• Member Since 10th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Equestrian Defender

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian way!


1000 years ago the Crystal Kingdom was a peaceful and thriving nation, protected by the Crystal Guardians; powerful beasts that controlled magic far beyond anyone's imagination and the defenders of the Crystal Heart, a powerful crystal tied into all of the magic of the planet Equus-G4.

But the evil King Sombra sought the power of the Crystal Heart for himself, clashing against the Guardians with his powerful Dark Magic.

Their clash ended when the Crystal Kingdom disappeared, seemingly without a trace.

At least, that's where the legend ends...

Chosen by the Crystal Guardians, a group of teenagers must learn to use their powerful magics, to become the Power Rangers: Crystal Knights!

"Crystal Knights, RISE UP!"


  • This story starts after The Return of Harmony.
  • The Ranger suits, weapons, and Zords are not based on any of the Sentai or other seasons of Power Rangers. Most of it is designed by yours truly, so please don't ask "What Sentai is this from?"
  • As usual, comments and criticisms are welcome, but no hate comments or I will block you.

Other than that, have fun! And May The Power Protect You, Always.
Edit: 10/15/23 Featured! Whoo!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 26 )

Pretty sweet this is up and you are now back.

If you do put Element Fury up for adoption I get ready dibs!

Oh Celestia screwed up big time man. Big time. And now all are gonna pay. Can't wait for more chapters soon to be released

Thank you.

I will do my best.

Haven't decided yet but I do appreciate your enthusiasm.

Ohoho, trust me, Celestia's going to be put through the wringer in this.
Chapter 2's being worked on as we speak. Stay tuned, and May the Power Protect You.

Nice! I just hope there is a moment where Celestia tries to curb a Ranger battle, only to get her flank captured! Or we get some exposition on Twi's dwindling respect for Celestia and who are Ranger's four and five.

Wonder what other screw ups Celestia did?
You know, how her school in-show had Spike's egg is pretty suspicious.

God, did I miss your stories here. Great to have them back, dude! I seriously missed it. If you put Element Fury up for adoption I will happily read whoever continues it, but I doubt anyone will do as well as you.

On to this story, it is off to a fantastic start. You do a great job introducing this new setting of Arcania, like how phones, the internet, and music from the real world all exist in it. Plus we are given a brief summary of the backstory for first three Rangers and see them all bond.

She smiled again and said "Hi! My name's Garnet. It's nice to meet all of you."

Always love a reference to another show I love, especially Steven Universe.

...and the temperature in the Command Diamond seemed to plummet, as King Sombra casually strolled into the room, a black crystal sword in his right hand.

And while the version of him from Prince Diamond's memory was terrifying, meeting him in person was definitely giving the three of them nightmare fuel.

He slowly looked around the Command Diamond, taking in all that there was to see, before his evil eyes settled on Prince Diamond.

He then gave an absolutely sadistic grin and said "So... this is where the magic happens? Quaint."

Just like when Megatron first entered the Autobot base in Transformers Prime. When you get your main villain reminding you of Megatron, you know he is someone to be feared.

No spoilers for either of those yet. That'll just ruin the fun!

The benefit of writing a chapter as opposed to a thirty minute tv episode, you can actually slow down and take your time.
Megatron was one of the key influences for this version of King Sombra. Which isn't hard since his debut version didn't talk and just growled like a generic monster, and his Season 9 incarnation, while arguably the most successful villain in the show by destroying the Tree of Harmony and coming the closest to conquering Equestria, lasted all of two episodes. And his voice was fine (not what I expected but I heard worse) but his mannerisms and inflections made him come off like a whiny and petulant brat, like the worst versions of Starscream.

Good to see you back in action. I was surprised you put up another Power Rangers story when you already had Element Fury.

But this is an interesting change. You're using the human magus AU version of MLP. And rather than 5 Rangers, you have 3(for now anyway.)

So we have Sombra's return, and Celestia's past actions finally catching up and backfiring horribly. Oh the ramifications of her short-sightedness. Welp...she definitely made enemies. She left an entire kingdom on their own, and basically shoved them into a box to store away with out of sight, out of mind. That never works. The past has a way to catch up.

Happy to be back.

Not to spoil too much but much like with Dino Fury, you won't have to wait too long for the 4th and 5th Rangers (Green and Pink Rangers, respectively.) Not saying who.

She left an entire kingdom on their own, and basically shoved them into a box to store away with out of sight, out of mind. That never works. The past has a way to catch up.

Like I've said in other comments, Princess Celestia's going to be put through the wringer in this. And her past sins are gonna start coming back for their pound of flesh.

My biggest concern for Twilight is how her being a Ranger will clash with her being an Element of Harmony. As things stand right now, her being an Element of Harmony seems like something she views as an obligation rather than something she wants to do, and her being disillusioned with Celestia feeds into that. The rest of the Mane 6 are definitely going to be an interesting interaction.

Oh, trust me, there will be conflict. Especially when she tries to get them to reform Discord.

As for the rest of the Main 6. Hehehe, stay tuned.

Think Luna will have enough of her sister's bs?

Awesome! Flash, Twilight, and Thorax morphed and piloted a Megazord!

As for that bit with Celestia...yeah, that ain't ominous at all. So she had her own agenda to try and prolong a false peace by sweeping things under the rug. I feel like she's well on her way to becoming Day Breaker...or she always was Day Breaker and hides it under the guise of Celestia.

...please tell me there will be a Celestia ass-kicking later on.

I wonder how excited Spike will be when he sees Twilight has become a Power Ranger?

Oh man. What is this women up to and also wait until she meets her sister again.

Keep it up man

I'm hoping Spike becomes the purple Ranger. Give the young dragon a Kaiju! And besides, he wouldn't be the first child Ranger!

Awesome! The Rangers have officially morphed for the first time and have had their very first Zord/Megazord battle.

I really enjoy the banter between the Rangers and their Guardians, and can't wait to see more of the Megazord in this series, especially once the other Guardians recover and are able to join in.

This was a victory for the Rangers, but the war has just started. Sombra got away and is going to be back sooner than later, but at least the Crystal Kingdom has returned now.

Twilight smirked. "Chill out, Ghouls."

There was a groan from Fenrir, and she said For the sake of my sanity, please don't make any more ice puns like that.

"No promises."

I know Power Rangers are no strangers to banter during battles, but I really hope Twilight doesn't go over-boarded with the bad ice puns like a certain villain did in a certain movie that made the whole concept rather infamous.

The words died in her throat as she saw the Crystal Knight Megazord standing there, raising its sword up in celebration. "Of course," she grumbled aloud. "They're not dead."

"Ma'am, is something wrong," the Lieutenant asked.

Regaining her composure, the Solar Monarch replied "No, it's fine. Just be a dear and go fetch Princess Cadance for me, please."

The guard nodded and left, and once the door closed her composure dropped and she swore under her breath. "Those damn 'Power Rangers'" she said, spitting out the words. "Those spandex-wearing brutes could potentially ruin everything."

If the previous chapter wasn't already clear with how Twilight was already losing faith in Celestia and how it was established she screwed up by sealing away the Crystal Kingdom and declaring it not her problem anymore, this moment made it absolutely clear Celestia is not going to be portrayed in a good light this story.


...please tell me there will be a Celestia ass-kicking later on.


You'll see soon enough.

:rainbowhuh:??? You do know this takes place in Season 2, right?

Well believe me, it's going to get even worse for her. Some of which is stuff I made up for this story, other stuff is just things she's done in Canon that really rubbed me the wrong way.

In the future, is it possible that the Crystal Knights will meet other Power Rangers, for example the Element Fury?

Very interesting. I look forward to continuing your work. I hope Twilight's friends are of the same opinion about Celestia

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