• Member Since 12th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen May 24th


I like ponies, books, writing books, books about ponies, and writing books about ponies.


This story is a sequel to Legends Never Die: The Beginning of Harmony

Darkness is brewing. Despite all that she and her friends have accomplished, Sunny Starscout knows that it hasn’t been enough - that there must be a final fight. But the future looks grim. All contact with the Crystal Empire and the outside kingdoms has ceased, and Sunny and her friends are sure that something has gone very wrong. Furthermore, the Elements of Harmony are still missing, and nopony has seen any sign of Chrysalis or Termite. But everything starts to fall apart when the rulers of all kingdoms go missing, and ancient enemies rise up - enemies who are willing to do whatever it takes to claim Equestria as their own. With time running out, it is once again up to Sunny and her friends to save the day, before everything is consumed in darkness.

Reunite with friends, new and old, in this epic final installment in the Legends Never Die saga.

WARNING: Contains spoilers for A New Generation, Make Your Mark, and Tell Your Tale. May have possible continuity errors with the canon of these shows.

Chapters (39)
Comments ( 236 )


Ah, yes. Lies and trickery to get the ones she loved most to hate her with their final dying breaths. It was one of his favorite ways of getting revenge. If she were here, he would make her watch as he destroyed this entire world, watch as her friends turned their backs on her, glared at her, made her know their hate. She would scream and cry until she was exhausted, and when she was, and everything was done, he would give her to the darkness to satisfy it, and that stupid mare would never bother him again.

What a sick twisted creature

After all… how much could a land change in all that time?

Oh very much

Chrysalis paled. All that was good … Love was good. She and her subjects needed to feed on it to survive - this ‘Master of Darkness’ was going to destroy her kingdom!

Ohh now Chrysalis knows something even worse than her to do something more terrifying than ever

For the first time, Chrysalis felt a wave of fear - not for herself, but for the ponies she hated, because of what they were going to face.

It looks like she's going to put her side and even teaming up with her enemies like they always say keep your allies closed but your enemies closer

All right nice to see the story I wonder if we ever going to see like the other characters during the episode Make Your Mark tell your tail and even from Secrets of Starlight like Misty Opaline and hopefully sprout anyway so it looks like grogar is finally awoken and it looks like he's preparing to invade Equestria but it looks like he has other plans but he needs to take care of the ones who will threaten his plan somewhere far away from Equestria Chrysalis found herself a Old Town that was abandoned but apparently there were Shadows creatures looking for the master and she didn't like the way how they thought they can destroy everything especially love and it looks like she has other plans to take care this big threat meanwhile termite is still walking around after the defeat and apparently he's been hiding some secrets that he's been using dark magic so far we have two problems already but hopefully sunny and the others will figure out to stop them whatever they're planning well let's see how this will go

She thought of the words that Spike the Dragon Lord had called to her: “ Don’t worry about me, Princess Sunny. This isn’t my first rodeo. Protect your ponies! ”

I mean Spike seen a lot of things throughout his years so it's pretty much a everyday Tuesday for him

But perhaps Sunny’s friends were all feeling what Sunny was - that something was about to happen, and if they pretended everything was fine… maybe it would be.

Yeah about that sunny.....

“I-it’s gone,” she stammered, staring at the spot where her letter had been just a few moments ago. There were no ashes, no scorch marks, nothing. It was as if the letter had simply… vanished . Both Hitch and Sunny turned to stare at Sparky, who rolled on his back and was happily playing with a corner of Sunny’s blanket.

Ohhh did Sparky got a new ability like Spike that's interesting speaking of Spike I just hope he does return

“Yay,” Misty said softly, looking far less enthusiastic.

Poor Misty she has the worst case of antisocialist and being shy as well

Okay so this is like the aftermath of the defeat of Opaline so that means we won't see her or maybe she's just trapped inside maybe she'll come back who knows but anyway sunny is starting getting worried about the other creatures that she made friends not responding and it looks like Sparky starting to develop a new ability which that never happened before and it looks like there's a celebration going on at Zephyr Heights and sunny is a little bit nervous not just only for the party but also what's going to happen which unfortunately she's right I wonder how this will go I guess we'll find out next time

Guys, this story has barely been out for three hours, and it's already featured. Thank you guys so much! You all are amazing!

A good start, the villains are shown, I'm sure they'll meet each other down the road.

I wonder how Misty would think meeting the other non-ponies Sunny made?

Flurry sighed. She wasn’t sure Sunny was getting her letters, either. She had written to the last living descendant of her Aunt Twilight Sparkle every single day, and had yet to receive any kind of answer, and apparently all of her friends were getting the same silent treatment.

It looks like Sunny is not the only one who are concerned about this situation I wonder what's keeping the letters away from each other

She had friends here. Friends who cared about her just as much as Twilight Sparkle cared for her friends. She had to believe in that.

And not only that your uncle spike is also here as well hopefully she knows that he's still alive

Midnight carefully stretched out a hoof and planted it on the ground. He shut his eyes and concentrated. His hoof began to glow green, and a glowing green vine stretched out across the ground. A small stem curled up from the ground before blossoming into a beautiful flower, made entirely out of crystal.

Whoa okay I guess crystal ponies also had the same ability as Earth ponies when it comes to magic abilities

Midnight looked down at the moon-shaped crystal pendant that hung around his neck. “No,” he said, sounding troubled. “I tried to see what was happening with Sunny and the others a few times, but I can’t see inside Equestria. I can see our other friends perfectly fine, but for some reason, the rest of Equestria is completely off-limits to me.” He looked up at her. “But… while I was trying, I did have another vision that I think explains why the Windigos are gone, and where this new power came from. I think… I think I can show you.”

Yeah what the heck is going on what kind of magic is keeping the other Kingdom to see Equestria what's going on

“Don’t say that,” Flurry snapped, a desire to defend her friend flaring up inside her. “We just haven’t heard from her, that’s all. Sunny wouldn’t do this to us on purpose.”

She's not actually she's trying to contact you guys but something is preventing her letters or anything to get to you guys

Okay this is something here so it looks like flurry heart is still at the Crystal Empire alongside with midnight the only two ponies left and it's pretty sad to see that she knows are pretty much gone and the only closest one is a relative is sunny star Scout but somehow she couldn't get it any letters from her for some odd reason the other countries were also having the same problem as well but it looks like she discovered that Earth Pony is have new Magic but something is wrong about how this all turned out I just hope that the others doesn't take it too offensive because something is really blocking them away from Equestria I wonder who is doing it

Of course they do , Sunny thought. She was starting to understand what it must have been like for the Guardians of Harmony back in Ancient Equestria after they had successfully saved the world a few times. Everypony wanted to honor them in some way, but at the same time, they were always expecting something from them. Sunny was worried how much further it would go before she cracked under the pressure.

Yeah I got to say it is pretty nervous when it comes to expectation

Watching the flame made Sunny think of her letter, set aflame accidentally by Sparky. She wondered if, among all the other powers Sparky’s dragon fire had, delivering messages was one of them, and if so, where her letter was now.

I hope so

“It’s going to be okay,” she told herself. “Everything is going to be okay.”

Oh sunny I really hate to burst your bubble but something is going to happen

“The queen of Zephyr Heights is missing.”


Oh dear this is when things go crazy so it looks like sunny and the others finally arrive to zephyr Heights to meet up with the leaders even talking about what's going to happen tomorrow and that is a lot for sunny to handle but she's going to have to do this since the festival is going to be an interesting one but unfortunately the next morning something happened apparently the guards told Sunny and the others they couldn't find Queen Haven and even the other leaders they have gone missing something must have happened to them but what could it be I guess we'll find out next time

“The queen of Zephyr Heights is missing.”

Yeah, that's really comforting, thanks. :fluttercry:

Don't worry, Flurry, Sunny never forgot you. She and the others remember you, maybe even Sprout.

What could've happened to Haven, Alphabittle and Phyllis?

Also, where are Sprout and Cozy Glow?

Glad the group are trying to handle the situation, and I like the cover art. Looks pretty good.

Misty is mad. Everypony, fear, 'cause I've learned something overtime, and it's that the most shy and quiet person in the room is a completely different person when they get mad.

Why does it have to be something new? Sunny wondered brokenly. Why is there always something else that comes up that we have to fight and defeat?

That usually always happens sunny

Misty gasped, and tears filled her eyes. Izzy quickly put a hoof around her shoulder, and Misty buried her face in Izzy’s mane as she quietly sobbed.

Oh dear I figured she will hit the most because she just found her father after all these years then suddenly disappeared again is too much for her

“Don’t you get it, Zipp?” Pipp said from behind her. Zipp turned to face her sister. “If Mom’s gone, then that means that you…”

Oh yeah if something happens to Queen Haven that means Zipp is automatically the queen at the moment

Pipp wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. “I know, Sunny, it’s just… this is a lot,” she said, looking away. Fresh tears gathered in her eyes as she turned back to her friend. “What if this is someone new? Some new evil villain that we have to fight? What will we do?”

Well I would say old and new villain out there and Allura is still out there as well

Cloudpuff started barking, and Hitch leaned forward to listen. Zipp was just starting to think how ridiculous it was that their only lead was coming from a dog, and that she was wishing that Izzy had installed language transmitters in her spy gear, when Hitch nodded grimly and looked at Zipp with a look that made her blood freeze.

Thank God that hitch had that ability to communicate with animals which I still think that he inherited that ability from Fluttershy

“No. I can - I can feel it, Izzy. Whatever this is, it’s something ancient. Something powerful. Something greater than Opaline ever was. And it’s coming for us next.”

And I'm afraid that she is right because grogar one of the biggest villains of My Little Pony is coming towards them

“On second thought,” Izzy said in a loud voice, scooping up the baby dragon in one swift move, “ I’ll take Sparky with me - I’m sure you want a break-” Her horn sang, and all the strange scrolls levitated off the ground and followed Izzy as she hurriedly trotted back inside the palace.

Hmm why all of a sudden are you hiding the notes from Misty I wonder what's going on

Okay things are getting very worried right now so it looks like everybody was in shock that Queen Haven just disappeared out of there and what makes things worse so did Phyllis and Alphabittle which devastated Misty they had to find any clues about any information what happened to them while sunny and pip had to keep everybody calm of the situation and zip and her part is now Queen at the moment she is worried that things will get much worse but they found Cloud Puff but made a discover something is definitely wrong meanwhile Izzy and Misty were trying to figure out what to do next but Misty felt something as much worse than the villains that they even encountered the previous time but then Sparky coughed off the letters maybe it could be the others and Misty was about to read one but Izzy snatched it and wanted to talk to Sunny about this which why all of a sudden of this secrecy I wonder what the heck is going on

“But this is-” Izzy watched as her friend flew away, glowing wings and horn seeming brighter in the coming night. She sighed. “-important.”

Come on sunny you could at least just listen

“It wasn’t anything very useful,” Zipp grumbled. “Hitch says that Cloudpuff said that he woke up at midnight and saw something dark slinking in the window. It passed right through the smallest slit between the window and the frame, and then he blacked out. When he woke up again, he was in the closet.”

Ohh it could be those Shadows that gorgar summon or something

“Are they all…” Sunny gestured to the massive pile - there had to be at least two dozen, maybe more, not counting the one that Sparky just coughed up.

Oh wow it could be the letters from the other creatures from across Equestria

“Hey, ponies,” Misty said, narrowing her eyes at them as she moved the letter so that she could read it. “I don’t suppose any of you were going to tell me who Kailani is?”

Okay Misty we can explain everything it's not like they're trying to hide anything from you they just didn't know how to tell you what the heck is going on that's probably a poor excuse but let's just hope she doesn't take it to offensive

Sometimes when it comes to being quiet of the group even the kindest Pony have limited when it comes to expressing their feelings and let's just say it's not pretty

Ohh okay this is getting really intense now so sunny and the others are still trying to get everything under control and so far it was even though all of them were pretty stressed out but the rest of the ponies did not know what's going on so there won't be any panic so they went to the room and discussed about the whole situation until Sparky coughed out the letters and it turns out it was the creatures including flurry heart letters that they didn't get received from for some odd reason that means they're still writing to them but what's keeping them away and why the letters did not arrive to them but the worst part is Misty is a little upset that she was in the dark about the creatures across Equestria it looks like sunny and the others have some explaining to do I guess we'll find out next time

Just a little thought here is comet is going to be with the others since he came from Another world and hopefully sprout makes his appearances

Uh-oh, Misty's mad. Sunny, you and the others have some explaining to do.

“ Dear Sunny ,” Misty read from the scroll, “ I don’t know if you’ve been getting my letters, but this one is extra important. Last night, the queen of the hippogriffs was taken, along with my father. They were swimming out to the farthest reef because Her Majesty wanted some space, but they vanished the next morning. We’ve been searching the entire sea for them, but so far, no sign. And I’ve been having that feeling again - the one that says that something’s off. I don’t know what it could be this time, but I really need your help. Please come to Mount Aris so that we can figure this out. I’ve talked to our other friends, and they all report similar things happening in their kingdoms, and we’re going to try and join forces to solve this mystery. You haven’t responded to any of the letters I’ve sent you, but I hope that you please see this one and decide to come help us. Your friend, Kailani .” Misty rolled the scroll up again and looked around at all of her friends. “I thought we were done keeping secrets,” she said, her voice breaking with emotion. “After Opaline, I thought…”

So it looks like the ponies are not the only one who's having the problems having their leaders disappeared some odd reason the other creatures leaders are also disappearing as well what is going on

Misty shook her head and took a step back. Her horn blinked out, and the scroll she had been carrying dropped to the floor. “I can’t believe you,” she said, her voice hurt. “All along I thought you could actually trust me because we were friends…”

Oh come on Misty I was never a secret I'm sure the others would have just said something

“And then Sunny beat their mind control and turned it against them and used her awesome powers to defeat them and save Equestria?” Misty’s eyes were shining, and she looked like she she had just been given a lifetime supply of ponycorn.

I can she was very understanding I guess

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