• Member Since 17th Oct, 2023
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Things are normal at the Crystal Brighthouse, but when Misty's notebook starts to burst with poems and writings dedicated to Sunny, a question sends her on a journey within to find the source.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

This ship is really starting to grow on me. This was an amazing piece to sate my newfound attraction for it. Great one shot!

Thank you so much!

Down absolutely bad. Loved reading through it!

Can't describe my reaction to this fic with anything but a 'finally some good f*cking fOOD'

Ngl I’m really picky with what I read about G5, I love the characters way too much and I’m easily drawn away first momento I see somehitng slightly out of character (which happens too often tbh). I’m happy to say this was not the case. Not only was it super funny and so in character it could be considered an episode of tell your tale, but it’s about a ship that’s REALLY good and deserves more attention. Sunny/Misty really should be more popular.

I haven't done this in a loooong, long time. Here, good sir/m'am, is me adding this story to my favorites. Thank you so much for writing this, I really missed reading a g5 fic I liked from start to end.

Now some extra thoughts about the story I didn’t know where to add to the chunk of text I did just now lol: The poems were really cute <3 The girls are all so dumb here and I’m here for it. Didn't expect the inclusion of Flare but it was fun. Maybe I admit I missed Hitch here, but I guess he wouldn’t have much to add, this kinda was a girls-only talk.

Misty forced out laughs that came out like croaking sighs. “Yeah I think I left like twenty ovens on back home so thank you byyyyyye!”

AFDDSFD this had me rolling helpp

Misty focused on her horn. She hadn’t performed this spell too often, and it proved to be a strain when she did. It sure beat a whole trek back to the Brighthouse, though.

Nice ref to Misty learning spells! Helps avoid the awkward ‘wait where was this character storing this just now? Their hair? Huh??’ kind of thoughts while reading.

“Well, w-w-we’ve gotta be accurate here, Misty.” Sunny’s eyes twitched. “We don’t want to have incorrect results just because my breath was bad or the mood wasn’t right or we didn’t try it long enough or passionately enough or because eight hours of studying at the library wasn’t enough time to learn how to kiss, right? Right!”

I like to think Sunny would be the calm one of the two in the relationship, but it is funny to think of both as disaster sapphic. Also it's possible that Sunny doesn't have much relationship experience considering she was alone before she met the rest, aw

“You belong here,” Sunny hummed.

I'll never get tired of Sunny being the one reminding Misty this aaa

Thank you! I'm really glad it felt accurate.

hello you made me explode good job 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💜💜💜💜🙂🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄:raritycry:

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