• Published 2nd Feb 2012
  • 3,917 Views, 45 Comments

Why I Hate Loving a Rainbow - FailWhale

Pinkie writes about her secret feelings and makes a decision that will change her life.

  • ...

The Picnic

When Pinkie Pie woke up that next morning, she realized something. She had never felt more nervous in her life. She zoomed around Sugarcube Corner, traversing the entirety of its length, width, and height in the timespan of 7 seconds. She would do this repeatedly, remembering what Applejack told her about overwhelming feelings. "If ya can't get yer mind off of it, then do some work to stop thinkin' about it. I usually just buck some apple trees, but you could try runnin' around if ya hafta." It didn't help. As Pinkie zoomed around Sugarcube Corner, she only found that she became more and more nervous.

"What if something goes wrong? What if I don't look nice enough? What if the food isn't good? What if something bad happens? What if she doesn't accept me? What if....ugh!" she groaned as she stopped moving. She pounded her head into a wall several times to try and clear her head.

"Come on, Pinkie, you can do this," she told herself. However, her nervousness continued to pour back in. She ran upstairs and planted herself onto a chair in front of a mirror. She looked at her reflection and frowned. "Do I look nice enough? Maybe I should do something with my mane..." Pinkie picked up an obscenely dusty hairbrush, blew on it to get rid of said dust, and began to furiously brush her mane. She ran the brush through her mane for several minutes, until it was less puffy and more silky and smooth. She smiled, but the smile turned into a frown when her mane returned to her normal style with a poof no more than five seconds after she stopped brushing.

"I guess that's a no for the mane..." She rushed downstairs into the kitchen. A large basket was on a table, all of the food for the picnic arranged around it. Pinkie checked every single item of food to see if there was any way to make it better. She sighed as she realized that there wasn't. She had made all of it perfectly.

"That's a no for the food too...What if something bad happens? Oh, but, my Pinkie Sense would probably tell me before it was too late...I guess there's nothing I can do..." said Pinkie, slightly reassured but worried by her conclusion. She decided to pack all of the items into the basket, humming while she did.

"Hm hm, hm hm hm filly and, hm hm, hm going down..." she hummed as she placed the picnic blanket over the basket. She tossed the basket up and caught it snugly on top of her back.

"Okay...Time to go," she said to herself. She walked out of Sugarcube Corner, and started trotting towards the entrance to Ponyville.

-What if I get there too early? What if I'm getting there too late? What if Rainbow Dash has been waiting for me? What if she doesn't come? What if... Pinkie slapped herself with a hoof to stop her mental train from continuing on that track. "You can't keep thinking like that, Pinkie!" she told herself. She looked up, and saw that Rainbow Dash was, in fact, NOT at the entrance. Pinkie walked up to the sign that said "Welcome to Ponyville!" and stood there for a couple of seconds.

-I'm too late, she already left! No, I'm too early, and I'll be waiting for hours! No, not even that, I'm gonna be waiting here forever and ever and she won't show up! Oh no....I can't believe thi- Pinkie's thoughts were interrupted by Rainbow Dash crashing into the sign.

"AGH!" Pinkie screamed as she shot straight into the air. She landed back down on the ground, hyperventilating all the while.

"Pinkie, calm down!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Oh! It's just you, Dashie..." said Pinkie, relieved but still breathing heavily.

"Are you calm now?" asked Rainbow Dash. Pinkie nodded. "Good. Now, can you help me out of this sign?" she asked her. Pinkie Pie turned to look at Rainbow Dash, and saw that she made a hole through the sign, but didn't shoot through it as much as embed herself into it. Pinkie quickly put the basket down, and proceeded to roll onto the floor and laugh out loud.

"Haha, very funny," said Rainbow Dash. "Can you PLEASE help me?" she asked Pinkie. Pinkie got up from the ground and grabbed Rainbow Dash's forelegs. She pulled on them as hard as she could, but Rainbow Dash wasn't budging.

"Um, Dashie! Ngh, you're...kinda...ngh...stuck..." said Pinkie, still trying to pull Rainbow Dash out of the sign.

"I noticed..." said Rainbow Dash, trying to worm out of the hole while Pinkie pulled. Pinkie planted her hindlegs onto the sign, and pushed on the sign while she pulled Rainbow Dash. She finally flew out of the hole with a large pop. Rainbow Dash sat up and grabbed her head.

"Ow..." she groaned. "Ugh, thanks Pinkie," she said, smiling at Pinkie Pie.

"No problem, Dashie!" responded Pinkie. She picked up the basket in her mouth and threw it onto her back again. "So, do you have anywhere you want to go?" asked Pinkie.


"For the picnic!"

"Oh. Well...I know this really awesome place that gives you an amazing view of Ponyville! You can see all of the houses, and the forest, and it's beauti-" Rainbow Dash stopped abruptly. "Uh, I mean, it's cool and all..." she said with a small blush. Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Well, let's go! Lead the way, Dashie!" said Pinkie with a smile. Rainbow Dash returned the smile and did just that.

While they were walking, Rainbow Dash noticed that Pinkie kept on glancing at her. She would occasionally make eye contact with Pinkie, and Pinkie would quickly look away, or pretend that she was looking at something else. This continued for about 15 minutes. Rainbow Dash was slightly confused, but decided not to pursue the subject.

"Okay, here we are!" said Rainbow Dash. Pinkie put the basket down and looked around. Rainbow Dash wasn't lying when she said that this place had an amazing view. True to her word, Pinkie could see every house in Ponyville and the entirety of the forest. Rainbow Dash was also telling the truth when she said it was beautiful. Or, rather, when she barely stopped herself from saying it was beautiful. Pinkie smiled at the memory while laying down the blanket. She started taking all of the food out and arranging it on the blanket, and Rainbow Dash was amazed.

"Wow, Pinkie! This looks great!" said Rainbow Dash as she sat down onto the blanket. Pinkie felt as if her heart melted and turned to glass from the heat, only to melt again from the compliment. She had a dopey grin on her face as she finished setting down the food. She sat down and began to talk to Rainbow Dash while they ate. In her mind, she was thinking about how well things were going, and how it would take a lot to ruin the time they were having.

Applejack was pacing at Sweet Apple Acres. She seemed to be very worried. Twilight was also there, trying to reassure Applejack.

"Don't worry, Applejack, it'll be fine! Those seeds'll be here any minute now," said Twilight.

"Ah know, Twilight, but..." Applejack hesitated. Twilight groaned.

"PLEASE tell me you're not still worried about Ditzy Doo being the pony to deliver the package!" said Twilight.

"Well, she's not the mos' reliable mailmare..." admitted Applejack, looking away.

"Applejack, they gave her extra days to get here to make sure the package arrives safely."

"But, the seeds are in a huge box! How's she able to carry that all the way?" demanded Applejack.

"Applejack, she's stronger than she looks. Besides, even if she does drop the box, the seeds are all in strong bags. They'll be safe," reassured Twilight. "In fact, the bags are so strong, I'd be more worried for whatever's under the falling box than the box itself..." she admitted.

Ditzy Doo was flying through the air, hauling a very heavy box through the air by rope. She was running late on the delivery. She had overslept two days before, and she flew in the complete wrong direction for six hours yesterday. She was determined to be as on time as possible. It was that determination that led her to ignore all sleep and meals for the past day. Unfortunately, she was starting to feel the effects of that decision. Her stomach growled and pained her while her vision was getting worse than usual.

"Ngh...I have to keep going...I need to deliver this on time...okay, I'm already late, but I can't be any later!" she said. She continued to lift the box, but then, her eyes started betraying her, the lids closing of their own accord.

"No...no no no...I can't fall asleep!" she said. However, her drowsiness was saying otherwise. She fell through the air, trying as hard as possible to continue lifting the box. She nodded off for only a second, but that was all that it took for her to lose her grip on the rope holding the box.

"No!" she yelled as the box fell through the air, plummeting to the ground. Ditzy Doo cursed at herself, then flew downwards, hoping to Celestia that nopony was underneath the box.

Pinkie was having a wonderful time with Rainbow Dash. They had eaten most of the food, and they were really enjoying themselves. They planned a large mess of pranks while they were there. Pinkie continued to think that nothing could go wrong.

Then her tail started twitching. At first, it was a mild tingle. Then the twitching began to increase in intensity.

"Pinkie, is something wrong?" asked Rainbow Dash in mild concern.

"My tail started twitching...And it's getting really super duper bad...That usually means that whatever's falling will really hurt somepony..." said Pinkie worriedly.

"Oh, don't worry about it," said Rainbow Dash. Pinkie looked up in the sky and her eyes widened.

"It's probably just noth-" Rainbow Dash was interrupted by Pinkie tackling her, sending them both flying from the blanket that the seed box subsequently landed on. It seemed to explode on impact, launching both small and large pieces of wood around the area. Pinkie landed on top of Rainbow Dash, pinning her to the ground.

"Pinkie...you just saved my life..." said Rainbow Dash, looking at Pinkie. Pinkie didn't respond. She just realized how close she was to Rainbow Dash and the position that they were in. Pinkie's breathing became more shallow, and her face grew very warm. She began to lose herself in Rainbow Dash's eyes. Those rose irises, the pupils darker than night, her rainbow colored mane, her cyan coat. She slowly moved her face closer to Rainbow Dash's. A blush appeared on Rainbow Dash's face as Pinkie grew closer.

~Don't do it..., said the voice inside, but Pinkie couldn't hear her. She couldn't hear anything besides her own breathing. She couldn't feel anything besides the warmth of Rainbow Dash's body and the movement of her chest as she breathed. The moment was too perfect. The opportunity was now.

And Pinkie took it.

Pinkie closed her eyes as she gently pressed her lips against Rainbow Dash's. She let the soft kiss linger for a few seconds before she pulled away. When she opened her eyes, she locked her gaze with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked shocked. The look in Dash's eyes was enough to frighten Pinkie. She pushed herself off of Rainbow Dash and backed away. Rainbow Dash sat up as best she could and looked at her, the same expression on her face.

"P-pinkie...wh-what was-" she began to ask.

"I-I-I....I don't...I-I-I'm-I...I'm sorry!" said Pinkie, getting more and more frightened by Rainbow Dash's reaction, slowly backing away from her.

~What are you doing? Don't just stand there, run! RUN! screamed the voice inside. Pinkie didn't hesitate to listen. She turned tail and ran away as fast as possible.

"Pinkie! Wait!" yelled Rainbow Dash. Pinkie didn't listen. She ran right past the wrecked box, not noticing the wood stuck straight up in the ground. She tripped over a plank, falling over and sliding on the ground for a couple of seconds. She felt a sharp pain run along her entire side, but didn't pay attention to it. She was only focused on galloping away as fast as possible. She picked herself up off of the ground and she ran along the path that they took to get there, tears running down her face as the voice inside reprimanded her.

~Why did you do that?! Huh?! You know how stupid that was! What's your problem?! That's probably what she was going to ask! She was going to yell at you, tell you she never wanted to see you again!

Pinkie said nothing. When she arrived at the sign that Rainbow Dash crashed into that morning, she stopped. She began to feel very light-headed, and she noticed a wet, warm feeling along her side. When she looked at herself, she saw that her side was covered in her own blood. She was mildly confused, but didn't hold on to that feeling as she collapsed onto the floor, her vision blurry and her breathing heavy. She vaguely saw a purple unicorn and an orange earth pony running towards her before she blacked out.

"...feel so bad right now..."

"Well, you should! She tried her hardest and what did you do? Yell at her!"

"Ah jus' wish that she woulda stopped cryin' after Ah apologized..."

"You only apologized after blowing up at her for ten minutes."

Pinkie Pie slowly opened her eyes. When she did, she saw that she was in Fluttershy's cottage. She was completely disoriented.

"Wh-what happened...why am I...at Fluttershy's...?" she asked. Twilight and Applejack stopped their argument and ran over to Pinkie.

"Pinkie! Yer alright!" said Applejack, grinning at Pinkie.

"Wh-why wouldn't I be...?" asked Pinkie weakly. She tried sitting up, but cried out in pain. She clutched her side and felt cloth. She looked and saw that there were bandages wrapped around her midsection. She vaguely remembered falling over and cutting her side open on a plank of wood while she was...

"We found you staggering outside of Ponyville, and saw that your side was cut open. We took you to Fluttershy's because it was the closest place. She cleaned up your wounds nicely, but we still called a doctor to see if she did a good job. He just left. He said it was okay for you to stay here, and Fluttershy has offered to take care of you to feel better," said Twilight, but Pinkie was barely listening. She was lost in her own thoughts. She remembered what had happened. She remembered how warm Rainbow Dash was. She remembered the movement of her chest. She remembered kissing her...

"Pinkie!" yelled Applejack. Pinkie looked up at her, startled by her outburst. She didn't realize that Applejack was asking her a question.

"Wh-what? I'm sorry, Applejack..." she said.

"Ah was askin' if you were hurt by the fallin' box."

"Oh, no...I tripped and fell over onto a plank of wood..." she explained quietly. Twilight and Applejack looked at each other worriedly.

"Pinkie...are you feeling alright?" asked Twilight with a concerned look.

"...no...no I'm not..." said Pinkie.

"Can we do anythin'?" asked Applejack.

"...no...Listen...I would really really appreciate it if you could leave me alone right now..." said Pinkie sadly.

"Oh...okay, Pinkie..." said Twilight.

"Jus' call Fluttershy if ya need anythin'..." said Applejack as she and Twilight went downstairs. As soon as they left, Pinkie's eyes began to tear up.

~I told you this would happen. I told you. I gave you fair warning. But, you didn't listen. And, now look what's happened. You've lost one of your best friends.

-Wh-what do you mean...?

~Didn't you see the look on Rainbow Dash's face after you kissed her?

-Y-yeah...but...I think she was just surprised, wasn't she? It's not like I gave her a warning...

~It wasn't surprise. I'll tell you what that look was. It was horror. It was disgust.


~Think about it! She just found out that one of her best friends is a fillyfooler. And, that so called friend tried to get with her! You think she's happy about that?! She's disgusted with you! She's never gonna be able to look at you again!

-I-it was...wasn't it...?

~I told you this would happen. I told you that I was right. Was I?

-Y-yes...you were right...about everything...

As Pinkie had that last thought, her coat visibly darkened. Her mane and tail fell, becoming straight and no longer in their puffy curls. When she agreed with the voice inside, her hair became dead. Lifeless.

Just like her happiness.

Pinkie began to cry. She just let the tears silently pour down her face as she went to sleep, hoping that this was all just a bad dream. She knew it wasn't. The voice inside told her it wasn't.

And the voice inside is right about everything.

And, there's the new chapter. So, after writing it, I realized that Pinkie could be taken as insane. That's not what I'm going for here. You know how in Party of One, whenever one of her "real friends" gives her a suggestion or corrects her, she seems to mindlessly agree with it? I imagine that she has that all the time, and that's what "the voice inside" is. And, whenever she starts to believe what it says is when her mane deflates. So, now that I've cleared that up, I'll just say what I normally do. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter'll be up soon. Hopefully.