• Published 2nd Feb 2012
  • 3,917 Views, 45 Comments

Why I Hate Loving a Rainbow - FailWhale

Pinkie writes about her secret feelings and makes a decision that will change her life.

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Daily Happenings

Pinkie slowly lowered the quill she was using to the desk she was writing on. Then, she sighed. She decided to try pouring her heart out into a journal. It helped somewhat. She got up from her sitting position, and she picked up the journal. She carefully put it away into a container underneath her bed, and she stopped in the middle of the room.

"Okay, Pinkie Pie," she said to herself. "Time to smile!" When she finished the sentence, she began smiling and walked downstairs.

"Hello, Pinkie!" said Mrs. Cake, who was currently baking an astounding amount of cupcakes with her husband.

"Good morning!" said Mr. Cake.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!" said Pinkie, as she usually did in the mornings, except when they were already out. They were regularly called out on catering business these days, so it was rare for Pinkie to see them in the morning. She always enjoyed it when she was able to say hello, though. "Since you're here, I won't have to watch the shop, right?" asked Pinkie.

"That's right, Pinkie, but usually you're sadder when you find out you aren't running the shop!" said Mrs. Cake, slightly worried. She quickly glanced at her husband. "Is something wrong?" asked Mr. Cake.

"Of course not, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! I just decided that I'm going to do something today. Something really important!" responded Pinkie cheerily. "Have a good day!" she called out as she walked out the door. Once she made it outside, she took a deep breath.

-Okay, Pinkie, you know what you have to do. You told everypony that you were going to tell Rainbow Dash how you felt about her. Well, it wasn't really everypony...It wasn't even something living...and you didn't Pinkie Promise...but still! She stomped her right hoof on the ground, and a determined look appeared on her face. Today's the day! The day that you tell Rainbow Dash how you feel about her! Pinkie took another deep breath, and she started bouncing along the way, looking for Rainbow Dash, but also noticing everything that was happening around Ponyville. Pinkie was actually a lot more observant than other ponies believed, those ponies including her friends. She noticed the squirrels in the trees, the cute little bunnies, the birds flying free, and the bees with their honey.

"It's enough to make anypony break out into song!" she remarked as she kept going through the town. She said hello to everypony that she passed, and she was still making observations.

-Hmm, Carrot Top seems really sad...I wonder what's the matter...I know! I'll throw her a party! I'm sure that'll make her feel better! Pinkie immediately began planning out the decorations for the party while she walked, but she was still focused on her ultimate goal: finding Rainbow Dash.

"Where could she be?" she asked herself. "I wonder if she's out bringing in some storm clouds, or practicing for the Wonderbolts...Hmm." Pinkie sat down on the ground and began to think. Just then, a rainbow streak appeared in the sky. Pinkie's mouth curved to form a smile as she called out to Rainbow Dash.

"Dashie! Hey, Rainbow Dash, wait up!" she called out as she quickly ran in the same direction Rainbow Dash was flying in. Rainbow Dash looked behind her and saw the pink shape running after her. Rainbow Dash slowly flew to the ground.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie, what's up?" she asked, smiling. Pinkie felt her mind get unfocused and fuzzy. She mentally shook her head to try and alleviate the sensation. It didn't help much.

"Oh, nothing, Dashie, what's up with you?" replied Pinkie, returning the smile.

"I was just trying to get over to Fluttershy's place. She said that she wanted to give me something. I don't really know what it was, but it must be pretty awesome!" replied Rainbow Dash. Pinkie giggled. "So, why were you trying to catch up with me, Pinkie?" Pinkie's smile froze on her face. Oh no, not again...

"What do you mean, Dashie?" asked Pinkie in response.

"Well, you seemed really bent on catching up with me, like you wanted to tell me something," replied Rainbow Dash.

"Uh..I..I just..." Pinkie stammered. She couldn't think straight. Come on, Pinkie, you can do this! Just believe in yourself! "I...I wanted to...ask you something," said Pinkie.

"Well, what is it?" asked Rainbow Dash.

-You can do this, come on!

~No you can't. Stop trying. It won't work.

Pinkie shook her head. "Is...something wrong, Pinkie?" asked Rainbow Dash, a worried tone starting to creep into her voice.

"N-no, everything's fine, Dashie!" replied Pinkie. "I-I just wanted to know...if..."

~It won't happen.

"If what, Pinkie?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I-If...If...you wanted to come to the party that I'm throwing for Carrot Top!" finished Pinkie, a fake smile plastered onto her face.

~Silly...I told you that you couldn't do it...

"Sure, Pinkie Pie! You know I always come to your parties," replied Rainbow Dash. "So, when is it?"

"Later today!" replied Pinkie in as happy a voice as she could manage. Rainbow Dash cast a worried look at her quickly before she replied, "Don't worry, Pinkie Pie. I'll be there! Now, I have to go meet up with Fluttershy," she said, taking off from the ground. "See you later!" she called out as she flew away.

"Bye, Dashie!" called out Pinkie, the fake smile still on her face. It vanished as she quietly added, "I-I love you..."

-I can't believe it! I chickened out again!

~I told you this would happen...but did you listen? No. You never do. Pinkie frantically shook her head again. She slowly began walking back into town, a very noticeable frown on her face. As she walked past Carrot Top's carrot stand, she heard a voice calling out to her.

"Pinkie Pie! Hello?" said Carrot Top, waving a hoof at Pinkie to call her over. Pinkie smiled slightly as she walked over to the carrot stand. "Hi there, Carrot Top!" she said. "What do you need?"

"Well, I couldn't help but notice that you seemed a little bit sad," said Carrot Top. "Oh...it's nothing, I've just got a lot of stuff crashing and bashing and rumbling around in my noggin!" replied Pinkie. "But, now that you mention seeming sad, I noticed the same thing this morning when I first walked by. You also looked a little sad, Carrot Top. Is there something wrong?" she asked.

"I don't know, Pinkie, I've just been kind of depressed lately. I don't know what's going on," she replied.

"Well, I know what'll help turn your sad frown upside down!" said Pinkie eagerly.

"What would that be?" asked Carrot Top, even though she already knew the answer.

"A PARTY!" replied Pinkie, jumping into the air from her enthusiasm.

"Oh, it's okay, Pinkie, you don't have to do that!" said Carrot Top.

"Oh, please, it'll be my pleasure!" replied Pinkie. "Besides, I can't stand to see ponies frowning like you were earlier! So, will you come to your party?" she asked.

"Oh...Okay, Pinkie," replied Carrot Top, smiling.

"Great!" said Pinkie, returning the smile. "Come to Sugarcube Corner later today!" she called out as she walked away. She felt her heart warm up slightly. It helped to mask some of the pain that she felt. Still, the pain would only worsen when she would see Rainbow Dash later that day. It always did.

After the party, Pinkie was exhausted, even though she didn't show it. She rarely did. She said goodbye to everypony, then began to clean up the party decorations. Carrot Top was in high spirits as she left. The party had really helped her, and Pinkie was glad. Good things happened at her parties. Of course, the good also has its share of the bad. And the bad at this party was yet another failed attempt of Pinkie's to tell Rainbow Dash how she felt. She had succeeded in finding out that Rainbow Dash wasn't partial to bunnies, but Pinkie didn't see how that information was relevant. She tried to focus on her sweeping, but as she did, she remembered her morning attempt to tell Rainbow Dash how she felt. She sighed, and continued her sweeping. Once she finished with the sweeping, she began taking down the assorted streamers, taking all the dishes downstairs, washing said dishes, and giving the room a final glance. When she did, she flopped onto her bed and tried to fall asleep.

As she tried, she eventually started to think of Rainbow Dash. Her multicolored mane, her cyan blue coat, her rose colored eyes that she just wanted to stare at endlessly. Her voice. Her scent. Everything about her. Pinkie gritted her teeth as she felt the tears begin to fall. The drops soon became a steady river, as Pinkie sobbed quietly. She cried for a couple more minutes, then when she couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed her pillow, slammed it against her face, and she began screaming into it. She screamed and screamed and screamed. She yelled.

"WHY?! WHY?! WHY CAN'T I TELL HER?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! WHY?!" she screamed into the pillow, the sounds (thankfully) muffled by the cushion. The pillow only made sure that nopony heard her except herself. It didn't help that her mind was screaming the same things at the same time. "I DON'T GET IT! WHY DOES SHE MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAY?! WHY IS IT SO HARD?! WHY?! Why? Why..." She stopped screaming and she lay flat on her bed. She continued to cry quietly, the tears streaming down her face. Only one thought ran through her head as she fell asleep.


Yeah, another chapter finished. So, I was originally going to leave the prologue as it was, but I got a lot of positive responses from many people, so I decided to try and make this into a full fledged story (OH CELESTIA WHY?). So, feedback will be greatly appreciated, and thanks for reading.