• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 362 Views, 13 Comments

Another chance - Ferencelvtars

I wonder how he gets on, in the skin of a precocious, small colt? let's look at

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Chapter 3:

Chapter 3:

A week had passed since Flutershy's offer of a night's stay, and I realized that my presence was still welcomed as a permanent resident. I've been going out shopping—you wouldn't believe how much animal feed is needed for a farm-like place—and starting next week, I'll have to go back to school as well. Not that I mind coming here; working with the animals brings me great joy, and I've discovered that almost every technique I need is available here. Currently, I'm working on a small-scale food dispensing system designed for cages, to make it easier to feed the animals during longer enclosed periods. I quickly realized that not everything is as magical as the youthful, unbreakable sparkle—Diamond Tiara, to give her proper name, is a perfect example of how to be not only disrespectful but also unworthy of pity.

I'm sitting in my room, "meditating." In reality, I'm sitting there like a fool in silence, replaying fond memories of my life from the other world. I think a lot about fairy tales, for example, and also about what awaits me here. School starts tomorrow, and today I went shopping for pens, notebooks, and a backpack—I didn't buy a saddlebag because I crafted one, turning a small leather tool bag into a unique school backpack.

"Bender! Dinner's ready! And I made it using your fancy recipe!" Flutershy's voice is hard to hear, but in the quiet cottage, her voice is more than sufficient. I get up and head out; it's always strange to me how much time passes during these memory projections. After all, those stories are only 10-20 minutes long. I came in here around mid-afternoon, at about 3 o'clock, to think about how time flies like this?

Anyway, I don't have time to dwell on that now. I finally convinced Flutershy to make one of our home-cooked dishes, which required three eggs. The scent of fried pumpkin and tartar sauce tickled my nose as I rushed downstairs. "Flutershy! This looks divine!" I exclaimed as I saw the still-steaming slices of breaded pumpkin. Fortunately, ponies enjoy patissons, so only the sides were a bit unusual. "Thank you for finally making it, and I know how much you love animals, but not every egg becomes a chick."

As she spoke to me, I knew she was right, but my heart still ached because you never know which one will and which one won't. This mystery of chance was always present; she constantly wore a manufactured emotion on her face, something she knew was expected of her. If she didn't know what emotion was expected of her, she would maintain a poker face. What made it even stranger was how much she meditated—something I found out wasn't such a big deal—but nothing interested her about the other Fillies or Colts. She wasn't interested in beauty contests, Pegasi life, or magic. Though she did help when she could, she seemed even more reserved than me at times. When she asked me what I wanted to eat, she always asked what I wanted, which meant I listed what I craved, and eventually, we ate what we both wanted. When she asked me to prepare the recipe, she acted as if she feared I wouldn't want to, and she was partly right, but she didn't ask; she questioned me to prepare it, just once! She also handled money oddly; I gave her 10 bits to buy school supplies, but she returned 8 bits and said that was enough. I saw that she only bought what she needed, even making her own bag instead of buying one. She said her parents taught her that money isn't free; you have to work hard for it. Meanwhile, the last slice of pumpkin was ready, and I still don't understand what the sauce is for, because its scent is indeed good, but it's not like, say, gravy for dipping fries in.

"Bender, as I put the tray on the table, she took one from the cooler bottom and dipped it in.Into the sauce, then she grabbed one and started crunching on it. "Mm, Flutershy, this is divine! Thank you for making it; it's almost better than home-cooked." Then she took another one.

After gathering some courage, I mimicked her actions, and suddenly something happened—my taste buds felt like they melted. It was so delicious that I can't even find the right word to describe it, maybe heavenly, but multiply that by a hundred, and it's just about there. The pumpkin quickly disappeared, but what's interesting is that after about 5-6 pieces, Bender got up, wished us good night, and left. I could only hear the sound of the shower when I finished.

Though he initially startled us, that little colt, Bender, seemed like a natural genius. When we met for the second time, he was just delivering food to Flutershy after sorting out his school papers. I couldn't even handle such matters alone, let alone know how to deal with them. He said he would be in the same class as us and even mentioned that he thought we looked better without beauty marks. Rarity said his views were radical, whatever that means, but she never said she didn't want a beauty mark. In fact, she's actively involved in our troupe as an idea developer, whatever that means. Since then, I've been waiting for today, his first day at school. Although he expressed that he thought the class might be boring not because of the hour but because of the content, he could hardly wait.

As I pondered on this, Apple Bloom and Scoutalu snuck up beside me, giving me quite a start, but I've gotten better at handling these, so I didn't jump onto a rooftop. Then he came over and joined our gang.

His mane was a bit disheveled, and it stood on end, but it wasn't so surprising due to the constant electrical sparks. My own mane started falling apart from it, and when he noticed, he caught his sparks and just said, "Sorry," before shuffling away with his eyes downcast.

So here we have the now 4-member blank flank gang! Diamond Tiara got in our way and singled out Bender. "Do you even care that you could be a powerful alicorn, but you're so pathetic, just this twisted half-this, half-that?" We were all furious, but he wasn't. "I don't know, should I? Because the only thing bothering me right now is that your mane looks like it got caught in a paint roller." Diamond Tiara was taken aback. "And yours looks like it got struck by lightning," Bender retorted, a small smile appearing on his lips. We were getting angrier, but he just kept smiling. "I bet your beauty mark will be something tacky, like a little lightning bolt, representing how useless you are." At this point, almost everyone would have exploded, but he just kept smiling.

"Excuse me, but as far as I'm concerned, I'll make a big deal out of what tattoo I get, and when I do, I'll have it. Otherwise, unless you want to duel me, please step aside." Diamond Tiara's jaw dropped, as did ours, but she didn't give up. "Still so afraid of me that you can't even use 'you'?" Bender walked away from her and stopped behind her. "What's the matter? You don't dare turn your back?" Bender just smiled even wider. "Well, listen, Tia, if you insist on being annoying, I suggest you pick on something we can do something about, like, I could criticize your upbringing or your manners, but it's not your fault, it's your parents' fault. Because if I understand correctly, you're your mommy's little darling, who always has to be the best at everything everywhere, and nobody can match up to you. I suggest you establish a proper set of values for yourself because right now, not only is your behavior intolerable, but it's also pitiful. Diamond Tiara's eyes widened, and tears began to well up in her eyes, streaming down.

"You have no idea what my fate is!" With that, she stormed off as if she'd seen a ghost.

Well, it looks like I managed to put her in her place. I think we should hurry if we don't want to be late. I saw that the others couldn't believe their eyes that I had just taken down their biggest opponent, but that didn't bother me at all. We trotted off; I heard someone trotting beside me, and suddenly the little unicorn, whose name my memory constantly fails to recall, was there. So I tried to signal who I was talking to with my gaze, although it's not so easy with half an eye.

"That was fantastic; were you able to do that?" The question surprised me, and I had an answer, but not in words or phrases, explaining what autism is and why it's associated with such a big advantage in this situation, especially for a Filly, isn't easy.

"Well, let's just say I keep my emotions under lock and key, so I'm not nervous if I don't want to be, and I'm not afraid if I don't want to be, although I can love even if I don't want to." "Really? And how do you do that, and why doesn't it work with love?" My eyes widened; I almost said I found it very cute. "Oh, I think this counts as pedophilia since she's barely 7, and I'm mentally 16; I don't know, does the body or the mind count here? Setting that aside, I don't feel this is right because, sure, she may be cute, but I hardly know her."

"Well, there's a simple answer to two simple questions. The point is, your face shouldn't be dominated by emotions. If you can maintain a poker face under any stress, then you've won. As for the second question, the answer is that there are no noticeable signs, so there's no need to hide it." She froze; I guess what I said shocked her. She walked away, seemingly stunned. We walked off; Apple Bloom and the other one, whose name is forgotten even if they shoot me in the head because I can't remember it, were with me. I started humming: "Love gives new hope every day, even the coldest heart can change..."

"Will you teach me?" "Teach you what?" This request shocked me; being autistic is terrible, and being asked to act autistic, or at least to have a poker face, didn't appeal to me. I didn't like this idea, and if she insists, I'll do it, but I don't like it even then. "Well, let's meet at Fluttershy's cabin after school, but I warn you, this is a very difficult task." "I don't mind; no matter how difficult, I want to learn to defend myself against this fury." I actually expected this and even imagined how the training would go, but I was afraid I'd regret it. By the time I decided on the methods, we arrived at the school, and I sat next to Sweetie Belle, with Scoutalu (I remembered his name) across from me. The teacher, Ms. Cheerilee, was very nice even during my enrollment

, reminding me of my former German teacher; the bell rang like a church bell. The lesson began.

"Hello, little ponies, today we have a new student joining us. Thunder Bender, please come out and introduce yourself." I wasn't expecting this; it's not our custom, but the teacher's word is law. I walked out slowly, but my trembling gave away that I was nervous because my hair was sparking with every strand attached to a little lightning bolt. I came out, turned around, and opened my mouth.

"Hello, my name you've already heard, but I'd like you to call me Bender. Let's see what else... It might be important to know that I have only one eye, so I can't see to the left, and maybe someone noticed, but that's why I often tilt my head to the left. What's more important is that I have extremely sensitive eyes, so if there's a way, please don't shine light into them." Maybe I shouldn't have told them this, but it's too late now. My hair is constantly sparking, and these sparks are attracted to moist things, so don't go near them because it can easily strike you with a stronger spark. Maybe that's all that was important; I really don't know what else would be important. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer.

Then there were about 35 questions, half of which were typical like what do you like to do, what do you think your beauty mark will be, etc., but the rest weren't interesting. The lesson was, though; we learned the basic laws of physics, and the teacher was surprised at how well I knew Newton—probably the pony equivalent of Newton—and his laws, and I even got to demonstrate an experiment, which was named after Professor Öveges, called the Sparking Chair Experiment.

It was break time, and Bender was eating alone under a tree; the food was interesting, brown mushroom-shaped things, and I don't even know what they were. The other was a white sauce that looked like mayonnaise, slightly diluted, at least visually. I couldn't wait to go over to him in the afternoon, but I couldn't help noticing that he seemed tense, hoping it had nothing to do with me.

Scoutalu and Apple Bloom wouldn't have been missed today anyway because they were going to the annual apple festival together. As we chatted there, Bender suddenly appeared behind me, and when he directed a spark directly onto my horn, I almost screamed. "Oh, for heaven's sake, don't give me a heart attack, please." He blushed a little but continued to smile; fortunately, this outburst didn't attract attention in the yard, but I already felt uncomfortable.

"Sorry, but this was a test for the afternoon program because I needed to know something. Joking aside, if you can, bring a notebook with you." I raised my eyebrows, about to ask him why, but he had already disappeared; it seemed like he was in a hurry. The bell for the student room rang, and we had to go in.

The division of the student room was completely different since many went to extracurricular activities. That day, only I and the two life-ruiners were there. Apple Bloom went to the farming course, and Scoutalu went to the wing repair course at times like this. It didn't take long, and the teacher came in. "All right, little ones... then she suddenly counted. Where's Bender?"

Pip had a bit more of a country accent than us, but nobody cared. He was usually quiet, but now he immediately spoke up. "He had to leave, and he askede mem specificallyn to tell youre." He said to mei thate he's workingon a super secrete surprise for the class foir next week's bog physics presentation, and somethinge about how his manchinery is very complex and takes a long time to plan. This country accent wasn't unusual for him, but decoding it was difficlt; oh, whoops, it seems contagious.

"Well, I guess until his homework for tomorrow is done, I can let it slide. And that's how the lesson began, which only Diamond Tiara could ruin even more.

Author's Note:

"I linked the recipe's from the beginning of the chapter here: Tartármártás egyszerűen | Mindmegette.hu
Egyszerű rántott tök | Mindmegette.hu
Sorry, but this is also only in Hungarian, because, you know, it's a Hungarian dish that's not so widespread in other countries."
In the paragraph just before the last one, there's a little mistake because the book is written in Hungarian where there's no British accent, so in the series, Pip speak a "vilage" dialect of our language, and I tried to convey this afterwards as well, sorry."