• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,400 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...


Universe 19884

Absolutely everything hurt, but it honestly didn’t feel as serious as you would think. At least, it didn’t feel like anything was broken. Her skin slightly burned, too. She didn’t receive that many cuts, did she? Why did she have scratches again? What was she doing earlier? Memories slowly started flooding back into her mind… The timberwolf attack, the stone, and Twilight’s message. A whole new world… and Applejack.

She needed to wake up! Rainbow Dash groaned, her head throbbing with pain as she struggled to regain consciousness. The world around her felt hazy like she was trapped in a foggy dream. With great effort, she managed to pry open her heavy eyelids, only to be greeted by a disorienting blur. The room spun before her, leaving her feeling dizzy and disoriented. She could sense the softness of bed sheets beneath her, their comforting touch reminding her that she was lying down on a mattress. Maybe taking a nap wouldn’t be too bad…

There were voices around her, most of which she recognized. If what Twilight said earlier was true, then she already had an idea who these ponies were. Now wasn’t the time to sleep, was it?

Rainbow Dash groaned as she forced herself to open her eyes, and from the sound of it, attracted everyone’s attention to her.

“She’s waking up!” Applejack’s voice pointed out as frantic footsteps approached Rainbow Dash’s bed.



The blue pegasus blinked rapidly, her vision sharpening as she focused on the figures surrounding her. As expected, it was her friends! Or at least, versions of her friends… Most of them were teary-eyed, clearly holding their tears back. Although Fluttershy made no effort to hide them. The clearer her vision became, the more heartbroken she was. All of them seemed devastated and so, so tired. Unfortunately, not simply tired physically.

Pinkie’s mane was deflated and straight, and that was enough to tell Rainbow Dash that she lost her smile. The one thing everyone wanted to protect about her. Her hooves bore the undeniable marks of hard labor—dirtied and cracked, a testament to the arduous manual work she had undertaken. A quick glance at Applejack revealed a similar condition, indicating their shared toil. The other ponies, while also displaying signs of strain on their hooves, showed less severe wear and tear in comparison.

Some feathers were missing on Fluttershy’s wings, which looked like they hadn’t been used in a long time. For pegasi, regular flight was essential to maintain the strength and health of their wings. The lack of flight not only weakened the muscles but also caused the wings to become thinner and more fragile. It was akin to someone being bedridden for months, forgetting how to use their legs. Fluttershy’s wings were thinner and seemed weaker. Rainbow couldn’t remember the last time she saw a pegasus in such a condition.

Rainbow Dash turned her gaze to Rarity, taking note of the disheveled state of her usually impeccable mane. Although it was not as bad as how Applejack’s mane became (which wasn’t even tied in a ponytail anymore). She couldn’t help but wonder if this Rarity even bothered styling up her mane and tail in recent times, which was something someone like her would never forget. However, what truly caught her off guard was the sight of Rarity wearing a tattered and worn-out dress.

The only ones missing were Twilight, Spike… and herself. The “herself” of this world. That was so weird to think about… That she had a double somewhere. Even the ponies around her weren’t technically the ones she knew, but they looked… approximately the same. And seemed as worried as her own friends would have been when seeing her in such a devastated state.

And their cutie marks. Oh, Celestia… Their cutie marks were all gone.

“Where am I?” Rainbow Dash finally dared to ask before putting a hoof on her forehead as her head suddenly throbbed in pain. “That’s right… I’ve landed in Ponyville, didn’t I?” She grumbled as Fluttershy quickly approached her, keeping her from sitting up.

“Stay in bed! You have to rest if you don’t want to reopen your wounds,” She ordered softly. Her tone alone made Rainbow lay down, unwilling to upset Fluttershy.

“Applejack told us you’ve been attacked by timberwolves apparently, dear… Is that true?” Rarity asked hesitantly while the other ponies remained silent as if keeping themselves from talking about the elephant in the room. Obviously, she didn’t know what the elephant was since she wasn’t from here, but this was… strange.

“Yeah… There were so many of them. And since when do they fly? Why the hay did they have wings?” The rainbow-maned pegasus replied while looking herself over, noticing there were bandages all over her body.

“Tirek infused them with his magic and turned them into some kinds of demonic pets. They're out there huntin' down any hint of magic that he might've overlooked,” Applejack decided to be the one to explain. The others stayed still. Clearly, they weren’t even sure if they should talk.

All of them seemed in disbelief, and about to break down any second. Rainbow Dash wasn’t an expert, but even someone as oblivious as her could see it. The fact that this was another world was still a bit hard to accept, but she trusted Twilight’s message. Considering Tirek won here, and she along with Twilight and Spike were missing… She was fearing for the worst. But then again… Should she care? Those ponies… It wasn’t like they were actually her friends… Just variations of them. Wasn’t it like the duplicates from the mirror pond Pinkie Pie used? All she had to do was ignore their worries for a little bit, get information on this world, find that stone, and go back home! Yet… When she looked at them, she didn’t see duplicates or fakes. And deep down, she also knew they were as real as her own friends.

What was she thinking? Even if it was a whole other universe, they were still her friends, weren’t they?! Forget asking about Tirek! Now she needed to know what happened to the rest of their group!

“Okay, I can tell you want to say something, so just say it,” Rainbow finally broke the silence as the ponies looked at one another.

“Are you real?” Pinkie Pie inquired, making the pegasus widen her eyes in surprise.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She asked as Fluttershy stepped forward.

“Because… Because you’re supposed to be dead. We saw you die with our own eyes, Rainbow…” She answered as Rainbow gulped.

So that was it. Her counterpart died. Is that why Tirek won? Why? Why did she die here? Did she make a mistake or do something dumb? She couldn’t have, right?! She couldn’t just die and let her friends behind like this!

She swiftly noticed that the others were expecting her to respond, so she broke out of her thoughts, reminding her to feel guilty (for her counterpart’s failure) later.

“I’m real,” She simply said, and everyone immediately ran up to her. She was quickly trapped in a tight embrace between the four ponies, slowly squishing her. “Girls, can’t breathe…” She muttered while they openly cried just as Applejack did when they met.

“I don’t know how! I don’t know what miracle made this possible! And I don’t care as long I know you’re real!” Rarity wept while hiding her face in Rainbow’s neck.

“Please, don’t leave us again!” Fluttershy added while holding on to the other pegasus’ wings.

“We gotta have a welcome back party!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly, getting her mane inflated for a second before it became straight again.

“Come on, girls. Let her breathe a bit,” Applejack sniffled as she and the others stepped back.

Pretty much everything was clear to Rainbow Dash now. They’ve just confirmed that her counterpart died and that… That Tirek reigned over Equestria. She still had no idea what happened to the rest of their group, but before asking further questions… How would she proceed? They truly believed she was their Rainbow Dash! They didn’t even check to see if she was telling the truth and immediately assumed she somehow came back from the dead! Because… They were that desperate to think that their friend was actually back.

Should she tell them the truth and break their hearts? Destroy their hopes? She could just say she didn’t know how she was back, then they would work together to beat Tirek. Maybe the chest at the Tree of Harmony didn’t open because she died in this universe, but now that she was here, she could save this world. She still had to look for that magic stone, too. Yes, the stone… They would discover the truth once she obtained the stone and had to leave. She would break their hearts, then. Worst of all, she would have lied to them the entire time. They would have felt used… She knew she would if she was in their boots. How could she do that to them?

No, she had to tell them the truth now. They had to know that she wasn’t their Rainbow Dash. That she would have to leave eventually, and that their friend… wouldn’t be coming back. She breathed in and out a few times before finally getting the courage to talk.

“I… I’m sorry,” She decided to start by apologizing, getting confused looks from her friends. Before any of them could ask anything, she continued. “I’m not the pony you think I am,” She revealed as any happiness they had shown until now immediately vanished.

“W-What do you mean? No pony looks exactly like Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy softly inquired with distinct fear in her tone.

“Unless you’re a changeling,” Rarity mumbled with uncertainty.

“But that ain’t possible,” Applejack added as Rainbow Dash sighed. Yeah, this was going to hurt.

“You’ll think I sound crazy, but… I am Rainbow Dash. I’m just not the Rainbow Dash you know. I’m from another universe,” She admitted as the other ponies stayed silent, shock visible on their faces.

Suddenly, Pinkie let out a clearly forced laugh, bringing everyone’s attention to her.

“T-That was super funny, Dashie! But it’s not time for jokes, you know?” She snickered nervously.

“I wouldn’t joke about that, Pinkie. Especially when it seems like things aren’t great,” Rainbow retorted. “We… Twilight was experimenting with something, and it sent us to different universes, I guess. She sent me a message earlier, telling me what I need to do to go back home. That’s the gist of it,” She insisted. She wasn’t even sure if she explained it well or clearly enough for them to understand. Honestly, she really wished she didn’t even have to considering their reactions were exactly what she was expecting.

“I knew it. I knew it was too good to be true,” Applejack muttered with her legs shaking and her teeth gritted. She was shaking in anger, that was certain. However, it seemed she was keeping herself from screaming.

“Another universe? But that’s not possible, is it?” Fluttershy asked with a trembling voice.

“Hey! Don’t lose hope now, girls! Dashie’s obviously kidding! Come on, tell them! The joke’s been going on long enough!” Pinkie exclaimed as Rarity grabbed her before she could run up to Rainbow Dash.

“I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I-I’m not happy to tell you this, believe me,” The blue pegasus stammered as Applejack suddenly kicked one of her chairs and broke it into pieces.

“Then leave! Do whatever ya have to do, and go back to your home!” She shouted with tears threatening to fall.

Rainbow jerked her head back, dumbfounded at Applejack’s sudden snapping. She went from being calm to destroying furniture in only a mere second.

“Applejack!” Rarity admonished her as the earth pony turned around to face her.

“What? Ah knew it was too good to be true! Ah told you there had to be a catch!” Applejack hid her face behind her hat. “Almost wished it was a changeling…” She muttered just loudly enough for them to hear her.

“So… It’s true, then? You’re not joking?” Pinkie asked, still not fully convinced of what the blue pegasus said.

“Yes. I’m sorry, Pinkie,” Rainbow uttered. She was aware that telling the truth was the right thing to do, but she never thought it would hurt this much.

Pinkie lowered her head, hiding her face behind her mane while the others looked completely downcast. It was as if they had simply shut down, making it known that any attempt at starting a conversation would end up in failure on her part. And who could blame them, she gave them a false sense of hope (admittedly not on purpose) and took it away instantly.

Fluttershy held on to Rarity for support while the unicorn rubbed the pegasus’ back. Meanwhile, Applejack sulked a bit further away. It seemed that she calmed herself enough to avoid breaking the furniture further. Rainbow Dash was hesitant to talk now… She couldn’t find that stone without any help, but she felt like asking for help now would be inconsiderate. Yet it wasn’t as if she wouldn’t help them, too. There was no way she would leave this world into the hands of Tirek! And she still had to find out what happened to Twilight. Did she die, too?

Suddenly, Pinkie lifted her head and smiled, making Rainbow widen her eyes in surprise.

“Then we’ll help you!” She declared joyfully and eagerly.

“What?” Everyone in the room spouted.

“Excuse me, Pinkie… But don’t we already have our own problems to deal with? No offense, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity pointed out while Applejack nodded in agreement.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’d love the help, but why? I told you I’m not your Rainbow Dash. You technically don’t even know me,” Rainbow commented as the others quieted down to listen to Pinkie’s response.

“It wouldn’t be the first time we help somepony we don’t know. Besides, no matter the universe, I’ll always be Rainbow Dash’s friend. And that includes you, too! And I think the others can’t deny that either,” She explained as she looked at her other friends.

Applejack sighed, then finally approached them again.

“She’s right. As disappointed as this whole ordeal makes me… I just can’t let down a friend. Besides, knowin’ RD’s one-track mind, Ah’m sure you ain’t that different from her,” She said reluctantly.

“I don’t think I could ever live with myself if I ever let somepony down when they really need help,” Rarity agreed, standing up with more vigor than before. Fluttershy’s eyes traveled from friend to friend until they settled on Rainbow Dash, and gave her the strength to stand by Rarity’s side.

“Rainbow has always been there to help me when I needed it… Maybe this time, it’s my turn,” She spoke softly.

Rainbow Dash couldn't contain her smile as she felt the unwavering confidence emanating from her friends. Doubts that had clouded her mind dissipated as she realized that no matter the circumstances or location, her friends would always be there to offer their support. Even if in the shape of alternate selves.

“Alright, I’ll tell you everything about the stone that brought me to this place, but in return, you tell me everything that happened here! I won’t go home until I’ve helped you defeat Tirek!” Rainbow declared proudly.

“Finally somepony with optimism around here! I love that!” Pinkie remarked with a wide smile.

“Exactly as I said…” Applejack shook her head in amusement. Even if it wasn’t the real Rainbow… Seeing her smile and hearing her voice… Was enough to make her feel hope again.

Rainbow Dash didn’t tell them her whole life story to compare the differences between this world and hers. She immediately got to the point and told them about the stone and Twilight’s message. They were all shocked, understandably, since they didn’t even know there were other universes. Well, Rainbow didn’t know either before getting here, but she did wonder if the princesses knew about it.

“A stone from space? That’s freaky!” Pinkie commented as Rarity put a hoof on her chin, suddenly reminded of something.

“You know… That reminds me of something. Didn’t a meteorite crash nearby a couple of months ago?” She inquired as Fluttershy widened her eyes.

“Right! But nopony had the opportunity to check it out because timberwolves infested the crashing site,” She responded as the white unicorn nodded.

“If it’s really a magical stone, then the timberwolves must have taken it to Tirek,” She theorized as Applejack groaned.

“Exactly what we needed!” She complained in annoyance.

“Nah, that’s great! I won’t have to look for it around the world, at least. And I already said that I would help you defeat Tirek, anyway. We might as well hit two birds with one stone,” Rainbow Dash interjected, making Fluttershy squeal at the mention of hurting birds.

“I like your optimism…” Applejack started weakly before being interrupted.

“What did Tirek do to Equestria? What happened after he won?” The blue pegasus questioned as the ponies shifted uncomfortably.

“He stole all the magic in the world, of course,” A calm and familiar voice answered Rainbow Dash’s question, making her look at the doorframe, where Discord was standing. However, he seemed as downcast as the others, and as bruised up. His fingers and feet bore the telltale signs of dirt and grime, akin to someone accustomed to toiling in laborious tasks.


“The one and only,” He answered as he walked in. Now that was something she rarely saw.

“We told him to wait outside in case…” Fluttershy began nervously.

“In case you were still angry at his betrayal and blamed him for your death. But considering you’re not exactly the same… I suppose it’s fine,” Rarity explained.

“What about you? You forgave him?” Rainbow asked in a curious tone.

“We’re still workin’ on it,” Applejack answered while Discord awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

“Ever since Tirek stole all the magic in the world. Equestria had been in decline. Earth Ponies can barely tend the land, which isn’t enough to prevent the plant life from slowly dying as you have seen. Other races that didn’t need magic in the first place send us supplies, but that is not enough,” Discord continued somberly.

“Pegasi can’t take care of the weather. They can’t even access cloud cities anymore, so there are places where it hasn’t rained in years and other ones where there’s a huge storm every week. We’ve lost so many ponies already… And Tirek, ever so hungry for power, infused the timberwolves with his magic so that they chase and bring him anypony with magic left,” Rarity added while shaking her head.

“Wait! What about my parents? They lived in Cloudsale! Are they okay?”

“They’re fine. We found them a place to stay here in Ponyville. Ah didn’t call them because I wasn’t sure… That you were you,” Applejack replied, making Rainbow breathe in relief. Again, they weren’t technically her parents, but she was still worried about them. Maybe visiting them wouldn’t be so bad?

“This… Is a lot to take in,” Rainbow commented as she slumped on the bed. “How did he win? Also w-what about Twilight and Spike? I haven’t seen them and you haven’t mentioned them even once,” She inquired, making them all silent. Everyone in the room except for her shifted nervously, unwilling to answer. Ultimately, Rarity sighed as she stepped forward;

“Twilight…” She began before closing her mouth and looking away.

“Don’t tell me she’s…”

“She isn’t dead! At least, as far as we know, she isn’t,” Rarity quickly reassured Rainbow Dash before taking a deep breath. “I think all of us can vividly remember that day as if we just lived it…”

Suspended in the air, Twilight’s friends and Discord were trapped inside bubbles as the alicorn glared at the one that imprisoned them, Tirek.

“Well? Your magic in exchange for your friends’ lives! This seems like a fair deal to me, Princess Twilight,” Lord Tirek suggested as Twilight’s angry glare wavered, her eyes shifting toward her friends.

“No! Don’t do it, Twilight!” Applejack shouted in panic.

“Just kick his butt!” Pinkie added wholeheartedly.

“We’re not worth it…” Fluttershy whispered with a trembling voice.

“Oh, but you are, Fluttershy. You are the pony that taught me that Friendship is Magic. I had friendship and magic, and now I have neither…” Discord interjected as he hid his face between his hands.

“I…” Twilight’s breathing fastened, and her legs shook. It seemed the whole world was blurry and buzzing, making it near impossible for her to even hear what the others were saying. What should she do? What was she supposed to do? What was the RIGHT thing to do? But the more she worried and the more she agonized over this choice, the harder it became to breathe.

“Don’t worry about us, Twilight! We’ll be fine!” Rarity assured as Twilight hesitantly looked up.

“But…” She was ready to argue, only to be stopped.

“She’s right! That guy wouldn’t be enough to take us out! You can trust us, we’ll be fine!” Rainbow Dash added with confidence.

“I–I can’t just risk it!” Twilight stammered as her friends continued crying to her to fight. She couldn’t… She couldn’t!

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash called out to her, meeting her eyes. “You can beat him before he even does anything to us! I know you can! We all do!” She assured her.

The alicorn looked at all her friends, and she could just feel the trust they had for her. They thought she could win and that she could save them without giving up on her magic. She was their hope… She couldn’t let them down, could she?

“Enough blabbering! Have you made your decision yet?! If you haven’t, then I will pick one of them and…” Tirek began threatening her until he was suddenly hit by a gigantic blast of magic, and pushed back several meters away.

“HYA!” Twilight yelled before releasing another stream of magic, willing to completely obliterate Tirek if it was what it took to stop him.

The centaur barely had any time to react and was unable to counter her attack as he was thrown back again. With blood running down his chin, he growled at the sight of his bruised and bloodied body. However, to him, that was only a minor setback. He quickly snapped his fingers, stopping Twilight in her next attack as the alicorn widened her eyes and glanced at her friends.

Two blades suddenly came out of the bubble and stabbed the rainbow-maned pegasus in her neck and stomach, spilling her blood under the ponies and the draconequus’ horrified gazes.

“NO! Rainbow!” Twilight screamed just as her friends did before flying toward the bubble, which popped a second later and dropped the pegasus on the ground. Thankfully, the princess was able to catch her before she could reach it. “R-Rainbow! Oh, no! Oh, no! It’s gonna be okay! I-I’ll heal you right up!” Twilight assured her as she began looking over the fallen pegasus’ body. What spell? What spell could she use? What could produce a big enough miracle to save her friend’s life?

Fluttershy held her mouth with her hooves to stop herself from screaming even more while tears streamed down her face. Spike looked ready to puke while Rarity wasn’t faring any better. Even Applejack was slamming her head against the bubble, desperately trying to break it.

They were all desperate, and they were all acting like Rainbow Dash was already dead! Why would they do that?! Twilight couldn’t understand as her eyes traveled all over Rainbow’s body while she went through all the spells she knew.

Rainbow’s heart had stopped, but that didn’t mean she was gone yet! F-First, she needed to do a cardiac massage! With all her magic, it should be easy! Her eyes watered as her horn lit up, forcing Rainbow’s heart to beat again by using her magical grab. Still, she knew that wouldn’t be enough! There was already so much blood lost… If she could just close the wounds, then they’ll get her a blood transfusion! Easy!

Even in the face of something so gruesome, which she had never witnessed before. She didn’t relent once! She wouldn’t give up on her! Yet, no matter what she tried… Rainbow remained with her eyes closed. Even when Twilight’s hooves were covered in the pegasus’ blood, she continued to hope it was only a minor loss and that they could fix it later.

Her friends shouted and called out her name, but the alicorn couldn’t hear them. She couldn’t just stop and listen because if she did, then she wouldn’t save Rainbow!

“C-Can you hear me, Rainbow?! I’ll stop the bleeding soon, I promise! S-Somehow! Say something! Let me know you’re conscious!” Twilight cried desperately. “Please! Please, say something! It’ll be fine! L-Look! You’re not bleeding as much!” She begged her to respond while the centaur smirked.

To him, that was a pathetic but satisfying display. Watching her try to save that pony was enough to make the beating he took worth it! He wasn’t worried that she would save her either. He knew how to kill, and he could say for certain that this pegasus died instantly once she was skewered.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, but it’ll be fine now! Please, just say something…” Twilight pleaded again as she held Rainbow’s body in her hooves. The pegasus had gone pale, making her heart beat by force didn’t even do anything anymore, and… Twilight choked as tears dropped over her friend. Finally, she stopped trying to reanimate the pegasus and gently placed Rainbow’s body on the ground before clenching her teeth and turning around to face the centaur. Her horn flared with a powerful light as magic burst out of her body and completely surrounded her. “TIREK! I will KILL you!” She screamed, full of rage.

Tirek grunted in worry. This was a bad sign and he didn’t need to be a genius to figure out that avoiding the fight might mean a better outcome for him.

“Do as you wish, but know that the instant my heart stops, so do theirs!” He retorted as he snapped his fingers again and the bubbles the others were trapped in glew orange. This was enough to immediately stop Twilight in her tracks.

“Wait!” She shouted as the light from her magic died down. She looked at her friends, all unwilling to meet her eyes as they either cried or bashed their heads against the bubbles to get out. She looked down in defeat. “You win. Please, release my friends and you will have my magic in exchange,”

This time, none of her friends protested. She doubted it was because they wanted to live more than to save Equestria, but because they still couldn’t process what happened to Rainbow Dash.

“Good. Finally some common sense,” Tirek smirked as he let Spike and the others, except for Discord, out of their bubbles.

They dropped to the ground, yelping in pain before they all quickly ran up to Rainbow’s body. Although, the little dragon decided he wasn’t ready for such a sight and stayed behind. Twilight fought back against the rising bile in her throat and glanced at the remaining bubble, still floating in the air.

“Release ALL of my friends!” She ordered while pointing at Discord, who didn’t dare look her way.

“You still consider him a friend?! Even after he betrayed you?! Even when he is also responsible for your miserable little friend’s death?!” Tirek hollered in incomprehension as the alicorn glared at him.

“RELEASE HIM!” She stomped the ground. “There’s been enough death today…” She added a little quieter.

“As you wish, princess,” Tirek mumbled in annoyance before letting Discord out of the bubble. “No tricks. If you try anything, I can still kill your friends,”

“Thank you… Twilight,” Discord thanked her weakly.

“Now to take my prize,” Tirek smiled widely and excitedly before opening his mouth.

Agonizing cries escaped Twilight's lips as she felt her magical essence being mercilessly drained from her horn. It was as if her own soul was being torn apart! As the seconds stretched into what felt like an eternity, the last traces of her magic were forcibly extracted. She collapsed to the ground as the centaur grew larger and stronger, becoming more powerful.

“Yes! HAHAHA! Finally!” The centaur celebrated before shooting a gigantic orange beam and annihilating an entire mountain in the distance. He left soon after to wreak more havoc, uncaring of what the ponies he just defeated were doing.

Twilight released a pained grunt as she stood up again, struggling to lift her own weight now that she had nearly no strength left anymore.

“Twilight! Are you okay?” Spike ran up to her.

“I’m not the one you should ask that, Spike…” She replied, showing Rainbow’s blood still staining her coat. Meanwhile, the others were sitting around the pegasus’ body. They exchanged no words, but they didn’t need to. The despair in their eyes was palpable, and their cries easily tore at Twilight’s soul.

She did this. It was her mistake. Her mistake cost her one of her dearest friends. She nearly choked on her spit as tears threatened to fall again, but held them back. She couldn’t just cause someone’s death and cry right after doing so.

Discord hesitantly approached her, holding the medallion around his neck in his hand.

“Twilight… I… I’m sorry,” He said as sincerely as possible, to the point that she could finally tell for certain that Discord was genuine for once. “I thought Tirek could offer me something more valuable than friendship, and I was wrong. I realize that now. There is nothing worth more, but because of my selfishness… I,” He looked down in shame. “And even after what I’ve done, you still called me your friend. Thank you,” He managed to utter before taking the medallion and putting it around Twilight’s neck, while she stared at him in confusion. “Tirek told me that this was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty, only to betray me… But when I tell you that this is a sign of our true friendship, I am telling the truth,”

Twilight remained silent and closed her eyes, keeping her tears from spilling out. She did consider him a friend still, but if she were to talk to him now, then there was a high chance she would say something she regretted.

The draconequus averted his gaze once more, his expression filled with shame and regret. With a heavy sigh, he turned and began to walk away, sensing his presence was no longer desired or welcomed. Not a single soul made an attempt to halt his departure, as they were consumed by their own grief and sorrow. In solemn silence, he left them behind, leaving them to their mourning and allowing them the space they needed.

Twilight breathed, then walked in the opposite direction, not intending to look back… Until she was stopped by her friends’ voice.

“Twilight! Where are you going?” Pinkie asked in confusion, her eyes red from crying.

The alicorn turned around as the earth pony was joined by her other friends, looking expectantly at Twilight. The lavender pony glanced one final time at Rainbow Dash’s body before looking into her friends’ eyes.

“I’m leaving,” She simply answered, making them gasp.

“But where?” Rarity inquired while Twilight looked away.

“I don’t know. Somewhere. Does it even matter where?” Twilight wiped tears away. “We lost. It’s over, and… I killed my best friend. I can’t stay here any longer, so… Goodbye,” She said before turning around and walking away.

Fluttershy raised her hoof, ready to call her name and stop her, but lowered it a second later with her mouth shut. Spike quickly ran after Twilight, following her on her departure while the rest of their friends stayed behind, unable to say anything.

“When she left… None of us tried to stop her. I suppose that… That a part of us blamed her for your death. It’s been 2 years now, and we haven’t heard from her since then,” Rarity finished her story while Rainbow’s jaw dropped.

“Are you serious?!” The pegasus snapped, as she punched the bed, ignoring her injuries. “How could you just let her walk away when she obviously needed you?! Worst of all, you blamed her?! You know it wasn’t her fault!” She shouted as the four other ponies looked away in guilt. Pinkie even lost the cheery attitude she had a few minutes ago.

“Rainbow Dash, you hafta understand…” Applejack began as Rainbow glared at her.

“Understand what?!”

“We were sad and angry! We saw one of our closest friends die!” Rarity cried, making Rainbow silent.

“Not just a friend. You were like family,” Pinkie added while rubbing one of her forelegs.

“I think we blamed the whole world, Discord, and ourselves, too,” Fluttershy said as Discord stepped back in shame. “But you’re right. We should have been there for her, and we hated ourselves the next day. We never found her, never even knew where to look. It wasn’t exactly easy to think rationally at that time considering the circumstances,” She added as Rainbow Dash calmed down.

“She must have taken it the hardest. Not only 'cause she felt guilty, but also because ya two were so close,” The orange earth pony stated while Rainbow breathed out, thinking about how relationships back in her universe. Yes, she could imagine it. She could imagine the pain. At least, a fraction of it.

“We want her to know that we’re here for her. To let her know that it’s not her fault and that she can mourn with us,” Pinkie declared. The pegasus had to admit that she rarely ever saw her so serious. “So, what should we do?”

“Well… That’s easy! Let’s start by finding Twilight,” Rainbow decided with certainty.