• Published 10th May 2024
  • 572 Views, 92 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The Movie: What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within my "What If?" rewrite series, familiarity with its volumes is recommended.) An alternate take on the 2017 movie exploring if scenes had played out differently, and some characters were written differently.

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Part 8: Pirates Ahoy

There was very little time for the group of seven to get their bearings and catch their breath. They now found themselves onboard an airship, bound for who knew where, and with a crew they currently didn't know about. It was anyone's guess as to whether the ones running the ship would be friendly or not.

Fortunately, they didn't have long to wait. Applejack suddenly gave a hushed whisper and said. "I think I can see some of the crew," She gulped. "They don't look friendly at all."

Twilight hesitantly crept forward, peeking out from a gap between two large barrels. The others followed close behind. Soon, they could see that the ship was apparently run by bi-pedal parrot creatures. Most of them had feathers in varying shades of sea green, grey, black, and occasionally orange. But rather ominously, they all seemed to be wearing eyepatches, and wore black hats that had a skull and crossbones etched into them.

It didn't take a genius to realize what these parrots likely were, and thus what kind of ship this was. "Pirates?!" Rarity remarked in shock.

Twilight groaned. "Just great. We've gone from one bad situation to another." And as she spoke, she and her friends were utterly repulsed to see one of the pirates scratch their behind with a bare claw.

Fluttershy hesitantly looked to Twilight and asked her. "So, what's the plan? How are we gonna get out of this?"

Pinkie Pie sheepishly spoke up. "Who knows? Maybe they're friendly pirates?"

"Have you ever met pirates who were friendly?" Twilight snapped back in a harsher tone than she intended. "No telling what they'll do if they find us," She then decided. "We'll just have to lay low and stay out of sight."

"You call that a plan?!" Rainbow Dash harshly spoke up!

Twilight hastily moved to shush the rainbow maned pegasus! "You got a better idea?!"

Rainbow swallowed hard. "Well... no... but..."

The young alicorn sighed. "But nothing, Rainbow. It's bad enough we're being chased by the Storm King's army. The last thing we need is to make more enemies."

"But don't you see? Maybe the pirates can help us!" Rainbow Dash stubbornly insisted! "We need an army of our own, right? Who better than pirates to help us drive off our enemies? Isn't there a saying: The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Twilight wasn't convinced for a second. "They're pirates, Rainbow Dash! They're not going to help us! Now keep it down, you're gonna give us away!"

Unfortunately, the princess' warning came too late. Suddenly, the barrels and boxes behind which the ponies and dragon had been hiding were moved! Just like that, they were now face to face with the pirates. And sure enough, the pirates were anything but pleased to discover the intruders.

"Looks like we got ourselves a couple of stowaways!" One pirate laughed before turning to the others. "What should do we do with 'em?"

A pirate with a gruff, low sounding voice proposed. "I say we clip their wings! Those of 'em that got wings, anyway."

Fluttershy gasped in horror at the suggestion!

Rainbow Dash defiantly yelled! "I'd like to see you try!"

Another pirate suggested. "Forget clipping, we should scar 'em... emotionally."

But a third pirate objected, informing the others. "It's not for us to decide. It's up to Captain Celaeno to determine their fate," To the ponies he then grinned. "Only fair to warn ya, the captain never shows mercy."

And mere seconds later, out strolled a female bi-pedal parrot creature who was larger than the rest of the pirates. She had a noticeable wooden peg leg on the right side of her body, and wore a very dark red hat. She had a greenish-gray coat that looked like foam you might see on waves, her eyes were the same shade of dark red as her hat. Her hair consisted of pale, light grayish-green locks, while her tail had grayish emerald green and sap green locks. A gold earring hung on her left ear. This had to be the "Captain Celaeno" the other pirates had mentioned.

The captain held a large book in her claws, reading aloud from it in a somber, stern tone of voice. "In accordance with the Storm King's rules: All stowaways are to be tossed overboard."

"But captain!" One of the pirates spoke up. "Some of 'em got wings, just like us."

Captain Celaeno only coldly replied. "Just tie 'em up real tight, make sure they can't move a muscle. Then we'll make 'em walk the plank and throw them overboard," She set the book down and clapped her claws together. "Quickly now!"

Before Twilight and the others could react to their sudden change of fate, they were all tied tightly together with ropes and brought to the edge of a large, wooden plank that extended off the right side of the ship. They couldn't even see the ground below, that's how high up they were. Was this it? Was this how their journey and their lives ended?

Suddenly, a steam whistle sounded off in the distance. The pirates all stopped what they had been doing upon hearing it. "Break time!" They all shouted in unison.

Captain Celaeno then turned to her captives. "You heard 'em, stowaways. We're on break now. So come with us, and enjoy your last meal." She then disappeared towards the back of the ship, and the other pirates joined her with only one staying behind to untie the captives (for the time being).

All were shocked, but none more so than Twilight. They had been at the pirates' mercy, and yet these pirates had opted to spare them, at least temporarily.

Just what was it with these pirates?

Author's Note:

There really isn't anything that needed to be changed with this scene, but I did still tweak things a little bit.