• Published 2nd May 2024
  • 396 Views, 33 Comments

The Pony Guard: Friendship Games - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard travel to Canterlot High to help Sunset as they prepare for the upcoming Friendship Games meeting new faces and new discoveries.

  • ...

Two Broken Souls in Crystal Prep

Two Broken Souls in Crystal Prep

Sometime later, Kion, Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, and Ono from the Pride Lands were already at the library, in hopes of discovering some way of figuring out how the magic here works. Hopefully, there are discoveries of magic in this world that could help them figure it out from there.

Thanks to their past experience along with sleeping inside the library for one night during their first visit, helped narrowed down their search. But sadly, upon reading said books, gave them very useless information about what they are looking for. Said books gave inaccurate, overly exaggerated, and dismissive theories and discoveries about magic.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Twilight stated in frustration as she slammed the book down on the table. “To think for the first time in my life I’ve been introduced to books where there’s useless information written on them.”

“I know!” Ono stated in agreement before tossing the book aside like trash in the air and across the library…


...due to said book breaking the window it flew through.

“Hapana!” Ono groaned in dismay that happened. “Of all times to get all muscly it had to be now!”

“It’s okay, Ono.” Kion assured his friend to get him to calm down. “You were just stressed is all.” He then proceeded to toss the book aside. “But yeah, these books are all telling us that magic is a joke to them.”

“Not to mention, not everything is all candy, apples, diamonds, rainbows, and butterflies.” Sunset commented in agreement before quickly adding. “No offense to our friends here. But still, none of these books are going to tell us what we need to know.”

“Can’t argue with you there.” Twilight admitted as she stood up from her chair. “So that leaves us back to Plan A. Finding out our mystery couple. And I don’t mean romantically speaking.”

“Who knows.” Ono shrugged. “Everyone has different types and interests of love these days. And I’ve seen Lyra and Bon Bon show that kind of interest in each other.”

“Well that’s nice.” Twilight sweetly replied.

“Pretty sweet if you ask me.” Kion added fully supportive of their relationship.

“Well if they do become something more, let them know that they have my support.” Sunset sincerely said before focusing back on the strange visitors that passed by quickly earlier. “But enough said, I do recall that the bus that they took just so happened to be heading towards Crsytal Prep.”

“Okay.” Twilight accepted it as a lead itself. “So that’s a start.”

"That’s true, but that doesn’t explain of how a simple touch managed to disruptively effect the portal.” Ono pointed out.

“Maybe if that simple touch is from having inner magic inside of her she doesn’t quite realize just yet.” Kion suggested as a potential theory.

“Maybe.” Sunset replied. “Any idea of how to go on about this?”

“Only from personal experience.” Kion replied. “Like it when it came to me when I first discovered the power of the Roar…”

“...along with our combined teamwork and magic building up to us discovering our own inner magic in order to defeat Nightmare Moon which allowed us to kick start a new beginning for the Lion Guard and the Pony Guard...” Twilight added.

“Which later spread here when both Twilight and Kion’s crowns were brought here.” Ono added while avoiding getting into the details as far as Sunset’s past sins are concerned.

“So that means the mirror had a strong reaction to the couple’s energy that resulted in this block?” Sunset asked hoping for more to go on more than what they have.

“I don’t for sure. But possibly.” Twilight replied personally wishing what Sunset’s wishing for too.

Sunset sighed in response. “Great. So that just leaves the spoke next, "Okay, there's one theory about the mirror, but that still doesn't explain why the girls pony up now when they're not playing music."

“Other than strong passionate energy, I honestly don’t know.” Twilight again apologized. “Sorry, Sunset. We’re doing the best we can in cracking this case.” Upon seeing that Sunset is feeling extra pressure inside she moved to place a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll solve it even if it takes us two weeks.”

“Twilight’s right, Sunset.” Kion said while backing the princess up. “We just need to be patient about it.” He then added somewhat frustrated himself. “Even if does take us longer than we hope.”

“That I have no doubt you will…” Came from a certain voice they haven’t heard since the Battle for the Bands. “...for as long as you all make sure you put together solid evidence in your findings.”

The group of four suddenly caught off guard turned their attention to the sound of the voice standing right behind them. Said voice belonged to none of than the lead agent himself, Askari, accompanied by his trio of hyena look alike agents.

“Agent Askari!“ Sunset spoke up first upon seeing him.

“Along with Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed.” Ono then said next.



The former two greeted casually with the latter laughing like crazy for a few seconds.

“Wow!” Kion exclaimed. “This sure is a quite a surprise.”

“It is isn’t it.” Askari chuckled. “I like to make a habit out of that everywhere I go.”

“I have no doubt that’s true.”

“Trust me when we tell you it’s so very true.” Shenzi said to back her boss up on that claim.

“Just if you ever start working in the office, be wary of what you say, because he has very great listening ears. And by that we mean he has ears like a hawk.”

Ed laughed in agreement as Twilight moved to speak next.

“So, Agent Askari. What brings you here today? Because if it’s about whatever magic is going on here, we’re working on getting a handle on it.”

“Or are you here to get us up to speed on our training and or wanting our help in solving your latest case?” Sunset also asked.

“All of the above.” Askari answered before moving to explain. “It has been brought to our attention that there is more reports of strange magic coming from here and we got a tip that a couple of strangers from Crystal Prep has been lurking around these parts of town.”

“The reason we say that is because there have been a few traffic complaints due to a very brief chase into the streets.” Shenzi added. “The drivers involved say you three were involved, no?”

“Uh, yes.” Kion answered feeling unsure of whether or not they are in trouble again.

“In addition we also heard that both this school along with Crystal Prep are planning on having your special Friendship Games two weeks from now.”

“Uh-huh.” Ono replied somewhat nervously. “Are you going somewhere with this?”

“Yes.” Askari replied. “Because we were just dropping by to inform both Celestia and Luna that the Ambassador is coming to see the upcoming Friendship Games.”

“The Ambassador?” Everyone all asked in unison while clearly confused of who said person is.

“Yes. The Ambassador himself who strives for world peace. A.K.A. Mufusa, my brother.

“Your brother?!”

“Oh, yes.”

“Hard to believe given their appearances, but believe it or not it’s true, and they are blood.”

Both Shenzi and Banzai chimed in.

“And I have personally vowed that my agency will solely protect him at all costs. Even with anything magic related.”

“Whoa!” Ono suddenly got in between his friends and the head agent. “You’re not saying that we pose a threat to your brother, are you?”

Askari once more chuckled in amusement before patting him on the shoulder. “Calm down, Ono. We’re not here to arrest you and bring you for questioning.”

“That why are you really here?”

“Like I said. To help crack the case along with seeking your help in ensuring security for the upcoming Games go through without problems.”

“Oh, okay. Hapana.” Ono nervously laughed before passing out from the sudden stress while being quickly caught by both Twilight and Kion.

“Is your friend all right?”

“Oh, yeah. He just gets nervous and stressed at times under pressure.” Kion replied.

“He’ll be fine. No problem. He just needs to time to unwind and calm down from the sudden shock.” Twilight added.

“Oh. Well, I’ll make sure I apologize to him when he comes too.” Getting back down to business. “Anyways, now that you’re up to date on why I’m here, I would like for you three to pass this down to your friends, because I will need their help as well when they’re not participating in these Games. And in regards to our unidentified visitors from earlier, my men will take care of keeping watch on them along with identifying them. Once they do, we’ll get their statement and decide whether or not if they pose a threat to Canterlot High.”

“I’m sure pressing charges wouldn’t be necessary.” Twilight quickly assured.

“Yeah!” Kion agreed. “For all we know they just seemed very curious and didn’t seem to fully understand what they were doing.”

“Dully noted.” Askari relented upon their request before preparing to lead his men away just when Ono started to regain consciousness. “Good luck with the training along with your upcoming training for becoming agents next week. Oh, and before I forget. Here...” He quickly added before tossing him the book Ono tossed through the window earlier. “Make sure that gets back to it’s proper shelf. Please and thanks. Do that along with what I ask and we’ll let the charges for destruction of private property slide.” Ono passed out once more to act like he was still out up until the agents finally leave.

“Oh, Hapana.”

“I heard that.”

“Dang it.”

Elsewhere inside a school at Crystal Prep, the school bell rang where a young girl exited her classroom, holding her books closely to her chest and looking rather nervously.

“Is the coast clear?” The young boy peering the doorway asked as he looked around the hallways while shifting his eyes.

“Yes. It is.”

The young boy proceeded to follow after her as they both moved to leave the classroom while trying their best not to bump into anyone else.

The young girl appeared to be average height, thin, with a familiar violet skin, purple eyes and midnight purple and blue hair with a pair of purple and pink streaks on her sharply straight bang and across her bun. She wore a small star beret on the left side of her hair and wore the school uniform. A light blue long sleeve shirt with a dark purple vest, dark blue tie and plaid purple skirt. She wore long indigo stockings that reached just below her knees and plain dark blue shoes with a blue-diamond-like button decorated with a bow. She also wore a pair of black glasses.

The young boy himself appeared to be about the same height as the girl accompanying him, same build, golden yellow skin, but with a small tuft of black hair on his head enough to look like a buzz-cut, and red eyes. He too wore the school uniform consisting of the same shirt, shoes, and tie as the girl next to her only it was long and reached down to his dark blue belt with a bright blue belt buckle to hold his dark blue pants, and a purple dress jacket.

The girl was the human version of Twilight Sparkle, straight A student, honor role, science fair champion since grade school, and no doubt poised to graduate with valedictorian honors. And the boy himself was the human version of Kion. While he wasn’t a perfectionist like Twilight, he still got As and Bs in school, and is an ace when it comes to sports, with cross country running and boxing being his favorites.

Both students were humble and innocent…along with insecure and awkward with little self-esteem...and with everyone at school not seeing then as friends despite knowing who they are.

Twilight gulped as she looked on at the long hallway filled with male and female students, all wearing the same uniforms. Crystal Prep Academy itself lived up to the credit and hype as one would describe it would be from the crystal walls just like the Crystal Empire palace. Both Twilight and Kion unlike many students felt so out of place here. The only good thing that came out of it for the former was she greatly excelled especially in science, math and literature. While the latter, excelled mostly at sports, both students are not very social.

The former would look on nervously, squeak when she spoke and bump into pretty much anybody she met, even if it was by accident. No matter how hard she tried to avoid it, it was her true calling even though said atmosphere is filled with condescending and indifferent snobs. Not that she would ever have the courage to do so. The latter however, while a bit timid, wasn’t afraid to show his anger at times to the point he would lose control over it whenever stress gets the better of him, especially when dealing others who are being mean to him along with Twilight.

None of the less, with all the courage she could master, Twilight walked ahead, already starting to bump into people. "Excuse me. Sorry."

“Excuse me. Thank you.” Kion said while steadying his breath and narrowing his eyes at every student that gives them dirty looks.

Twilight managed to dodge a few students coming her way, only to get bumped into another student, who bumped into Twilight first but she made certain it was she who apologized and not her.

“Excuse me.” Kion barked at the student giving her a dirty look. “Apologize to her.”

“Excuse me?!”

“You heard me.”

“Or what?!” He dared to say as the two get into a brief stare down only to be broken up when Twilight tugged him by the arm and pulled him away.

“It’s okay, Kion. Let’s go.”

Kion reluctantly followed after his friend but not without giving everyone who briefly stopped to watch the tense scene with an “I got my eye on you.” gesture to them. Even while making their dislike of the boy very clear, none of them dared to try to pick a fight with him.

The two then made her way towards a private room in the school, one from which they spent most of their time there. With Kion being around mainly so he can be by her side, being her only friend. Inside was a small little laboratory with beakers, science notes, telescopes, computers, math equations, the works. In addition on a wall stood a board with an assortment of pictures pined up on it, with arrows and notes all around. The pictures contained rainbows, strange creatures, and broken red stones. In the center was an image of Canterlot High.

For weeks now, Twilight Sparkle was running her own personal investigation on the very strange phenomenon events going on at that particular school, and her research points towards the strange energy coming from these rainbow lights that she had seen beforehand. She was determined to discover what it is, and how it worked. Though she finds that she needs to take a more cautious and careful approach due to nearly being caught of doing experiments by three students who happened to see her doing so. Both she and Kion had a close call the other day when three students caught her in the act of doing experiments around the school.

Kion on the other hand was also equally curious ever since she shared her discoveries with him. But at the same time, he only wishes that nothing bad happens to her and that they don’t get into any trouble because of it. Especially considering that of how much he really cares for her. Without her, he too would have lived life without friends and without hair. Though on his work area, he does have a personal bulletin board with pictures and papers of the ongoing phenomenon events that happened at the school. Particularly, his lion counterpart from another world, the pony counterpart of Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer. Among his research collection has stories where Sunset is being praised for her recent heroism along with the story of her disappearance and reappearance from Canterlot High during winter break.

Inside the room there rested a small dog, purple fur with green ears, eyes and a green belly. He slept soundly on a chair until his ear perked up, hearing somebody approaching. He recognized those footsteps as he panted happily in response. He loved who came into the room, and they likewise returned it in kind like dear best friends. He ran up to the door, his tail wagging, until the door itself accidentally hit him and he flew across the room because of the impact.

Twilight entered and sat on the chair, calling out for him. "Spike? Spike?!"

“Are you okay?!” Kion urgently asked upon seeing the little puppy poking his head out from the trashcan he fell into, completely unfazed as he ran up towards his owner, barking happily. “Never mind. I’ll take that as a yes.”

"There you are." Twilight greeted with a giggle. The puppy jumped into her arms and licked her face with so much love. Twilight petted his head, smiling at receiving these affectionate gestures before he moved to do the same to Kion.

"Okay, okay! I get it! All is forgiven." Spike then happily rested on Twilight’s lap as she opened up a drawer near her desk, taking out a strange rounded object. "Last night's field test confirmed it, Spike. With this device, I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Canterlot High."

Spike started to growl at the picture of the school that was on the board due to not liking what is going on there one bit. Especially if it has potential to hurt his best friend. He calmed down once Twilight petted his head lovingly.

"I know you didn't like me going over there, but I just couldn't wait." She pushed her chair on wheels, sliding towards a second desk where her computer was and picked several papers up from her desk, all neatly stacked.

"And soon, I'll have all the time I need. All of Crystal Prep is gonna be there for the Friendship Games. I just hope all that "rivalry" nonsense doesn't get in the way of my research." She added while rolling her eyes, "If I can collect enough data on these EMF frequencies, I should be able to extrapolate the wavelength forms to determine their origin. That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program!" During her excitement she nearly tumbled backwards before being quickly caught and saved by her friend. "Whoa!" Upon seeing she was saved she breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Kion happily returned. Though his smile faded into a look of crestfallen sadness. “Sure must seem nice that you have your path figured out even with all things considered.”

Realizing why her friend is being sad now, Twilight quickly tried to reassure him this changes nothing for their bond. “It’ll be okay, Kion, Really. I’m sure if I can ensure that you also get credit for your help in these discoveries, my entrance into Everton will also be extended to you to.”

“I know.” Kion acknowledged even though he didn’t feel fully satisfied with the path they are currently on as evident by the disheartened sigh he released.

Just then a knock on the door was heard and a young lady walked in. She was a stunning older woman with light pink skin, purple eyes and pink, gold and purple colored hair. She wore a blue shirt with a dark blue jacket with a matching skirt, golden necklace, and wore golden high heel shoes and a broach consisting of a crystal heart with golden symbols on the side. She was Dean Cadance, and a close personal friend of both Twilight and Kion. Given her relationship with the students, it comes with the gift of friendship, but Twilight and Kion for her was very special and she wanted nothing more but the very best for them, like a big sister looking out for her younger siblings.

She smiled once she saw the two, though she still had to adopt a firm stance when she caught sight of the girl’s loving puppy. "Twilight, you know the rules against pets."

"Well, Spike isn't a pet, Dean Cadance." Twilight said while holding Spike in her arms, "He's the focus of my research project. Human-canine cohabitation: effects and implications."

"If you say so." Cadance removed one of the dog hairs from Twilight's shoulder, "But Principal Cinch is highly allergic, so I suggest you put on a clean shirt."

"Why?" Twilight asked as she placed Spike back down on the ground.

"Because she wants to see you. Both you and Kion."

Kion groaned in response. “Principal Cinch! What I did do this time?! Because if it’s about the last guy that I got into a fight with, he had it coming!”

Cadance was quick to calm him down. “Don’t worry. You’re not going to be suspended nor expelled. As long as you don’t give her justified reason to, you have nothing to worry about as far as she’s concerned.”

Twilight on the other hand thinks this means good news for her. "Ooh! Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!"

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Cadance said, placing a hand on her student's shoulder, "Are you sure that's what you really want?

"Why wouldn't it be?” Twilight replied without changing her exited demeanor along with seeing nothing wrong with it. “A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects? What a dream come true!"

"But there aren't any classrooms with other students. You'll be doing everything on your own."

"That is why it's called an "independent study program"."

"I just don't want you to miss out on anything. That's all. Being around other people isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself much like your friend Kion here."

"I guess."

“Yeah…” Kion couldn’t help but admit himself.

Deep down Twilight briefly acknowledges the truth in Cadance’s words, even if she really doesn’t want to admit it. In her case it doesn’t help that she’s practically treated as the unpopular, clumsy, awkward girl looked down upon and could never reach their high expectation even when she wanted to.

“Meet me in Principal Cinch's office in a few minutes?" Cadance asked before leaving. Twilight nodded her head and the Dean closed the door after her.

"What's she so worried about?" Twilight asked both her dog and friend, with the former already playing with one of his toys before proceeding to change shirts just like the dean requested of them. "Everton is exactly what I need right now. It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep."

“No. It’s more of the fact that what she is saying is she just doesn’t feel a lifetime of studying in solitude is what will truly make you happy is all.”

“But...of course it is.”

“Is it, really? Because if you ask me even with promised admission to this dream place of yours, I just feel that the answer is truly no because I just don’t feel this is what will make me happy. And I think you know it too.”

Twilight didn’t really say anything in response as they both changed shirts before they both proceeded to make their way to the principal's office all while the former sings herself.

I've walked through all these halls before

I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh

There's nothin' in this school that I don't know

As she continued her way ahead of her friend, she was looked down upon by every student she encountered thus validating her argument. She traced her fingers across the glass cases which contained academic trophies with her name on them from science, math, spelling bees, all of the great intelligence achievements. Alongside them, are Kion’s athletic achievement trophies and awards. But still, none of these accomplishments and victories felt satisfying to either of them.

In every class, my grade's the best

The highest score on every test

I think that means it's time for me to go

I know there's more that's out there

And I just haven't found it yet

I know there's more that's out there

Another me I haven't met

This school is full of people

But still I don't belong

They only dream of winning

Look at me like something's wrong

Maybe I'm better off alone

Will I find what I'm lookin' for

If I just do it on my own?

She walked up the stairs towards the principal's office, as she personally voices out her wishes of what she is truly seeking in life where Kion himself takes a turn in singing himself to provide comfort to the poor girl.

I know there's more that's out there

Something to fill this hole inside

I know there's more that's out there

And I'm not afraid to try

There's only so much this school can offer

And I'm not saying that it's wrong

But I know there's more that's out there

'Cause I've been searching all along

Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls

So much to learn, I can't see it all

Then both Kion and Twilight sang together.

There's somethin' out there callin' me

And it's a mystery that I can't wait to see

'Cause I know there's more that's out there

Another place, another way

And I know there's more that's out there

And I'll find out someday!

I'll find out someday...

After finishing her singing, she opened the door to the principal's office, making a creaking noise as she did with Kion following in after her. The office itself was quite large for a school principal herself. And amazingly it fits her personality to the T. The room itself was dark in atmosphere with the only light source being two lanterns above the ceiling. Twilight saw Dean Cadance beside her and gestured her and Kion to take their seats in front of the principal's desk. The chair where they sat was turned away from the principal with her back turned, making her look unnerving and intimidating. It was pretty clear at first glance that this woman was at least strict and commanded respect. The door closed and Twilight saw a young man standing behind it. He was tall and muscular with white skin and blue hair with lighter and darker streaks across it.

"Shining Armor? Why is my brother here?"

"As an alumni, Principal Cinch thought he could provide some unique perspective." Cadance explained.

"Perspective on what?"

"Why, the Friendship Games, of course.", The chair finally turned around, revealing herself as Principal Cinch. A middle aged woman with dark hair consisting of light and dark shades of purple. Her skin was light blue and wore a standard principal outfit. Consisting of a dark crystal blue jacket and matching skirt, crystal blue sleeved dress shirt, pink leggings, and white pearl earrings, along with a pair of dark red glasses. She also has pale purple eyes, red lips, and dark blue heels. She stood up from her chair, towering over the young girl, making her quiver while the boy sitting beside her placed a comforting and protective hand on her shoulder. "You competed in the games, did you not, Shining Armor?"

Shining Armor slightly jolted in response due to briefly being distracted and blushing in Dean Cadance’s direction for her beauty. Much like the other world they had known each other for years to the point they’re in a romantic relationship together. The only difference being is that it hasn’t blossomed into a married life yet.. The young man cleared his throat before replying.

"I did."

"And you happen to recall who won?"

"Ha ha, Crystal Prep did. We always win." He proudly stated.

"We always win." Cinch repeated to Twilight with emphasis, as if to remind her of the obvious.

“Okay.” Kion accepted that response while slightly annoyed at the need to make that point across again. “We got it the first time.”

"Why'd you ask to see me?" Twilight nervously asked.

"And me?" Kion also asked rather wary wondering what she is up to this time.

Principal Cinch walked towards her trophy case, polishing one of the golden trophies her school had won for her. To her no matter what others said, no matter the truth given it’s her school and her students, these victories were hers.
"Twilight, Kion, I'll be honest. It doesn't matter to some whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses. But, the important thing is we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation." Placing the trophy back she towered over her students. "And it is that reputation... my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you've done here. And you've done quite a lot, haven't you, both?"

"I dunno. I guess."

“Quite some.”

The two admitted.

"Oh, don't be modest, you two." Cinch replied with a smile, though it was more cold than warm as she sat back down on her chair. "Twilight, you're the best student this school has ever seen. What I can't understand is why my best student wouldn't want to compete."

"In the Friendship Games?"

Seeing her struggle, Shinning Armor chimed in to help her see why she should. "Look, Twily, I know it's not really your thing, but representing the school is kind of a big deal. Plus, they could really use your help."

Even though he wasn't a student here anymore, he had the time of his life at this very school. To him it felt necessary to keep up the reputation the school has built.

Principal Cinch took out a piece of paper from her desk and adjusted her glasses, "It seems Canterlot High is undergoing something of a renaissance. Test scores are up, grades, even athletics are on the rise. You see, they are developing somewhat of a reputation. This can not happen!"

Seeing this pressure placed on the poor girl, Kion spoke up in her defense addressing the head of the school with a firm but polite approach, despite having his heart race with his anger boiling up inside. “With all due respect, Principal Cinch. While she is very gifted for her intelligence achievements, she isn’t very talented at athletic achievements. Not to mention everyone else outside of this very room hate her. To subject her to this could bring more harm than good, especially if it comes down to the wire and worst case scenario.”

Twilight briefly smiled at her friend before speaking up herself. “He’s right Principal Cinch, I can't possibly participate in the games. My work here is very—"

"Ah, yes. Your work. Cadance, could you and Shining Armor find my contact sheet for the Everton Independent Study program?"

"Of course." The two walked out of the room to do what they were asked, leaving both Kion and Twilight alone with the principal, who showcased her a folder, placing it in front of her.

"I understand you've applied. You see, one of the advantages of having a reputation is a certain amount of influence in such things. So, let me offer you a deal."

“What kind of deal?” Kion asked with a suspicious frown at her cold smile as she slid the folder in front of Twilight.

"In return for contributing your agile mind to these games, I will use my influence to guarantee your application is approved."

“And if she doesn’t?” Kion warily asked as Twilight reached out to grab the folder, which contained her application papers. Only once she reached for them Cinch pulled them back towards herself.

"Though, I suppose I could also have it..denied.” She then turned to Kion with a folder, containing the handful of black marks he got on his permanent record. “And as for you, Kion. Since you have a bit of a reputation for getting into a few scuffles with my fellow students, I can do the same to you as well. In return for contributing your athletic prowess to these games, I will use my influence to guarantee you go into whatever college you want to go with a clean slate. If not, this will follow you everywhere you go and whatever you want to pursue in life might not happen. What do you think I should do?"

While Kion looked on with gritted teeth with his fists clenching in anger, Twilight looked on in meek defeat like their minds were already made up without their input on the matter. They were both placed in an unwinnable situation, and if they don’t comply, their reputations alone with be forever stained with that solely to haunt them for the rest of their days.

“Fine. We’ll compete.” Kion relented mostly for Twilight’s sake.

Cinch smiled in approval. “Wise decision, Kion. That’s what I love to hear from you, one of my most promising students.” Kion still frowned in disgust knowing that’s only because it serves her needs and wants. But even still he had no choice unless he wanted to guarantee his friend’s depression and despair, which he doesn’t have the heart to truly do. And nevertheless it means having to face someone who he really doesn't want to see again. But at the same time, maybe just maybe since things have changed since then it could be an opportunity to settle the score with said person. Maybe even...permanently if said opportunity comes up.

Author's Note:

Here we get to finally meet the human versions of both Twilight and Kion as they both go through a day in Crystal Prep. A school where academic and athletic excellence is achieved with none of the love and friendly affection one would expect.

On top of that, they have to deal with the meanest lady in charge forcing their hands in participating in the upcoming Friendship Games despite Kion standing up for himself along with Twilight. So with two new faces coming to Canterlot High, there sure is bound to be new developments to happen. Especially when they meet their alternate self's along with Sunset.

So what happens next, only one way to find out...