• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,401 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...


Universe 31870

Rarity's eyes twitched open slightly. In an attempt to sleep again, the fashionista extended her limbs, nestling against her pillow... Until she noticed there was no pillow! She muttered something under her breath as a cold breeze shivered her body, pushing her to draw the sheets up. Unfortunately, the pillow was not the only object that had gone missing. She couldn't reach the bed linens no matter how far she stretched one of her hooves. She had had enough and fully opened her eyes, expecting to find herself in Twilight's chambers. Instead, she was floating above the floor, glowing lavender.

It took her brain one second to grasp that she was no longer in bed. She screamed in surprise, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, including several royal guards and Twilight herself.

“Oh, you’re awake,” The lavender unicorn remarked, the glow in her horn fading away.

“Oof!” Rarity yelped in pain as she collapsed to the floor. “Where am I?” She rubbed the back of her head before standing back up.

“You’re in the guards’ training room. I needed to wake up early to train them on Princess Luna’s orders,” Twilight explained before turning her gaze to the guards. “What are you gawking at? Training isn’t over yet!” She shouted, prompting them to swiftly return to their training and avoid the princess’ student ire.

From what Rarity could see, most of them were sparring against each other. However, some were casting spells at training dummies. It looked like this version of Twilight was quite adept at fighting, so much so that she even trained the royal guards. Nevertheless, that didn’t explain what Rarity was doing here.

“Alright, I can see that you’re very dedicated to your duties, but… Uhm… Why was I sleeping in your magical grab, darling?” Rarity questioned.

“I must stay with you and assure you’re not a danger,” Twilight answered, throwing her a dismissive glance. “And I couldn’t wait for you to wake up,”

“I… understand that,” Rarity responded carefully, but still dumbstruck at the other unicorn’s reasoning. “But couldn’t you have woken me up?”

“I could have. Admittedly, not hearing you complain was a nice change of pace,” Twilight replied, keeping a straight face while Rarity gasped offendedly.

“You don’t mean that!” She exclaimed, only for the lavender mare to shrug her shoulders in response. Instead of letting it offend her too much, Rarity decided to use another tactic. “Oh, I see…” She grinned, nodding in understanding. “You didn’t want to bother my beauty sleep, but since admitting this would make you a big softie, you came up with an excuse! I know your types,” She smirked teasingly, reminded of Rainbow Dash.

“W-What?” Twilight stuttered with reddened cheeks. “I just told you it’s because I find your complaining annoying! There isn’t anything more to it than that!” She shouted, earning the glances of a few guards nearby.

“Sure, sure. That’s not it at all,” Rarity smugly repeated with half-closed eyes. “Your first slumber party was so good that you couldn’t help but consider me your best friend already! And you didn’t want to wake your new best friend too early!” She added, her grin only growing larger.

“You… Where did you get that idea from?! You know what? I won’t waste my time on this. I’m better than that,” Twilight shook her head, still blushing before looking away and focusing on the guards’ training.

There was a pregnant pause while Rarity simply observed the second unicorn watching the guards, and sometimes yelling out instructions or corrections. Rarity was in no way a fighter unlike some of her friends, even if she had some experience with it, so she wasn’t really entertained by quietly watching this unfolding.

“So, one of your duties is to train the royal guards?” Rarity asked, deciding to strike up a conversation.

“Indeed. I was personally trained in combat by Princess Luna since I was a filly. I am an elite unicorn, actually,” Twilight answered, still keeping her eyes on the guards.

“Elite unicorn? I apologize, but I’ve never heard of elite unicorns before,” Rarity replied in confusion.

“Does the title not exist in your world?” Twilight cocked an eyebrow, turning her head in Rarity’s direction.

“I don’t think it does,”

“How strange… Well, Princess Luna is the one who came up with it, and considering her circumstances in your universe, I’m not surprised it doesn’t,” Twilight began, suddenly sounding bitter at the reminder of how Luna and Celestia’s roles were swapped. “Basically, an elite unicorn is a unicorn who learned at least a hundred spells and is proficient in combat. Once you meet these two requirements, you must also pass a series of tests to earn your title,” She explained.

“A hundred?!” Rarity loudly exclaimed, making Twilight jerk her head back in surprise. “I didn’t even know something like this was possible! Even my Twilight only knows about fifty!”

“Isn’t she an alicorn?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“What does it have to do with anything?” Rarity inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“Alicorns have more magical reserves, and their magic is more potent. Princess Luna alone is far above an elite unicorn like myself. I would expect an alicorn counterpart of myself to be at least twice as strong as me,” Twilight explained.

“Strength never was Twilight’s priority…” Rarity mumbled to herself in defense of her friend. “Is Princess Luna really that strong?”

“Of course!” Twilight retorted as if it was obvious. “She’s the most powerful and beautiful pony to have ever lived,” She said dreamily while staring at the ceiling. That reminded Rarity of herself when she was thinking of her imaginary Prince Charming. “I don’t think I could ever be like her. She’s literally perfect,”

She thought her Twilight overadmired Princess Celestia sometimes, but that was something else! Rarity was half–tempted to bring it up and question the lavender mare about it, but probably wouldn’t receive a satisfying response. She expected something along the lines of ‘Isn’t it obvious?’ Instead, she was curious about something else.

“And how many elite unicorns are there? Do you have an idea?” Rairyt questioned, which successfully brought Twilight out of her daydream.

“Hn? If I remember correctly… Including me, there would be ten in total,” She responded with a hoof over her chin. “Today’s standards for top unicorns are much higher than in the past though. Perhaps you’ve heard of Starswirl the Bearded?” The night’s student asked Rarity who simply nodded. “Well if he was somehow transported to our era, he likely wouldn’t make it as an elite unicorn. He was a hero who certainly knew how to fight and knew many spells, but he was still quite limited when it came to quantity and diversity. I doubt he could even pass the trials to become an elite unicorn. I am wondering if my counterpart is… no offense, weak because those standards didn’t evolve with time,” She further explained before nodding to herself. “An interesting theory… I have heard of the butterfly effect, but to see it in action is something I never expected. The fact that Princess Luna is the one who went rogue changed many things but also proves that an Equestria that she doesn’t rule is simply not up to par with one where she does!” She concluded proudly.

“That’s… I can’t argue with that!” Rarity chuckled nervously. Yes, she could. She could. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t. “Anyway, do you do something else?”

“Something else? What do you mean?” Twilight inquired, snapping out of her thoughts again.

“Well, I know you’re training to be a princess and a strong pony. You train the guards, too. Do you do anything with the nobles?” Rarity clarified.

“I learned diplomacy,” Twilight simply answered.

“Are you invited to galas or parties?”

“Of course! As Princess Luna’s student, it’s my duty to meddle with the nobles. Even if most of them are pompous and too arrogant for their own good,” The lavender unicorn nodded.

“This is wonderful! Oh, but that means you must be a wonderful dancer! At least compared to the Twilight I know!” Rarity exclaimed, smiling ear to ear. “She’s sweet, but dance is really not her forte,” She snickered, remembering how Twilight danced to the various parties Pinkie organized. Meanwhile, Twilight just looked confused.

“Dance? Excuse me, but I don’t dance,” The unicorn scoffed in amusement. “I converse with the other guests, but that’s all,”

“So, you don’t know… How to dance?” Rarity hesitantly asked.

“I… Does it matter?” The elite unicorn sputtered in offense.

“But of course, darling!” The fashionista exclaimed before walking around Twilight. “I’ve actually had some experience with nobles back in my universe, and I can assure you that appearances are quite important as well as reputation is. Being strong, beautiful, and a good flatterer isn’t enough,”

“This is not what Princess Luna taught me,”

“That’s because Princess Luna has nothing to prove,” Rarity retorted. “I am certain the nobles will have a better opinion of yourself if they think you are as elegant as they are,”

“I don’t need elegance,” Twilight shook her head as the white unicorn stepped in front of her.

“Maybe I could teach you a thing or two,” She offered. “Knowing how to dance with a partner is a necessity when it comes to galas,” She added, making Twilight stare at her impassively.

“Very funny,” The mare replied sarcastically. “I don’t need that,” She shook her head.

“Is it because you’re scared you can’t learn?” Rarity retorted smugly.

“Me? Scared? Please. How hard can learning to dance be?” Twilight scoffed mockingly, only for the drama queen to smile in victory. Oh, yes, she knew how to deal with her types!

“It can be quite hard, Twilight. Especially for somepony who never tried to learn before. You’ve likely been so focused on magic that learning something entirely different must be difficult for you, so I don’t blame you,” She pushed forward, challenging Twilight’s ego and confidence, which seemed to be working considering the blood rushing to the other unicorn’s face.

“Very well, then! If you need proof of my capabilities, then you’ll have it! Let’s see how easily I will learn to… dance,” Twilight conceded, bitterly muttering the last word.

Yes! Rarity knew this delightfully devilish plan would work! Honestly, knowing how to dance wasn’t so important, especially since Twilight could afford not to care about the nobles’ opinions due to her position. However, she did always want to teach the alicorn (well unicorn in this case) to dance and spare her the embarrassment of showing her ungraceful moves to a whole crowd of ponies.

This was also the perfect opportunity to bond with her friend’s counterpart and teach her the magic of friendship! She would have to talk about the magic of friendship, at some point… Unfortunately, that version of Twilight didn’t seem to be in the mood yet. Maybe it was worth trying to discuss this with Princess Luna too since she was the only one who could convince Twilight of anything. The princess must know about the magic of friendship, but why didn’t she teach it to her student?

“There is one condition,” Twilight suddenly pulled her out of her daydreaming, ruining any plan Rarity may have had.

“Okay? What is it?” The fashionista wondered, hoping it wouldn’t be something too bothersome for her.

“I have to teach you something, too,” The lavender mare said to Rarity’s surprise.

“You want to teach me? But why? And what?” She questioned. She didn’t mind getting a lesson or two from a friend, but she had to admit it rarely ever happened.

“I don’t want to owe you anything. Also, since we’ve been talking about it earlier, I’d like to teach you a couple of spells, and combat. Looking at your stance, it’s obvious you have very little experience. It’s a wonder nopony managed to take you out by surprise yet,” Twilight gestured to all of Rarity.

“C-Combat? Me? I can fight a few changelings on my own, isn’t that enough? Besides, I really am not the scholarly type, darling. The only spell I have that can help me in a fight is a shield spell, and small magical beams here and there,” Rarity argued.

“Unless those changelings were fully fed on love, then no, it’s not. Moreover, I am a good trainer. Even you can learn a thing or two with me,” The second unicorn retorted. Rarity felt really patronized suddenly. “Or we don’t do that. But then, I also refuse to learn dancing,” Twilight added, making Rarity sigh.

She didn’t have much of a choice, it seemed. Besides, training with her might also be a good way to bond. They could both share one of their passions with the other.

“Alright. You win, Twilight,”

“Good! Then we’ll start with the training,” Twilight declared.

“Dancing would be much more simple as a start,” Rarity countered.

“If we start with that, how do I know you won’t back out when we begin training? As for me, I am a mare of my word, so you can be sure I won’t change my mind concerning your… lessons… after we are done with mine,” She retorted, making the white unicorn roll her eyes.

“Then, I believe you,” The fashionista sighed. She honestly didn’t want to do any kind of training, but she wouldn’t waste an opportunity such as this Twilight actually accepting to do something with her in only a slightly reluctant way.

“Good. Then let’s start now,” Twilight nodded, making the second mare widen her eyes.

“Now? But aren’t you busy?” She gestured to the other guards.

“Please,” Twilight huffed, eyes rolling as she lit her horn and a duplicate suddenly popped in a white flash by her side. “The duplication spell,” She stated as her clone nodded.

“A classic,” The second Twilight confirmed. “I’ll train the guards. You two can begin your own training in the meantime,” Her clone said.

“Thank you,” The original thanked her duplicate before turning her attention to the white unicorn. “There is a special training room an elite unicorn would use. We shouldn’t be too bothered,” She stated.

“Great! I don’t want anypony to see me embarrass myself,” Rarity breathed in relief. “Are you going to…” She began, only for the two of them to be wrapped in a flash of light and reappear somewhere else. “Teleport us? Never mind,” She finished, then widened her eyes in awe.

The room they were in was gigantic, so much so that even an adult dragon could likely fit inside. There was no furniture inside, and the walls as well as the ceiling were completely white. The only thing with color was the grey door behind them.

“This is a training room? What do you do in there? Summon meteors?” She gasped while slowly spinning around and inspecting the room.

“That would be overkill. But rooms like this are made to handle strong spells,” Luna’s student replied. “We won’t be doing anything too difficult, though. You said you know a shield spell?”

“I do,” Rarity confirmed before lighting her horn and creating a magical shield that looked like a white gem.

“Fitting,” Twilight uttered while Rarity’s shield faded.

“I also have a gem-finding spell, but I doubt that will help me in a fight,”

“Hn?” The lavender unicorn arched an eyebrow. “I’ve never heard of such a spell before,” She admitted.

“No wonder, I came up with it!” Rarity retorted, harboring a large smile on her face.

“Color me surprised, I didn’t think you would create a spell. I’m impressed,” Twilight admitted. “Can you show me?”

“Of course,” Rarity responded before lighting her horn in a blue hue. “Once my horn is close enough to buried gems, it will show me their location and even make the ground or wall translucent for a second,” She explained while Twilight approached her, inspecting her horn more carefully.

“How interesting… Right now, from appearance alone, it just looks like your horn glows for a simple levitation spell. However, the feeling is much different,” Twilight commented. “I wouldn’t mind getting a magic lesson myself to add another spell to my repertoire,” She added.

“I suppose I can do that. I already taught it to my Twilight once, after all,” Rarity accepted.

“First, I want to see what you’re capable of with your magic offensively,” Twilight told Rarity before lighting her horn and materializing several copies of her around them. The difference between those and the copy from earlier was that they were transparent and pink. “Consider them your targets,” She gestured to them.

Rarity nodded and concentrated her magical energy. With a flick of her horn, she created a glowing white projectile, which she aimed at one of the transparent copies of Twilight. She didn’t argue much about the fact that she had to train now, choosing not to waste time complaining. The beam hit one of the copies straight in the chest, making it disappear.

"Good start," Twilight remarked, watching as Rarity's magical prowess destroyed one of the copies. "Now, try to hit the others as well. Feel free to use any spells you're comfortable with."

She charged up another beam, then shot it in the direction of a nearby copy, only for it to jump aside and easily dodge it.

“Hey! It moved!” Rarity pointed out, making Twilight chuckle.

“Of course, it did. It would be too easy otherwise. You can move too, if you want to, but do try to hit all the targets,” The lavender unicorn commented right before the copies began moving, all running around the room. Some even levitated in the air!

The white unicorn didn’t say anything and focused on the task at hand instead. The copies weren’t doing any unpredictable moves and ran in predetermined directions. So it was easy for Rarity to figure out where she needed to shoot in order to hit them. Suddenly, one of them shot a light magical beam in her direction, making her widen her eyes in surprise before quickly summoning her shield and protecting herself. The copy’s blow was clearly not meant to harm, simply to stun, but the white unicorn would still rather avoid taking hits.

“Good job! You protected yourself just in time,” Twilight remarked while Rarity began running around, too, choosing to avoid most hits rather than use her shield spell every time.

Rarity continued to adapt to the new challenge by incorporating movement into her strategy. As the copies moved and fired their own spells, she weaved through the magical attacks with agility, narrowly avoiding being hit. Her magical projectiles and beams, however, were precise and on target, steadily reducing the number of copies in the room.

“Good! Very good for a beginner! Remember, the key is to strike a balance between offense and defense in battle,” Twilight observed the white unicorn with satisfaction. “I have a good idea of your current level, now,” She said before lighting her horn and making all the copies disappear.

“Finally,” Rarity fell back on her haunches, catching her breath.

“It’s not over yet, but you can rest for a couple of minutes. Before teaching you any spell, I want to teach you a few moves. Some of yours were sloppy,” Twilight said, only for Rarity to groan in response. “You didn’t think it would be over so soon, did you?” She cocked an eyebrow in amusement. “If you don’t know how to do it yet, I’d also like to help you make concentrated beams of magic,” She added.

Twilight's training was systematic and comprehensive. She executed each magical battle maneuver flawlessly, demonstrating the fluidity and grace of her own magical talents. Rarity couldn't help but admire Twilight's ability and knowledge of the arcane arts as she watched.

Timing was also an important consideration. Twilight highlighted the significance of precisely coordinating spells and actions, ensuring that each action occurred at the appropriate time. In a heated magical confrontation, timing could mean the difference between success and failure.

While doing so, the lavender mare even showed her several close combat techniques she practiced herself. They would be most useful whenever Rarity was either out of magic or forced to fight in closed quarters. Flexibility and strength were an important part of that. Naturally, a mare as elegant as Rarity was already quite flexible. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much physical strength. That wouldn’t have been an issue if she was an earth pony since they naturally had supernatural strength. Moreover, she never trained in a way to build muscles before like Rainbow Dash or Applejack had. She wasn’t athletic.

Twilight told her some experienced unicorns could use magic to strengthen themselves, but considering the fashionista didn’t have much knowledge of magic and didn’t possess massive magical reserves, this was not an option for her. Thus, the lavender pony taught her to use an opponent’s strength against them instead.

“Generally, big brutes will try to finish the fight quickly, unless they’re sadistic, or perhaps they don’t know how to hold back. That means they’ll put all their strength and weight into every hit,” Twilight explained before grabbing one of Rarity’s hooves and lifting it under the other unicorn’s curiosity-filled eyes. “Now. Slowly, do the motion as if you’re punching me. And put your back into it,” She instructed.

“Alright,” Rarity nodded, then raised the hoof Twilight held earlier a bit higher and shot it forward, putting her weight behind it, which forced her to lean forward. Suddenly, Luna’s student’s eyes gained a glint.

Twilight moved her face out of the way and swiftly approached the white unicorn, then put one hoof under Rarity’s foreleg and one on her chest. “Stronger opponents mean more muscle mass and more muscle mass means bigger opponents. It’s not always the case, but when it is, then those guys should be slower than you. You take advantage of that difference in speed to go under their hit. Since they put their weight into it, as you just did, they don’t have any balance anymore, which would help you do this,” She explained as she pulled Rarity along and threw her over her shoulders, making the other unicorn yelp in surprise, only for Twilight to light her horn and make her levitate before she hit the floor.

"Thank you," Rarity said once she was on the floor and able to stand. “Rainbow Dash actually told me about some of those things, but she never showed them to me. Honestly, I didn’t even bother trying to learn,” She stated.

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight cocked an eyebrow quizzically.

“One of our friends,” The unicorn responded.

“Our friend. Right…” Twilight trailed off, suddenly getting quiet. Before Rarity could say anything, the lavender mare cleared her throat. “Anyway, shall we get on with the rest of the training?” She offered while Rarity slowly nodded.

“Sure,” She mumbled, making the lavender unicorn smile. Huh. She didn’t see that Twilight smile often. Maybe the idea of bonding over this worked.

They resumed training after that. Twilight taught her many other defensive and offensive techniques, some Rarity would need to practice often if she wanted to be good at them enough so she would efficiently use them in combat.

Surprisingly, Rarity even began enjoying it. Twilight wasn’t too harsh on her, which she didn’t expect considering their first meeting and the other unicorn’s overall personality. She repeated her explanations multiple times if needed and demonstrated techniques multiple times, ensuring that Rarity had a thorough understanding of each concept.

Things really started getting complicated once Twilight wanted to teach her new spells and how to use her magic more proficiently, notably during a fight. And of all the things the lavender pony wanted to teach her, it just had to be the teleportation spell! Sure there were also the more concentrated beams. However, those basically only required more focus and power. It was easier said than done, but it was, most of all, easier to understand than a teleportation spell.

From what the more experienced unicorn said, the teleportation spell was the basics when a unicorn wished to delve deeper into the chasm of magic. Compared to the duplication spell, which could be learned by only a handful of strong enough unicorns, it was foal’s play.

Truthfully, even if it was much harder, a part of Rarity also wished to learn the duplication spell since it would have been so useful when she was running out of time for deliveries or any project, really.

“The easiest way is to picture the place you want to teleport to, or at least the approximate location,” Twilight instructed to a Rarity who had her eyes closed. “Most of all, you must focus. If you don’t focus, then you either teleport somewhere else or don’t teleport at all. This is exactly like any other activity that requires focus,” She explained, to which the other unicorn nodded.

“Like when I make dresses,” Rarity whispered, making Twilight raise an eyebrow with curiosity. “If I get distracted even a second, I could mess a single detail up and it would ruin the whole dress,” She said.

“Yes, like dresses. Think of it that way if it helps you,” Twilight approved. “Next, you’ll want to make your magic flow from your horn through your whole body. In case you need to teleport other ponies or creatures, then your magic will have to surround them, too. Otherwise, they won’t come with you. Naturally, the more there is, the more magic it takes,” Twilight explained.

“I don’t think I ever did something like this…” Rarity whispered while she attempted to do as instructed. Concentrating magic into her horn was something she did naturally, like all unicorns, so to try to make it travel through her whole body was foreign to her. Although, from what Twilight said, she wondered if it was like having something in her magical grab?

“Once that is done, you need to expel some of that magic out of you. Not everything. Only a small portion, right where you pictured the place you want to teleport to,”

Rarity didn’t answer, picturing the place again with her eyes closed, which was behind Twilight. Then she was back to her earlier thoughts. Clenching her teeth, she made her magic flow through her as if she would have done to an object when grabbing it. Suddenly, she felt lighter.

“Did I do it?” She asked with her eyes still firmly shut.

“Uhm, no. You’re just floating,” Twilight giggled as the white unicorn opened her eyes in a panic, noticing she was floating above the floor.

“Ah!” She flailed around before falling flat on her face when the magic around her disappeared.

“Maybe we should stop for today. We’ve been training for hours already,” Twilight grinned while Rarity stood up with a pained groan.

“I agree…” She muttered before suddenly staring at the lavender unicorn as if she just realized something.

“Is something wrong?” The unicorn inquired, breaking Rarity out of her thoughts.

“No, no. It’s just… It looked like you really had fun,” She commented, making Luna’s student blush with embarrassment.

“Fun? No. No, I… Uhm…” Twilight stammered, thrown off by Rarity’s remark. “Why would I have fun? It’s ridiculous,” She chuckled nervously.

“There is nothing wrong with having fun with friends, darling,” The white-coated unicorn assured her.

“I don’t have friends,” Twilight furrowed her brows, all the amusement from earlier now gone. “We had enough training for today. Let’s go, my duplicate will fade soon,”

Rarity wanted to sigh out loud but held herself back as she observed the other unicorn walking toward the exit door. That was a bit disappointing, but at least they made some progress. Nonetheless, it still wasn’t over.

“Wait a second, Twilight. We aren’t done yet,” She called out to her, prompting Twilight to turn around and raise an eyebrow. “Did you already forget your end of the deal? I have to teach you how to dance now,” She reminded her.

“Right. Actually, I didn’t expect you to accept my offer to train you, but since you did… I am a mare of my word. Let’s begin,” Twilight sighed. Either she was awful at hiding her annoyance, or she simply didn’t care at all about offending Rarity.

“Wonderful! Since you never danced, let’s start with the basics!” The fashionista didn’t let it deter her and kept her enthusiasm.

Somewhere in Equestria, a masculine equine shadow brushed its mane for a few seconds before sitting down behind its desk. A light surrounded the hand mirror on the desk as the male pony inspected his mane and face, likely checking if he had done a good job.

However, while something like this would have taken only a few seconds for some ponies or even a couple of minutes, the stallion didn’t let go of it for the next ten minutes. Perhaps he admired his own beauty. He would have surely continued for even longer since the guards in his room didn’t interrupt him in any way if it weren’t for the two newcomers.

Two unicorns suddenly teleported a couple of meters in front of his desk. They weren’t basked in the shadows, unlike him, which allowed everyone in the room to see they were two mares. Ironically, they seemed far more intimidating than him.

“Did you learn it?” One of them questioned while the stallion checked his mirror for a few more seconds, then placed it back on his desk.

“Of course. I am a genius, after all,” He scoffed with arrogance.

“I hope this is a fair assessment of your abilities, otherwise the whole plan will fail. When can you start? And will you have enough time?” The second mare retorted, making the stallion roll his eyes.

“Stop worrying already. I can do it next week, and I’ll have plenty of time for it. I am the one who came up with this plan, so it is only natural it succeeds,” He responded. “I only hope the money I have given you is enough to secure your loyalty,” He added in a lower tone.

“Money is good, but you know this isn’t what we’re after. What we want is a privileged place in your new kingdom,” The first one replied smugly.

“Your titles will become official once we celebrate her death. Once that miserable Princess Luna dies, we will earn everything we wished for,” The stallion stated.

“And we’ll welcome our prince,” The second mare added in amusement, only for the stallion to laugh.

“Not prince. I will be king. As I was always meant to be,” He declared with a wicked grin.