• Member Since 5th Mar, 2023
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I have no idea what I'm doing. \/(0.0)\/


Anonymous the human has been summoned to Equestria just outside Ponyville, by a powerful unicorn who died in the process, when the spell he cast transferred all his energy, which included life energy.

With no way back, new powers and new friends. Anon tries to adjust to his new life but nothing is ever perfect.

This is set in season 7.

Chapters (41)
Comments ( 116 )

with great power, comes great responsibility

I’m already interested in anon’s powers/magic.

I’d honestly be ok with luna being in my dreams.

Knowing what we know about canterlot this shouldn’t really be a surprise.

I didn’t expect anon to have a soft side.

Before her, Anons chest was almost completely covered in a thin green sheet of magic that hugged his form tightly. Through the magic, Twilight could see large bruises scattered about his body. Looking towards one of the beams next to the unconscious Anon. She saw how while one end was sharp and splintered, due to being snapped off the bleacher, the other end was almost completely blunted smooth.

Is it like a bulletproof vest?

Somehow never thought of it that way. I was gonna say more like a stab vest but with the bruises, I believe you would be more correct.

"It’s not sparring per say. More like exercise with conflict. It's simple, we both start at opposites ends of the sand pit and you have to try and reach me while I attempt to stop you. It's either this or we wait for Twilight and we both know she is going to lecture you for most of it. Twilight is theory, I'm practical." Starlight stated with confidence.

I wouldn’t say that’s sparring but it is close.

Looking up he saw her charging her horn again. "Don't create the object then give it properties later. Create the object WITH the properties. Imagine a shield again but actually picture it with how and why it works. Its curved, sturdy and heavy." Starlight shouted while smiling, before shooting another two shots at him. Like before one was slower.

I’m a little confused. What was he doing before?

Still holding the shield, Anon dropped to one knee panting heavily as he felt light headed. "Ok, mana pools are a thing." Anon said to no one in particular. After a minute, the human rose to his feet, his head barely poking out above. Lifting the shield, he started to march forward. Lowering the shield every time Starlight fired at him. With each barrage, Anon got closer which led to more and different attacks. three darts, then four, a beam, darts then a beam, beam then darts, five darts.

How does he know about that?

Animalistic grunts, forced their way through his gritted teeth, his canines showing. The worst part was his eyes. A green shimmer seemed to cover them, gone was the compassion and care she saw before. Replaced was instinct and drive.

Is there some sort of demon inside of him?

Q: I’m a little confused. What was he doing before?
A: He was basically just creating objects as they appeared to look. Like looking at an image of an object and not being able to know its properties other than its appearance.

Q:How does he know about that?
A:I believe my wording was poor with 'mana pools'. I tried to express that Anon could feel his energy being drained as he used more of his magic, and that there was a limit to how much he could do before he ran dry.

Q:Is there some sort of demon inside of him?
A: We all have demons inside. Our actions are the result of how well we can control them.

I greatly appreciate the questions. I'll try to be more clear in future with these descriptions. To be honest I lost half the chapter when my browser crashed, in my haste to retype and remember everything I probably missed out some descriptive details. Apologies.

Good work with the chapter:twilightsmile:

Thank you for the kind words.

The train ride back to Ponieville was awkward to say the least. Twilight was stressing about what was happening in town, Starlight was pretty mute apart from answering Twilights frantic questions and Anon? He basically had a panic attack the whole way there. The previous train to Ponieville was cancelled, so those passengers had to board their train which was already decently full. It was packed.

The train arrived At Ponieville on time, although to Anon it seemed like an eternity. The doors opened and the packed train let a flow of ponies out, which included one unconfutable human.


Woops, must have forgotten about it when i was checking spelling. Should be fixed now.


I honestly didn't realize how close it was to the movie until I was proof reading it. I'm glad someone got the unintended reference.

I didn’t see this until now. So sorry.

Actually I agree with that last line.

Comment posted by ArcaneDust deleted Jun 19th, 2023

My Roommate From Tartarus. This is gonna be fun.

Welp. I know what the next chapter title is going to be.

Sweet! And I can't wait to see what comes of it.

interesting story so far

So Azzy is my new favorite character and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future. Just the right amount of playful brattiness to make her equal parts endearing and aggravating.

As far as mímos goes, all I could gather from a bit of searching was that it translates from Greek and Spanish as "mime" or probably more appropriately "mimic". Apparently it can also mean pampering or a sign of affection in Spanish, which would kind of explain why she was cleaning the living room, maybe? I dunno; whatever the real reason behind it is, she's gonna be a fun addition. Can't wait to see her antics out in public.

Damn, you can have the whole box of Scooby Snacks. Appreciate the praise.

These kind of comments are a god send. Genuine thanks my guy. Please feel free to ask questions and such.

Love this chapter and love azrael flare

I’m confused, he has made references and named dropped her a few times already?

I'm afraid I do not know what you are referring to. Would you mind explaining?

He has made references to pinkie and some interactions with her, but in the chapter I commented on it made it seem like she had never met him before.

Ah I see. I was trying to portray that he knew enough about them to make that specific 'threat' against Twilight. I imagine she has told Anon about her friends to try and attempt him to make more friends.

Similar to how a friend or relative might talk about their friend or relative a lot. Then when you meet them finally, you know a lot about them. That was the feel I was going for.

Thank you for the comment. I will try and be more clear about similar situations in the future.

Cliffhanger really?!

"I choose-"
"you, Pikachu!"

Joke aside, I like how Anon is giving Azrael her own agency, which has to be far more than any demon of Tartarus has ever been afforded. Hoping that, provided all goes well in the next scene, she has the chance to stick around for the long term rather being dismissed back to the underworld.

Also, I've seen you write "on que" a couple of times. It should be "queue" for future reference. Looking forward to the next chapter.

EDIT: Okay, so it turns out I was wildly and completely wrong about that correction.

Thank you the comment as always. The misspelling should be fixed now.

That begs the question though. What would Anon be like as a Pokemon trainer?

I just went back over what I said and my "correction" was completely incorrect. The real phrase is supposed to be "on cue", and I don't know why I thought it was the other spelling. Just goes to show I don't need to be proofreading when half-asleep. :facehoof: Really sorry about that.

No problem my dude. It now should be all good. You had good intentions and got there in the end, all I care about.

I'll be honest I totally thought Twilight was gonna enter full freak out mode

Great chapter love it

The duo entered the main square of the town. Like before, the main square was lined with stales selling various items like food and firewood.

I think you meant, stalls. [Commented, because you requested us to yell at you if we found a mistake.]

I did indeed. Thanks for the correction, should be fixed.

very good, the demon is sweet, but in a world of happy ponies it makes sense.

Anon looked at the ceiling with blank stare. "I fucked up. Me and starlight sparred, and I lost it. We both ended up in the infirmary. Then Celestia talked to me, and I almost lost it again, my body was yelling at me to strike first. This is why I stay away from everyone, that's why I hate going through crowds. Now I have this stupid power that just amplifies it. Once we get home tomorrow, I'm going into the forest and beating the shit out of every tree I find." Anon finished as he clenched his fist, the knuckles popping.

So you just need to learn to think.

Funny how a literal demon from Tartarus seems to be the best thing that has happened to Anon so far, especially if that dream of his past life is anything to go by. No doubt Luna is inevitably going to stumble in on those if they begin to worsen. Again, I love the dynamic between Azrael and Anon, and I can't wait to see it develop further.

Good chapter as always

Enjoying this story so far, hope to see more.

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