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Happy Nightmare Night, everypony.

This story is part of my Justice League of Equestria anthology, written as a Halloween special and as the title no doubt gave away, it was inspired by the Batman story: The Long Halloween.

The Batmare will have to sink into the lowest parts of the Manehattan underworld, take on vengeful vigilantes, illusive mob bosses and a killer who seems to be far more cunning than the ones she faced before and who is always a step ahead of her.

Who is the Candy Colt? Find out in...

Batmare: The Long Nightmare Night!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 69 )

Will you be releasing new chapters on the holidays they’re centered around?

Fun times.

I feel so bad for Scarecrow. Doing his best only to get murdered.

So here's a question: is Twilight doing the gravelly voice when she's Batmare? I'm not sure if I should be reading it like that.

I'm completely unfamiliar with this storyline so I'm excited to see where it's going.

Thank you for the comment!

No. The Long Nightmare Night in this case will be based around the titular holiday and the following few days.

REALLY good job on the first chapter of this side-story. Yeah, definitely looks like a really good loose adaptation of "the Long Halloween". Somebody offed the Scarecrow (a more sympathetic example than most versions of the character, but still one that went way too far). And, yeah, Garden and Bulldog calling Batmare in on this was a good call. So, we've got somebody targeting criminals (super-criminals definitely, but possibly non-super as well later). Really liked the reflection on the Flash being the one that created the Bat Signal in this universe as well as Twilight and Spike's brief argument concerning the Scarecrow's murder (concerning how, on one hand/hoof/claw, it was a criminal who was killed [albeit a surprisingly sympathetic one in this adaptation] and on another, murder is murder no matter who the victim is). And, yeah, the list of suspects is, thus far, a pretty long one, but I'm sure they'll narrow it down little by little.

Anyway, the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all wonderfully done. VERY much looking forward to more of this.

And, on another note, I wouldn't mind seeing a "the Brave and the Bold" side mini-series that had different team-ups of two or three of the heroes in what, at first, seem like non-connected single-issue adventures but end up all being masterminded by a single villain (your choice which one if you like the idea) when you can get enough inspiration for such a thing). Or an "Equestria's Finest" depicting the first team-up of Batmare and Supermare outside of the Justice League (assuming you could think of a villain too powerful for Batmare to handle alone and too smart for Supermare to handle alone, but not enough so on either front to require the entire Justice League).

But I'm mature enough to respect if these don't seem like good ideas.

Fair enough. The wall be reading those chapters on their respective holidays.

Thank you for the comment! Yeah, that was a tough call. I was actually sad to do it.

Well, I never thought about it, but you can read it that way if you want.

Stay tuned for more! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the comment. It's always nice to hear your detailed analytic thoughts.

Yeah. This story definitely made me feel like I should write more shorts based on other heroes to avoid the classic DC mistake of making the universe way too Batman centric. And it could be a fun way to add villains and stories that wouldn't be able to make for an entire volume.

Stay tuned for more! :twilightsmile:

Nicely done. Not too many errors to note actualky, good work. There were only three that i came across and i already informed you of two of them via Discord.

I'll look through the chapter on docs in a bit and will let you know when its done as well as what i find.

Looking forward to the next chapter. Good job :)

Thank you very much! :twilightsmile:

I have sent you the second one too.

Pretty surprised that you decided to have Scarecrow be reformed and then murdered so quickly.

I mean, this kind of character development is not bad at all and his death does serve as an important catalyst for this story, but he has always been one of my top 5 favorite Batman villains of all time and I would have really liked to have seen him be given the spotlight as the main antagonist of a side story.

Still, as far as adaptations of The Long Halloween storline go, this one has started pretty strong and I am really excited to see what happens in the later chapters.

Another really well-done job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated the background details on this universe's Black Mask as well as the connection concerning the cyanide. And, yeah, the reflections on Garden's reaction to the False Facers' attack on police headquarters to dispose of the evidence were another great detail. And another super-crook just got murdered by poison. I have really mixed feelings here. After all, nobody can deny that Black Mask fully deserved it. On another, we don't know yet if it was the work of some vigilante, or somebody simply trying to eliminate the competition (at this point, both are equally likely). Of course, whoever this "Candy Colt" is, they are very likely going to be going after the Joker sometime (unless it IS the Joker and just using "Colt" to throw everybody off - which is very unlikely).

Anyway, very certainly looking forward to more of this.

I have a doubt:

Between which volumes is this story located chronologically in "MLDC: Justice League of Equestria"?

That's not really important. It could be between or run parallel with any of them.

Comment posted by Lucasnike123 deleted Nov 1st, 2023

Oh, okey.

Happy Halloween, with this song!!! (even though today is All Saints' Day:twilightblush:):

This is getting very interesting. I look forward to reading what happens next.

Geez, you be killing off all the villains in this one.

So Twi doesn't have the Batmobile or Batwing here.

Also, what would she have done if that goon didn't escape the rpg explosion?

No, she doesn't. Planning to give her something like that later on and the pony she'll go up against in the next chapter will be her inspiration. And I wouldn't worry about that goon. Twilight is good at math, she calculated that move very carefully.

Thanks for the comment! Stay tuned for more! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the comment!

As you no doubt guessed from the character tags, the Joker will definitely be involved, but I don't want to spoil anything. I originally planned pony Black Mask to be a cameo villain Twilight goes up against in the first issue of Justice League, but that was before I introduced the concept of pony Clayface and dragon Killer Croc who are still at large. Will be wrapping them up in the next few volumes.

Stay tuned for more! :twilightsmile:

A question:

Will you be doing any stories inspired by the video game saga "Batman: Arkham"?

Because I have ideas for titles, in case you are interested.

Well, the author might decide to do stuff based on the more classic stories of the other DC heroes before getting around to that (not wanting the stuff to be TOO Batmare based after all) - or at least some semi-original stuff focused on the other heroes. But, well, I'm neither a mind reader nor can see into the future. It's not impossible, though.

Indeed, I would like to focus more on my own story ideas. This story was just a quick Halloween tribute. I'm not against hearing your ideas though. But if you have a question or a suggestion in the future, please PM me instead.

Completely understandable.

Also, shifting the ideas to PM as per the message you sent that I JUST spotted.

Whoa. Definitely a really good job on the dialogue, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Really appreciated the recap on Capper's backstory as well as the actual meeting with the Penguin. Of course, Batmare would have tried to stop the Huntress even without the deal (in her mind, murdering murderers is still murder), but I could see where Huntress would be rather furious about her family's death, to the point of basically going a route not that different from Batmare's just obviously without the rule against killing. And, yeah, we already know about one of the three major figures from the first volume that will be returning. It's the other two I'm curious about.

Anyway, really looking forward to more of this.

How strange. I hate the MLP movie and Capper especially in it... but I really like him here as penguin.

Fingers crossed he doesn't get killed off.

This felt like a really short chapter. I guess that means it was really interesting.

Good job.

As always, thank you for the comment!

All I can say is, wait and see! Because I have one or two huge twists in my sleeve for the last two chapters!

Until then... :twilightsmile:

Really? This chapter was longer than the last one in terms of words, but I guess that means I tried to tell less story with more words.

I'm glad i could improve my version of Capper in your eyes. I'm not done with MLP movie characters as Skystar is gonna be Aquamare with her mother serving as her Ocean Master and Celaeno as her Black Manta in JLE. And I'm also giving the role of Deathstroke to Temptest when I get around to it.

Stay tuned for more! :twilightsmile:

Capper being the Penguin of this universe and also an informant for the Batmare is an ingenious creative decision. I am so looking forward to seeing how their dynamic is going to evolve in the future. :twilightsmile:

Yes. I admit it is one of my favourite casting choices as well for this story.

Thank you for the comment! :twilightsmile:

Thursday. October 31st. Nightmare Night.

The city streets of Manehattan are packed on this holiday. Despite the rain.

Hidden in the chaos, there is crime. Waiting to attack like a snake.

But I'm there too. Keeping watch.

With his nights, I have become a nocturnal animal.

I must choose my objectives carefully.

It's a very large city. I can't be everywhere.

But they don't know where I am.

Now we have a sign, for when I am needed.

But when that light illuminates the sky, it is not just a call...

It's a warning. For them.

The fear... is a tool.

They think I hide in the shadows... But I am the shadows.

I am the revenge. I am the night.


Yup! I was listening to the trailer music for much of the time I was writing this.

About 2/3 done. I'll try to wrap it up today. I'm starting to think taking on this side story was a mistake.

Firstly, great.

Secondly, don't delete this story, it's very GOOD!!

I'm not planning on deleting it. It's just I've been struggling to keep going with it and it's taking my time away from JLE.

Oh, okey.

So, I advise you this:

When you finish the next chapter of this story, switch between your JLE story and this one to balance his publication.

What do you think?

Just one more chapter to for after the next one. I'll just wrap it up and go back to the main story.

So, how many chapters will you write of this story, before returning to JLE's?

And I, upon finding out about its premiere, thinking that this story was going to last until the next Nightmare Night...

Hey there. Thanks very much for getting this chapter up. Took a while but was certainly worth the wait. Definitely appreciated the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter/climax set-up. REALLY liked the reflection on how the encounter with Holly/the Huntress gave her some ideas for transportation that she could employ later. Also appreciated how she got so wrapped up on other business that she ended up late for her encounter with Capper/the Penguin as well as that goon pointing out that Capper told them not to disturb him until all his business for the day had been taken care of. And then, of course, the encounter with Caramel Falcon (yeah, Caramel might be telling the truth about how it's not him, but from what I remember of the actual "Long Halloween", it's pretty safe to say that the Joker's stuff might have made his kid even more traumatized than initially suspected). And, speaking of the Joker, the reflections on things like her card games, her guard killing and the stuff with that delivery pony - yikes. Talk about from bad to worse.

Definitely looking forward to the climax. And, yeah, the side stories are actually a pretty good idea, but maybe, in the future, save them for when other stories are already finished. That seems like a fair compromise.

Trixie as the Joker? I kind of see her more as Harley Quinn. Now Pinkie as the Joker, that'd be a riot. LOL

Trixie :heart:

She got them out here looking goofy.

Should've punched that kid in the head, lol.

Thank you for the comment!

Well, when I started writing the main story that this one is a spinoff to, I thought pre-season 3 Twilight and Trixie would have a great Batman-Joker dynamic. Casting Pinkie as another DC character was really tricky but eventually I settled for Captain MareVel, just because Pinkie is the closest one I see to having a pure heart.

I hope you enjoy the story! Stay tuned for the finale! :twilightsmile:

Lol. Wait until you see what I have planned for the finale!

Thank you for the comment! :twilightsmile:

Nice new chapter, few things need fixing but all in all very well done.

I also think i know who the Candy Colt is.

Hey there. Thanks very much for getting the second-to-last chapter up. VERY much appreciated the effort going into the dialogue, characterizations, action and future chapter/epilogue set-up. VERY certainly appreciated the stuff concerning the chat with Silver Bullet after finding out she was a crook and - as we suspected from the last chapter (as well as the reason she was helping the Candy Colt), Caramel's kid was the one behind all of this mess. And, yeah, the Joker grabbed the Candy Colt AND Caramel to lure Batmare back to "where it all began" and tried to goad Batmare into breaking her no-kill rule. Of course, Joker failed and now Batmare has caught both the Joker AND the Candy Colt (the latter after saving him from the former).

VERY MUCH looking forward to the epilogue.

“Here’s an opportunity of a lifetime for you! Drop me! End this between us once and for all!”

“Don’t tempt me!” Batmare groaned

Look I know this is Bats and Joker, but in my mind I still see it as Trixie and Twilight too, and this part is just incredibly cute to me. Lol, yeah I have problems.

"Drop me, Sparkle! You won't!"

"Trix, would you just shut up already?"

Don't apologize. This is a fun side story so it's worth it as long as it is good to some readers. (I'm enjoying it.)

Are we gonna get how the brat organized all this in the epilogue? Also, am I to understand Bats was clueless and Joker was just like, "oh I know exactly who did this."?

Fun chapter.

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