• Member Since 16th May, 2014
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Remedy, She/Her, writing bad fanfics since 2011 and not stopping anytime soon.



If you have found this book, then I urge you to return it to where you have found it.

When I began writing this journal I thought this information valuable and even as I progressed I thought it necessary for the survival of my tribe. It wasn't until much later that I understood that what I have learned is priceless.

These secrets are not mine to share and they are not yours to learn.

Inside of these pages you will find the musings of a young fool and the language and history of two truly unique ponies. It is not history that I wish to be forgotten, but it must be hidden.

Again, I urge you, return this to its place.

-Starswirl The Bearded

Written in collaboration with my friend Lion

DISCLAIMER: This is an experimental story meant to teach the absolute basics of a constructed language.

A companion piece to Babel and set in my Scorchedquestria universe. Not required reading as this story can stand on its own.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 46 )


For those who missed her blog post, Remedy and her friend Lion have created an entire fictional language for use in the Scorchedquestria series.
This is a sort of "companion piece" to the other stories, and is directly related to the most recent chapters of Babel, where the first usage of this language crops up.

More importantly, this is the actual in-universe book that was found at the end of "The Crusader" chapter by everyone's favorite crazy bitch Rose Wreath.

Little synopsis out of the way, I'm already hooked. This language is going to be so fun to learn. I'm already able to pick out a small bit of it.

“Ehp-eel say-loo-sas-tees-een-ah .” -White

"Hello, I'm Celestia."

“Ehp-eel say-loo-lay-oo-nel-nen.” - Blue

"Hello, I'm Luna."

You can pick out some of the "modern" pronunciation within these phrases, which is just so cool.

Those aren't required reading either. This story can stand on it's own.

I would still like it if you added those stories somewhere in the synopsis. Can you please do that?

This is going to get complicated I know it

Comment posted by Jack14 deleted January 3rd

Love the extra bits of world building you are adding to your stories here, but dang it.. Those last few paragraphs..

And I realize with horror that a psycho zealot Pegasus has this journal.

I'm a sucker for lore and world-building of all kinds. And this? This is some prime stuff.

Starswirl (and the reader) figuring out this language is very fun.

Though now, I'm left wondering who or what this "Skaros" is.

So it may be a coincidence but Skaro is the home world of the daleks In doctor who so take that as you will

It's a coincidence. Skaros is an adapted name of a canon place in the show. I had to make it fit in with the language.

Now imagine a young Celestia and Luna going "Exterminate" as they fire harmless magic spells at each other.

That would be adorable.

We're going to need a spreadsheet or something like that to keep track of all these terms.

Either way I can't tell if Starswirl will grow into a sort of paternal figure for the girls, or if he'll simply be really good friends to them. The more they "talk" about their family and where they're from, though, the more it leaves me wondering where alicorns fit in to the grand scheme of this version of Equestria.

Don't worry, we're putting out a glossary with rules and grammar at the end of the story.

I wonder how much I break my immersion when reading through a translator

I think you mean "Skyros", the place Opaline mentions in G5, the land of the alicorns.

I write it this way to avoid spoilers if someone has not seen the G5.

Yeah but they don’t have that vowel sound in their language so we adapted it

Well, we know what happened to the parents.
Congratulations Starswirl, you're now that proud adoptive father of two Alicorn siblings. Whether you want to or not.

I should’ve stayed in my tower among my books. There are no tears there. Here they are falling from the sky.

Poetry. One of those lines I'm slightly jealous of someone having thought of because it's so good.

What their capacity for magic must be…I would hazard a guess that they are some of the most magical things on the planet. How dangerous.

You have no idea, Starswirl

I found this story to be interesting. I really want to see where you are taking it.

I think I will tell them the story of the ancient unicorn king who befriended the wild earth pony stallion.

You're never too young to hear of Gilgamesh and Enkidu. (Though I have no idea how you'd ponify those.)

Nothing should be able to live with pure mana flowing through its veins. It should be burning them up.They should be ash where they stand. So how are they not? How are they alive ? If this is true and is not a childish misunderstanding. What I have seen with my own eyes confirms it, though.

Well, that's foreshadowing of how things play out later on.
Lots or revelations here that explain how certain things play out later on. The idea of all alicorns being their own portable reservoirs of mana is really interesting.
Wholesome Starswirl is also interesting, for entirely different reasons.

I have a feeling that I myself came from there and was modified by the king

Don't go to Skaros, Rose.

Heed the dying words of the alicorn of the sky, Rose.

So Skaros essentially had an entire civil war that Cer and her husband attempted to shelter Celestia and Luna away from. Only it didn't exactly pan out too well for them. Now their dying hope is that Starswirl can look after the girls and keep whatever is happening in Skaros away from them.

I will not deny a dying parent their last wish. Whoever this Upalas pony is, they will never harm either of these foals. I will promise you that, Cer.

Oh my god, it hit me.


If the same sort of pronunciation can be applied to this name as with Celestia and Luna's "old" names, where you can see some of the modern name in it, than I may know who that is.



It's Opaline.

Someone who was able to control or ensnare other alicorns? Sounds like a vengeful Deity.. One of Control, or Order..

While I am unsure how Rose's story will unfold, I am curious how Starswirl managed to care for Celestia and Luna.

Skaros and the knowledge of it must be lost to time.

He says, writing it down

The chapter says Final Entry, yet the story status is incomplete.

Thank you again for taking the time building up the lore. I appreciate it, and hope you are doing well. :twilightsmile:

A great little story, and an even greater worldbuilding project. Always a fun read, Remedy and co.

May have to use this language myself at some point.

In the meantime, I'm going to go lose my mind trying to decipher this.

I ain't even gonna try to translate this.

Fun fact! The original English text was about 500 words, and this is roughly half that. Get squished, mouth sounds.

I am so, so down to teach people the method behind the madness >:D

I would love to know...but I just don't have the gift to comprehend like some do. Wish I did, but it goes over my head. C'est la vie. That said, this has made me wish my school had taught Latin.

Man I’m a sucker for world building with lore around it especially learning the alicorn Language but know if the alicorn home still exists then it’s in a the hoofs of a psychopath zealot Pegasus who now has another cult member in training

Now we just need applejack parents and we’re all set

I will not deny a dying parent their last wish. Whoever this Upalas pony is, they will never harm either of these foals. I will promise you that, Cer.

*Nervous laughter* yeah no harm will come to them should have destroyed that virus then huh starswirl

Pm me when you successfully do translated it

I hope someone has the translation and can pm me it I’ve been obsessing over this for weeks but I just can’t do it, if the author could send me a translation or someone. This has been driving me crazy. And I just can’t dedicate anymore focus to it cause I’m in the hospital and very sick. Hope someone translates it!

The following is a word-for-word "gloss" translation, stripped of conveniences such as interpretation and localization. Please to enjoy :3

Both Celestia Luna,

Why I this write I know not.
Why I this place return I know not.
I believe like the force that Cer felt when she told me to take her final words.
I believe that I the next words of mine I speak need.
Either I to myself must speak, or I give them to you.
Words these I will leave, both had-not and remembered-not.
When I to you for the first time met, I you very misregarded.
I was wrong.
You both excellent ponies and great leaders become.
I to you hope to help, but believe without me you would be amazing.
Small future, I will be gone.
Another-not manner this say.
That Stygian-stopping will require death I know.
Both I and friends of mine this know.
When you wanted to help, allow-not give-up-not I knew.
In the unlikely event that we fail, Ire – the world – will you-need.
In the future, nights – no, in the future, DARKNESS – will reign while heroes old both wither and die.
New ones born both born and forged require.
YOU those ones in the future.
You must both exceed and rule desire as I have always said to fair world find.
I to you have absolute faith.
All hours all years I this, despite way thorny mine.
Only I to you exceed wanted.
Only I to you and I to Equestria-little the best wanted.
All hours all years I this want.
I this book read over and over and I smile what happy memory that it has.
I joyful that they happened.
I sad that these this-dungeon-in must lie with all dangers I made.
No-not pony-not must-not Skaros know-not.
No-not pony-not what that place must-not remember-not.
These memories-togethers of mine that both remember and teach language of you.
They tall-place-in mine will leave I allow-not-leave-not and I to myself allow-not destroy-not these.
These this-place-in remain.
I very foolish.
If, however doubtfully, you these memories find, then to you I might say goodbye.
I to you teach honor of a lifetime.
You and your promises as child I had-not. I to you and your promises love.

-Starswirl the Bearded

If, by some tragedy, Skaros is destroyed or too dangerous for them to return to then I will wait until King Bullion passes and take them back home. In that case, I must take care to preserve their culture and language. Any submersion into pony culture, no matter what tribe, at such a young age would risk alienating them from their very unique and different language and culture. I must be able to spend time with them before that and document it all so it cannot be forgotten. So they do not forget where they come from.

Starswirl i love you. this is great characterization i dont think i could hold starswirl in higher regard than i did reading that

Loved this so much, was adorable, and tragic, and a very intriguing bit of lore for the other stories in this series.

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