• Published 30th Apr 2024
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The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

  • ...

4: The Dragon Temple

Spike and Spyro proceeded to follow Ignitus through the cave after learning of the legend of the purple dragon, it was a lot to take in for the both of them, Spike was really shocked to know that this world has such a dark history to it, it's quite the unexpected jump from his world to this, but with how the apes attacked him back in Equestria, he should've expected something like this.

But as they continued to make they're way through the place, Spike reflected on what Ignitus told them, specifically this other dragon.. Cynder. From the sounds of it, she may be more dangerous then any villain he's seen in Equestria, she's been commanding armies that layed waste to this land, and she's almost succeeded by now, and the more he thought about her.. the more scarred he was, because it means he and Spyro will have to face her eventually..

But as they kept going, they soon were finally making they're way to what looked like the Dragon Temple Ignitus mentioned, it looked extremely old and ancient, like something out of a fantasy book, this world has a history that is fascinating, probably has more history with the dragons then Equestria ever could..

"Whoa.." Spike said in awe as they were finally here.
"This is something else.." Spyro said amazed as well, and they were only at the front door, Ignitus had went up to it to try and open it, since he's been here many many times before, but he noticed there were some golden statues pushed over some pedestals, like they were the key to going inside.
"Cynder's soldiers must have knocked the other statues out of they're places.." Ignitus declared looking at both of them.
"Other statues?" Spike asked confused on hearing that.
"There are 2 statues on the other side of the statue just like these ones, and when all 4 of them are properly placed, the door opens." Ignitus explained ominously which was interesting to hear.

"Uh yeah that's good, I was never good at geometry, so what do you want us to do?" Sparx asked not getting this at all.
"Spyro, Spike, I need you two to get in there, and move the statues into their place, and that will let us continue forward." Ignitus asked which seemed simple enough.
"Us? How do we do that?" Spyro asked looking for a way inside.
"There is a small tunnel around here that animals use to access the place, find it and use it yourselves." Ignitus said looking around too, Spike looked around for just a little bit until he saw an open tunnel just to their left, it was large enough for the two of them to go into, so it showed they're goal.
"There it is Spyro, let's get in there." Spike said pointing at the tunnel.
"Right, we'll be back in a bit." Spyro said while they put the two statues in front of them in they're places, they were really heavy since they were made of gold, but they managed to put it back on soon enough.
"Be careful you two." Ignitus warned as the two made they're way to the tunnel.
"Don't worry big guy, we got this." Sparx assured while Spyro knocked down some branches blocking the path, and they all finally started making they're way through.

Spike and Spyro proceeded to make they're way through the tunnel, it was pretty easy to make they're way through, other then some larger insects they had to take down with they're fire, it wasn't much to talk about, Spike was interested with how ancient this temple must be, since it looks far older then most sights in Equestria, he just gets more and more interested with this world the more he goes through it, and just wants to know more about it. Soon the two of them came to a path that had a weak area below them, and looked like it could be broken through.
"Hey Spyro, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Spike asked with a smirk looking down below them.
"Oh absolutely, ready to do this?" Spyro asked preparing to break it.
"Hey, when it doubt break it right guys? Go nuts." Sparx encouraged which made them eager to do so. Spike jumped in the air and shot a fire blast at the path to weaken it, and Spyro jumped in the air two, he then twirled around in the air to deliver smash his way down the path which had them fall down safely.
"Man, that felt good!" Spike said stretching his arms.
"Tell me about it." Spyro said feeling great from doing that too.

They could see the other statues just in front of them, so they both knew what needed to be done. Spike and Spyro both pushed the separated statues onto they're pedestals, it was simple and clean to do, and soon enough, the pedestals glowed for a moment before they heard a click sound, which meant the door was unlocked. The door finally opened up after who knows how long, and they saw Ignitus come through to check on them.
"Any trouble you two?" Ignitus asked hoping there wasn't much.
"A little insect stuff, but nothing we couldn't handle." Spyro said brushing that off.
"Yeah, it wasn't much, pretty easy honestly." Spike said confidently while Sparx scoffed a t that.
"Little insects, my tail section." Sparx said crossing his arms again.

"Hmm... at least you two can handle yourselves, that's good to know." Ignitus said relieved at that while they kept moving to yet another door, and it looked locked as well.
"Another locked door huh? This kind of stuff gets tedious after a while.." Spike said shaking his head at this, Ignitus walked up to it again, and tried to speak something that sounded like a password from the sound of it.
"The past is prelude, tomorrow is a dim promise, allow us entrance, do not reject us" Ignitus told the door while they looked at eachother and shrugged at this.
"Was that supposed to do anything?" Spike asked confused still.
"Spike's right, you making that up?" Sparx asked agreeing with this too.

"It should open for us, there.. is a disturbance.. it looks like they desecrated the interior of the temple as well, looks like we'll have to open it the old fashioned way." Ignitus said looking up at a nearby structure that seemed to be a lock of sorts.
"There is a path that connects to the interior, make your way through it, and place any statues back in they're places, it'll open the path forward." Ignitus explained again looking at an open entrance that was a bit of a stretch to reach.
"That looks a bit to far for us to reach Ignitus.." Spike said a bit unsure of how to go forward.
"Spike's right, why don't you help us a little?" Sparx asked looking up there too.
"You want my help? Very well, I'll give you a boost up." Ignitus said as he went over to the entrance which gave them some way to reach the top.

"Great, let's.. ugh.." Spike said with pain as he suddenly felt his arm hurting badly again.
"Spike, you okay?" Spyro asked worried while Spike went on his knees again and held his arm again.
"Yeah, I'm.. okay.. I think I need a bit of a break okay? Sorry about this, but it'll just be this once okay?" Spike asked as it was hurting badly again which Ignitus noticed.
"Well.. alright then.. just be careful here Spike, we'll be back in a few." Spyro said before he hopped up Ignitus and was able to reach the top of it.
"Be careful Spyro, Cynder's forces are surely on they're way, I'll look after Spike while you go through the place." Ignitus said moving to Spike who kept clutching his arm.
"Take care of him for me Ignitus." Spyro said hopefully before he and Sparx started making they're way through the rooms while Spike stayed behind for a bit.

Spike kept clutching his arm as he felt it hurt badly again, even when he didn't think that it would hurt again, this proved him wrong, it felt like that blood he was injected with was spreading throughout his arm.. and it may get worse the longer he has it in him..
"Spike, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Ignitus asked worried sitting down next to him.
"I'm.. okay.. my arm just.. feels really bad right now.." Spike said holding it closely, Ignitus went in to give a closer inspection to see the problem, Spike had to let it go so he could see it fully, and Ignitus saw that something was injected into him.
"Spike.. you said those apes took you from your home.. and you escaped, correct?" Ignitus asked turning to him again.
"Yeah.. they did.. it's a long story.. but I should tell you what's happened.." Spike said taking heavy breaths while he looked at him.
"What did those apes do exactly, where do you come from little one?" Ignitus asked waiting for his story.

"I'm.. from a land called Equestria, if you haven't heard it I don't blame you, I'm from a completely different world, those apes had attacked me and my home, they were there to capture me, me and my friends tried to fight them off, but even after all we've been through, they proved to be too much.. and they captured me.. and took me away from my home, and to this world.." Spike said regretfully recalling what happened to him.
"Equestria? Are there dragons like you or me there too?" Ignitus asked hoping it was true.
"Yeah, but let's just say.. they are far more barbaric then either of us.. I was adopted and raised by pony's, they were some of the only family I ever had, but I did make 1 dragon friend named Ember, and she's the ruler of the dragons now, but something tells me it'll be tough trying to get all of them to be more.. civilized after what been shown to be.." Spike said sitting near a wall while he kept listening, and had a bit of a disappointed look to hear that.

"So our kind isn't nearly as developed as we are?" Ignitus asked sitting next to him.
"No, they seem to just be more brutes then anything, I may have been raised by ponies, but they were more developed and raised me better then they could've, even if I never knew my own parents.. I still loved Twilight and everyone else dearly, and now.. I don't think I'll be seeing them for a while.. especially with this journey I'm going on.." Spike said looking back at his arm with worry, it still hurt even after all this talking, but he still felt the strength from it, he just didn't know how to properly describe it.
"I'm.. really sorry to hear that, but I must ask, what did the apes do to you when they captured you?" Ignitus asked looking at Spike's strapped up arm.
"They.. injected me with something.. I don't know what, but it was some.. dark blood.. they're commander injected me with it.. and it feels like.. the blood is spreading through me.. and while it hurts.. I also feel a increase in my own strength as a result.." Spike said clutching his fist while Ignitus looked worried.
"Dark.. blood?" Ignitus asked concerned to hear this.
"Yeah.. I don't know what it is.. I haven't told Spyro about it either so he doesn't worry.. but it's hard to ignore when it feels like this.." Spike said wincing as his arm was finally calming down again.

Ignitus had a lot of worry's being told this, even if he just met him, being told something like that shouldn't be glossed over, especially with his story in mind. But there was one other thing he needed to know too.
"Spike.. how did you end up being raised by.. ponies? Did your parents give you to them? Or did they..?" Ignitus asked thinking they may have.. stolen him..
"No. they didn't steal me, they would never do that. And I was given by them.. they would've told me when I was ready, and I've been wanting to know this for a long time, my egg was just found in the forest without explanation, we don't know if I was abandoned or not, but we never found out why I was left alone, I was hatched by Twilight with a magic spell, and I've been raised by her for most of my life, and I never really knew where I came from.. or who my parents were.." Spike explained feeling sad at the thought of it.
"Have you.. tried to find anything about them?" Ignitus asked really concerned to hear this.

"No.. we never found anything, and I've started to believe I wouldn't ever find them.. now with this.. I don't think I ever will.." Spike said sadly while Ignitus felt really bad for him.
"I am.. sorry Spike, no hatchling should ever be abandoned, it is our job to ensure all of them are raised and taken care of, and if you were abandoned.. I can't describe how furious the other guardians would be if they hear about this." Ignitus said knowing that this is really bad for any dragon in this world.
"Yeah, I may have had it rough right now.. but I'm trying to get better, but why are you asking me these questions exactly?" Spike asked wanting to get back on track.
"Right.. Spike.. there's something I noticed in that spot you were injected with." Ignitus said looking back at Spike's arm.

"If what your saying is true, about you being injected with dark blood, then I believe it may be spreading through you, and it may.. corrupt you over time.." Ignitus explained which made Spike scarred to hear that.
"What?! What do i do?! How do I stop it?!" Spike asked looking all over himself.
"I don't know, but if we can master your fire, and any other ability's you obtain throughout this journey, something tells me that'll all tie into stopping the blood, but there's something you should also know." Ignitus said looking over him while Spike was really worried.
"And.. what would that be?" Spike asked as Ignitus looked directly in his eyes.
"Spike.. I'm sensing a strange aura around you.. a familiar.. dark aura.. that I only felt from one other dragon.." Ignitus said looking at him.
"Who.. who would that be?" Spike asked while he got an idea of who it could be..
"Cynder." Ignitus said dramatically which made him more worried hearing her name.

"What do you mean by that?!" Spike asked scarred to hear that.
"If my assumptions are correct Spike, you were injected with Cynder's own blood, and it is spreading through you, if you aren't careful, you could be corrupted.. and may become a dragon.. just like her.." Ignitus said already afraid of the thought.
"What?!" Spike shouted with fear hearing this awful news.
"I cannot hide this, if you were injected with Cynder's blood, you are at risk of being corrupted, the signs of you changing will show over time, from your scale color changing, to your features becoming more monsterous like her, you need to be really careful when on this journey, because if your captured by Cynder, I don't think you'll be able to be saved, especially if she knows how to finish the process." Ignitus explained while Spike was terrified.
"Wh.. why would she have me be injected with her own blood?! She doesn't even know me!" Spike said looking at his arm again.. and he could already see some of his scales were becoming far darker then they should be..
"It may tie into you and the prophecies, this is all I can come up with for now, but you must know, you will be at risk during this journey, and you must find a way to stop the process before it corrupts you completely, do you understand little one?" Ignitus asked really worried for him.
"I.. I do.. I have to find a way to stop this.." Spike said looking at his arm with fear now knowing what's happening.
"We'll find I way, I promise you that." Ignitus assured as they concluded this talk.

Soon enough after they finished talking, they saw the door at the top open, and saw Spyro and Sparx arrive, meaning they must've unlocked the door finally.
"You guys take care of the statues?" Spike asked while he jumped down.
"All properly placed, you doing alright Spike?" Spyro asked worried if anything happened.
"I'm.. fine now, let's just get going now alright?" Spike asked ready to move forward.
"He is right Spyro, we must move forward, come." Ignitus said moving to the door himself, Spyro and Sparx did look concerned a bit, but soon brushed it off and followed them too.

It wasn't to far after they passed that door until they came upon a strange glowing crystal, it felt so strange when around it, Spike could feel a powerful energy coming from it.. something far different then anything he's felt.
"What are these things?" Spyro asked looking at the crystals to.
"These are Spirit Gems. A gift from our Ancestors." Ignitus answered looking at them too.
"They're.. amazing.." Spike said looking directly into them.
"What kind of gift is it?" Spyro asked interested with this.
" A gift that is spoken across generations, a gift that empowers you with the spirits of the past, and strengthens you with the wisdom of ages." Ignitus said ominously while they all looked confused once again.
"I feel more powerful already.." Spyro said amazed looking at the crystals.

"Amazing.." Spike said looking at it, he didn't know why, but he felt like he had to hit it. With a fist clutch, Spike made a battle cry and began striking the crystal repeatedly, he felt a strength surge through him the more he punched it, like something was giving him far stronger strength then he ever had before, it was something he never felt before, and it felt amazing. Spike breathed heavily as he felt the energy flow into him, it felt so strong and different, it was like he had new ways of understanding the world after he hit it.
"Are you okay Spike?" Ignitus asked while Spike recovered finally.
"Yeah, in fact.. I feel even better then before." Spike said as his body felt way denser and tougher now.
"I felt that way too, I smashed a similar crystal not to long ago, glad I'm not the only one to feel this." Spyro said happy to know this.
"Me too Spyro.. me too." Spike said as they finally started to move yet again to another door.

But as they were all making they're way to the door, they heard a familiar ape sound which got they're attention.
"Do you two hear that?" Ignitus asked looking at a distant hole in the wall.
"Hear what?" Spyro asked not knowing what it is.
"It's.. them.." Spike said clutching his fist at the thought of it.
"Spike is right, it's what i've feared, Spyro, Spike, perhaps we should turn back.." Ignitus suggested wanting to leave by now.
"What? After coming this far? We can't give up now." Spyro replied refusing to leave.
"He's right, we can't just leave after getting so close now." Spike said not wanting to leave either.

"Listen you two, if the door is closed then it means there are intruders behind it. It's how the temple can protect itself." Ignitus said stopping his movements for a moment.
"Well that doesn't work to well does it?" Sparx joked which made Spike scoff a little.
"So what are you saying then?" Spyro asked not getting the full thing yet.
"What I'm saying, is that the only way the door will open, is if the intruders are dealt with from the inside." Ignitus finished which made Sparx really scarred.
"Oh great, we have to fight off more of them now?" Sparx asked really not happy about this.
"All this just to get into the temple too.." Spike said annoyed at this too.
"I see a way into the temple over there, come on Spike, let's take care of them." Spyro said moving to the path that is easy to be seen.
"Let's deal with these beasts." Spike said with a slight growl while they moved forward to stop this.

The two of them made they're way through as fast as they could, they already heard more sounds from those apes and knew they were close.
"You ready to take them on Spike?" Spyro asked while they turned another corner and saw a large group of them waiting.
"Let's do it." Spike said seriously while they charged at the group with anger. One of them took out another dynamite stick and threw it to them yet again, they both knew how to counter it, and Spike came in and delivered kick that sent the thing back at it which exploded right in front of them all. They knew they weren't done however, and charged into the temple to take care of these pests.

Spike and Spyro could see the largest one just above them, and it was retreating to get more help, they didn't want to let it get away, and Spike and Spyro hopped over more platforms that led to the higher ledge, some smaller ones were trying to stop them, but Spike and Spyro were able to knock them down with they're fire breaths, the strength they got from the crystals helped a ton when they ran through the place, it made them feel more confident they can take the largest one. And they eventually came upon him, it held out it's crystal staff and shot a blast at the two of them, but Spike rolled out of the way while Spyro jumped above to avoid it, Spike quickly charged directly under the ape and went under it's legs, he made a battle cry and jumped in the air, he delivered another strong kick to it's head which knocked it to the wall, and Spyro added in by charging at him with his horns, and knocking him into the air, they both finished the beast off by jumping in the air together, and delivering one strong strike together, that finally knocked the large ape down, and they both sighed in relief after beating it.

"This isn't as hard as I thought it would be.." Spyro said surprised with how well they're doing right now.
"Don't say that so soon Spyro.." Spike said as they continued to charge through the temple to deal with the rest of the apes. This temple was pretty ancient looking even from just the outside of it, Spike could feel so much history has been made here in this world, like it was on the most ancient places in this world, but soon enough, they managed to take down what looked like the last of the apes, and were coming upon the area Ignitus was waiting in.
"Ignitus, I think we're done now.. Spike reported jumping down to him.
"We took care of a few large ones, but I think we're done.. right?" Spyro asked hopefully.
"I fear we may not be done yet.." Ignitus said seriously as they heard more apes coming from behind.

They turned around and saw even more of those apes come into the room from where they entered, and they saw the same commander who took Spike from his world, and Spike growled with anger seeing him here.
"Well well Ignitus, we've finally managed to find you. We've managed to secure your other guardians in places more deadly then you can think of, and you just happened to come across the 2 purple dragons, especially that little pest, this makes our job all the more easy.." Claw said with a grin while Ignitus growled hearing that.
"So you were the one who took Spike from his home? I shouldn't expect nothing less from a monster like you, you've done far to much to my world and kind for too long now! And kidnapping a child is something I will not stand for!" Ignitus shouted spreading out his wings while Sparx and Spyro were suprised with his rage.
"Didn't know the old guy could get so angry.." Sparx said surprised with this while Spike stood by Ignitus.

"You! You took me from my home! Brought me to this place and imprisoned me! What do you want with me?!" Spike shouted growling at him.
"Hmph, the little dragon is mad is he? If he wished to know, we were ordered to capture you, and bring you to Cynder. She has plans for you little pest, and something tells me you will suffer dearly when your in her grasp." Claw mocked which made Spike even madder.
"Why you little..!!" Spike shouted about to charge at him before Ignitus blocked his path.
"Please stand back Spyro and Spike, and let me show you what a dragon like me, trained in the ancient ways can do." Ignitus said getting in a fighting stance.
"They're all yours Ignitus." Spike said backing up to Spyro.
"Capture them all!" Claw ordered which made all of his men charge at Ignitus.

Ignitus roared at all of them and breathed a huge stream of fire across the large group, one of the larger ones tried striking him from behind, but he was whipped away by his tail in response, Ignitus jumped in the air and delivered a powerful ground smash which shook the area greatly, and Ignitus charged his head directly at another group which sent them flying through a wall.
"Whoa, the big guys got some moves!" Sparx said amazed with this display.
"He may be old, but he is really skilled." Spike said agreeing with this display, Claw growled with rage as Ignitus finished the entire group of his men, Ignitus growled at him back and held his wings close to him, like he was charging up a special attack.
"You will all perish!!!" Claw screamed as he lunged at Ignitus one last time, but Ignitus opened his eyes finally and they had fire all around them, and with a powerful roar, a huge fire blast went flying out of him and spread across the room, Claw screamed as he was instantly taken with how powerful the blast was, even with what he showed back in Equestria, Ignitus was skilled enough to put him down.

"You took Spike from his home, tried taking him to someone who is well known to be a ferocious monster, and you know he will never make it out if he was taken to Cynder, I must ask you this, why would you work for such a force?" Ignitus asked looking over him as Claw couldn't recover from the intense burns he was dealt with.
"Cynder.. has an interest with him.. we were told to bring him to her, or else she would kill me if I failed, but now, as I lay here, dying by your hand, is far better then what she'd to to me.." Claw said weakly looking up at the ceiling while Spike walked up to him too.
"From the sounds of it, Cynder would've done far worse to you if you continued to serve her, I guess you can take this as a way of saving yourself, because you won't have to suffer under her claws anymore." Spike said looking at him too.
"Heh, you don't know what's coming, and when your time comes, you will never be the same.. again.." Claw said before he finally passed from the pain of the flames, everyone looked worried as he said those last words, Spike and Ignitus knew what it meant, but Spyro and Sparx didn't.

"What does he mean by that? Are you two alright?" Spyro asked coming up to them too.
"There is a dark future ahead for us all, and the least we can do now, is prepare for the worst." Ignitus said taking heavy breaths while they turned to the door again.
"Whatever comes next.. we'll be ready for it.. come on Spyro.." Spike said moving forward with him.
"Jeez, someone's a bit moody right now." Sparx commented which made Spyro roll his eyes again.
"Let's just go Sparx." Spyro said as they finally could move into the temple now.

The door to the temple finally opened up, and the group made they're way inside, this temple looked extremely ancient, both inside and out, there was a strange green pool in the center of the room they're in, and there were multiple doors that led to other parts of the temple, Ignitus sighed in relief as he was glad to finally be back here.
"Ah.. home.. sweet home.." Ignitus said glad to finally be back here after so long.
"It's nice to come back after so long isn't it?" Spike asked smiling at this, and he nodded in response. The 4 of them continued making they're way through to the next room, Spike had a look of amazement as they entered the next room, there was a huge stone dragon statue in the center of it all, and it really showed how special this place really is.
"I've never seen a place like this before.. it's.. amazing.." Spike said looking at the huge statue above them.
"Yes, but you could only imagine, what it was like in it's prime.. when we didn't get driven out of this place, it was something to behold for all ages.." Ignitus said while they were making they're way to the exit.

They could see what looked like a platform that gave them a view of the land they were in, and with a few more steps, they could finally see where they were, and to say it was a sad sight was.. an understatement. Compared to Equestria, this world looked really messed up because of all the wars that it's been through, there were island he could see in the distance that had smoke coming out from it, and a lot of places that looked like it was once lived in were destroyed, it was a really sad sight to see..
"Wow.. this is.. this is just.. sad.." Spike said really feeling bad at the sight of this place.
"What happened to this place?" Spyro asked really shocked to see it's devastating state..
"This is what Cynder has done with what she's taken, with her iron rule over all the islands, she had her soldiers lay siege to what was once a peaceful land." Ignitus explained with regret while they all were really sad to see this world's state.
"I wanted to see where we came from.. but I didn't think it would be like this.." Spyro said really sad to know what his home is like.
"Yeah no offense old man, but this place is kind of a dump.." Sparx said really surprised with it's bad state.

"Spyro, Spike, this was once our home, if we can work together on this, we can reclaim what's rightfully hours, and make our home a peaceful land once again." Ignitus said looking over his home with regret.
"What do you mean by that?" Spyro asked a bit surprised hearing this.
" What I mean is, my time of fighting has passed, but with you and Spike's help, we just may be able to defeat Cynder for good.." Ignitus said with hope.
"I.. I don't think I can.. not after what we've just learned.." Spyro said really unsure of what to do.
"I don't know if I can do anything.. how could I be of help, if I'm tied to this prophecy somehow, I don't know if I can do it either.." Spike said feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that's happened today.
"You both can, Spike and Spyro. You are both purple dragons, a very special creature, and with two of you, our prayers could finally be answered.." Ignitus said trying to encourage them both.

"You both have given me hope again, and now it's time to give hope to all of them.." Ignitus said looking over the land, while Spike was really nervous on doing this, he realized that if he doesn't try to help, his home could be next, and with the state this world is.. Equestria may not ever recover from what devastation these monsters would do to it.
"I've only been here for a day, but this world has suffered so much even with just this sight, imagining what else has happened to this world is something I won't stand for.. no matter what happens.. I'm wanting to try to help.." Spike said holding his arm again, as he could see more of his scales becoming darker then usual..
"Spike's right.. even if we can't do much.. I want to try, we both will. No matter what.." Spyro said as they both felt confident enough they can help.
"Good you two, that's all I can ask. Come with me please, I have something for you both." Ignitus said moving back to the temple, they both decided to follow him after learning what must be done.
"Spike.. you really sure we can do this? With what we're up against, will we be able to save this world?" Spyro asked worried as they looked over the land together.
"We have to try Spyro.. we have to.." Spike said with hope as they followed Ignitus into the temple again, hoping they could stop the war across this world..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know I haven't done much action for this story yet, but I'm trying to do my best with following along the story, despite the many combat encounters in this game, there couldn't be much to expand with them with how simple they were, so I'll try and have it be more advanced when they both learn to manipulate they're elements, Spike's got a lot to go through in this story, and I hope you look forward to it, thanks for reading this and hope you liked it!