• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,401 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

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The Hexstone's Archives

The Hextone’s archives, where the data of every universe is stored and numbered. With an infinite amount of them, there is also an infinite amount of knowledge.

Universe 10328

Where most universes shine by their abundance of magic, this one doesn’t. In fact, this universe doesn’t possess any magic at all. The origin of magic remains a mystery to all and is something creatures searched for an answer to for eons. So, in most circumstances, it is impossible to know why a place would be devoid of magic while another wasn’t.

Whatever happened to give birth to magic didn’t happen here. Unicorns do not exist, and powerful creatures such as dragons are only myths and legends nearly all lost to time.

Before Equestria came to be, ponies were a divided race, engaged in conflicts over their differences and the competition for resources. Unfortunately, they were as primitive as their natural enemies, the changelings and griffons, who only wished to use their lands and inhabitants for their own gain.

Pegasi, who considered themselves lords of the skies, were nothing but toys to the Griffons’ superior teamwork, and larger and stronger bodies that made them the peak predators. They could do nothing to fight back the invaders coming from the other lands as they were taken out of the sky, and their spears and swords made no difference.

The earth ponies, busy coming up with strategies to counter their mortal enemies, the pegasi, didn’t pay attention to the monsters lurking in the shadows. The massive bugs known as changelings infiltrated their midst and captured them faster and faster.

The ponies were not only enslaved but also preyed upon and used as nesting grounds or food; their kind neared its extinction.

However, one young earth pony made a great discovery: science. Celestia, who possessed a gifted mind like no other, created such advanced technological marvels that those around her believed they belonged in the realms of the gods. With her inventions, she united the pony race under her banner, becoming chancellor, and fought back against their invaders.

Overwhelmed by their technological marvels, the griffons’ bodies rained down on the ponies’ lands, forcing them to retreat back to their own nation. The changeling imposters were swiftly snuffed out and peace was brought back to the ever-expanding land that is now known as Equestria.

Fearing that her kind may lose her technological advancements to time and go back to warfaring as they used to, Celestia beat all odds once again and constructed the first robot in history, and programmed it to be an exact replica of herself along with her personality and knowledge, giving it near sentience only a few days before she passed away. The chancellor may have died, but her construct still remains, transferring its data from body to body to upgrade its model every century.

1000 years later, IX Celestia discovered another gifted mind, one earth pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle whose genius exceeded all her peers. The young Twilight Sparkle was originally sent to Ponyville to upgrade its defenses but has remained once she discovered friendship. The chancellor and she may be extremely different, but it seems they fight for the same goal.

Nonetheless, one legend says that the original Celestia somehow cheated death and gained immortality through a robotic body; that somehow… her spirit remains inside the cold machinery that composed her greatest creation yet. No one may ever know.

Universe 19884

In many universes, Twilight and Tirek’s battle goes down as one of the greatest element bearers’ victories. Not in this one.

Encouraged by her friends, Twilight Sparkle refuses to bow down to Lord Tirek’s demands and decides to fight him before he can hurt her friends. With a single snap of his fingers, Rainbow Dash draws her last breath and marks the end of the world as we know it.

Finally understanding the threat, the alicorn surrounded and gave him her magic in exchange for her friends, granting him access to unfathomable power. With her spirit broken, Twilight leaves Ponyville with Spike to never come back again while their friends struggle over hardships, forced to live and adapt without magic as Equestria crumbles around them. Discord, who has not been forgiven, does everything he can to one day pay for his mistakes.

Lord Tirek quickly set his sights beyond Equestria’s borders, first proposing Chrysalis, the changeling queen, to surrender, which she refused. In retaliation, Lord Tirek massacred her army, stealing all their magic in the process alongside hers, and made her nothing but a pet just like he did with the three princesses of Equestria.

Seeking revenge against the brother who betrayed him, Lord Tirek easily outmatched him and mounted his head on a spike before doing the same to their father. Nothing in the world could stop him as he drained Equus of all its magic and permanently changed its shape.

Now, the entire universe moves at Lord Tirek’s whims, and even the magic of friendship proves to be too weak to stop him. All hope seems lost.

Universe 25197

A universe much like the one we know, except for one crucial detail. The story has a familiar beginning.

One talented unicorn named Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike, sent by Princess Celestia, go to Ponyville to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration while fearing the return of the vile Nightmare Moon. There, she meets five unforgettable friends.

Lyra, a unicorn, is the first to meet her the moment Twilight steps foot into Ponyville and quickly introduces her to anypony she needs to see for the celebration’s preparations. Before Twilight even realized it, the other unicorn had managed to strike up a conversation the lavender pony didn’t mind being part of, nearly forgetting about Nightmare Moon as she slowly came out of her shell. Once the mare on the moon returned, Twilight, Lyra, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy ventured into the Everfree Forest to find the elements and defeat her.

With the magic of friendship, Nightmare Moon was destroyed and Princess Celestia’s sister, Luna, came back. The six ponies are now hailed as Equstria’s heroes.

In the past, a little filly without a cutie mark looked out the window from her home in Manehattan. In another universe, that pony would see a magnificent Sonic Rainboom and return to Ponyville before acquiring her cutie mark. In this one, she looks away and turns her back on it.

Applejack slowly adapts to life in Manehattan and overcomes every obstacle that comes her way. She learns her way with words, the art of negotiations, and even manipulation to the point she can even decide whether she wishes to speak with her accent or not. Soon enough, no pony around her can hide their weaknesses well. There is nothing in this world that money can’t buy, with those words and her growing hunger for bits, Applejack eventually starts her own business in gem mining.

She now owns the most fruitful business in all of Equestria, if not the world. Applejack, who says her friends call her Jackie, hasn’t seen her family since she left the farm and even missed her own parents’ funeral. She has no idea she has a little sister.

Universe 31870

In a time long past, two alicorn sisters ruled over Equestria. Princess Luna, who controlled the moon, and Princess Celestia, who controlled the sun. Both were adored, but Celestia was even more so. Her radiant light seemed to melt the hearts of every pony in the land.

Indeed, she was drowned in constant admiration. Ponies lined up in front of her castle to see her raise the sun, they sent her love letters every day, and even made works of art in her name. Celestia loved the attention, she adored it… She craved it.

In another universe, Princess Luna would grow jealous, and saddened by being overshadowed and forgotten by her subjects. She would feel unloved and unwanted. Here? She was one of Princess Celestia’s greatest admirers, praising every single one of her sister’s actions. She could safely say that she loved her more than anything in the world.

Unfortunately, Princess Celestia realized she wanted more. Admiration and love letters were great, and paintings were even more so. However, where were the giant statues? Ponies believed her to be a goddess, but where were the religions around her? She wanted to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

In every competition and contest, she wanted to be the winner without even participating. She wanted her portrait to be in every house and every room. She wanted ponies to whisper her name every time before they went to sleep. She wanted to be in their hearts and souls.

She wanted more and more. She wanted to be worshipped. She wanted her sun to shine brighter and eternally all around Equus, defying every law of the universe. She wanted all of Equus to be the same as Equestria.

She wanted to be the only alicorn to ever exist…

Just as she was about to kill her beloved sister in her sleep, her own bleeding heart stopped her. She couldn’t hurt her little sister as much as she wanted to. She loved her too much, and that… made her weak.

Celestia used an ancient and forbidden dark spell and ripped out every single trace of goodness inside her heart before burning it with her darkest and vilest desires. With that done, she transformed into Daybreaker and rose in the sky to announce her eternal sun as well as the start of her new empire in which she will be worshipped as a Goddess.

Before she could strike the infidels who refused to submit, Princess Luna intervened, crying for her sister to stop. She was long gone.

Using a powerful ritual coupled with a spell of Starwirl’s creation, Princess Luna managed to accomplish the impossible and imprisoned her sister in the sun, casting her out of Equus indefinitely.

A thousand years later, the princess had taken in a student named Twilight Sparkle. With the intent of training her to make her an alicorn one day, the two of them fought off every new and old threat that came to invade Equestria, growing stronger with every encounter.

A part of her still hopes that Celestia isn’t truly gone. That somewhere, deep inside her heart, the love she held for her sister still remains. To this day, Luna remains her sister’s greatest admirer.

Universe 47931

This seems to be a dying universe where only a single survivor remains: Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. In the confines of her castle, she studies the powers of the mysterious Hexstone while battling the many monsters known as Time Paradoxes.

Universe 99999

Once the bearers of the elements meet Nightmare Moon, they not only destroy the Nightmare but also kill Princess Luna in the process, leaving no trace of her body behind. Princess Celestia, free from where Nightmare Moon imprisoned her, realizes in horror what has transpired.

When Twilight thinks she will be congratulated by the princess, she receives nothing but her ire. Celestia’s bubbling rage at having lost her sister made her admit what her plan for Twilight was all along. She was to meet friends, destroy the Nightmare, and bring back her sister. She would choose to remain in Ponyville and learn friendship lessons, then she would be made an alicorn to eventually replace Celestia on the throne.

The unicorn’s worldview is shattered as she realizes her life has been a lie. She was only a tool to be used so Celestia could accomplish her goals. Not only that, but she also endangered all of Equestria simply by betting that the six of them would succeed in defeating Nightmare Moon.

When Princess Celestia attempted to take her back to Canterlot and punish her for the murder of her sister, Twilight’s new friends intervened and protected her. That was when she realized the value of friendship. With the powers of the elements, they turned the princess to stone.

They couldn’t simply stop there. Equestria needed a fair ruler and someone who would fight for the greater good. Someone who wouldn’t use others as tools. They decided to become what Equestria needed. They marched to the castle, and using Celestia’s authority via Twilight, they took control of Canterlot. No one could oppose them when they had the elements.

Naming themselves the Council of Harmony, they wished to shape Equestria in their image so it would be perfect. Their duty is to spread harmony and friendship, and they will do it at any cost.

Other Universes:

Universe 58277

A universe where most ponies swapped races. Unicorns become pegasi, pegasi become earth ponies, and earth ponies become unicorns. Sombra, the greatest unicorn to have ever lived, hid in the shadows after losing against the two alicorn sisters until his full powers returned.

While on his way to conquer the Crystal Empire, he destroyed the Crystal Heart, which would have doomed all of Equestria if it weren’t for Celestia’s student and her friends.

By the power of Friendship, and against all odds, the six of them blasted Sombra to dust and made sure he would never come back.

Universe 17097

Luna grows jealous of the adoration her sister receives and becomes Nightmare Moon. However, instead of fighting her and using the elements to banish her to the moon, Celestia willingly seals her own magic and gives up her power to prove to her sister how much she loves her.

Before Nightmare Moon can strike her down, the echoes of Celestia’s sacrifice reach Luna deep inside Nightmare Moon’s heart and help her escape her grasp.

Now with a much stronger bond than before, the two sisters rule Equestria side by side. This time, no one is left out as Celestia gives Luna her due.

Universe 94091

In this particular universe, Twilight was born with much more potent magic. So much so that her body could barely handle it. At any point, she could grow unstable and release magic at random, causing destruction and transmutations everywhere she went. However, that also meant she naturally had much more power.

Under Princess Celestia’s guidance, she learned to control her magic, so it wouldn’t go out of control. The key to it was to control her emotions and keep using minimum levels of magic at all times. By becoming an alicorn, Twilight’s body would have adapted and stabilized her magic, allowing her to use it as freely as she could and without doing any damage. Celestia also hoped she would grow so strong no one in the world would dare face Equestria. Unfortunately, this never came to pass.

During their fight with Discord, Lord of Chaos, Twilight’s friends’ lives were in peril, causing her to use too much magic. Ultimately, her body couldn’t handle it and was overwhelmed. Because it was too unstable, it destroyed her from within and everything else around her. Discord was killed down to his very soul while Twilight’s friends, along with Ponyville, suffered the same fate.

The future of this Equestria is uncertain.

Author's Note:

Hey! Sorry, not a new chapter, but I'm currently writing it! Why did I decide to write this, though? I thought it would be nice to post something that would help the readers understand the universes a bit more. It's basically their backstory. Some of it is a recap from the chapters, and some of it has context that will not be present in the story chapters.

That's because it would just be exposition dump in the regular chapters and those would only serve as a backstory for the universe, but wouldn't play a part for the ongoing story. I didn't want to simply leave things unexplained. I also like doing those kinds of things, having a trivia of sorts. I hope you like any new info there might have been!

Comments ( 30 )

During their fight with Discord, Lord of Chaos, Twilight’s friends’ lives were in peril, causing her to use too much magic. Ultimately, her body couldn’t handle it and was overwhelmed. Because it was too unstable, it destroyed her from within and everything else around her. Discord was killed down to his very soul while Twilight’s friends, along with Ponyville, suffered the same fate.

Wait I thought only discord Twilight and two of twilight's friends were the only ones that died, or is this a redcon

question do the other celestials, not have the ability to see the future

Are you sure about that 🤣

You must have misread it, the explosion affected Rainbow Dash and Applejack first, but it quickly expanded until it reached the rest of her friends and Ponyville
Can regular Celestia predict the future? I never felt like she had that power, maybe to a small extent, but I don't think it's strong enough to prevent most disasters from happening. Anyway, most of these Celestias have as much power to predict the future as the original (which isn't a lot), except for the robot Celestia who doesn't have any magical powers whatsoever

Oh okay thanks for clearing things up, and as for the robots Celestia depends on how much processing power you decide to give her, and also on the subject about Celestia seeing the future, what do you think about the theory that the whole of the My Little pony series was a part of celestial's plan to get her sister back and to make sure all of the villains were stopped without any serious collateral damage

The robot Celestia can process powerful calculations to predict the likeliest outcome, but she can't really predict the future, only what's most likely to happen. There is no way for her to predict something or someone that doesn't use logic or common sense, like Pinkie for example.

As for the theory, I believe many of the things that happened were a part of her plan: getting her sister back, Twilight becoming an alicorn etc... However, I don't think she predicted everything since many villains came very close to succeeding

True, but I do believe she has more things planned out then you give her credit for, example the letters to Twilight when discord converted her,

I mean, it’s not impossible she has some 6th sense or some way to partially predict the future, but who knows how powerful it is

Yeah that's true who's to say, yeah but you should see fiery joker's video on it he raises some interesting points

I’ll check it out

And speaking of that, did you check out the earth pony video I sent you

Yeah, I did, it was good

Havimg the hability of foresight does not equal seeing the future.

The friendship letters may be to counter Discord's caos but it was ultimately meant to remind Twilight and empower the Elements through friendship.

Thank you for answering my question, I look forward to any updates to your story.

I got hooked on the story, you have a very good way of narrating, my favorite universe is from the Council of Harmony, I would like a separate story as a Spin-offs of how everything developed in a more detailed way, I love your story and I hope see it end.

Thank you very much for answering my question, the scenarios proposed are very creative, 1 would be more of a nightmare for Sunset since everything she knew no longer exists and Celestia is also a prisoner. It would be very good to read what she feels about all this and her judgment.
The second one, I feel more like it would be comical or a bit crude since it would be 7 against 1 and surely this Twilight would not measure its strength, plus the school would have a new administration,
3 seems to me the crudest of all since the other students would see how a person disintegrates in front of their school and how their entire world is destroyed and the balance is destroyed and they do nothing. It feels like a cruel end for humans but fair for them. advice.
And as I said, what creative way you have in this story, if you finish this story I would like a spin off of the 99999 universe in its beginning and at the very least they rule and without the interference of Fluttershy, see their war with the changelings, their fight against Shadow, etc. . (poor cozy Glow if he tries to destroy the magic) and see their twisted friendship he can achieve.

Yeah, I'd be interested in writing such a spin-off, too. It would also allow me to delve into their mindset much deeper

I liked that more, the depth of each person in each case, also what their families, the ponies close to them, think about all this.
I'll be waiting for that spin off. greetings

Interesting, but wouldn't sunset change her approach

She wouldn't be familiar with the council. Mostly, she would expect them to be do-gooders like the ones in canon. These ones are ruthless when they think they fight for the greater good

Are you sure, wouldn't she have heard about the executions they have been doing,

I don't remember much about the first Equestria girls. How did Sunset keep herself informed and how much did she know about Equestria? For now, the executions have been for the worst offenders, so by the time of the events of Equestria Girls, the council mostly eliminated big time villains like Discord or Sombra. Still, she could prepare herself better to steal the crown but that Twilight is much more paranoid than her canon counterpart. It's quite hard to steal from her

True, but I think with the council I think sunset will go for the manipulative approach, like her saying ''Celestia lied to me too, thank you for taking her down"to Twilight gaining her trust to betray her later

Well, it could happen if the circumstances are right. Though Sunset will have to play the long game

Correct, I mean, think about it, if you yourself believe you are more intelligent than others, it will not be possible, the multiverse is infinite, millions of realities and possible enemies that are much more dangerous.

Just binge read this. It's incredibly well done. The foreshadowing, the misdirects, ugh! I want more! Take your time tho.

Thank you very much! Glad you're enjoying the story!

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