• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago

PseudoBob Delightus

How hard can writing novels be, anyway?


On Hearth's Warming Eve, Sky Stinger tries to make things up to Vapor Trail - as a storm arrives in Cloudsdale.

A Jinglemas 2023 gift for Arkadios. Enjoy!

Thanks to sirenc0re and ThePeer for prereading!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 19 )

a heart(h's) warming tale about love and the importance of thermoses

Okay interesting starts so it looks like hearts warming eve is here once again and the ponies and creatures are getting ready for the holidays and sky is going to meet with vapor family and he wants to do something special for her I wonder what could it be

Aww I would say this was a pretty cute way how they got their gifts from each other even though they thought it's not being too special but yet they liked it but it still feels like they want to do something more special for each other especially both of them are busy on Hearts warming eve I wonder what they're going to do

Okay this is getting interesting so it looks like the day is getting crazy especially with the storm coming and they needed volunteer of Pegasus to take help with the rest especially during the holiday and vapor trail volunteer to do this and Sky stinger was wondering where she was but noticing the weather is getting a little bad out there he felt something he needs to be out there because his friend is out there

Apparently the storm was really bad and they lost signal to Vapor and sky is determined to find her despite how bad the weather is he almost got himself killed looking for her but with all that he found her that's a close call

This was a very sweet moment right here so vapor finally woken up realized that she's in Sky's apartment room and he came to see if she's okay but at that moment she just needed him to be there for her and that's all she wanted throughout the day and he stayed with her by her side to confer her

Oh that was a very interesting and sweet story and it looks like Rainbow Dash is going to have a busy day again it's always nice to see those two characters again keep up the good work Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

you know that I read this before hand to help edit. But, I'm gonna comment anyways

Good fic

Aw, thanks!

Thanks for your interest in the story!

Maybe I should do a spinoff from the perspective of the thermos?

What an enjoyable dramatic romp this was. Two ponies, struggling in a world together and finding the burden of existence a little less awful. What is nice about this story is just how quickly you can relate to the main characters with just the way they interact with the world around them. I feel Vapor's struggle. I am that one who has nothing else going on and will volunteer to spare others the struggle of upsetting their work-life balance. I have been saying more often though, so yay me!

Thanks for asking for this one to be read in the comment club. I enjoyed myself, though I did have to reread a few sections to reorient myself, especially during the storm scene. Might be just because I'm tired, but I definitely didn't exactly follow how Vapor was in trouble outside of just being in trouble with a storm. Have a like, Bob!

The sets for the big night were going up. Sky Stinger would have liked to form some of the pieces, but he was the best flyer on hoof, so it was his job to fetch material. Not that there was any lack, of course, but the best stuff was in the columns of verticals, so he had to fly all the way out of the city to a healthy calvus, and bring hunks of it all the way back. Why couldn't they just use factory fluff? He hadn't heard a good answer.

i do like this worldbuilding bit, shedding some light onto pegasus material culture

Halflight could only take one draw before he doubled over and coughed through his teeth. "Celestia fuck! How do you still smoke this stuff?"

hehe that is quite the swear!

ooh love the subtly observed characterizations here! this in particular is really good:

He put it on to show her: "No, it's one-size, see?" But his bug-like appearance while wearing it made her giggle. He smiled, and took it off, placing it gently back in the box. "It's great, I-" Don't say too much. "It's perfect."

and their mutual anxiety is so real. definitely have been on both sides of giving a gift that is not quite perfect

He unscrewed the cap and breathed deep. Bitter - her morning scent.

down bad

She glanced back at the distant amphitheater, clouded with airships and motes of activity. She was tired, but everypony was tired. It would mean she'd miss the play, but he would be working too, anyway. And they needed the money.

Reluctantly, she raised her hoof.

augh this is so Vapor Trail

It was evening. The sky was darkening. Down on stage, the three tribes were arguing in a cave. It wasn't an argument Sky Stinger could recall word-for-word - the insults were different each year, for one - but he knew the story.

hehe, always love pony cultural traditions in canon really being part of the world in a fic

When he found it, there was a familiar blue pony laying there, taking up the whole spot.

He asked, "Rainbow Dash?"

aww that is so Rainbow Dash

She turned around, looking for skymarks, but found none. Only a central black pillar flashing white-blue - and getting closer.

oof, really making Rainbow Dash a piece of shit here!

Flying into the night, he fit the earpiece in under his new goggle straps and cycled to a few known channels before he found one with weather chatter - and he even recognized a few of the voices from flight school. They spoke calmly, but with an urgency that fit the situation.

aww glad the new goggles return in the story!

The warmth grew overbearing the more she thought about it. It turned to a boiling heat. She needed to relax, to sleep, to give up - and to get out of this stifling flight suit and cool off.

If only, with hooves numb from heat, she could work the zipper.

oof, paradoxical undressing pegasus style! that isn’t good

There were more pegasi, and even some griffon freelancers, connecting to the channel for storm work.

now i want to know more about these griffon freelancers1

He was glad to be among the first group, paired with a griffon mare named Gerla.

classic griffon name

"I sh-should ha-a-ave brought th-th-the-"


She nodded. "Yeah…"

He laughed.

She didn't know what was so funny, but she laughed, too.

hehe great way to end it!

That look. It was the look that always made her feel funny.


Sky Stinger was there, and she wrapped her hooves around him, but she wanted to push him away, too. Away from her. She didn't deserve him.

noooooo Vapor Trail! i mean her being so self-effacing is very consistent with her character but i hate to see it

She liked spearmint. It was his evening scent.

good bookend with the coffee scene earlier

With a smile of righteous anger, she continued, "Because you've got some shifts to fill!"

ehehehe great way to pay off Rainbow Dash being a real jerk earlier!

This was adorable, I liked it a lot!

Thanks for reading! And yeah, drama isn't a genre I have any experience in, but it was fun to write, and I'm glad it (apparently!) turned out well. Your praise means a lot.

For the thing you weren't sure about - not sure if you did eventually figure it out, but the problem is Vapor Trail develops hypothermia. Not good!

Thanks for reading! And I do love the trademark avalanche of comments. Does that mean I should quote some comments and reply? I guess so.

i do like this worldbuilding bit, shedding some light onto pegasus material culture

Glad to see all those minutes of cloud research paid off!

"down bad" & "hoowee"& "good bookend with the coffee scene earlier", re: romance

Yup lol. I'm not sure if they genuinely have no idea how they feel about each other, or if they simply can't bring it up for fear of ruining their friendship, but either way, down bad. Down damn near catastrophic.

"augh this is so Vapor Trail" & "aww that is so Rainbow Dash"

Characterization is something I struggle with, so this is good to hear.

And, I dunno. The rest are just really nice comments. Again, thank you.

Thanks for reading!

It may have been understated, but I took inspiration from some of your stories while writing chapter 5. So thank you for writing such cozy stories!

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