• Published 30th Apr 2024
  • 636 Views, 43 Comments

The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

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7: Lightning Training

After Spike and Spyro had finally rescued Volteer and defeated that ice monster, they all headed back to the temple after a pretty tough journey with moving through that fortress, while Spike was glad they rescued Volteer, even if he's way more of a talker then Sparx, there was still stuff that worried him.

He still didn't know how the heck he could use lightning, he wasn't hatched like a normal dragon, he was hatched with magic from Twilight, even if this is something most dragons can use in different situations, this is something different. Spike has two thoughts on how he could be using lightning. 1, it could be from Cynder's blood like Spyro suggested, he's been experiencing a lot of strange things after being injected with it, he may have enhanced strength sure, but it's at the cost of his body getting more and more corrupted from it, Spike's arm is completely covered in black scales by now, and it's still spreading which made him scarred on what he'll turn out like if he doesn't get rid of this..

2, this could be because he's tied into the prophecy after all, while Spyro was born in this world and hatched naturally, he's also the purple dragon that could've been prophesized, but not all prophecy's are accurate, and sometimes there are unexpected turns to it, like how this world had experienced an extremely deadly war as a result of them, and how the Dark Master wants to ensure the eggs were destroyed during it, so if there's one purple dragon that could save the world, why not two? It's all a theory to him right now, but he may find out soon, because he may be running out of time if they don't do something..

After a long flight back to their new home, they all finally came back to the temple, Spike felt a lot of relief when coming back here, it was like the only safe haven this world has right now with how the war is affecting everywhere else, Dante's freezer was already a chilling and somber experience with what they saw, so whenever they came back here, it was like coming back home..

Spike and the group landed back on the ground after a long flight, Spike hopped off of Volteer and held his arm, it was still hurting after spreading even more, but he had to push through it for now.
"Oh my, I must say this place has certainly been twisted, but I'm sure with a few months of repairs, it will look like how it should be." Volteer said observing the temples pretty roughed up state.
"Hey, that's if we can put a stop to Cynder.." Spike said really concerned about what's to come from this.
"Hey we got Volteer back, let's just hope Ignitus found where the other guardians are at." Spyro said hopefully while they started making they're way inside.
"Let's hope he has.." Spike said clutching his arm as he could feel the dark blood in his veins..

They all went through the large room with the dragon statue once again, no matter how many times Spike looked at it, he felt like it was watching him, and no matter where he was, it felt like something was looming over his presence, but he could just be a bid paranoid right now with how his arm is affecting him. Soon enough, they went back into the room where Ignitus was, he was looking into the vision pool and was trying to find something.

"Uh, hey Ignitus, we're back." Spike announced which got his attention.
"And we've got someone with us too." Sparx announced as Volteer walked up to him.
"Volteer, your alright, thank the ancestors, I was afraid a worst fate happened to you after you were taken.." Ignitus said relieved to see he's okay.
"It was a pretty harsh time with what I've been through, but I was thankfully rescued by our two purple dragon friends here." Volteer said turning to them both.
"And a small little dragonfly." Spike added referring to Sparx which made him smile a bit.
"Thanks kid." Sparx said glad to hear that from him.

"You two have done a great task with rescuing Volteer, you both did something no one could do, you both really are showing your growth from this journey you two." Ignitus said looking down at both of them.
"Thanks Ignitus, we did our best with this, but we know it's not over." Spyro replied a bit worried of it still.
"Hey, at least we won't have to go through that ice cold place again.." Spike said a bit relieved from that, but Ignitus seemed to notice Spike's arm, and how it's covered with black scales now.
"Spike.. how much of your body's been affected by Cynder's blood? Your arm is changing in bad ways.." Ignitus asked as he took a closer look at it, Spike sighed and saw that the scales past his shoulder were turning black too.
"It's only my right arm that's turned by now.. it still hurts.. like there's something trying to pierce out of it.. it's.. a really scary thought.." Spike said worried as he now noticed that some sharp horns were sticking out of his elbow, and his claws were becoming way more sharp..

"Hmm.. it's getting worse Spike, while I'm trying to figure out a way to stop this, you need to be careful when using it's strength, we may not be able to save you if your fully corrupted." Ignitus said with a stern tone while Spike just looked more afraid being told that.
"Understood.." Spike said with fear while he kept seeing his arm continuing to change more and more.
"It's gonna be okay Spike, we'll find a way.." Spyro assured once again while everyone looked at him, Spike took a deep breath and calmed down a bit.
"Thanks, let's just move onto what's going on now alright?" Spike asked ready to move along with this which they all agreed too.

After that little talk, they went back to discussing what happened with Volteer when he was being held captive, and he was talking a bit too fast for them to understand.
"Volteer please slow down with your talking, we can't understand if you speak so fast." Spike said really not getting what he's trying to say.
"Spike is right, while it's good to see you Volteer, we don't have time to properly talk, back to Cynder, what was she doing to you?" Ignitus asked again hoping he could explain more clearly this time.
"Cynder's a chick?" Sparx asked which made Spike slap him across the room as a result.
"We've been saying that this whole time dude." Spike said annoyed with that pretty bad joke.

"It's hard to be sure on what she was doing, but she was seemingly using me as a sort of.. organic power source.." Volteer explained which they both did understand a bit.
"What does that mean?" Sparx asked as he recovered from that little whack.
"She was using him as a battery." Spike and Spyro both answered at once.
"Why didn't he just say so?" Sparx asked really not understanding his fast talk.
"And it's not only that, but she left with some glowing yellow crystal, and I believed I somehow powered it.." Volteer explained more which did worry them from hearing that.
"What could this mean? You have any ideas Ignitus?" Spike asked looking at him again.
"I have an idea on what it could be.. but one thing I do know is, we need to rescue the other guardians, before she can power more of those crystals, I fear something awful will happen if she succeeds.." Ignitus replied worried on what she's planning.

"I agree on that Ignitus, but first, I would like to share some knowledge to Spike and Spyro, with they're recently acquired electricity exhalation devices." Volteer said turning to the two.
"What?" Sparx asked confused even more.
"He means he could teach us more about that electricity breath we gained." Spyro explained to put it simply.
"Whatever I learned with fire, I could learn more with lightning too.." Spike said a bit eager to do this too.
"Yes, you especially Spike, you seemed to have formed the lightning around your fists, like some sort of boost to your attack, I myself have never seen a technique like this, but I would be thrilled to see you develop more in the dojo." Volteer said looking at Spike's hands which he had a little lightning spawn in for an example.
"A little more training couldn't hurt, ready to go Spyro?" Spike asked looking at him again.
"You know it, let's go." Spyro said before they both went with Volteer into the dojo again while Ignitus went to search for the next guardian.

They both followed Volteer into the dojo again, the dragon statue began to lower once again so they both could have more space to train, Spike never thought he'd be learning to use freaking lightning, but it honestly excites him with what he's going to learn, all he has to do is follow the instructions, and see what can be developed from it.
"Alright you two, class is in session. electricity is a spark of life, listen closely and I will teach you both it's secrets." Volteer instructed while the two of them got ready for what's to come.
"Bring it on." Spike said confidently while readying his powers.
"Let's do it!" Spyro said seriously too while they both came into the center of the room to begin again.

A loud gong was heard from over the room as Volteer watches over the two dragons who were ready to begin.
"Alright, first lesson, lightning has certain affects on enemy's, and one of them is dragging, if you can get them close enough to another enemy or cliff, you could drag them off to spare yourself time, take down the enemy's by using your lightning and drag them into the targets." Volteer instructed as more dummy's came down, as well as 4 target markers.
"Seems simple enough.." Spike said before he took a deep breath, he and Spyro both shot separate lightning attacks at the dummy's, and they were being shocked really bad, but they both followed this up by using they're lightning to fling them to the targets which broke them down, this was definitely gonna be helpful in the future, they took care of the last two dummy's soon enough, and they were all down.
"Let's be sure to keep this move in mind for later alright Spike?" Spyro asked which he nodded in response from, it would definitely help later.

"Good work you two! You are fast learners! Next lesson, your lightning can affect multiple enemy's at once if they are close enough, if your a good distance from them you could strike multiple at once! Let's see you two try that with some more of these dummy's." Volteer instructed again as more groups of smaller dummy's appeared from both they're sides.
"Where do you keep these dummy's? And how do they keep appearing out of nowhere like this?" Spike asked confused with all the dummy's they have.
"We have a huge storage supply of them, it's for helping train the young dragons who need to learn to fight, now, let's begin." Volteer declared before the dummy's started moving around them both. Spike looked for a certain point he can shock these jokers, he soon noticed the one in the center was the closest to the others, Spike took another breath and shot more lightning directly at him, this caused the entire group around it to be electrocuted from the lightning, this shows there is some unique variety to each element, and Spike should expect something different from each one he uses.

Soon enough, Spike and Spyro both took out the groups and they fell down, and it made them pass yet again.
"Well done again you two! This next technique is quite useful! Well all of them are useful but this one is something else, now you two must shoot a homing Electric arc at the larger dummy's, this will send them into the air so you two can deliver multiple strikes to it." Volteer instructed which did sound interesting.
"So it's kinda like how we did the fireballs right?" Spyro asked wanting a bit more clarification.
"They both have they're differences, but yes. Just home in one one of them, and shoot some lightning." Volteer instructed again which they understood.

Spike and Spyro both focused in on the dummy's like last time, they could feel they're lightning building up inside them, Spike's hands started to cackle with lightning and they both took aim, Spike shot another lightning blast out of his hand which flung into the air, but soon homed down on the dummy, and this sent the dummy into the air while twirling around, Spike and Spyro both took this and delivered multiple strikes to it, Spike's hands had more lightning form around them until Spike was punching it rapidly, Spike made a battle cry before he delivered another final punch to it, and the lightning covered it's body.
"I say Spike that was an excellent display! I've never seen someone harness lightning like that before, you certainly are unique, you and Spyro both are!" Volteer complimented which made them chuckle a bit.
"Tanks, we're trying our hardest." Spyro said gratefully while the lightning was flowing around Spike.

"Alright, next lesson, since Spike's been using lightning differently then you are Spyro, I want Spike to try and form a new move of his own to make himself stand out, meanwhile I want you to shoot more electric arcs at the smaller foes." Volteer instructed which was a good idea.
"A new move to develop.." Spike told himself as he looked at the lightning flowing around him, he looked at the dummy's surrounding him and tried thinking of something, but then he got a little idea on how he can defeat them.
"Let's see if this works.." Spike told himself as he held his arms to his chest, and curled himself up into a ball, the lightning began to flow around him, and Spike was suddenly starting to spin across the ground at fast speeds.
"Now that is new!" Sparx said impressed as Spike charged up his lightning, the lightning lit up his whole body with a yellow color and Spike suddenly went zooming around the room at fast speeds, Spike used this new move to quickly smash down all of the dummy's he was facing, Spike zoomed around in the room while curled up like a ball, Spike went all over the room like lightning, and soon took down the last one from his move, Spike's body soon calmed down and he stood back up again feeling a bit dizzy from what he just did.

"Whoa! That was really cool Spike! How'd you do that?!" Spyro asked amazed with what he just did.
"I just.. followed my instincts, guess that's one new move I can add to my moveset, lightning fists, and now a curling up into a lightning ball, this is just something else.." Spike said shaking his head, he couldn't believe he was learning such a thing, but was also really glad he's developing his own moves.
"You have done really well so far you two, you'll rescue the other's in no time if you keep this up! Final lesson for now, you both learned the Flame burst move from Ignitus, that move certainly proved useful during the fight against that Ice king, but now you two must try and do the same with your lightning, let the storm swell within you, and unleash it in a Electric Fury." Volteer instructed as even more dummy's came around them both.
"This again huh? Let's see what this does!" Spike shouted before he harnessed his lightning into his fists again.

Spike and Spyro both charged at the dummy's yet again, and Spike was delivering multiple fast strikes with the lightning, it was helping him with his reflexes a ton, and he could only imagine how Twilight and the other's will react to know he has elemental powers. Spike curled up again and the lightning surged around him, Spike charged himself up a bit more until he went flying across the room and took down more enemy's at once, Spyro was shooting multiple blasts at the dummy's, he kept dragging them around into eachother and using the electric arc to send them into the air, Spyro jumped up in the air and delivered a strong ground pound to the area, and Spike finished it off by using his lightning to send a shockwave across the dojo like before.

Spike and Spyro breathed heavily once again as the lightning was flowing around them, even larger dummy's had appeared around them both, and charged at them, that's when they knew they had to use it. Spike's eyes glowed yellow once again and they both began to float in the air like before, lightning surged around them both while loud thunder was heard, dark clouds formed around them both like a lightning storm, and a loud crack was heard as the power flew around them both, and with a battle cry, they both sent another powerful lightning blast around the room which destroyed all of the dummy's in an instant. After that move, they both landed down on the ground and took deep breaths, the lightning surged around them both from the move, but it felt so dang good to use after all that buildup, and releasing it.
"That was really insane.." Spike said amazed with what just happened.
"Well done you two, your training is complete, for now." Volteer complimented as they both went back to him, the ground beneath the center opened up again, and they both watched the dragon statue rise from the ground again, it made Spike wonder what is making it rise up and down like that.

After that, they both went back into the main room again, hoping that Ignitus had found the next guardian.
"Hey Ignitus, we're finished with our lightning training." Spike announced while he turned to face them again.
"You both have learned faster then most student's we've taught, but that must be because of your ability's , you both have been doing really great, I hope you didn't get too shocked when training." Ignitus said lightly joking which made them chuckle a bit.
"Oh, puns like that are so last decade. I taught them all they should need to know about lightning for now, while we are just at the basics, this will help them with rescuing the other's." Volteer said proudly while they were surprised to here that was the basics.
"Well even if we've learned a little, we know a lot more then we did previously, it'll help a lot." Spyro said hopefully while they all came into the center again.

"Okay, back to the topic, do you know where the next guardian has been taken?" Spike asked hoping he found out by now.
"I have, the Ice Guardian, Cyril, has been taken to the Tall Plains, while it'll be more simple then what happened with Dante's Freezer, you both must go there at once, and find him." Ignitus instructed which they both understood.
"As long as my tail won't be freezing I'm down for it." Spike said confidently stretching his arms a bit.
"But if we see danger, we have to run right?" Sparx asked recalling what they were told previously.
"There are times where we all must stand up to danger Sparx, Spike and Spyro have been doing that this whole time." Ignitus replied looking down at him.
"Yeah maybe next month.. or next summer.. or even next year.." Sparx said sarcastically which made them roll they're eyes.
"Let's just get going guys.." Spike said as he turned to the exit.
"Spike, please wait a moment." Ignitus asked which made them stop for a few.
"What is it Ignitus?" Spike asked curious with what he's wanting to say.

"While this place won't be as dangerous as before, you still need to be careful, if your arm was taken over by Cynder's blood in a short time like this, then it could be even worse if you overuse your strength, I am already seeing a resemblance between you and Cynder, and if your not careful, you'll end up looking more and more like her, and your body will change in a painful way." Ignitus warned which worried him yet again, he almost forgot about what's happening with him, and looking at his arm.. he could see how different it is now.
"Ignitus is right young Spike, you must be cautious with when you use your strength, Cynder's blood is like a poison, and if your not careful, you could end up feeling the same rage and killer instincts she has, on top of you possibly inheriting her powers of darkness too, you need to be careful Spike." Volteer warned as well which made Spike shiver being told that.
"I.. I understand, I'll be careful.." Spike said nodding his head while Spyro looked at him.

"Don't worry, we'll be in an out for this one, let's go buddy." Spyro said confidently before they all finally started to leave while Volteer and Ignitus are just worried.
"Volteer, do you really think we can find something to cure that corruption that's spreading? if Spike's feeling pain now, it will only get worse if we don't do something soon." Ignitus asked really worried for him.
"This is concerning indeed Ignitus, but they are purple dragons after all, they'll find a way, we just have to have faith." Volteer replied looking at him which was a good piece of advice.
"Right.. right.. let's just hope they handle this just as well." Ignitus said hopefully as Spike and Spyro took off into the skies again, and now were heading to the Tall Plains..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this again! This one was pretty simple to get through and it didn't take much time to write, but I had fun with it, while I do think I may be handling this a bit too fast, there was a lot fewer lessons with the other elements after fire, but I'm still trying what I can to make it feel like Spike and Spyro are learning new moves, I just hope you don't mind, I'll also tone down the reminders of Spike's condition if it's getting annoying, but I hope it's not too much, thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more!.. Also yes Spike pretty much learned the Spin Dash during this chapter.