• Published 9th May 2024
  • 252 Views, 15 Comments

I Would Like To Discuss The Deep Rock Initiative - The Ancestor

Management assures you, your Highness, it is not a chance you want to pass.

  • ...

Great Wing

“Great Wing of the noble Griffonian Empire, I represent the will of an interplanetary mining corporation, one that is exceptionally interested in Equus, if you catch my drift.”

“Straight to the point? Were Equestrians a special case, or are we just not worth the trouble?”

“Ah, news spread fast ‘round here, it seems. Truth be told, doing business with a pony is similar to walking on eggshells, one wrong step, and the whole deal goes up in flames.”

“Ha! Add some hypocrisy to the mix, and you’ll know pretty much everything about Equestria’s politicking, then.”


“For generations tales of the dreaded Nightmare Moon struck terror into our cubs, for centuries, their ilk jeered and cowered in fear at the mere mention of that accursed mare! And when the vengeful monster returns, what do they do? They hug it out, and pretend like nothing happened! Some long-lost Empire appears out of thin air? They rush to plant a figurehead, and pretend like they’re not puppeting the state!”

“All the while acting all high and mighty, boasting about not resorting to needless violence? I know the type.”

“I like you, pointy ears. Speak your business, I can’t wait to hear about your terms.”

“Erm. Well, I’ll leave the legal speak for later, but the gist of it is as follows: Long-range scanners picked up some unusual readings throughout the major continents... Wait a moment, It’ll be easier if I showed you.”

“Dear Boreas! So much flashier than a regular map!”

“Quite so. In any case, Management took interest in these readings, and it just so happens that the majority of them reside in the Equestrian continent.”

“That’s not the proper name.”

“Irrelevant. It’s already in the database.”

“You’ve just made negotiations harder for yourself.”

“Such is the price of honesty and bureaucracy, but I digress. Following our usual MO, we plan to insert a group of trained professionals into the planet’s crust, and-”

“Into the crust?”

“Yes! Scanners indicate high density of organic material in each of the interest sites. Extrapolating our previous experience with similar readings, we conclude the POI to be a target rich environment, which forces us to utilize the tried and true hit and run tactics.”

“Let me get this straight: You’re sinking Wind knows how much resources, energy and personnel, just to go changeling hunting? Why?”

“Management wants it. Please understand that I’m not privy to much of the information regarding Management’s reasoning. But if they want it, it’s gotta be for a good reason.”

“Fine. What do you want from us?”

“Not much, truth be told. In exchange for our financial and technological support, The Griffonian Empire will be responsible for regulating international discourse regarding DRG’s operations in our favour. In return, you will keep your beak out of our operations, and answer any questions that may arise.”

“That’s all well and good, but you’ve yet to answer my question: Why do this? From the looks of it, you have enough resources to do whatever you want, with little to no opposition. So why bother?”

“It is customary to-”

“You may have no equals here, but up there? I reckon’ there are rules you have to follow, or you get punished. Or maybe you don’t want the word of whatever valuables you found here spreading.”


“I’ll accept your deal, for the good of the Empire, I will. Just keep in mind, we Griffons aren’t afraid to speak our mind. And we don’t take kindly to half-truths.”

“Duly noted. Now, I believe we should discuss the finer details, if you may...”