• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 52 minutes ago

Pinkies Imagination

Reloading the Story Canon.


Jesse thought he hit the jackpot... a job offering him a month of work and living arrangements? Being between cities and in need of the income, he pounced at the opportunity.

However, shortly after arriving at the listed address and going in courtesy of the key waiting there... he finds himself part of a deal he never really signed.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 19 )

This feels like a sequel to something, is it? When I first started reading it I didn’t look at the author so I thought it was a sequel to “Fine Print” by StarScribe. Looking forward to more.

Nope, not a sequel. I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to more... I just had the story take place DIRECTLY after the description, literally.

"However, shortly after arriving at the listed address and going in courtesy of the key waiting there... he finds himself part of a deal he never really signed."


Well, I'd be lying if I said it doesn't look like "Fine Print." Originality will not be my expectation

Thats a fine expectation to go in with. I looked back at Fine Print after the last comment mentioned it and, yeah I can see the heavy similarities at the start.

I do promise though, this story will have its own plotlines and tones, and not just be a retread of that story... though I suppose I have future chapters left to prove that to you :trixieshiftright:


"Fine Print" was not the first, 5th, or probably 50th story in this subgenre on here. I like the fist chapter you posted, and please don't worry about your story in comparison to any others.

Looks good so far!

Looking good.
I'm a fan of this genre.

It seems that Jesse caught on that they assumed he'd always been a pony, but that cover's not gonna hold.

I can't wait to see how he navigates admitting he can't fly.


"It's not always easy to go back and fix what you made... even I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote some of this. Like, why is there a coconut here? And why can't I delete it?"

tf2 reference detected, favourited and liked.

Nice story really hooked looking forward to more

"It's not always easy to go back and fix what you made... even I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote some of this. Like, why is there a coconut here? And why can't I delete it?"

Never, ever, delete the coconut.

Interesting story so far. I’ll await future chapter to make a concrete decision on whether or not I’ll continue to read this story.

I’m ashamed to admit that I had forgotten about Fine Print. It has to be in my top 10 fav stories on this site.

This could be a fun story. Hoping for the best! :twilightsmile:

"Twilight... sometimes when you're making these magical items, especially with chaos magic, you're in an entirely different headspace." He paused as something printed out of the computer's side, a piece of paper that folded itself and gently glided in circles. "It's not always easy to go back and fix what you made... even I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote some of this. Like, why is there a coconut here? And why can't I delete it?" He mumbled in annoyance with a few button presses, electing a puff of smoke from the computer as it all disappeared in a flash.



"Do return soon, however. I can only imagine the penalties will get worse the longer you're away." It added, the key spinning slightly in midair before dropping back onto his lap.

He doesn't even know the contract he made? Lol did he have it generated by an AI. Lol AI Lawyers

Oh I've been missing a good old fashioned "Discord commits magical contract entrapment" HiE. I will follow with great interest.

I have never needed thiis more, thanks

Where’s the rest of Ponyville’s weather team? Or are they basically just reserves on-call because Rainbow Dash is Rainbow Dash and is a whole team by herself?

She pretty much is the Ponyville weather team. Hence why she wants to train another like herself :rainbowdetermined2:

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