• Member Since 9th Oct, 2023
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

History Student

I'm only here because of Hearts of Iron 4 and the My Little War Crimes Mod, I will never live it down if people find out I'm on here.


This story is a sequel to The Great Retreat

After the retreat back to the border months prior, Trimmel spent months meticulously creating his plan for a second invasion of Equestria. With the approval of Queen Chrysalis, the Changelings once against advance into Equestria.

The Heer will not fail this time, this time, they will be victorious; this time, they will break the ponies.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 10 )

Not much more to say other than, pretty good! Interesting takes on some of the characters, I will admit.

I’ve created a four-person system for deployment of the weapons. Each ling needs to be in unanimous agreement for the deployment otherwise it doesn’t go through

Wait… something doesn’t seem right here. This is the same Chrysalis we’re both talking about, right? There’s no way any authoritarian monarcho-fascist dictator like her gives her subordinates that much power.

The attached PanzerGrenadiers will oversee the reduction of any created pockets under General Bit

Ah, how do you do, fellow wiki-diver?

General Pagala

Kill Pagala. Behead Pagala. Roundhouse kick Pagala into the concrete. Slam dunk Pagala into the trashcan. Crucify Pagala. Launch Pagala into Sol Invictus. Stir fry Pagala in a wok. Toss Pagala into an active volcano. Judo throw Pagala into a wood chipper. Twist Pagala’s head off. Report Pagala to the Vesalipolian Office of Public Safety. Karate chop Pagala in half. Trap Pagala in quicksand. Stab Pagala in the middle of the night. Crush Pagala under a dragon. Exterminate Pagala in the colosseum. Stomp Pagala’s skull with iron boots. Cremate Pagala in the kiln. Lobotomize Pagala. Load Pagala into a mortar. Drown Pagala in liquid gold. Incinerate Pagala with Nimbusian fire. Throw Pagala into the Dark Sea of Darkness. Feed Pagala to the lions. Slice Pagala with a broadsword.

Chrysalia giving each branch an equal say keeps them at each other throats and forces compromises. One of the changelings which gets a vote is her in particular, so she always has a veto on this military matter.

As for Pagala, I completely agree. She never made an appearance in draft 1 of this, in draft 2 there were 3 paragraphs of basically nothing but Trimmel saying how much everyone hates her and hopes she dies. Then in this draft she does literally nothing but smokes. She’s going to survive the war (she has to unfortunately), but she’s not going to have a good time post war… (roundhouse kicked to death)

You could argue that toaster production has military applications and start sticking your hooves into it if you wanted to.

Trimmer: "I was actually thinking about doing exactly that. If used correctly toasters can be quite effective against ponies."

“In the far north of the Griffonian continent is the dread peninsula, home of the undead. As a backer of the arcturian order, they pass information directly to me of any happenings in the north. Nothing concrete has been confirmed yet, but the dead are moving.”

Okay, that's reason for concern. Even Celestia would agree to that.

The naval branch had then established its own naval infantry branch independent of the Heer. They were solely under navy jurisdiction and couldn’t be moved without the admirals approval. The Heer had obviously launched their own bout of protests, but they fell on deaf ears. Chrysalis stepped in a ruled that the Kriegsmarine could fields its naval troops, dubbed the Seebataillon’s.

How long until the Heer decides to establish their own naval ships, independent from the Kriegsmarine?
Then the chaos would be complete.

Second of all, feel free to comment and get into contact with me, I'll answer any question anyone has.

Since you are already asking:
In the game you have to decide between Lysander and Mimic.
Since both are still around Chrysalis either didn't favor any of them or convinced them to (mostly) work together?
Mimic looks cuter by the way.


It’s always possible that he never promoted one above the other. I didn’t do that for my most recent one, and let them prove their worth. I gave Mimic all the dockyards she wanted for submarines, and left Lysander on defence. When Mimic lost all her submarines, I immediately gave Lysander everything he wanted, promoting him to Hivesadmiral. I tend to not do anything with the Naval tree pre-war anyway, there are many better foci to take.

Since everything in this series is based on my own decisions in a campaign a while back, I’ll tell you how it went. I built up to about 40 dockyards and heavily invested into battlecruisers. Although I kept about 15 on building subs. Never promoted one over the other until late into the war, Lysander had just won a big battle against a fleet of: Equestrians, New Mareland, Stalliongrad, and the Purto Calabo and I didn’t have anything else to do, so I did the focus which promoted Lysander to Hivesadmiral. Although in the beginning of this series in stories of the Great War (set years after the end of the Great War and events seen here), Lysander is killed. He’s still alive at the moment though, and neither has been promoted. Although I am going to keep mimic around later on as well, she’ll have a role to play when I finally get around to the post war arc.

And so it begins anew. Although the lack of a Crystal pony defense so far make me suspicious.

Ah yes, the Crystal ponies are suspiciously quiet aren’t they…

great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Cheers mate, I have literally no schedule so no idea when it’ll be lol.

I guess you could say that it’s All Quiet on the Crystal Front

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