• Published 21st Apr 2024
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Pinkie's Fun Palace: a MLP x FNAF Story - EnvironmentalText850

Follow Guarding Grape as he discovers the dark secrets of Pinkie's Fun Palace...

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Chapter 4: The Third Night

One year earlier

It was the 28th of August, and the time was now 18:35 PM
Twilight Sparkle was helping her friends clean up Pinkie's Fun Palace after Applebloom's birthday party. She might have been the Princess of Friendship, but she didn't mind getting her hooves dirty. She was cleaning the Arcade, sweeping the floor, placing loose colored balls back in the ballpit, and cleaning the arcade machine's screens. She had always been a bit of a perfectionist when it came to cleanliness. As she finished cleaning the Arcade, she stopped to admire her own work. "Ah, perfect.", she said, proud of her own work. "Not a single spec of dirt anywhere."

As she was going to leave the Arcade, she saw Pinkie Pie walking towards her. She was looking at the ground, as if nervous
about something...

"Ummm... Pinkie? Are you ok?", Twilight asked, slightly concerned.

"Oh! Twilight!", Pinkie seemed to perk up at the sight of her friend, "I was looking for you!"

"Is that why you seemed so down a moment ago?", she asked, "And why were you looking for me? Do you need help with something?"

"...Well, you see...", Pinkie paused, as she suddenly saw Him behind Twilight. He was glaring at her, as if waiting to see what she would say next...

"Ummm... I think there is a problem with the Animatronics...", she said, nervously, "I want you to take a look at it, since you helped me build them and all..."

"Oh! Sure Pinkie! Can you tell me what's wrong with them exactly?", Twilight asked. "Well... I think it's best you looked at it yourself.", Pinkie replied. As she said it, he disappeared in a cloud of purple fog. It seemed Twilight wasn't able to see or even sense him...

"Alright then, could you show me where they are?", Twilight asked, ready to help out her friend.

"Uhhh... sure...!", Pinkie said, nervously, "Follow me..."

On their way to the Storage Room, Twilight asked something. "Uh, Pinkie? Are you feeling alright, you're sweating a lot...", Pinkie shrugged off her question, saying, "Oh don't worry, Twilight, i'm fine! Oh, we're almost there now!". Twilight felt something was wrong, but couldn't tell what exactly...

As they arrived, Pinkie opened the door to the dark room, "Y-you go first...", Pinkie said. "Uh... alright then...", Twilight replied, entering the room. Pinkie entered after, then closed the door.

"Why is it so dark in here?", Twilight thought, "I can't even see my hoof in front of my face...", just as she thought that however, the lights turned on, and as she saw what was in front of her, she screamed... In front of her were her friends, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy, all dead, with several slash and stab wounds across their bodies, their blood spilled all across the floor, simply put, it was a massacre... "W-WHAT THE HAY?! A-APPLEJACK?! RARITY?! FLUTTERSHY?! W-WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!

"I'm glad you asked, miss Sparkle.", a voice Twilight didn't recognize said. "Would you like to know?". She turned around, only to see Pinkie Pie looking at her, except... something was wrong... Her eyes. Her eyes had turned completely purple, as if her eyes had been completely replaced by the color. She was now holding a bloody knife, and was eyeing down Twilight, licking her lips. "W-who are you?! You're not Pinkie... WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIENDS?!", Twilight said, her horn starting to emit a faint glow. "Correct. I am not your friend, i am simply "borrowing" her body for my own use... As for your friends...", "Pinkie" said, "...I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT I DID TO THEM!"

Before Twilight could even cast a spell to protect herself, she felt a slicing pain burning through her neck. Her throat had been slashed open, and she fell on the ground, gasping for air. The entity inside Pinkie's body licked the blood of the blade, before speaking. "What a shame really. Such a nice shade of purple, wasted on a stupid brat like you...". "*gasp*... Ach... *gurgling*...", Twilight tried to speak, but nothing came out, she couldn't speak because of all the blood in her throat. "But oh well... I guess it's time to finish this...", he said, before flipping Twilight on her back, and then slashing her stomach open. She tried to scream, but what came out of her throat was more gargling. Eventually, the blood loss finally caught up to her, and she passed out, before her life came to a grizzly end. As Twilight finally died, he relinquished control back to Pinkie, who was horrified. "No... TWILIGHT!", Pinkie said, holding her dead friend in her arms, "Why couldn't you defeat him??? Why???, as she asked this, she began to cry, but then, she heard his voice again.

"Only one brat remains.", he said, "The one with the rainbow hair... I'll take my sweet time with that one..."

"WHAT?!", Pinkie said, "NO! I won't let you hurt her! I won't let you hurt anymore of my friends! EVER-"

"DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE THEM?", he interrupted Pinkie, his voice so loud it could probably wake up all of Equestria, but only she could hear him.

"N-no...", Pinkie said, tears in her eyes. "Good... then bring her here... or else I'll make you the next victim...". With that threat, he disappeared into a purple fog once more...

Pinkie Pie started to cry once more. She didn't want to do this, she didn't want to kill a pony that was not only her friend, but her bestest friend. But she didn't want to die either... she was stuck between a rock and a hard place... but then, she had an idea...

In the present

September 3rd, 11:30 AM, 20XX
Grape didn't think that he would be ale to sleep after the events that occurred last night. Despite that, however, he fell asleep rather easily. As he woke up from his nap, he realized something. He had the same dream he had the previous day, but this time, he could remember more details. He remembered that he was in a void, being watched by five grayed out figures, although he couldn't tell who they were. He felt that the dream was strangely eerie, but before he could continue thinking about that dream...


"Damn... I'm feeling pretty hungry... I better grab something to eat.", he said to himself, exiting his bedroom and entering the kitchen. As he made himself a sandwich, he grabbed the coffee bag ready to make a cup, only to find it empty. "Oh great. I forgot to buy more coffee...", he said to himself, frustrated. "Well, hopefully this won't affect me too much...". After eating, he took a quick shower, before going about the rest of his day. As nightfall approached, Grape suddenly began dreading what would happen this time. The possibility of those Animatronics being haunted was now more real than ever, after what happened on his last shift. But regardless, he would try to mentally prepare himself for his next shift.

11:57 PM

As Grape arrived in his office, he once again took out the flashlight from the right locker, turned on the monitor, and grabbed the telephone, ready to hear whatever message Pinkie had left on it. "You have: 1 new message *Beeeeeeeeep*"

"Hello? Hi, it's me... *Yawn*... Pinkie. Sorry about that, I just woke up after I fell asleep on the job, on one hoof that's kinda weird, since i never fell asleep on the job before, but the good news is that i found out i can do paperwork while i sleep, which is kinda cool...". Grape was slightly amused by the idea that Pinkie could file paperwork while she slept. "Anyway, today i'd like to inform you about the Rainbow Dash Animatronic. She- I mean... it... seems to not be a big fan of bright lights. I'm not sure why exactly, but when it is exposed to one, it runs away. So if it shows up and starts bothering you... just use your flashlight. Well, that's all for tonight's message, see you in the morning!" *Beeeeeeeep*

As Grape turned to face the monitor, the clock struck 12 AM. He saw as the Applejack and Fluttershy Animatronics left the stage in the same order as before. He then switched to the Maintenance Room's camera to check if the music was still playing, and it was. As he switched back to the Main Party Room, he saw a blue pegasus Animatronic with a rainbow colored mane leaving the stage. This one was clearly the Rainbow Dash Animatronic. As he saw this however, Grape started to feel his eyelids getting heavy. It seemed his lack of coffee that morning had started to show it's effects."Shoot... I'm getting sleepy... this is bad...", he thought to himself, but then, he realized something. When the Animatronics moved around, they made a lot of noise. So if one of them got close to the office he'd hear them coming, which would wake him up, giving him time to lure them away with the audio. It seemed like a fail-proof strategy, so he simply laid his head on the table, and went to sleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, he started dreaming again, and this time it was a slightly different dream. He was still in some sort of void, but there wasn't anything around. He walked for a bit, occasionally looking around to see if he could spot something, when suddenly, he felt like he was being watched again... Turning around, he saw a Grayed out figure, he was certain this was one of the five figures from his previous dream. Suddenly, the figure started floating towards him, and as it got closer, it became more defined. Grape could tell it was a pony by it's shape, and judging by the two appendages sticking out of it's back, it was a pegasus. As the figure got closer, he noticed how their mane and tail were various shades of grey, going from lightest to darkest. Was this...? Looking closer, he could see various black marks across the pony's torso, all leaking a strange, black substance... as the figure stopped, Grape could finally tell who it was. It was Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, her face changed from a mildly annoyed look, to one of pure hatred. Before Grape could react, she lunged at him while shrieking like a banshee, causing Grape to wake up.

"W-what the hay?! What was that?!", he asked, but then, he looked at the entrance of the office. He started to feel a sensation of dread, as if something was standing there just out of the light's reach. Not taking his eyes off the entrance, Grape grabbed the flashlight on his table with his mouth, then, using his tongue, he pressed the power button under the flashlight, and as soon as the light turned on...

"Gaaaaaah!", the Rainbow Dash Animatronic screamed, covering it's eyes to shield them from the bright light. It then quickly turned around, and ran away, leaving Grape alone once more.

"*Phew!*, that was close...", he said, when he realized something. "Oh shoot! The music!", he quickly switched to the Maintenance Room camera, only to see that the Rarity Animatronic was halfway through the curtains, and her crying had turned into what could best be described as anguished pleas for help. Quickly, he pressed "play" on the second remote, causing the music to start playing again. As it did, the Animatronic slowly retreated back into the curtains and her crying eventually stopped. Quickly checking the other cameras, he saw that both the Fluttershy and Applejack Animatronics were making their way through the Hall, so he used the audio to lure them back to the Main Party Room.

"Okay, that was waaay too close for my liking...", Grape said, taking a deep breath, "Alright, from this day... er... night foward, no more taking naps on the job. It's just too risky..."

The rest of the night went by as usual, except for one moment. The moment that, for Grape, confirmed his theory...

It was now 04:58 AM. He had just finished scaring off the Rainbow Dash Animatronic again, when he decided to check the Main Party Room camera. There, he saw the Animatronic shaking it's head, clearly still half blinded by the light. As it recovered, the Applejack Animatronic suddenly appeared. "Dash... Are ya alright...?", it asked. "Ugh... No... He flashed his light at me... again... my eyes... they hurt...", it replied. Then, it did something Grape wasn't expecting. It sat down, and started sobbing, in a similar fashion to the Rarity Animatronic. "Do you think... she remembers me...?" it asked, as the Applejack Animatronic sat down next to it. "Who...?", it asked back.

"Scootaloo...", it replied. "Do you think... she forgot about me...?". "Oh, Dash...", the orange Animatronic replied, "...She idolizes ya so much... that she literally founded a fanclub about ya... Of course she wouldn't forget about ya...". "Yes, but... what if she did?", it asked again, now sounding like it was on the verge of having a breakdown. "Ya know she wouldn't...", the Applejack Animatronic said, before hugging the Rainbow Dash Animatronic.

As Grape watched this, he was shocked. This confirmed it for him, the Animatronics were possessed, and the ones possessing them were the missing mares he'd been looking for. But how? How did they come to inhabit those machines? This made no sense, but Grape wasn't going to give up on trying to find an answer.

After that, nothing noteworthy happened, aside from Rainbow Dash appearing at the door again. When Grape used his light on her this time, he actually felt bad for it... or rather, her.

As the clock struck 6 AM, all the Animatronics went back into the stage, and Pinkie finally arrived to open up the place. As Grape saw her, he noticed how she somehow seemed even more tired than yesterday. "Hey Pinkie... I assume your night didn't go great, right?", he said, trying his best to not sound condescending. "Well you can say that again..." she replied, "...*Yawn*... I had a horrible nightmare last night. Trust me, you don't want to know how terrible it was..."

"Oh... Okay then...", Grape said, "Well uhhh... I'll be going now. See you later."

"Bye... *Yawn*...", she said, her voice sounding drowsy. "See you tonight!"

As Grape walked home, he bought a new bag of coffee to prevent another nap. As he arrived home however, he realized something.

If the Animatronics he was dealing with were based on, and possessed by the missing mares, where was the one based on Twilight? And was it possessed by her, like with the others?

He wouldn't have to wonder for long though, as those questions would be answered that very night...

Author's Note:

Yeah, this one got gruesome really fast didn't it? Sorry about that. (Feel free to leave a comment! I like replying to people, and if a moment stood out to you, why not make fanart? I think that would be pretty cool.)

Yes... we were too late... we couldn't stop him...
He must be punished... for what he did to them... I will give them... a gift... I will give them... new life...
Yes... that is correct...