• Published 23rd Mar 2024
  • 208 Views, 6 Comments

Blues Clues: Meeting a Magician. - Big Imagination E

Periwinkle needs some help knowing who the mysterious magician is after Periwinkle gets a letter from it.

  • ...

The First Magic Clue

The gang walked into the living room and they were starting their search. Inferno looked in the toy chest, Spike looked on the table, Periwinkle tried looking out the window and Steve looked in the arts and crafts kit. But so far they couldn't find it. They continued walking til they passed a rack with different hats on it. Spike grabbed a hard hat and pretended to be a construction worker. But what he didn't know is that there was a pawprint on the wizard hat meaning it's a clue! Then the others joined him.

"Spike. What are you doing?" Inferno asked.

"I'm pretending to be a construction worker. Cool right?" Spike asked.

"I guess so but we really need to find out who gave Periwinkle the letter. We can play dress up another day." Inferno said.

"A clue! A clue!" The reader spoke.

"Yeah. It is fun to play dress up when you're feeling blue. But we got a magic show later on tonight to see and although dress up is fun it's not what were doing today." Inferno said.

"No. A clue." The reader replied.

"Oh. Oh you see a clue! Where is it? Is it in front of us or behind us?" Spike asked.

"Behind you! On the hat!" The reader answered.

The brothers turned around and they saw the wizard hat with the pawprint and they knew what it was.


"Oh! There's a clue! And it's on this wizard hat! Hey guys! We found the first clue!" Inferno said as everyone else came in and saw the clue.

"Nice job! So the first clue is this wizard hat. You know what we need. Our handy dandy..." Steve started.

"Notebook!" The reader said.

"Notebook! Right!" Steve said as he and all the others took there notebooks out. "Ok. Let's draw this wizard hat."

Then everyone began to draw.


"Ok. To draw a wizard hat we'll draw off with a cone shape like this. And a circle on the bottom. Now we'll add some stars on it. And there. A wizard hat." Steve replied.

"Nice drawing." Periwinkle said.

"Thanks. So were trying to figure out who sent Periwinkle the letter. And our first clue is a wizard hat." Steve said as the image came out of the notebook.


"So who could send Periwinkle the letter with a wizard hat?" Steve asked.

"I honestly don't know. Maybe someone who wears a wizard hat?" Periwinkle thought.

"Could be." Spike said as the image flew back in. "But that's only one clue. We better find two more just to make sure."

"Good idea Spike. Cause we won't know til we have all three clues." Inferno agreed.

"Oh no! What am I to do?" A voice called out.

"That sounded like Tickety Tock. Let's go see what's wrong." Steve said as they went to the bedroom.

In there they see Tickety holding a bag all trying to get something out but she's having no luck.

"Hey Tickety. Are you having a little trouble with that bag?" Spike asked.

"Yes. I'm wanting to try this magic trick with my bag of magic hankies. But everytime I try pulling one out there's nothing in the bag. Can you help me?" Tickety asked.

"Will you help Tickety practice this magic trick? Great. Then we can look for more Blue's Clues. Alright Tickety. What do we need to do?" Spike asked.

"Well the reason why I can't get any magic hankies out is because I keep forgetting to say the magic word. But I also want more than one person to say it so maybe the hankies can get bigger. All you have to do is say the magic word and wave your hands around the bag." Tickety answered.

"I think we can handle that." Steve said as he politely took the bag of magic hankies. "Alright. It's time for a little magic. When I wave my hand in the air I want you to say the magic word 'Abracadabra' and hopefully they'll be something in the bag. Ready? One, two, three. Abracadabra!" Steve said as he waved his hand around it and looked in the bag and got a surprise.

"Wow! You ain't gonna believe this. There's something in the bag of magic hankies!" Steve said as he took out a pink hanky.

"Wow! A pink magic hanky! That's amazing! Hey Spike, Inferno? Can you guys try it out?" Tickety asked.

"Sure we can try." Inferno said as Steve gave him the bag of magic hankies. "Alright. Hey Spike. Let's see what happens if we both say 'Abracadabra'. Maybe we might get a bigger hanky."

"It could very well happen. Let's try. When we wave our hands around the bag we need you to say 'Abracadabra'. Are you ready? One, two, three." Spike said.

"Abracadabra!" Spike and Inferno said in unison as they waved their hands around the bag and looked in and got a surprised look.

"Spike! Take a look at this!" Inferno said as he pulled out a green striped hanky. But this one is a little bigger.

"Wow! It's a green striped hanky! And Steve! This one is definitely your color." Spike said.

"It sure is." Steve admitted.

"That was great Spike and Inferno! Hey Periwinkle. Can you do the trick one more time for me?" Tickety asked.

"Sure I'll try." Periwinkle said as Spike gave him the bag of magic hankies. "Hey guys. I have an idea. Maybe this time if I can get everyone to say the magic word 'Abracadabra' I think we might get a really big magic hanky! Like one with lots of colors from the magic bag."

"You know what? That sounds like a great idea Periwinkle! Ok so let's all wave our hands around the bag and together we will say the magic word. Ready? One, two, three." Steve replied.

"Abracadabra!" Everyone said in unison as they waved their hands around the bag and when Periwinkle looked in the bag he got the biggest reaction of all.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! We did it! Have a look at this!" Periwinkle as he pulled out a HUGE magic hanky. This one was the biggest and when he unfolded it there was lots of colors and patterns on it.

"Whoa! Look at that hanky! It's HUGE!! And would you look at all those great colors! That's amazing!" Steve smiled.

"Great looking hanky! Thanks for helping me out with this magic trick! Now I can practice it longer and I will remember to say the magic word 'Abracadabra'." Tickety said.

"Your welcome Tickety." Inferno replied as he looked on the clock seeing the time was now 2:30pm. "Oh guys. We still have two more clues to find."

"Your right. The magician and also my admirer will be here soon. We better get a move on." Periwinkle added.

The gang all agreed and headed out of the bedroom and went to the backyard. There they see they stage being build by most of Steve's friends. Since they are gonna watch the show too they figured that it would only be fair if they help out by getting the stage ready.

"This is where the magic show will be held at once the magician arrives." Steve said.

"That's great. But we still need to find the other two clues." Periwinkle reminded him.

"He's right. Come on!" Inferno said as everyone headed back inside and went searching for the next two clues.

Author's Note:

One clue found and two left go!