• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago


You gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.


“Come and see,/How the wind in your hair will feel differently,/Catch and release,/The lure above.” -Silversun Pickups, ‘Catch & Release’

After a long week, Yona is exhausted and just wants a quick nap before dinner. However, in her sleep, the yak has made herself comfortable against Sandbar, who is unsure of what exactly to do in this situation.

Cover art commissioned from LateCustomer.
Pre-read and edited by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

one of your last fics, if not your absolute last, and it's anthro?
way to broadcast exactly what happened so boldly without saying a single word

Soaring #2 · March 26th · · 1 ·

A goofy, yet fluffy story. Thank you for writing this!

Also ignore 11860631, he has not said one positive thing in his life, and is more self-entitled than any person on the site.

A nice sweet and adorable short short story.

i've said positive things, you just refuse to acknowledge them, because it conflicts with your view of me
you want me to be the bad guy, so a bad guy is all you'll see

Soaring #5 · March 27th · · 1 ·

With a straight face, can you admit that you're not self-entitled?

I agree, there was no sex involved.

>"something typed up two-ish years ago is perfectly reflective of someone's current mental state and thought processes! people never change, not even slightly! i am a rational and sane person."

i can't tell if you're trolling me or not

Soaring #9 · March 27th · · 1 ·

You're upset over the author writing anthro. I thought that part was self-explanatory, but since you're not aware of your own surroundings let alone what you're saying long before your unwashed ass wrote that blog, I guess I should've said it. My bad.

Seek help. Seriously.

upset? no.
disappointed, yes
i am almost certain they've never written a single anthro thing before all this
and frankly, most of the disappointment is due to this possibly being their final hurrah
were this done much earlier, or had they a more expansive history doing anthro, i wouldn't complain at all
this guy has created quality fic after quality fic, and you can find a decent number of them in my favorites collection
but no, you've decided i'm the bad guy, and so a bad guy i shall forever be to you
idk why i even bother arguing with y'all, you desperately want me to be the villain, to the point of ablating your common sense and reason
i continue to try and play chess with pigeons, only to continually lament them knocking the pieces over and shitting on the board
i could present y'all the most cogently worded, polite argument known to man and you'd still angrily refute it simply because it's me presenting it
i could be nice to an author, and have done so many times, and y'all would(and in fact have) ignore(d) it solely to protect your belief that i'm the bad guy

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