• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 1,655 Views, 47 Comments

Generosity's Wakfu - steel soul

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

  • ...

Chapter 9

The hours trickled by, enveloping Yugo, Rarity, and Twilight in a tranquil, uneventful morning. For Rarity, it was a delightful span of time, filled with quiet contentment. However, amid this peaceful ambiance, she couldn't overlook the sight of the young colt slouching in his chair, a display of mild boredom etched across his features.

In the midst of Yugo's occasional lapses in manners or decorum during the session, Rarity found herself unable to contain a gentle, understanding smile as she delicately sipped the remnants of her beverage. Seeing the usually quite yet anxious colt behaving like the foal he was quite the change of pace. Much better to see him act his age then to watch him try and please those who do not ask for him to.

"I believe that should encompass a considerable portion of what I'll be imparting in terms of speech and writing," Twilight reflected, her thoughts punctuated by the soft closing of the notebook she had been diligently reviewing. "It ought to equip you sufficiently for entry into Miss Cheerilee's class when fall arrives. However, the onus of further learning will be on you to explore and master independently before then."

Yugo tilted his head, a perplexed expression clouding his features as Twilight finished outlining the lesson. Sensing his confusion, Rarity delicately placed her cup down and offered a soft, understanding smile toward the studious lavender mare.

"Twilight, dear, perhaps if you could explain it in a manner that doesn't need somepony to consult a dictionary, it might help young Yugo better,"

The lavender mare blinked, a faint blush coloring her cheeks before she rubbed the back of her head in a slightly embarrassed manner. "Oh... ah... sorry," she squeaked, directing a more apologetic gaze toward the young colt, Yugo. "I tend to get a bit carried away when it comes to teaching and studying."

Clearing her throat, she sat up and smiled down at the colt. "To put it simply, I'll be teaching you the basics of reading, writing, and speaking. Once you've got a good grasp of those, you'll continue learning from Miss Cheerilee."

"Oooooh...Understand." the colt said with a smile and a nod. "I will do the best."

"Great!" Twilight replied with a relieved smile, pleased that Yugo seemed to grasp the explanation. "I'm sure you'll do wonderfully. And remember, if you ever need any help or have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Learning is about exploring and understanding."

"Indeed." Rarity added with a smile. "And I'll help where I can. So you can always come to me...though please make sure I'm not too busy."

"On that note... Do you mind if I ask for a favor?" Twilight inquired with a hesitant yet earnest tone, her gaze shifting between the two ponies in front of her.

The fashionista raised an elegant eyebrow. She knew that tone from Twilight, which usually meant the mare wanted or needed something Dangerous…Explosive…or both. Rarity was never sure when it came to Twilight’s experiments. "What sort of favor, Darling?" she inquired.

Twilight's cheeks flushed slightly as she continued, "Well... You do recall how Princess Luna described her initial encounter with Yugo? How he seemingly projected a beam out of his hoof?" Twilight smiled, then glanced back at Yugo. "I was wondering if he could demonstrate it for me... if that's not too much trouble, of course."

The white mare expressed a note of concern in response at her friend's request. "Twilight, I understand your eagerness to learn more about Yugo's unique abilities and how his magic works differently from ours. However, don't you think it might be too soon for him to attempt using his magic without taking proper precautions?"

"That may be true, Rarity, but observing what he can do, under a safe and watchful eye, might actually be a better alternative rather than waiting until much later when we have no clue and his powers go off," the lavender mare argued.

Rarity sighed softly, her concern for Yugo's well-being clear in her expression. "I understand your point, Twilight...Still..."

"I don't mind." The colt said, catching both mare's gaze. He looked down at his hoof, the one that had shot at Luna when she had visited him in the hospital. "Don't want to hurt ponies...So...I want to see..." He looks towards Rarity. "Control."

Rarity felt a conflict within herself, wanting to voice her concerns to the colt, to caution him against potential risks. However, as she gazed into his determined eyes, she sighed softly, sensing his earnest desire for understanding and control.

"I'm... still not entirely sure about this," Rarity admitted with a touch of reluctance, her concern evident in her tone. "But so long as Twilight doesn't push you too hard, and we approach this with caution..."

Twilight smiled. "Great! And It doesn't have to be today. In fact I'll need to collect some stuff before we do any testing." using her magic, she popped a scroll into existence. "I'll need to get some protective gear and safety spells ready. And I'll make sure to brief both of you on what to expect and how to react in case something goes wrong. Safety first, always."

"Then I guess I'll leave him in your hooves when the time comes." Rarity placed her empty cup back on the table. "And on that note I do believe we should get going. I'll need to pick some stuff up for dinner on my way home and I'll need to get started on my new dresses."

"Got it." Twilight turned to Yugo, her chest puffing out proudly. "Be prepared, Yugo. Cause the lessons will start sooner than you think."

"Yes, Twilight." the colt replied, giving Twilight a nod before slipping from his chair. "And...thank you. For everything."

Twilight smiled warmly, placing a hoof across her chest. "No need to thank me, Yugo. It's my pleasure to help you learn and grow." She turned to Rarity. "Have a good day Rarity. I'll see you later."

Said mare stood up from her chair, her elegant posture on full display as she twirled her purple tail. "Absolutely, Twilight. Tata for now. Come along, Yugo."

The colt nodded before trotting over to Rarity's side, his eyes briefly meeting Twilight's before following the fashionista out of the door and into the bright sunshine outside.

Now once again alone, Twilight allowed her magic to pick up the empty cups, carrying them to the kitchen as her mind raced with everything she needed to do. The most important being that of the colt's studies. Though she could not help but admit to herself that finding out about a knew form of magic was quite intriguing, how he...might have gotten such magic aside, learning new things would always be a fun experience.

In fact the paper she could write about it to her teacher and peers would be nothing short of extraordinary.

I'm getting ahead of myself though. First I'll need to send a letter to Canterlot. I have a few books here I'll need for Yugo but the best ones are in the Princess's personal library. I'll also need extra papers and school supplies. Just because he isn't in school now doesn't mean he shouldn't get an early start on how to prepare for it. I'll will also need training dummies and protection wards and...


"I'm gonna need a bigger scroll..."

"Bigger scroll? For wh...Oh!" Spike perked up as he looked around the room. "Did Rarity and Yugo leave already. Dang. Didn't get to say bye."

The lavender mare smiled at the little drake, turning to face him. "Sorry, Spike. You just missed them. But don't worry, you'll be seeing them a lot more soon...or at the very least Yugo. He is coming here for me to teach him after all."

"Gonna give him the Twily Lecture huh?" Spike snickered. "Just make sure not to bore him to tears when you start."

Twilight rolled her eyes, "I know how to keep things interesting, Spike." She paused before licking her tongue out at the little dragon. "And it's not a lecture, it's a lesson."

"Sure, whatever you say,"

"In any case." Twilight continued. "Right now, I have a lot of work to do. I need to prepare for Yugo's lessons and make sure I have everything I need for them to begin. Can you help me with that?"

"Hey, I wouldn't be your number one assistant if I couldn't."

"Then there's no time like the present to get started."


Daring Do stepped off the train, the hot steam from its engine not doing her any favors as the hot sun beat down on the remote village she had arrived at. She tipped her hat up to shield her eyes from the glare, taking in the sight of a bustling settlement perched on the edge of a dense jungle.

The air was thick with humidity, and the vibrant colors of the marketplace contrasted against the lush green backdrop of the looming jungle. Ponies and creatures alike moved about, each engrossed in their own daily routines. The lively chatter and the occasional laughter filled the air as Daring Do made her way through the crowded streets.

The marketplace was a treasure trove of sights and sounds. Stalls overflowed with exotic fruits, vibrant fabrics, and peculiar artifacts. Merchants called out to passersby, haggling over prices with animated gestures. Daring Do couldn't help but be drawn to the energy of the place as she meandered through the lively crowd. Still, she couldn't relish in such pleasures for too long. She had a mission, and time was of the essence.

With practiced ease, the mare made her way through the settlement. Her keen eyes scanned the buildings, searching for the one she had tasked herself with finding. It didn't take long for her to spot it—an old, weathered building with a faded sign swinging slightly in the warm breeze.

The loose doors of the bar creaked open as she slipped inside, the worn hinges doing little to impede her progress. The interior was dimly lit, with the air carrying a mix of familiar scents—wood, alcohol, and the faint hint of tobacco. Despite the subdued atmosphere, the few patrons present hardly spared her a glance as she moved with purpose toward a nearby table.

She selected a spot that provided a clear vantage point of the room, yet offered some semblance of privacy. With a deft motion, she slipped her saddlebags under the table, positioning them strategically—close enough for easy retrieval but not so near as to hinder her movements in case things took an unexpected turn.

As she settled into her seat, Daring Do noticed the barmaid slowly approaching , her keen eyes meeting the gaze of the diamond dog. The rust-colored fur of the canine stood out against the dimly lit surroundings, and a sly smile played on her lips.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the lustrous Daring Do," the diamond dog purred in her gruff yet feminine voice. She placed a cup in front of mare, the cold liquid inside it emanating a rich aroma that teased the senses. With a coy wink, the barmaid continued, "How long has it been since you graced us with your presence?"

Daring Do, as stoic as ever, acknowledged the greeting with a nod. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Emma? Been caught up in a few personal things and lost track of time," The mare shrugged. "You know how it goes." Picking the cup the barmaid had put down, she began to down it's contents, gulping down the cool and sweet liquid.

The barmaid chuckled, her tail swaying behind her. "Oh, I'm sure. The jungle's always full of mysteries, ain't it?" She leaned over the table. "What brings you back to our humble abode? I'm sure it isn't for our world famous, un-world famous coffee."

"Heard whispers of a temple. One seemingly not being there one moment and then popping up the next. As if by magic," Daring Do recounted, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And you know what I say about whispers."

Emma leaned in, her grin widening. "Oh, I know exactly what you say about whispers. They're like breadcrumbs, leading you to something worth finding."

"That and trouble. I always find trouble." Daring set the cup down as she tipped her head over her eyes. "But I guess that comes hoof-in-hoof with adventures."

"Ain't that the truth, Daring Do." The diamond dog looked about herself before tilting Daring's cup. "And on to another truth, I do have some information you might be interested in hearing...though it has been a long day and my mind is a bit of a blur. Of course...a bit of incentive would help me remember."

Daring Do raised an eyebrow at the diamond dog's proposition. Without uttering a word, Daring reached into one of her pockets. She pulled out three bits and discreetly slipped them under the tilted cup, the diamond dog's eyes sparkling as she tilted the cup back upright before pulling it and the bits away from the mare.

"Now it's coming back to me," the diamond dog purred, her tone holding a sense of triumph. "There was this rather tall fellow. He was quite intimidating. No one really wanted to deal with him if they could. He was a...ummm...Lizardkin, I do believe." She looked behind herself, as if looking to see if someone was watching her. When she turned back around she leaned in. "He actually came here asking about the very thing you are looking for."

Daring Do's eyebrow shot up. "A lizardkin, you say?" She leaned back in her chair, a hoof tipping her hat upwards. "Think you can tell me what he wanted to know?"

"He wanted to meet the one's who found it first. My guess is that he wanted to get someone to lead him to it."

"The fact that he knew about it already means he's well informed...and If that's the case...he either has heavy pockets full of bits...or..." She stood up, grabbing her bags. "He knows how to get what he wants with other methods." She turned to the diamond dog. "You wouldn't happen to know where they are staying do you, the ones who found the temple first I mean."

The diamond dog tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I do remember hearing something about a pair of adventurers staying at the inn down the road. A pegasus and a griffin, if I recall correctly."

"Thank you for your help. I owe you one,"

Emma huffed. "You owe me more then one, but I'll be sure to collect when you are back in town." She paused. "Do be careful Miss Do. That lizardkin looked like bad news. I wouldn't want to see anything happen to one of my number one customers."

Daring Do slung her saddlebags over her back, her mind already calculating her next moves as she spoke. "Well...my bits are still good here so you don't have to worry about me not coming back at any case. Latter Emma." With a final nod, the mare strode out of the bar and back into the bustling marketplace once again.