• Member Since 26th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Starlight Fan

I am a big fan of Starlight Glimmer most of my stories center around her. I do crossovers as well.


When Starlight’s magic is torn away from her by the Storm King, her friends are there to help her recover and adjust in her magically drained state but after having her magic taken away in a painful way that even Tirek could never do, it is questioned if she will truly be okay even if she gets her magic back.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 20 )

Wierd start for qsomeone with your name. Lel. Where you going with this?

A recovery process. Starlight will have to rely on others for a change since she is weakened and has no magic.

I already despised the storm king before, now I hate him even more.

Starlight better beat him once she gets her powers back. It will be entertaining, nonetheless, but still. K A R M A


Because he is an idiot, that is why. He was a horrible, lackluster villain who behaved more like a child than an actual villain.

Well said. Such an awful villain.

He’s being more villainous here, isn’t he?


Much more. He seemed more like a circus clown in the movie who had Tempest doing all his dirty work, up until the end when he finally showed up in Canterlot....and the fact that he had bird pirates hauling around official merchandise and looking for a rebrand made him all the more laughable.

So how come you hate him more?


Because of what he did to Starlight, taking away her very self pretty much. In my opinion anyway, Starlight is a unique magical being and he goes and takes that away from her. I do hope she'll get her magic back.

"I feel like I can’t do anything and I don’t know if this is some twisted karma for what I did in my past or-“

This is a very good line and can probably be taken pretty far.

“Because this might be the first time one has ever traumatized her.” Twilight said bluntly.

Great, more things to make Starlight traumatized. I don't know which is worse. Her shady past or this.

This one just might be worse. The amount of physical and mental torment she had to endure and screaming for someone she knew would never be able to save her probably seems like a worse situation.

The Storm King better get what he deserves. Would be more satisfying if Starlight did something to contribute to his eventual defeat


It is really saddening to even think about Starlight not having her magic, much less actually having it happen.


Saddening, poor Starlight being in the state she is in.


Well I'm glad to see that Twilight is being the caring friend.

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