• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 1,654 Views, 47 Comments

Generosity's Wakfu - steel soul

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Yugo's eyes flew open as he awoke in the hospital bed, one arm flailing towards his head where a pounding pain throbbed. Trying to steady himself, he looked around the room and recognized it as the same one he had been in before. Glancing down at his body, he noticed that he was still in whatever form he had taken when he first awoke.

He tried to piece together what had happened before he blacked out. He recalled falling out of bed and the creature healer reprimanding him in a language he couldn't understand. Then, other visitors had come by--among them, a girl creature with purple hair who spoke his native tongue, though it was a bit rough. She asked him what occurred before he woke up in this building...and then-.

Yugo felt a dull stab of pain as he attempted to recall the details of what had happened. He tried to remember what she had asked, but another throb of pain prevented him from fully recollecting. Was it really his memory failing him, or was there some other force stopping him from remembering?

The boy squeezed his eyes shut, desperately attempting to push past the anguish and concentrate on his recollections. He was sure there was something essential he needed to recall, he just had to fight.

Yugo let out a sharp exhalation as a wave of agony jolted through him, more intense than the previous one and it seemed to be originating from his core. He lifted his limb to his head an a attempt to concentrate despite the pulsing, but it was to no avail

Stopping his process, he allowed himself to calm down, the pain slowly going away when he had done so.

Placing his limb to his chest, he allowed himself to close his eyes. "Something...is wrong with me...or...my mind?" He spoke in a quiet voice as he tried to make sense of his thoughts. With no luck there, he decided to take stock of the room, and he realized that the night sky had settled in outside.

The first thing he took in was the moon, the illumination from it bathing the area in a subtle light. The stars shimmered above, and he could hear the faint chirping of crickets in the distance. It was a calming scene, but it didn't help settle his nerves.


Yugo nearly jumped out of his furry hide at the sound of a voice in the darkness. Instinctively, he shot out his limb towards the sound, a light of blue forming at the hard stub at the end of it. A small blue beam whizzed past a dark figure as they dodged, scorching the wall behind them.

The boy blinked before looking down at their stubby limb, frowning softly. "I...My powers...I remember?"

The voice of the one he shot at sounded again, catching the boy off guard. "We...did not mean to startle you." She looked back towards the wall, "And we did not know you possessed such...powers." The voice was calm and caring...yet careful. "You seem to want to surprise us every day, little one."

In the dimly lit room, he could finally make out the figure of the person talking to him. She was clearly a girl: her voice and slender frame gave it away. As his vision grew accustomed to the darkness, he could see that she looked like all of the other creatures he had seen before - yet there was something distinct about her. She was taller than most, and her hair flowed like waves in the sea and shimmered like the stars in the very sky itself. It felt almost as if he could reach out and touch them.

He had opened his mouth to speak, only to pause midway, what she had done before finally catching up to the colt. "Wait...you...Understand me?"

"It would appear so," the purple creature answered, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Lady Twilight had written to Mine sister and myself the day after her visit with you. She mentioned you spoke in an ancient tongue. It is a good thing that I do as well." her expression softened. "She...knows that others do not think so...but she blames herself for the pain you were in before you were sedated."

The boy blinked before quickly shaking his head. "What?! No! I...It wasn't her...Least...Not as far as I know." He lowered his head. "I could tell she was trying to help me."

"Indeed she was." The mare that looked like night smiled. "It does Our heart good to see you do not blame her."

Yugo took a deep breath before looking back up at the mare. "Still...I can't say I'm not confused about everything. Where am I...and...where is Az?"

"Az?" The dark creature tilted her head.

"My tofu." the boy answered. At the curious blink he added, "A little round ball of yellow fluff. He tends to peep a lot."

The tall creature perked in recognition. "Oh! You mean the bird dame Fluttershy is taking care of for you."

"Bird? Well if it's a small ball of yellow feathers then that's the one!" The boy moved a bit closer to the tall creature. "Is he...okay?"

The mare smile grew just a little wider. "He is fine. From what We are told he was a little shaken up but...you protected him from the worst when you appeared in Lady Rarity's home though that portal."

Yugo felt a wave of relief wash over him at the news of Az's safety. "That's good." He smiled brightly. "And the fact that it doesn't hurt when I remember his name and that he's my friend...it makes me happy."

"So...We take it the pains you have are when you try and remember your past?" the creature asked, frowning softly.

He nodded slowly, his eyes downcast. "I...Think so...it's like there's this fog in my head and every time I try to remember, it's like a knife stabbing into my brain." He shook his head. "I don't even know who I am or where I'm from. All I know are my name...and my friend..."

The star creature gently placed a limb on his shoulder. "Perhaps it is best to take things one step at a time then. Wherever you were before, you are now safe here and Lady Twilight and her friends will do what they can to help you remember. But for now, focus on healing and getting better. Your body was already doing so on its one since you have been asleep for two days since you were last awake."

Yugo's eyes widened in shock as he reeled back. Two days?! He had been asleep for two whole days? "Geeze...I...What happened to me?"

"That...is something we would very much like to know as well, little one." She gently touched a spot next to him on the bed. "May we sit here with you?"

He nodded slowly, still trying to process everything that was happening. As the purple creature sat down beside him, he couldn't help but notice that she had a regal air about herself, as if she were some kind of queen. The ornaments upon her neck and head were clear signs that she was important.

Either that or she just likes shiny things.

As she sat, he noticed that she was looking just above him, just like everyone else who he had met. He knew instantly what it was that had her attention and gave the gentle luminescent limbs upon his head a gentle flap, the dragon like wings on his head moving at his command. "I...still remember these things too."

The star creature's eyes widened in amazement as she reached out to the young one's wings. "Remarkable," she whispered, "I know I have seen them upon your head before...but to see them move like this..." She paused her hoof. "May We...touch them?"

Yugo nodded after a bit of hesitation, allowing the star haired creature to touch his wings. As she did, the dragon-like appendages began to glow brighter and pulsate with energy. The creature's eyes widened in amazement as she felt the power emanating from the young one's wings. "This is extraordinary," she whispered. "We had thought they were siphoning magic to stay like this but...its as if they were apart of you."

"Is that...strange?"

She blinked before smiling. "Not at all. It just...helps me breathe a little easier. Though having a pony with wings upon their head is a strange sight nonetheless."

It was the colt's turn to blink. "So...I'm a pony?" He asked.

The creature's...no...pony's continence changed at the question before a reassuring smile formed on her face. "Indeed you are, little one. A colt. Meaning young male."

Yugo took a moment to process the information. So what he was is a pony. Has he always been a pony?

"So...I'm a pony colt," he repeated to himself, testing out the unfamiliar word. "Does that mean there are more like me?"

"Many more, little one." the star pony said with a soft smile. "Though...you may be the only pony with wings upon your head."

"I see..." he reached up and touched his wings, the sensation making them flicker. He felt like something was missing. He was almost embarrassed to have the glowing limbs displayed as they were to the whole of the world. Slowly he pulled the covers over his head.

The mare, seeing this, slowly reached out to him but stopped midway. With a gentle sigh she smiled. "You must be tired. It is quite late and despite how much you may have recovered, you are still not quite as well as you should be."

"I...okay..." He spoke softly. "I...um...Sorry for...trying to blast you. it sorta just happened and..."

The mare smiled. "Water under the bridge as one would say. I am curious about your powers but it is something we shall discuss later, when you are better. I'll be sure to tell Mine sister what we have discussed here today however. A colt with such powers is quite the strange thing indeed after all."

"Right...um...okay." Yugo didn't know who this mare's sister was, but she must be important. He at least hoped he wouldn't get in trouble. "Oh...and...can you tell that...other mare. Twilight...I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to make her worry."

She nodded kindly. "Of course, little one. I'll inform Twilight myself on the morrow."

"And tell Az to come visit me when he can." The colt quickly added. "And not to worry about me if he can't."

"Of course, Yugo," the twilight maned mare responded. "Rest well, and we will talk more when you are feeling better." She stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. Before she left, she turned back around to face Yugo. "Oh, and one more thing..."

Yugo looked up at her curiously, wondering what else she could possibly have to say.

"Welcome to Equestria," She said with a kind smile before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her.


The gentle twitter of birds caused Twilight Sparkles eyes to twitch and flitter awake. She groaned and cursed the sun for waking her up, only to jump with surprise when she noticed her drool all over the book she had been sleeping on. She reached up with a hoof to brush it away but paused when she realized that she had fallen asleep while studying.

Wiping away the saliva, the lavender mare looked around to get her bearings before shaking off the drowsiness. Twilight looked around herself, finding that she had slept the night within her library. She could still see piles of books around her, ones she had already read the night prior.

She rubbed her eyes before wiping the drool that had collected in the corner of her mouth. Looking to her side, to her surprise, she found her baby dragon assistant, Spike, sleeping soundly next to her chair, curled up into a little ball with his blanket covering his body.

"Oh Spike...Did you come back down here after I told you to go upstairs to sleep?"

Twilight smiled at the sight of her faithful companion, reaching down to gently stroke his scales with her hoof. The little drake stirred slightly but didn't wake up at the touch.

Stifling a yawn, the mare slipped form her chair and stretched her limbs, feeling stiff from sleeping in such a weird position most of the night. Before she could ponder what to do for the day, she felt her tummy rumble and knew that she was more then a little hungry after a full day of studying. Marking it as the first thing she would do today, she made her way towards the kitchen. With Spike out of commission she had no choice but to make breakfast for herself. She needed the energy if she was-

"Good morning, Twilight Sparkle."


Twilight had only just entered the kitchen when Princess Luna herself had made herself known, the moon princess's magic quickly clamping down on the lavender mare's mouth with a magical hold from her horn.

"Please calm thyself, Lady Twilight." Luna said calmly, her magic releasing Twilight's mouth. "I did not mean to startle thee."

Twilight took a deep breath and composed herself before responding. "It's alright, Princess Luna. I just...wasn't expecting a visit from you."

"We apologize for Our abrupt entrance," Luna said, giving the mare a slight bow. "I merely wished to check in on you."

Twilight couldn't help but smile in response. "I appreciate the thought, Princess. Though I'm pretty sure you could have sent me a letter though Spike if you wanted to know how I was doing." She moved about, pulling out a bowl for herself. She didn't want to show disrespect to the princess...but she was really hungry.

The moon princess nodded. "Indeed, we could have. However, I wished to personally tell you that I had spoken to the young colt named Yugo last night when he had awoken."

Twilight flinched, nearly dropping the bowl she had been carrying within her magic. It was caught by Luna seconds before it hit the floor. Twilight turned to face the mare.

"Y-you spoke to him?" She asked slowly, her voice quivering. "I...um...What did he say? How is he doing?"

Luna sighed softly before giving the mare a soft smile, knowing that Twilight was still hung up upon what she thought she had done to the colt. "He seemed to be doing quite alright all things considered."

"I see...that's good...Good..."

"He was...nervous at first," The mare of the moon continued. "When we spoke I mean, but...He honestly warmed up to me faster then we had expected him to." She placed a hoof over her heart. "He isn't the most talkative right now, as I would have expected, but even I can see he has a kind soul to him."

Twilight couldn't help but smile at that, though it held a hint of sadness to it form. "I see...that's good. At least I know he's okay...And if you can talk to him, he...doesn't need me anymore. Might make him feel better if-"

"Twilight Sparkle," Luna interrupted, cutting Twilight off mid sentence. The princess then stepped forward and looked the lavender mare in the eyes. "Yugo told me himself that he does not blame you for what happened."

Twilight blinked, not at all expecting to hear those words. She looked away and her ears drooped before responding in a low voice. "He...doesn't?" She wanted to believe it...As far as she knew, Princess Luna doesn't lie...but...still...

"No," Luna reassured her, placing a hoof on the lavender mare's shoulder. "There is something else wrong with the colt. What it is I do not know. Neither he or you knew that trying to remember his past would trigger the pain."

"W-Wait...What do you mean Princess?" Twilight asked, her ears perking at the new information.

Luna turned away from the mare as she spoke. "Whenever he tried to remember his past, a sharp pain would hit his body, stopping him from doing so." She answered in a somber tone. "Someone...or...no...Some monster must have placed a forbidden spell on him."

Twilight gasped in shock and her eyes widened. "So...it's true?" She asked, her mind spinning with the new information. "He was...experimented on?"

"Of that I am still unsure. What I am sure of, Lady Twilight, is that something hurt him." The princess paused before looking towards the mare. "It goes without saying, but we should all be careful what to ask him from now on. Anything dealing with his past must wait until we can find a cure for his affliction."

The lavender mare nodded. "Of course, Princess. I will be careful from now on." She looked up towards the princess. "I...Thank you for telling me what he said Princess. I know he doesn't blame me...and that makes me feel a little better...but knowingly or not, I hurt him...so...I have to make it up to him."

"I understand Twilight Sparkle." Luna mused with a soft smile. She turned, whispering under her breath. "In that way...you and Mine sister are so much alike." She looked back at the mare with a gentle nod. "Until we meet again." With a gentle pop, the princess of the moon would vanish.

Now left alone, the lavender mare's mind was a whirl with the new information the princess had given her. She knew what she had to do; find a way to help Yugo. But how? Where does one even start to look for something like this? Did she have the knowledge or resources to even attempt such a feat? She needed information first and foremost...but before that...she needed to eat.

"Humm...what was that?"

Twilight turned around, seeing her purple and green assistant slowly stumbling his way into the kitchen.

"Spike. Good morning to you too."

The dragon rubbed his eyes, yawning before he answered. "Oh, hey Twilight." He looked around, a frown on his face. "What was going on? Pretty sure I heard another voice in here."

Twilight giggle softly. "It...was just a visitor." She clapped her hooves together. "Anyway Spike, How about breakfast? On me this time."

The dragon raised an eyebrow. "You? Cook? Really?"

Twilight huffed. "Yes, really! I'm not that bad of a cook when I try." She began to walk towards the cupboard and opened it up, grabbing all the ingredients she would need for breakfast. "Tell you what Spike. I'll make breakfast and you can tell me how it tastes."

"Oh...So this is how it ends? Always figured I would die in a Rarity related accident."

Twilight's eyes squinted at the baby dragon. "That's not gonna happen, don't worry. I won't let it happen."

"Oh...that's even worse." The drake sighed, his forehead thumping against the table. “Well, good luck future Spike. You’re gonna need it.” Despite the gravity of the situation, the little dragon could not help but smile—Twilight seemed to be in much brighter spirits than she had been days before. If suffering her cooking was going to keep it then he would do his duty as her number one assistant.