• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY


Flash Sentry works as a Minion For Hire, chasing an old feeling he can't get back. Maybe his next job will manage to rekindle it.

Preread by Novelle Tale

Entry for the Spring Fling contest

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 10 )

Ooh, very good name for an off-brand Google.

Also a very intriguing AU and a thoroughly punchable looking Flash on the cover. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them. (I will say that the fight didn't make Flash seem competent so much as everyone else looked bad by comparison, Sombra included, but I'm still enjoying the story.)

Really enjoying it so far, it's a fun little AU I wouldn't mind seeing more of, outside of this fic that is.

Oh, this could be very good or very, very bad. Possibly both. We'll have to see just what comes of it.

In any case, brilliant work in building the world and main relationship in these chapters. Knowing that everyone's still in high school contextualizes the Rainbooms' earlier fumbles nicely. (Less so the arrogant posturing in the cafeteria, but that's supposed to be obnoxious.) Looking forward to more.

Oh nooooo, timber me lad, dont do it!


Good job, Flutters.

Scary flutters is best flutters

Lovely stuff, and excellent use of Fluttershy at the climax. I wish there had been some room to see the other Rainbooms’ reactions to Warden’s identity, but word limits are an unforgiving mistress (and Fluttershy has no reason to out him. For now.)

A great read regardless of my quibbling. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

More like reimbursed by Timber and other wanna-be villains who've also been punked into overpaying for crap. Makes me wonder how much percentage wise is coming from VC and how much comes from failed villains. I'm willing to bet that one of the main reasons it's reimbursed in the first place is because those at VC get a good laugh watching the recordings or livestreams of a 'robbery' taking place, boosting their own morale after being thwarted themselves recently.

I also wonder what the initiation rate is for becoming a villain for those who actually go through Fast-Pass training first, whether as a result of other minions doing what Flash did, by dumb coincidence or just because almost everyone seems to know about this out-of-the-way convenience store for one reason or another.

Loving the story so far! Very fun and interesting concept. :twilightsmile:

I think the thing about your writing that consistently impresses me the most is your knack for worldbuilding. It’s with incredible ease that we’re transported into this world where the Rainbooms are established superheroes confronting villains of the week, and those villains often need a helping hand – and are willing to pay for it. Flash Sentry works fantastically well as the experienced minion-for-hire who knows the ins and outs of the game like the back of his hand, and Timber Spruce, of all characters, makes an inspired choice for the comically inexperienced villain that manages to repeatedly bungle robbing a convenience store. Their romance feels surprisingly natural, and the way it begins to affect Flash’s judgment is almost imperceptible at first, but gets more and more clear as things escalate. All and all, this is a really strong tale of love and not-so-supervillainy. Congrats on your Judge Prize!

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