• Published 7th May 2024
  • 1,144 Views, 11 Comments

Now You've Been Told - stealthcam

Celestia discovers love again although the circumstances may be a touch odd. Difficulties are had in making two lives one.

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He Now Knows

“Luna! Luna! Luna! He said yes!”

I pranced in place in the royal dining room, almost knocking the ceiling with my horn. Luna sat at the little round table reading the paper in the small room. That table was designed by… Nightshade. I very much have a thing for slim and lithe crafters, don’t I? Anyway, Luna was obviously very tired, presumably the night court went poorly.

“Luna! Luna! Luna! He said yes!”, I repeated eventually getting her attention.

She looked up from the paper slowly, “I know.” She turned the Ponyville reporter in my direction.

A candid photo of Anon holding my hooves over the table the centerpiece of the paper. The header read ‘Celestia’s surprise visit to Ponyville more than meets the eye?’

That instantly put a damper on my good mood, “I uh, see, that’s...”

Luna finished my sentence, “Going to complicate things.” She rested her face in her hooves mumbling, “You know this is going to, as Anon would put it ‘make things fucky’.”

I chuckled “You know, if I didn’t know he hated the spotlight, I would drag him to Canterlot and pronounce my love to him in front of the day court just like I did with Nightshade.”

Luna jabbed back, “And it would go just as poorly as it did then, if not worse.”

I shrugged, “They only tried to assassinate him three times, It could have been worse.”

Luna stood up and walked to the window facing the garden, “If I remember correctly the last one actually touched him and is now a permanent shadow on the wall down there, Where you VAPORIZED him! The sun turned red and your coat visibly smoked for three days. How do you think that would go over now, sister?”

I did not get to answer, a loud knock at the door interrupted me. Raven was heard on the other side, “Princess there is an urgent matter that needs your attention.”

I responded to Raven, “Miss Inkwell, I will be there momentarily.” My snarky comment returning, I readdressed Luna, “Maybe it would remind the nobles who are actually in charge around here,” I stuck my tongue out at her, “Pthpht.”

She pointed to the door laying on a thick accent, “Take thy leave Firestarter, Thou hast duties to attend to.”

Taking my leave, I quipped, “Your humor is as dark as your night sister.”

I exited, following Raven to the throne room with nothing but a nod exchanged. Entering the grand room, at its center I spotted Blue Blood arguing with none other than Anon. A small crowd of nobles surrounded the pair, attempting to corral Anon into a corner.

Blue blood screeched in his never-ending whine, “You will never be good enough for royalty, let alone the princess!”

Anon looked more amused than anything, his reply calm and measured, “I’m not sure that is your decision to make.”

The gathered royals startled by my sudden appearance, moved like a multicolored sea making a path. I pranced past them a skip in my step happy to see Anon, even if the circumstances were not favorable.

“Anonymous, Blue Blood,” I greeted them both. Stepping to Anon's side I pulled him into a hug with my wing, “To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again so soon.” Tactfully stepping away, I glared at Blue Blood quelling his interjection before it could start.

Anon reached into his pocket revealing a yellowing parchment, the royal seal emblazoned on it, “I received this,” he held out the letter, letting me take it before continuing, “in the mail this morning and figured I should head things off before problems arose.”

It read.

To the address of Anonymous Pershing.

I hope this letter finds you well, You have been summoned to the Royal Court for questions in relation to your personal relationship to the crown. A response in writing or person is required within forty-eight hours of receipt of this letter or you will be found in contempt of Court.

Dictated by Blue Blood, the baron House of the Burning Wing.

Taking a moment to take in the letter, Blue, and Anon I noticed a small detail I originally missed at Anon's hip. One of his many masterpiece blades sat, its handle wrapped. Very much, unlike the last time I saw it, that is concerning.

“Ah, I see. Well, Blue Blood what questions do you have I’m sure we can answer them for you.”

He attempted to compose himself. Removing the local paper from his saddle bag he questioned, “What is the nature of your relationship with Anonymous? As this,” he pointed to the paper now splayed out on the ground, “is telling of more than good friends.”

“It would seem that way, Anon, would you like to tell them the news?”

“I would love to,” he pulled me close lightly resting on my side, “You see Celly here and I are engaged.”

A gasp ran through the crowd. I smacked him upside the head with a wing, “The truth you dolt!”

“Fine, fine, we went on our first date last night.”

Blue Blood suddenly stood very straight a smirk gracing his lips, “So he is prince consort, Yes?

“That is correct.”

“Which means he is bound to the Royal Court rules, No?”

I said worried, “That is also correct, and before you continue, don’t, just, don’t.”

He smiled at me, “You, can’t stop me.”

He shrugged off his saddle bag pulling his rapier from it in one smooth motion, pointing it at Anon, “Sir. Anonymous Pershing, Prince Consort of Equestria. I challenge you to a duel to first blood. If you lose your standing as Prince shall be stripped from you, if I lose I shall lose my status as head of house Do you accept these terms.”

Before I could step in, Anon snapped, “I do, let's get this out of the way. Now!”, he stepped forward gesturing to the crowd, “Make space I want to get this done and over with!”

The crowd dispersed quickly eagerly awaiting the bloodshed. The places were set with me officiating.

I stood to their side holding my breath, “Duelists are you ready?” Anon drew his sword, compared to him it was a hand and a half sword. Compared to Blue Blood it was a great sword its edge flashing in the colored light of the stained glass windows.

“Yes!”, they echoed.


It was over before it began, Blue Blood thrust his rapier wildly. In response, Anon simply stepped to the side wrapping it with one arm the flat of the blade, the only thing to touch him. He wrenched it from Blue Blood's grasp with a flick. Stepping forward he placed his sword against Blue Blood's throat, lightly drawing a line of red drops across it. Anon leaned closer still, whispering something in Blue Blood’s ear. Anon stepped back tossing the rapier to the floor, its clatter filling the throne room.

Anon commanded the room, pacing and looking over the crowd he spoke to the history books not to the people, “Your Alicorns are stern and kind, I am no such thing. I am stern and fair and there are a few large differences between the two. After this incident, I recommend you choose your words and actions carefully, it seems to me that her”, he pointed to me, “Patience only goes so far.”

Blue Blood looked terrified beyond just the fear of losing his house. Frozen with fear, blood ran down his petty coat staining it purple, the blue suddenly dappled with crimson. Anon stepped over to the previously dropped saddle bag and wiped the blood off his sword.

He turned to Blue Blood and pointed his sword directly at him, “You heard what I had to say, your lessons have been learned return to your house as you were. You have been shamed enough.” Then sheathing his sword, he confidently made his way to me.

Stepping in front of me he asked quietly. “How did I do? First speech and all that.”

“You did well, I don’t think the janitors will appreciate the piss puddles on the floor very much but that is the royal's fault, not yours. Anyways, where did you learn that? You don’t seem like the one to resort to violence regularly.”

He smiled slyly, ”I don’t, me and Chrysilis first bonded over swordplay when she saw me in the smithy weighting a blade. You can learn lots of fun things from those who are immortal.” He winked at me and leaned in close, whispering in my ear, “I wonder what you can teach me?”

I stepped back blushing furiously. Hoping to change the subject I stuttered, “Well the cats out of the bag now, would you like to stay the night or head back to Ponyville?”

He frowned, “As much as you are blushing, staying could be fun but… I have a few commissions I have to get done. I’ll have to head back home for now.” He pulled me into a hug, we held each other for a moment before he broke away with a kiss on my cheek. Holding my face, he looked me in the eyes and said, “I have to go, but I'll be sure to write you regularly, however, the forge calls for now.”

He let go and started to walk away making his exit. Getting my wits about me I called after him, “Goodbye and be safe!”

His sarcastic remark echoed its way back through the halls, “Only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, also, your coat is smoking.”

Well then, That would explain the puddles…

Author's Note:

I know it may seem like Anon has no flaws but they will show up later, don’t worry too much. 🙂 Also, I keep having a debate with my proofreader/editor about commas. I think it needs less, he thinks it needs more, usually, it comes out in a wash. Let me know if everything seems clear in this chapter or if it needs more or less commas.