to evade them in time.

Both the prince and princess were able to counter the blast with an equally powerful blast to keep it away from it before combining their strength to easily repel it backwards to the point she found herself flung backwards once more. At the same time thanks to a spare knife she was given from earlier, Sunset was able block off the attack just inches from her face. Instead her body was spun around by the attack as she rode the momentum before sliding under the demon as he tried swinging at her twice while performing a front flip as she retrieved her sword.

“Well it’s a good thing I don’t need help from others right now. Thanks to me being prepared with rule number nine.” She smirked as she presented the spare blade much to the demon’s shock and confusion while Askari looked on proudly at her.

With a second wind, the heroes went on the offensive as both Twilight and Kion doubled down on their magical beams while Sunset doubled down on her swordsmanship to the point the two demons were forced backwards on the defense. The prince and princess worked in perfect sync as Demon Twilight barely could protect herself from their attacks before enduring a couple hits herself. At the same time Sunset was able to dodge the next couple of swings from the demon’s staff before she effortlessly moved to slice it in half much to his shock as he begins to realize this is not going his way.

Then Demon Twilight once more tried to increase her power more as she sweated and grunted in frustration trying to finish the prince and princess once and for all. Her lack of skill and experience with magic proved futile in the face of two masters of magic doubling down on her, literally with their superior agility and reflexes. At the same time Demon Kion with his staff broken back down into his two duel swords was able to grab onto Sunset’s when she tried to aim hers at him before flinging her upwards to the sky.

Sunset having anticipated that was able to use the momentum she gained as she flew and fell backwards down towards him to her advantage in a spinning and rotating manner. She managed to land a punch and drop kick powerful enough to knock the demon out of the air and backwards onto the ground before he could swing at her once more. The huge blow from the attack disarmed him of his swords leaving the demon winded and having trouble getting up.

At the same time Twilight struggled as she resisted defeat even when it’s coming right at her. But just before she exert the last of her power and strength in a futile attempt to stop it...


Hearing that voice caught her attention. She looked down as she spotted, her puppy looking up at her heartbroken eyes. The sight of him triggered something within her. Something she thought she had lost, but really didn't. Her eyes, once glowing a sinister blue, briefly turned back into their normal and beautiful violet color.


That alone, ended up working in both the prince and princess’s favor as their power finally overpowered Demon Twilight’s. The power was too much for her, she couldn't control it. She couldn't contain it. She couldn't destroy it.


Twilight opened her eyes, no longer being surrounded by the blue flames. Her eyes were violet once again. Her vision was no longer but her mind still wasn't as clear, evident by the horn still on her head.

She floated in a white plane in space where she saw her friend Kion barely getting himself him from the attack that defeated him. They both ended up looking on as they see the glowing girls and boy in front of her. Despite the latter being really beaten up from the powerful hit he endured, he still looked on refusing to cower and beg for mercy. But to their surprise their words weren’t what they expected.

Sunset moved while reaching out her hand to the both of them with a compassionate smile. “Take my hand, Twilight. Let me show you there's another way...just like someone once did for me. Both you and your friend."

“And that someone is other me, Twilight.” The princess counterpart said as she looked on hoping that they will accept it. “And the same can be said for you to Kion.”

Demon Kion himself looked on still baffled and not understanding why they are doing this.

“I know I can never take back what I did to you back then, but if you give me a chance, I can prove to you that you will not regret this decision.” Sunset then added to Demon Kion.

Skeptical and unconvinced, he floated on over to her with a menacing look while holding onto his swords once more as Sunset kept her nerves steeled to the point she has no fear inside of her. No longer the girl after the boy that was trying to get revenge on her ever since he returned. Once the two were face to face, Kion growled as he looked deeply in the girl’s eyes for several seconds hoping that brave expression was just a front. But when she didn’t back down or flinch like he hoped, Kion himself ended growling in frustration before turning away from her while slamming his swords together.

“Kwa nini nililazimika kwenda kucheza na chakula changu?!” He ranted to himself while the others looked on slightly confused with his brief tantrum as he briefly turned back to properly face them. “You’re ruining this for me!” Moving to be face to face with Sunset once more. “I came here to protect my friend and get revenge on an arrogant, prideful, school girl and bully, who thought she was invincible.” After a brief pause, he then calmly sighed in defeat. “But I don’t see her anymore.”

The two looked at each other as they briefly debated the offer. The former felt great remorse that she ended up becoming a monster in pursuit of her ambition and desire to learn magic. While the latter after unsure of what her friend wants and coming to realize that Sunset is a changed girl from when they last met was enough for him to make up his mind. Especially knowing they didn’t have to offer this even with all things considered. From someone who used to be in their shoes, now they are seeing that this girl is offering her friendship. An opportunity to start a brand new life.

As tears shed from the girl’s eyes, she now knew the right path. At the same time, Demon Kion moved to sheath his swords as they both stretched out their hands and Sunset Shimmer took it. Both the prince and princes placed their hands over theirs, and a pure spiral of magic of yellow, red, and purple colors flew upwards, spiraling around Twilight and Kion's arm, towards their hearts, and up their heads, removing the horns and demonic features from their bodies.

They both could feel the change as the darkness they carried now faded, the magic Twilight had stolen, the power they once possessed, disappeared.

A beam lowered the three girls along with the one boy down in front of everyone before vanishing into thin air along with the flames surrounding them. Sunset, both Kion’s, and both Twilight’s returned back to their normal selves and appearances, aside from having messy hair from the duel.

Both Human Twilight and Kion shook their heads, feeling somewhat disoriented from the impact. Once the former came back to her senses, she released Sunset's hand and started to cry. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean for any of this to happen…"

Sunset kindly took the girl's hands, smiling in reassurance, "I know. And going by my own experiences, they'll forgive you."

“We know we can.” Her princess counterpart assured with full faith as she too has been there before.

“And what’s important is that you are both coming around now.” The prince counterpart added in agreement.

“Great.” Human Kion returned flatly still having a difficult time coming to accept all of this. “It’s not every day that you are just handed forgiveness like nothing happened.”

“Believe me when I tell you it takes time getting used to but you’ll come to adapt to eventually.” The young prince comforted.

Just then they all found themselves gathered together in a great group hug by their friends from their respective worlds.


“Group hug!”

Both Pinkie’s happily expressed.

Once she was certain the danger was over, Principal Cinch having recovered from Demon Kion's assault angrily marched over to Celestia, while Luna, Cadance, Mufusa, Askari, and Zazu stood beside her.

"Principal Celestia, on behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!"

Ono rolled his eyes, "Oh, brother! This again?!"

"Clearly, CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time! And it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit!"

Principal Celestia, on the other hand, only smiled and calmly retorted. "I'd like to think that saving the world benefits us all."

"And considering of what could have been, it's better than nothing." Mufusa then said next with a frown and crossed arms refusing to give into her demands.

"At least they didn't manipulate Twilight and Kion into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into power-crazed homicidal magical creatures that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game."

Bunga spoke up amazed with the girl’s response. "Wow! For a girl named "Sugarcoat" you don't sugarcoat anything, do ya?"

"I sure don't!"

"That's ridiculous!" Cinch exclaimed in defense.

"Nope, that's pretty much what happened." The dog Spike stated rather bluntly while still in alternate Twilight's arms.

Principal Cinch was downright speechless at seeing all the talking animals before her.

Sour Sweet bowed her head in shame unable to deny what she and everyone else did that led up to this. "Actually, we're all to blame." she said, right before turning sour again, "Mostly it was her."

But regardless, Principal Cinch refused to be humiliated like this, especially by her own students. "Obviously my students have been infected with your magic, but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!"

"Go ahead." Princess Twilight dared with a smug smile and crossed arms. "I'm sure they would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings."

"Oh, and the portals to different dimensions." Prince Kion added with a confident grin.

"And don't forget to tell them about the magical doppelgangers." Pride Lands Fuli added.

“As long as duplicates, copies, and double me’s and us’s.” Other Fuli chimed in as she moved to be in perfect sync with her double.

"And the talking animals!" Pride Lands Bunga added finally.

“Because that would never ruin your reputation." the dog Spike added with a smug smile, which was shared by the majority of the Lion and Pony Guard.

Cinch looked all around her, expecting to see her students back her up but much to her shock none of them did. They all stood beside the CHS students, not showing any signs of loyalty and the expected behavior that comes with it. Seeing this was enough for her to hit her breaking point like an erupting volcano.

“All of you from Crystal Prep will obey me, or this defiant breath will be your last as far as your future’s are concerned!”


All eyes fell on Cadance, who's patience with the woman had finally worn completely thin. She marched up to her boss, standing up to her for the very first time. "I have been nothing but nice to you even after putting up with you because I had hopes that deep down you wanted the best out of the students and could improve yourself. But since it’s clear to me now with your abusive attitude, that you are nothing but someone who only sees the students as a tool to boost your own pride and ego to cover the fact that you are a sad, pathetic, insecure woman deep down inside. Consider this the last time I take orders from you, Cinch!"

"And I can tell you right now..." Mufusa then said next with his words calm yet firm and stern. "...I too have just about had it your abusive attitude. So that being said, Cinch. You're fired."

"Now come on, Mufusa." Cinch pleaded. "There's no need to react like this."

"I mean it. You're fired. You're done. You're not using your power to hurt these students and especially my grandson and his best friend anymore."

"You'll regret this, Mufusa!"

"I regret now I regret for the past three years ever since he was enrolled in your school back then. Because the woman I knew back then has grown was not consumed with perfection you've created a toxic environment where you've encouraged nothing but negative feelings among everyone there compared to what I saw here today. So once again, you're done. You're fired."

Cinch had never been more speechless in her entire life. No one had ever spoken up to her like that and she wasn't expecting Mufusa to back everyone else up too. She backed away from the two who just told her off, only to back into the arms of Shenzi and Banzai who are quick to place her hands behind her back and handcuff her.

“Wait! What! What is this?! What are you doing?!” She struggled as she slightly resisted her arresting officers. “Why are you arresting me?!”

“Because…” Askari replied. “...while I can’t arrest you for anything involving the magical circumstances that happened here recently. There are charges I actually can arrest you for.”

“Charges?! Like what? What for?!!”

“Abuse of power…”

“Mind breaking along with Psychological abuse…” Shenzi added.

“Blackmail and Conspiracy…” Banzai added.

“...along with torture, incrimination, sabotage, and of course public endangerment.” Askari concluded.

“ have no proof!”

“Yes we do. Ed?” Ed pulled out a tape recorder which contained her recent behavior and voice towards Human Twilight and Kion for all ears to hear. Specifically her conversation with the two in the hallway before the athletic competition.

"Quite a coincidence that the CHS students moving on to the next event are the same nice girls who were so interested in you, don't you think?"

"I'm not sure."

“What are you suggesting?”

"I’m suggesting your friend, Kion, that perhaps you should get to know them after all."

"But I thought you didn't want me to."

"Let's just say I'm covering my bases. Who knows? Perhaps they will reveal to you the secret to Canterlot High's newfound success."

“Or maybe that might cause more trouble than what it’s worth! I mean come on! We already have a winning team with me backing the athletic competition. There’s really no need to resort to any of this!”

"I dunno. Spying feels kind of…wrong. I mean I understand the need to win here but resorting to something like that sounds more like cheating to me. And if others caught on to this, wouldn’t that tarnish your credibility as a principal?"

"Well, it's your decision, Twilight. It's not as if your application hangs in the balance. On second thought, yes, it does. And the same can be said to you too Kion, in regards to your permanent record."

“As you can tell, the proof is right there on that tape recorder.”

“Something that we happened to hear you admit while you were high up on your high horse.” Banzai added.

“So now, you have to deal with us along with the school board about this, and judging from the looks of this evidence it is not looking good for your reputation and position going forward.” Shenzi then said to which had Cinch groan feeling greatly humiliated in defeat.

“It certainly is not.” Askari then gestured his other agents towards where Gladmane along with the Flim Flam brothers are. Said agents were quick to pull them out of their hiding spots and arrest them as well. “Take them away.” He ordered of the agents who all proceeded to do so and escort them to their vehicles.

"And believe me when I tell you there will be a lot of paperwork ready to kick your butts later!" Zazu yelled out to them feeling his inner fire burning up himself.

"Oh and before I forget..." Human Kion then yelled out to the now former principal with a specific finger raised up. "Buck you, you old Cinch! And enjoy the hay you're about to endure because you so bucking deserve it!" He then laughed and taunted while greatly taking delight in seeing karma finally catch up with her. And that was before calming himself down as he can sense everyone else was shocked by his sudden outburst. "Anyways..."

Once that was over, Mufusa then addressed to the whole crowd. "Well, I know these Friendship games haven't been what any of us expected, but given what we've all just been through and after much discussion and consideration with your principals, I think it's fair to declare us all winners."

The students of both schooled cheered triumphantly…

All Together!

Happy Ending

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Happy Ending

The next morning, Prince Kion along with Sunset, and Princess Twilight were so happy they could finally breath in a huge sigh of relief. Not only was the world saved (again), but all the students, both Canterlot and Crystal Prep, were getting along, bonding and forming new friendships among one another. The danger was gone and everyone was a winner, in more ways than one.

The three were all talking with the other Twilight and Kion on the stairs. After the whole experience that had happened the shock between seeing their alternate self's worn off to the point they could speak a casual conversation together. It also happens that it was easy to tell both Twilight’s and Kion’s apart.

"So, you actually went through all of that?!” Human Twilight asked.

“Yep.” The princess nodded. “So if it’s any conciliation, I’ve been through worse compared to you and your friend.”

“Sure sounds like it.” Alternate Kion replied equally surprised, amazed, and sympathetic. “Especially when you got that scar to show for it.”

“Oh, yeah. That’s true.” Twilight replied with no shades of embarrassment over it being pointed out. “I can say the same for you in regards to your hair story. It was very nice that other Twilight was able to actually create a formula to help grow it back.”

“It sure was.” Alternate Kion happily expressed for the first time in three years. “And if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have regained my hair, even if it’s in a different color.”

Human Twilight blushed as she fiddled with her hair. “It was more luck than anything.” She tried to downplay her accomplishment.

“Now I wouldn’t say that.” Kion said otherwise. “Because I think you have quite a talent for these chemistry skills and groundbreaking results.”


“Really! You should definitely think about applying that into practice. Like a business of some kind.”

“Absolutely you should!” Twilight liked the idea herself. “You’d definitely be to make a profit out of it creating these hair care cures and other treatments that others wish they had. Imagine all of the things your skill in science and magic could do.”

Alternate Twilight chuckled a little. “Yeah, I guess I could.” Deep down she actually sees potential in it even more so than what she initially had in mind. “Speaking of magic…” She then said. “ regards to the portal when I touched somehow changed the magic and limited who could come and go as they please?"

"It did. Princess Celestia once mentioned that two of the same person in this world could possibly shift the balance, which would explain why my friends couldn't get through back then."

The human Twilight rubbed her head having a hard time processing all of this. "Wow. I knew magic is powerful but I never knew that it was so complicated. More so than I thought."

“That’s all right. Just keep going forward, allow an expert like me or Sunset guide you through so you don’t wind up in trouble like you did before.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Human Twilight said with a slight cringe when she eyed Sunset who likewise knew why.

“And that’s something you can be sure of.” Sunset assured as she placed her comforting hands on hers. “That being said Twilight. I know I was very upset with you back then. But it’s all in the past now and you are forgiven. And I’m sorry for snapping at you like I did back there. I just don’t react well when under stress that I still have trouble keeping under control even after improving myself.”

“An eye for an eye, Sunset.” Human Kion returned feeling like he can relate to her there. “And that’s not getting into the many trips to the principal office I endured for beating someone up for doing something similar.”

“Oh, really?” Other Kion returned looking amused and intrigued himself. “Did that involve something more than tossing me in a trash can?”

His human counterpart replied with a friendly but somewhat forceful nudge that left him rubbing his arm in pain. “To put it like this, Kion. It’s more like what I did to Sunset earlier, only not as brutal and violent as what you saw.”
Sunset grinned sheepishly as Kion looked on towards his human self while making sure he is out of arms reach by stepping aside. “Good to know.”

"And it's good to know that I am looking at the Kion I want to see..." Rani's voice spoke to him just as she appeared right behind him. "...because I've been looking around for an opportunity to see you ever since I heard you were back."


"Hello, Kion! Good to see you again!"

"Good to see you too. Though I hear you've been looking for me since the Friendship Games started? What was that all about?"

"You know. Just to be able to catch up and see how you've been doing since we last saw each other before I left for an important mission."

"Important mission?" Now this was worth getting into. "Like what?"

"Government agency work." She explained while displaying her badge as proof. "Only it's more on the lines of casual spying and espionage for potential threats and leads lurking outside these parts of town. Per Agent Askari's request I've been tasked to keeping tabs on outsiders of Canterlot High and then Crystal Prep in regards to anyone knowing or getting into the theory of the magical events that have been happening here. And so far, the rumors have been kept under check so far."

"So far even with Crystal Prep around to see what has happened, it seems it'll all be dismissed as crazy talk."

"For now. If repeat incidents keep occurring then one way or another someone else might starting looking into it more."

"That is true." The princess acknowledged. "And it's only a matter of time into word gets around and more and more people start to believe and entertain the theories surrounding the magical phenomenons here at Canterlot High."

"Yes. But like I said, as long as we keep our eyes pealed to our surroundings and act accordingly we should be good going forward."

"Good to know." The two shared a knowing smile together as they were both able to see eye to eye in that regard.

The two Spikes had their own conversation too. The dog Spike kept jumping up and down before his counterpart like the natural born puppy he was. "So, you can breath fire in your world?”

"Yeah, in fact!" the Equestrian Spike took in a deep breath before releasing a blast of green fire. "And this is actually the first time I was able to do this!"

"That’s so awesome!"

As for the Lion and Pony Guard, they were getting easily along with their pony world versions. They had spent a good portion of hours telling each other stories and all the adventures they have had since, which many were already aware of from both the prince and princess’s last visit, along with Bunga who traveled with them twice before.

Rainbow Dash was especially giddy once her counterpart told her all about her position as a weather pony and a police officer. "Oh My Gosh Oh My Gosh Oh My Gosh Oh My Gosh!! You are so awesome! I mean--I'm so awesome--I mean, we're so awesome!"

The Equestria Rainbow Dash had her hair styled differently than her counterpart's, her bangs were swiped back against her head with only a small cuff hanging over her forehead. She also had pony features while her counterpart was not in hers.

"Okay, calm down there, tigershark."

"And you're super fast too?!"

"Well, I don't want to brag but…" Rainbow Dash did a back flip and performed various super speedy laps around the school along with around town and back to showcase what she can do. After briefly jaw dropped with how equally awesome her pony counterpart is she moved to hug her tightly.

"Where have you been all my life?!"

The two Rarity's were getting along perfectly as well. The human Rarity was especially spellbound by her counterparts edgy, but still stylishly fashionable wardrobe. "Darling, I just love those fur outlines on your jacket! They're so native, it's fabulous!"

"Oh, darling, don't get me started on those boots! So modern, yet so chick!"

"And those streaks! How did you get them in that color?"

"I made my own little concoction myself using nothing more than the finest hair dye formulas money can buy. I can make you some if you'd like."

For the two Applejacks, it was rather hard to form a conversation. The human one made an effort to speak up, "Sooooo….you're an apple farmer, right?"

"Yep." the Equestria Applejack replied. Unlike her counterpart, her hair was styled into a braid and her bangs slightly cut. "And you play the base, right?"

"Yep." the two were silent for a moment before speaking in unison.

"Is this as weird for you as it is for me?" they both said in perfect sync, "Wow! It's like you can read my mind! That's weird. Okay, you need to stop that. Me? No, you! Ah, forget it."

The two Fluttershys were happily bonding while petting the human world's version of Angel Bunny. "Aww, he's so adorable." said the Equestria Fluttershy, "And so much better behaved than my Angel Bunny back home."

The human Fluttershy looked at her counterpart curiously mentally wondering to herself, "What exactly did she mean by that?"

The Equestria Pinkie Pie demonstrated her by performing multiple bounces and leaps around the school, randomly appearing left and right before making a chocolate cake appear out of her hands. The hum world Pinkie Pie's eyes widened like giant adorable blue saucers. "Ooooooh! Cholocatey Goodness!"

"Where have you been all my life?!" the two Pinkie Pies hugged it out, smiling with glee before happily going hog wild on the cake the Equestrian Pinkie conjured up.

Meanwhile Equestrian Ono blinked as he watched the two. "Amazing to think that the world is still in one piece with what is going on and what had nearly happened before."

“Yep.” Equestrian Fuli nodded. “But hey, it all worked out. We’re all still here and we still have each other.”

“Couldn’t have said it any before.” Human Fuli returned.

“Me neither.” Human Beshte said in agreement.

“Like my dad always says, live long enough and you’ll see everything.” His Equestrian counterpart then said next.

“You said it!”

“Though it will take some time and proper medicine to make sure I’m not seeing double after all of this is over.” Human Ono remarked while feeling like his vision blurred for a second.

“But on the bright side…” Equestrian Bunga chimed in. “ least that old lady Cinch has been arrested never to bother any of the students who used to go to school at her place ever again!”

“Heck, yeah!” Other Bunga happily agreed. “Blackmailing, Emotional Manipulation, conspiring to cheat, and endangering students. I’d say it’s safe to say we won’t be seeing her again anytime soon let alone seeing she has another job in education.”

“But then, who will take her place if that’s the case?” Equestrian Ono asked.

“Easy answer, Ono.” His human counterpart said with a certain answer. “Someone who has a great and pure heart much like someone you know back in your world.”

The Equestria Twilight and Kion allowed alternate Twilight and Kion some alone time with Dean Cadance, who took a place beside the girl, who held her dog in her arms just as both Agent Askari along with Mufusa and Zazu came by to join in on their conversation.

Dean Cadance smiled at the young boy and girl, who she was honored to have as her brother sister. "I guess that was one way to finish your time at Crystal Prep. If anything else had happened then I would have been pretty sure Cinch will be fast-tracking your application after all of that. Though given that she is fired for her actions, you might not have anything to worry about that going forward."

“Absolutely not.” Zazu shook his head. “After all, you both deserve better than what life has given you thus far.”

“They sure do.” Mufusa agreed.

“And in regards to what I have decided with all said and done during the games, I’m letting you both off the hook, because I believe you two learned a very valuable lesson and went through hardships that’s punishment enough. So that being said Kion, provided you take anger management classes going forward, you can look forward to continuing school with a clean slate. And if you can prove to me that you have improved mentally by the time you finish classes there, we’ll talk about if you and Twilight have a future at my agency.”

“I’m sorry. Is that a job offer?”

“For us?”

“Uh-huh. But only if I like what I see.”

“Okay…” Twilight then spoke with something else she needs to say to her dean soon to be promoted principal. “...and if I may.” The adults nodded allowing her to have her say. “...I've actually been thinking about Everton and...I'm not so sure now if it's the time for me to apply there."

"Really?" Cadance was rather surprised, but also very pleased, to hear this coming from her.

“And what has you thinking that now, Twilight?” Mufusa asked.

"I may know about a lot of things, but friendship isn't one really one of them. And I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time."

“Me neither.” Kion shook his head in agreement. “And if I’m going to be able to have a future even with a clean slate, I feel need to be in an environment where I don’t get stressed and quick to give into my anger as much as I used to. So after giving it some thought and talking it over after getting used to life here, I was wondering if we could transfer to this school instead of returning to Crystal Prep?"

“Sounds like a very wise thought, Kion.” Mufusa said with a warm and approving smile. “Very wise, indeed.”

"Really?" Twilight herself could not speak words to describe how happy it makes her feel too.

"You'll both be certainly be missed at Crystal Prep. But I think that's a great idea!" Cadance wrapped her warm, loving arms around Twilight and Kion, who returned the gesture with the same amount of love in her heart. "I'll be sure to speak to Principal Celestia about it right away who will be more than happy knowing that a former Wonderbolt is returning here."

“And I promise we’ll keep in touch more often.” Mufusa vowed as he moved to do the same to them as well. “It'll be the least I can do after being gone and away for so long."

"Same here." Askari added in agreement as he joined in on the group hug. "And since I have students here working up to become agents themselves and will be watching over them along with the school more frequently, it'll work out quite nicely for you too. This way, we'll get to spend more time together."

Sunset leaned against the pillar of the destroyed horse statue, smiling a relaxed smile where both the Kion and Twilight she is well acquainted with stood beside her.

“So…” Twilight spoke up. “...have you figured out how magic finally works out in this world?”

“I did.” Sunset confidently replied with her relaxed attitude not changing.

“Really? How does it really work here?” Kion asked out of curiosity.

"We pony up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves. That's why you and your friends both the Lion and Pony Guard alike did so as well. We've all been touched by the magic of friendship, one universe to another." She then continued as she explained the lesson she came to learn along the way. “I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself. I'm sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world, but I’m sure that you guys have your own problems to worry about in Equestria and the Pride Lands, especially in regards to Scar. And we can't expect you to always be around to help us."

“That’s true. There’s no denying that.”

"But we will be there when it matters.”

“I know.” Sunset returned before adding on to what’s on her mind. “I just wish I had learned that sooner. Then maybe this whole mess could have been avoided.”

Knowing full well of why she is saying that, both leaders of the Guard were quick to assure her all is forgiven.

“Sunset…” Twilight began with a warm friendly tone. “...while yes, if we had did things differently then yes a lot of messes wouldn’t have happened, but at the same time, when they do happen, we can only move on and strive to use it as a learning experience to improve ourselves going forward. And I think we all know that you are proving that you are seeking to put the past behind you.”

“And considering how well you have learned since then and have managed to atone for your mistakes, I’d say all is forgiven now. And from someone who recently had some trouble there too, including during the Games, I’d say you’re learning well yourself.”

Sunset smiled in return from that heartwarming assurance as it is proven true. Sunset herself did finally discover what her special magic was. Even though she needed to go through some tough situations and hardships just to figure that out. Then again, maybe sometimes it’s needed in order for the lesson to fully sink in and as long as the lesson’s learned at the end of the day, that’s all what really matters.

Just then Principal Celestia approached the Lion and Pony Guard from both worlds with Human Twilight by her side.

"It seems we have new Wondercolts here at Canterlot High!"

Twilight blushed as she explained, "I'm not sure how much help I can be. But I'd like to try. If you would all give me a chance."

“And we’ll promise we won’t try to kill anyone like earlier.” Kion added to which earned some chuckles from everyone around them.

But all joking aside, it took no time for everyone to make their decision about them.

"I'm sure I can count on you girls to help her feel at home." Celestia said to everyone knowing that trust can be placed in them.

"You sure can." Sunset smiled as she and the rest of the group, Human, Equestrian, Pride Landers, embraced their new friend in a large group hug, making her feel all the more welcome. At long last, Twilight and Kion both felt they had found the place where they truly belonged.

Once the hug ended, Prince Kion spoke up, "So...what now?”

"How about singing a song?” Pride Lands Bunga proposed.

“Yeah!” Other Bunga agreed immediately to the idea. “After all what’s a proper ending to good movie with a proper music number?”

“Not this movie!”

“You got that right, sister!”

Both Pinkie’s chimed in before laughing together while sharing a fist bump together.

“And we do have that concert later tonight to celebrate this momentous occasion as both schools both won the games.” Human Fuli brought up.

“You took the words right out of my mouth, Fuli.” Human Rainbow Dash returned with a smile of approval.

“So what do say? You all got time to perform by our side tonight?”

Everyone briefly turned to one another before smiling in agreement with their leaders speaking their decision.


“Anything for our friends here.”


“Let’s do this!”

Both Rainbow’s declared as they are already ready to rock and roll.

"I don't see why we can't." Prince Kion said with a smile.

"Let's rock!"

With their magic, the teams transformed the track race field into a magical concert stage, complete with shimmering lights, rainbow streamers and balloons all around, even a few sparkles here and there, all around.

The Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts took their respective instruments while The Equestrian and Pride Land versions stood by their counterparts, dancing and singing along with them.

Sunset Shimmer took the mic and began the number.

Mashup of Right there in Front of me and Dance Magic

Sunset Shimmer:

I spent so much time searching

Looking for something more

Digging holes too deep and opening every door

Prince Kion flew down, singing along with her.

Prince Kion:

And when you stand too close, yeah

The picture's never clear

But when you look too far away It all but disappears

Sunset Shimmer:

And now

I feel it stirrin' deep down inside my soul

The rhythm's takin' hold

And it's about to roll

Equestrian Twilight also flew down and sang along.

Princess Twilight:

A million sparkles falling across the floor

So DJ give it more

It's what we're looking for

The Lion and Pony Guard plus the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts:

Dance the night away

All our friends right by our side

It doesn't matter what style you bring

We're about to go on that ride!

Using her magic, Princess Twilight magically altered their outfits, giving herself, Sunset and Prince Kion, rock-star versions of their outfits back when they were fighting Demon Kion and Twilight, with additional new streaks, crowns, and tiaras on their heads. The princess herself wore her usual one along with the prince, while Sunset wore one of golden flames with her cutie mark on the center in the form of a red gem.

Both the Rainbooms, Lightning Bolts, and their alternate selves gained rock-star outfits and new streaks on their hair as they sang and played their instruments, singing directly from their hearts.

And it was right there

Right there in front of me

Let the magic go

Step into the music

And it was right there

Right there in front of me

Let your body move to the music!

Human Twilight danced with Flash, who was slowly gaining more energy, enough for him to dance with her. The Equestrian Twilight outstretched her hand and brought her counterpart onto the stage with her while Sunset sang and played her guitar. Along the number both Prince Kion and Rani shared a dance together like how they did during the Fall Formal and even after quite some time apart they never lost their equal footing with one another together.


There was a time before

I didn't know where I belonged

I thought I needed more

And I couldn't get along

Human Twilight was given a mic of her own along with Human Kion, and the former took hers more shyly before working the courage to sing alongside her new friend.

Sunset, Human Kion, and Human Twilight:

But now I've found the Light

And it's all I ever needed

And when I faced that test

I finally succeeded

With more confidence, Human Twilight loosed her hair and sang louder and stronger than ever. Her princess counterpart magically altered her outfit as well, making her feel like a true rock star, and earning a small simple tiara with a star symbol as the central headpiece.

The Lightning Bolts and Rainbooms:

And it was right there

Right there in front of me

Let the magic go

Step into the music

And it was right there

Right there in front of me

Let your body move to the music!

The two Pinkie Pies jumped up onto the stage, performing acrobatic dance moves and rapping in unison.

Pinkie Pies:

It doesn't matter what style you got

Just keep dancin' on that spot

Friends like you for who you are

Dance queen, on the scene, superstar!

Crystal Prep, you've got the moves

Rainbooms bringin' all the grooves

Put 'em together and make 'em fit

Crystal Rainbooms, dance magic!

The music slowed down a bit as the four main singers sang together in perfect harmony.

Prince Kion, Human Kion, Sunset, Twilight and Human Twilight:

And it was right there in front of me

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

Just so close for me to see

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

Sometimes the things you want

Are not the things you need

And it was right there

Yeah, it was

Right there

Oh, it was right there

In front of me!

Among the crowd, the principals, the dean, ambassador along with his assistant, head top agent along with his main trio team, and students from both schools danced to their heart's content, at long last tearing down the walls that kept them all apart from one another for far too long.

All together:

And it was right there

Right there in front of me

Let the magic go

Step into the music

And it was right there

Right there in front of me

Let your body move to the music!


The audience cheered once the song came to a close, and the five lead singers gathered together for one more group hug. Tonight, everybody was truly a winner, not because they all had medals around their necks…

But because they had finally learned what it truly means to Unleash the Magic!