• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 1,655 Views, 47 Comments

Generosity's Wakfu - steel soul

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Within the lightly lit room, the air was pregnant with anticipation. In the back, near a wall, a rather young feline figure could be seen looking upon a large map, her dark eyes fixed on abundant of intricately marked locations. She reached out, tracing a paw along the the very edges of the lands before curling it, releasing a soft sigh of defeat.

"Not there...or there either." She spoke softly. "How much longer will they elude me..." She grasped at the map as if reaching for answers that remained tantalizingly out of reach.

A soft rustle of fabric stirred the silence, drawing Catrina's attention. Her heart skipped a beat as a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows, moving with a fluid grace that spoke of familiarity. Her lips curved into a soft smile, her gaze unwavering as the figure's true identity was revealed.

"Ace," she breathed, her voice carrying a warmth that transcended the somber ambiance of the room. The figure paused before he reached up and pulled back his hood, unveiling his gray-furred visage that hid underneath it.

"Mistress Catrina." Ace's voice was deep, almost a growl, but there was a softness to it when he spoke to Catrina.

She smiled as she made her way towards the diamond dog, her arms wrapping around his frame before hugging him softly. "You have returned."

Ace returned the embrace, his muscular arms encircling Catrina's smaller figure. "Of course, my lady. I always return to you." He murmured, his breath hot against her neck.

They stayed like that for a moment longer, before Catrina pulled back, a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "And have you brought me any news?"

"It seems that our sources were not as up-to-date as we had hoped," he began, his voice steady. "The Dofus Egg I found was one of eight – a mere fragment of the greater whole we seek."

Catrina's brow furrowed slightly, but her smile didn't waver. "So, our journey has become more intricate than we initially believed," she mused, a spark of excitement igniting within her.

"Indeed, Master," he confirmed. "Our mutual friends' information led me to this Egg,”He held up the strange round object, “And while it is a step forward, there are more steps yet to take I'm afraid."

"Be that as it may, this is just a crack in the road towards our ultimate destination." She made her way towards her balcony, opening the curtain to the world below her manor. Despite it being dark, the city below glowed like a jewel above the desert that surrounded it. "And it's all...for them...My subjects."

The diamond dog followed her to the balcony, standing beside her as they both looked out over the city. "Your dedication to your people is admirable," he said, his voice low.

Catrina nodded, her eyes fixed on the twinkling lights below. "They deserve nothing but the best," she replied, her voice firm. "And I will stop at nothing to ensure that they are given the very best." She turned towards the one beside her, her voice stoic yet gentle as she spoke. "And our mutual friends, Ace? What became of them once you had uncovered the Dofus Egg?"

"I did what I had to."

"I see" Catrina finally said after a long pause, her voice quiet but steady. "I...figured it would happen...but I had hoped they would see reason and join us."

Ace's gaze met hers, his eyes reflecting both the weight of his actions and the conviction behind them. "Master," he replied, his tone a blend of solemnity and resolution. "I had...before doing so...offered them an out. To forsake their ways and join us...but It became clear that they would not align with the vision we share – a world safeguarded and nurtured by knowledge, not tainted by greed and violence...and so under the pretense of anger for a half done job I destroyed them all."

Catrina's expression remained thoughtful as she absorbed his words. Their quest for knowledge was inherently tied to the idea of using it responsibly, a principle that seemed to resonate deeply with both of them.

"They were killers and traffickers, it had to be done." Catrina said, her words a statement more than a question. "But why hide your reasons?"

Ace shook his head. "It was not a matter of hiding my reasons, Master. It was a matter of ensuring the safety of our mission. If any of them had survived and If they had any inkling of our true purpose, they would have done anything to stop us. Just so they can keep their evil trades." He sighed softly. "It pained me to say such words...and the filly who was there...who saw everything I suspect...I'm sure there is a scar I gave her that one would not see physically."

Catrina placed a gentle paw on Ace's arm, her expression softening. "I understand, Ace. Sometimes the cost of our goals can be high, and the weight of our actions can be heavy. But we have to trust that what we are doing is right, and that the end justifies the means. Was the filly okay when you left?"

"I had told her about the safe the griffon had stashed away. Even left the key to it nearby." He smiled. "If she is smart she will be fine...and if she survived under that griffon...she is smart. She will have ran to find a new life with the treasure within."

"Perhaps we will meet her again then." The feline frowned softly. "I do have news of my own...or...rather. News from Rep."

The diamond dog growled at the name. "Him..."

The feline nodded, her expression serious. "Yes. He sent word that he has new information regarding the location of another Dofus Egg." She turned to face Ace, her eyes intense. "If what he says is true, then we are one step closer to our ultimate goal."

Ace's eyes narrowed. "And what does he want in return?"

"His usual price," Catrina replied, her voice tinged with distaste. "But I believe it's worth it. He has connections that we don't, and if we can use that to our advantage, then it's a risk we have to take."

"He asks for coins, even knowing the grandness of your plan...I don't know why you always go back to him."

Catrina's eyes flickered with annoyance at Ace's tone, but she kept her voice level. "Because, as much as I cannot stand him, he has proven to be a valuable asset in the past. And he always delivers on his promises."

Ace grunted, clearly unconvinced, but didn't press the issue any further. "Very well, Mistress. I will make the necessary arrangements for our journey to Rep's location."

"Thank you, Ace," Catrina said, her voice softening. "I appreciate your unwavering loyalty and dedication to our cause, as always."

Ace's lips curled into a small smile. "It is my honor, Mistress. I will always be by your side, no matter what." He turned to leave, only to be stopped as the bipedal feline grasped at the diamond dog's cloak.

"Rush is not needed tonight. Rep would not dare go to someone else with the information we need after all." Gently, she turned him around. "My Ace. It has been two full moons since we have last seen each other. You will rest here...with me tonight."

Ace's eyes gleamed with a feral intensity as he looked down at Catrina, his voice dropping to a low growl. "As you wish, my lady."

The curtains drew to a close, and the night would sing on.


Yugo awoke to the gentle twitter of the songbirds outside his window, the lull of sleep slowly fading from his mind. And yet he did not want to get up. The beds at the hospital were nice, but the one Rarity had given him to sleep on was a whole other level, never had he had such a comfortable and luxurious sleep. Least none that he could remember outright.

Still, he knew he could not stay in bed forever. With a groan and a yawn, the young colt stretched his stiff limbs before slipping himself towards the edge of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and allowed his gaze to be shifted towards the nearby window, the beautiful, picturesque town of Ponyville before him. Even early as it was, he could see many ponies going about their day.

He had seen such a picture before, from the hospital window and from Pinkie Pie's tour, but after having such a restful sleep, everything looked...newer. Pleasant. So much so that it rather put a pep in his step.

Well...that and the fact he had to use the bathroom.

Yugo quickly made his way to the bathroom, taking care of his morning routine before looking at himself in the mirror, the lightly glowing wings gently flapping at his command. He smiled before nodding to himself. Huffing a strand of hair away from his eyes, he looked around the sink, only to find a single toothbrush.

"Guessing Rarity forgot about mine….and I forgot the one back at the hospital because of Pinkie rushing me out." He groaned softly. "Guess I'll have to tell Rarity about it so I can get a knew one."

Yugo sighed before heading towards the door to leave the bathroom, but as he reached for the handle, it suddenly turned and opened, revealing a familiar face.

"Oh! There you are, Darling" Rarity said, her voice as elegant as ever.

"Miss Rarity" Yugo exclaimed, just as surprised to see her as she was to see him. "I...Um...hmm...Good morning."

"And good morning to you too Mr. Early Bird. Here I was coming to wake you only to find that you are already out of bed and getting ready."

"I'm...ah...use to waking early." He paused, trying to find the right equestrian words as he spoke. "I...Um...Sorry...only one toothbrush." He pointed towards the sink. "Can't do teeth

The alabaster mare gasped. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry! With all the excitement of yesterday it completely slipped my mind to get you a toothbrush of your own." She tapped a hoof to her chin. "Hmm...and you would need your own brushes and other care products. As much as Pink Rose bubble soap smells heavenly on you, I think something more to your taste is needed." Her eyes sparkled as she clapped her hooves together. "Guess that means its a shopping day."

Rarity couldn't help but hear the young, boyish groan that escaped from the colt's lips, giving him a rather soft glare. "Oh hush you. It's not going to be that bad." The mare playfully admonished. "In fact, We'll make it a fun day. I know all the best shops in town, and we can even stop for a sweet treat at Sugarcube Corner."

Yugo couldn't stop himself from rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment at the admonishment. "Thank you, Rarity. I really appreciate it." He paused. "And...um...didn't mean anything by huffing. It...was reflex."

"Reflex...hmm...A memory?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"Maybe...I don't know..." The colt admitted. "Its just...Talking about stuff like this...shopping...feels familiar somehow." He raised a hoof, groaning as he tried to strive off a dull throb in his mind.

Seeing this, the alabaster mare gently placed a hoof over his own. "Don't think too much about it dear. Just do what comes naturally for you. And it's quite natural for a young colt your age, or of any age of that matter, to dread shopping with older mares."

The colt frowned but nodded all the same. "I understand."

She nodded before smiling once more. "Good. Now I'll let you finish getting ready. Meet me in the studio when you do, okay Yugo? Its right down stares. You can't miss it."

Yugo nodded, watching as Rarity gracefully made her way out of the room. Turning back to the mirror in front of him, he released a soft sigh. "What comes naturally..." He couldn't help but ponder over Rarity's words as he finished getting ready. What did come naturally to him? Did he even know the answer to that question anymore? Everything felt so foreign and new to him.

He knew he wanted to just move on...but...could he?

"Another day. I'll think about it. Right now I need to get though today..."

Yugo finished getting ready and donned his hat before making his way to the studio where Rarity awaited him. As he entered, he was immediately taken aback by the sight before him.

With out hectic the day was yesterday, he never really got a good look at the place before. The studio was filled with all sorts of fabrics, colors, and textures. Clothing racks lined the walls, and a ponyquins stood proudly along one side of the room, wearing stunning gowns that Rarity had clearly been working on.

The colt didn't have much of a fashion sense but he knew expensive when he saw it.

"There you are, Darling." Rarity mused softly as she made her way towards the colt, catching his attention. He was quite surprised that she had put on a rather fancy straw hat and a pair of glasses, the lenses themselves being dark black instead of clear like he usually seen. "Are you ready to head out for the day?"

"I am...um..." He looked around again and motioned around him. "Never seen this place before."

"Hmm?" Rarity tilted her head before looking around. "Oh! Well that is to be expected dear. I mean least time you saw in here was when we had that party for you yesterday. Without Pinkie's decor, this is what my Studio usually looks like."

"I see...um..." He made his way towards one of the ponyquins stands, stopping in front of it. "Um...The dresses are pretty."

"Oh! Why thank you, Darling. I've been putting in quite the work to make sure they are. Had more then a few back orders I had to redo after all. A few all-nighters as it were."

"And...it was...Because...of me...when I destroyed your home..." He said, his tone quiet.

Rarity's ears folded back before making her way towards him, placing a hoof on his hat covered head. "Darling, it wasn't your fault you know. You were just as much of a victim in what happened...even more so I suspect."


"Now, Yugo. None of that." The mare admonished as she gently poked at his cheek. "There is nothing for me to forgive because there is nothing for you to feel sorry for." She smiled softly. "Understand?"

Yugo nodded slowly, his eyes focused on the ground.

"What was that? I could not hear you, Darling."

He squeaked before nodding again. "I...Understand."

"Good. Now...I think we mopped around for long enough, don't you?" Making her way to the door she pushed it opened for him. "We have a full day ahead of us and we are burning Celestia's Daylight as it were. Shall we?"


Celestia sneezed, before quickly looking around, a blush on her face when she remembered that she was alone within her study. Quickly clearing her throat, she resumed looking upon the letter she had just opened.


Dear Princess,

I'm pressed for time as I have a train to catch soon, but I came across something exciting during my recent expedition. Rumors are swirling that folks in an isolated village discovered a strange temple deep in the jungle. It wasn't there before and it's got everycreature talking.

I'm aware that I said I was in a hurry because my novel needs some final adjustments, but I couldn't miss out on this chance. Let my editor know that it will be ready within the following weeks. She tends to overreact whenever I talk to her so the news should be much easier to take if it comes from you.

Thanks a bunch!

Daring Do.

The princess sighed softly, shaking her head. "Of course she couldn't resist a new adventure." She chuckled to herself. "Very well then, Daring Do. I shall inform your editor of your delayed return. Velvet will, of course, not be happy about it but she knew what she was getting into when she met you...But leaving me to face her wrath...for shame."

Celesita chuckled softly to herself before setting the letter down, her gaze shifting out her window soon after. She had a million things to do today. Or what seemed like a million. She was pretty sure it was really just twelve. But she couldn't help but think it felt like a million. The noble certainly make it seem that way anyway, but having such simple interactions with those she is closest to would always brighten up her day.

As she watched, her small ponies went about their daily lives. With the town in full action, she could keep an eye on every one of them as they followed her instructions. Teachers were carrying saddlebags full of work, store owners were setting up their shops, and little ones were hurrying to school with backpacks on their backs. It was certainly a perfect spring day.

The gentle knock upon her door caused the mare the jump slightly before turning towards it, a soft sigh escaping her lips as reality soon came upon her.

Clearing her throat, she sat up within her chair before saying, "Come in."

As the door creaked open, the familiar visage of Raven Inkwell made herself know, the ever serious mare adjusting her glasses before bowing towards the Princess. "Good morning your Highness."

"And a good morning to you too Inkwell. I take it the nobles are ready to ruin my day once again?" asked, her tone laced with a hint of playful sarcasm.

Raven simply raised an eyebrow at the princess' comment before clearing her throat. "That, in itself, depends, your highness." the mare spoke softly. "Is petitioning for a pool to be built and the old orphanage to be...and I quote...'Pushed somewhere else' ruining your day?"

"Let me guess...Jet Set and that shrew of a wife of his?" The mare groaned. "Didn't I just dismiss their last request for a private beach?"

"Yes, your highness. But in my opinion, they might be playing the long game of asking for something ridiculous so that the real request can be seen as quite sane."

"Of course they are…” She sighed before looking back towards the mare. “And what of the old orphanage? Did they say what we should do with it and all the foals and staff within?"

Raven shook her head. "No, your highness. They did not specify."

The princess let out a sigh and rubbed her temples. "Very well. Pull it from the court and make a Schedule for them later today. But make sure and tell them to make whatever presentation they have brief. I have other more important matters to attend to after all." The princess waved a hoof dismissively as she made her way towards the door. "And Inkwell, send a guard to escort them in. I don't want any incidents like last time when I inevitably tell them no."

"As you wish, your highness. I shall see you in the meeting hall." The mare bowed before making her way out of the room.

As the door closed behind Raven Inkwell, Celestia let out a soft sigh. She couldn't help but feel drained already, and the day had only just begun. "Alright Celestia...game face on." She gently smacked her cheeks before puffing her chest out. Clearing her throat, she practiced her most regal tone of voice before nodding. It was time to face the day head on.