• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,401 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...

Diamond Dogs

Universe 10328

As Pinkie Pie rocked back and forth on a chair, Twilight was engrossed in her task—constructing a tracker to locate the stone responsible for her presence in this world. Utilizing a part of Pinkie's magic that she had harvested with the help of an existing machine, she only needed to develop a device capable of detecting a similar magical signature. Unfortunately, Pinkie still wasn’t allowed to go out.

She didn’t whine about it, though. Honestly, how could she when her friends’ counterparts seemed so crazy? Still, they weren’t all bad! Cyborg Rainbow Dash kept flirting with Twilight, which mostly grossed Pinkie out, but it was cute… She guessed. Actually, sometimes she wasn’t even sure they were flirting at all.

Suddenly, a tiny spark of flames flew out of Twilight’s workbench, making her click her tongue in annoyance.

“Careful there, Twi. Wouldn’t want you to catch on fire,” Rainbow Dash snickered as the lavender pony took off her welding goggles with her claws and put back her regular glasses on.

“You know it would take more than a little fire to hurt me,” She replied cockily.

“Oh, I know! Only I can,” The cyan pegasus smirked while giving her a… flirty look?

“I will rip out your legs, Dashie-Dash,” Twilight laughed while ruffling her girlfriend’s mane with one of her claws.

“You can always try!” Rainbow retorted in a sing-song manner while stretching out her legs and wings.

Pinkie couldn’t help but grimace. Was that flirting? Seriously, was this how ponies flirted in this world or was she the one going crazy? While these alternate versions of her friends were undeniably entertaining, an undercurrent of unease still lingered. Despite their assurances that they meant her no harm and would treat her like a friend, trust was a challenge. And honestly, could anyone blame her for feeling this way?!

No! Wait! They were her friends! Technically… So there was nothing to fear, was there? Honestly, even if they allowed her to explore Ponyville, she wasn’t sure she wanted to at this point. What kind of other freaky stuff awaited her there?

“Damn it… Looks like I will need a gem, after all,” Twilight commented while looking at the machine she was holding in her mechanical arms. “Spike, bring me a gem, would you?” She ordered her A.I. assistant.

“My apologies, dear ‘Master’, but we are out of gems,” The claw, coming out of a wall, sarcastically replied.

“What? Already? How?!” Twilight exclaimed in surprise.

“If I remember correctly, you used most of them to build the rocket ship that spelled ‘Your gods aren’t real, Trixie, you stupid freaking nerd,’ on the surface of a full moon while you were drunk during one of Pinkie’s parties,” Spike reminded her with a flat tone.

“Ah. Right…” Twilight muttered while scratching the top of her head with a tentacle claw. She did remember doing something along those lines…

“You also added ‘And magic isn’t real either. Signed -Twilight Sparkle’ a few hours later, using the last gems we had left,” Spike added, making the lavender pony groan in annoyance.

“Alright! We get it! Why the hell didn’t you tell me we were out of gems earlier?” She questioned with frustration.

“You didn’t ask,” The A.I. replied, and Twilight could just feel the smugness emanating from it.

“You little…” She let out a low growl, knowing that getting mad wouldn’t solve any of this.

“That guy will never fail to make me laugh,” Rainbow chuckled while wiping away a tear with her wings.

“When is our next shipment coming, Spike?” Twilight inquired while holding her face in one of her claws.

“Next week, I am afraid,” Her assistant answered, which was quickly followed by Rainbow’s gasp.

“What? Boooring!” The pegasus complained before falling on her back.

“I quite agree. And I doubt our friend here would be willing to wait a whole week before going back to her friends,” Twilight agreed as she pointed at Pinkie Pie, who frantically nodded.

“Exactly! This can’t wait at all! My friends are waiting for me! Who knows what super duper horrible universe they ended up in?!” The pink pony shouted.

Of course, she couldn’t wait a week! Especially since the last communication she received from one of her friends was Twilight being chased by something trying to kill her!

“I am sorry for not having told you about the gems earlier, Twilight,” Spike apologized while not sounding apologetic at all.

“No, you’re freaking not,” Twilight sighed before facehoofing. “That’ll teach me to make the A.I. as annoying as I could,” She grumbled in exasperation.

“Yeah, I always meant to ask, but why did you make it that way?” Rainbow Dash asked with curiosity.

“I thought it would be funny! You know… Little bot assistant that annoys everyone? It could have been a running gag! At least, hearing it complain about being a slave is still a little fun,” Twilight replied defensively, disliking the possible critique of her work.

“Wow. You really have no idea of what fun means, do you?” Pinkie Pie shook her head in disappointment.

“Guess we’ll have to find these gems elsewhere,” Twilight muttered as she put a claw on her chin. Suddenly, her eyes lit up as if she just remembered something. “And I know where to find them! Spike! Call the others and tell them to bring their armor as soon as possible!” Twilight ordered while her assistant made a sound akin to a sigh.

“As you wish, dear Master,” It responded tiredly before going back into the wall.

“So, where are we gonna get those gems?” Pinkie asked excitedly, fully ready to go on an adventure.

“In the base of the Ice Fangs, there should be plenty considering it’s their main business,” Twilight answered as Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow in confusion.

“The diamond dogs? Aren’t those guys a criminal gang? You have some relation to them?” The cyan pegasus questioned while her girlfriend chuckled.

“I may have had one or two deals with them when I couldn’t get any gems in time. I haven’t talked to them in a long time because I kinda owe them a lot of money,” The lavender pony scientist explained, making the cyborg groan.

“Darn it, Twilight! I thought we said we wouldn’t do anything illegal anymore! We’re Equestria’s protectors, and I really don’t wanna have Chancellor Celestia after my head!” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs.

“Hey! I didn’t say anything when you stole that book the other day! So, please, don’t scold me like I was a filly because of something I did last year! I changed a lot since then,” Twilight retorted while holding a tentacle claw over her chest.

“I stole it because if anyone saw me buying a book, it would totally bring my coolness down to 0,” Rainbow Dash defended herself, only for Twilight to roll her eyes.

Pinkie Pie’s eyes wandered from pony to pony as she listened to their back and forth, unsure of how she was supposed to react or treat this. Were they arguing or was that another weird flirting session? And if they were arguing, should she interject? She usually would have with her original friends. However, those seemed too unstable for her to intervene…

“Forget it. Anyway, we won’t go there to make any kind of deal with them. As I said, they probably won’t be happy to see me,” She said while gears seemed to be turning into the cyan cyborg’s head, slowly helping her come to a realization.

“Wait… Does that mean…” She began with hope, a smile creeping up her face.

“We will take those gems by force! They’re criminals anyway, so we would only be doing our job as Equestria’s protectors!” Twilight grinned maniacally.

“Awesome! I was getting sore from doing nothing all day!” Rainbow hovered and punched the air in celebration.

“Good! I’m sure the others will have fun as well!” Twilight smiled warmly, before remembering they had a guest. The lavender scientist turned around and faced the party pony. “I never asked, but how do you fight? Does your energy, which you think is magic, allow you to shoot laser beams or perhaps make big explosions? Anything useful?” She questioned while Pinkie shook her head in amusement.

“Nope! I’m an earth pony, silly! All my magic does is help me garden! Unless I’m with friends. Then, we can make a hyper rainbow beam!” Pinkie Pie giggled, which seemed to greatly disappoint the scientist.

"I suppose I can provide you with combat armor. Fortunately, I have duplicates of each type, and Pinkie's armor would likely be the most suitable for you!" Twilight clarified, making her way to the computer and tapping on the keyboard a few times.

“Combat armor? What’s that?” Pinkie cocked an eyebrow, then suddenly widened her eyes in glee. “Oh! Am I gonna be a robot?!” She asked excitedly.

“Not exactly,” Twilight simply answered as a metallic box suddenly flew out of nowhere and attached itself to the pink pony’s chest.

“Woo,” Pinkie voiced as the box expanded all over her body, covering every inch of it until it was completely covered in steel except for her eyes, which were protected by a visor. After a few seconds, the armor and visor began changing color until they looked exactly like Pinkie’s coat and eyes. From far away, it would seem that Pinkie wasn’t wearing anything at all. However, from a close-up, it was apparent she was wearing heavy armor. It even let her mane and tail out.

“The armor is made of specific materials that are known to be the toughest in Equestria. As long as you wear it, you’re protected from nearly anything. It resists both cold and hot temperatures and even protects your body from these temperatures. That goes for all combat armor I made,” Twilight explained before crawling around Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie’s armor abilities were specifically made for a pony as unpredictable as her. It’s extremely versatile since it has rocket hooves, machine guns, regular guns, ion cannons, heat lasers, solar lasers, which may not guarantee a kill, but they can give skin cancer,” Twilight listed as Pinkie kept an impassive look, frankly not paying attention to what she was saying because of how boring it was.

“Okay, and how do I use those?” She asked curiously.

“It’s linked to your brain, so all you have to do is wish to use them! It’s easy! Kind of like the gun Dash-Dash pranked you with,” Twilight chuckled at the memory.

Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, could only wince at the grim reminder of what happened earlier. Those were NOT the kinds of pranks she would ever do or enjoy! It was simply mean-spirited and nothing more! She actually thought she killed Rainbow Dash!

Seeing one of her best friends bleeding and shaking on the ground would be forever branded into Pinkie’s memory. Why did her armor even have so many weapons? They weren’t gonna use them, were they? Well… If it was in self-defense and not against friends… Maybe she should just get her special cakes and not think about it.

“The others’ armors aren’t as versatile, but they are plenty strong in their own right. Rarity’s can use elemental attacks such as fire, electricity, and ice, which is her favorite element. Applejack’s can send powerful shockwaves,” Twilight explained further as Rainbow Dash smirked.

“With an additional Pinkie on our team, we should get those gems in no time!” The cyan cyborg assured confidently.

“Right. The gems! We get them! We get the magic stone! Then we party!” Pinkie Pie punched the air while Rainbow Dash snickered.

“There ya go! That’s the Pinkie Pie I know!” She stated while pointing at the pink pony.

“Twilight, it seems the others are waiting for you outside,” Spike notified its creator.

“What? Couldn’t they come down here?” Twilight asked in frustration as she used her claws to take off her lab coat and put on another nearly identical to the previous one.

“As I understood it, Rarity and Applejack were busy secretly eating each other’s faces because they are unable to accept the fact that they can show affection in public. Fluttershy said you can suck…” Spike began telling her, only for Twilight to slam a claw to the floor.

“Alright, I heard enough!” She facepalmed with one of her claws. “I love you girls, but you really get on my nerves sometimes,” She said while looking at Rainbow Dash, who simply shrugged in response.

“Hey, at least, I make it up to you the way you like it,”

“So!” Pinkie interjected with a wide smile before they could go on and possibly start another flirting session. “Are we going out or not?”

“Right, let’s go,” Twilight said before crawling toward the elevator nearby.

“Ahem. Doesn’t work! Remember?” Rainbow Dash called out to her while Twilight was impatiently clicking on the button to call the elevator, which never came.

“Grrr, what the hell do you do to break that thing every time? Spike! Repair it while we’re out!” Twilight ordered in annoyance before crawling toward the stairs, followed by her girlfriend, and Pinkie Pie.

“Yes, dear Master,” Spike sighed while staring at their backs as they left the lab.

“Ah! I forgot how the sun felt!” Twilight complained in pain as she adjusted her glasses with one of her claws.

“You wouldn’t have to worry about the sun if you got out of your house more often,” Rainbow Dash commented as she landed beside her girlfriend.

“You know, I was kinda expecting Ponyville to be a little different from mine. What with the technology and all,” Pinkie Pie interjected while looking around them.

“What did you expect from this crappy backwater town?” Fluttershy, who was accompanied by the others and Pinkie 2, responded with a flat tone.

“Oh, hi, girls!” Pinkie 1 waved as her counterpart returned the wave.

“There’s also the huge nuclear plant right there!” Pinkie 2 pointed at something behind Pinkie 1, prompting her to turn around and finally see the nuclear plant standing as tall as the Canterlot Castle in the distance.

“Huh. How come I didn’t notice that sooner?” Pinkie 1 asked herself while holding a hoof on her chin, then ran up to the other Pinkie. “And hey! Why did you leave me down there?! We could have had so much fun together!” She pouted as her counterpart giggled.

“Didn’t you have fun with Twilight and Dashie?” Pinkie 2 replied, still keeping her smile while Pinkie 1’s expression turned into shock.

“Fun?! Fun?!” She shouted before moving closer to her counterpart’s ear. “They’re crazy!” She whispered loudly, which was still quiet enough for the others not to hear.

“Sure they are! What’s your point?” Pinkie 2 retorted nonchalantly while the original Pinkie’s jaw dropped. “Aren’t we both crazy too?” She argued, making Pinkie 1 stammer.

“Well… Well… I don’t know?” Pinkie 1 rubbed the back of her neck, unsure of what to answer.

She had been called crazy plenty of times before. Sometimes as an insult, and sometimes as a compliment. She was just different, and if certain ponies didn’t appreciate her the way she was, she was fine with it. She even liked a little bit of crazy from time to time. The type of crazy Pinkie 2 was talking about didn’t seem to be the same kind of crazy, though… But it didn’t look bizarre in their universe. All of them acted like there was nothing wrong, and they were still seen as heroes.

Hey! That was it! Maybe she just had to look at it from another point of view! Just because she thought they were crazy didn’t mean they weren’t nice ponies!

All she had to do was socialize with them! Then when they helped her get that stone, she would celebrate with her biggest party yet! By going as far as inviting her original friends in this universe!

Pinkie 1 swiftly ran up to Fluttershy, nearly slamming into the poor pegasus as she stopped right in front of her impassive face. Now that was weird. Fluttershy’s counterpart was usually frowning from what Pinkie had seen… Oh, there it was! The frown!

“What do you want? Get out of my face! I can’t see a thing, bubblegum,” Fluttershy complained as she pushed Pinkie’s face out of her view.

“Twilight didn’t talk about your armor, so I was wondering what you could do. That’s all!” Pinkie 1 responded while smiling as widely as she could, intending to show this Fluttershy that she was fully accepting how she was.

“Oh, she’s not wearing any armor!” Rainbow Dash interjected as Fluttershy clicked her tongue or at least sounded like she did. “She doesn’t like going outside, and she hates leaving Ponyville. That’s just a drone that looks like her that she controls from her home,” The cyborg explained as she put a foreleg around Fluttershy’s, or rather, Flutterbot’s neck.

“Also helps me avoid smelling your gross breath,” The yellow pegasus grumbled under her breath.

On the edge of Ponyville was a small home belonging to a well-known pegasus. Down in her basement, Fluttershy was sitting on a chair on her haunches, leaning on the backrest. The only thing she wore was a headset with multiple wires connecting it to the ceiling. In front of her, several screens displayed what her drone was seeing. Like everything else, she only needed her mind to control the drone, which required great focus and training. Something easily achievable for someone like her, of course.

“More chips!” She called out to someone while waving her hoof. A second later, a small hovering robot brought her a bowl of chips and a can of soda with a straw. She used her wings to take a handful of chips and throw them in her mouth before taking a sip of her soda. “Ah… Now that’s life!” She breathed out happily while sitting back in her chair. It was a shame she had to go back to work.

“If you’re done with your pointless exposition, Dashie-Pie, I’ll tell them about our next operation,” Twilight interrupted their discussion, making Rainbow step away from the Flutterbot as the latter grimaced, perfectly imitating a pony’s expression.

“Now wait a darn minute! What’s this about our armors? Did ya tell Pinkie 1 about what we could do or somethin’?!” Applejack cut Twilight off, making the scientist groan in frustration.

“Do you actually care?” She responded with a cocked eyebrow.

“Of course, Ah do! She coulda seen ma awesome armor in action first!” Applejack complained while Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“You would have been overshadowed by yours truly anyway, you know,” The cyborg remarked arrogantly.

“I do agree with Applejack. A warning would have been nice,” Rarity interjected while holding a hoof over her chest.

“You agree with anything she says,” Fluttershy commented flatly.

“I do not!” The white earth pony retorted offendedly.

The four continued to argue while Twilight sighed and adjusted her glasses again, watching the scene unfold in exasperation.

“See? That is some good fun!” Pinkie 2 noted while snickering.

Meanwhile, Pinkie 1 raised an eyebrow, hesitant to question any of it. No. As she decided earlier, she wasn’t gonna judge! And she would be the best friend they would ask for while she was in their home universe!

It took a bit of time, but they did calm down enough for Twilight to talk about their operation against the Ice Fangs. Understandably, the others were surprised and curious about the reason for their attack. However, after a quick explanation, all of them understood that it was to help Pinkie Pie return to her home universe and to avoid the boring wait. Moreover, Rarity also had something to settle with them since she had some deals with them too.

Unlike Twilight, she was forced into those deals, and they only benefitted those dirty diamond dogs as she recounted. They swindled her out of her money multiple times and even attempted to do worse than that. Something that they would have gladly done to a gorgeous pony like Rarity. She didn’t go into vivid details, but luckily, the white earth pony escaped without any harm.

Naturally, her friends were even more determined to attack the diamond dogs’ gang now. Especially Applejack, who was so furious that they felt like the ground was shaking beneath their hooves.

Even the original Pinkie Pie’s anger rose while listening to Rarity’s tale. Although, she was far from having murderous intent like the others were. What started out as a mission to steal some gems suddenly turned into a revenge plot.

Twilight checked one of her metallic tentacles as it opened up and showed a screenpad. With a few clicks thanks to her other arms, she communicated with Spike and instructed it to send a plane. Pinkie 1 had no idea what an airplane was, but from what she understood, it was a flying machine similar to a zeppelin, but way faster!

She wasn’t completely wrong since the thing arrived in only a few seconds and flew by so fast she thought she would be thrown off her hooves. It landed in the middle of the town as if there were no buildings around, and no one seemed to care. If anything, the other ponies were in admiration of it.

It was all black and looked sturdy, understandable since it was made of metal. It was also large enough to host ten ponies, so there was enough space for all of them. Rainbow Dash did complain since she wanted to fly by herself, and she could keep up with the plane, but Twilight refused.

The scientist said something about wanting to have her ‘Cutie-Dashie’ with her if Pinkie 1 heard any of it correctly. At this point, she wasn’t even sure. She wanted to be happy for them, but they ranged from an overly cute couple to what a toxic relationship between Sombra and Chrysalis would look like. And Pinkie 1 didn’t even know how she came up with that comparison!

Applejack and Rarity weren’t that bad, at least. But she really wanted to know why they acted like their relationship was a secret and only kissed when they thought no one was looking…

“You think they will detect the plane if we land it here?” Rarity inquired as Twilight landed the plane on a high cliff, which was right above the diamond dogs’ base, the old mines.

“Rarity, they’re diamond dogs. They barely know how to wipe their asses, so I’m pretty sure we’ll be fine,” Twilight bluntly answered, followed by an eye roll. She slowly crawled toward the edge of the cliff and looked down. The mines’ entrance seemed to be guarded by two diamond dogs with guns strapped on their hips. “Oh! Looks like Larry is guarding the entrance this time!”

“Great…” Rarity replied sarcastically.

“Let’s get down. My little Rainbow and Fluttershy can fly down, but I’ll have to hold all of you. I don’t want them to sound the alarm if they notice we’re wearing combat armor,” Twilight explained as her claws grabbed all the earth ponies in the vicinity.

“Ugh… You know I hate being manhandled in such a way, darling!” Rarity complained as a claw wrapped around her body and pulled her down with the others.

“Ya don’t complain when Ah do it!” Applejack chuckled, making Rarity blush at the same time. Meanwhile, Twilight’s other mechanical arms helped her crawl down the wall.

“Applejack. TMI,” Fluttershy muttered with a groan.

“See? I told you the dynamic would be weird,” Pinkie 1 celebrated for having been proven right. Naturally, she was promptly ignored.

The diamond dogs guarding the base’s entrance immediately sneered as soon as they saw them but didn’t draw their guns. Clearly, they recognized some of them and their gazes focused mostly on Twilight and Rarity. As soon as they reached the ground, Twilight dropped her friends on their hooves while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy landed beside her.

“Larry! Long time no see!” Twilight nonchalantly approached them first, slowly followed by her friends.

“The pleasure ain’t mine,” The diamond dog, most likely the one named Larry, crossed his arms in annoyance.

“Aww! You aren’t happy to see us?” Twilight retorted in fake disappointment.

“Ain’t no way I would be happy to see you! Did you already forget what you owe the boss? We’ve been expecting a payment for over a year, ya know?” Larry responded in anger and clenched his fist, then turned his eyes to Rarity. “Although, seeing you is nice, Miss Rarity,” He added lecherously.

Rarity simply shivered and stepped back in disgust.

“Well, I’m here, now!” Twilight said, making Larry shake his head.

“And ya sure took your time, didn’t you?! I hope ya got the money. Boss will be glad you finally pay him back. I hope for you, you won’t be punished severely,” Larry replied before grabbing his radio, likely ready to call his boss.

“Wait a second. You didn’t sound the alarm or anything like that, by any chance?” Twilight inquired while adjusting her glasses with one of her claws.

“Huh? Ya think I’m stupid or somethin’? I wouldn’t make everyone panic just ‘cause ya got there!” Larry snickered while shaking his head.

“Great! Then I can do this!” Twilight exclaimed eagerly as one of her claws grabbed the second diamond dog’s face, who swiftly grabbed a hold of the claw and attempted to pry it open in panic.

“What the…!” Larry shouted in surprise. However, before he could do anything, another claw wrapped around him and stuck his arms against his body, keeping him from taking his gun or using the radio. “What the fuck are you doing?! Graah!” He screamed as Twilight tightened her hold around him, breaking his bones.

Meanwhile, Pinkie 1’s face fell as she stepped back, surprised by the sudden violence. She thought they would resolve this peacefully since Twilight seemed to have a good relationship with that diamond dog!

“Sorry, Larry. But I’m not here to pay you guys back. It’s nothing personal, okay?” Twilight apologized as her mechanical tentacle spun around and threw Larry behind her so high that he went over the cliff and disappeared into the sky. “He’ll survive if he’s lucky enough. Maybe,” Twilight shrugged.

Suddenly, a blade came out of the other claw, which was still holding the second diamond dog, and skewered his head. Unsurprisingly, his struggle ceased immediately and his arms fell to his side as blood dripped down his body. After the deed was done, Twilight nonchalantly dropped his corpse to the ground.

“Uhm… Pinkie 1? You alright, there?” Pinkie 2 giggled while waving a hoof in front of her counterpart’s shocked and frozen face.

“Y-You… AH! Why did you do that?! You… You killed him!” Pinkie 1 screamed as she stepped away, breathing heavily while staring at the diamond dog’s corpse. Suddenly, her stomach turned as if she swallowed something disgusting. Before she could even comprehend what was happening, she threw up all over the ground.

“Alright. What’s wrong now? Did you never kill someone in your universe or something? Because that would be pretty…” Rainbow Dash started with an arched eyebrow.

“Lame,” Applejack finished her sentence, which earned her a hoof bump from Rainbow Dash, only to receive a hit on her flank from Rarity.

“I already told you to stop touching that pegasus brute, dear,” Rarity admonished her, making her girlfriend roll her eyes.

“Stop joking around already!” Pinkie 1 suddenly shouted as she wiped off the vomit from her chin. “Why are you all in a good mood after… After that?!” She screamed again before pointing at the Twilight’s bloodied claw and the corpse.

“Yeah, I still have no idea what we’re supposed to react to,” Fluttershy deadpanned in boredom.

“Is your universe devoid of violence?” Twilight cocked an eyebrow as she adjusted her glasses.

“Well… N-No. But my friends and I don’t kill ponies!” Pinkie 1 retorted in shock, slowly beginning to get used to the dead body nearby.

“Look…” Twilight rubbed her forehead with one of her mechanical arms. “I don’t know how your world is, but this one is merciless and cruel. There is no room for pity. Do you know what diamond dogs do?” Twilight suddenly questioned as Pinkie hesitantly shook her head. A tentacle claw grabbed the diamond dog's corpse by the head and showed it to Pinkie 1.

It was as gruesome as she expected it to be. There was a large hole in the center of the dog’s face, from which blood was still pouring out. His jaw hung low just as his tongue did out of his mouth. His eyes were wide open and completely blank and lifeless. It made the pink mare shudder.

“They regularly kidnap and rape our kind because ponies are, unfortunately, quite compatible with diamond dogs. Because they have a low birthrate of females, we are prime targets, and the only reason they haven’t tried attacking me until now was because I can defend myself,” The scientist explained as she threw the corpse away as if it were trash. She began pacing around Pinkie 1, almost like she wanted to start a lecture. “Griffons see us as an inferior race and tried to enslave us multiple times in the past. And they would have succeeded if it weren’t for our much superior minds,” Twilight added harshly. “Changelings love consuming our flesh and will try anything to use us as cattle. Sometimes, they even keep their victims alive to use them as nesting grounds. Do you really think we can peacefully talk these things out with them? We’ve fought wars over these issues! That’s why we’re Equestria’s protectors. Because we’re its best soldiers,”

“I… I didn’t know…” Pinkie 1 muttered defeatingly.

“I think all of us have been in a couple of wars,” Rainbow Dash commented with a shrug.

“Which were all in self-defense, I might add!” Rarity interjected hurriedly.

“Not for all of us. I mean, if I have to be honest, sometimes I just killed for experiments!” Twilight giggled at the memory. “Opening up someone and studying them to change them is wonderful!”

“Then you wonder why I never want to sleep near you,” Fluttershy mumbled in frustration. “Could kill us anytime…”

“And I love it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly while clapping her hooves.

“Oh, I know, you suicidal adrenaline junkie!” Twilight ruffled her mane before focusing her attention back on the pink earth pony. “So. Do you understand now?”

Pinkie 1 remained silent for several seconds. This was hard to take all at once. Seeing her friends act this way and… And kill was horrible! Why did she have to be the one to end up in that universe?! She wouldn’t be surprised if she got the worst one out of all of them!

However, she couldn’t completely deny what Twilight said. If that was how their universe worked, then… Who was she to judge, right? Did she have any right to judge? Did she? She had absolutely no idea!

Nevertheless, she already told herself she wouldn’t see them as completely crazy… They were simply different!

Pinkie 2 was giggling to herself, which reminded Pinkie of what to do in these situations… Laugh! So that was what she did! She laughed and earned the smiles of her friends’ counterparts. They were likely thinking she understood what they meant! She supposed that if she was in another universe, then she needed to adapt! After all, when in Griffonstone, do as griffons do! That was the saying, right?

“Alright! I get it! Sorry, I was a buzzkill, girls! I’m ready!” Pinkie 1 exclaimed excitedly as the others nodded in satisfaction.

“Great! Then let’s kick some ass!” Applejack slammed her hooves together.

Author's Note:

New chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! I kinda like writing about this universe because it's fun, but also because I usually write it after I've had a few drinks lol