• Member Since 13th Nov, 2023
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Gormless Wheaton

Full of Regret and Thinly Veiled Contempt



Sometime after a failed attempt at conquest, Ed Bedlam, a villain from another world, is granted a chance at redemption by the soon-to-be sole ruler of Equestria.

And we can be certain his time in Tartarus has cooled his ambitions.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 23 )

Interesting start. Lots of unexplained history I'm interested in learning about.

I will have to come back and read this after I get done with your other story, looking forward to it!

So many fragments of the past, but enough to get a fuzzy picture. Enjoying this so far, looking forward to next chapter.

That this isn't getting more attention is criminal. You've got me hankering for every chapter to try and fill the gaps.

I can't contain myself. Gonna spoiler my current thoughts.

There's a tickle here and there of him perhaps not having been a great person before the teleport. But so far every indicator so far is that he tried his best when he got zapped here. Why he lost his job at the school I suspect is quite clear to him (darned spoiled milk) but I'm not sure Twilight gets/got it. Given him targeting Neighsay later, I have a suspicion that wasn't the first time pony racism screwed him over. Mix that with the line from the prologue about a gutful of hate, I'm wondering just how bad it got. Given that he seems to have been quite friendly with at least a few of the main cast before, I suspect quite awful.

That said, so far what we've seen of his criminal behavior seems restricted to golden age villain tier, which is to say lots of mischief and robbery, no death. And given Celestia's slap-on-the-hoof/tarturus-for-eternity binary scale of punishment, its hard to say just how bad he got.

Obviously I'll have to wait and see, but not sure what he'll end up doing in the present of dealing the the terrible trio. I'd normally hope for a redemption arc, but... a comment from twilight in the prologue tickles me funny. "You made some serious mistakes". Have to wait and see what they were, but I'm left pondering what these mistakes were, and more importantly what they were possibly in reaction to. Hard to feel like your guilty if everyone else involved gets off scott-free all the time...

Is Ed Bedlam based off of some other villain?

Thanks for the praise. If you were the only one reading, that'd be enough for me though. As to your thoughts, no comment.

Ed pre-snap was just a man struggling with an unreal situation and trying his best. Post-snap he's a lot of things, but his mannerisms, dress, and choice of world domination tools are definitely pulled from somewhere. Couldn't say where though.

Interesting shift in the timeline thre at the end. I now have my suspicions as to what the major event before the prologue was.

Interactions with ponies he cares about give me hope but still suspicious about his full nature. Doesn't help that the exact reason why he went villainous is just out of sight.

It's like I'm reading an episode of the 90's Batman cartoons. A normal man, thrown into unusual circumstances. If he were just slightly different, made slightly different choices, maybe he'd be okay. But he isn't and doesn't. And slowly but surely you see the pressure build until they pop. And suddenly Batman has a new villain to deal with.

I can see Celestia trying to give him outs here, but he just doesn't take it. So I'll give her that. Simultaneously, I can't help but wonder if she doesn't recognize that her and her ponies have a decent part in what Bedford becomes? If Twilight does?

Judging by the prelude, I can't help but think Twilight does. I imagine being readied to become princess means that she is being more fully exposed to the snakepit that are the rich and powerful. All the same, they left him in hole for 5 years with who knows what kind of sentence. And given that he is still being positioned as the root problem, I'm not sure she really gets it...

I've not seen the full scope of what he did before Tarturus, much less what his new Equestria would have or started to look like. And I can feel my underdog bias kicking in. But so far, I'm having a hard time holding what he's done against him.

It's also funny to watch Discord constantly get put off his guard.

All that said, Batman villains had a few typical outcomes. And a few of them could get young me teary eyed... I'm hoping we avoid those outcomes :P


My body is ready

Awesome and well worth the wait. Hadn't realized that he was having the magical music moments. Guess he integrated into the world of magic ponies at that moment in his own fashion by having his villain song.

I have my own biases and hopes for where this goes, but am eagerly awaiting reading whatever route this story goes.

Is this villain from a old canadian cartoon "Get Ed"?

I was suspicious last chapter, but wanted to wait and see. This setup with the Metal Elements seems awfully familiar to a certain OVA :P

Nah, but I wouldn't be surprised if the name was subconsciously connected now that you've mentioned it. The name for me is a suitable corruption of his birth name, while also relating to his fucked up mental state that facilitates his bad behavior.

He simultaneously did so much better than the Storm King at conquering the world but never actually quite made it to Canterlot it seems. A+ for effort though.

Curious to see if we get any snippets from his time in Tarturus. Impression I got from prologue is that it was not the first time he saw the princesses there.

That can't be the end! What happens next?

I couldn't keep track of what was going on Half the time but I would like more in the future please.

Hell of a place to leave it, but I get it. I hope to see a sequel someday as this is an interesting villiain you've created. The inspiration character you've hinted at is similar to the terrible trio in that he was typically evil for evils sake. Bedlam seems to have a vision that is similar but counter to Twilights is how I'll roughly put it. I'm having a hard time coming up with comparison villian...

All said a fun ride, double thumbs up if I could.




Thanks for following along, genuinely. For something short and experimental designed to keep the reader off balance for as long as the main character remains confused, and for what spawned from the thought 'Dr. Robotnik vs the small horses' I genuinely never thought anyone would care or stick around this long. So, thank you again.

Follow up has been in the planning stages since I think Chapter 8, which is when I first thought up where to take things next. I thought about just having this story go on longer once that became clear, but the main conflict was going to be solved by then. So, dragging it on once that was cleared up would devalue both scenarios I think.

It'll probably be more straightforward since Ed isn't as confused. Possibly won't be nearly as good at the same time. Regardless, I'm going to focus on finishing my other story first and might be launching one other project after that, so go listen to Dr. Steel in the mean time.

I think your MLP Dr Eggman has a more compelling back story than many of the official variants. From the many game's typical "What backstory?" to the 15 different eggman's we had/have in the comics of whom backstories could be summed up as "When I was born, I knew I was gonna be evil". Haven't gotten around to watching the movies so not sure what all goes on there. But there was both a background and buildup to Bedlam to making his decision at the end here. And it didn't look easy for him, before or after.

And its not like the buildup of Bedlam is done. Perhaps you'll disabuse me of this notion in the sequel, but Bedlam still seems to care about others on some level. Whether it be about his girls or that little extra bit in this chapter when he thinks about the world he wants to make to show Twilight. Where Bedlam goes from here both in terms of grand plans and moral direction will be exciting.

Got to The last chapter and saw the completed tag on the story. But cool that there's plans for a sequel already it feels like iylts in a good place to start again when it picks up. Loving the characterization, you can really see him making these decisions he knows are bad for him, but following through on them anyway due to his personal flaws he's trying to either deal with or embracing at turns.

Does this there are going to be characters based off of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends?

Nah, no characters with maybe one technical exception if I'm being generous, but certain isolated elements as others realized are lifted from certain sonic media.

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