• Member Since 20th Jan, 2015
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"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever


Earning a spot among the Wonderbolts will place you in the history books.

It'll also place you on store shelves nationwide.

Hey, somepony's gotta keep the lights on.

A submission for the Wonderbolts Site Contest

Pre-read (with all my thanks) by Pneu, RB, DarkCyan, Grey, and 6-D Pegasus.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )
Ri2 #1 · May 1st · · ·

Wait, how does RAINBOW know what a statistical outlier is?

This positively screams Spaceballs.

TCC56 #3 · May 1st · · ·

"Have you ever heard of a thing called a 'statistical outlier'?"

And suddenly, everything makes perfect sense.

And with just a few lines, Rainbow brought all of Surprise's crazy ideas crashing to the ground :rainbowlaugh:

Sunny #5 · May 1st · · ·

There are so many fun elements to this.

Poor Time Travelling Pinkie Pie living a double life I wonder how long before she gets to quit one of them.

Or did she travel into the past in like S1 and has now been living both lives since HMMMM

Given the title, it appears that's by design.

Because she's AWESOME :rainbowdetermined2:

Also Twilight probably explained it to her at some point.

More importantly, how does the pony in charge of merchandising not know that you can't conduct reliable market research with such a small sample size?

"No, of you , silly." She reached behind her desk and pulled out... Rainbow Dash. A very small, very huggably-sized Rainbow Dash. It was a surprisingly good likeness, except for...


Honestly, great (and hilarious) dive into the side of the Wonderbolts that I really have never seen any fics explore: merchandising, and how the ponies themselves may feel at the start of it. I'm sure Rainbow will grow numb to hearing plushies of her saying the most exaggerated, slanderous things imaginable if it raises the revenue and recruitment :3

(also perfect ending, can't imagine a better one than that)

Overall an amazing rollercoaster of laughs all the way through, excellent job Drider!

Surprise explicitly states "we'd have to worry about ponies traveling back in time to visit their mothers when they were her age then overshooting and getting trapped in the past and having to make a life for themselves in the past while trying to not accidentally butterfly away their own existence"

If you take this to be the tongue in cheek explanation, this isn't Pinkie. This is Pinkies future pegasus daughter who accidentally time spoon'd back to a point she is older than pinkie, got stuck and created the "head bonk amnesia" bit to explain away a lack of 'modern' knowledge. Now shes stuck doing time travel the long way trying to not interfere with her own existence in this timeline.

I read this as Pinkie time-spooned to see her young mother and got trapped in the past slighly before that, making her an older "sister" to Pinkie. your version also works tho

Yea, what 11894338 said, I parsed this as Pinkie is off to visit /her/ mom. And if you look at it what happens is:

Pinkie travels in time -> Has to become Surprise -> Eventually hits the point where she originally in time -> Now is living as both Surprise AND Pinkie because she's unwilling to give up either life


Oh, good point. Up until Pinkie time-spoons, "Surprise" would be living just a complete seperate life. After Pinkie time-spoons, "Surprise" has to jump in and take over her old Pinkie duties, so no one catches on! I wonder if that point got reached yet in this timeline. Time travel is weird.

I let it the silly debate at first but with two pings I feel obligated to point the lynchpin of this. Pinkie is 1. Pink and 2. Not a pegasus means no being a former wonderbolt, no cloud walking and at least one current pie knowing the paradox as the story explicitly states papa pie rehab'd surprise after her "bad crash at the rock farm (I.e likely when/where she arrived)" she would have still been her normal colors as she didn't intend to go so far back and thus if it was pinkie she would be pink. Mic drop

And before "but pinkie magic can wings" how many times have we seen party horse almost plummet to her death? If flight was an option we'd have seen it

No, she does not have a tag in Fimfiction's tagging library.

Sounds like something to nudge the management about given that not one but two stories in this contest utilize Surprise. :derpytongue2: Maybe WandererD can add a tag if you provide a nudge?

There are multiple mutually contradicting explanations of Surprise. They are all true, and also all false.

Pinkie is Pinkie, as if being pink and not having wings will stop her from being a pegasus

Also Surprise was the original design for PP because she was Earthified and Floots pega-sized.

Who knoooooows what she can doooooooooooo

Hello! :D I am running around to various entries for the Wonderbolts contest and giving Quills & Sofas-style comments. :D

This was extremely great. Advanced great? This was advanced great, no, advanced excellent. For starters:

Not a cadet. Not a reserve. A real, proper, bona fide, First Wing, slap-her-on-the-posters-with-Spitfire-and-Soarin Wonderbolt !

This line. Chef's kiss. Beautiful, Stunning. We love her. It's just so deeply relatable and real. And then this banger:

“No, silly, it's just a replica time spoon.”

Perfect, no notes.

I really really enjoyed your worldbuilding in this one. You wrote about the First Wing and the Marketing department so effortlessly and confidently, and I absolutely loved Surprise's role in it. I just wrote a little story about her that I'm expanding, actually, and hopefully going to publish soon haha. She's definitely one of the more odd-man-out Wonderbolts, and you captured both that and her niche really well here!

I loved the tongue in cheek jokes (real ones really do know), and your correct spelling of 'tchotchkes' was, to be frank, when I knew this story was not going to be good, but great. :D

Also I didn't even realize this was you until right now Drider! So please know that everything I said was true lmao.

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