• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,400 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

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Grover's Jewel

Universe 10328

“To be or not to be? What is the purpose of living and why has equinity come to be? Such questions have been pondered for generations. In reality, the answers are simple. There is simply no reason. The cause for our existence is a mere coincidence brought up by the cogs of a machine all creatures like to call Fate. Indeed, lives are fleeting and serve no purpose beyond the search for a purpose. In that case, could we really consider life valuable? Certain lives have more value than others, but who can judge their worth, really? It would be a higher power for those who believe in them, but then, you would have to ask yourself…”

“Oh, for the love of God! Can you shut up?!” Fluttershy’s voice came from her drone as it smashed a hoof through the body of a diamond dog.

“Abu!” The diamond dog spat out blood in pain before collapsing to the ground.

“Excuse me? Don’t you see I’m in the middle of a lecture?” Twilight retorted in annoyance, adjusting her glasses with one of her claws while choking a diamond dog with another.

“Nobody cares! Literally. Nobody. Cares,” Fluttershy responded, and even if her robot replica was currently expressionless, they could all somehow feel her deadpan stare. Twilight simply rolled her eyes before returning to the diamond dog she was choking.

“Anyway, what I’ve been trying to say is sorry, but there’s nothing personal,” She concluded as the diamond dog drew his last breath.

Meanwhile, the other girls were faring just as well. Rainbow Dash’s superior cybernetics easily overpowered their enemies’ guns as she massacred them without receiving a scratch. Applejack reduced their bones into dust with a single thrust of her hooves which sent small but powerful shockwaves through the dogs’ bodies. Her girlfriend, on the other hand, calmly shot waves of wind so cold that it froze them before they could even counterattack.

Pinkie 2 gleefully riddled them with bullets before mercilessly cutting them in half with extending blades. Even the ones who were already killed by the bullets weren’t spared. The diamond dogs fought as hard as they could, but they knew who they were up against. Equestria’s protectors were ruthless war machines who, when deployed on the battlefield, massacred the enemy soldiers as easily as killing puppies.

Chancellor IX Celestia preached to her soldiers to get rid of their emotions to truly be victorious in times of war, but these six girls seemed to be the only ponies who succeeded.

The seventh member of their group seemed a bit… different, though.

“S-Sorry!” Pinkie apologized as she tased a diamond dog until he fainted. Luckily, she had found out there were tasers on these armors, which allowed her to fight without having to kill anyone. She made sure she didn’t hurt the dog too much, but she mostly hoped the others wouldn’t notice.

“There were more door guards than I expected,” Twilight commented while dusting herself off. The door in front of them was massive and made of thick steel. Behind them, the entrance of the mines was littered with bodies.

“They definitely sounded the alarm, now,” Pinkie 2 snickered, seemingly not bothered by the blood dripping down her face. It was mostly because she had armor, but it was still gruesome to Pinkie 1.

“So much for trying to be sneaky,” Rarity sighed while shaking her head in disapproval.

“Oh, I’d like to see you plan for everything without any issues!” Twilight yelled in response, adjusting her glasses again.

“Hey! Don’t scream at her!” Applejack came to Rarity’s defense.

“Thank you, dear,” The white earth pony nuzzled her as thanks. Their lavender friend rolled her eyes in annoyance but didn’t comment anything beyond that.

“If they know we’re here, let’s just go in and shoot everything that moves,” Fluttershy grumbled with her wings crossed.

“Or maybe we could just talk to them?” Pinkie 1 suggested, earning silent glances from the other girls. They stared at her for a good second before immediately turning their attention back to the matter at hand as if she hadn’t said anything.

“It always ends up like this,” Twilight shook her head and sighed. “Very well, let’s break down this door. Oh, right. We’ll be in mines, so don’t use explosions or huge shockwaves. You know who I’m talking to,” She instructed as her cyan girlfriend stepped up.

“Alright, make some room. I’ll blast that door open,” She cracked her neck. After all, for someone like her, reinforced steel was nothing.

The original Pinkie looked down in defeat. This was way more than she could chew. Sure, she managed to befriend many creatures, some so unlikely to befriend, too. However, this was a whole different challenge. She never had to face… Murder before! Yes, their enemies tried to kill her and her friends before, but they never did anything like that themselves. Actually, did they kill Sombra? She would rather not think about it. These ponies may have looked like her friends, but they were nothing like them! Even her counterpart was completely insane!

She couldn’t help but ask herself: what would the others do? She was also worried about them. Her Twilight seemed in danger, too. She almost wished she was allowed to sulk in the corner, but the loud banging of the steel door being blown apart brought her back to reality.

“Hello there!” Rainbow Dash smirked, stepping on the door.

As they expected, what awaited them was a horde of diamond dogs, armed to the teeth and with their machine guns aimed at them.

“Gun those bastards down!” One of them ordered with a shout as his comrades immediately obeyed.

Before any of them could even understand what happened, Twilight’s mechanical arms reacted at lightning speed and placed themselves in front of the cyan cyborg, shielding her from every bullet while doing the same with their creator. Still, as a cyborg, Rainbow Dash was mostly bulletproof anyway, but she liked the gesture.

“Let’s get this party started!” Pinkie 2 let out a war cry before jumping in. The first thing she did was swipe one of her hooves to the right, shooting a pink laser out of it and cutting several diamond dogs in half, ignoring their pained cries while she laughed joyfully.

“Leave some to us, Sugarcube!” Applejack grinned before punching away a diamond dog who was about to grapple the pink pony from behind.

She didn’t use any firearms unlike most of her friends, but with every hit, she propelled small shockwaves through her hooves. The weakest of them sent her enemies flying backward with their bones broken while the strongest made them burst apart like fragile flesh bags. For someone who wasn’t used to seeing guts getting spilled everywhere, this would be enough to make them vomit. That was why Pinkie 1 stayed back, holding her stomach with her face green.

The upper body of one of the Ice Fangs members was propelled away and dropped at the feet of one of his comrades, desperately trying to reach the foot of his fellow, likely hoping for help.

Said fellow’s eyes burned with rage as he watched his companion pass on in agony, then looked back at his executioner. He threw his gun away and quickly took out his plasma sword, igniting it in a blue hue before running toward the orange earth pony.

“You’ll pay for this, you mother…” He began screaming. However, just as he raised his sword to cut the invader in half, she turned around and delivered a weak punch in his direction. Everything happened so fast that his brain couldn’t even process what happened. Her hoof stopped an inch away from his face, and less than a second later, his broken skull was ejected from the back of his head.

“Nice try,” Applejack chuckled.

“Careful, honey!” Rarity suddenly called out to her as she jumped in front of her girlfriend and sent a wave of frost over to the other sword-wielding diamond dogs, turning them into ice statues. “Don’t let your guard down,” Her eyelashes fluttered while she looked back at the orange pony.

“Well, I know you’ve got my back,” Applejack answered as she nuzzled her, uncaring if they were in the middle of the battlefield. Suddenly, both circled each other and took out the opponents who were about to strike their partner in the back.

“Ugh. Gross,” Fluttershy muttered after watching their interaction. The robotic replica opened its mouth and breathed fire into the nearest diamond dog, before holding out one of its hooves and shooting a volley of bullets all over the body of another enemy.

“Is this a gang or an army?” Rainbow Dash shouted as she sliced through multiple diamond dogs thanks to her sharp blade wings. All she needed to do was fly straight through them, and they would be cut in half like butter. For those who had the misfortune of standing right in front of her, they were simply smashed apart by her hooves. “Not that I’m complaining!” She grinned.

“They must have been recruiting a lot recently!” Twilight responded while impaling several dogs with the blades at the end of her tentacles. Others were gunned down, crushed or even swiftly choked to death. Even during all this, her mechanical arms reacted fast enough to block any incoming bullets. She grabbed another diamond dog in her titanic grasp. Before he could even plead for mercy, her eyes glowed a sinister red before shooting two lasers that burned straight through his head and left her glasses intact. One of the gang members couldn’t help but drop his weapon at the sight. Feeling that they had no chance of winning against those monsters, he tried to make a run for it, only for the scientist to notice. “Where do you think you’re going?” She questioned as a tentacle shot up toward him and grabbed his leg, before throwing him back in Fluttershy’s direction.

“Ha! No, no!” He screamed while flailing his arms around. The pegasus’ back opened up, revealing several small canons, which shot plasma bullets in rapid fire, reducing his body into nothing but a red cloud.

While the six girls were enjoying their battle as if it was a game. The original and lovable Pinkie was surrounded by all sides, desperately shielding herself from the barrage of bullets flying in her direction, and occasionally the plasma sword-wielding diamond dogs.

“Wait! We can talk this out! I… I don’t want to hurt you!” Pinkie shouted as she tasered the nearest dog, making him faint. It wasn’t the first time she had to fight someone, of course. However, she couldn’t possibly fight normally and without a care in the world while her friends’ counterparts were murdering everything that moved! She wished to avoid further bloodshed.

“You think you can just waltz in here and do whatever you want? No one messes with us!” A diamond dog stated while wildly swinging his sword around, trying to cut the pink pony to pieces.

“What? No! I’m just… Ah!” Pinkie yelled, dodging his sword at the last second. “I just want to see my friends again!” She responded before punching him so hard he flew back and crashed into the wall. Fortunately, this hit was enough to put him out of commission without killing him.

“Damn it! Bullets won’t work on them! Just overwhelm her!” One of them instructed before dropping his machine gun and taking out his plasma sword, which many of his comrades did, too.

“Oh… Oh, no!” Pinkie widened her eyes before trying to fly away with her repulsors, only for a diamond dog to jump on her back and grapple her with his arms around her neck. Many others quickly followed suit, but instead of simply grabbing onto her, they proceeded to attempt to stab her or even slice her. Luckily for her, her armor was tough enough to sustain hits from plasma, but they were slowly overcrowding her! She couldn’t even see anything beyond them! “P-Please! Just stop!” She pleaded, teary-eyed.

So overwhelmed by the situation, she hadn’t even noticed her mane was slowly getting straighter, less puffy, less joyful, and vibrant. The more they attacked her, the more she was curling up on herself, protecting her head with her forelegs. She completely ignored the flashing and loud warnings in her vision and ears, telling her the armor was reaching its limits. It was like she was fully ready to give up and die!

“Finish her off! Take… Gah!” One of the diamond dogs shouted, only for a blade to go through his throat. He was immediately thrown off the pile of diamond dogs as more of his comrades were killed.

A few were riddled with bullets, some have been decapitated in an instant with their expressions frozen in shock. The rest were blown apart as if they exploded from the inside. It didn’t even take more than a few seconds for Pinkie 1 to be freed and safe. Her savior had been none other than the yellow pegasus she was so accustomed to seeing as someone timid and introverted.

“You okay?” Fluttershy asked while helping her stand up. She seemed impassive, ignoring the corpses surrounding them and the blood dripping down her face.

“Y-Yeah… Thank you…” Pinkie 1 thanked her before putting a hoof over her mouth, holding her lunch back in her stomach as she tried to look away from the bodies.

“Yo, Pinkie 1! This is another universe! It’s okay to kill them! It’s okay, you can kill them, here!” Rainbow Dash called out to her as she dropped a dead body to the ground.

Everything had gone silent, prompting the original party pony to look around. There were no enemies in sight anymore, at least not live ones. The mines’ hallway they were in was littered with corpses that were either mangled, frozen, torn to shreds, or even reduced into mush.

This was like nothing she had ever seen before. How was she even supposed to react to that?! Positive! She needed to remain positive! Pinkie was always upbeat and optimistic, right?! Just had to be happy and crazy, and everything would get better! All she needed to do was celebrate and throw a party out of the blue! That was what Pinkie was supposed to do, right?!

“No. No, no! This is not okay!” She suddenly snapped, yelling at the top of her lungs and pulling everyone’s attention to her. The worst part was that they had the gall to look like she was the one who was acting crazy! “I’m not a murderer, and I’m not gonna kill those guys! No way! No how! Just take those gems you need, let’s go back to the lab, and help me go back home!”

There was a pregnant pause, which only made Pinkie 1 madder. They stared at her, looking incredulous while glancing at one another from time to time. Finally, Fluttershy spoke.

“Well, personally, I think everyone should be allowed to kill at least one pony in their life without any repercussions. Think about the benefits,” She argued while Pinkie 1’s eye twitched.

“Aww, look at her!” Twilight adjusted her glasses before crawling toward her. “She has morals! How adorable!” She chuckled as she used one of her claws to boop the earth pony’s nose, making her step back in surprise. “But seriously though, we are helping you! I simply decided to help myself, too while I’m at it!” She shrugged before turning her attention to the others. “Let’s just end this once and for all. The Ice Fans overstayed their welcome here,”

Pinkie 1 rubbed her muzzle with a frown. Only her friends were allowed to boop her nose, and no one else! These insane ponies were starting to get on her nerves, which was something she never thought she would think about someone.

When she got here, she began to think she could become friends with them, and even change them. However, now she had no idea what to think. It wasn’t like they were villains either, so she couldn’t reform them! Could she? All Twilight ever told her about reformation was that she wasn’t allowed to use mind control magic to get the bad guys to go to her parties. In her opinion, this would have prevented a lot of disasters from happening if Pinkie could do that! She could already imagine Chrysalis and Tirek playing “Pop the Balloon” and “Tart Fight”!

“Hey! If you’re done daydreaming, hurry up!” Flutterbot shook her by the shoulder to pull her out of her thoughts. Pinkie 1 shook her head as she realized the others were already going ahead.

“Oh! Sorry! I was thinking of pancakes!” The pink earth pony sheepishly laughed before trying to follow after the others, only for the Fluttershy replica to grab her by one of her legs. “Huh? What’s up?” She asked, praying to Celestia that she wouldn’t say something freaky. She didn’t want to hear anything freaky coming from Fluttershy’s mouth.

“You were looking weird back there, so I just wanted to make sure you weren’t up to no good,” The pony drone stated, much to Pinkie Pie’s confusion. “I can see that, even if you resemble Pinkie Pie, you two aren’t the same. Obviously. I may hate these girls, but they’re still my friends, so don’t think of betraying them, got it?” Fluttershy jabbed Pinkie in the chest. “Or else… You know,” She ended with a threat before walking away with a disgusting crunch once she stepped on a diamond dog’s head.

Pinkie stayed back for a few more seconds, flabbergasted and bewildered.

“Did she just say I was the evil twin?”

It was just an additional confirmation that she was in a crazy universe! Who would call that adorable face evil?! She grumbled but didn’t reply to Fluttershy, and simply followed after them. Of course, she wouldn’t betray them! She wasn’t that kind of pony! She couldn’t use their insane armor correctly because she didn’t want to kill anybody. She didn’t even want to wear it.

“Stupid meanie armor! Wish I could burn you!” She insulted her armor with furrowed brows.

“Self-destruct engaged,” It suddenly stated coldly, sending a shiver down Pinkie’s spine as she widened her eyes in terror.

“Ah! No! Cancel! Cancel!” She shouted while punching herself as if this would somehow make the armor cancel it faster.

“Self-destruct aborted,” The armor stated, making the pink earth pony breathe in relief. Well, that was one disaster avoided. Why did their armor even have a self-destruct function?! Were they suicidal or something?!

Nevertheless, her previous thoughts did bring up something she was worried about, too… What assurance did she have that they wouldn’t betray her, either?

Grover, the leader of the Ice Fangs gang, grinned with pride as he lied back on his comfy chair, which served as a throne. He was a tall and large diamond dog with white fur with two handguns strapped to his hips by a leather belt.

All the way to the back of the mines, there was a massive room with gems poking out of all of its walls. There, were several crates filled with gems which would either be sold to the highest bidder or used by the diamond dogs for their own weapons. This part of the mines was also where the leader resided and oversaw the gang’s work. It was only expected that it would be guarded by his strongest and best-armed men. Surprisingly, he wasn’t the only creature sitting on this throne.

At his side was a pony, a mare to be more accurate, with a blue coat and a silver mane. The pony had multiple necklaces made out of gems around her neck, as well as bracelets just as valuable and shiny as the gems around her neck. Her name was Jewel Digger. Considering how she was leaning on Grover, and the bedroom eyes she was giving him, they were likely close.

“Are you sure this is fine, dear?” Jewel asked while caressing his chest while the sound of rapid fire was getting louder and louder from outside their room. Since the reinforced steel door was closed, they couldn’t exactly see what was going on, but the leader seemed confident.

“I told you, babe. It’s probably bandits or mutant moles again. Those little shits are persistent, but the issue should be resolved any time, now,” Grover responded with an arm around her back.

“But still, I’m so scared,” She replied while giving him puppy eyes. “You’ll protect me, right?” She asked as she waved one of her hooves around, making her bracelets clink.

“Of course, I will, babe! Look, I even made you a present with the new gems I collected,” He retorted before gesturing for one of his men to come closer, which he quickly did while carrying a necklace of gems, which somehow shone even brighter than the ones she was already wearing. “Every time you feel in danger, just look at these and remember I’m here, babe,” He grinned.

“Oh, honey! They’re majestic! I love you so much!” Jewel declared, swiftly snatching the necklace out of his hands and putting it over the ones she already had. “How do I look?” She asked while waving her necklaces around.

“Like a princess!” He praised her, much to the mare’s delight.

“You are such a gentleman, honey. Unlike those brutes,” She said while nuzzling him, making the diamond dog gang leader blush.

“Hehe, I know. Don’t wanna boost my ego, but I’m kinda the smartest diamond dog, here. These guys have no idea how to talk to a woman!” He laughed. Fortunately, it seemed she snickered along in total agreement.

A bit further away, two of his men watched with a downcast look as their leader conversed with the mare, completely ignoring the commotion happening outside of this room.

“The boss is so lucky! I wish I had a mate like that!” One of them sighed while looking at them longingly.

“I know, right? I would die happy if I found someone who could get me in heat as much as the boss is, right now. Never seen him act this way!” The second guard commented before crossing his arms grumpily. “That’s so unfair! He could share, at least! It wouldn’t be the first time he did!” He complained before the first one immediately shushed him.

“Not so loud! Boss probably wants to keep this one to himself, and that ain’t surprising. He really hit the jackpot! She’s so pretty,” He stated. “Do you think they could make a female diamond dog? This would be awesome,”

“Eh, I wouldn’t bet on it,” The other responded, shattering his companion’s dream.

Female diamond dogs were a rarity, something they loved even more than gems. Because of that, they were forced to mate with other races, most of the time. It was mostly with ponies since they were the most compatible with them. The problem was that there wasn’t much demand from the ponies for diamond dogs, so they had to… resort to unsavory methods. Well, they weren’t unsavory for them, but they sure were for the ponies! It wasn’t their fault! They had to preserve their race! This was how they usually responded.

Whenever a female diamond dog was found, though, they would treat her the complete opposite way compared to the mares. They didn’t want to lose someone so rare and valuable, so instead of forcing her to do anything, they would treat her like a queen until she accepted to mate with one of them. Moreover, they would also always treat someone of their own race better than creatures from another.

The fact that their boss was treating that pony this way likely meant he was fully smitten by her. Some of the other gangs or tribes would have already removed their leader and taken the female pony by force because of it. However, this particular band was loyal to a fault, and wouldn’t betray him this way. It wasn’t like he never rewarded them, after all.

“I could never get a mate like that,” The first guard lamented. His comrade patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.

“Well, it’s not like we’ll get mates delivered on the spot. But for what it’s worth… I believe in ya, buddy,” He smiled.

“You really do?” The other suddenly teared up. He opened his mouth again, about to say something else and thank him, only to pause as they noticed the shootings had stopped.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake! Finally! What took these idiots so long?” Grover rolled his eyes, pulling Jewel closer. “See? What did I tell ya? Problem solved!”

“Oh, honey,” Jewel began.



Grover narrowed his eyes, then gazed at the door. There were two dents in it as if someone just punched it. Before he could say anything, the door was hit a third time, and collapsed, crushing one of his elite bodyguards under its weight while the others reacted quickly enough to dodge it.

“What the…” He exclaimed in shock while his 17 remaining guards prepared their weapons. Several claws slammed on the door, and Grover immediately recognized who it was. “You!”

“Indeed,” Twilight smirked as she entered the room, followed by the six other ponies.

“What are ya waiting for?! Shoot them!” He ordered his men as he pushed Jewel off of him. The mare didn’t need to be told anything before quickly hiding behind his chair.

The diamond dogs jumped into action the moment he barked his orders, instantly targeting the lavender pony with their firearms while some of the others used two plasma swords to attack the others.

Just as easily as before, Twilight blocked every hit without a care in the world before crushing her enemies in her claws. While the ones wielding the swords were much better than the diamond dogs they fought previously, since they actually seemed to know some martial arts, this wasn’t enough to get the better of the Equestria’s protectors.

“Swinging those toys at me… How shameful!” Rarity declared before freezing one of the gang members, locking him with his arms and sword in the air.

“You, slut!” His partner insulted her while dashing in her direction.

“No one calls my girlfriend a slut!” Applejack suddenly jumped in front of him and swung her hoof down, tearing the dog’s arm off his body and making him scream in pain. He looked at his bleeding stump in shock, realizing that he had no weapons anymore. The orange pony left him no breathing room before thrusting her hoof forward and blasting a hole in his chest with a shockwave.

“I love the way you protect my honor, dear,” Rarity smiled as she froze the head of another opponent, who directly desperately clung to it before falling on it and shattering it to pieces on the ground.

“I try,” Applejack smirked.

The rest of them were just as good as they were before and swiftly dispatched most of their enemies, which didn’t stand a chance. This time, Pinkie 1 stayed behind and didn’t even attempt to fight. She wasn’t going to kill, and she didn’t want to get overwhelmed like she did earlier, either. She only hoped it would be almost over. All they needed was a few gems, then they would build that radar, find the stone and she would get home. She could forget about this home ever existing. She already started erasing it from her memory, actually!

Soon enough, only two of Grover’s underlings were left. It didn’t take a genius to know that they were outmatched, so they did the most logical thing and dropped their weapons before raising their arms.

“W-We surrender!” One of them declared, only for two of Twilight’s mechanical arms’ blades to skewer them through the chest and throw them in the air. They died before they landed.

Down at the throne’s feet lied Grover, who clutched his bleeding side. It looked like he had been shot by a stray bullet. The diamond dog leader growled while Twilight crawled closer and closer, followed by the other girls.

“You… Fucking bitch! We had a deal!” He spat at her, only for the pony to adjust her glasses.

“The deal’s off,” She aimed one of her mechanical arms at him.

“W-Wait! Wait!” He repeated loudly before being mercilessly riddled with bullets, dying on the spot.

“At least, he died as he lived,” Twilight sighed, seemingly remorseful. At least, that was what the original Pinkie hoped. “As a blabbering cockroach,” She finished. Well, never mind.

“NOOOO!” Jewel screamed, running out of her hiding spot to throw herself on the leader’s chest. “My Grover! How could you do this?!” She shouted at the 7 ponies before holding her beloved in her embrace.

The ponies seemed unaffected by her outburst. Instead, Twilight simply looked around, before her eyes settled on a random crate. One of her tentacles plunged into it, and came back a second later with… A shining diamond between its claws!

“Being the Ice Fangs’ captor must have been terrible. Here, a compensation for what you went through,” She said as she handed the precious stone to her. Jewel’s eyes widened, her tears fading away in seconds as she dropped Grover’s body.

“He had a diamond and didn’t even tell me?!” She exclaimed, then gazed down at the dead gang leader. Suddenly, she kicked him in anger and jumped on the diamond, embracing it closely to her chest while shedding painful tears. “Oh, God! You can’t imagine how horrible it was! The things those… Monsters did to me! I-I don’t know how I could ever live like I used to! T-Thank you for saving me!” She cried.

“There, there. I’m sure you’ll get through this. Now, go while we take care of the rest,” Twilight instructed while patting her with one of her claws.

Jewel didn’t even try to argue. She clutched her diamond as tightly as ever and ran out without looking back. Pinkie 1 could almost bet that she saw the mare smiling gleefully while running out.

“So, do you have enough to make the thingie to find the stone?” Pinkie 1 asked, desperate to finally go back home.

“With all those gems around? Of course, I do! I even have the radar with me right here!” Twilight declared as she pulled what looked like a watch out of her coat pocket. It was circular but seemed incomplete since the back was open. “All I need is laser two gems to pieces for my last components and it should work out fine!” She grinned, taking hold of two gems from the many crates scattered around.

“Two?” Pinkie 1 repeated, her left eye twitching. “We did that… All of this… For two gems?!” She screamed while holding her head.

“Obviously, the two gems are only for the radar. The rest are for my personal projects, so no, we didn’t do this for only two gems,” Twilight rolled her eyes as if she were talking to a child.

Pinkie 1 didn’t relent, going on a tirade like she never did before, only to be mostly ignored by the others; While they were arguing, a single rat watched them from afar, hiding beneath a corpse. His green eyes twinkled as he recognized the words they spoke.

Soon, they would go to the magical stone, and the Mother would be happy.