• Published 9th May 2024
  • 281 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian Omni-Hero: Destroy All Aliens - Blaze-saber

Just when things started looking good for Helix, things and up going bad. From getting grounded, and worst of all, a mechmorph is out for him..and he can’t turn back to a pony.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It seemed like a peaceful night in the land of Equestria as everything seemed calm in the town known as Hoofwood. But then some officer stallions are chasing after what appears to be a high-tech mech as the ponies around are screaming and managed to get out of the way while also crushing some wagons and chariots along the way, luckily no one was harmed.

“In pursuit of an unknown vehicle in pony boulevard near pegasi avenue.” A Pegasus spoke up as they started firing arrows at the vehicle, but then it reflected them off as the cannon turned and aimed a laser beam at them, making half the group dodge. They crashed before a missile was fired, knocking them back.

Just then, the mobile base drove by while inside are Helix, his parents, Xylene, Misty, Flash, and both the Mane and Young Six. They were in pursuit of the vehicle as Helix got a better look at it. “Is that the tank Celestia told us about?” He asked the others.

“Seems about right.” Rainbow said with a shrug. “Because I never saw something that cool before!” She exclaimed with a smile.

“It's not just any tank, it's a fully automated urban assault vehicle.” Twilight told them. “At least that's what Celestia said. She mentioned that it's equipped with some strange tech, my guess is alien tech."

"That might explain why it looks so advanced yet it's out of control." Applejack mentioned before they saw the vehicle extend out its Wheels before it extended its legs out. They all washed as it started to jump off of the ground and up onto the roof of the buildings to drive along them. “Okay, you don’t see that everyday.”

The tank soon jumped off of the building as it started to fire more missiles and lasers from its Cannon. "We don't do something soon, it's going to destroy the whole town!" Flash exclaimed.

"Hold on!" Delta told them as he made the base go faster before turning a corner and cutting the tank off by hitting it on its wheels as it flipped over. The base skidded to a stop as the tank crashed into a building. They thought it was down before their eyes widened when they saw the wheels move.

The tank got its bearings and aimed at the base and fired its lasers, which Delta tried to avoid as he drove the mobile base to a tunnel, but the lasers took out one of its wheels and the mobile base stopped as the lasers from the tank started coming towards them.

“Whatever this thing is, it’s gone completely out of control!” Dust called as she and her husband armed their blasters.

"This is why you don't try to make things without the proper restraint.” Xylene mentioned before Helix opened the door with a determined and confident look.

"Which means it's hero time!" He declared before he marched forward, ready to fight the tank. But then he was pulled back into the mobile base by Twilight.

“Not on a school night. We promised Misty’s parents we had her home by 8:00 and for the students to get some proper rest.” Twilight said as the adults rushed out of the mobile base and started fighting the tank.

“Like that ever stopped us.” Gallus said with a rolled of his eyes as they watched the adults fight the tank. They seemed to be doing well until the tank started firing its lasers at them.

"Well according to my watch, it's time for an upgrade!" Helix declared before he hopped out and pressed the two buttons on his Omnitrix. The watch lit up as the hologram ring appeared and the alien icons appeared as well. He cycled through them until he stopped on the Upgrade icon and pressed the two buttons to make the core pop up. He then raised his hoof up high before slamming it down onto the corner.

His body was soon enveloped in metallic black liquid with purple circuits as he began his transformation. Soon he had transformed into a familiar purple and black Alien made of living metal with circuitry on his body. As soon as his Upgrade transformation was complete, he was about to leave forward before a magic barrier slammed against him.

“Hold up, Helix.” Smolder said as Upgrade flopped into the ground as Smolder walked up in front of them. “All it needs is a dismantling spell.”

“Upgrade.” Upgrade said before Smolder blocked him again.

“Dismantling spell.” Smolder said as Upgrade leaned back.

“Upgrade!” Upgrade yelled before he moved past her.

“Dismantling spell!” Smolder called as she slammed Upgrade with two barriers, squishing him as the others cringed.

“She’s getting good at those spells.” Silverstream commented.

“Hope taught her well.” Ocellus said.

"Okay fine, you win…" Upgrade admitted as Smolder walked past him with a smug look. She looked back at him before snapping her fingers to cancel out the two barriers. As he lowered to the ground in defeat, Smolder prepared her magic as she was about to do the spell before he suddenly stood back up. “Sych! Upgrade!” He called as he slither past Smolder while the adults were groaning on the ground when the tank overpowered them and he merged with the tank, but in doing so, he gave it multiple weapons. “Whoa! I was trying to downgrade it! Not upgrade it even more!”

"Okay, let me try a little Juryrigg to try and dismantle it now that he has control of it." Misty mentioned as she tried to activate her Omnitrix.

"I got it!" Smolder exclaimed as her paws glowed in her magic. "Mechanae discombobulus!" She called out as she casted the spell.

“Smolder! Wait! Helix is--” Sandbar tried to say, but Smolder already blasted her magic on the tank, which also zapped Upgrade as he spasm around.

“Whoa! This is not good!” Upgrade cried out in pain as the tank then got split apart as the parts fell to the ground as the adults and young group dodge the parts as Upgrade unmerges with them as he sparks up. “Whoa!” He cried out in pain from the shock before the Omnitrix timed out. "Uh…my bad?" He said nervously after seeing the many pieces of the upgraded tank everywhere.

"And that's why I was going to take it apart piece by piece instead of all at once." Misty mentioned.

“Hey at least it’s apart.” Smolder said as the young group went to the adults when Xylene moved some of the parts away from them.

“Are friends okay?” Yona asked.

“We’re fine. Yona.” Xylene assured her.

"But a few more inches and we wouldn't be." Flash mentioned.

Helix regrouped with them as they looked at the big part that nearly crushed them. “This is your fault!” Both Helix and Smolder yelled as they pointed at each other. “My fault?! How is it my fault?!”

"You're the nut-job who upgraded that assault vehicle!" Smolder told him.

"Well you're the nimrod who hit me with that dismantling spell!" Helix exclaimed back.

“Okay! Okay! Enough!” Twilight called out to them. “At least we took care of this thing and everyone’s okay.”

"Now let's get out of here before one of you breaks anything else.” Delta added jokingly as they walked back to the mobile base. However, Helix’s Omnitrix then started sparking up as rainbow colors glowed in the core while fritzing out.

Deep inside of the Omnitrix, different colored electric Sparks seem to be flowing through it as it seemed to be affecting the watch itself. The Omni-Core looked to be overloading with this strange energy before it was covered in a dark green mist. Helix seems to be flying through the city on his hoverboard he got from his adventure in space as he looked at an abandoned Hoofwood.

“Mom? Dad?” Helix asked as he flew around and tried to spot anyone. “Where is everypony?” He asked as he searched around for anyone before he saw two shadowy figures. “Dad? Mom?” he wondered before one of the figures was lit on fire and his light revealed them to be Heatblast and Swampfire while they both looked very angry.

“Heatblast? Swampfire?” Helix asked in surprise before he ducked and avoided fire blasts. “Why are you two attacking me?!” He asked in shock as he flew around and avoided the fire blasts. “Wait! You two are me!” He cried out, having seen the Omnitrix symbols on them as he flew up a building as he avoided the fire blasts.

Heatblast and Swampfire followed with their flames as they released two big firebeams, but Helix managed to avoid them, he spun in the air and landed on the roof. But then the door behind him started shaking, which got his attention as he turned and the door bust opened to reveal Fourarms, Shock Rock, and Humungousaur as all three of them roared before glaring at him.

“Fourarms?! Shock Rock!? Humungousaur!?” Helix exclaimed as the three strong aliens tried to attack, but Helix avoided them as he flew over the edge of the building. “What is this?! When the Omnitrix’s greatest hits strike back?!" He questioned before all three aliens leaped off of the building after him, but he quickly flew out of the way as they crashed.

Helix then flew over a bridge. “Or, is this another one of your tricks Misty?! Or your stupid spells, Smolder!? Because if so, this isn’t funny!” He yelled out while not seeing from under the bridge was Jetray, Stinkfly, and Big Chill.

Helix sniffed the air before he cringed in disgust as he was about to puke while covering his mouth before he felt a cold chill in the air. He turned and saw his three flying aliens flying after them as they fired their attacks on them. “Jetray, Stinkfly, and Big Chill?!” He exclaimed as he turned to an alley as the three flying aliens flew past them. “Okay, it definitely doesn’t smell or feel like a magic spell. And I know that Misty doesn’t want to be Stinkfly. He’s too gross for her.”

But the wall behind him suddenly cracked as familiar hands first through them. He quickly moved away before those hands brought down the wall and he saw Diamondhead, Krimzon, and Chromastone glaring at him. “Diamondhead, Krimzon and Chromastone?” He asked as the three diamond aliens fired at him, but Helix avoided their shots as he flew into the park.

As Helix flew into the park, a familiar four-armed monkey jumped through the trees and then grab hold of Helix’s hoverboard. “Whoa! Spidermonkey?!” He called as Spidermonkey gave monkey sounds as Helix flew around and flew straight through a tree, which caused Spidermonkey to get hit by a branch and left dangling in it before he fell to the ground. “Who else is after me?!” He questioned in exasperation.

Before a bunch of water blasts started firing at him while his hoverboard was moving out of control on its own. Helix was then dangling to his hoverboard as it started shaking as coming out of it was Upgrade and flying over him was Overflow. “Upgrade and Overflow?! I had to ask.” Helix said to himself since he asked for it.

Overflow was about to shoot him with a powerful water blast before he quickly let go of Upgrade and he took the hit. Helix started running on the ground before the ground started rumbling loudly before a familiar hand came up and surrounded him from the ground. A giant alien gave a familiar roar, one of Helix’s most powerful aliens. “Way Big. Why did it have to be Way Big?” He muttered while facehooving himself.

“Helix… Helix… Helix Watch.” Way Big muttered while Helix’s other aliens were on the ground.

“What do you want from me?!” Helix questioned with a glare.

"Your homework!" Way Big replied, which confused Helix a lot.

In reality, Helix was sleeping on his desk, out cold from the fight with the alien tank last night as Misty was next to him with a concerned look. “That is if you can’t stay awake long enough to hand it in.” His teacher, who is a light blue unicorn mare with glasses, said with a brow. “Misty, can you please wake up your cousin?”

"Okay." Misty replied before she used her magic to plug his nostrils. Which caused Helix to gasp and wake up from his sleep as he fell to the floor while his classmates laughed. “Hey, cous, you need to turn in your homework.”

Helix got up in realization. “Oh, yeah! Here you go.” He said as he took out his homework, but before the teacher could take it, the Omnitrix sparked up as it absorbed his homework.

“Turn off that blasted alien watch alarm.” The teacher ordered as Helix covered up the Omnitrix. “And where’s the homework?” She questioned as Helix looked around and saw his homework was gone.

“Uh, I could have sworn it was in my hoof a moment ago.” Helix said as he looked around on his desk.

“Well either way, you got an F on your homework." The teacher said before the bell rang. “Now don't forget that your history reports are due Monday."

"History report, what history report?" Helix questioned.

“Didn't you put it down in your planner?" Misty asked him before the teacher took his class planner and flipped through the pages.

“Next time, try using your planner for writing down class assignments instead of doodling alien heroes.” The teacher said as she showed Helix’s planner it was filled with Helix’s aliens, Manny, and his alien girlfriends.

"Some of those aren't me, they're my teammates from the summer." Helix told his teacher before she flipped through more of the pages until she found a drawing of herself with the word 'boring' next to it. "Uh, except that one." He said sheepishly as he quickly took his planner back.

“How about a detention to go with the F, Mr. Watch?” The teacher suggested as she write a detention ticket and gave it to Helix, who snatched it from her as he walked off as Misty sighed at her cousin as she followed after him.

The two of them soon were outside in the playground with the other students as Helix was mumbling under his breath. "You know, I think you were in the clear before that drawing.” Misty said to try and cheer him up. "Either way, those drawings are very great. Very detailed too."

“Yeah, but I could’ve sworn I had my homework. I just had it in my hoof.” Helix said while looking through his planner. “Things used to be much easier when it was summer. We always saved the world instead of doing reports on it and we had the others to watch our backs. I just wish Manny and the girls were here.”

"Well they're at the Plumbers Academy and maybe we'll see them again next summer." Misty told him. "We just gotta get through this school year. As for the history report, each of us is doing a report on the Founding of Equestria. I already turned mine in early, so maybe I can help you get a jump start before Monday."

“Thanks, cous. Because while I may take responsibility, I hardly even get my school work done.” Helix said while looking at his Omnitrix. “I didn’t get much sleep last night after that tank fight and that spell Smolder hit me with. That really hurts as Upgrade.”

"Yeah, you definitely were talking a lot in your sleep.” Misty mentioned. "Mostly about your aliens and them attacking you. What's up with that?"

“I don’t know. But it felt so real. It’s like I was really fighting myself.” Helix said while looking at his Omnitrix before looking away from it. “Even with summer over, weird things keep happening.”

“Well, that’s just how life is. I mean, Equestria seems weird after all.” Misty said with a shrug.

"Hey Helix!" Filly called out. "You think one of your aliens can make the merry-go-round be more exciting?!"

“Uh, I don’t know.” Helix said uncertainty. “I promise my parents I only go alien under extreme emergencies.”

“Please! Just this once!” The filly pleaded while giving puppy eyes.

Helix looked at her before he sighed. “Okay, just this once.” He said as he activated his Omnitrix.

“Yes!” The filly cheered.

Helix scrolled through his aliens and picked one before he slammed the core down and transformed into Juryrigg. "I was going for Upgrade, but this will do." He said with a shrug.

“Just try not to go overboard.” Misty advises his cousin.

“No promises.” Juryrigg said with a raspberry as he rushed up to the merry-go-round. “Fixfixfixfixfixfix!” He called as he took some parts away from the ride and then started tricking it out a bit as he went up with a smile. “Ta-da!” He cheered. All the fillies and colts let out a 'whoa' before two of them got on the merry-go-round.

“Awesome!” A colt cheered as they all ran up to the tricked-out merry-go-round and they all cheered in excitement as Juryrigg gave a smile.

“Okay, that is pretty cool. But you know your parents are gonna be disappointed you went alien.” Misty said to him.

“Hey, they won’t know.” Juryrigg said with a smile. “As soon as I time out, they won’t know a thing.”

As soon as school was over, he was still Juryrigg as he was sneaking into his room without his parents knowing. “Do you just hang out whenever you want to or something?" He questioned his Omnitrix before he heard a knock at his door.

“Helix.” Delta’s voice spoke up from the door. “We need to talk.”

“Just a sec--” Juryrigg stopped as he cleared his throat and made his voice a bit lower. “Just a second, dad.” He said as he quickly hid under his bed as the Omnitrix finally beeped as he timed out before his parents entered.

"Helix?" Dust called out before Helix popped his head out from under the bed.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.” Helix said with a nervous smile.

“What were you doing under the bed?” Dust questioned.

“I was, uh…” Helix muttered before he picked up a hat. “Looking for my favorite hat!”

"Uh huh, so it doesn't have to do with the fact that there's a tricked out Merry-Go-Round at your school?” Delta questioned with a brow.

“Uh, it was because, uh…” Helix tried to lie before he sighed in defeat. “Actually, I went Juryrigg and tricked out the merry-go-round for a kid’s request.” He said as he sat on his bed.

"Yeah, we kind of already knew since one of your teachers sent us a letter about it." Dust mentioned with a brow. "You know you're not supposed to use the Omnitrix just to please others. And we even heard that you fell asleep in class."

“I’m afraid we’re gonna have to ground you, son.” Delta said to him.

“What?! Why?!” Helix asked in shock. “I’m supposed to go fishing with my friends this weekend!” He cried.

"You spent the entire summer with your friends.” Delta told him with a sincere tone. “Missing one weekend with them won't be the end of the world. Besides, if you try to do things you want to do, you'll end up losing things you'll care about most."

Deep in space, a very large satellite was floating in space as deep within Helen was seen racing around a large rocky field while being shot at. “Eh! A little help here!” She called as she ran behind a pillar as Attea jumped up.

“I got your back, Helen!” She called as she started returning fire at whoever is shooting while ducking to avoid the shots as well.

"Heads up!" Zs'spoocy called out as she flew overhead and threw a blaster right towards Helen.

“Thanks!” Helen thanked as she and Attea started blasting together from whoever’s firing at them as they were put in a standstill. Manny and Lolaxx then jumped up as they gave a yell and landed on the spot who was firing at them as a dust cloud appeared.

“Oh, yeah! Now that’s how teamwork goes!” Manny cheered while flexing his muscles.

“Oh, very funny, Manny.” A voice spoke up while underneath Manny and Lolaxx was Pierce, who was giving a smirk. “But you forgot a little trick I can do.” He said as he shot spikes at them, which made Manny and Lolaxx jump away as he stood up. “But I must admit, you five have worked better as a team than any rookies in the academy.”

“Well, we spent an entire summer working together and fighting bad guys. So yeah, we’ve been through similar situations.” Lolaxx said with her arms crossed. "But I have to admit, it was pretty intense."

"You could at least not fire your quills at us, I always hated that." Manny asked Pierce.

“Sorry, but using our powers is our natural ability. And besides, you should adapt if similar situations happen.” Pierce said with a smile as Helen, Attea, and Zs’spoocy came to them. “Nice cover fire for your muscles. You really surprised me.”

“Thanks, brother.” Helen said with a smile before she frowned. “Though, sometimes it’s a bit hard without the rest of our friends.”

Soon an alien wearing a plumber uniform walked into the room. “Excuse me, someone is calling for you from the planet Equus." He informed the five of them. "I believe he said his name was Helix Watch."

This brought the five’s attention as they smiled and rushed out of the training room while Pierce gave a chuckle. “Oh, there they go.” He said with a chuckle.

Helen then got up to the computer phone first as the others followed as they saw Helix on the screen. “Hi, Helix!” Helen said happily.

"Hey guys, really great to see you again, you know in video chat now that I figured out how to work the communication on my Omnitrix." Helix said with a smile.

“Hey, at least you finally work it out.” Lolaxx said with a smile. “That thing is full of many features afterall.

True enough.” Helix said with a chuckle.

“So, Helix, how’s life back on Equestria after we burned Vilgax to a crisp?” Manny asked.

"Oh it's good, but I want to know what the whole life in the academy is." Helix mentioned. Like have any of you heard about anything about an end of the world or something? Like a life or death situation that totally needs my help."

"You got grounded by your parents, didn't you?" Attea asked with a smirk and a brow.

Helix sighed in defeat as he lowered his head. “Yeah. Because I fell asleep in class and used the Omnitrix just to entertain my classmates.” He said in defeat. “I was planning on going fishing with the others, but apparently, I won’t be going. So I figure if there’s any dire situation that can help out of this situation.

“Sorry, man. There’s no situation in need of saving the universe.” Manny said with a shrug.

“Besides, you can’t overrule your parents.” Lolaxx advised.

"I wish you guys were still here, things are more interesting with you guys around." Helix said sadly.

“So do we, Helix. But summer can’t last forever.” Helen said with a small smile. “We all have destiny to take us where we’re needed. And we miss you and the others as well. And I’ve been spending time with my brother since we reunited.”

"But still, I wished our summer trip never ended. We're heroes, we shouldn't be separated like this." Helix said sadly.

“Helix, there’s no point in saving the universe if you lose your family and friends.” Zs’spoocy said with a sad look. “Trust me. I’ve been there.”

“Just try and give this grounded thing a chance. It will give you some time to think things through.” Helen suggested. “Don’t worry. Your parents will come around.”

I guess.” Helix said with a sad look as his alien friends gave him sympathetic looks.

A bit later, Helix was with a ton of books as he was writing his history report. “And so, after discovering the Fire of Friendship, Clover the Clever used her magic to destroy the Windigos and freed ponykind’s leaders of each tribe and worked together in founding Equestria.” He said as he finished his report as he sighed and flopped to the floor. “Ugh, finally I’m done. Shoot me now.” He said tiredly.

Just then, Helix’s Omnitrix lit up in rainbow color and fired a beam that nearly hit Helix before his textbook and report disappeared, which made him startled as he stood up. “I didn’t mean literally!” He called as he looked at his Omnitrix. “Since when do you vaporize textbooks and report assignments?!” He questioned the Omnitrix before he realized something. “Wait, you vaporize my homework earlier and now again?! What’s going on with you?!” He questioned while looking at his Omnitrix.

"What, do you only talk when you're about to self-destruct or scan DNA?" He asked before he realized he was talking to something on his wrist. "I feel like I'm going crazy in here." He said as he then turned to a picture of him and his friends together as he looked at it as he sighs. “I really wish it was that summer again. Only wish something really interesting would just come through the window."

Just then, a diamond shard shot out from his opened window, which startled him. He looked out and saw two familiar figures out the window, it was Tetrax and Eighteight. Tetrax had his helmet put down as he was surprised to see them both. "Tetrax and Eighteight? What…what are you both doing here?" Helix asked them.

"We need to talk, Helix." Tetrax replied. "Get your hoverboard and come with us." Helix smiled brightly before he quickly put on his suit Rarity had made for him and took out his hoverboard as the three took off into the sky.

“We’ve received an urgent message from Azmuth and Zenith.” Eighteight told Helix.

“The creators of the Omnitrix? I haven’t heard from them in a while.” Helix said in surprise. “What do they want?”

"Neither of them say, only that they need to meet with you right away." Tetrax replied.

"Awesome!" Helix shouted excitedly before he frowned in realization. “Except, I'm grounded. I shouldn't even be out of the house."

“I see.” Tetrax said.

“But, if Azmuth and Zenith needed to meet me urgently, I’m sure my parents would understand.” Helix said with a smile as the three took off. The only question is, what is it that's so important that Helix must meet both Azmuth and Zenith?

Author's Note:

I really hope you enjoy this first chapter of destroy all aliens. When I first saw the movie, I was amazed at the graphics of the 3D models of each character. They really nailed it with it before Omniverse came out. Let me know your thoughts of this and the movie in the comments below