• Member Since 19th Feb, 2022
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Submitted as part of the 'Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024' contest.

My first ever Featured Story!

Featured on 2-24-24 and 2-25-24, Thank you for your support!

Cadance wants Shining Armor to spend more time with their daughter, Flurry Heart. The results aren't what was expected.

Filly in a potentially dangerous situation

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

He had graduated top of his class from the Royal Guard Academy, something that he still boosted about years later since it was the only academic achievement that he had over his sister, not that she had ever attended, but that wasnā€™t the point.

You mean boasted?

Some parents could claim that there was no difference, but Shining knew better. The terrible twos were all about Flurry wanting everything she that wanted right that second. The thrilling threes were almost worse because now Flurry was fully speaking and was developing her memory and imagination. While she had always been a little unpredictable, it was harder to say ā€˜noā€™ to her now that she was developing a personality of her own that was distinctly different from her parentsā€™.

'She that' lmaoo XD

Flurry snapped. ā€œPolish that armor, Guardsmen!ā€

The Guard snapped to attention, but with a smile. ā€œYes, Princess! It shall be done!ā€


Cadance dropped her crossbow and berated her husband. ā€œI told you to have a play date with our daughter. How did this happen?ā€

Shining nodded. ā€œIt was a play date. We played Crystal Guardsmen. You didnā€™t see how cute she was in her Crystal Armor?ā€

He's right you know :rainbowderp:

Apologies for the pointing out šŸ˜­ But in all honesty THIS IS TOO WHOLESOME LMAOO :raritydespair: /lh

Fixed the errors and thanks. I was hoping for a whole reaction.

Too young for school but too old for stuffed animals

One is never too old for stuffed animals.

The bolt smashed into the bolt her mother had fired, splitting it in twain.

Nice Disney reference. :raritywink:

You know I try. I appreciate all feedback. Is that Disney or Pixar?

11833695 Disney's Robin Hood.

No credit to Sir Terry Pratchett for that ending?

I wasn't sure how to give credit for a meme but I'm glad someone got it.

It may be a meme now, but the original text is in one of his novels.

I updated the author's note to give him credit. I wasn't able to figure out which book it comes from but I recognized several of his quotes when I read them. He was a talented writer.

Whoops! My fault for not mentioning that it's from Hogfather. The original quote is about a child getting a sword for (the Discworld's fantasy equivalent of) Christmas.

That reminds me of novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe where Santa Claus gives the children swords and says, "These are tools, not toys."

I mean, at least it was something that only hurts people it's pointed at! He's not an idiot, Cady!

It's true, my teddy bear has been with me since I was 3 years old.

I won't lie. I have a stuffed bear that I've had since I was a baby. It's a keepsake now, 40 years old.

Flurry will never get rid of Whammy:pinkiecrazy:

honestly this is peak dad

Three year old Flurry outshooting the trained guardsponies does not bode well for the safety of the Crystal Empireā€¦ though I suppose most of the serious problems get solved by the royal family anyhow.

Hence why Shining was trying to work to get them back to modern fighting standards. I choose to believe that maybe crossbows didn't exist 1,000 years ago when the Empire disappeared combined with Alicorns naturally being able to learn faster than the average pony, maybe it makes sense as a headcanon.

I thought this was for the "Shining Armor is a terrible father" contest? He seems like a fantastic dad to me!

Letting a toddler play with weapons could be consider bad. I personally enjoyed writing the story.

I'm joking, I loved the story too. Technically I suppose letting Flurry eat her weight in cookies isn't exactly model parent behavior either.

On behalf of the group "My Little Reviews and Feedback", I have read and reviewed this story. You can read said review HERE.

Humph, take the thumbs up.


Mel Brooks.

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