• Published 13th May 2024
  • 92 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Warhorse: Friendship is Broken - Cold - Script Singer

The changelings are back, and with them -- tragedy.

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(2) The Sleepover

Twilight and Pinkie return to the throne room, carrying every blanket and pillow in the castle.

“Since Cadence just picked Flurry up and we’re all here I thought we could have a sleepover!” Twilight smiled, bringing an old book titled ‘Slumber 101: Sleep Over’ and placing it on the table.

“Oh!” Rarity exclaimed, then noticing the time, “Well I don't see why not, do youuu Applejack?”

“Ah don't see no problem if you don't Rarity.” AJ snickered, the girls sharing a laugh as they began setting up the blankets and pillows, Twilight dismissing the Table so they have a comfortable space to sit around.

Once the throne room is set up comfortably, Twilight opens the book, revealing a checklist, most of the boxes checked off, and reads out a few options. “Let’s see here, S’mores, Makeovers, pillow fights, oh! Truth or Dare!”

“Oo! Oo! Me first! ME FIRST!” Pinkie cheered, waving her hooves in the air. “Twilight! Truth or Dare.”

“Truth,” Twilight replied with a giggle, putting her book away.

“What!” Pinkie began dramatically, “Is the most ridiculous thing you have said to somepony you liked?”

Twilight blushed, “Well…” she began, “I may or may not have had a liiiittle too much to drink on my last date with Flash and, well…”

“Yes? Go on.” Rarity said, all five of Twilight's friends sitting forward intently

“I may or may not have recited the whole dictionary… from memory… as a song.”

The following silence is quickly broken by all six ponies laughing uproariously.

“OK, OK my turn!” Twilight said, wiping a tear from her eye. “Rainbow! Truth or Dare?”

“Dare of course!” Rainbow puffed out her chest.

“I dare you to wear a frilly pink princess dress for the rest of the game!”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped, her eyes widening. “What!? No way!”

“You gotta, it's in the rules.” AJ chuckled as Pinkie gasped, disappearing in a blur of pink to retrieve said princess dress. Pinkie returned presenting Rainbow’s Dare Dress, a light pink full-length dress covered in lace, ribbons, and the all-important frills to the speedster. Rainbow grumbled good-naturedly, pulling the offending article of clothing over her head, Rarity helping her tie it up in the back and Twilight placing the finishing touch on Rainbow’s head.

AJ, no longer being able to contain her laughter, falls over in place, causing the others to join in, even Rainbow giving a chuckle. “Rarity did the same to me when we played last, Ah think it's even the same dress!”

“My turn now!” Rainbow declares, pointing at Rarity. “Rarity! Truth or Dare!”

“Oh, Dare, why not?” Rarity answered.

Rainbow grinned devilishly, “ I dare you to do the not my hooves challenge with me!”

“Well, I never!” Rarity exclaimed, placing a dramatic hoof on her chest. Twilight summoned Rarity’s makeup case and the fashionista pouted while taking off her makeup while Rainbow settled in behind her and Fluttershy held up the mirror.

Everypony laughed, some throwing out color suggestions, and in the end Rarity ended up with somewhat messy hot pink eyeshadow paired with a dark purple lipstick and far too much blush while Rainbow got a revenge treatment of the pink variety to match her new look.

“Applejack!~” Rarity sang, “Truth or Dare?”

“Ah, how’s about a Truth this time?” the cowpony answered.

“Who in this gathering is the fairest of them all?”

“Oh!” AJ spluttered, blushing. “Wh-why whou y’all ask somethin like that?”

“Ooh!” Pinkie called, the others chiming in, “Go on! Tell us!”

“Yeah!” RD called

“We’re all friends here are we not?” Rarity cajoled.

“Ohf fihne. Rainbow Dash.” AJ grumbled, her blush spreading all the way to the tips of her ears, said weather pony also blushing.

AJ called on Pinkie and from there, the game slowly devolved into their normal eating contest, Twilight summoning their usual snacks and the dreaded Punch Bowl to the room, Pinkie beating the Cookie Score with twenty at the same time, Usurping RD as the Cookie Queen.

Rarity challenged the Muffin Score, but Fluttershy’s Muffin Reign remained uncontested after she failed. AJ and RD grinned and picked up the Punch Bowl. Rarity sighed but accepted her punishment.

Then Twilight challenged the Frosting Score but even she couldn’t beat Pinkie’s legendary 200 cupcakes frosted in one minute and so got Punch’d as well. Eventually, the sweets ran out and Twilight grabbed her book, looking for what to do next when Pinkie, armed with a pillow, pounced on her declaring “Down with the Unicorn Queen!”


Pinkie giggled as she and Applejack hid behind the Earthpony Fortifications, readying their frontal assault on the Unicorn Base while their allies, the Pegasi, sneak behind enemy lines. The signal goes off and the two earth ponies charge with war cries, but the Unicorns are ready for them firing down with wild abandon. Any second now they’ll be hit from behind by the pegasi.

“Pew!” Fluttershy called, hitting Pinkie square on the back, causing her to fall where she was.

“I’ve been hit!” She yelled dramatically, starfishing on the floor. “Avenge me, General Applejack!”

“Your foolish plans were nothing compared to the might of the Unicorn Empire!” Twilight cackled, raising an armada of pillow soldiers, overwhelming the poor Earthpony general when RD divebombs from the sky blasting the pillow army away.

“Come on AJ! She may have gotten Fluttershy, but I’m still on your side!”

“What? How did she escape her bonds?” Rarity exclaimed, Fluttershy hovering over her shoulder, weapon readied. Suddenly a stray pillow soldier snuck up behind the two ponies striking Rainbow on the back of the head. Rainbow dramatically falls into AJ’s hooves, stroking her face before falling limp as AJ wails.

Fluttershy, seeing her friend fall brings her weapon down on Rarity’s horn, canceling her magic and flying to AJ’s side.

“Let’s do this,” she says gravely. The two then carve a warpath to the Unicorn Base through an endless horde of Pillow Soldiers, AJ is the first to fall, taking a hit for Fluttershy just as she reaches Rarity. The battle between the two mares is one that will be sung through the lands and when Rarity finally falls, Fluttershy rushes into the Unicorn Base to face the almighty Unicorn Queen when she’s surprised by Pinkie, risen from the dead (with a paper horn taped to her head) attacking from behind!

“AhHahahaha!” Twilight cackles, “Even with my lieutenant defeated you are no match for my revival magics!” then the other four mares, also with paper horns, surround Fluttershy.

“You can think that Unicorn Queen, but I know my Friends will never hurt me!” Fluttershy defiantly cries. Pinkie rushes forward! But before she can touch Fluttershy she knocks the paper horn off her head, then RD also charges but the same thing happens! Then AJ and even Rarity are de-paper-horned and the five friends stand against the evil Unicorn Queen at last. The five of them together wind back ready to throw when Twilight, in an act of desperation gathers ten pillows around herself, exploding them outward and hitting all five ponies at once, falling to the ground laughing with her friends, victorious.

“Pillow fight, check!” she giggles, summoning her book from where it had been buried within the mountain of pillows. “Next is, Makeovers!”

Rarity grinned evilly.


Spike wandered into the throne room, the girls’ epic pillow fight having woken him up, rubbing his eye only to get swept into the makeovers by Rarity. Twilight giggling as she put Rainbow’s mane in curlers and AJ mixing up a batch of Granny Smith’s famous mud mask.

“I never agreed to this,” Rainbow complained, crossing her hooves.

“I don't even know what’s going on.” Spike grumbles beside her.

“The dress was one thing but this is too much!” Rainbow waves her hooves around wildly, trying to remove the curlers, but Twilight had stuck them well, expecting this.

“Please, you’ll look beautiful Darling! Now hold still!” Rarity lightly scolds, lifting a brush filled with mud mask menacingly.

“NO!” Rainbow screeches, attempting to fly away but Pinkie lept on her back holding her down for Rarity. The girls and Spike sit around chatting while the mask sets, Rarity braiding AJ’s hair at least. When the curlers came out, Pinkie’s hair held the curl for a record-setting time of five whole seconds.

“Makeovers check!” Twilight said, teleporting her book back to the library.

“We should probably hit the hay now.” AJ, always the responsible one, said.

Everypony yawned and agreed, settling down for the night in their own sleeping areas.

“Goodnight everyone!” Twilight called, turning out the lights.

“Goodnight Twilight!” the girls chorused.


“What in the world happened here!?” Starlight screeched upon entering the throne room the next morning, waking Twilight and AJ.

“Starlight?” Twilight yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Epic pillow war.” Pinkie sleep-mumbled. “Gotta defeat the evil Unicorn Queen.”

“That explains nothing.” Starlight deadpans.

“We had a sleepover last night,” AJ explains.
