• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 1,654 Views, 47 Comments

Generosity's Wakfu - steel soul

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

  • ...

Chapter 1

As soon as the door to Carousal Boutique opened, the once pristine bell that would welcome every customer or visitor with a melodious ring would fall to the ground with a dull thud. Looking within, a lavender unicorn cringed slightly at the sight before her. Slowly, she would venture further, her purple and pink mane bobbing up and down as she looked around in disbelief.

“Spike wasn't exaggerating,” Twilight uttered under her breath. “It really does look a whole lot worse then the day before.” Carefully, the young unicorn navigated around a large puddle, one made from the broken water pipe above her. “I knew the force of the magic was strong but to do all of this in just a few seconds...Its still hard to believe...”

Pushing past a few tattered clothes, Twilight made her way to the door opposite of the room. Carefully, the lavender mare nudged the door open with her snout and peered inside. It was like walking from night to day with the way that the kitchen was basically untouched by the force of magic that ripped though Rarity's shop. The ever studious mare made a mental note to study the magic residue that still lingered in the room when she had time to do so. For now though, there was another reason to visit, and it took priority above all else. “Rarity? Are you here?”

The unicorn heard a fatigued yet refined voice from her left. She turned to find the pony she was searching for - an alabaster mare with purple curls. Like her, the mare was a unicorn, her horn radiating a bright blue glow as it held a cup of dark brown liquid within its ceramic casing. Slowly she turned, a soft smile playing across her lips as she did so. "I'm over here, Twilight," Sitting up straighter within her chair, she use her hoof to puff her curly purple locks “I apologize for my disarray, Darling. I have been pretty overwhelmed with the disaster caused by our... rather young visitor.” The mare hesitated, almost as if she were kicking herself as if she had said something harsh. “H-How is he doing by the way? He was in quite the state when I had lost saw him...is he...Awake?”

“Well...yes...ah...no." The mare answered. "I just left the hospital a little while ago. Doctor Stable says, with the magical treatments used on him, plus rest, he should recover quickly...but...as of right now, there is no telling when he will wake up.” She frowned as she continued. “Who would do such a thing to a little colt? Magic feedback I can understand. It can happen when dealing with high level transportation magic...but..." She shivered. "His body was so battered - bruises, cuts, even some major blood loss and broken ribs. It's amazing he survived whatever happened to him before he arrived here.”

The white unicorn lowered her head, remembering the night he appeared very well.


The Night Before

In the dead of night, a rumbling thunder disturbed Rarity's sleep. She woke from her dream of a dashing stallion much too abruptly and fell off the edge of her bed. Her legs kicked as she tried to steady herself, but it was no use. With a loud thump, she clumsily landed on the ground with her head in one place and her hind legs in another. Thankfully, no one saw her in her embarrassing position.

Rarity grumbled quietly as she muttered to herself, “Ugh...they said the storm wouldn't come until tomorrow. How do they expect me to get any sleep like this?” She got up and removed her blindfold, letting her eyes adjust to to the dim light coming from the hallway though a crack form her door.

The white mare grew still, her eyes widening until Iris could see the reflection of light in their black centers. “Wait a moment…I don't remember leaving the light on out there…” Slowly, she would creep towards the door, her horn igniting softly. "Sweetie?" She called out, "Is that you, sister?"

There was no response, only the sound of raindrops tapping against the windowpane. Rarity carefully pushed the door open, her eyes scanning the hallway. The light, as bright as it was, seemed to have been coming from down stairs, leading into her boutique. "Sweetie if you are messing with one of my dresses again, I swear to Celestia herself, I will disown you."


“Sweetie Belle!” The white mare raced down the hallway and rushed down the stairs. When she reached the staircase, she saw her little sister standing in the middle, and behind that, was her boutique, dresses and debris crashing and swirling around violently in a cloudy vortex of lightning and thunder. “Sweetheart, what's going on? What's happening?!”

Sweetie Belle turned to her sister, her eyes wide with fear. “I don't know, Rarity! I was sleeping and then I heard a loud noise coming from the store!” The little filly trembled as she spoke, her voice shaking with terror. "I thought it was you but...then I saw that!" She pointed towards the massive vortex.

Rarity's heart raced as she saw the destruction unfold before her very eyes. She could hardly believe what she was seeing—the chaos, the destruction, and the powerful magic that was causing it all. Her first instinct was to run towards the vortex, to try and stop it before it consumed everything she had ever worked for. However, she knew that this was no ordinary magic—it was too powerful, too chaotic.

Did Discord break free again? The mare thought to herself. No...this is too much, even for him.

A rather nasty bolt of lightning came close to striking the sisters, the older of the two, coveing the body of the younger one with her own. Seeing that it was just the wall that was struck, the mare looked down at her sister. "Sweetie Belle!" Rarity shouted above the roaring storm. "We need to get out of here—now! We-"

The sudden sound of silence stopped whatever it was the mare was about to say. As if the storm was never there. Slowly, the mare would turn around, seeing that it was indeed the case. While the wreckage was still present, the vortex was no where to be see. Not the lightning. Not the clouds. Nothing but her ruined boutique.

The two sisters stood there in stunned silence, trying to process what just happened. Rarity's mind raced as she tried to make sense of everything. "What in Equestria just happened?" She looked towards her sister, hoping that she might have some answers. "Sweetie Belle, did you see what caused that?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No, Rarity. I didn't see a thing." She gestured towards the wreckage behind them. Disengaging from her older sister's grasp, the young filly proceeded down the stairs with awe only a child could see. "Oh...Wow sis, it looks like this place has been totally deci...des...decimated!," She looked towards where she had came before looking back at the trashed boutique. "But why here and not the rest of the house? It’s kind of-" She paused sharply, before pointing to an array of hues on the floor. “Hey! Isn’t that the dress for Sapphire Shores you worked so hard on?" she asked.

Rarity was aghast, sprinting towards the destroyed dress. “Oh no! It took me eons to get that enchantment correct!” She slumped her shoulders down before thrusting her front legs upwards and screaming in anger, “IS THIS SOMEONE'S CONCEPTION OF A FUNNY JOKE!? DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH TIME I SPENT CREATING THAT DRESS!? DO YOU?!”

A shrill moan came from her direction, prompting her to jump in startlement. Through the darkness of the night, not too far away from her, she spotted a little colt hobbling inside a cleared area of grass. She was ready to lay into him for destroying her boutique until she got close enough to see him better. Immediately any harsh words she was about to say disappeared.

Rarity stared in shock and anger as she saw the colt, his body battered with bruises and scratches, his mane and tail tangled with dirt and foliage. But what terrified her most was the blood staining his shirt, pooling beneath him as he lay limp on the ground. Her rage quickly melted to worry as she moved closer and knelt down beside him, examining his wounds more closely. "Oh my goodness," she gasped. "What happened to you? W-Who did this to you?" Slowly, the mare picked his head up, resting it in her lap.

The rust colored foal in tattered yellow and blue clothes could only open his eyes for a second before closing them again, going limp in Rarity's lap. She could feel his shallow breaths and weak heartbeat, which only made her more concerned for the young colt.

“What’s happening?” Sweetie yelled, pausing next to her sibling. Her gaze locked on the colt in an instant. “Oh Geeze! Where did he come from? What happened to him?"

Rarity spun around to face her sister, eyes wide with panic. “Sweetie Belle. Listen to me. You know the way to Twilight's house right?"

"I...ah...y-yeah." The filly answered.

"You must go to Twilight's library and explain the situation," she said in a forced calm. "Tell her to bring a doctor with her, even if it means stealing one from the hospital!"

“B-But Rarity…It’s past midnight…And you always told me not to leave at night…”

“I know what I said before and this is different! Go get Twilight!” The white mare shouted.

Sweetie Belle yelped out loudly before running to the doorway, leaving Rarity and the colt behind to do as her older sister asked. Rarity pivoted to face him, seeing his little face curl in agony.

“It’s okay… I’ve got you” She murmured, her horn twinkling softly in the moonlight. “Oh, you poor thing…oh, my poor child…” The mare noticed something dropping from the little horse's hooves—a petite yellow avian creature, one she had never quite seen before. Had he been holding it when that storm was around him...if that's the case...was he...protecting it? She watched as the little creature slipped from his grasp, turning and gazing toward the colt its own eyes filled with worry. Despite that. it chirped warily before snuggling into his neck.

Rarity made no move to remove the bird; instead, letting it attempt to comfort the foal as best it could.

Celestia knows that she could use it herself.


Back to the present...

“Rarity? Are you ok?” Twilight asked as she approached her fellow unicorn friend.

The alabaster unicorn shook her head, ridding herself of the terrible night before looking over towards her lavender friend with a gentle smile. “Oh! I’m so sorry dear Twilight.” Rarity apologized. “I was just lost in thought as one would put it.”

Twilight gave Rarity a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I can understand that, Rarity. I know we've dealt with a lot of stuff...but...for something like that to happen last night. I can only think that you would have that young foal on your mind."

"How could he not be, darling?" The alabaster mare replied, her body slumping into her hooves. "He was just a foal, Twilight. And I saw him...bleeding in my hooves. He looked so small...and tiny. And..." She sighed again, looking towards her friend. "I'm doing my best but it feels like I can break down any second just thinking about it."

"I'm...sorry you had to go though any of that Rarity. But...He is alive...and in good hooves now. And that is all because of you." The lavender mare smiled as she gave her friend a sideways hug.

Rarity smiled back at her friend, grateful for her kind words. "Thank you, Twilight. I suppose you're right too. He's safe now, and that's what matters. I just wish I could have done more for you. The way you and those emergency ponies took charge. And all I could do was sit there, and watch him being carried away. I felt so useless."

Twilight shook her head, her expression becoming more stern. "I wasn't kidding, Rarity. You were there for him when he needed someone. You saved his life. And that's not something to be taken lightly."

The white mare nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Yes, you're right. Sorry Twilight. My mind is just...."

A lavender hoof genlty grasped the white mare's own. "Don't apologize, Rarity. You did everything you could for him. And now we just have to trust in the doctors and the nurses to take care of the rest."

Another nod came from the white mare before she slowly began to steady her nerves. "Once again, you are right Twilight." She gave her a smile. "Thank you."

"Nothing to be thankful about. I'm just stating facts." Twilight smiled. "How about I treat you to something to eat. Drinking just coffee isn't really the best thing for a meal...as far as my books tell me."

Rarity chuckled at Twilight's comment. "I suppose you're right. I am feeling a bit peckish. What do you have in mind?"

Twilight thought for a moment before her eyes lit up. "I know just the place. There's a new bakery that just opened up down the street. They have the most delicious pastries I've ever tasted." She smiled. "While we eat, I might be able to throw some questions your way. One's I was planning on asking the colt that is. For when he wakes up."

“I guess I could humor you. Though...Remember, Twilight," Rarity said, her voice a cautionary warning. "He's still recovering and he's still young. He will need his rest above all else you know.”

Twilight huffed at her friend, "I know, Rarity. I'm not going to interrogate him or anything like that. I just want to get some information about what happened to him, so we can find a way to help him better."

"Good." The alabaster mare smiled sheepishly. "And I am sorry if you thought I was accusing you of something. Its just, I know how you can get with your studies and wanting to learn something new."

Twilight smiled at Rarity, grateful for her understanding. "Don't worry about it. I kinda get that a lot so It's okay, Rarity. And I wasn't angry...much. I just want to help him in any way I can. And if that means asking a few questions, then so be it. But I promise to be gentle and not push him too hard."

Rarity nodded, feeling relieved. "Alright then. Now, let's go to that bakery of yours. I could use a sweet treat right about now."

Twilight nodded before leading the way, the pair exiting from the back door of Rarity's kitchen.


On the second floor of the hospital, within the foals wing, a little rust covered colt slept, bandaged as he was. As the little foal slumbered, his dreams his own, a strange light emanating from his hoof lit up the area briefly before disappearing.


Far away, in the ruins of a castle in the badlands, the ground trembled faintly as if something ancient and powerful were approaching. If you listened closely, you could make out a voice carried by the wind—a voice with an unfamiliar cadence and timbre. A voice that sounded like it had been here since time immemorial.

A cloaked figure emerged from the shadows before a gate within the castle, its face twisted into a sinister smile. "So...It has begun. The Wakfu have returned...and with it, their destruction." The figure's voice was low and hoarse at first, but grew louder and more maniacal with each passing moment. Its laughter echoed throughout the darkness, bouncing off the walls of the ancient fortress.

His laughter subsiding, he figure took a few steps forward, towards the gate. It raised its hands, and an eerie green light emanated from its fingertips. The light spread across the gate, and soon enough, the gate began to creak and groan. With a final burst of energy, the gate shattered into a million tiny pieces, revealing a dark and ominous path beyond.

The figure smirks as he slips into the darkness within, his words as he enters chilling the air. "Soon...very soon..."