• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.


As part of the School of Friendship's upcoming Charity Bake Sale, the Student Six were asked to help with getting everything ready. Sandbar, Gallus, and Smolder were working on decorating the gymnasium, while the others helped make brownies in the Home Ec room. While cooking, Ocellus and Silverstream asked Yona to go into town and buy some extra ingredients.

Yona does indeed find the items they need, but not in town. In fact, the yak found plant-based alternatives for all the necessary ingredients hidden in Sandbar's hiking bag. If only she knew Equestrian Botany a little better...

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 36 )

Good words, cant wait for more

Fun so far, keep it up.

“Hmmm… Actually, that might work.” Ocellus used their magic to float out the candy bars from Smolder’s bag, but hummed with uncertainty upon reading the wrappers upclose. “Wait… Actually no, these have peanuts in them. Sorry.”

Yeah you got to remember there are some other creatures can be allergic to peanuts my nephew has that problem

“Just saying, you should probably double-check anything they read, alright? They almost walked into the men’s room this morning.”

“And how do you know that was an ‘accident,’ hmm?”

Yeah, I was going to say, for a changeling that'd be an easy fix. :trixieshiftright:

“Yona found everything we need in Sandbar and Gallus’ dorm room!”

Which begs the question why Yona thought to go rifling through their room for baking supplies. It's not exactly the first place one would think of to find those kind of things, now would it?

“Yep! Yona already checked, and there’s no allergens listed. It’s made from ‘Cah-Nah-Bis’ oil."

Actually, there DOES exist an allergy to that, and while the intensity can vary, the reactions can be severe.

Granted, most people wouldn't think to ask if that is an ingredient present in their bake sale goods (nor clearly anyone currently in the room)...but still! :derpytongue2:

Ocellus was struggling to read the tiny labeling on one of the little bottles of vanilla extract Yona also obtained.

Now I suddenly understand why you gave Ocellus their ongoing vision problem--because they're the ONE creature in this room that could've actually recognized these things for what they are, and if they did that...then we wouldn't have a story, now would we? :ajsmug:

“Uh-huh! Sandbar got Gallus and Smolder to take up hiking with him as afternoon hobby!"

I, uh, suspect they've been doing a bit more out there than just hiking, Yona. :trixieshiftleft:

"Yona only took what we needed, and even left a note with some bits to cover everything.”

Can't wait to see Sandbar's reaction to that. :rainbowlaugh:

Since I don't partake myself (or really subscribe to the idea of Stoner Sandbar), I admit I normally pass over stories like this...but this trainwreck of a premise seems way too good to pass up.

“Uh-huh! Sandbar got Gallus and Smolder to take up hiking with him as afternoon hobby! Yona wasn’t a fan of it, but a good girlfriend respects pony’s interests regardless.”

Awww cute shipping between Sandbar and yona

Ok this is a pretty interesting start of a story so it looks like silverstream and Ocellus yona are making brownies but unfortunately they ran out so Yona had to go out to find some but after a couple of minutes she already got some and she told them that she got it from sandbars hiking bag which that's pretty weird but I guess they got what they needed and something tells me things are going to go crazy I guess we'll find out next time

He scoffed and rolled his eyes in frustration. “What the?! I don’t know , dude! I know that my chocolate edibles AND the vanilla hash oil is missing! The cannabutter too…”

Oh sh:yay:

The glossy page looked to be from some Magical Science text, and titled, ‘ How to Speed Up Baking in Seconds! ’ Most of the paper was large blocks of text that went over the correct calibrations to make the spell work, but none of that meant anything to the non-magic students. What mattered was the fact that Ocellus somehow attempted to use a spell that only Starlight or Twilight could easily pull off. The three students could only imagine what else may have occurred while their friends were still in the room.

I mean Ocellus is pretty smart kid to learn it pretty fast

Meanwhile, the empty containers of all those used ingredients were left completely untouched, and still inside the trash can by the time the room was left empty once more...

Ok this is totally not good so everybody is getting ready for the fair or something and smolder arrived there to help Gallus and apparently they're talking about their secret stash and speaking of that sandbar came in in a panic and he almost spilled the bean while he calm himself down he talked to his friends somewhere hidden and told them that they were stolen but then when he said the ingredients what they were smolder realize something that yona took the items without realizing what they really are so now within the headache they had to warn them about it but it was too late they were gone and now they had to race Against Time to find them before it's too late well let's see how this will goals next time

So far, my only complaint here is:

...like a chiwawa...

I think you meant chihuahua! :twilightsmile:
Otherwise, been there, done that. Hope it come out better than mine did, with several of my friends being sick...

I just fixed the misspelling


I love the idea that Gallus and Smolder are really good with balloons.

Pinkie has taught them well.

Dragons and gryphons probably instinctively love shiny things, and with Smolder's secret love of cute things, she'd probably love someone offering her a heart balloon or twisty balloon flowers.

“Dude, we should totally take a few balloons with us when we do! Could you imagine adding that with helium?”

...Probably not a good idea though. Helium, of course, isn't toxic per se, but inhaling it will still crowd out the oxygen from your lungs. Doing it in small controlled and above all infrequent amounts probably isn't going to meaningfully hurt you, but add in being as high as a kite enough to loose any sense of moderation on top of that, and you're probably endangering yourself with a case of hypoxia (where the oxygen levels in your body start getting critically low) or worse.

In short, don't be like Gallus and Smolder here and think to do weed and inhale helium at the same time, people. :raritywink:

Meanwhile, the empty containers of all those used ingredients were left completely untouched, and still inside the trash can by the time the room was left empty once more...

Hopefully the janitor either never pays attention to the contents of a trash can or knows when to keep their mouth shut. And that it's actually the janitor who finds it and not, you know, someone else. :trixieshiftleft:

Calling it now, one of their professors, if not the headmare herself, is going to find those empty containers. And want to have words with them all afterwards. :rainbowlaugh:


Did any creature tell them where helium comes from in Equestria?

They could use heliox, instead.

I wonder if Pinkie keeps the whipped cream maker charges locked up.


Well, either that or Sil's under a sink somewhere, admiring it's plumbing. :trollestia:

“What the… Why did I fall for that!?”

I was about to ask the same thing, Gallus. C'mon, you're smarter than this! :rainbowlaugh:


Seriously! Gallus, c'mon! Once we can probably excuse, but twice in as many minutes? :trixieshiftleft:

Regardless of how “safe” it may have been overall, she knew that three special brownies were WAY too much.

Yes, it is definitely possible to OD on the stuff, and from what I've heard, the symptoms at that point aren't exactly fun.

“How the buck did wearing less clothing make that less revealing…”

The world you live in is weird like that, Smolder.

As soon as Gallus got up close enough to see his friend clearly, he stopped in his tracks with a bewildered look on his face. He blinked a couple times when he saw the hippofriff’s getup upclose, and could only close his eyes with a disappointed sigh and shake his head. “Silverstream, where the buck did you find that?”


“Alright, Smolder. Let’s think…” The dragoness made sure she was alone while muttering to herself. She slowly walked down a spacious hallway, and stared intently at every individual object that caught her eye. “ Hmmm… Okay, where would a NonBinary Changeling go as a first-timer with several tins of fresh brownies if it’s not the gymnasium?”

Hmm that is a good question she could have gone to the cafeteria

Okay so it looks like things really escalated quickly so the remaining of the three split up to find the other three because assuming that they have separated Gallus found silverstream but unfortunately it was too late because she ate some of the brownies and she's basically High and kind of out of control and he tried to reason with her not to go insane and ask where the brownies but she's already going insane meanwhile smolder trying to find Ocellus which it didn't took too long since she was in disguise as a vase and when she found her she's not too crazy but she still a little high and smolder explain about the situation which Ocellus caught on quickly and she's in the panic but now they need to find the others before things really go crazy I wonder how Sandbar is doing finding yona I guess we'll find out next time

“... Is Yona high right now?”

Apparently Yona knows what being high is dang

“I, uhhhh… I know where we put them…”

Oh dear Celestia 😥

Ok something talks me things are going to get more crazier so sandbar left to find Yona but once he found her she is not in a good place right now especially with all the foods and damages around her and she even noticed that she is high and Sandbar apologize for getting in her into the mess even though Yona also apologize for not asking and before they could look for the others apparently Yona was feeling a little frisky and basically kissing sandbar despite everything he did sort of enjoyed it until he found a couple of crackers which yona got embarrassed and it looks like the rest of them finally found each other even Ocellus is still kind of out of control as well and freaking Havoc as a bear and before the others could do something they saw Fluttershy and Twilight trying to locate the bear and tranquilize it which the others were pretty worried about that and hopefully silverstream doesn't give them away and it looks like Twilight being a mistake shooting yona with the tranquilizer and something tells me she's going to feel that tomorrow and the other has made their Sweet Escape but it looks like Ocellus starting to realize she remember where the brownies are I wonder what they could be guess we'll find out next time

“I know that neither of you feel like I take this job seriously sometimes, but I do take matters in my own hooves when the situation calls for it! For example, I just discovered and confiscated four tins of pot-brownies that could’ve gone out to the public.”

Oh shoot Trixie got them

Okay wow I wasn't expecting this story to came earlier or at least finish but I got to say this was a very interesting one and how everything just went out of control so apparently Trixie was the one who took the rest of the brownies that the other three made by accident and it looks like and Trixie informed Starlight and Sunburst about the situation but also mentioned that they should stay this quiet because after that little incident will give them a bad reputation not just only the different countries but also the school district and starlight do not want to ruin that for Twilight so they decide to keep it quiet for now and apparently everything worked out pretty okay and the young six mostly the three ones learned a lesson but maybe they should not do that cuz it's kind of bad but anyway this was pretty good story and I like the the whole craziness thing going on keep up the good work


several thousand milligrams

aka. grams. You sound like a crooked prosecutor trying to convince a jury that an amount is much bigger than it is.

I've heard they disqualify jurors if they know what a gram is.

Sandbar had just bought that huge bag of ‘Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs’ the other day

Which, in fairness, are probably potent enough in terms of sheer sugar content to qualify as substance use themselves. :rainbowlaugh:

“Don’t worry, Yona made sure the door was unlocked.”

In other words, there IS no more door. :trixieshiftleft:

“... Is Yona high right now?”

Higher than a kite!

While the two stood with their muzzles agape, Trixie just rested back in her seat with her half-eaten brownie in her hoof. “And like a good, responsible adult, I’m making sure none of this reaches the student body~”

And there's the part where Trixie is being Trixie. :rainbowlaugh:

And all is well that ends well...for Trixie, Starlight, and Sunburst. For the rest...ehhh, well they managed to avoid the worst of the trouble at least. :trollestia:

I fixed the detail. I was thinking of all the individual ingredients being combined, and not the grand total itself.

This made me laugh way too hard.

It's not possible to OD on marijuana.

They almost walked into the men’s room this morning.

Ah, they found Cadence's portal door then:moustache:

Late reply is late--I must not have seen or gotten notice that you had responded to my comment.

But I had double-checked on this before commenting the first time around--dying from a marijuana overdose is, indeed, unlikely, but there are still negative symptoms from taking too much marijuana at a time, so you can still technically overdose on it, as that's all "overdose" means--you took too much of something and are suffering negative side-effects as a result. It doesn't have to kill you to be called an "overdose."

This fic, proving it did its research, actually demonstrates some of the symptoms of weed overdose.

... It comes in butter form now?

Oh Yona. Oh honey. XD

A large square had been taken out right from the middle, foregoing any of the edges and just taking the interior like a psychopath.

I feel called out.

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