• Published 10th May 2024
  • 209 Views, 4 Comments

Scootaloo's new master - Scootaprisoner

A lone pegasus filly waits, trapped inside of a cage for somepony to buy her.

  • ...

Chapter 1

A light blue pegasus, his identity hidden by a cloak, entered a small, musky store. The smell of pony waste and bodily odour threatened to overcome his senses. All around him were cages, that housed scruffy-looking ponies, each of them had a face of hopelessness and despair. What was most disturbing was the fact that all these ponies were school-aged colts and fillies who were being sold into slavery.

Suddenly a scruffy, brown griffin walked up to him, "Welcome, what can I get for you today."

The cloaked pony was straight to the point, "I am looking for a pegasus slave, they need to be fit and have at least some form of intelligence."

"You have come to the right place, we sell loads of pegasi, come take your pick," The griffon said, leading him down an aisle, where on each side were cages, that contained a pegasus child. The mysterious pony began to examine the merchandise when he heard the slave trader yell out, "HEY! WAKE UP!" The command was accompanied by the sound of a cattle prod meeting flesh and a filly screaming in pain.

The pony walked up to the cage, however, the trader extended his large wings, blocking his view of the cage, "You do not want this one. It is a troublemaker, it is merely a defect. It will be scrapped for spare parts by the end of the day."

Below the darkness of the hood, the pony raised his eyebrow inquisitively, "Spare parts?"

"Its organs and fur. It will die and become a rich griffon's rug," The griffon explained.

"Let me see it," the pony said in a commanding tone.

The griffon reluctantly moved his wings before saying, "You will not want it. It can't fly it is broken."

The pony merely ignored him, instead examining the small pegasus, locked in the cage. The pegasus filly had a messy purple mane and tail as well as an orange body, her light purple eyes bruised and full of sadness. The filly looked to be around five years old, the pony suspected that she had been bred within the store. "What is its name?" the pegasus stallion asked.

"Scootaloo," The griffon sneered mockingly.

The griffon then tried to pull his attention towards a cleaner slave in a different cage, however the pegasus dropped a pouch onto the floor in front of the greedy griffon, the rattling of gold coins, instantly attracting his attention, "I'll take it."

The griffon scooped the pouch up into his talons, "Excellent choice, It has a tracker embedded into its brain, so you can never lose it."

While the Griffon opened the cage and began to muzzle the filly, the pegasus left to retrieve something from his private carriage before returning with a metal pole that had a loop of plastic cord at the end that could be adjusted. The filly had been muzzled as well as her small wings had been chained, she stared at the pole in fear. "Would you like it blindfolded?"

The pony shook his head, "No that won't be necessary." The filly started to shake her head and release muffled whimpers as her new owner advanced towards her. She attempted to back away, however the Griffin held her still, while the pony forced her head through the loop before tightening the chord around her neck.

Nodding his thanks to the slave trader, he then commanded, "Come slave," before pulling on the pole, however, the filly dug her hooves into the ground, refusing to budge. Losing his patience, the stallion pulled out a whip before striking the floor, narrowly missing her hoof, "That was a warning strike, next time it won't be, now move," he threatened, pulling on the pole again, this time the filly complied and began to follow him out onto the Griffonian street, the stallion then opened the carriage and forced the filly to enter before following her inside.

His chauffeur then began to pull the carriage as the pony introduced himself, "My name is Thunder Strike. I am your new master. I am going to be taking you to your new home in Equestria, when we go through border control, you will tell the guards that you are my daughter returning home from holiday. If you do not do this then you will be punished do I make myself clear?"

The filly nodded, "Good girl, I am going to take your muzzle off, do not speak unless I tell you to."

Thunder Strike then removed the muzzle before pulling out a polaroid camera before snapping a picture of the slave's face. He then pulled out a small blue book, that had the symbol of the Equestria on the front. He then stuck the picture inside of the forged passport before writing her name and date of birth.

Scootaloo examined her new master with a mixture of fear and interest, Thunder Strike was light blue with dark grey eyes, from what little mane she could see, he had a shiny grey mane. Scootaloo wanted to ask where they were going but she was too afraid of the consequences for talking so instead she decided to remain quiet.

Thunder Strike watched his slave with curiosity, for now, she appeared to be following orders. She appeared to be scared and her mane and fur was filthy, she was also clearly starving, with her bones showing. Thunder then opened one of his saddle bags and pulled out a large apple pie. Unwrapping the packaging, Thunder spotted Scootaloo staring at the food with hunger.

Thunder slapped her across her face and snapped, "Don't stare!"

Scootaloo whimpered as her master was about to dig in, Scootaloo opened her mouth to talk but stopped upon seeing her master's harsh gaze and instead resorted to staring down at her hooves with her ears folded. While Thunder liked the control he had over her, he also couldn't help but feel sorry for her. NO! I am a lord, she is nothing but a slave, I cannot show any mercy towards her. Thunder thought to himself.

Thunder pulled out a tin of dog food before opening it and giving it to the filly, "Eat it."

Scootaloo wrinkled her nose and wanted to push it away but the feeling of hunger overwhelmed her and she stuck her snout in the tin and began gobbling the food down. Thunder was repulsed at the way she was eating. Scootaloo had practically demolished the food, however, she was still hungry.

They then heard the chauffeur shout, "My Lord we're approaching the the border crossing."

As they felt the carriage roll to a stop, Thunder Strike said, "Remember what I told you and no funny business."

Scootaloo nodded as Thunder tried to hear what the guard and his chauffeur was saying but the speech was muffled. Suddenly a Royal Guard approached the window and asked in a commanding tone, "State your name and business."

"I am Lord Thunder Strike, this is my daughter, Scootaloo we are returning to Equestria from a holiday in Griffonia." Thunder Strike told him confidently while pointing towards Scootaloo.

The guard nodded then held his hoof out, "Passports."

"Of course." Thunder said while giving the guards the passports.

While he examined the passports, Thunder silently prayed that the enchanted forgery would not be detected by the guard. He had paid good money for the forgery to be able to withstand any revealing magic and to look identical as a legitimate passport.

While analysing the passport with his spell, the guard remarked, "I'd never expect a noble to go on holiday to Griffonia of all places."

"And why's that?" Thunder asked harshly.

"Most nobles usually go to Prance or to Aneighrica." The Guard said.

"Well, I'm not like most nobles, besides Scootaloo here gets homesick when we are far away from Equestria." Thunder explained.

"Very well, you may pass." The guard said handing him the passports.

"Thank you," Thunder replied before the carriage started setting off again.


Scootaloo started to see green trees and the carriage started to get warmer. "So slave, tell me more about yourself."

Scootaloo appeared surprised to be asked a question like a common pony, "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked.

Scootaloo yelped in pain as Thunder slapped her again, "You will address me as, master. Now tell me about where you was born and who your parents were."

Scootaloo looked away as tears began to form, "I never knew my parents, they were sold to a Griffon Prince. I was born in a breeding farm."

Breeding farms were places that forced foalnapped ponies to have sex and then give birth, their offspring would then be sold into slavery. While slavery was technically illegal in Griffonia, many corrupt politicians usually turn a blind eye towards the operation in return for power and money. While Equestria knew about the Griffonian slave trade, they were powerless to stop it as they did not want to risk an all out war.

Scootaloo was wondering where they were going, she had always wanted to go to Equestria ever since hearing that it was a safe haven for ponies but then she began to wonder if it was a true safe haven, if she was still being enslaved.

Suddenly she felt the carriage begin to rise as the sound of wings flapping filled her ears. Not long after the carriage had begun ascending, they came to a standstill and the door to the carriage opened.

Thunder secured the pole around her neck again before pulling her outside, where Scootaloo couldn't help but gasp in awe at the sight of a massive mansion made entirely out of clouds. "Welcome to your new home," Thunder said.

Thunder then led her into the main entrance, which had a grand staircase, also made out of clouds with a golden chandelier hanging down. He then led her through a small door that had a long spiral staircase, following the staircase upwards until they came across a room that resembled a dungeon.

Scootaloo gulped at seeing all the chains and hoofcuffs that had been chained to the walls. There was a thin mattress and a bowl of water, "This is where you'll be staying. I want you to rest for the night, I shall explain the rules. This door will be locked from the outside, If you try to escape I assure you that your punishment will be... unpleasant." He threatened before slamming the metal door shut and locking it.

Scootaloo sighed before lying down on the mattress as she wondered what was going to happen to her.

Comments ( 4 )

Great… more slavery…. Sheesh might as well make Adolf Hitler dictator at this point.

Story was cool tho.

I'm not really a fan of "savior slave owner" stories, but who am I to judge, eh? It's well written at least!

I'm a bit confused by your protagonists motivations. If he was sympathetic to Scootaloo and took her despite her deformities - probably to "save" her - why does he still rough her up and treat her like shit?

Scootaloo started to see green trees and the carriage started to get warmer. "So slave, tell me more about yourself."

Scootaloo appeared surprised to be asked a question like a common pony, "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked.

Scootaloo yelped in pain as Thunder slapped her again, "You will address me as, master. Now tell me about where you was born and who your parents were."

This is where I lost all sympathy for your MC and called him a bastard, lmao. I'm curious to see how the story goes, currently wishing for an uprising where Scootaloo manages to kill him :trollestia:

This is very good I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I'll be willing to see Thunder Strike training Scootaloo to be strong, she needs some exercise and a eat lot of food to keep her strength up.

Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable

Here's a song that will make you do whatever it takes. Enjoy!


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