• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 1,655 Views, 47 Comments

Generosity's Wakfu - steel soul

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

  • ...

Chapter 6

"And that, Yugo, is how Equestira was born!"

Pinkie Pie bounced down the road as she carried a very, very confused colt. He looked at the pink mare, his mind trying to grasp the enormity of what he had just heard. "But... how? Nothing made sense. Why raining sprinkles?"

"Well that, my dear Yugo, is...OH THERE'S RARITY’S HOUSE!" She stopped suddenly, coming to a skidding halt in front of Rarity's Boutique, the colt stumbling on top of the pink mare as she did so.Adjusting himself, his eyes widened as he took in the elegant storefront before him.

The glass windows sparkled in the sunlight, and the delicate lace curtains fluttered gently in the breeze. He couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated - he had never been inside such a fancy place before. At least, not that he could remember.

"Rarity...stays here?" The colt asked.

Fluttershy hummed in agreement as she pulled up beside the two of them, having kept an eye on Pinkie Pie to make sure she didn't get too carried away with Yugo. Az, the little tofu of Yugo's, had taken up residence atop Fluttershy's head in order to protect themselves from Pinkie's erratic gait. "Rarity's home is just lovely. I'm sure you will feel right at home here with her."

Slipping from off of Pinkie's back, the colt would look upon the building in all its grandeur. Just as he does, the door would open, revealing the home owner herself.

Rarity smiled as she stood at the door, her eyes brightening as she caught sight of the young colt. "There you are, Darling. I've been expecting you." She leaned down, meeting him at eye level. "I do hope that Pinkie wasn't too rough with you. She can be a little rambunctious at times."

The colt shook his head. "No...She was nice. She talks a lot." He gave Pinkie a smile smile, hoping that he wasn't being rude.

"Awww! And you listen a lot, little buckaroo!" She pulled the colt into a hug, her cheeks squishing up against his own.

Yugo felt his face flush as Pinkie Pie's cheek pressed against his own. He was still trying to figure out the strange customs of this new place, and he wasn't quite sure if hugging was something that ponies did often. But before he could say anything, Pinkie Pie had already released him.

"Anyway! Is it all set up!?" The pink mare turned her attention towards Rarity. "I gave you as much time as I could so it's all set up right?"

Rarity nodded, her horn glowing as the door swung open wide. "Of course, Pinkie. I wouldn't dream of disappointing you." She stepped aside, gesturing for Yugo to follow her inside. "Come along, dear. Your room is all ready for you but...before that..."

As soon as Yugo stepped inside, the sound of something popping would go off before Twilight, and a few other ponies yelled out surprise. One he had seen before. The blue pegasus that was with Twilight at the hospital. Another, an orange pony with blond hair. A hat sitting just on top of her head. The last three were three small ponies like himself, one orange, one white and one yellow.

As he took notice of more that was around him, the young colt couldn't believe his eyes - the room was filled with colorful balloons and streamers, and there was a big banner hanging on the wall that read "Welcome Yugo!" in bold letters. It was a party. And it was for him?

"Surprise, Yugo!" Twilight Sparkle grinned at him, her purple mane bouncing as she stepped forward to give him a hug. "We wanted to welcome you to Equestria properly."

“And in order to do that, we all thought a little shindig would be the right occasion.” Rainbow continued as she flew above the colt. “I set up the streamers.”

Yugo blinked, still in a bit of shock. "Th-Thank you..." he managed to stammer out, feeling a bit awkward with all the ponies staring at him. Before he could say anything else however, the three little ponies bounded towards him, each one smiling at the colt.

"Woah...so you're the one Sweetie Belle was telling us about." The orange filly said, walking around the Yugo. "Hey! Is it true that you like...teleported here in a storm cloud?"

The colt raised an eyebrow. "I...guess? Don't remember it."

"That's right Scootaloo." The white filly called out, huffing. "I told you he was knocked out so he properly doesn't even remember trashing Rarity's house either."

The colt balked. "I-I did what?!"

"Sweetie Belle! Manners." The yellow filly chided her. "Not his fault it happened to destroy all of Rarity's dresses that she had to start over from scratch."

Yugo's eyes widened in horror as he quickly turned towards the white mare. "I-I'm s-so sorry. I didn't mean to -"

"Darling...Darling, it's quite alright. Its okay." Rarity interrupted him, placing a hoof on his head. "While some ponies should keep their mouth shut on sensitive matters." Rarity glared at her little sister before turning back to Yugo. "I was more worried about you. I can make another dress and build another house but a life is much more important than any of that."

The colt frowned but he nodded, understanding what she said. "Still...I...Will make up to you."

Rarity smiled at him, her eyes softening. "I appreciate the sentiment, but there's no need to make up for something that wasn't your fault." She turned to the other ponies in the room. "Now, why don't we all sit down and enjoy some cake and tea? I have a feeling that Yugo could use a little break after such an exciting day."

The other ponies cheered in agreement, and Yugo found himself being led over to a table in the corner of the room. He sat down gingerly, still feeling a little bit overwhelmed by everything that was happening. The other ponies chattered around him as they passed plates of cake and cups of tea, and Yugo tried his best to keep up with the conversation.

The orange tall mare with the freckles came over to him, a smile on her lips. "Don't think I've properly introduced myself partner." She smiled as she held out a hoof. "Applejack. Owner of Sweet Apple Acers."

The colt looked between the hoof and the mare before holding out his own. "Yugo...I saw farm on Pinkie's tour. It's big."

Applejack chuckled. "Yep, it sure is. Biggest Apple Farm in all of Equestria. We got a lot of hard work to do on it, but it's worth it in the end." She sat down before taking a bite of cake before continuing. "So...Kinda came over here ta say...Sorry about my sis and the others. I'll be sure to give them a talking to later about personal boundaries."

Yugo shook his head, feeling a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "It's alright. They seem nice enough." He took a bite of cake, savoring the sweetness. "These are good..."

"Haha. Glad ya like them. Made em myself, sugarcube." Applejack give him a wink.

Yugo smiled and nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Applejack." Taking another bite he closed his eyes. "And...really...Its really good. You...used api...um...Apples to replace the sugar?"

Applejack grinned, impressed. "You've got a good nose, kiddo. Yep, I used apple nectar instead of sugar. It's a family recipe that's been passed down for generations." She leaned in closer, lowering her voice. "I reckon it's our secret ingredient. Don't go tellin everyone, ya hear." She gently nudged the colt.

"I won't." he frowned as he looked at it. "Though...hmm...Maybe add little more milk? It's tasty. I love it. But...maybe more fluffy..? Melts in mouth"

Applejack raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "You think so, huh? Well, I'll have to try that out next time I make it." She smiled at the colt. "You sure know your way around sweets, kid. Might be a bit of a baker lost in that mind of yours."

Yugo nodded, frowning a bit. "Maybe...I mean...Saying on my mind and that is...result?" He thinks for a moment. "Um...But...maybe...Try baking. I...feel like its fun."

Applejack's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "You know what, Yugo? I think that's a great idea! We could use some extra help around the farm, and baking is always a good skill to have." She leaned in closer, her voice lowering. "Plus, we could enter the annual Equestria-wide bake-off competition. I heard the prize this year is gonna be something good."

"I'll...think about it." Yugo responded with a smile. Before the conversation could continue, the sight of three little fillies making their way towards the two could be seen.

The yellow one, Applebloom if he remembered, was the first to speak. "Hey...Ah...So...hi." She squeaked softly, looking away.

The colt smiled. "Hey. Um...is something wrong?"

The little filly nodded, still looking a bit shy. "Yeah, we just wanted to apologize for earlier. We didn't mean to be so forward and make you uncomfortable."

"Yeah!" The orange one, Scootaloo pipped up. "It was totally our bad back there."

"We're really sorry Yugo." Sweetie Belle added. "You...think you can forgive us?"

Yugo blinked before smiling. "Well...only if we share cake. Want to?" He asked, looking between the three fillies.

The three fillies' eyes lit up at the offer and they nodded eagerly, past grievances forgotten. Applejack chuckled at the exchange before getting up from her seat. "Well then, I reckon It's time I make myself scarce. Leave the young'uns to be young after all." She smiled as she gently tapped the colt's should. "Keep an eye on these three, specially my sister, Applebloom. They can be trouble makers after all but they are good kids."

At the colt's nod she would smile, wink and then leave the kids to their talk. The farm mare trotted back to the main table, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash looking up at her as she approached.

"I see you were talking to the kid." Rainbow mused, after taking a sip of from her drink. "He...ah...holding up well?"

Applejack nodded. "Yep, he's a tough little guy. And it looks like he's got a talent for baking too."

"Oh!" Pinkie squeaked as she slipped beside the orange mare. "That's so cool! I love baking too! Oh! I should take him to sugar cube corner! I mean I did take him there but we didn't go inside, but I should totally take him inside and then he can back with me! I can teach him all the ropes and then we can be baking buddies!"

"I did offer to come with me to bake on the farm one day." Applejack mused. "So kinda beat ya too it Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie pouted for a moment before perking up with an idea. "Ooh, maybe we can share him then! Can't have enough baking buddies after all."

The other ponies laughed at Pinkie's suggestion, but Twilight spoke up, a serious expression on her face. "As much as I want Yugo to make as many friends as possible, we have to remember that he's still a child who's been through a lot. We don't want to overwhelm him or make him feel like he has to constantly entertain us." She looked towards Rarity. "On that note...I know it might not be for a few days, but how do you feel about enrolling him in school?"

Rarity's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden question. "Enrolling him in school? Well, I suppose it would be for the best. He needs some structure and routine in his life, and education is important for any young colt." She paused for a moment, thinking. "And he does seem to at least be about the same age as my sister and her friends...so...He will have them to look after him."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And it'll give him a chance to make more friends his age and have a sense of normalcy, which I'm sure he is in short supply of." The mare smiled. "I actually have book club with Ms. Cheerilee so I can bring it up at the next meeting."

"If you think it's for the best..." Rarity spoke softly before looking towards the foals. The four of them seemed to be in good sprites as the three fillies talked the little colts ear off. "He does seem to be a bit happier now that he is with foals his age."

Twilight smiled, sensing that her friend was coming around to the idea. "I think it's worth considering at least. Though I might want to help him with his speaking before we send him off. He will already be quite different as it is with the wings on his head and kids can be quite...indifferent..."

"Is that a nice way of saying they can be jerks?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight gave Rainbow a stern look. "No, it's a way of saying that kids can sometimes be insensitive without realizing it. And we want to make sure Yugo is prepared for that."

"Okay, okay. I got it Twi." The rainbow maned mare waved a hoof absentmindedly. "Still, if any pony gives him trouble, I'll just tell him to point them out to me. Then we will see who's the one in trouble."

"It will be you if ya beat up a foal, Dash." Applejack deadpanned.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I'm not gonna beat up a foal, AJ. Just gonna teach them a lesson or two about being kind to others." She smirked. "Maybe take them into the sky a bit and fly them around while I do it. A loop or two...nothing more."

"I'll make sure to get Fluttershy to give you a stern talking to later." Rarity responded as he turned away from the blue mare, taking a piece of cake with her.

"Awww! What?" The blue pegasus groaned as she slumped in her seat.

Twilight chuckled, happy to see her friends joking around despite the serious topic they were discussing. "In any case, nothing will be set until we make sure Yugo is comfortable. So let's focus on that for now girls."

It was quite some time before the festivities finished and the party winded down the older mares having talked about their days and the fillies and colt doing the same. When it was time, Pinkie Pie insisted that she would clean up the place since they helped her set the party while she was busy with Hugo. Leaving the pink mare to it, the rest of the girls would say their good byes before leaving, the last to do so being that of Applejack and the three fillies since the girls wanted to have a sleepover at Applebloom’s place

Yugo and the three fillies stood near the doorway as they spoke, Sweetie Belle pining over Yugo's bird, Az, as Applebloom and Scootaloo conversed with the colt himself.

"Thanks again for chatting with us." Applebloom said before rubbing her forehoof. "Even though it was mostly us chatting and you listening."

Yugo smiled at the three fillies, feeling grateful for their company and conversation throughout the party. "It was fun. Don't worry."

"And...ya know. Thanks for letting us see your wings." Scootaloo spoke up. "They are wicked awesome by the way. Never knew wings could glow like that on a pony...or grow from your head."

The colt blushed. "Oh...sure. Sweetie saw...so...it's only fair you do...I guess."

"It is strange...but a good kinda strange." Applebloom said. "Makes ya...what was that word Rarity used all the time...Um...Oh! Unique!"

"Thanks...for saying so." Yugo responded. He held a hoof to his lips as he smiled. "Keep it between us though...was a little embarrassing."

"You can count on us, Yugo." The yellow filly responded for her friend and herself. "Pinkie Promise."

"Pinkie? Promise?" The colt repeated with a raised eyebrow.

The three fillies nodded before coming together and chating in a sing song tone. "Cross our hearts, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in our eye." All three ended the chant with a hoof draping across one of their eyes.

"Now we can't break it ever." Scootaloo mused with a smug smile.

"Cause breaking a Pinkie Promise is the fastest way to lose a friend."


All four foals jumped and screamed as Pinkie Pie suddenly popped out from behind them, balancing a tray of cupcakes on her head. "Also got some leftover cupcakes! Want one?" she exclaimed with a wide grin.

Yugo chuckled softly, somewhat getting used to the pink mare's energetic behavior, even if it was still surprising each time she would just come out of no where. "Would love one...and...thanks for party."

"Awwww!" The pink mare pulled the colt in for a hug. "No problem-o. I was happy to see you happy Yugo!" Somehow she still had the cupcake tray full of cupcakes on her head.

The little colt blushed as the pink mare hugged him tightly once again. He couldn't help but feel that she was the touchy feely kind of girl. Still, that in itself wasn't a bad thing. At least that's what he thought.

When he was finally let got and given a cupcake for his trouble, he would turn to the three fillies. "Then...See you later?"

"Sure will! Besides! You still need to get your cutie mark." Scootaloo said with a wink, pointing towards the colt's hind quarters.

He turned to face his flank. He had learned a bit about said mark when he was in the hospital. Something about what you like to do? He didn't really get it but he knew it was something normal. All the older ponies had one in anycase.

Turning back to face the fillies, he nodded. "Guess so. If you help then I'll accept it."

"Absolutely!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "We'll help you figure out what you love to do most!"

The three fillies nodded in unison before bidding Yugo goodbye. As they trotted off together, with Applejack leading them, Yugo took a bite of his cupcake, savoring the sweet taste of vanilla.


"Well that certainly was quite the day was it not Yugo?" Rarity mused, finally settling down. She was quite surprised that Pinkie had cleaned up the party so quickly, though being surprised by anything Pinkie does was par for the course. "I do hope you had fun."

Yugo nodded, a smile on his face. "It was fun...yes. Made new friends."

"I saw, and what wonderful friends they will be..." She paused. "Long as you don't get too caught up in their little Cutiemark making games."

Rubbing the back of his head, he gave the mare a nod. "It's okay. Happy to have help. Though...not sure about talent..."

"That's perfectly fine, dear. It takes some ponies a while to figure it out." Rarity reassured him with a smile. "But I have no doubt you will discover what makes you unique and special in due time. Speaking of." She looks around. "Where is that unique little bird of yours...um...the tofu you call Az."

"Sent with Fluttershy. She treats him nice. He can visit me and me him whenever."

The mare nodded. "Ah, I see. Well, it's good that he has found a comfortable place to stay. Besides, it's a relief to know that he is in good hooves with Fluttershy. She is the best at what she does after all."

The colt nodded back in agreement. "Very kind. Yes."

Smiling as she made her way towards the spiral stairway, Rarity motioned for the colt to follow her up. "Right then. Come along, Yugo. I have one more surprise for you."

Yugo followed Rarity up the winding staircase, eagerly anticipating what she had in store. When they reached the top, she guided him down a hallway until they stopped outside a shut door. With a sly smirk, she turns towards the colt. "I know it's nothing fancy right now, just the basics," she said, "but..." Opening the door, she allowed the colt to step within.

When he did so, his eyes would widen beholding a nice and cozy room, decorated with shades of blue and orange. A comfortable-looking bed sat against one of the walls, accompanied by a matching dresser and nightstand. A desk with a candle on it sat near the window, providing a perfect spot for studying or reading.

"With the colors, I went with what your outfit had...at least before it became rather unrecognizable. Still, I felt the colors were just too cute not to use for you." Making her way inside, she pats on the bed as she sits down. "This is were you will be sleeping of course."

He gently touches the covers of the bed before looking towards Rarity. "I...Thank you Rarity...You didn't...um...Have to."

The mare simply smiled. "Of course I didn't have to. Beyond the fact that this is just the basics of what a colt like you needs, I wanted to do this for you." She tilted her head slightly. "May I pick you up?"

Yugo nodded, feeling a bit nervous as Rarity lifted him up with her magic, placing him right beside her.

"Now...Yugo, I know you didn’t have the most pleasant of times when you first came here and I do want you to feel at home; there are rules to living here? Do you understand?"

Yugo nodded again, feeling a bit uneasy as Rarity's eyes bore into his own. "Understand. I'll Follow."

"Good." Rarity's eyes softened. "And don't worry, it's just basic things. No late night outings, no bringing in strangers without permission, and please make an effort to keep things tidy."

He nods again.

"Also...about your powers. I do know about your little incident with Princess Luna back at the hospital. How you almost hit her with a beam of light." She told him.

"Oh...that..." He squeaked softly, looking down at the hoof that shot the beam. "It was accident."

"Don't worry. I'm not judging you. The priciness did mention that she scared you when it happened so there were faults all around." Rarity placed a hoof on Yugo's shoulder, giving him a comforting smile. "But unicorn or not, your powers are not to be used recklessly. You will need to learn to control yourself. I can only imagine what such power was used for before, but here, in Equestira...in Ponyville, and in my home, such things are rarely needed."

Yugo nodded, taking in Rarity's words. He knew he had to be careful with his powers. After all, he didn't want to hurt anyone unintentionally. "I'll...try my best."

"That's all I ask." Rarity responded with a nod. "Ahem...now. We will need to wake up bright and early tomorrow as it were. If you are to live under my roof we must make it official. Princess Luna told me she spoke to the mayor already, granting me permission to be your guardian. We just need to sign."

He nodded again.

"Good. Then its best you get to bed early then. The sun is already setting after all." Slipping from off the bed, she gave the colt a gentle pat on the head. "Good night Yugo. Pleasant dreams." She made to leave but would turn around to face the colt once again. "Oh...and the bathroom is down the hall, last door on the left. One on the right is my room so please do knock if you have any need of me okay?"

Yugo nodded once more. As Rarity left the room and shut the door behind her, he let out a deep sigh and looked around, taking in his new living space. It was small but cozy, and he appreciated the effort Rarity had put into making it feel like home.

Allowing his back to fall onto the bed behind him, he looked up towards the ceiling, the gentle shimmer of the sun's fading light his only source of illumination.

("So much has happened...And yet...") He raised a hoof, looking at the appendage. ("I still don't know anything.") He paused. ("Except maybe I like cooking?") The colt frowned at that. "It was weird talking about it with that orange mare...Applejack?"

He remembered the sensation he felt when he talked about it with mare. It was a warm feeling, one that made him feel content. He couldn't quite put his hoof on it, but he knew that it was something special. Something that he wanted to explore further.

As he lie there, lost in his thoughts, Yugo's mind wandered towards the events of the past few days. Twilight and Luna teaching him how to talk. Pinkie Pie showing him around town. Making new friends. And now, having a place to call home in Equestria. It was all so overwhelming, but at the same time, he couldn't deny the excitement that was building up inside him.

("They are doing so many things for me...And yet...I got nothing to return...")

He knew in his heart they didn't expect him to do so. But Yugo couldn't shake off the feeling of indebtedness. He wanted to do something to show his gratitude. But what could he do? He was just a colt after all. A weird if he was put side by side other colts his age but still just a colt.

Yugo sighed softly before shifting his head, finding himself looking in a nearby mirror. There he could see his reflection. Sitting up in bed now, he moved closer to the mirror to gaze at himself. He never really got a good look at himself before now.

Looking into it, he saw a colt he barely knew. The fur on his head as rust colored as the rest of his body. Taking the hat off, he would allow his wings to flap freely from his dirty blond hair, the appendages upon his head glowing softly with magic he knew and yet did not know.

A pair of dark brown eyes looked back at him, their gaze soft and yet intense, as if searching for something.

Yugo couldn't help but feel a strange sense of detachment from his own reflection. He knew the pony was him but he didn't know much else about himself. His memories were there. He could feel them. But...each time he reached out he knew it would hurt. Locked away as they were, it was like he was a new pony.

He didn't like the idea of losing what he was before even if he didn't know what he was before, but...maybe...it was time to accept that he was someone new now.

Yugo let out a sigh and shook his head, feeling a little overwhelmed by all of the thoughts racing through his mind. He decided to distract himself by exploring his new room a little more. He looked at the desk near the window and noticed a small stack of books on it. He walked over to the desk and picked one up, flipping through the pages.

It was...a cookbook? It looked like one anyway. The words were weird, written in the pony language, but he knew a cook book when he saw one. Reaching the middle of the page, he would find a note. Lifting it, it was a picture. One of that pink mare with some kind of giant...hand? She was holding it and it giving him the thumbs up.

("Did...she put this book here?")

Yugo wondered, feeling a little confused. He couldn't quite understand why Pinkie Pie would leave a picture of herself with a giant hand in a cookbook. But at the same time, looking at the cheerful expression on her face, he couldn't help but feel a small smile tug at his lips. Clearly she meant this for him. Applejack must have told her about what they had talked about before.

Yugo closed the book and placed it back on the desk. It was something to look at fully tomorrow to be sure, with more wide awake eyes. Rarity was right. He was tired. With a yawn, he made his way back to the bed, climbing on top of the covers before resting his head upon the pillow.

It would be another day.