Generosity's Wakfu

by steel soul

First published

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

Rarity thought that just finding a strange colt bleeding on her floor was out out of the ordinary. Despite that, she offers to take care of the colt as he get back on his hooves, taking sympathy on him.

Little does she know that this act of kindness will lead her down a path of adventure and danger. The colt's arrival is just the beginning, as Rarity and her friends soon find themselves swept up in a century-old war. Finding out the colt having strange powers were just the tip of the iceberg after all.

So...rewriting my Wakfu Story. Didn't quite like how it was turning out before after all.

Chapter 1

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As soon as the door to Carousal Boutique opened, the once pristine bell that would welcome every customer or visitor with a melodious ring would fall to the ground with a dull thud. Looking within, a lavender unicorn cringed slightly at the sight before her. Slowly, she would venture further, her purple and pink mane bobbing up and down as she looked around in disbelief.

“Spike wasn't exaggerating,” Twilight uttered under her breath. “It really does look a whole lot worse then the day before.” Carefully, the young unicorn navigated around a large puddle, one made from the broken water pipe above her. “I knew the force of the magic was strong but to do all of this in just a few seconds...Its still hard to believe...”

Pushing past a few tattered clothes, Twilight made her way to the door opposite of the room. Carefully, the lavender mare nudged the door open with her snout and peered inside. It was like walking from night to day with the way that the kitchen was basically untouched by the force of magic that ripped though Rarity's shop. The ever studious mare made a mental note to study the magic residue that still lingered in the room when she had time to do so. For now though, there was another reason to visit, and it took priority above all else. “Rarity? Are you here?”

The unicorn heard a fatigued yet refined voice from her left. She turned to find the pony she was searching for - an alabaster mare with purple curls. Like her, the mare was a unicorn, her horn radiating a bright blue glow as it held a cup of dark brown liquid within its ceramic casing. Slowly she turned, a soft smile playing across her lips as she did so. "I'm over here, Twilight," Sitting up straighter within her chair, she use her hoof to puff her curly purple locks “I apologize for my disarray, Darling. I have been pretty overwhelmed with the disaster caused by our... rather young visitor.” The mare hesitated, almost as if she were kicking herself as if she had said something harsh. “H-How is he doing by the way? He was in quite the state when I had lost saw he...Awake?”

“" The mare answered. "I just left the hospital a little while ago. Doctor Stable says, with the magical treatments used on him, plus rest, he should recover of right now, there is no telling when he will wake up.” She frowned as she continued. “Who would do such a thing to a little colt? Magic feedback I can understand. It can happen when dealing with high level transportation magic...but..." She shivered. "His body was so battered - bruises, cuts, even some major blood loss and broken ribs. It's amazing he survived whatever happened to him before he arrived here.”

The white unicorn lowered her head, remembering the night he appeared very well.


The Night Before

In the dead of night, a rumbling thunder disturbed Rarity's sleep. She woke from her dream of a dashing stallion much too abruptly and fell off the edge of her bed. Her legs kicked as she tried to steady herself, but it was no use. With a loud thump, she clumsily landed on the ground with her head in one place and her hind legs in another. Thankfully, no one saw her in her embarrassing position.

Rarity grumbled quietly as she muttered to herself, “Ugh...they said the storm wouldn't come until tomorrow. How do they expect me to get any sleep like this?” She got up and removed her blindfold, letting her eyes adjust to to the dim light coming from the hallway though a crack form her door.

The white mare grew still, her eyes widening until Iris could see the reflection of light in their black centers. “Wait a moment…I don't remember leaving the light on out there…” Slowly, she would creep towards the door, her horn igniting softly. "Sweetie?" She called out, "Is that you, sister?"

There was no response, only the sound of raindrops tapping against the windowpane. Rarity carefully pushed the door open, her eyes scanning the hallway. The light, as bright as it was, seemed to have been coming from down stairs, leading into her boutique. "Sweetie if you are messing with one of my dresses again, I swear to Celestia herself, I will disown you."


“Sweetie Belle!” The white mare raced down the hallway and rushed down the stairs. When she reached the staircase, she saw her little sister standing in the middle, and behind that, was her boutique, dresses and debris crashing and swirling around violently in a cloudy vortex of lightning and thunder. “Sweetheart, what's going on? What's happening?!”

Sweetie Belle turned to her sister, her eyes wide with fear. “I don't know, Rarity! I was sleeping and then I heard a loud noise coming from the store!” The little filly trembled as she spoke, her voice shaking with terror. "I thought it was you but...then I saw that!" She pointed towards the massive vortex.

Rarity's heart raced as she saw the destruction unfold before her very eyes. She could hardly believe what she was seeing—the chaos, the destruction, and the powerful magic that was causing it all. Her first instinct was to run towards the vortex, to try and stop it before it consumed everything she had ever worked for. However, she knew that this was no ordinary magic—it was too powerful, too chaotic.

Did Discord break free again? The mare thought to herself. No...this is too much, even for him.

A rather nasty bolt of lightning came close to striking the sisters, the older of the two, coveing the body of the younger one with her own. Seeing that it was just the wall that was struck, the mare looked down at her sister. "Sweetie Belle!" Rarity shouted above the roaring storm. "We need to get out of here—now! We-"

The sudden sound of silence stopped whatever it was the mare was about to say. As if the storm was never there. Slowly, the mare would turn around, seeing that it was indeed the case. While the wreckage was still present, the vortex was no where to be see. Not the lightning. Not the clouds. Nothing but her ruined boutique.

The two sisters stood there in stunned silence, trying to process what just happened. Rarity's mind raced as she tried to make sense of everything. "What in Equestria just happened?" She looked towards her sister, hoping that she might have some answers. "Sweetie Belle, did you see what caused that?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No, Rarity. I didn't see a thing." She gestured towards the wreckage behind them. Disengaging from her older sister's grasp, the young filly proceeded down the stairs with awe only a child could see. "Oh...Wow sis, it looks like this place has been totally deci...des...decimated!," She looked towards where she had came before looking back at the trashed boutique. "But why here and not the rest of the house? It’s kind of-" She paused sharply, before pointing to an array of hues on the floor. “Hey! Isn’t that the dress for Sapphire Shores you worked so hard on?" she asked.

Rarity was aghast, sprinting towards the destroyed dress. “Oh no! It took me eons to get that enchantment correct!” She slumped her shoulders down before thrusting her front legs upwards and screaming in anger, “IS THIS SOMEONE'S CONCEPTION OF A FUNNY JOKE!? DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH TIME I SPENT CREATING THAT DRESS!? DO YOU?!”

A shrill moan came from her direction, prompting her to jump in startlement. Through the darkness of the night, not too far away from her, she spotted a little colt hobbling inside a cleared area of grass. She was ready to lay into him for destroying her boutique until she got close enough to see him better. Immediately any harsh words she was about to say disappeared.

Rarity stared in shock and anger as she saw the colt, his body battered with bruises and scratches, his mane and tail tangled with dirt and foliage. But what terrified her most was the blood staining his shirt, pooling beneath him as he lay limp on the ground. Her rage quickly melted to worry as she moved closer and knelt down beside him, examining his wounds more closely. "Oh my goodness," she gasped. "What happened to you? W-Who did this to you?" Slowly, the mare picked his head up, resting it in her lap.

The rust colored foal in tattered yellow and blue clothes could only open his eyes for a second before closing them again, going limp in Rarity's lap. She could feel his shallow breaths and weak heartbeat, which only made her more concerned for the young colt.

“What’s happening?” Sweetie yelled, pausing next to her sibling. Her gaze locked on the colt in an instant. “Oh Geeze! Where did he come from? What happened to him?"

Rarity spun around to face her sister, eyes wide with panic. “Sweetie Belle. Listen to me. You know the way to Twilight's house right?"

"I...ah...y-yeah." The filly answered.

"You must go to Twilight's library and explain the situation," she said in a forced calm. "Tell her to bring a doctor with her, even if it means stealing one from the hospital!"

“B-But Rarity…It’s past midnight…And you always told me not to leave at night…”

“I know what I said before and this is different! Go get Twilight!” The white mare shouted.

Sweetie Belle yelped out loudly before running to the doorway, leaving Rarity and the colt behind to do as her older sister asked. Rarity pivoted to face him, seeing his little face curl in agony.

“It’s okay… I’ve got you” She murmured, her horn twinkling softly in the moonlight. “Oh, you poor thing…oh, my poor child…” The mare noticed something dropping from the little horse's hooves—a petite yellow avian creature, one she had never quite seen before. Had he been holding it when that storm was around him...if that's the case...was he...protecting it? She watched as the little creature slipped from his grasp, turning and gazing toward the colt its own eyes filled with worry. Despite that. it chirped warily before snuggling into his neck.

Rarity made no move to remove the bird; instead, letting it attempt to comfort the foal as best it could.

Celestia knows that she could use it herself.


Back to the present...

“Rarity? Are you ok?” Twilight asked as she approached her fellow unicorn friend.

The alabaster unicorn shook her head, ridding herself of the terrible night before looking over towards her lavender friend with a gentle smile. “Oh! I’m so sorry dear Twilight.” Rarity apologized. “I was just lost in thought as one would put it.”

Twilight gave Rarity a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I can understand that, Rarity. I know we've dealt with a lot of stuff...but...for something like that to happen last night. I can only think that you would have that young foal on your mind."

"How could he not be, darling?" The alabaster mare replied, her body slumping into her hooves. "He was just a foal, Twilight. And I saw him...bleeding in my hooves. He looked so small...and tiny. And..." She sighed again, looking towards her friend. "I'm doing my best but it feels like I can break down any second just thinking about it."

"I'm...sorry you had to go though any of that Rarity. But...He is alive...and in good hooves now. And that is all because of you." The lavender mare smiled as she gave her friend a sideways hug.

Rarity smiled back at her friend, grateful for her kind words. "Thank you, Twilight. I suppose you're right too. He's safe now, and that's what matters. I just wish I could have done more for you. The way you and those emergency ponies took charge. And all I could do was sit there, and watch him being carried away. I felt so useless."

Twilight shook her head, her expression becoming more stern. "I wasn't kidding, Rarity. You were there for him when he needed someone. You saved his life. And that's not something to be taken lightly."

The white mare nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Yes, you're right. Sorry Twilight. My mind is just...."

A lavender hoof genlty grasped the white mare's own. "Don't apologize, Rarity. You did everything you could for him. And now we just have to trust in the doctors and the nurses to take care of the rest."

Another nod came from the white mare before she slowly began to steady her nerves. "Once again, you are right Twilight." She gave her a smile. "Thank you."

"Nothing to be thankful about. I'm just stating facts." Twilight smiled. "How about I treat you to something to eat. Drinking just coffee isn't really the best thing for a far as my books tell me."

Rarity chuckled at Twilight's comment. "I suppose you're right. I am feeling a bit peckish. What do you have in mind?"

Twilight thought for a moment before her eyes lit up. "I know just the place. There's a new bakery that just opened up down the street. They have the most delicious pastries I've ever tasted." She smiled. "While we eat, I might be able to throw some questions your way. One's I was planning on asking the colt that is. For when he wakes up."

“I guess I could humor you. Though...Remember, Twilight," Rarity said, her voice a cautionary warning. "He's still recovering and he's still young. He will need his rest above all else you know.”

Twilight huffed at her friend, "I know, Rarity. I'm not going to interrogate him or anything like that. I just want to get some information about what happened to him, so we can find a way to help him better."

"Good." The alabaster mare smiled sheepishly. "And I am sorry if you thought I was accusing you of something. Its just, I know how you can get with your studies and wanting to learn something new."

Twilight smiled at Rarity, grateful for her understanding. "Don't worry about it. I kinda get that a lot so It's okay, Rarity. And I wasn't angry...much. I just want to help him in any way I can. And if that means asking a few questions, then so be it. But I promise to be gentle and not push him too hard."

Rarity nodded, feeling relieved. "Alright then. Now, let's go to that bakery of yours. I could use a sweet treat right about now."

Twilight nodded before leading the way, the pair exiting from the back door of Rarity's kitchen.


On the second floor of the hospital, within the foals wing, a little rust covered colt slept, bandaged as he was. As the little foal slumbered, his dreams his own, a strange light emanating from his hoof lit up the area briefly before disappearing.


Far away, in the ruins of a castle in the badlands, the ground trembled faintly as if something ancient and powerful were approaching. If you listened closely, you could make out a voice carried by the wind—a voice with an unfamiliar cadence and timbre. A voice that sounded like it had been here since time immemorial.

A cloaked figure emerged from the shadows before a gate within the castle, its face twisted into a sinister smile. "So...It has begun. The Wakfu have returned...and with it, their destruction." The figure's voice was low and hoarse at first, but grew louder and more maniacal with each passing moment. Its laughter echoed throughout the darkness, bouncing off the walls of the ancient fortress.

His laughter subsiding, he figure took a few steps forward, towards the gate. It raised its hands, and an eerie green light emanated from its fingertips. The light spread across the gate, and soon enough, the gate began to creak and groan. With a final burst of energy, the gate shattered into a million tiny pieces, revealing a dark and ominous path beyond.

The figure smirks as he slips into the darkness within, his words as he enters chilling the air. "Soon...very soon..."

Chapter 2

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The sun would be in its uppermost peak when the girls had finally gotten a table. Rarity, who had been quite distraught, had began to feel much better after the luncheon with Twilight. With bellies full, the two mares began to chat about how their weeks had gone and other mundane topics. Any other day it would have seen just like any other day. The shimmering sun shining softly upon Ponyville's residents. The cool spring breeze fluttering a gentle leaf on the wind. It was honesty perfect. Despite the happy atmosphere however, the two couldn't help but turn the topic back to their newest little visitor. Or rather the not so small amount of damage he had caused Rarity's home.

Thankfully, a certain lavender mare was a student to the embodiment of the sun.

"I honestly can't thank Princess Celestia enough for agreeing to help me with my home," Rarity said, gratitude seeping from the tone of her voice. "Not only that, but replacing that rare fabric as well..." She shook her head slowly. "I think I'll owe her more then a few dresses by the time this is over."

Twilight smiled. "I'm sure she's just glad she is able to help. And I'm pretty sure that she isn't expecting anything in return, Rarity. Princess Celestia is always just happy to assist her subjects in their time of need."

The fashionista nodded. "You're right, I'm sure. But it just makes me even more indebted to her." Placing her cup down after taking a sip, she sighed softly. "With most of my worries out of the way now I think Its the colt that we should be focusing on, is it not? You told me before that you had visited the hospital before coming to my boutique, did you not?"

The lavender mare's smile faded. "I did...and Like I said before, I was told that it might be a while before he wakes up on his own."

"Then I'll just have to hope to Celestia that he does. How about...where he came from then? A colt with such unique clothing, tattered as it was, somepony must have seen him before."

Another shake of Twilight's head caused Rarity's ears to droop. "Sorry, but I also had looked around the guard station for missing foal posters. There was no pony there that looked like him." The lavender mare folded her hooves across her chest. "However he got here, it would have had to been magical in nature."

"So you think it was some kind of magical portal?" Rarity asked, worried. "Do you think it will happen again?"

Twilight hummed as she tapped her chin, pondering her friend's question. "At this point in time, It's hard to say for sure. Something like this has never happened before after all. At least to my knowledge." She smiled softly. "But from the magical samples I took from the area last night and today, any magic residue that was left is gone. So...if nothing else, I'm eighty percent positive that it won't happen"

"Well, eighty-five is a passing grade so that's a bit of a comfort, at least." Rarity mused after a heavy sigh.

"Passing grade or not I'll keep an eye on it as the workers work on your house. From what I hear they are starting this afternoon."

"So quickly...I'll really have to make those dresses for the Princess now." the alabaster mare mused. "And for you as well. While I do have to say it, it pays to have friends in high places."

"You don't have to do anything for me Rarity." She smiled. "But knowing you, you will do so all the same. So thanks in advance." Twilight took a slip of her own drink before placing the cup back on the table, her face growing somewhat serious. "I...There was something else about the colt. Something the princess said I could share with you."

The alabaster mare blinked. "Oh?"

" all accounts, he looked like an normal earth pony, but...When the doctor's removed his hat I..." She shook her head, trying to find the right words. "There were a pair of wings, right on top of his head.

Rarity's eyes widened in shock at her friend's revelation. "What do you mean, wings on top of his head?" she asked, moving a bit closer towards the mare.

"I mean just that, Rarity. The shape of them were more akin to that of a bat or a dragon but they were a fully formed pair of wings." Twilight leaned back in her chair, frowning. "They were small and they were glowing like it was some kind of magic spell." She paused. "I...don't know how else to say it but...the strangest thing about they was that I could see them twitching... And because of that, I do believe that they are attached to his head."

Rarity sat in stunned silence as she tried to process the information she had just been given. Wings on top of a colt's head? It sounded absurd, almost impossible. Yet, she knew Twilight wouldn't lie about something like this.

"Do you think it was some kind of mutation?" The fashionista finally asked, still in shock.

"It's one possibility," her friend replied. "I've never heard of anything like it before. Magic can do some incredibly strange things if left to its own devices after all."

Rarity nodded slowly, still trying to wrap her head around the idea. Despite that, she could tell that her friend had another theory altogether in mind. She moved a bit closer, whispering her question. "I can feel a but in that, Twilight. What are you thinking?"

The lavender mare frowned, looking away from her friend. "I...Do have a few other possibilities, seems to stand out the most out of all of them."

"Well go on darling. Tell me."

Twilight hesitated, looking over at her friend. "I...didn't want to upset you, and its not proven yet so who's to say that I'm right."

Rarity leaned in closer to Twilight. "Please, Twilight. Even if you think it might not have happened, I want to know what you are thinking."

The lavender mare took a deep breath before continuing. "Well, it's just a theory, but...I think he might have been experimented on." She allowed herself to pause, allowing her friend to take in her words.

"I...what do you...mean?" Rarity asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"There are some ponies out there who have been known to use magic for unethical purposes. And those wings...They were unnatural for a pony to have as you well know. At least, I have never heard of pony's born with them. I can only guess that...he was test subject."

The alabaster mare's eyes widened in horror. "You mean someone did this to him on purpose?"

Twilight nodded solemnly. "It's a possibility, and would explain a few things. I had done some research about ponies who had practiced dark magic in the past and there were writings that mention a spell that could create a hybrid between different speices. Something called...Grafting. It's an extremely dangerous and illegal practice, but I'm sure some unicorns still practice it in secret out there."

"Dear Celestia," Rarity whispered, feeling sick to her stomach. "That poor colt. What kind of monster would do something like that?"

"I...Don't know..." Her friend told her, lowering her her head. "Its just..." Twilight trailed off, her thoughts clearly troubled.

"I...We have to do something," Rarity said firmly, her voice filled with determination. "We can't just sit here and do nothing while someone out there is doing these terrible things."

"I know that but still, it's just one possibility." The lavender mare reminded her. "Maybe the wings are just a mutation and we are worrying over nothing about that." She frowned. "but that doesn't change the fact that he was beaten the way he was. None of his wounds were self inflected by any means, at least that is what I'm told."

Rarity nodded slowly, her mind racing. She couldn't just sit still knowing that there might be somepony out there, performing these atrocities. "We have to do something." She repeated, the only thing she could think to say.

"The Princesses assured me that they are looking into it on their end." the lavender mare responded. "And I'm allow to look into on my end as well. Still, its barely been a day since the colt appeared so for now, all we can do is wait."

The fashionista could only nod. "I suppose, then, we should focus on helping the colt in any way we can then. If he was experimented on, he'll be terrified and alone when he wakes up."

"That's not a bad idea, Rarity. I'll make sure to inform the hospital staff to let us know when he wakes up. We kind of are the ones in charge of him after all. Maybe we can bring him some food and some toys to help him feel more comfortable when he does."

Rarity nodded in agreement, relieved that she could help in some way. "Yes, and I'll make sure to bring some of my softest blankets and pillows. It may not be much but it can at least give him some comfort."

The two friends sat in silence for a few moments, lost in their own thoughts. The weight of the situation was heavy on their hearts, but they knew they had to remain strong for the colt.

"I just hope he's okay," Rarity said softly.

"I do too," Twilight replied. "And we'll do everything in our power to make sure he's taken care of."

Rarity's ears perked as she sat up as a thought slipped into her mind. "Oh! What about that strange, round little bird? The one that was with him?"

Her friend's eyes widened at that. "Oh yes. That little yellow bird. You said that it was with the colt when he appeared in your home right?" at Rarity's nod, she continued. "Well that's another mystery then... I've read more then a few books on birds and I've never seen one like it before in my life."

Rarity's eyes widened with curiosity. "Really? Do you think it could be some kind of magical creature then?"

"It's possible," the lavender mare replied. "I haven't been able to find any information on it yet, like I said, but I'm sure there are some knowledgeable ponies out there who might know more."

"Well, we could always ask Fluttershy," Rarity suggested. "She's an expert on animals and might be able to shed some light on the subject."

"Already ahead of you on that one, Rarity. I had asked Fluttershy to come with me to the hospital when I went to visit him today." She sighed softly. "It was hard to keep her calm when she saw the condition of the colt...but...with her help, we managed to get the little bird to come along with us. Right now, Fluttershy is taking care of it. Maybe she can learn something from it—she has a gift for communicating with creatures, as you well know."

"Of that I do Twilight." the white mare sipped a bit of her tea. "All we can do right now is wait then."

The lavender mare nodded in agreement before leaning in her chair once again. "Where are you staying by the way? I found you in your home but you couldn't have possibly stayed there all night."

The fashionista waved a hoof. "I put myself up in a nearby hotel, after dropping Sweetie back off with my parents of course. If anything I needed her to feel safe after everything that happened last night"

"I can understand." Twilight took a sip of her own tea. "Well, if you need anything or if you want to talk about anything, just let me know. I'm sure that this whole thing has to be stressful for you."

Rarity smiled gratefully at her friend. "Thank you, Twilight. That means a lot to me."

"Anytime. What are friends for?"


The Royal Capital of Canterlot

"And with that, it is the end of the royal sessions. Please follow the guards out in an orderly manner."

The room erupted into chatter as the various nobles and dignitaries began to shuffle out of the grand hall. The noise would quite down when only a few figures remained. Two of them being just unicorns, one a young female and the other, an aging stallion.

The last however was that of a mare taller than the rest. A regal figure distinguished by her flowing colorful mane and golden crown. Her gaze rested upon the white female unicorn with a deep brown mane and glasses perched on her nose. "Are those all the meetings I have today, Miss Inkwell?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Inkwell replied, shuffling through her notes after adjusting her glasses. "But there's one more thing I would like to bring to your attention. It's regarding the recent incident at Ponyville."

"The one with Twilight's friend. Rarity, If I'm correct." The princess responded, her ears flicking softly as she sat bolt up in her chair. Her usually stoic face being replaced by that of one that looked like a worried mother. "Has there been an update on the colt's condition?"

"Aside from the doctors being unsure of what caused his injuries or the abnormalities that brought him to Ponyville, the only update I can give is that he is stable at the moment." Raven replied. "Still sleeping within Ponyville General as of my last update."

The princess sighed, figuring that was the case. She still didn't like it. She returned to her more calm posture. "And Miss Rarity's house? Do you know the ETA on when my builders will start with the repairs to her home, Kibitz?" She turned towards the older stallion as she asked.

"They should be there now Princess." The stallion responded, stroking his mustache as he talked. "And the overall time it will take will at least be two days. It is what I told Miss Sparkle after all."

"Excellent," the princess said with a nod. "I want to make sure Rarity has a comfortable and safe place to stay during this difficult time as well."

"Of course, Your Highness," Kibitz replied with a bow. "As of now she is staying in a nearby hotel within Ponyville. I'll personally take a train down in the morning to reimburse her for all her lodgings for the other night as well as for the next two."

"Very well done, Kibitz," the princess said with a nod of approval. "And what about the investigation? Has there been any progress on that front?"

Inkwell cleared her throat before answering. "With Twilight's findings from yesterday and today, we have what we need on the magical front, Your Highness. However, there are still no leads as to who caused everything. If nothing else, Twilight believes it was a portal of some kind. As for where it led from, that is still a mystery."

Leave it to Twilight to already have her own theories already. The princess nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. Let Twilight continue her on investigation then."

"Already done, Your Highness," Inkwell replied. "We'll make sure to keep you updated on any developments as well."

"Very good," the princess praised the young mare with a smile. "Keep up the good work, both of you. And please give my regards to Twilight and Rarity when you see then Kibitz."

Kibitz bowed once more, his mustache twitching slightly. "But of course, Princess. I'll make sure to pass along your well wishes to the both of them."

The princess gave one more nod in agreement before striding off out of the grand hall. Her mind was swirling with what had happened in Ponyville. She couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right, that the story of a colt appearing out of nowhere with strange wounds wasn't the entire truth, whatever that truth was.

She made her way to her private chambers, slipping though the door before closing it in turn. Making her way towards her personal desk, she would stop mid stride before looking off to a dark corner of the room.

"I did not know you were back, Luna." She spoke, softly. "I take it you have good news on Discord's statue?"

From the shadows stepped out a tall and elegant mare with a dark blue coat and a flowing mane of stars. It was Princess Luna, sister to Celestia and co-ruler of Equestria. "Indeed, sister," she replied. "Discord remains petrified. He poses no threat to anyone or anypony."

The princess of the sun sighed softly. "That is good news indeed...but it just leaves more questions unanswered."

"Questions unanswered, indeed," Luna repeated. The mare made her way towards her older sister, giving her a gentle nuzzle. One thousand years apart and I can tell when you are unease sister. What troubles thou?"

Celesita chuckled softly. "Guess I'm still an opened book to you..." She sighed softly "The incident in Ponyville. I fear there is more to it than what we currently know. Even with Twilight investigating, there are still too many unknowns." She looked away from her sister, towards the darkening sky though her balcony's window. "Were to look within his dreams, Luna?"

The princess of the night took a moment to respond, her expression turning serious. "We have tried, sister. But the foal's dreams are muddled and chaotic, as if he himself doesn't understand what is happening to him. There is nothing to glean from them at the present, We fear. It is possible that his mind is shielding him from the truth of what happend, but until he has a proper dream..."

Celestia frowned, her mind racing with possibilities. "I see." It wasn't the answer she wanted to hear but she had expected it to some extent.

Luna continued after a while. "We will continue to monitor his dreams later tonight, sister. Perhaps there is something We have missed."

The elder sister smiled. "Thank you, Luna. Your assistance is invaluable, as always. Just do not push yourself too hard. Do you understand."

Luna clicked her tongue. "Naturally. I would not do anything you wouldn't do for the ponies we love sister." She turned to leave, only stopping before she reached the balcony. "Have thou...seen the colt thouself, Tia?" Her voice was cool...clam even.

Celestia did not like it when she used that tone of voice.

"No, not yet. I wanted to give him some time to heal before I visit. I don't want to overwhelm him."

Celestia's words She knew her sister well, even after their long separation of one thousand years. Luna's discerning eyes met Celestia's just as the the older mare turned her head away. Right away, she recognized her sister's true reasons, which ran deeper than just wanting to give the colt time to heal.

"We understand, but be sure to go see him when you can, sister. When do, you will realize how far We are willing to go to discover who harmed the colt." She cast her gaze behind her, her eyes burning with barely contained rage. "They won't have seen the moon for many nights by the time We finished with them. So they better pray you find them first...dear sister" Her voice was laced with cold anger as she spoke the last part, shivering even her older sister to the bone. With a powerful sweep of her wings, she flew into the twilight sky, leaving her sister behind once more.

Chapter 3

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The soft brown eyes of the young pony colt fluttered open once more, and as the haze of sleep continued to lift from his mind, he found himself entranced by the cream-colored ceiling above him. The pattern was both strange and soothing this his dazed state of mind.

Gazing down at himself, he noticed a blanket draped over his body. Beneath the soft fabric, he could feel the familiar tightness of bandages wrapped around parts of his body. He had been hurt, badly it would seem, and whatever the case, he knew that someone had treated him for his injuries. The area he was in had the scent of a healer's office, the smells of antiseptic and rubbing alcohol being the most prominent.

Deciding he needed more information, he looked off to his side and was greeted by the sight of the sun's rays shimmering through an opened widow nearby. The blue sky's above were as crystal clear as water in the sea. The sight of Treetops in the distance clued him in that he must be higher up as well. Maybe the second floor.

He wanted to look to see where he actually was, but with the slight aches and pains he could feel just from moving one of his limbs, he knew he wouldn't be able to do so anytime soon. At least as far as he could tell.

Forgoing that idea for the moment, he slowly turned his head to the other side of the room. There he spotted a door nearby, brown in color. Closer to him was a bed stand of some kind. Upon it lay a folded piece of paper with some strange symbols written upon it, as well as a weird looking figure, one of a bird of some kind. It looked round and puffy, despite it clearly being made of wood.

It kinda reminded him of...

"Az!" His voice croaked, almost as if he had not used it for a very long time. He didn't have time to worry about such a thing though. His friend. He wasn't with him. He had to find him.

Though his body screamed at him not to, he pushed himself to sit up, and roll over off the bed.

An action he would soon regret.

The colt's world world was upended as he fell from the bed, his small form tumbling to the hard ground below. A sharp wave of pain surged through his already injured body, causing him to hiss in agony. He could only lay there, disoriented and in pain, unable to gather his senses enough to even think about moving.

He could, however, hear what sounded like a voice, a female one, though it spoke in a language he had never heard before. Soon after, the strange sound of hooves clattered could be heard, drawing closer to him. the voice would sound out again, this time it being much closer then it before. Still not understanding it, he could feel fear and anger were evident in her tone. If nothing else, he guessed she was yelling at him falling off the bed.

Though his eyes stayed shut from the pain, the young boy could sense a gentle force lifting him off the floor and placing him back onto the bed he had fallen from earlier. The sheets felt warm to the touch, more than likely due to the sun shining upon them.

As his pain slowly resided, he would once again gain control of his sight, looking over towards the one who had picked him up before. Before he could speak, he was stunned into silence upon looking at his savior. The one before was a cream-colored furred creature with sky blue eyes that looked down upon him beneath ginger red hair. She had a short snout of a nose and her eyes were as big as dinner plates.

He would upon the creature, his mouth working wordlessly as he tried to process what he was looking at it. He could see the creature's gaze held a mix of concern and annoyance, though that would be expected due to him causing her this trouble. She spoke again in that strange language, and while he couldn't understand the words, he could sense the meaning behind them. She was scolding him for being careless, for endangering himself further. Despite the harshness there was a hint of kindness in her tone, a softness that made him feel safe.

At the very least he knew that she didn't want to hurt him. He reached up to speak, only to stop when he finally noticed something odd about himself.

The sight of rust colored fur greeted his eyes, despite only seeing bits and pieces sticking out from his bandaged limb. As strange as that was, the sight of the limb ending in a weird hard stump was ever more concerning. Traveling back up the limb, he would find the same fur covering his body from end to end.

The young boy's eyes widened in shock, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. He blinked a few times, shaking his head as if to clear his vision. But no matter how many times he did it, the sight before him remained the same. His breathing became more frantic the longer he looked at himself, his heart beating faster by the second.

Looking up, he would find himself looking into the eyes of the one who had picked him up, and he saw a flicker of concern in her eyes at the sight of his panic. The young boy tried to speak, but his voice was still weak and shaky.

"W-What...Happened to me?"


"Q-Que...m'est-il arrivé?"

Nurse Nightingale leaned back in surprise. She had expected him to be in a state of shock, given his injuries, both then and now. But here he was, speaking in a language she was unfamiliar with. She could sense the fear and confusion in his voice and knew that she needed to calm him down before he hurt himself further.

"Shh, it's okay," she said in a soothing voice, placing a gentle hoof on his chest to try and steady his breathing. "You were injured and we had to treat you."

He looked at the hoof and then went back to his own. And then went right back to hers again, as if trying to figure something out. She could see something click within him and could tell that he was slowly calming down, though there was a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Qui es-tu?" His words came out calmly, but his wings on top of his head flicked slightly, an action that caused the mare to flinch. She had almost forgotten that he had a pair upon his head. Quick as she could she regained her composure, pondering what the colt had just said. It sounded like a question to her, but she had no idea what he was asking.

Slowly she would shake her head, pointing towards her mouth after that. The colt would tilted his head in confusion, his wings flicking softly, clearly not understanding. Nightingale sighed, realizing that they wouldn't be able to communicate until they found a common language.

The sound of hooves behind caused the Heard Nurse to turn her head, finding Doctor Stable making his way into the room. The brown and amber unicorn looked between the nurse and the colt before addressing the former.

"Nightingale. I heard what happened and came as soon as I could? Let me see him." As she moved, the unicorn place the bag he was carrying with his magic down. before turning towards the young colt. Carefully, he would raise a hoof, gently moving the young one's head from side to side. He turned his head to look back at the mare. "Is the little guy okay?"

The nurse shook her head. "He fell off the bed and aggravated his injuries, but nothing too serious. He's been experiencing some kind of shock though."

Doctor Stable nodded before turning his attention to the colt. "Hey there, little guy. I'm Doctor Stable. How are you feeling?"

The colt would only frown at his voice before looking up at the horn on top of the unicorn's head. His gaze would shift to try and look up at his own head, his hoof reaching out towards his forehead just below his dirty blond hair.

The doctor would reach a hoof to stop him, putting it back down at his side. "Hey. Don't want to hurt yourself do you. You gotta keep still okay?"

"He won't understand you, Doctor." Nightingale chipped in. "He doesn't seem to speak equestrian."

Doctor Stable furrowed his brow, looking at the colt with a mix of confusion and concern. "Well, that's a problem. We need to figure out a way to communicate with him effectively." He sighed.

"The Princesses did ask us to report to Miss Twilight should something come up regarding the colt." The Head nurse said. "Perhaps she could enlighten us on what to do."

"You maybe right, Nightingale." The stallion stood up before nodding to her. "Please keep an eye on the little guy until I get back. Wouldn't want another accident like before now would we? And Check over his injuries. Make sure none of his wounds reopened after the fall."

Nightingale nodded, watching as Doctor Stable left the room. She turned back to the colt who was watching her every move with a look of curiosity. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for him. He was lost, confused, and injured. She couldn't imagine what he must be going through.

She took a moment to examine his bandages, checking to make sure that none of his wounds had reopened. Something the young colt was surprisingly calm about. Though he would wince in pain from a leg being pulled too far, he didn't cry or lash out as she would think any foal in his position would be. If nothing else, he seemed almost curious.

The young colt watched her as she worked, his eyes following her every move. When she was done she would pull away, with a smile and a nod. "There." She paused before speaking again. "I...Know you can't understand me. But...I want you to know that you are safe here." She placed a hoof on his shoulder, an action that would cause his wings to flutter once again, despite the slight head tilt of not understanding her.


Twilight and Rarity arrived at the children's hospital in the mid afternoon, escorted by two other mares. The first being a wonderfully pink earth pony, and the second was a blue pegasus with a mane and tail of rainbow hues.

When they arrived at the door that the mysterious colt had been placed on the other side of, they were met by Redheart, a young nurse with a rosy pink mane and snowy white fur.

"Twilight." She spoke softly. "Its good to see you again. And under better circumstances no less."

"Indeed." Twilight agreed. "Though taking a hurt colt to the hospital for treatment could never be the best of circumstances I suspect."

The nurse nodded. "Truer words never spoken." Turning to look towards the alabaster mare beside Twilight, she smiled and nodded. "Rarity. I'm glad you are in good health too. How is your sister doing?"

"Much better all things considered. Though she wasn't hurt, it was still quite the shock to find a foal her age in such a condition. She's with her mother and father for the time being all the same."

"That's good news." The nurse mused softly before looking past the two unicorns. Her expression happy expression turning into that of mild deadpan. "I assume you two," she began, glancing between the hyperactive pink pony and the usually abrasive rainbow one, "Are able to keep yourselves under control, at least while you are in the foal's ward?"

Pinkie Pie bounced on her hooves. "Of course, Redheart! We're always on our best behavior around the little ones!" Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement, though her expression was less enthusiastic.

The nurse nodded, satisfied with their response, at least for now. "Very well then. Follow me." Turning on her hooves, she led Twilight and her friends down towards the foal's ward of the hospital wing. As they approached the door to their destination, the mare could hear the faint sound of a feminine voice genlty echoing from behind the door. Upon opening it they were greeted with the curious sight of the young colt frowning over a board of checkers, his

The colt's gaze left the game in front of him and was cast towards the five new mare to enter the room. Ever so slightly, his head tilted questioningly towards the mares, an action that caused his wings to twitch in response.

Rainbow Dash couldn't contain her amazement as she saw the colt's glowing wings on top of his head. She released a soft whistle. "I thought you were joking, Twi...but he really does have wings on top of his head. Kinda weird but can't say they aren't seriously awesome! I've never seen anything like 'em."

Pinkie Pie on the other hand, true to her energetic and enthusiastic nature, couldn't contain her her already building excitement upon seeing a new pony. She zoomed over to the colt and marveled at his glowing dragon wings on top of his head. Her face lit up with joy as she exclaimed, "Wow! They're so pretty! Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?"

"Pinkie!" Twilight called out, her hoof stomping upon the ground to gain her bubbly friend's attention. "I'm pretty sure that I told you before that he won't be able to understand us. He doesn't speak equestrian."

"Ooooooooh!" the pink mare exclaimed after a moment of silence. "I forgot." She giggled as she was pulled away from the colt by the lavender's mare magic.

Now free from the pink one, Rarity approached the bed, her eyes scanning the colt's bandages and injuries. "Oh, the poor dear. At least he looks a little better than he did three nights ago." She turned towards Nurse Nightingale. "Well enough to play checkers too."

"It took a lot of effort, but he managed to get the basic idea of how to play, even in such a short time." She glanced at the peculiar colt. "He can understand simple gestures as well so I think his mental capacity is fine, as far as I can tell at least."

Twilight nodded as she drew near, rummaging in her saddlebag, pulling out a scroll and a quill pen. "...Able to grasp simple concepts." She jolted down upon the scroll before turning back to the mare "As for the language problem? Could you make him repeat what he said? I don't like to brag...but I do know several languages-"


The lavender mare frowned a she casted a glare at her prismatic friend. "Languages, and I might be able to penpoint what it might be that he is speaking in."

Nightingale sighed and shook her head. "I'm not sure I can. He kind of stopped talking as soon as he realized that we weren't getting what he was saying."

Twilight hummed, tapping the feather of the quill to her chin in thought. "Do you...remember what he said? Maybe I can go off that."

The Heard nurse thought for a moment. "I think I can repeat it, though I doubt I can say it as good in whatever language he's speaking." Clearing her throat, repeated the first set of words the colt had said. "Q-Que m'est-il a-arrivé. I think it was something like that, but I may have messed it up a bit."

"Oh! Pouvez-vous comprendre ce que je dis maintenant?" The boy instantly said, surprising everyone within the room with his sudden outburst.

Twilight was the first to recover, her mind reeling. "Oh...Oh wow...I...hang on...I've heard that dialect somewhere before," she said swiftly writing some notes on her scroll. "It's not a dead language, but it isn't spoken much anymore these days."

"Really, Twi?" Rainbow questioned, arching one eyebrow skeptically. "To me, it just sounds like nonsense."

"It only sounds that way, Rainbow Dash, because you've never heard it spoken before." the lavender mare countered. "I was still in the middle of studying it quite a few moons ago and only know a few phrases, but...I think I may be able to talk to least...somewhat. Give me a second." Making her way towards the colt, she smiled softly. "Ahem...Bonjour."

The colt's ears perked in her direction, a smile playing across his face. "Enfin! Quelqu'un qui peut me comprendre! Je m'appelle Yougo! Et moi-"

"Ralentissez, s'il vous plaît. Parle peu. Comprendre peu." Twilight instantly said, cutting the young one off.

"What happened?" Rarity asked, moving a bit closer to the lavender mare. "What did he say. He sounds rather frantic, darling."

"It was difficult to grasp everything he said, but I think he mentioned something about finally being understood. And...I believe he said his name was, Yugo?" She spoke to the colt again, her words coming out deliberately. "Votre nom... Yugo?"

The colt nodded eagerly, a smile on his face. "Oui. Yugo."

"Oh! Ask him if he likes parties!" Pinkie Pie interjected, bouncing over to the bed. "I bet he does! And we could have a party right here in the hospital room!"

"Pinkie!" Nightingale admonished, pulling the mare's ear. "Not while the patient is still recovering."

Twilight cleared her throat, trying to regain control of the conversation. "If everyone would please calm down." She turned back to the colt. "Yugo, Rappelez-vous quelque chose...après le réveil? Parle lentement. Comprendre peu?"

The colt made to speak, and almost instantly, it was like a shock flew though his head. He reached up, grasping at his noggin with hiss hoof, stifling a scream of pain as he did so.

Nightingale was by his side in a flash, the mare pushing the colt gently pushing the colt to his back and laying him on his side, keeping him from choking as doubled over in pain.

"Rainbow! Get the doctor here, now!" The head nurse spat. Turning towards prism maned mare. "Twilight, help me hold him still. We can't have him trashing about or else he will reopens his wounds."

Twilight quickly nodded and moved to the colt's side, using her magic to hold him down while Nightingale examined him. Rarity and Pinkie Pie watched anxiously as Rainbow Dash flew off to fetch the doctor.

The young colt's face contorted in pure agony, his eyes screwed tightly shut. It was clear that he was in extreme distress, and everyone in the room felt it.

After what felt like an eternity, Yugo's body would finally relaxed, the young colt laying still on the bed, breathing heavily. Twilight released her magical hold from him, at the nurse's nod, her heart pounding as she felt a cold sweat brake out of her forehead.

Doctor Stable was there seconds later, the stallion pushing past the crowd of mares to get to the colt. As if it was like clockwork, he went to work, a hoof moving towards his neck, checking his vitals. After a few moments, he would sigh and turn towards the nurse. "Whatever happened to him, He seems stabilized for now. But we'll need to keep a close eye on him for the next few hours."

"What could have caused that, Doctor?" Rarity asked, a look of concern on her face. "He was fine until a second ago...And then...He just..."

"That...I do not know. Not without a though checkup. Even then..." The doctor shook his head.

"Was fault?" Twilight asked, slowly backing away as she shook her head. "Did I...I pushed him too hard or...asked too many questions before he was ready...Oh Celestia...I...I nearly..."

"Twilight! No! It wasn't your fault." Rarity instantly moved to comfort her friend. "We don't know what caused it so don’t you dare go blaming yourself for something you didn't do."

"Yeah Twi! Rarity's right." Rainbow told her, moving to place a hoof around the shaking mare.

Pinkie nodded as she threw her own hooves around the mare, "And don't you dare run away and blame yourself and leave us having to chase you! Cause then who would help the colt when you were doing so well before?"

"I-I...of course...I...Sorry girls...I just" Twilight lowered her head. “Sorry.”

The room fell into a somber silence, everyone exchanging worried glances and wondering what could have caused Yugo's sudden outburst of pain. It was clear that there was much more to the young colt's condition than any of them had initially thought.

Pinkie, mane deflated due to the stress of the situation, asked the question that was on everyone's mind: "Will he be okay?"

"For now," Dr. Stable replied. "I've sedated him. He needs his rest...and I suspect the rest of your girls too." He turned to Twilight. "Miss Sparkle. You were the one questioning him right?"

"Come with me. I need to ask you a few questions." The doctor gestured for her to follow him out of the room, leaving the rest of the mares to worry over Yugo's condition.

It was only a short distance before the doctor stopped her in her tracks, turning to face the mare. "Miss Sparkle, I need you to tell me everything that Yugo said to you before he experienced his pain."

Twilight took a deep breath and began to recount the conversation. She had told him everything, starting form the time she entered with her friend to the...incident. She couldn't stop the pang of guilt hitting her. She knew what her friends had said was still there. No matter how much she tried to deny it.

When she had finished, the doctor would nod slowly before placing a hoof on the young mare's shoulder. "I'm not blaming you Miss Sparkle. Like your friend said. We don't know what happened. It could have just been an old injury acting at that time. But for now no questions until I say least...nothing too strenuous."

Twilight nodded, her mind still reeling from what had just happened. She couldn't help but feel responsible for Yugo's pain, even if the doctor had assured her that it wasn't her fault.

"If you are willing. I'll still need your help. We still need to talk to him and right now, you are the only pony able to do so."

"I...Of course...I just...I'll be more careful..." She looked towards the room where the young colt lay. "I promise..."

Chapter 4

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Yugo's eyes flew open as he awoke in the hospital bed, one arm flailing towards his head where a pounding pain throbbed. Trying to steady himself, he looked around the room and recognized it as the same one he had been in before. Glancing down at his body, he noticed that he was still in whatever form he had taken when he first awoke.

He tried to piece together what had happened before he blacked out. He recalled falling out of bed and the creature healer reprimanding him in a language he couldn't understand. Then, other visitors had come by--among them, a girl creature with purple hair who spoke his native tongue, though it was a bit rough. She asked him what occurred before he woke up in this building...and then-.

Yugo felt a dull stab of pain as he attempted to recall the details of what had happened. He tried to remember what she had asked, but another throb of pain prevented him from fully recollecting. Was it really his memory failing him, or was there some other force stopping him from remembering?

The boy squeezed his eyes shut, desperately attempting to push past the anguish and concentrate on his recollections. He was sure there was something essential he needed to recall, he just had to fight.

Yugo let out a sharp exhalation as a wave of agony jolted through him, more intense than the previous one and it seemed to be originating from his core. He lifted his limb to his head an a attempt to concentrate despite the pulsing, but it was to no avail

Stopping his process, he allowed himself to calm down, the pain slowly going away when he had done so.

Placing his limb to his chest, he allowed himself to close his eyes. " wrong with mind?" He spoke in a quiet voice as he tried to make sense of his thoughts. With no luck there, he decided to take stock of the room, and he realized that the night sky had settled in outside.

The first thing he took in was the moon, the illumination from it bathing the area in a subtle light. The stars shimmered above, and he could hear the faint chirping of crickets in the distance. It was a calming scene, but it didn't help settle his nerves.


Yugo nearly jumped out of his furry hide at the sound of a voice in the darkness. Instinctively, he shot out his limb towards the sound, a light of blue forming at the hard stub at the end of it. A small blue beam whizzed past a dark figure as they dodged, scorching the wall behind them.

The boy blinked before looking down at their stubby limb, frowning softly. "I...My powers...I remember?"

The voice of the one he shot at sounded again, catching the boy off guard. "We...did not mean to startle you." She looked back towards the wall, "And we did not know you possessed such...powers." The voice was calm and caring...yet careful. "You seem to want to surprise us every day, little one."

In the dimly lit room, he could finally make out the figure of the person talking to him. She was clearly a girl: her voice and slender frame gave it away. As his vision grew accustomed to the darkness, he could see that she looked like all of the other creatures he had seen before - yet there was something distinct about her. She was taller than most, and her hair flowed like waves in the sea and shimmered like the stars in the very sky itself. It felt almost as if he could reach out and touch them.

He had opened his mouth to speak, only to pause midway, what she had done before finally catching up to the colt. " me?"

"It would appear so," the purple creature answered, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Lady Twilight had written to Mine sister and myself the day after her visit with you. She mentioned you spoke in an ancient tongue. It is a good thing that I do as well." her expression softened. "She...knows that others do not think so...but she blames herself for the pain you were in before you were sedated."

The boy blinked before quickly shaking his head. "What?! No! I...It wasn't her...Least...Not as far as I know." He lowered his head. "I could tell she was trying to help me."

"Indeed she was." The mare that looked like night smiled. "It does Our heart good to see you do not blame her."

Yugo took a deep breath before looking back up at the mare. "Still...I can't say I'm not confused about everything. Where am I...and...where is Az?"

"Az?" The dark creature tilted her head.

"My tofu." the boy answered. At the curious blink he added, "A little round ball of yellow fluff. He tends to peep a lot."

The tall creature perked in recognition. "Oh! You mean the bird dame Fluttershy is taking care of for you."

"Bird? Well if it's a small ball of yellow feathers then that's the one!" The boy moved a bit closer to the tall creature. "Is he...okay?"

The mare smile grew just a little wider. "He is fine. From what We are told he was a little shaken up protected him from the worst when you appeared in Lady Rarity's home though that portal."

Yugo felt a wave of relief wash over him at the news of Az's safety. "That's good." He smiled brightly. "And the fact that it doesn't hurt when I remember his name and that he's my makes me happy."

"So...We take it the pains you have are when you try and remember your past?" the creature asked, frowning softly.

He nodded slowly, his eyes downcast. "I...Think's like there's this fog in my head and every time I try to remember, it's like a knife stabbing into my brain." He shook his head. "I don't even know who I am or where I'm from. All I know are my name...and my friend..."

The star creature gently placed a limb on his shoulder. "Perhaps it is best to take things one step at a time then. Wherever you were before, you are now safe here and Lady Twilight and her friends will do what they can to help you remember. But for now, focus on healing and getting better. Your body was already doing so on its one since you have been asleep for two days since you were last awake."

Yugo's eyes widened in shock as he reeled back. Two days?! He had been asleep for two whole days? "Geeze...I...What happened to me?"

" something we would very much like to know as well, little one." She gently touched a spot next to him on the bed. "May we sit here with you?"

He nodded slowly, still trying to process everything that was happening. As the purple creature sat down beside him, he couldn't help but notice that she had a regal air about herself, as if she were some kind of queen. The ornaments upon her neck and head were clear signs that she was important.

Either that or she just likes shiny things.

As she sat, he noticed that she was looking just above him, just like everyone else who he had met. He knew instantly what it was that had her attention and gave the gentle luminescent limbs upon his head a gentle flap, the dragon like wings on his head moving at his command. "I...still remember these things too."

The star creature's eyes widened in amazement as she reached out to the young one's wings. "Remarkable," she whispered, "I know I have seen them upon your head before...but to see them move like this..." She paused her hoof. "May We...touch them?"

Yugo nodded after a bit of hesitation, allowing the star haired creature to touch his wings. As she did, the dragon-like appendages began to glow brighter and pulsate with energy. The creature's eyes widened in amazement as she felt the power emanating from the young one's wings. "This is extraordinary," she whispered. "We had thought they were siphoning magic to stay like this but...its as if they were apart of you."

"Is that...strange?"

She blinked before smiling. "Not at all. It just...helps me breathe a little easier. Though having a pony with wings upon their head is a strange sight nonetheless."

It was the colt's turn to blink. "So...I'm a pony?" He asked.

The creature''s continence changed at the question before a reassuring smile formed on her face. "Indeed you are, little one. A colt. Meaning young male."

Yugo took a moment to process the information. So what he was is a pony. Has he always been a pony?

"So...I'm a pony colt," he repeated to himself, testing out the unfamiliar word. "Does that mean there are more like me?"

"Many more, little one." the star pony said with a soft smile. " may be the only pony with wings upon your head."

"I see..." he reached up and touched his wings, the sensation making them flicker. He felt like something was missing. He was almost embarrassed to have the glowing limbs displayed as they were to the whole of the world. Slowly he pulled the covers over his head.

The mare, seeing this, slowly reached out to him but stopped midway. With a gentle sigh she smiled. "You must be tired. It is quite late and despite how much you may have recovered, you are still not quite as well as you should be."

"I...okay..." He spoke softly. " for...trying to blast you. it sorta just happened and..."

The mare smiled. "Water under the bridge as one would say. I am curious about your powers but it is something we shall discuss later, when you are better. I'll be sure to tell Mine sister what we have discussed here today however. A colt with such powers is quite the strange thing indeed after all."

"" Yugo didn't know who this mare's sister was, but she must be important. He at least hoped he wouldn't get in trouble. "Oh...and...can you tell that...other mare. Twilight...I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to make her worry."

She nodded kindly. "Of course, little one. I'll inform Twilight myself on the morrow."

"And tell Az to come visit me when he can." The colt quickly added. "And not to worry about me if he can't."

"Of course, Yugo," the twilight maned mare responded. "Rest well, and we will talk more when you are feeling better." She stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. Before she left, she turned back around to face Yugo. "Oh, and one more thing..."

Yugo looked up at her curiously, wondering what else she could possibly have to say.

"Welcome to Equestria," She said with a kind smile before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her.


The gentle twitter of birds caused Twilight Sparkles eyes to twitch and flitter awake. She groaned and cursed the sun for waking her up, only to jump with surprise when she noticed her drool all over the book she had been sleeping on. She reached up with a hoof to brush it away but paused when she realized that she had fallen asleep while studying.

Wiping away the saliva, the lavender mare looked around to get her bearings before shaking off the drowsiness. Twilight looked around herself, finding that she had slept the night within her library. She could still see piles of books around her, ones she had already read the night prior.

She rubbed her eyes before wiping the drool that had collected in the corner of her mouth. Looking to her side, to her surprise, she found her baby dragon assistant, Spike, sleeping soundly next to her chair, curled up into a little ball with his blanket covering his body.

"Oh Spike...Did you come back down here after I told you to go upstairs to sleep?"

Twilight smiled at the sight of her faithful companion, reaching down to gently stroke his scales with her hoof. The little drake stirred slightly but didn't wake up at the touch.

Stifling a yawn, the mare slipped form her chair and stretched her limbs, feeling stiff from sleeping in such a weird position most of the night. Before she could ponder what to do for the day, she felt her tummy rumble and knew that she was more then a little hungry after a full day of studying. Marking it as the first thing she would do today, she made her way towards the kitchen. With Spike out of commission she had no choice but to make breakfast for herself. She needed the energy if she was-

"Good morning, Twilight Sparkle."


Twilight had only just entered the kitchen when Princess Luna herself had made herself known, the moon princess's magic quickly clamping down on the lavender mare's mouth with a magical hold from her horn.

"Please calm thyself, Lady Twilight." Luna said calmly, her magic releasing Twilight's mouth. "I did not mean to startle thee."

Twilight took a deep breath and composed herself before responding. "It's alright, Princess Luna. I just...wasn't expecting a visit from you."

"We apologize for Our abrupt entrance," Luna said, giving the mare a slight bow. "I merely wished to check in on you."

Twilight couldn't help but smile in response. "I appreciate the thought, Princess. Though I'm pretty sure you could have sent me a letter though Spike if you wanted to know how I was doing." She moved about, pulling out a bowl for herself. She didn't want to show disrespect to the princess...but she was really hungry.

The moon princess nodded. "Indeed, we could have. However, I wished to personally tell you that I had spoken to the young colt named Yugo last night when he had awoken."

Twilight flinched, nearly dropping the bowl she had been carrying within her magic. It was caught by Luna seconds before it hit the floor. Twilight turned to face the mare.

"Y-you spoke to him?" She asked slowly, her voice quivering. " did he say? How is he doing?"

Luna sighed softly before giving the mare a soft smile, knowing that Twilight was still hung up upon what she thought she had done to the colt. "He seemed to be doing quite alright all things considered."

"I see...that's good...Good..."

"He was...nervous at first," The mare of the moon continued. "When we spoke I mean, but...He honestly warmed up to me faster then we had expected him to." She placed a hoof over her heart. "He isn't the most talkative right now, as I would have expected, but even I can see he has a kind soul to him."

Twilight couldn't help but smile at that, though it held a hint of sadness to it form. "I see...that's good. At least I know he's okay...And if you can talk to him, he...doesn't need me anymore. Might make him feel better if-"

"Twilight Sparkle," Luna interrupted, cutting Twilight off mid sentence. The princess then stepped forward and looked the lavender mare in the eyes. "Yugo told me himself that he does not blame you for what happened."

Twilight blinked, not at all expecting to hear those words. She looked away and her ears drooped before responding in a low voice. "He...doesn't?" She wanted to believe it...As far as she knew, Princess Luna doesn't lie...but...still...

"No," Luna reassured her, placing a hoof on the lavender mare's shoulder. "There is something else wrong with the colt. What it is I do not know. Neither he or you knew that trying to remember his past would trigger the pain."

"W-Wait...What do you mean Princess?" Twilight asked, her ears perking at the new information.

Luna turned away from the mare as she spoke. "Whenever he tried to remember his past, a sharp pain would hit his body, stopping him from doing so." She answered in a somber tone. " monster must have placed a forbidden spell on him."

Twilight gasped in shock and her eyes widened. "'s true?" She asked, her mind spinning with the new information. "He was...experimented on?"

"Of that I am still unsure. What I am sure of, Lady Twilight, is that something hurt him." The princess paused before looking towards the mare. "It goes without saying, but we should all be careful what to ask him from now on. Anything dealing with his past must wait until we can find a cure for his affliction."

The lavender mare nodded. "Of course, Princess. I will be careful from now on." She looked up towards the princess. "I...Thank you for telling me what he said Princess. I know he doesn't blame me...and that makes me feel a little better...but knowingly or not, I hurt have to make it up to him."

"I understand Twilight Sparkle." Luna mused with a soft smile. She turned, whispering under her breath. "In that and Mine sister are so much alike." She looked back at the mare with a gentle nod. "Until we meet again." With a gentle pop, the princess of the moon would vanish.

Now left alone, the lavender mare's mind was a whirl with the new information the princess had given her. She knew what she had to do; find a way to help Yugo. But how? Where does one even start to look for something like this? Did she have the knowledge or resources to even attempt such a feat? She needed information first and foremost...but before that...she needed to eat.

"Humm...what was that?"

Twilight turned around, seeing her purple and green assistant slowly stumbling his way into the kitchen.

"Spike. Good morning to you too."

The dragon rubbed his eyes, yawning before he answered. "Oh, hey Twilight." He looked around, a frown on his face. "What was going on? Pretty sure I heard another voice in here."

Twilight giggle softly. "It...was just a visitor." She clapped her hooves together. "Anyway Spike, How about breakfast? On me this time."

The dragon raised an eyebrow. "You? Cook? Really?"

Twilight huffed. "Yes, really! I'm not that bad of a cook when I try." She began to walk towards the cupboard and opened it up, grabbing all the ingredients she would need for breakfast. "Tell you what Spike. I'll make breakfast and you can tell me how it tastes."

"Oh...So this is how it ends? Always figured I would die in a Rarity related accident."

Twilight's eyes squinted at the baby dragon. "That's not gonna happen, don't worry. I won't let it happen."

"Oh...that's even worse." The drake sighed, his forehead thumping against the table. “Well, good luck future Spike. You’re gonna need it.” Despite the gravity of the situation, the little dragon could not help but smile—Twilight seemed to be in much brighter spirits than she had been days before. If suffering her cooking was going to keep it then he would do his duty as her number one assistant.

Chapter 5

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Yugo laughs as the little ball of puff and feathers peeped and squeaked in his embrace, both colt and boy relishing in each other's affection.

It had been more than a few days between Luna's visit and now. Yugo, having undergone quite a bit of treatment within the hospital. Adding to that, both Twilight’s speaking and, much to the other’s surprise, walking lessons, the colt was slowly beginning to act more and more like an equestrian. It did help that he was a quick learner. Though full sentences still elude him, the ponies knew that it would even out in time.

Now after all that time, here he was now, sitting up on the bed as he played with his little companion that had been found with him, his laughter and his pets' twittering filling the room.

Az, what little bird the colt said was a tofu, snuggled deep into Yugo's embrace, content to stay there forever if it could. The colt in return smiled widely as the feather ball nuzzled under his chin.

On the sidelines within the room, Twilight and Rarity watched the interaction between the two friends, their hearts swelling at seeing such an adorable moment between the colt and his pet. Joined with them was another mare, this one a light yellow with a long pink mane flowing on one side of her face. She too watched the reunion, tears swelling within her eyes.

Finally, after a while, Yugo and Az pulled away from each other, the little creature trilling as he hopped on top of the colt's head, feeling content as he preened his feathers.

Seeing that the duo was now done with their little interactions, Twilight walked over towards the colt, gaining his attention. "It's good to see that you are feeling much better, Yugo." She spoke, standing at the edge of his hospital bed. "And I see your friend is happy about it too."

The colt beamed. "Az is. He...Ah...I am thankful. You have done so much." He spoke before looking over at the yellow mare. "And thank you, Shy. For keeping Az." He frowned a bit. "Not...too much trouble?"

Fluttershy blushed and smiled, wiping the tears that had formed at the corners of her eyes away. "He…um…he was no trouble at all, Yugo. Your little Az was such a wonderful bird. I could tell that you have done nothing but treat him right. He's lucky to have a caring owner like you."

Az chirped, puffing out his feathers at Fluttershy's words. The young colt couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face. "Az agrees." He turned towards Twilight and Rarity. " is true? Leaving hospital?"

Twilight nodded. "Indeed. The doctors have given you the all-clear, but we'll still need to monitor you closely for a little while longer, just to make sure you continue to recover fully."

Yugo's face lit up with excitement, the thought of leaving the hospital lifting his spirits in more ways then one. He had been cooped up in that room for far too long in his opinion, and he was ready to actually see the world outside, instead of just looking at it through a window.

He glanced back at the others, the girls talking between themselves as he did so.He was about to speak but would notice something peeking at him from the other side of the door behind them. It was another pony with a long horn, just like that dark purple pony who had visited him some times with Twilight. When the white pony had noticed that he had caught her looking she seemed to panic before ducking out of sight, causing the colt to raise an eyebrow.


"Oh dear...I...It's too much." Celestia squeaked as she dipped out of sight, hiding form the colt’s gaze. "I don't visit the little colt all this time and now, after he has recovered...I dain to show myself."

Luna sighed before rolling her eyes. "Sister. You are acting a foal. Tis a good thing your subjects are not here to see you like this." She pressed a hoof against her sister's side. "You have seen and won wars and battles beyond other pony's comprehension and it always seems to be the foals that you lose to in the end."

Celestia sighed. "You don’t have to tell me that, Luna. It's just...this colt has been through so much and I couldn't even bring myself to see him until now. To offer him a kind word. To be there for him. What kind of ruler does that make me?"

"One that makes mistakes, just like every other pony." her sister told her as she smiled softly. "And one you can make up for now."

Celestia sighed before nodding, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "You…are right, sister. I have put this off long enough." Straightening out her posture, she took a step towards the door, gently opening it with her magic.

As she entered the room, all eyes would turn to her. It was something she would always expect when she made herself known so she knew how to handle such attention. Already, Twilight and Rarity were bowing. Fluttershy squeaking as she followed suit behind them. The only one who wasn't was the colt, looking up at her with wide eyes.

It took all she had to stop herself from wrapping the colt in her hooves to comfort the little on. While there were still some bruises on his body, she could see that he had recovered more than well enough.

"Hello, little one," Celestia spoke softly and with a steady breath, approaching the colt with care. "My name is Princess Celestia. It…is a pleasure to finally meet our mysterious guest."

"Princess...Celestia?" He repeated. "Oh...Um...Luna's sister?" He was told by the star mare that she had a sister named Celestia. Thought something else would catch his attention. He turned his head towards the smaller, darker mare, raising an eyebrow at her. " are...Princess too?"

Celestia blinked before turning towards her sister with a raised eyebrow as well, an action that only caused Luna to blush and look away.

"We...forgot to tell him." She said, almost like it was a matter of fact. “It is not our fault. We were just busy helping the colt get settled.”

Twilight raised a hoof, almost as if she was filly in school. “Um…Princess...Did you ask us not to-”

Luna glared back at the lavender mare, causing her said mare to seal her lips tight.

Celeatia couldn’t help but stifle a soft chuckle at her sister's embarrassment before turning back to the colt. "Yes indeed. Luna is also a princess, just like me. We co-rule Equestria together."

"Wow...You are...big." Was all he could say as he looked between the two of them. “And…um…Serious?”

“I think you mean important dear.” Rarity spoke, moving to the other side of the bed.

Celestia laughed as she nodded at the colt’ innocent observation. "Why yes...We are." She smiled softly as she lowered herself to his level. "I do hope it does not intimidate you too much, my little pony."

The colt shook his head, his eyes brightening up as he looked up at Celestia. "It does not. It are inter…resting."

The taller princess smiled. "And you, my dear, are equally interesting to us." She gently placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I am glad to see that you have recovered well. How are you feeling?"

“Umm…” The boy scrunched his nose in thought before responding with a nod. “Better. Lots better.”

"Thats good to hear. So, little colt. Your name is Yugo was it?" Celestia asked gently. At his nod she continued. "Like I said then. It is a pleasure to meet you. It is also a pleasure to talk with you like this. I see Twilight has been teaching you our tongue." She looked back at the lavender mare who blushed, rubbing the back of her head. "It's a good thing too. My ancient tongue isn't the best as of right now. It has been some time since I last spoke it after all."

"Yeah. Twilight teach me lots of words." he spoke. "And I am fast learner. That is what she says."

"That's good to hear." Celestia mused softly. "Then allow me to welcome you to Equestria. I do know my sister has done so before...but...As co-ruler I must do so as well." She smiled. "It is only fair."

"Then...thank you. For the welcome." He smiled before looking between the rest of the girls. "And...thank you for helping."

The tall mare nodded, her eyes softening. "Of course, Yugo. We will always be here to help those in need." She paused for a moment, then continued. "I must admit, I am curious as to how you ended up in Equestria the way you did." Before he could speak, she placed a hoof on his lips. "Don't think about it though. I know what afflicts you when you try and think of your past and we will do everything in our power to help you."

When the hoof was pulled away from his lips he would nod. "I...Understand. Thank you."

The white princess smiled. "Now then. Onto other discussions." She turned to the other mare, standing up at her full height once again. "I shall prepare a ride for him to take him to Canterlot. There he will-"

"Umm...Sorry for...I mean...Please excuse the interruption princess." Rarity spoke, pulling ahead of the rest of her friends. "But...if it's about a place that he will be staying in. I had offered up my services."

Celestia looked at Rarity with a raised eyebrow. "Your services, Rarity? What do you mean exactly?"

Rarity cleared her throat before speaking. "Well, you see, I do have a spare room in my boutique that Yugo could use for as long as he needs. It's not much, but it's cozy and comfortable. Plus, I can make sure he has everything he needs and help him get settled in."

Celestia nodded thoughtfully. "I see. That is a very kind offer, Rarity. Though…Are you sure you are up to the task?"

"Absolutely, Princess. I…." Rarity lowered her head. "I had been...feeling rather guilty over how little of a part I played in all of this. I know I was the one who had found him and got him the help he needed...but...That was it. I wanted to do more. I feel like I should."

The princess smiled warmly at the generous mare. "Very well then, Rarity. If that is what Yugo wishes, I see no problem with it," she said, turning her attention back to the young stallion. "What do you say, Yugo? Would you like to stay with Rarity?"

Yugo paused for a brief moment as his thoughts raced. He was aware that the princess was going to say that he could stay with her, but he knew that if he did, he would be within some kind of giant castle. Although being in such a place would have been pleasant for him, Yugo could tell from the small window that he wanted nothing more than to explore and he didn't think the castle would give him that opportunity.

Furthermore, even though his memories were out of reach, deep down he knew that he enjoyed a quieter country lifestyle.

Turning back to face the white furred princess, he nodded. "I...Want to stay with Rarity...if that is alright?"

Princess Celestia smiled understandingly. "Of course, Yugo. I completely understand. And I'm sure Rarity will take good care of you."

Rarity beamed at Yugo. "Oh, I will! You'll have everything you need, dear. And if there's anything you need help with, just let me know!" She turned to the rest of her friends. "Everything should be ready in an hour or two. So that means you have some time to yourself as it were. But what to do? I don't want you having to wait in this hospital the whole time."

"Actually, I have an idea!" Pinkie Pie popped out from under the bed and smiled. "Why don't I give Yugo a tour of Ponyville? If he is going to be living here with Rarity then he should get to know all the wonderful places and ponies that live here!"

Everyone, besides Princess Celesita, jumped at the sudden appearance of the pink pony, Twilight being the first to recover.

"Pinkie! You-!"

"That's a wonderful idea, Pinkie. I'm sure Yugo would love to see what Ponyville has to offer." Princess Celestia interrupted. She smiled at the young colt. “Isn’t that right, Yugo?”

Yugo nodded, after recovering from his initial shock. "Ah…Yeah! Sounds fun." He told her, smiling brightly.

Pinkie bounced excitedly. "Yay! I promise it'll be super-duper fun! We'll go see Sugarcube Corner, Sweet Apple Acres, and White Tail Woods, and so much more!" She grinned at Yugo. "Are you ready for the best day ever?"

"Pinkie. Remember that he is still a recovering colt." Fluttershy admonished, pulling the colt closer to her as she flew to the bed. "You have to make sure to rest if he is tired."

Pinkie Pie's grin faltered slightly, but she quickly recovered. "Oh, right! Of course I'll make sure he doesn't overexert himself. Safety first, always!" She then pulled Yugo from Fluttershy's grasp and whispered conspiratorially. "But don't worry, we'll still have lots of fun."

"Before you go gallivanting every which way. I have something to present to you." Rarity levitated a rather large bag over towards the colt. "Think of it as a welcoming gift from me to you. I’ve seen how you try to hide your wings every so often. Not that I think you should mind you. They are beautiful and they belong to you, but I did have this made just in case."

Yugo blinked before grasping the bag out of the magic, dipping his hoof inside, he found- "My hat!" Pulling the rather large cloth out completely, he took a better look at it. It was large and blue, just like how he remembered it to be. The Two large cones on either side of his head could be seen on top, perfectly sized to fit both his wings and his ears.

Without hesitation he put it on. It fit perfectly, as if it was made for him and only him. The young colt couldn't stop the smile that played across his face. "Thank you. It's amazing!"

"Of course, dear." Rarity beamed a smile. "Though It does pain me to not save the rest of your outfit, torn as it was, though if you give me time and a little bit of your help, I can make you a whole new set of clothes just for you. How does that sound?"

Yugo's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

"Of course, darling. It would be my pleasure. Just let me know what kind of style you prefer and we can start working on it right away," Rarity replied with a smile.

The young colt couldn't stop the smile playing across his face. "Thank you, Rarity. I...Um...I will Repay. No matter what."

Rarity waved her hoof dismissively. "Nonsense, dear. You don't have to repay me in any way. Just knowing that you are happy and comfortable is enough for me."

Before the colt could refute, the pink mare bounced him off the bed and onto her back, much to his surprise, before rearing up and galloping out the room. "Enough Talk! To adventure!"

"Pinkie! No! Slow down!" Fluttershy called out after her, her wings fluttering as she chased after the pair.

Luna rolled her eyes before looking towards the rest of the ponies. "I shall follow them from afar. Make sure they don't get into too much trouble."

As Luna walked out of the room, Celestia turned back to the remaining ponies, her expression thoughtful. "I must say, I am quite impressed with Yugo. Despite his forced amnesia, he seems to have a positive outlook on life."

"He does seem that way." Rarity agreed. "I just hope that in time, he can have a normal foal hood while he is here."

"On that note...are you sure you want to care for him Rarity?" Celestia asked. "I know that you care for your sister from time to time, but she and yourself have your parents to fall back on. Yugo will be a full time job. Add to that, his strange powers. Luna told me what happened after their first real meeting and I can say form experience that caring for a foal not in full control of their magic isn't easy."

Rarity nodded, determination in her eyes. "I know that it will be a challenge, Princess. But I'm willing to take it on. Yugo needs someone to care for him and I want to be that someone. He deserves to have a happy and normal foalhood, and I'll do everything in my power to make that happen." She smirked. "Besides, I took care of Sweetie when she was younger, I know what it's like to have a magic heavy foal running around."

"Then I shall not bother you further about it." The princess said with a nod. "I have no doubt that you will do a fantastic job. Just remember, if you need my assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Yugo is under the protection of Equestira now after all."

Rarity smiled at the princess. "Thank you, your highness. I will definitely keep that in mind."

"Alright then." She turned towards Twilight. "I'll leave everything else to you Twilight. And Rarity. make sure to sign him out of the hospital proper. I am sure our friend Pinkie Pie more than likely forgot to do so on her way out."

The princess's horn began to glow as she teleported out of the room, leaving Twilight and Rarity alone.

The fashionist smiled softly before turning towards Twilight. "It is best I do as she says then. And after that get everything set for Yugo’s new home." She waved a hoof in her face, fanning herself. "Oh my...I...I know I talked a rather big game as it were...but...I do hope I do okay with him."

Twilight approached the slightly panicking fashionista and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "You will do more than okay, Rarity. I have faith in you. Yugo is lucky to have you as his caretaker."

Rarity smiled gratefully at Twilight's words. "Thank you, darling. That means a lot coming from you."

Twilight chuckled. "I'm just stating the truth." She hugged her friend before making her own way out. "Alight then, I'll see you later Rarity." She paused. "More than likely back at your place."

"Oh? Why is that?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Knowing Pinkie, I'm pretty sure she has party plans in mind for Yugo."

Rarity groaned at the thought of her place being used for one of Pinkie's parties, but couldn't help but smirk at the idea of Yugo having fun. "Well if it's for Yugo's sake then I guess I can put up with Miss Pie's antics." She giggled softly before leaving the room as well, closing the door behind her as she did so.


"It was there. Just like you said."

A dark cloaked figure chuckled softly as he made his way into the building, the crunch of his boots upon the broken glass and wood sounding throughout the room.

Pressed tight against a wall was a black furred griffon, sweat poring for his face as he watched the figure slowly making his way to him.

"I did what you asked," the griffon pleaded, his voice cracking with fear. "I gave you the information you wanted. S-So why are you doing this? You killed all of my grunts!"

The cloaked figure stopped in his tracks before shaking his head. "Would you let me finish. It was there...Just like you said. But what you failed to tell me was that it was just one of eight."

"You...You didn't say anything about needing them all. You asked where it was and I delivered the information!"

The figure growled. "That is where you were wrong. I asked if the set was there, and you said yes. Do you know what that means?" His paw came from his cloak, the sharp claws still drenched in blood. "It means you failed me, and by failing me, you failed master."

"I-I can help you find the rest! Please, just let me go!" The griffon pleaded, his talons scraping against the wall as he tried to back away from the figure.

"I don't think so," the figure replied, a wicked smile spreading across his face. "Our partnership is here by terminated."

Before the griffon could react, the figure lunged forward, his paw gripping tightly around the griffon's throat. The griffon struggled against the figure's grip, his talons digging deep. It only lasted a few seconds before it was over, the figure dropping the body to the floor.

"Sigh...Guess that's all I can do for today. Master figured this would happen but she will still be disappointed either way."

The figure turned to leave the building, his cloak billowing behind him as he made his way to the exit. He paused briefly as he heard a faint noise from the corner of the room. With a flick of his wrist, a ball of dark energy appeared in his hand, illuminating the area.

There, cowering in the shadows, was a small figure. From the looks of it, it was a young unicorn filly. She trembled uncontrollably, eyes wide with fear as she stared at the figure.

The figure watched her for a moment before uncovering his hood, showing the face of a dog-like figure. He lowered his hand and extinguished the dark energy that he had built up. "Don't be afraid," he said softly, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I won't hurt you."

The filly hesitated before slowly making her way towards him, her horn glowing faintly. The figure watched her cautiously, but didn't make any move to stop her.

"I...I saw what you did to him," the filly said shakily. "I...he..."

The figure looked at the collar around the filly's neck before shaking his head. Bending down, he reached out towards her, grasping the collar before she could flinch and breaking it in one fell swoop. Throwing the pieces to the side he smiled.

"Your life is your own now. Do with it what you will." He turned before looking back at her. "Last time I was here...there was a safe on the top floor. Doubt there is anyone to stop you from breaking into it now."

The filly looked up at the figure in disbelief, unsure of what to make of the situation. She had been a slave her whole life, and the idea of being free was foreign to her.

"Go on," the figure urged. "Take what you need and get out of here. This place is no longer safe for you."

The filly hesitated before nodding, still unsure of what to do. She made her way towards the staircase, her horn glowing brighter as she climbed up to the top floor.

The figure watched her go before turning to leave the building, his mind already focused on his next move. "Time to visit master. Hope she was able to get what she needed at the very least."

Chapter 6

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"And that, Yugo, is how Equestira was born!"

Pinkie Pie bounced down the road as she carried a very, very confused colt. He looked at the pink mare, his mind trying to grasp the enormity of what he had just heard. "But... how? Nothing made sense. Why raining sprinkles?"

"Well that, my dear Yugo, is...OH THERE'S RARITY’S HOUSE!" She stopped suddenly, coming to a skidding halt in front of Rarity's Boutique, the colt stumbling on top of the pink mare as she did so.Adjusting himself, his eyes widened as he took in the elegant storefront before him.

The glass windows sparkled in the sunlight, and the delicate lace curtains fluttered gently in the breeze. He couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated - he had never been inside such a fancy place before. At least, not that he could remember.

"Rarity...stays here?" The colt asked.

Fluttershy hummed in agreement as she pulled up beside the two of them, having kept an eye on Pinkie Pie to make sure she didn't get too carried away with Yugo. Az, the little tofu of Yugo's, had taken up residence atop Fluttershy's head in order to protect themselves from Pinkie's erratic gait. "Rarity's home is just lovely. I'm sure you will feel right at home here with her."

Slipping from off of Pinkie's back, the colt would look upon the building in all its grandeur. Just as he does, the door would open, revealing the home owner herself.

Rarity smiled as she stood at the door, her eyes brightening as she caught sight of the young colt. "There you are, Darling. I've been expecting you." She leaned down, meeting him at eye level. "I do hope that Pinkie wasn't too rough with you. She can be a little rambunctious at times."

The colt shook his head. "No...She was nice. She talks a lot." He gave Pinkie a smile smile, hoping that he wasn't being rude.

"Awww! And you listen a lot, little buckaroo!" She pulled the colt into a hug, her cheeks squishing up against his own.

Yugo felt his face flush as Pinkie Pie's cheek pressed against his own. He was still trying to figure out the strange customs of this new place, and he wasn't quite sure if hugging was something that ponies did often. But before he could say anything, Pinkie Pie had already released him.

"Anyway! Is it all set up!?" The pink mare turned her attention towards Rarity. "I gave you as much time as I could so it's all set up right?"

Rarity nodded, her horn glowing as the door swung open wide. "Of course, Pinkie. I wouldn't dream of disappointing you." She stepped aside, gesturing for Yugo to follow her inside. "Come along, dear. Your room is all ready for you but...before that..."

As soon as Yugo stepped inside, the sound of something popping would go off before Twilight, and a few other ponies yelled out surprise. One he had seen before. The blue pegasus that was with Twilight at the hospital. Another, an orange pony with blond hair. A hat sitting just on top of her head. The last three were three small ponies like himself, one orange, one white and one yellow.

As he took notice of more that was around him, the young colt couldn't believe his eyes - the room was filled with colorful balloons and streamers, and there was a big banner hanging on the wall that read "Welcome Yugo!" in bold letters. It was a party. And it was for him?

"Surprise, Yugo!" Twilight Sparkle grinned at him, her purple mane bouncing as she stepped forward to give him a hug. "We wanted to welcome you to Equestria properly."

“And in order to do that, we all thought a little shindig would be the right occasion.” Rainbow continued as she flew above the colt. “I set up the streamers.”

Yugo blinked, still in a bit of shock. "Th-Thank you..." he managed to stammer out, feeling a bit awkward with all the ponies staring at him. Before he could say anything else however, the three little ponies bounded towards him, each one smiling at the colt.

" you're the one Sweetie Belle was telling us about." The orange filly said, walking around the Yugo. "Hey! Is it true that you like...teleported here in a storm cloud?"

The colt raised an eyebrow. "I...guess? Don't remember it."

"That's right Scootaloo." The white filly called out, huffing. "I told you he was knocked out so he properly doesn't even remember trashing Rarity's house either."

The colt balked. "I-I did what?!"

"Sweetie Belle! Manners." The yellow filly chided her. "Not his fault it happened to destroy all of Rarity's dresses that she had to start over from scratch."

Yugo's eyes widened in horror as he quickly turned towards the white mare. "I-I'm s-so sorry. I didn't mean to -"

"Darling...Darling, it's quite alright. Its okay." Rarity interrupted him, placing a hoof on his head. "While some ponies should keep their mouth shut on sensitive matters." Rarity glared at her little sister before turning back to Yugo. "I was more worried about you. I can make another dress and build another house but a life is much more important than any of that."

The colt frowned but he nodded, understanding what she said. "Still...I...Will make up to you."

Rarity smiled at him, her eyes softening. "I appreciate the sentiment, but there's no need to make up for something that wasn't your fault." She turned to the other ponies in the room. "Now, why don't we all sit down and enjoy some cake and tea? I have a feeling that Yugo could use a little break after such an exciting day."

The other ponies cheered in agreement, and Yugo found himself being led over to a table in the corner of the room. He sat down gingerly, still feeling a little bit overwhelmed by everything that was happening. The other ponies chattered around him as they passed plates of cake and cups of tea, and Yugo tried his best to keep up with the conversation.

The orange tall mare with the freckles came over to him, a smile on her lips. "Don't think I've properly introduced myself partner." She smiled as she held out a hoof. "Applejack. Owner of Sweet Apple Acers."

The colt looked between the hoof and the mare before holding out his own. "Yugo...I saw farm on Pinkie's tour. It's big."

Applejack chuckled. "Yep, it sure is. Biggest Apple Farm in all of Equestria. We got a lot of hard work to do on it, but it's worth it in the end." She sat down before taking a bite of cake before continuing. "So...Kinda came over here ta say...Sorry about my sis and the others. I'll be sure to give them a talking to later about personal boundaries."

Yugo shook his head, feeling a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "It's alright. They seem nice enough." He took a bite of cake, savoring the sweetness. "These are good..."

"Haha. Glad ya like them. Made em myself, sugarcube." Applejack give him a wink.

Yugo smiled and nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Applejack." Taking another bite he closed his eyes. "And...really...Its really good. You...used to replace the sugar?"

Applejack grinned, impressed. "You've got a good nose, kiddo. Yep, I used apple nectar instead of sugar. It's a family recipe that's been passed down for generations." She leaned in closer, lowering her voice. "I reckon it's our secret ingredient. Don't go tellin everyone, ya hear." She gently nudged the colt.

"I won't." he frowned as he looked at it. "Though...hmm...Maybe add little more milk? It's tasty. I love it. But...maybe more fluffy..? Melts in mouth"

Applejack raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "You think so, huh? Well, I'll have to try that out next time I make it." She smiled at the colt. "You sure know your way around sweets, kid. Might be a bit of a baker lost in that mind of yours."

Yugo nodded, frowning a bit. "Maybe...I mean...Saying on my mind and that is...result?" He thinks for a moment. "Um...But...maybe...Try baking. I...feel like its fun."

Applejack's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "You know what, Yugo? I think that's a great idea! We could use some extra help around the farm, and baking is always a good skill to have." She leaned in closer, her voice lowering. "Plus, we could enter the annual Equestria-wide bake-off competition. I heard the prize this year is gonna be something good."

"I'll...think about it." Yugo responded with a smile. Before the conversation could continue, the sight of three little fillies making their way towards the two could be seen.

The yellow one, Applebloom if he remembered, was the first to speak. "Hey...Ah...So...hi." She squeaked softly, looking away.

The colt smiled. "Hey. something wrong?"

The little filly nodded, still looking a bit shy. "Yeah, we just wanted to apologize for earlier. We didn't mean to be so forward and make you uncomfortable."

"Yeah!" The orange one, Scootaloo pipped up. "It was totally our bad back there."

"We're really sorry Yugo." Sweetie Belle added. "You...think you can forgive us?"

Yugo blinked before smiling. "Well...only if we share cake. Want to?" He asked, looking between the three fillies.

The three fillies' eyes lit up at the offer and they nodded eagerly, past grievances forgotten. Applejack chuckled at the exchange before getting up from her seat. "Well then, I reckon It's time I make myself scarce. Leave the young'uns to be young after all." She smiled as she gently tapped the colt's should. "Keep an eye on these three, specially my sister, Applebloom. They can be trouble makers after all but they are good kids."

At the colt's nod she would smile, wink and then leave the kids to their talk. The farm mare trotted back to the main table, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash looking up at her as she approached.

"I see you were talking to the kid." Rainbow mused, after taking a sip of from her drink. "He...ah...holding up well?"

Applejack nodded. "Yep, he's a tough little guy. And it looks like he's got a talent for baking too."

"Oh!" Pinkie squeaked as she slipped beside the orange mare. "That's so cool! I love baking too! Oh! I should take him to sugar cube corner! I mean I did take him there but we didn't go inside, but I should totally take him inside and then he can back with me! I can teach him all the ropes and then we can be baking buddies!"

"I did offer to come with me to bake on the farm one day." Applejack mused. "So kinda beat ya too it Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie pouted for a moment before perking up with an idea. "Ooh, maybe we can share him then! Can't have enough baking buddies after all."

The other ponies laughed at Pinkie's suggestion, but Twilight spoke up, a serious expression on her face. "As much as I want Yugo to make as many friends as possible, we have to remember that he's still a child who's been through a lot. We don't want to overwhelm him or make him feel like he has to constantly entertain us." She looked towards Rarity. "On that note...I know it might not be for a few days, but how do you feel about enrolling him in school?"

Rarity's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden question. "Enrolling him in school? Well, I suppose it would be for the best. He needs some structure and routine in his life, and education is important for any young colt." She paused for a moment, thinking. "And he does seem to at least be about the same age as my sister and her will have them to look after him."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And it'll give him a chance to make more friends his age and have a sense of normalcy, which I'm sure he is in short supply of." The mare smiled. "I actually have book club with Ms. Cheerilee so I can bring it up at the next meeting."

"If you think it's for the best..." Rarity spoke softly before looking towards the foals. The four of them seemed to be in good sprites as the three fillies talked the little colts ear off. "He does seem to be a bit happier now that he is with foals his age."

Twilight smiled, sensing that her friend was coming around to the idea. "I think it's worth considering at least. Though I might want to help him with his speaking before we send him off. He will already be quite different as it is with the wings on his head and kids can be quite...indifferent..."

"Is that a nice way of saying they can be jerks?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight gave Rainbow a stern look. "No, it's a way of saying that kids can sometimes be insensitive without realizing it. And we want to make sure Yugo is prepared for that."

"Okay, okay. I got it Twi." The rainbow maned mare waved a hoof absentmindedly. "Still, if any pony gives him trouble, I'll just tell him to point them out to me. Then we will see who's the one in trouble."

"It will be you if ya beat up a foal, Dash." Applejack deadpanned.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I'm not gonna beat up a foal, AJ. Just gonna teach them a lesson or two about being kind to others." She smirked. "Maybe take them into the sky a bit and fly them around while I do it. A loop or two...nothing more."

"I'll make sure to get Fluttershy to give you a stern talking to later." Rarity responded as he turned away from the blue mare, taking a piece of cake with her.

"Awww! What?" The blue pegasus groaned as she slumped in her seat.

Twilight chuckled, happy to see her friends joking around despite the serious topic they were discussing. "In any case, nothing will be set until we make sure Yugo is comfortable. So let's focus on that for now girls."

It was quite some time before the festivities finished and the party winded down the older mares having talked about their days and the fillies and colt doing the same. When it was time, Pinkie Pie insisted that she would clean up the place since they helped her set the party while she was busy with Hugo. Leaving the pink mare to it, the rest of the girls would say their good byes before leaving, the last to do so being that of Applejack and the three fillies since the girls wanted to have a sleepover at Applebloom’s place

Yugo and the three fillies stood near the doorway as they spoke, Sweetie Belle pining over Yugo's bird, Az, as Applebloom and Scootaloo conversed with the colt himself.

"Thanks again for chatting with us." Applebloom said before rubbing her forehoof. "Even though it was mostly us chatting and you listening."

Yugo smiled at the three fillies, feeling grateful for their company and conversation throughout the party. "It was fun. Don't worry."

"And...ya know. Thanks for letting us see your wings." Scootaloo spoke up. "They are wicked awesome by the way. Never knew wings could glow like that on a pony...or grow from your head."

The colt blushed. "Oh...sure. Sweetie's only fair you do...I guess."

"It is strange...but a good kinda strange." Applebloom said. "Makes ya...what was that word Rarity used all the time...Um...Oh! Unique!"

"Thanks...for saying so." Yugo responded. He held a hoof to his lips as he smiled. "Keep it between us though...was a little embarrassing."

"You can count on us, Yugo." The yellow filly responded for her friend and herself. "Pinkie Promise."

"Pinkie? Promise?" The colt repeated with a raised eyebrow.

The three fillies nodded before coming together and chating in a sing song tone. "Cross our hearts, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in our eye." All three ended the chant with a hoof draping across one of their eyes.

"Now we can't break it ever." Scootaloo mused with a smug smile.

"Cause breaking a Pinkie Promise is the fastest way to lose a friend."


All four foals jumped and screamed as Pinkie Pie suddenly popped out from behind them, balancing a tray of cupcakes on her head. "Also got some leftover cupcakes! Want one?" she exclaimed with a wide grin.

Yugo chuckled softly, somewhat getting used to the pink mare's energetic behavior, even if it was still surprising each time she would just come out of no where. "Would love one...and...thanks for party."

"Awwww!" The pink mare pulled the colt in for a hug. "No problem-o. I was happy to see you happy Yugo!" Somehow she still had the cupcake tray full of cupcakes on her head.

The little colt blushed as the pink mare hugged him tightly once again. He couldn't help but feel that she was the touchy feely kind of girl. Still, that in itself wasn't a bad thing. At least that's what he thought.

When he was finally let got and given a cupcake for his trouble, he would turn to the three fillies. "Then...See you later?"

"Sure will! Besides! You still need to get your cutie mark." Scootaloo said with a wink, pointing towards the colt's hind quarters.

He turned to face his flank. He had learned a bit about said mark when he was in the hospital. Something about what you like to do? He didn't really get it but he knew it was something normal. All the older ponies had one in anycase.

Turning back to face the fillies, he nodded. "Guess so. If you help then I'll accept it."

"Absolutely!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "We'll help you figure out what you love to do most!"

The three fillies nodded in unison before bidding Yugo goodbye. As they trotted off together, with Applejack leading them, Yugo took a bite of his cupcake, savoring the sweet taste of vanilla.


"Well that certainly was quite the day was it not Yugo?" Rarity mused, finally settling down. She was quite surprised that Pinkie had cleaned up the party so quickly, though being surprised by anything Pinkie does was par for the course. "I do hope you had fun."

Yugo nodded, a smile on his face. "It was fun...yes. Made new friends."

"I saw, and what wonderful friends they will be..." She paused. "Long as you don't get too caught up in their little Cutiemark making games."

Rubbing the back of his head, he gave the mare a nod. "It's okay. Happy to have help. Though...not sure about talent..."

"That's perfectly fine, dear. It takes some ponies a while to figure it out." Rarity reassured him with a smile. "But I have no doubt you will discover what makes you unique and special in due time. Speaking of." She looks around. "Where is that unique little bird of tofu you call Az."

"Sent with Fluttershy. She treats him nice. He can visit me and me him whenever."

The mare nodded. "Ah, I see. Well, it's good that he has found a comfortable place to stay. Besides, it's a relief to know that he is in good hooves with Fluttershy. She is the best at what she does after all."

The colt nodded back in agreement. "Very kind. Yes."

Smiling as she made her way towards the spiral stairway, Rarity motioned for the colt to follow her up. "Right then. Come along, Yugo. I have one more surprise for you."

Yugo followed Rarity up the winding staircase, eagerly anticipating what she had in store. When they reached the top, she guided him down a hallway until they stopped outside a shut door. With a sly smirk, she turns towards the colt. "I know it's nothing fancy right now, just the basics," she said, "but..." Opening the door, she allowed the colt to step within.

When he did so, his eyes would widen beholding a nice and cozy room, decorated with shades of blue and orange. A comfortable-looking bed sat against one of the walls, accompanied by a matching dresser and nightstand. A desk with a candle on it sat near the window, providing a perfect spot for studying or reading.

"With the colors, I went with what your outfit least before it became rather unrecognizable. Still, I felt the colors were just too cute not to use for you." Making her way inside, she pats on the bed as she sits down. "This is were you will be sleeping of course."

He gently touches the covers of the bed before looking towards Rarity. "I...Thank you Rarity...You didn' to."

The mare simply smiled. "Of course I didn't have to. Beyond the fact that this is just the basics of what a colt like you needs, I wanted to do this for you." She tilted her head slightly. "May I pick you up?"

Yugo nodded, feeling a bit nervous as Rarity lifted him up with her magic, placing him right beside her.

"Now...Yugo, I know you didn’t have the most pleasant of times when you first came here and I do want you to feel at home; there are rules to living here? Do you understand?"

Yugo nodded again, feeling a bit uneasy as Rarity's eyes bore into his own. "Understand. I'll Follow."

"Good." Rarity's eyes softened. "And don't worry, it's just basic things. No late night outings, no bringing in strangers without permission, and please make an effort to keep things tidy."

He nods again.

"Also...about your powers. I do know about your little incident with Princess Luna back at the hospital. How you almost hit her with a beam of light." She told him.

"Oh...that..." He squeaked softly, looking down at the hoof that shot the beam. "It was accident."

"Don't worry. I'm not judging you. The priciness did mention that she scared you when it happened so there were faults all around." Rarity placed a hoof on Yugo's shoulder, giving him a comforting smile. "But unicorn or not, your powers are not to be used recklessly. You will need to learn to control yourself. I can only imagine what such power was used for before, but here, in Ponyville, and in my home, such things are rarely needed."

Yugo nodded, taking in Rarity's words. He knew he had to be careful with his powers. After all, he didn't want to hurt anyone unintentionally. "I'll...try my best."

"That's all I ask." Rarity responded with a nod. " We will need to wake up bright and early tomorrow as it were. If you are to live under my roof we must make it official. Princess Luna told me she spoke to the mayor already, granting me permission to be your guardian. We just need to sign."

He nodded again.

"Good. Then its best you get to bed early then. The sun is already setting after all." Slipping from off the bed, she gave the colt a gentle pat on the head. "Good night Yugo. Pleasant dreams." She made to leave but would turn around to face the colt once again. "Oh...and the bathroom is down the hall, last door on the left. One on the right is my room so please do knock if you have any need of me okay?"

Yugo nodded once more. As Rarity left the room and shut the door behind her, he let out a deep sigh and looked around, taking in his new living space. It was small but cozy, and he appreciated the effort Rarity had put into making it feel like home.

Allowing his back to fall onto the bed behind him, he looked up towards the ceiling, the gentle shimmer of the sun's fading light his only source of illumination.

("So much has happened...And yet...") He raised a hoof, looking at the appendage. ("I still don't know anything.") He paused. ("Except maybe I like cooking?") The colt frowned at that. "It was weird talking about it with that orange mare...Applejack?"

He remembered the sensation he felt when he talked about it with mare. It was a warm feeling, one that made him feel content. He couldn't quite put his hoof on it, but he knew that it was something special. Something that he wanted to explore further.

As he lie there, lost in his thoughts, Yugo's mind wandered towards the events of the past few days. Twilight and Luna teaching him how to talk. Pinkie Pie showing him around town. Making new friends. And now, having a place to call home in Equestria. It was all so overwhelming, but at the same time, he couldn't deny the excitement that was building up inside him.

("They are doing so many things for me...And yet...I got nothing to return...")

He knew in his heart they didn't expect him to do so. But Yugo couldn't shake off the feeling of indebtedness. He wanted to do something to show his gratitude. But what could he do? He was just a colt after all. A weird if he was put side by side other colts his age but still just a colt.

Yugo sighed softly before shifting his head, finding himself looking in a nearby mirror. There he could see his reflection. Sitting up in bed now, he moved closer to the mirror to gaze at himself. He never really got a good look at himself before now.

Looking into it, he saw a colt he barely knew. The fur on his head as rust colored as the rest of his body. Taking the hat off, he would allow his wings to flap freely from his dirty blond hair, the appendages upon his head glowing softly with magic he knew and yet did not know.

A pair of dark brown eyes looked back at him, their gaze soft and yet intense, as if searching for something.

Yugo couldn't help but feel a strange sense of detachment from his own reflection. He knew the pony was him but he didn't know much else about himself. His memories were there. He could feel them. But...each time he reached out he knew it would hurt. Locked away as they were, it was like he was a new pony.

He didn't like the idea of losing what he was before even if he didn't know what he was before, was time to accept that he was someone new now.

Yugo let out a sigh and shook his head, feeling a little overwhelmed by all of the thoughts racing through his mind. He decided to distract himself by exploring his new room a little more. He looked at the desk near the window and noticed a small stack of books on it. He walked over to the desk and picked one up, flipping through the pages.

It was...a cookbook? It looked like one anyway. The words were weird, written in the pony language, but he knew a cook book when he saw one. Reaching the middle of the page, he would find a note. Lifting it, it was a picture. One of that pink mare with some kind of giant...hand? She was holding it and it giving him the thumbs up.

("Did...she put this book here?")

Yugo wondered, feeling a little confused. He couldn't quite understand why Pinkie Pie would leave a picture of herself with a giant hand in a cookbook. But at the same time, looking at the cheerful expression on her face, he couldn't help but feel a small smile tug at his lips. Clearly she meant this for him. Applejack must have told her about what they had talked about before.

Yugo closed the book and placed it back on the desk. It was something to look at fully tomorrow to be sure, with more wide awake eyes. Rarity was right. He was tired. With a yawn, he made his way back to the bed, climbing on top of the covers before resting his head upon the pillow.

It would be another day.

Chapter 7

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Within the lightly lit room, the air was pregnant with anticipation. In the back, near a wall, a rather young feline figure could be seen looking upon a large map, her dark eyes fixed on abundant of intricately marked locations. She reached out, tracing a paw along the the very edges of the lands before curling it, releasing a soft sigh of defeat.

"Not there...or there either." She spoke softly. "How much longer will they elude me..." She grasped at the map as if reaching for answers that remained tantalizingly out of reach.

A soft rustle of fabric stirred the silence, drawing Catrina's attention. Her heart skipped a beat as a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows, moving with a fluid grace that spoke of familiarity. Her lips curved into a soft smile, her gaze unwavering as the figure's true identity was revealed.

"Ace," she breathed, her voice carrying a warmth that transcended the somber ambiance of the room. The figure paused before he reached up and pulled back his hood, unveiling his gray-furred visage that hid underneath it.

"Mistress Catrina." Ace's voice was deep, almost a growl, but there was a softness to it when he spoke to Catrina.

She smiled as she made her way towards the diamond dog, her arms wrapping around his frame before hugging him softly. "You have returned."

Ace returned the embrace, his muscular arms encircling Catrina's smaller figure. "Of course, my lady. I always return to you." He murmured, his breath hot against her neck.

They stayed like that for a moment longer, before Catrina pulled back, a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "And have you brought me any news?"

"It seems that our sources were not as up-to-date as we had hoped," he began, his voice steady. "The Dofus Egg I found was one of eight – a mere fragment of the greater whole we seek."

Catrina's brow furrowed slightly, but her smile didn't waver. "So, our journey has become more intricate than we initially believed," she mused, a spark of excitement igniting within her.

"Indeed, Master," he confirmed. "Our mutual friends' information led me to this Egg,”He held up the strange round object, “And while it is a step forward, there are more steps yet to take I'm afraid."

"Be that as it may, this is just a crack in the road towards our ultimate destination." She made her way towards her balcony, opening the curtain to the world below her manor. Despite it being dark, the city below glowed like a jewel above the desert that surrounded it. "And it's all...for them...My subjects."

The diamond dog followed her to the balcony, standing beside her as they both looked out over the city. "Your dedication to your people is admirable," he said, his voice low.

Catrina nodded, her eyes fixed on the twinkling lights below. "They deserve nothing but the best," she replied, her voice firm. "And I will stop at nothing to ensure that they are given the very best." She turned towards the one beside her, her voice stoic yet gentle as she spoke. "And our mutual friends, Ace? What became of them once you had uncovered the Dofus Egg?"

"I did what I had to."

"I see" Catrina finally said after a long pause, her voice quiet but steady. "I...figured it would happen...but I had hoped they would see reason and join us."

Ace's gaze met hers, his eyes reflecting both the weight of his actions and the conviction behind them. "Master," he replied, his tone a blend of solemnity and resolution. "I had...before doing so...offered them an out. To forsake their ways and join us...but It became clear that they would not align with the vision we share – a world safeguarded and nurtured by knowledge, not tainted by greed and violence...and so under the pretense of anger for a half done job I destroyed them all."

Catrina's expression remained thoughtful as she absorbed his words. Their quest for knowledge was inherently tied to the idea of using it responsibly, a principle that seemed to resonate deeply with both of them.

"They were killers and traffickers, it had to be done." Catrina said, her words a statement more than a question. "But why hide your reasons?"

Ace shook his head. "It was not a matter of hiding my reasons, Master. It was a matter of ensuring the safety of our mission. If any of them had survived and If they had any inkling of our true purpose, they would have done anything to stop us. Just so they can keep their evil trades." He sighed softly. "It pained me to say such words...and the filly who was there...who saw everything I suspect...I'm sure there is a scar I gave her that one would not see physically."

Catrina placed a gentle paw on Ace's arm, her expression softening. "I understand, Ace. Sometimes the cost of our goals can be high, and the weight of our actions can be heavy. But we have to trust that what we are doing is right, and that the end justifies the means. Was the filly okay when you left?"

"I had told her about the safe the griffon had stashed away. Even left the key to it nearby." He smiled. "If she is smart she will be fine...and if she survived under that griffon...she is smart. She will have ran to find a new life with the treasure within."

"Perhaps we will meet her again then." The feline frowned softly. "I do have news of my own...or...rather. News from Rep."

The diamond dog growled at the name. "Him..."

The feline nodded, her expression serious. "Yes. He sent word that he has new information regarding the location of another Dofus Egg." She turned to face Ace, her eyes intense. "If what he says is true, then we are one step closer to our ultimate goal."

Ace's eyes narrowed. "And what does he want in return?"

"His usual price," Catrina replied, her voice tinged with distaste. "But I believe it's worth it. He has connections that we don't, and if we can use that to our advantage, then it's a risk we have to take."

"He asks for coins, even knowing the grandness of your plan...I don't know why you always go back to him."

Catrina's eyes flickered with annoyance at Ace's tone, but she kept her voice level. "Because, as much as I cannot stand him, he has proven to be a valuable asset in the past. And he always delivers on his promises."

Ace grunted, clearly unconvinced, but didn't press the issue any further. "Very well, Mistress. I will make the necessary arrangements for our journey to Rep's location."

"Thank you, Ace," Catrina said, her voice softening. "I appreciate your unwavering loyalty and dedication to our cause, as always."

Ace's lips curled into a small smile. "It is my honor, Mistress. I will always be by your side, no matter what." He turned to leave, only to be stopped as the bipedal feline grasped at the diamond dog's cloak.

"Rush is not needed tonight. Rep would not dare go to someone else with the information we need after all." Gently, she turned him around. "My Ace. It has been two full moons since we have last seen each other. You will rest here...with me tonight."

Ace's eyes gleamed with a feral intensity as he looked down at Catrina, his voice dropping to a low growl. "As you wish, my lady."

The curtains drew to a close, and the night would sing on.


Yugo awoke to the gentle twitter of the songbirds outside his window, the lull of sleep slowly fading from his mind. And yet he did not want to get up. The beds at the hospital were nice, but the one Rarity had given him to sleep on was a whole other level, never had he had such a comfortable and luxurious sleep. Least none that he could remember outright.

Still, he knew he could not stay in bed forever. With a groan and a yawn, the young colt stretched his stiff limbs before slipping himself towards the edge of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and allowed his gaze to be shifted towards the nearby window, the beautiful, picturesque town of Ponyville before him. Even early as it was, he could see many ponies going about their day.

He had seen such a picture before, from the hospital window and from Pinkie Pie's tour, but after having such a restful sleep, everything looked...newer. Pleasant. So much so that it rather put a pep in his step.

Well...that and the fact he had to use the bathroom.

Yugo quickly made his way to the bathroom, taking care of his morning routine before looking at himself in the mirror, the lightly glowing wings gently flapping at his command. He smiled before nodding to himself. Huffing a strand of hair away from his eyes, he looked around the sink, only to find a single toothbrush.

"Guessing Rarity forgot about mine….and I forgot the one back at the hospital because of Pinkie rushing me out." He groaned softly. "Guess I'll have to tell Rarity about it so I can get a knew one."

Yugo sighed before heading towards the door to leave the bathroom, but as he reached for the handle, it suddenly turned and opened, revealing a familiar face.

"Oh! There you are, Darling" Rarity said, her voice as elegant as ever.

"Miss Rarity" Yugo exclaimed, just as surprised to see her as she was to see him. "I...Um...hmm...Good morning."

"And good morning to you too Mr. Early Bird. Here I was coming to wake you only to find that you are already out of bed and getting ready."

"I'm...ah...use to waking early." He paused, trying to find the right equestrian words as he spoke. "I...Um...Sorry...only one toothbrush." He pointed towards the sink. "Can't do teeth

The alabaster mare gasped. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry! With all the excitement of yesterday it completely slipped my mind to get you a toothbrush of your own." She tapped a hoof to her chin. "Hmm...and you would need your own brushes and other care products. As much as Pink Rose bubble soap smells heavenly on you, I think something more to your taste is needed." Her eyes sparkled as she clapped her hooves together. "Guess that means its a shopping day."

Rarity couldn't help but hear the young, boyish groan that escaped from the colt's lips, giving him a rather soft glare. "Oh hush you. It's not going to be that bad." The mare playfully admonished. "In fact, We'll make it a fun day. I know all the best shops in town, and we can even stop for a sweet treat at Sugarcube Corner."

Yugo couldn't stop himself from rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment at the admonishment. "Thank you, Rarity. I really appreciate it." He paused. "'t mean anything by huffing. It...was reflex."

"Reflex...hmm...A memory?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"Maybe...I don't know..." The colt admitted. "Its just...Talking about stuff like familiar somehow." He raised a hoof, groaning as he tried to strive off a dull throb in his mind.

Seeing this, the alabaster mare gently placed a hoof over his own. "Don't think too much about it dear. Just do what comes naturally for you. And it's quite natural for a young colt your age, or of any age of that matter, to dread shopping with older mares."

The colt frowned but nodded all the same. "I understand."

She nodded before smiling once more. "Good. Now I'll let you finish getting ready. Meet me in the studio when you do, okay Yugo? Its right down stares. You can't miss it."

Yugo nodded, watching as Rarity gracefully made her way out of the room. Turning back to the mirror in front of him, he released a soft sigh. "What comes naturally..." He couldn't help but ponder over Rarity's words as he finished getting ready. What did come naturally to him? Did he even know the answer to that question anymore? Everything felt so foreign and new to him.

He knew he wanted to just move on...but...could he?

"Another day. I'll think about it. Right now I need to get though today..."

Yugo finished getting ready and donned his hat before making his way to the studio where Rarity awaited him. As he entered, he was immediately taken aback by the sight before him.

With out hectic the day was yesterday, he never really got a good look at the place before. The studio was filled with all sorts of fabrics, colors, and textures. Clothing racks lined the walls, and a ponyquins stood proudly along one side of the room, wearing stunning gowns that Rarity had clearly been working on.

The colt didn't have much of a fashion sense but he knew expensive when he saw it.

"There you are, Darling." Rarity mused softly as she made her way towards the colt, catching his attention. He was quite surprised that she had put on a rather fancy straw hat and a pair of glasses, the lenses themselves being dark black instead of clear like he usually seen. "Are you ready to head out for the day?"

"I" He looked around again and motioned around him. "Never seen this place before."

"Hmm?" Rarity tilted her head before looking around. "Oh! Well that is to be expected dear. I mean least time you saw in here was when we had that party for you yesterday. Without Pinkie's decor, this is what my Studio usually looks like."

"I" He made his way towards one of the ponyquins stands, stopping in front of it. "Um...The dresses are pretty."

"Oh! Why thank you, Darling. I've been putting in quite the work to make sure they are. Had more then a few back orders I had to redo after all. A few all-nighters as it were."

" was...Because...of me...when I destroyed your home..." He said, his tone quiet.

Rarity's ears folded back before making her way towards him, placing a hoof on his hat covered head. "Darling, it wasn't your fault you know. You were just as much of a victim in what happened...even more so I suspect."


"Now, Yugo. None of that." The mare admonished as she gently poked at his cheek. "There is nothing for me to forgive because there is nothing for you to feel sorry for." She smiled softly. "Understand?"

Yugo nodded slowly, his eyes focused on the ground.

"What was that? I could not hear you, Darling."

He squeaked before nodding again. "I...Understand."

"Good. Now...I think we mopped around for long enough, don't you?" Making her way to the door she pushed it opened for him. "We have a full day ahead of us and we are burning Celestia's Daylight as it were. Shall we?"


Celestia sneezed, before quickly looking around, a blush on her face when she remembered that she was alone within her study. Quickly clearing her throat, she resumed looking upon the letter she had just opened.


Dear Princess,

I'm pressed for time as I have a train to catch soon, but I came across something exciting during my recent expedition. Rumors are swirling that folks in an isolated village discovered a strange temple deep in the jungle. It wasn't there before and it's got everycreature talking.

I'm aware that I said I was in a hurry because my novel needs some final adjustments, but I couldn't miss out on this chance. Let my editor know that it will be ready within the following weeks. She tends to overreact whenever I talk to her so the news should be much easier to take if it comes from you.

Thanks a bunch!

Daring Do.

The princess sighed softly, shaking her head. "Of course she couldn't resist a new adventure." She chuckled to herself. "Very well then, Daring Do. I shall inform your editor of your delayed return. Velvet will, of course, not be happy about it but she knew what she was getting into when she met you...But leaving me to face her wrath...for shame."

Celesita chuckled softly to herself before setting the letter down, her gaze shifting out her window soon after. She had a million things to do today. Or what seemed like a million. She was pretty sure it was really just twelve. But she couldn't help but think it felt like a million. The noble certainly make it seem that way anyway, but having such simple interactions with those she is closest to would always brighten up her day.

As she watched, her small ponies went about their daily lives. With the town in full action, she could keep an eye on every one of them as they followed her instructions. Teachers were carrying saddlebags full of work, store owners were setting up their shops, and little ones were hurrying to school with backpacks on their backs. It was certainly a perfect spring day.

The gentle knock upon her door caused the mare the jump slightly before turning towards it, a soft sigh escaping her lips as reality soon came upon her.

Clearing her throat, she sat up within her chair before saying, "Come in."

As the door creaked open, the familiar visage of Raven Inkwell made herself know, the ever serious mare adjusting her glasses before bowing towards the Princess. "Good morning your Highness."

"And a good morning to you too Inkwell. I take it the nobles are ready to ruin my day once again?" asked, her tone laced with a hint of playful sarcasm.

Raven simply raised an eyebrow at the princess' comment before clearing her throat. "That, in itself, depends, your highness." the mare spoke softly. "Is petitioning for a pool to be built and the old orphanage to be...and I quote...'Pushed somewhere else' ruining your day?"

"Let me guess...Jet Set and that shrew of a wife of his?" The mare groaned. "Didn't I just dismiss their last request for a private beach?"

"Yes, your highness. But in my opinion, they might be playing the long game of asking for something ridiculous so that the real request can be seen as quite sane."

"Of course they are…” She sighed before looking back towards the mare. “And what of the old orphanage? Did they say what we should do with it and all the foals and staff within?"

Raven shook her head. "No, your highness. They did not specify."

The princess let out a sigh and rubbed her temples. "Very well. Pull it from the court and make a Schedule for them later today. But make sure and tell them to make whatever presentation they have brief. I have other more important matters to attend to after all." The princess waved a hoof dismissively as she made her way towards the door. "And Inkwell, send a guard to escort them in. I don't want any incidents like last time when I inevitably tell them no."

"As you wish, your highness. I shall see you in the meeting hall." The mare bowed before making her way out of the room.

As the door closed behind Raven Inkwell, Celestia let out a soft sigh. She couldn't help but feel drained already, and the day had only just begun. "Alright face on." She gently smacked her cheeks before puffing her chest out. Clearing her throat, she practiced her most regal tone of voice before nodding. It was time to face the day head on.

Chapter 8

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The gentle ring of the bell caused the owner of the variety shop named the Quill and Sofa to look up, his eyes catching sight of two ponies making their way within. A smile would grace his lips, recognizing the older of the two immediately. "Well if it isn’t Ponyville’s most radiant and most fashionable fashionista, Miss Rarity, in the flesh."

Said fashionista flashed a smile as she made her way towards the store owner, her cheeks burning a nice shade of pink from what Yugo noticed. "And a good morning to you too, Mr. Davenport. It's always a pleasure to visit your charming little shop."

"And as always it's a pleasure for you to come visit said charming little shop." The stallion smiled giving the mare a wink. "Once again I do have to thank you. Your suggestion to sell things in between Quill's and Sofa's was quite the genius one. Business has been picking up because of it."

Rarity beamed with pride, preening her mane with a hoof. "Well, I do have a good eye for design and merchandising. Your specialty might be Quill’s and Sofa’s but that doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself darling. Just like how I can always find the perfect gem for my outfit, we are more then just our mark.” The mare waved a hoof. “Though, I must admit, I'm not here just to bask in my own success."

"Oh? And what does brings you here then?" The stallion asked before looking towards the colt beside her. "And who is this little guy? Don't think I've seen him before in Ponyville."

The white Unicorn smiled as she gestured towards the young colt. "His name is Yugo. He will be living with me for the foreseeable future you see and I thought it was prudent of me to gather him his basic necessities for bathing and other selfcare."

"My, my. Well aren't you the lucky colt." The stallion smirked. "Living with the charming Miss Rarity. I must admit I am quite envious." His gaze fell towards the alabaster unicron. "I'm guessing he is the reason you had to cancel our date a few days ago."

"Yes, unfortunately, Yugo needed my attention after all.” The mare answered after a soft sigh escaped her lips. She smiled as she moved a bit closer towards the stallion. “But I promise we can and will reschedule. It is the other reason why I am here after all."

Davenport chuckled. "No worries or rush, Rarity. I understand the importance of obligations."

Rarity nodded graciously. "Thank you, Davenport. Now, if you don't mind, could you show me where your bathing accessories are?" She turned towards the colt. "And Yugo, don't wander too far off alright?"

Said colt nodded obediently, watching as Rarity followed Davenport towards another section within the building. When they were out of sight, the young colt began his own exploration in earnest. He remembered Rarity calling this place the Quill and Sofa, and he couldn't help but see that there was indeed quite the abundance of both items within. Though as he went further back he could find more than just those two things, just as the two had been talking about. Mostly odds and ends one would decorate one's home with but it was quite of bit of those odds and ends. Despite that though there wasn't too much for him to look at. At least, nothing he thought was interesting. That was until he found himself looking upon a strange statue.

It was small. Not extravagant. A small circle surrounded by a larger disconnected circle. Spikes sticking out from every which way. It was simple and yet...

Gently, the colt reached out for the small object, it fitting neatly within his hoof when he had grasped it. Of course it didn't do anything when he held it. It was just a statue after all. Despite that however, he couldn't not like what he saw. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. At least, as far as he could remember. That he he couldn’t help but feel…a familiarity.

"What do you have there, Yugo?" Rarity asked, a bag of items floating beside her. She had returned from her small shopping spree and was now standing in front of him, her eyes curious.

“Oh!” The colt was startled by the mare’s sudden appearance. He turned to face her, still holding the statue in his hooves. "Sorry. Looking around. Saw this. I put back."

Before he could however, Rarity held a hoof out. "May I see it?"

Yugo hesitated for a moment before slowly giving the statue to Rarity. She examined it for a moment, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Hm, interesting. I've never seen anything quite like it before.It seems to be made of a unique material too. I wonder where Davenport got this from."

"That thing?" Devenport asked as he pulled up towards the two. "I picked it up from a traveling merchant not too long ago. It caught my eye as well, but I couldn't find a use for it in the shop." He shrugged. "Not too many asked about it either. If the kid is interested in it I don't mind giving it to him."

Rarity considered the offer for a moment before nodding in agreement. "I think that would be a lovely gesture, Davenport. Yugo seemed quite taken with it after all."

"Oh...It's...Thank you...though” The colt hesitated again, frowning. “...I would like to pay if I can."

Davenport chuckled. "No need, Yugo. It's my pleasure to give it to you as a gift. Rarity told me how you came to be in her care so consider it a welcome to Ponyville and get well present from me to you."

"You...are kind. Thank you." Hugo responded before looking at the stature once more.

"Hehe...Indeed Davenport is.” She gazes at the stallion with a sly smile. “Though are you sure you are not doing this to further get into my good graces?"

Said stallion chuckled. "Well, if it helps my chances, then I won't say no to it." He winked at Rarity, causing her to giggle softly in response.

Ignoring the older ponies obvious flirting, the colt focused his attention back to the object. Trying his best to figure out why he was drawn to it so. Yeah he was drawing towards Pinkie Pie’s cook book but that was different. What he held in his hooves felt…different. Was it something from his homeland? Or was it just the uniqueness of the statue that drew him in? No matter the case, it was his now and he liked it, for whatever reason.

With their businesses concluded within, the duo would make their way out of the shop, Rarity bidding the shop owner goodbye with a gentle peck to his cheek before doing so. "I promise to reschedule our date, Davenport. Mostly when things settle down of course."

"I know you will.” The stallion mused, blushing at the kiss. “And I'll be waiting."

Yugo watched the interaction with interest this time, all the way till Rarity made her way towards and beside him. She smiled, looking down at the young colt. "Shall we get going, Yugo. We still need to see Twilight after all."

The colt nodded, tucking the statue into his hat before following after the mare. The two of them would walk in silence for a while before the colt spoke up, asking her a simple question. " Mr. Davenport?"

Though slightly caught off guard by the question, she would chuckled softly none the less, glancing down at the young colt beside her. "Well, he is quite charming, isn't he?" She replied with a coy smile. "Let's just say that Mr. Davenport and I are just good friends for now." She paused. "But I am willing to see where it goes. He has been nothing but a saint since I met him after all."

Mulling over the mare's words, the colt nodded slowly. She liked him, Yugo could see that...and yet she seemed to have her guard up despite wanting to date. More than likely for a reason he didn't know. Despite wanting to know more, he didn't press the issue, instead changing the subject.

"So why go to Twilight's?"

"Mostly to shoot the breeze as it were...though" She smiled. "We still need to set up something for your speech lessons. If you are to go to school, you will need to speak properly."

"School..." He was pretty sure Applebloom and the other two had mentioned that word before.

"Yes, school," Rarity confirmed with a nod. "It's where young colts and fillies go to learn all sorts of things and make friends." She smiled warmly at Yugo. "It's important for everypony to learn and grow, and I want to make sure you have every opportunity to do so."

The colt nodded. He didn't know what school would entail but if his new friends are going to be there, how could he not go?


Despite the short time it took for Rarity to lead the colt to Twilight's home, the colt couldn't help but relish in the walk in between. Ponies of every shape and size and of course colors would walk by, nodding their heads in hello to Rarity, and sometimes to himself much to his surprise.

Maybe they knew about his situation or maybe they were just being friendly. He couldn't quite say. Still, it did leave a rather nice feeling in his chest when he would smile and nod back, returning their gesture.

It wasn't just the ponies though that he liked. The sights and sounds of the picturesque town around him was something that made him feel at ease. The greenery and flowers. The gentle breeze that carried the scent of baked goods. The warmth of the sun on his body. It all felt...familiar to him. At his body. Maybe he lived in a town just like this before he…well…before whatever happened to him happened to him.

Before he could go deeper into his thoughts, Rarity's voice brought him back to reality. "Here we are, Yugo. Twilight's home." She gestured towards an ornate treehouse that stood tall before them. "Shall we go inside?"

Yugo raised an eyebrow at the odd looking house. He was sure he saw it when Pinkie Pie had given him his rather quick tour of Ponyville, but now having the time to actually take it in, he couldn't help but be quite impressed with it.

The tree is tall and strong with a deep green canopy of leaves that covers its entire structure, almost as if it were an additional roof. Perfectly crafted windows could be seen here and there, matching perfectly with the scarlet red door, a picture of a lit candle adorned upon it. It stands out among the other buildings in Ponyville, yet somehow also fits perfectly with its surroundings.

As they approached the door, Rarity knocked lightly before calling out Twilight's name. A moment later, the door opened, not to reveal Twilight per say, but a rather odd purple and green lizard Yugo had never seen before.

"Hello, Spike," Rarity greeted the creature with a smile. "Is Twilight available?"

Spike blinked before a hot blush formed on his cheeks. "R-Rarity! It's good to see you again. And yes, Twilight is available. She's just in the back, organizing some books." Spike stepped aside to let the two in before turning to Yugo. "And you gotta be Yugo, right. Glad I can finally meet ya. Names Spike. Spike the Dragon."

"A...Dragon?" Yugo asked, his eyes widening. For some reason, the word resonated with the young colt.

"Yep, yep." Spike nodded, puffing out his chest proudly. "That's right, I'm a dragon. Twilight's faithful assistant and friend." He then gave the colt a sheepish smile as he extended his claw towards him. "Sorry I couldn't be at the party the girls threw for you the other day. Just got back from Canterlot this morning after running a few errands for Princess Celestia."

The colt blinked as he looked between the claw and the drake that it was attached to. Smiling, he held out his hoof, allowing the dragon to grasp it. "It's fine. Glad to meet you."

"Likewise!" Releasing his hoof, the drake smiled. "Hope we can become fast friends and hang out a lot." He wrapped an arm around the colt’s neck, pulling him into a sideways hug. "The girls are cool and all but having someone else to hang out with is always good."

“Is that so?” a familiar voice asked, causing Spike to jump. All three turned to see a lavender unicorn strolling into the main room with an open book hovering at her side. "What? You don't enjoy our company, Spike?" she pondered aloud.

The drake rolled his eyes as he gave the mare a side eye. "It's not like that Twi and you know it. You girls are great but...ya know. It's just you girls most of the time. Sometimes guys just have to have guy times and hang out with other guys. It's in the bro code."

"Ugh...not that again. You and Shining would always use that excuse to go off and play Ogres & Oubliettes and Celestia knows what else" Twilight teased with a roll of her eyes. “And leave me out of it all the time.”

"What can I say?" Spike shrugged. "The bro code demanded it."

"Well you and Yugo can have your silly guy time later." Twilight miffed. "I have a few things to discuss with our guest and you have books to shelve in the other room."

Spike let out a groan, but nodded in understanding. "Yeah, yeah. I know the drill." He then turned to Yugo with a smile. "Nice meeting you, Yugo. Hope to see you around more often."

"Nice meeting you." The colt responded with a nod.

The drake then turned to Rarity, bowing low. "Milady."

Said mare giggled at the dragon's chivalrous gesture. "It was good to see you too, Spike."

The dragon smiled before waving goodbye to the ground, exiting through a nearby doorway. With him gone, Twilight gestured for Yugo and Rarity to follow her towards a nearby table. Once seated comfortably, three cups and a pot of tea appeared on the table in front of them with a purple magic.

"I had prepared some tea early this morning. Still have quite a bit left if you two are interested."

Yugo nodded, though he had never had tea before. At least, as far as he knew. He watched as Twilight expertly poured the hot liquid into each of their cups. The aroma was strong yet calming, and he wondered what it would taste like.

"Thank you, Twilight," Rarity said graciously as he placed two cubes of sugar into the hot concoction. As graceful as she looked, she took a small sip, her eyes closing as she savored the taste. "Mmm...this is quite delightful. Where did you get it, darling?"

"Just a blend I made myself. Been experimenting with different tea leaves and spices lately."

"Well you must give me the recipe. It's positively divine" She commented before taking another sip.

Yugo looked between the two girls before bringing his attention back to the steaming drink before him. Reaching for it with his hooves, he tilted the edge of the cup into his lips, and gasped softly as the hot liquid nipped his tongue, surprising him with a slight burn. He quickly set it back down, holding his mouth open so it could get some cool air.

Rarity gasped as she placed a hoof across his back. "Guess we should have warned you how hot it is."

The lavender mare frowned "Are you alright, Yugo?"

The colt nodded, still feeling the heat of the tea on his tongue. "I'm fine. Just sorta surprised me."

"Well let it cool for a moment." Twilight advised. "In fact we can talk while it does so." Leaning over the table a bit, she smiled. "So, Yugo, how have you been settling in? Have you had a chance to meet any of the other ponies in Ponyville?"

The young colt thought for a moment. "Well...said hi to ponies...and met Mr Devenport."

"The owner of Quills and Sofa?" Twilight asked. "I know him. He's the first place I go to for all my quill needs." She smiled sheepishly. "I tend to go through many quills a week."

"Like a hot knife through butter." Spike yelled in the other room, much to Twilight's chagrin.

Not paying the drake's words any mind for now, Twilight continued. “Anyway. He’s a nice stallion. Gives me a discount when I buy in bulk.

Yugo nodded. "Yes. He was nice."

"Not only nice but giving too." Rarity chimed in, looking towards the colt. "He actually allowed Yugo to have a little statue he had taken a liking to. Free of charge I might add."

"Oh? Well that was very nice of him then." the lavender mare commented with a nod. "Devenport has always been quite generous with his customers. Like a certain mare I know."

"Well it is my Element after all." Rarity mused as she fluttered her eyelashes. "Still, his generosity is still quite something. Is that not right, Yugo?"

The colt’s ears flicked at the mention of his name. "Um…" He looked down at his hooves that rested upon the table. "He is…ah…nice. You are right..." His voice was low if not a little downtrodden.

"Yugo? Is something the matter?" Twilight asked, concern etched on her face.

Yugo hesitated as he looked between the two mares. He knew what they were going to tell him. They always do so. But...

"It's just...I want to help pay back...for your kindness."

Rarity sighed softly, placing a hoof on the colt's back. "Now darling, I told you before. It's alright. You don't have to repay him because it was a gift. And you don't have to repay us because this is for getting you back on your hooves."

"I know...but...but still..." Yugo sighed, leaving a pregnant pause in the air.

" about I let you work in my Library." Twilight suggested, a small smile on her face. "I know Spike would love the help while organizing and shelving books."

"Twilight? You do know he can't read." Rarity pointed out gently, not wanting to hurt Yugo's feelings.

The mare nodded and winked. "I know that, Rarity. Which is why I'm offering him this part time job." She smiled. "We can work on his speech and reading skills and then, if he wants to, he can help out around here and I can pay him for his trouble and still learn a bit more about words, keeping the lessons fresh in his mind and putting them to good use." She gazes at the colt with a smile. "And with his money he can do as he pleased without feeling down about always taking from us."

Yugo's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Of course. But only if you are up for it." the lavender unicorn reminded him. "You are still recovering after all. And I won’t hesitate to turn you down if I feel you can’t handle it yet."

The colt nodded. " To learn. To help."

"Then how can I say no to somepony willing to work and learn." She looked towards Rarity. "Though I do have to ask if it's okay with you, Rarity."

"With how excited he is about it, how can I say no?" Rarity answered after taking a small sip of her tea. "Just remember Yugo. Don't over exert yourself."

"Won't! I promise!" The colt answered with a pump of his hoof.

Twilight sighed before smiling. "With that out of the way then, maybe we can plan on how you speech lessons will be conducted." She used her magic to conjure a scroll to her side. "I do have your latest assessments from our time at the hospital and between then and now I say you have a good grasp on understanding. Most of what we would need to do is work on your verbs. You tend to forget to use them when speaking after all. And then we move on to reading. After that..."

As Twilight and Rarity discussed the details of his speech lessons, Yugo couldn't help but feel grateful to Twilight and Rarity for their kindness. Or the rest of these ponies for that matter. They had taken him in when he had nowhere else to go, and now they were helping him in so many ways. He vowed to repay their generosity in any way he could. Whether it was through hard work or some other means, he didn't care. He didn't have the right.

It was...the least I could do...after all...I-


The colt gasped as his name was called, looking between Twilight and Rarity who both had a look of concern on their faces.

"Are you alright? You seemed to have zoned out for a moment there," Twilight said, a hint of worry in her voice.

Yugo shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "I'm sorry, I just got lost in my own thoughts for a moment."

"Well, if there's anything on your mind, you know you can talk to us," Rarity said reassuringly, a soft smile on her face.

"I know. Thank you. And I am fine. I promise. Might just be a little tired." He smiled, pushing his musings to the deep recesses of his mind. He had time to worry about repayment later. Right now he had a delicious drink to finish.

It really was good. Sweet. Like candy.

I might ask Twilight for the recipe as well.

Chapter 9

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The hours trickled by, enveloping Yugo, Rarity, and Twilight in a tranquil, uneventful morning. For Rarity, it was a delightful span of time, filled with quiet contentment. However, amid this peaceful ambiance, she couldn't overlook the sight of the young colt slouching in his chair, a display of mild boredom etched across his features.

In the midst of Yugo's occasional lapses in manners or decorum during the session, Rarity found herself unable to contain a gentle, understanding smile as she delicately sipped the remnants of her beverage. Seeing the usually quite yet anxious colt behaving like the foal he was quite the change of pace. Much better to see him act his age then to watch him try and please those who do not ask for him to.

"I believe that should encompass a considerable portion of what I'll be imparting in terms of speech and writing," Twilight reflected, her thoughts punctuated by the soft closing of the notebook she had been diligently reviewing. "It ought to equip you sufficiently for entry into Miss Cheerilee's class when fall arrives. However, the onus of further learning will be on you to explore and master independently before then."

Yugo tilted his head, a perplexed expression clouding his features as Twilight finished outlining the lesson. Sensing his confusion, Rarity delicately placed her cup down and offered a soft, understanding smile toward the studious lavender mare.

"Twilight, dear, perhaps if you could explain it in a manner that doesn't need somepony to consult a dictionary, it might help young Yugo better,"

The lavender mare blinked, a faint blush coloring her cheeks before she rubbed the back of her head in a slightly embarrassed manner. "Oh... ah... sorry," she squeaked, directing a more apologetic gaze toward the young colt, Yugo. "I tend to get a bit carried away when it comes to teaching and studying."

Clearing her throat, she sat up and smiled down at the colt. "To put it simply, I'll be teaching you the basics of reading, writing, and speaking. Once you've got a good grasp of those, you'll continue learning from Miss Cheerilee."

"Oooooh...Understand." the colt said with a smile and a nod. "I will do the best."

"Great!" Twilight replied with a relieved smile, pleased that Yugo seemed to grasp the explanation. "I'm sure you'll do wonderfully. And remember, if you ever need any help or have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Learning is about exploring and understanding."

"Indeed." Rarity added with a smile. "And I'll help where I can. So you can always come to me...though please make sure I'm not too busy."

"On that note... Do you mind if I ask for a favor?" Twilight inquired with a hesitant yet earnest tone, her gaze shifting between the two ponies in front of her.

The fashionista raised an elegant eyebrow. She knew that tone from Twilight, which usually meant the mare wanted or needed something Dangerous…Explosive…or both. Rarity was never sure when it came to Twilight’s experiments. "What sort of favor, Darling?" she inquired.

Twilight's cheeks flushed slightly as she continued, "Well... You do recall how Princess Luna described her initial encounter with Yugo? How he seemingly projected a beam out of his hoof?" Twilight smiled, then glanced back at Yugo. "I was wondering if he could demonstrate it for me... if that's not too much trouble, of course."

The white mare expressed a note of concern in response at her friend's request. "Twilight, I understand your eagerness to learn more about Yugo's unique abilities and how his magic works differently from ours. However, don't you think it might be too soon for him to attempt using his magic without taking proper precautions?"

"That may be true, Rarity, but observing what he can do, under a safe and watchful eye, might actually be a better alternative rather than waiting until much later when we have no clue and his powers go off," the lavender mare argued.

Rarity sighed softly, her concern for Yugo's well-being clear in her expression. "I understand your point, Twilight...Still..."

"I don't mind." The colt said, catching both mare's gaze. He looked down at his hoof, the one that had shot at Luna when she had visited him in the hospital. "Don't want to hurt ponies...So...I want to see..." He looks towards Rarity. "Control."

Rarity felt a conflict within herself, wanting to voice her concerns to the colt, to caution him against potential risks. However, as she gazed into his determined eyes, she sighed softly, sensing his earnest desire for understanding and control.

"I'm... still not entirely sure about this," Rarity admitted with a touch of reluctance, her concern evident in her tone. "But so long as Twilight doesn't push you too hard, and we approach this with caution..."

Twilight smiled. "Great! And It doesn't have to be today. In fact I'll need to collect some stuff before we do any testing." using her magic, she popped a scroll into existence. "I'll need to get some protective gear and safety spells ready. And I'll make sure to brief both of you on what to expect and how to react in case something goes wrong. Safety first, always."

"Then I guess I'll leave him in your hooves when the time comes." Rarity placed her empty cup back on the table. "And on that note I do believe we should get going. I'll need to pick some stuff up for dinner on my way home and I'll need to get started on my new dresses."

"Got it." Twilight turned to Yugo, her chest puffing out proudly. "Be prepared, Yugo. Cause the lessons will start sooner than you think."

"Yes, Twilight." the colt replied, giving Twilight a nod before slipping from his chair. "And...thank you. For everything."

Twilight smiled warmly, placing a hoof across her chest. "No need to thank me, Yugo. It's my pleasure to help you learn and grow." She turned to Rarity. "Have a good day Rarity. I'll see you later."

Said mare stood up from her chair, her elegant posture on full display as she twirled her purple tail. "Absolutely, Twilight. Tata for now. Come along, Yugo."

The colt nodded before trotting over to Rarity's side, his eyes briefly meeting Twilight's before following the fashionista out of the door and into the bright sunshine outside.

Now once again alone, Twilight allowed her magic to pick up the empty cups, carrying them to the kitchen as her mind raced with everything she needed to do. The most important being that of the colt's studies. Though she could not help but admit to herself that finding out about a knew form of magic was quite intriguing, how he...might have gotten such magic aside, learning new things would always be a fun experience.

In fact the paper she could write about it to her teacher and peers would be nothing short of extraordinary.

I'm getting ahead of myself though. First I'll need to send a letter to Canterlot. I have a few books here I'll need for Yugo but the best ones are in the Princess's personal library. I'll also need extra papers and school supplies. Just because he isn't in school now doesn't mean he shouldn't get an early start on how to prepare for it. I'll will also need training dummies and protection wards and...


"I'm gonna need a bigger scroll..."

"Bigger scroll? For wh...Oh!" Spike perked up as he looked around the room. "Did Rarity and Yugo leave already. Dang. Didn't get to say bye."

The lavender mare smiled at the little drake, turning to face him. "Sorry, Spike. You just missed them. But don't worry, you'll be seeing them a lot more soon...or at the very least Yugo. He is coming here for me to teach him after all."

"Gonna give him the Twily Lecture huh?" Spike snickered. "Just make sure not to bore him to tears when you start."

Twilight rolled her eyes, "I know how to keep things interesting, Spike." She paused before licking her tongue out at the little dragon. "And it's not a lecture, it's a lesson."

"Sure, whatever you say,"

"In any case." Twilight continued. "Right now, I have a lot of work to do. I need to prepare for Yugo's lessons and make sure I have everything I need for them to begin. Can you help me with that?"

"Hey, I wouldn't be your number one assistant if I couldn't."

"Then there's no time like the present to get started."


Daring Do stepped off the train, the hot steam from its engine not doing her any favors as the hot sun beat down on the remote village she had arrived at. She tipped her hat up to shield her eyes from the glare, taking in the sight of a bustling settlement perched on the edge of a dense jungle.

The air was thick with humidity, and the vibrant colors of the marketplace contrasted against the lush green backdrop of the looming jungle. Ponies and creatures alike moved about, each engrossed in their own daily routines. The lively chatter and the occasional laughter filled the air as Daring Do made her way through the crowded streets.

The marketplace was a treasure trove of sights and sounds. Stalls overflowed with exotic fruits, vibrant fabrics, and peculiar artifacts. Merchants called out to passersby, haggling over prices with animated gestures. Daring Do couldn't help but be drawn to the energy of the place as she meandered through the lively crowd. Still, she couldn't relish in such pleasures for too long. She had a mission, and time was of the essence.

With practiced ease, the mare made her way through the settlement. Her keen eyes scanned the buildings, searching for the one she had tasked herself with finding. It didn't take long for her to spot it—an old, weathered building with a faded sign swinging slightly in the warm breeze.

The loose doors of the bar creaked open as she slipped inside, the worn hinges doing little to impede her progress. The interior was dimly lit, with the air carrying a mix of familiar scents—wood, alcohol, and the faint hint of tobacco. Despite the subdued atmosphere, the few patrons present hardly spared her a glance as she moved with purpose toward a nearby table.

She selected a spot that provided a clear vantage point of the room, yet offered some semblance of privacy. With a deft motion, she slipped her saddlebags under the table, positioning them strategically—close enough for easy retrieval but not so near as to hinder her movements in case things took an unexpected turn.

As she settled into her seat, Daring Do noticed the barmaid slowly approaching , her keen eyes meeting the gaze of the diamond dog. The rust-colored fur of the canine stood out against the dimly lit surroundings, and a sly smile played on her lips.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the lustrous Daring Do," the diamond dog purred in her gruff yet feminine voice. She placed a cup in front of mare, the cold liquid inside it emanating a rich aroma that teased the senses. With a coy wink, the barmaid continued, "How long has it been since you graced us with your presence?"

Daring Do, as stoic as ever, acknowledged the greeting with a nod. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Emma? Been caught up in a few personal things and lost track of time," The mare shrugged. "You know how it goes." Picking the cup the barmaid had put down, she began to down it's contents, gulping down the cool and sweet liquid.

The barmaid chuckled, her tail swaying behind her. "Oh, I'm sure. The jungle's always full of mysteries, ain't it?" She leaned over the table. "What brings you back to our humble abode? I'm sure it isn't for our world famous, un-world famous coffee."

"Heard whispers of a temple. One seemingly not being there one moment and then popping up the next. As if by magic," Daring Do recounted, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And you know what I say about whispers."

Emma leaned in, her grin widening. "Oh, I know exactly what you say about whispers. They're like breadcrumbs, leading you to something worth finding."

"That and trouble. I always find trouble." Daring set the cup down as she tipped her head over her eyes. "But I guess that comes hoof-in-hoof with adventures."

"Ain't that the truth, Daring Do." The diamond dog looked about herself before tilting Daring's cup. "And on to another truth, I do have some information you might be interested in hearing...though it has been a long day and my mind is a bit of a blur. Of course...a bit of incentive would help me remember."

Daring Do raised an eyebrow at the diamond dog's proposition. Without uttering a word, Daring reached into one of her pockets. She pulled out three bits and discreetly slipped them under the tilted cup, the diamond dog's eyes sparkling as she tilted the cup back upright before pulling it and the bits away from the mare.

"Now it's coming back to me," the diamond dog purred, her tone holding a sense of triumph. "There was this rather tall fellow. He was quite intimidating. No one really wanted to deal with him if they could. He was a...ummm...Lizardkin, I do believe." She looked behind herself, as if looking to see if someone was watching her. When she turned back around she leaned in. "He actually came here asking about the very thing you are looking for."

Daring Do's eyebrow shot up. "A lizardkin, you say?" She leaned back in her chair, a hoof tipping her hat upwards. "Think you can tell me what he wanted to know?"

"He wanted to meet the one's who found it first. My guess is that he wanted to get someone to lead him to it."

"The fact that he knew about it already means he's well informed...and If that's the case...he either has heavy pockets full of bits...or..." She stood up, grabbing her bags. "He knows how to get what he wants with other methods." She turned to the diamond dog. "You wouldn't happen to know where they are staying do you, the ones who found the temple first I mean."

The diamond dog tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I do remember hearing something about a pair of adventurers staying at the inn down the road. A pegasus and a griffin, if I recall correctly."

"Thank you for your help. I owe you one,"

Emma huffed. "You owe me more then one, but I'll be sure to collect when you are back in town." She paused. "Do be careful Miss Do. That lizardkin looked like bad news. I wouldn't want to see anything happen to one of my number one customers."

Daring Do slung her saddlebags over her back, her mind already calculating her next moves as she spoke. " bits are still good here so you don't have to worry about me not coming back at any case. Latter Emma." With a final nod, the mare strode out of the bar and back into the bustling marketplace once again.

Chapter 10

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The days seamlessly transformed into weeks, and the gentle embrace of spring gradually gave way to the warmth of summer in Ponyville. The sun shimmered brightly in the clear blue sky, casting a modest heat on the peaceful town below. Amidst this seasonal transition, life in the lively community continued its rhythmic dance. One with a very excited new dance partner.

In the heart of Ponyville, Yugo could be seen weaving through the cobblestone streets. His hooves clattered against the ground as he sprinted towards his destination, a familiar routine that had become a part of his daily life. The cheerful colt had quickly gotten use to Ponyville, and Ponyville, in return, had gotten used to the rambunctious little colt with the weird hat running around.

The colt’s vibrant energy resonated through the lively streets of Ponyville as he continued his brisk trot, the young colt waving hi as well as giving a soft bow of his head to anyone who spoke to him. As he made his, the marketplace came into view, a bustling hub of activity where ponies engaged in the exchange of goods and cheerful conversations. The colt passed by the stalls, his eyes widening with excitement as he took in the vibrant colors and enticing fragrances that filled the air. His curious eyes darted from one vendor to another, taking in the sights and sounds of the vibrant scene. Amidst the commotion, he spotted a familiar stand being set up with precision and expertise. The apple-themed decorations and the earthy scent of ripe apples indicated that he had arrived at Applejack's stand.

"Well, howdy there, Yugo!" Applejack called out in her friendly drawl, leaning over to look down at the little colt. "Heading off to Twi’s again?"

"Yep!” Came his enthusiastic reply, his stubby little brown tail wagging excitedly. “Helping her around the Library again, same as yesterday." As if he had forgotten something, he rubbed the back of his head. "Hehe…Mind telling your sis and the others that I’ll hang out with them later on when you see them?"

The farm mare chuckled, "I'll be sure to let 'em know, sugarcube. Through a colt your age really should be laughin it up with the other foals ya know?”

The colt groned, his eyes rolling in their sockets, though it was in a playful manner, “Maybe…but I still wanna pay you all back for helping me all this time. Speaking of which.” The colt reached into his saddle bag, pulling out four gold coins. “One apple please, and keep the two extra Bits. For one of the day’s you gave me a free.”

Applejack's eyes softened at Yugo's gesture, a smile forming on her face as she took the four bits. “I know it's kinda futile at this point in telling ya you don’t own me a thing. A sense of pride is something I can get behind, after all. Still, you really don’t owe me or the girls anything.”

“I know Applejack. Not gonna stop me from doing so though.” Yugo flashed a grateful smile at At the mare before selecting a crisp, red apple from the stand. He tossed the fruit lightly in the air, catching it with finesse before taking a big, juicy bite. As he savored the sweetness, a rustling sound caught his attention. “Sweet as always!”

The orange mare rolled her eyes playfully at Yugo's antics, a fond chuckle escaping her lips. "Alright, alright, you little varmint. Don't keep Twilight waiting now. You know how she gets about being on time and what not. Oh and don’t forget to drop by later this week. Gonna teach ya how ta make apple fritters this time."

Yugo nodded appreciatively and affirmatively, his mouth still full of the delicious apple as he waved goodbye to Applejack. With a cheerful skip in his step, he continued on his way towards Twilight’s library, the golden sunlight casting a warm glow around him as the farm mare watched him leave.

She gave the retreating colt a final nod before going back to setting up her applestand. As she did so, the orange mare heard the familiar sound of approaching hooves once again. Glancing up, she spotted another familiar foal, her younger sister, Apple Bloom, trotting towards her with a curious expression.

"Hey, sis! Was that Yugo I saw talking to you just now?" The little filly asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

The farm mare smiled and nodded. "Sure was, Apple Bloom. He was headin' to Twilight's for the day. Said he’ll see you and the girls later."

“Aw shucks,” The filly pouted. “We wanted to run a few more ideas on how to get our cutie marks this morning.”

Applejack chuckled, ruffling her sister's mane affectionately. "Well, I reckon Yugo'll be back before you know it. You and the girls seem to really have taken a shine to the young colt huh?”

“Well yeah, I guess.” The little filly admitted. “Far as colts go he’s a pretty cool feller. Just wished he hung out with us more, ya know?”

“Hehe…are ya sure you’re not just after the young’en’s cooking?” The older mare asked. “He tends ta make a mean apple fritter whenever we invite him over to the farm. So much so that you eat near all of them.”

Apple Bloom blushed slightly, a sheepish grin spreading across her face. "Well, his apple fritters are mighty tasty, can't blame me for enjoying 'em!” She pouted. “Sides, apple fritters or not, we like hanging out with him because he’s a pretty cool colt.”

"Can’t say he ain’t. And It's mighty kind of you and the others to hang out with him the way you do. I’m sure it makes him feel welcomed and what not," The older mare began. “But I know for a fact that sometimes a colt like him needs a bit of time to himself every now and then.” She smirked and winked. “And a bit of time away from your coltfriend every now and this makes the heart grow fonder as Rarity would say.”

Apple Bloom's eyes widened. "W-what? No way, sis! Yugo's just a friend, that's all!" She protested, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

The older sister tilted her head, a playful glint in her eyes as she regarded her sister. "You sure about that, Apple Bloom? 'Cause you sure do seem mighty interested in Yugo's comings and goings," she teased gently, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Just! Friends!" The little filly huffed. "Sides, if any pony can't keep her eyes off him its the other two. Scoots is always wanting him to see what she can do on her little scooter and Sweetie Belle wants to always share her snacks when him."

Applejack raised her hooves in a placating gesture, a warm smile on her face as she reassured her sister. "Alright, alright, no need to throw your friends under a moving cart, Apple Bloom. I understand." She chuckled softly, shaking her head at the filly's antics. “Was just having a bit of funnin is all. Still, can’t say I’m not surprised her has himself a few admires.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "Well, they should tone it down a bit. They're likely to scare him away at the rate they're going."

A soft chuckle escaped the older sister, shaking her head at the younger one. "I’m sure if it really bothered him he would have no worries about telling them, I recokon. Anyway, stores hours about to start and I still need to finish setting up the stand.” She turned towards the yellow filly. “Since ya have the time right now how about you-"

“Oh look at the time!” Apple Bloom squeaked, quickly back away. "Maybe another time, sis. I'm kinda late for a meeting with the Crusaders. Gotta dash!" With that, she hurried off, leaving Applejack rolling her eyes with a soft chuckle.


Within the humdrum of the morning, inside a familiar boutique, Rarity could be seen, fusing over the delicate fabric of a new gown she was designing. Her hooves moved with precision, expertly stitching together layers of silk and lace in a harmonious display of creativity. As she focused intently on her work, the doorbell chimed, signaling the arrival of a customer.

“Coming~” The mare mused in singsong tone, slipping from her chair and making her way into the main room of store, finding a cream colored mare with golden yellow hair looking at one of her displays, a pegasus as it were.

Hearing the white mare enter, the potential customer turned around, smiling brightly as Rarity approached her. "Sorry for dropping by unannounced. I just had to see this little number I saw from outside," she gushed, her tone both filled with admiration with a hint of regal confidence. Rarity smiled warmly, her heart swelling with pride at the compliment.

"Oh, darling, there's no need to apologize! I'm delighted you found something that caught your eye," Rarity replied graciously, guiding the mare towards the garment she had been admiring. “Sadly this one is taken by another I’m afraid. But maybe I can find you something just as good. Your colors, warm as they are, would do well with the corals and pinks of this lovely ensemble over here," Rarity suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she led the mare towards a rack of intricately designed dresses.

“That is very lovely.” The mare mused softly, genlty lifting the skirt of the dress. “And I would honestly love every bit of it if it could have fit me.”

“Darling. You shouldn’t talk bad about yourself like that ,” Rarity chided gently, her voice laced with empathy as she observed the mare’s self-doubt. “You are simply stunning, and any dress would be lucky to adorn you.”

Much to Rarity’s surprise, the cream colored mare flashed softly in a blue flame before a very familiar white princess could be seen, smiling down on her. “Oh I assure you Rarity. I am quite too big for such an outfit, delightful as it may be. But the one you are making me is quite lovely indeed.”

Rarity's eyes widened in astonishment as she took in the sight of Princess Celestia standing before her, transformed from the cream-colored mare who had entered her boutique just moments ago. With a graceful bow, Rarity greeted the princess with a mix of surprise and reverence. "Your Highness! I-I had no idea it was you," she stammered.

“Hehe…that was the idea. Can’t bright too much attention to myself after all.” The mare spoke with a gentle laugh. “Sorry for coming in a disguise…and unannounced. I know you are a busy mare after all.”

"Oh, Your Highness, it is always an honor to have you grace my boutique with your presence. Please, make yourself at home. Can I offer you some tea or refreshments?" Rarity inquired warmly, already moving towards a silver tray adorned with delicate teacups.

“That honestly would be lovely…But I’ll have to take you up on it another time.” She told the unicorn, a bit of a pout in her tone at the thought of missing out on tea. “This visit is more of a quick one sadly.”

“Oh…Oh! You’re here to visit Yugo?” The white mare inquired, with wide eyes.

“Well…that is one of the reason yes.” The mare mused softly. “I heard his studies were coming along apace, both in magic and school. Twilight had been sending me letters on his development after all…with your say-so of course.”

“So I hear.” The mare spoke, a bit of pride in her tone. “Yugo is a colt though and though, but is quite diligent when he puts his mind to it. I was in quite the shock when he came home, and he spoke so fluently in Equestrina, that I nearly fainted. And that was just after a week or two in Twilight’s tutelage. I’m sure you get this a lot, your student, our Twilight, is quite the mare. I can’t imagine how proud you have to be of her.”

Princess Celestia smiled warmly at Rarity's praise, her expression radiating genuine appreciation. "Thank you, Rarity, for your kind words. Though if you don’t mind me asking, how are you handling things with the young one. Adopting a foal, no matter how good your intentions are, is a big deal after all.”

“Do I not know it.” The mare agreed. “I’ve watched Sweetie Belle near all her life and I was prepared for anything the colt though my way…but…”

Celestia tilted her head. “But?”

“Yugo is rather…well…self sufficient for a young colt I must admit.”

The mare blinked. “Oh? Is that a bad thing?”

Rarity sighed softly, folding her hooves together as she pondered how to express her feelings about Yugo's independence to Princess Celestia. "Oh, not at all, Your Highness. Honestly if Sweetie Belle was more like our young colt it would be a load off my shoulders... It's just...unusual. He's such a young colt, yet he carries himself with a sense of maturity and self-reliance that one wouldn't expect at his age." She frowns. “He does have his moments…he tends to drag his hooves when it comes to shopping with me and sometimes, as with any child his age, he never really is able to sit still when he find something interesting. Its just…Aside from a few things I thought that I might have been more…helpful to him.”

The princess smiled softly. “I’m sure you already know that every foal is different. Yugo, from what I’m learning, is just much more extreme then others. While his past is a mystery, even I can see he carry’s himself in a way to not rely on others too much. More then likly stimming from his upbringing in the past. The best we can you…the best you can do for him is be there for him when he needs you.”

“I know and understand that princess.” The mare spoke, “But…I just wish I could do more. Twilight is teaching him everything he needs for school so not much I can help out with there. I mean sure I do cook him a nice meal but from what I hear from AJ when he visits her farm, he’s a budding wizard in the kitchen. Might even have a secret talent for it if her praises are anything to go by. I know I provide a roof over his head. Just wish I could do more.”

“I can understand where you are coming from Rarity.” The princess told her, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “There had been many a time where I wished for the same thing for all my little ponies, Yugo included. But the best you can do is work within your abilities and being caring when the time comes. I’m sure you will even surprise yourself when that happens.”

With a grateful smile, Rarity nodded in understanding, appreciating Princess Celestia's words and warmth. “Thank you princess, I shall take your words to heart as it were.”

The princess nods before tapping the necklace around her neck, shifting back into her pegasus persona. “I guess I should be going now.” he placed a hoof over her lips and winked. “I'm pretty sure I’ve held the courts up long enough for this little meeting. Sad I couldn’t see Yugo before he left for Twilight’s this morning. Oh! Before I go, there was one other thing. Luna is telling Twilight already but there was something found a long way from here…in ruins of all places.”

Rarity tilted her head, questioningly as she listened to the princess’s words.


The library’s door opened at the behest of Yugo, the young colt’s head peeping around from behind the door with an earnest smile. “Hello? Twilight? Spike? You home?”

The familiar library was all that greeted the young colt as he fully entered however, shelves filled with books of all kinds lining the walls and the smell of old parchment and ink filling the air. He frowned as he looked up the stairway leading to Twilight’s personal quarters. “Twilight? Spike? I’m here!”

“Yugo?” A voice came from behind him. His ears perked as he turned towards the source, the stairway near the back that led down towards Twilight’s laboratory. “Is that you? Hang on! We’ll be up in a bit.”

The young colt’s eyebrow raised. “We’ll?” His curiosity piqued, he turned fully towards the the large hole in the wall leading towards the mare’s personal laboratory, a pair of hoofsteps slowly making their way from the basement. Of course Twilight emerging from the basement was a given, the lavender mare smiling softly as she saw him. The other pony following after her was much more of a surprise though.

“Princess Luna!” The little colt, bounded towards the princess of the night, jumping up and allowing her to catch him in her magic, holding him aloft as muzzle touched muzzle with a wiggle. A bit of a greeting the two would always find themselves locked in, much at the princess’s behest. “ Twilight didn’t tell me you were coming here today.”

"Ah, young Yugo, it is a pleasure to see you as well," she said, her voice carrying a regal yet kind tone. "It was a last second decision if we are telling the truth." She lowered Yugo back to the ground. “Twilight’s letter to Celestia mentioned that you have quite the unique power and me being curious decided to pay a visit and see for myself what this power is that you hold.” The princess gave the little colt a rare smile as she spoke, her gaze gentle. “That is if you feel comfortable showing me.”

Yugo's excitement bubbled within him, but a flicker of uncertainty danced in his eyes as he glanced towards the lavender mare. He rubbed his foreleg nervously before mustering the courage to speak up.

"Um, Twilight," the colt began, his voice tinged with apprehension. "Is it... is it okay if I show Princess Luna my magic? I mean, I'd really like to, but I want to make sure it's alright with you first."

“I know I told you not to tell anypony when you first displayed it to me, Yugo, but that was only because I wanted you to have the chance to understand and control it before sharing it with others," The purple unicorn reassured him, her tone soothing and supportive. "But now that you've been practicing and getting better at it, I think it's a good idea for Princess Luna to see what you can do. Just remember to be careful and take your time."

“Got it!” The colt responded with a happy smile. He soon bounded away from the mares before stopping a short distance. Picking up a book from off of one of the shelves, he smiled and turned towards the alicorn. “Alright. Gonna pass you a book now Princess? Be ready?” At the mare confused nod the colt would start, standing on his hind hooves before jutting his right forehoof out. Just as she does, light began to radiate from the tip of his hoof, much to the surprise of the princess of the night.

“Y-Yugo? What are you…”

Slowly the hoof began to move, the light emanating from the tip forming a circle in front of himself. When it was completed, the void that was there was there filled with the same light that had been within his wings, filling the circle completely. As he his hoof back, the magic would follow, the circle of energy staying just above his hoof. Rearing it back, he tossed the magic like a soft ball towards the mares. While Twilight only smiled, Luna couldn’t help but epp softly as it stopped shot right in front of her, the blue glow illuminating her face.

As the magic circle hovered in front of her, the princess of the moon slowly reached a hoof out towards it. “Yugo…this is incredible…but…what is…epp” She barely had enough time to gasp as a book began to slowly slip from the circle, wiggling softly Infront of her to grab. Peeping around it, the mare noticed another circle near the colt, one that looked just like the one he had in front of herself, the other half of the book behind held but the young colt as he stuck it though the blue portal.

Luna's eyes widened in astonishment as the book passed seamlessly through the shimmering portal, emerging from the other side unscathed. She gently took the book in her magical grasp, turning it over to examine it with awe. "Yugo…was that some kind of spatial movement. I’ve seen teleportation magic and the like before but this is…” She paused as she looked towards the colt. “And did you just actually throw your magic like it was a physical object?"

“That took some time to get down.” The colt spoke as he rubbed a hoof under his muzzle. “The amount of times I had accidently sent Twilight’s books flying into the air with that spell before I learned how to control it better was... well, let’s just say it was a learning curve.”

“Yes…quite the learning curve indeed.” The unicorn spoke with a raised eyebrow. “One of such that it sent one of my books into a candle and burned half of it before I managed to put it out.”

Yugo flinched slightly at the reminder of the mishap, a sheepish expression crossing his face. He rubbed the back of his head nervously as he glanced towards Twilight. "Yeah, sorry about that," he apologized to what seemed like to Luna for the dozenth time. "I did offer to pay for the book, but you turned me down."

A soft sigh escaped the lavender unicorn, her expression softening as she looked at the hat wareing colt. "And I told you It's alright, Yugo," she reassured him. "Accidents happen, and it was just a minor setback. Besides, the fact that I allow you to use your magic on my books now stims from how much I now trust you with it." She smiled. “Besides, it was a book I had already read and it was easy to order a new copy. Annnnd.” She turned towards a small glass case framed nearby, the charred remains of a book within it. “It makes quite the center peice, does it not."

Yugo's cheeks flushed at the sight of it, groaning softly. “Did you really have to laminate it, Twilight?”

The mare smirked as she stuck her tongue out at the colt. “I wanted to preserve it as a remind of your improvement,” She teased gently. “Plus a good book should never go to waste, even if it is burnt to a crisp and I can never read its pages again.”

“You said you ordered another copy.” The colt deadpanned. “And you already read it before.”

"That's beside the point, Yugo.” The purple one spoke with a curt warmth.

Luna, who had been silent up until now, turned towards the colt with a tilted head. “If you will forgive me for interrupting your revelry, but I must ask…what about the magic you displayed back at the hospital?”

His smile faltered slightly at the mention of the hospital incident, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his eyes. He lowered his head before shaking it slowly. "I... I haven't practiced with it," he admitted quietly.

The princess tilted her head again, a questioning gaze within her eyes. “Hmm? Why not?”

The young colt looked away from her, his hooves fidging upon the gorund below him, “I…just…ya know…don’t feel a need to. I mean what would it even be used for?”

Princess Luna considered Yugo's response, her expression thoughtful as she mused over his words. "It is true that such magic may not seem necessary in your day-to-day life," she conceded. "However, having control over all aspects of your magic can be crucial in unforeseen circumstances. It is always important to be prepared for any situation that may arise."

“But…This place is way too peaceful, isn't it? Even if I don’t remember…I know I…well…I feel like I used magic like that to fight…” He looked towards the mare of the moon. “And I nearly hit you with it the last time I used it…I…Don’t want to hurt anypony…”

Luna's gaze softened as she listened to Yugo's concerns. Taking a step closer to him, she gently lifted his chin so that he could look at her. "I think I understand…It is commendable that you value caution in the use of your powers, but remember that strength lies not just in the magic itself, but in how you wield it."

Despite the mare’s words resonating with the colt, a look of apprehension still evident within his own eyes. "But what if I can't control it?" he asked quietly, his voice tinged with apprehension. "What if I hurt somepony accidentally?"

“That is why you train to use it Yugo.” She smiled softly. “Not to know how to use it…but to know when to use it. You need not do it if you are so inclined though, you do what you have to do for the best path forward for your life.”

Yugo listened to Luna's words, the weight of her wisdom settling in his heart. He knew that she spoke from a place of experience and understanding, but there was something, deep within him, that was scared of it…scared of his powers…even if he didn’t know why. With a sigh, he turned towards the mare, nodding slowly. “I’ll think about it, Princess. I’ll still have to ask Miss Rarity though…”

"That is all I ask,” the mare of the moon spoke, reaching a hoof out toe ruffle the colt’s hat. “Now then, I do hate to say it but I must be off. The time I was able to acquire for myself was short and will be ending soon.”

Yugo's expression softened at the princess’s gentle reassurance. "Thank you, Princess Luna," he said sincerely, a small smile playing on his lips.

"It was a pleasure to meet you again, Princess Luna," Twilight added, offering a respectful nod to the lunar princess. "Thank you for taking the time to visit us. And for telling me about that one thing we discussed before."

"The pleasure was mine, Twilight Sparkle, young Yugo," Luna replied warmly, her gaze lingering on the two before her. "I shall remember this encounter fondly."

With a graceful nod, Princess Luna turned to leave, her ethereal mane trailing behind her as she made her way towards the library's entrance. Now alone with each other, the lavender mare turned towards the young colt. “So…do you want to give it a try? With your other magic I mean. The princess was right, you know. Practice makes perfect. Even I know some basic combat spells so…leaning to use it is not all bad.”

Yugo made to speak but stopped short, closing his mouth and lowering his head. “I…maybe? Not today though…”

Twilight nodded understandingly, a reassuring smile on her face. "Of course, Yugo. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to help you practice and learn. It's important to take things at your own pace after all. In any case, shall we get started. This impromptu little meeting did take up quite a bit of your magic lesson today and I still want to go over at least the basics of your skill.”

The colt nodded, his mood lifting ever so slightly. Thinking of fighting and stuff like that was just too daunting for him. He had never seen anyone as so much lift a hoof against anyone else all his time here anyway so…putting it off for a little bit wouldn’t hurt.
